Do you really think you are going to be well over 485 with a 5.7 streetable? I wish you luck but I'd like to see a dyno.
@ZeroEmpire Жыл бұрын
Yes, but I'll rely on the dragstrip. Dyno numbers are nice, but the dragstrip is the real world. Here's one example of some cammed 5.7 numbers. Those are all running a less aggressive cam than I'm going with as well.
@doogie525 Жыл бұрын
@@ZeroEmpire these new hemis are amazing aren't they. Used to be that putting an aggressive cam like that would kill the low end where you actually drive in exchange for big top end you only use racing. I'm impressed how those cams increased the top without hurting the bottom much to speak of. Unfortunately he said the bigger cam did kill the torque across the band. I hope yours does well. Well see at the Moparty I hope.