May Allah forgive us,bless us, Hidayat us ,fulfilled all of our good wishes,save us from jahanam,arrogants, rudeness,prideness,show off, greed, grant us jannatul firduse ,make us humble,good hearted, good behaviour,soft heart, forgiving, merciful, give us good aklak, make our after life easy, grave, hisab, judgment day , easy death, easy tarajo, easy questioning ,easy pulsirat,kantra,give us self control,good level of patience, hardworking, every good thing that will make everyone close to Allah friend of Allah .May Allah help us to take care of our parents specially our mothers be obedient and merciful and respectful towards them, even if after death and may Allah, reunite all of us in Jannattul firduse and let us see Allah himself every single day not only on Friday.Ammen also for every single thing he said in this video