Deep Rock Galactic: Caretaker Sounds

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epic funny robot #deeprockgalactic #drg

Пікірлер: 65
@jetrexdesign Жыл бұрын
Easily my favorite sounds from this game. Something that sounds so unique that you can't compare it to any other game, or film.
@thegamingdino8645 Жыл бұрын
It really sounds like a cinematic boss
@SKORPIO_228 4 ай бұрын
Few sounds of Caretaker reminds me to Sea of Thieves
@Shining_Bear27 Ай бұрын
Some sounds of caretaker sound like nuclear throne throne
@maniacalmurderer4123 11 ай бұрын
This boss has always fascinated me with its design, it also begs the question We’re the caretakers designed by Elves?
@Gordon_Blub 11 ай бұрын
@muramasa870 10 ай бұрын
​@@Gordon_Blubwe have elves in management btw😢
@Gordon_Blub 10 ай бұрын
@@muramasa870 :(
@samule6390 9 ай бұрын
Most likely rival tech is autonomous ai company
@12potatos 9 ай бұрын
Just a rival dwarf company. Leaf lovers live in trees.
@matthewofcolumbus5610 10 ай бұрын
The fog-horn-esqe sound it makes when it opens one it's eyes is probably my favorite sound in the game.
@gabrielbelch1705 11 ай бұрын
When I finally grew the balls to fight a caretaker for the first time, I was just "you got this, you got this" then it started up... the boot up sound (as cool as it is) wiped the grin off my face instantly
@StarfoxWINTERCESOST 8 ай бұрын
do not dip your balls in liquid morkite
@thetsarofall8666 Жыл бұрын
The caretaker has gotta be one of my favorite video game boss enemies. It manages to combine the theming of 2 different fantasy creatures, dragons and krakens (dragons guarding a hoard in a cave, and krakens from its overall shape if you include the tentacles and how deep below it is), and add a scifi spin onto it. Plus its sound design is phenomenal. Love it so much i have a specific "caretaker hunter" build for my engie.
@thegamingdino8645 Жыл бұрын
You're that guy who killed moby dick
@daniel5730 Жыл бұрын
@@thegamingdino8645 Pretty sure he's not a feared Captain Ahab
@ГотаБГ 11 ай бұрын
Can I ask how this build is made? I have almost same, but also fitting for a Dreadnought hunt build. And that's why I'm interested how your made specifically for Caretaker destruction.
@thetsarofall8666 11 ай бұрын
@@ГотаБГ alright, you gotta keep in mind though this build is designed with a specific strategy i use and i dont take it on solo missions, so its meant to support the team mostly. "Fortress strategy" by piling up a stack of 6-7 platform pancakes, you can effectively make a shield for yourself that way you cant get hit by the arms melee attack. This is best placed inbetween 2 arms of the caretaker, and usually putting a resupply close by. By taking 2 sentries with the boosted damage mod, and placing one on either side, you always have something damaging half of the caretakers arms every time they pop up, even if you are hiding behind your tower. Optionally, you can dig out part of the pancake tower to give yourself more room. Now that we have the strat, here we have the build. Primary: LOK-1 RIFLE: Mod tiers, 2,2,2,2,3 Overclock: neuro-lasso Reasoning: wonderful for the swarms when you are protecting hacksy, and the wide range lets you take out entire swarms of shredders quickly. Nuero lasso and fear helps give the engie some much needed space. Secondary: SHARD DIFFRACTOR: Mod tiers 3,1,1,1,3 Overclock: overdrive booster Reasoning: heat mod lets you melt burst turrets, sniper turrets, and arms quite nicely, while the increased clip size lets you go for longer without having to wait on a recharge. Dazzler module also keeps those damn robots from flying around so much. Overdrive booster is great for finishing off the caretaker at breakneck speed in tense situations. Lmg gun platform: Mod tiers 1,1,2,1 Reasoning: ideal for chipping away the arms health and the stun helps with bugs during swarms. Platform gun: Mod tiers 2,1,2 Good generic platform build, great for making roofs on salvage missions above the objective also. Grenade: SSG, good to take out swarms of shredders or other groups of enemies. Armor: mod tiers 1,2,1,3 Perks: second wind, resupplier, strong arm, field medic, iron will. Good perks for running away from phase bombs, running to revive teammates, and making the most of your resupplies. Strong arm for flare and connection node convenience. And of course iron will and medic for ultimate survivability. PRO TIP: always try to be in a spot where you can see at least 2 eyes of the caretaker when it goes to open up. This way you have a 50% chance of being able to attack it without having to move. This is my build and how i use it. Not conventional, but it works for me 99% of the time and also makes for a great general engie build. Rock and stone miner.
@ГотаБГ 11 ай бұрын
@@thetsarofall8666 OK, now to be fair I will tell about my build. This build made specifically to deal more damage to weak points, so this is the main theme of upgrading weapons. Main Weapon: Warthog Shotgun. Overclock: Magnetic Pellet Alignment Upgrades: 2;1;1;2;2 Tactics: This shotgun build is played more like it's not a shotgun, but something like a hunting rifle. Your task is just shoot weak points of ordinary enemies with it. Thankfully overclock increase bonus weak point damage, so most enemies (macteras, praetorians, etc) will get obliterated just with a few shots. Also it's purpose on Dreadnought and Caretaker fight is to open their weak points. After that, you should change to secondary. (P. S. But for best performance I recommend to take upgrades 2;3;1;2;2, because I took more ammo in change of accuracy because I'm damn Star Wars Stormtrooper, who is very often missing his shoots, so I need to take ammo in trade of accuracy) Secondary Weapon: Deepcore Grenade Launcher Overclock: Hyper Propellant Upgrades: 2;1;2;1;2 Tactics: This baby is more dangerous to any big bug or robot than everyone's favorite Fat Boy, especially when you're shooting it in weak points. Yes, you have small AOE damage, so you can't kill hordes of bugs, but your grenade launcher made not for that. It's a threat to all Dreadnoughts and Rivals. I can remember how I destroyed poor Prospector with just 3 shots, and just because he becomes invincible when lose 1/3 of his HP. If there wasn't such mechanic, I think he could be dead with just 2 grenades. LMG Turret Upgrades: 2;2;2;2 Tactics: Mostly it's builder not against Dreadnought, but against praetorians and opressors. It have huge chance of stun, quick to deploy and can shoot for a long range. Just good turret. Platform Gun Upgrades: 2;1;2 Tactics: IIt'smy simple Platform Gun upgrade, which I use on all my Engineer loadouts. Repellant Additive in third tier is useful when you're building something like a barricade against glyphids, for example, during Hack-C generators hacking sequence. Grenade: Plasma Burster Tactics: Do you remember that our grenade launcher can't deal with glyphids horde? That's why we're taking this grenade. If you can throw it at good angle, it will demolish all bugs on its way. The remaining one you can finish with a shotgun. Armor Upgrades: 1;1;1;3 Tactics: It's made specifically to increase power of shield, it have a bit more capacity and fast regeneration time. And also Breathing Room choosed because I was annoyed by swarmers, and made against them special defence. That's where we're moving to perks. Perks: Passives: Elemental Insulation - just good defense potential for a few biomes and Dreadnought attacks (like fire or explosive on Twins( Thorns - That's what synergies with armor when it's time to deal with swarmers. Born Ready - You will always have armed grenade launcher at your pocket, which you can shoot at any time and don't waste time on reloading. Actives: Iron Will - Just in some cases if everyone is called down Field Medic - This one is to instantly revive someone in situations like that, so you will not lose mission. Helped me a lot many times. I hope you enjoyed reading about my build. Sorry for some possible mistakes in my writing, English is not my native language. I can understand what other people saying or writing, but when it's my time to speak or write... Well... I hope this grammar is not such horrible as I think.
@lazerax9 11 ай бұрын
1:27 woof
@Jedai_Games 20 күн бұрын
Caretaker furry confirmed?
@Sir_Steven 18 күн бұрын
@@Jedai_Games Caretaker is just a biblically accurate protogen
@Forgotten_construct 6 ай бұрын
I think the most interesting thing about the rivals is how DRG reacts to them. Instead of being curious about this possibly alien and advanced race they are more upset that they are stealing shit they can make a profit off of.
@Jedai_Games 20 күн бұрын
Well. No. But actually yes. First: in briefing to Season 1 mentioned that they are tried to contact Rivals, but they just ignored them, and using of autonomous AI robots makes it impossible to learn anything about them. The only question we have here was it just bluffing to prove innocence, or it was a real thing. Second: I'd say they acknowledge that Rivals have better tech. That's why we stealing them. Using data cubes we got by killing prospector, or data cells we got from Vaults by defeating Caretaker. Even one of engineer weapons redesigned from shredder drones.
@dr.arielfinch4316 Ай бұрын
That sound once you damage its eyes enough to reach a new stage in the fight is one of my favorite sounds ever. It's like it can feel pain and you're just making it angrier by hurting it. The sound at 0:27 reminds me of the Bioraptors from Pitch Black, and that is *_NOT_* a noise you want to hear in the darkness of a cave with limited space to maneuver.
@demonicdude1328 Жыл бұрын
At first I thought these were alien tech, it's so much different from the dwarves tech
@dweagon 11 ай бұрын
this and the wails from the meteor event have to be my favourite sounds
@haikei888 Жыл бұрын
These really make it feel like a proper boss fight
@theblackunicorn261 9 ай бұрын
Every time the eye opens and it plays the almost musical roar i get goosebumps
@user-zh5sf1rl5p 9 ай бұрын
It plays a little victory tune when you complete a phase :D
@NeonValkyrieGaming 10 ай бұрын
That noise when it opens its eyes makes me feel a way that I can’t put into words
@simplyeason 7 ай бұрын
is there a timestamp? im quite new to the game and dont know the specific sound
@NeonValkyrieGaming 7 ай бұрын
@@simplyeason the time stamp would be at 0:00 its the first one in the video it could also be said as the sound it makes when it takes damage
@thepestilentone Жыл бұрын
*LETS F-* (insert family NOT friendly content here) *ING EEE EEH AUEEH NNAAAAUUHEEH AUUUUUAH*
@kaden-sd6vb 9 ай бұрын
Okay, who let this guy eat the data rack again
@munix1893 6 ай бұрын
Imagine hearing something like that from somewhere under you while swimming in the sea
@ghastdude589 6 ай бұрын
Was looking for the eye-opening sound, but all of these are cool, thanks!
@unowno123 9 ай бұрын
best boss design I've seen in a long time i hope they make more of these
@kaaiuta 11 ай бұрын
0:19 is probably why you came here
@Sir.CringeALot 4 ай бұрын
It would be much funnier if he actually talked like Nemesis.
@exportedrice9360 Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@ultmateragnarok8376 8 ай бұрын
These sounds in a vacuum, with no other sounds or visuals, are so much creepier.
@SandwichGamesHeavy Ай бұрын
The sounds of haz 5 pain and satisfaction once you finally beat it
@platon2578 10 ай бұрын
0:20 1:06 1:13 1:16
@skiesquiggles7319 2 ай бұрын
The sound design in this game is INSANE
@io4340 Жыл бұрын
Who the hell canonically made the caretaker anyways
@ronabthefifth4170 Жыл бұрын
rival tech, the company sending robots to hoxxes. the reason why deep rock galactic and rival tech are the only companies left on hoxxes is that it became waaay too irradiated to have miners, and the bugs just kept mutating and becoming much more deadly. deep rock famously does not care about safety so they just arm their dwarves to the teeth while rival tech just sent machines. however, the reason why you destroy rival tech bases like the caretaker, information thingos and prospector robots is because they hold very very valuable data about the minerals on hoxxes which would lead to many more companies swarming hoxxes if it ever left the planet.
@io4340 Жыл бұрын
@@ronabthefifth4170 I’ve always wondered, are the people who run the rival tech more dwarves, or are they mechanical and entirely made out of artificial intelligence?
@madamada5750 11 ай бұрын
@jackdaniels5071 10 ай бұрын
​@@io4340probably the damn elves
@ralsei-plays 9 ай бұрын
​@@io4340We may not know who they really are run by, but there are many possibilities and theories, like: - Elves - Robots - other Dwarves - no idea what comes after this
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