Defending solitude: I want to be alone

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This video is about the art of solitude and the joy it brings to those who cherish time alone. It explores why some people, often referred to as, thrive in solitude and how it has shaped the lives of famous practitioners like Henry David Thoreau and Albert Einstein.
We also discuss the profound impact of COVID-19 on people's relationship with solitude. For many, the pandemic enforced a period of isolation that was both challenging and revealing, altering perceptions and experiences of being alone.
Additionally, we'll examine the health effects of solitude. You'll learn how to communicate your preference for solitude to others, ensuring your need for quiet time is respected and understood.
• What do you call someone who enjoys solitude? Loner sounds a bit eery, like a lone gunman at a shopping mall. Introvert sounds like a character in a 60's sex-ed video who spends too much time locked in his room. Lone-wolf? Stag? Maybe there is a romantic echo to that, but what about for women? How about terms like: independent, self-reliant, mature, monk-ish, outsider, unsocial, anti-social, reserved, private, or shy? Solitude is a positive concept, but “solitudinarian” (Which is a real word,) would probably take more time to explain than a fan of solitude would like to invest.
• Next, let me clarify that I am not a hermit. If you were to imagine a scale of socialization, with never wanting to be alone on one side of the scale and always wanting to be alone on the other, I would fall about halfway between the middle and the hermit side.
• My primary exercise is walking, and I walk a few miles a day in an area with a network of “deer trails” that meander and cut across the area. I know the trails, and when I see someone coming, I make a detour to avoid that person. So do I really avoid people? You bet. Given a choice, I would prefer to not encounter them.
• And, I think aging has played a role in this. When I was young, I liked the night-life. But now, an evening with the pulse of the music and the push of the crowds sounds like hell to me. I am no longer driven to find excitement, I am content to find peace, and an evening with a book is all I am looking for.
• And I am going to go out on a bit of a limb here. Maybe hormones play a role. Perhaps in youth, hormones make men more aggressive, and with age we become more mellow. And on the other hand, maybe hormones make women more cooperative, and with age they become more individualistic, but for both, I think the desire for solitude increases with age.
• As I became less social, I used to make excuses for avoiding people, “I have other plans, I will be out of town.” But in the end I’ve settled on being honest.
• And covid, as tragic as it has been, has also been a liberating and clarifying process, I think both for me and for others. I am a cancer survivor, and I took covid seriously. When some friends, who I previously socialized with regularly, invited me to dinner, I chose to tell the truth again. Instead of making excuses, I said, “I did not survive cancer to risk dying of covid,” and they got it. For me, covid was liberating and clarifying. It was an excuse to avoid socializing and revealed to me that’s the way I prefer it. For some, covid was a time of unpleasant isolation. For me, it highlighted that I would rather spend time alone. I was never lonely. I think many people who desire solitude had a similar experience.
• So, covid brings up another issue. All of the “experts” say that socialization and community involvement are essential for health aging. Says who? I know people who died in the first wave of covid. Who was healthier, those who were compelled to gather with others, or people like me, who prefer solitude?
• And, in defense of solitude, it has an honorable history. I mean, Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree alone for seven weeks. Jesus spend forty days alone in the desert. Thoreau went to Walden Pond for solitude and said “I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.” Einstein, sharing an increased desire for solitude with age, said, "I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity." If you prefer solitude, you’ve got some pretty good company!

Пікірлер: 131
@joyh3086 Ай бұрын
Reading these comments, I realized that I have found my tribe! We could have a great time hanging out and not talking to each other! Could be the best party we ever attended.
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
LOL. The club with no meetings. I do walk alot and I encounter people who have the same desire to socialize as I do. A brief greeting. And I appreciate them greatly.
@sheilahenry7279 Ай бұрын
My husband & his friend from childhood used to spend days playing w/ trucks in the dirt & walking the country roads & not even talk. I’ve always been very outgoing but do love to be alone & look forward to “my” alone time.
@kristymoore7052 Ай бұрын
I’m a 61 year old woman and I cherish backpacking, hiking, traveling and camping ALONE. I have a Garmin, that’s enough. Most tell me I’m crazy or stupid, but those most have never come near experiencing anything alone and definitely not in nature. When I told others I was going to hike the John Muir Trail alone, which I did, they ridiculed me. Perhaps I need different others.
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
Lol. To me, your plans sound perfect! I think everyone approaches the world differently, and probably thinks their approach is the best. It strikes me that the person whose approval you need the most is your own. Then you never have arguements! Thanks for your comment.
@CasinoGin1 Ай бұрын
The pack's built-in behavior is to always try to pull somebody back in when they're doing something that the rest of them fear. I experienced this firsthand when quitting a job for a better opportunity. I was told I was taking an unnecessary risk, that I'd be throwing away an excellent benefits package, etc. Somehow, the pack was convinced that this first job out of college was the best possible employment, and no other company could come close to matching it. I took the almost 30% raise and left. It's mostly projecting their fears onto the one willing to leave their comfort zone, take a risk, and reap the rewards of a whole new fantastic experience. They don't want you to do it because if you do, it will make them feel cowardly and weak-willed. Your triumph, in their mind, makes them feel worse. So, to do that, they'll try to get you not to embarrass them by going off on your next mission. If they actually ridiculed you, perhaps you need "different others." If they were projecting their own fears, maybe recognize that and keep them around if they're good friends otherwise.
@WilliamsWynn Ай бұрын
“The older you get, the more like yourself you become”
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
Absolutely! Great quote!
@monikalenz2559 Ай бұрын
Some observations: folks who say we need to socialize to stay healthy are generally younger than me (over 70) and extroverts. I also knew people who died of Covid and they were outgoing types who kept socializing. I have friends older than me who I see or call infrequently but enjoy our long conversations when we do meet. I have one friend who can't be alone that I've drawn my boundaries with. She is always on the go and has appointments for hair, nails, facials and pickelball. She says her self care appointments are for pampering but I think she is just willing to pay to have someone listen to her for an hour. Occasionally I listen to her talk about herself for an hour but I'm learning not to answer every time she calls. I think "introvert" can also be understood as being "self possessed". When one is self possessed they don't require outside emotional support. They have acquired emotional maturity. It's important to be kind. The person needing emotional support in the form of socializing is asking for help. But we can't go to parties to please others if it takes away from our own energy. So saying no to social events should be done with kind words so as to not create a feeling of rejection in a possibly vulnerable person. Everyone is carrying a burden we know nothing about. Family can be the most difficult to say no to. And children are especially vulnerable to being emotionally scarred by rejection. Always be kind. I'm enjoying your videos. You're on the right track for an authentic life.
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
Thanks for your thoughtful comment. I agree on kindness, but I also fall back on formal manners in a number of settings, both to preserve the social order, but also to protect my solitude. The more formal I get, the more people let me be. Maybe it is a generational thing. The reminder about kindness is a useful one. Children are a special exception to most rules, and they do deserve especially gentle treatment. Thanks for watching!
@Nikells 25 күн бұрын
What wonderful considerate thoughts on the subject. I aim to start with maximal kindness but get firmer if others are persistent.
@jcsrst 22 күн бұрын
I retired a couple of years before covid and was finding it a bit difficult to adjust. Once covid happened I loved the solitude! Turns out I am an introvert and never would have known this without the forced solitude of covid. Society doesn't encourage being alone especially for women. We are taught to put EVERYONE else's needs over our own. I had a non traditional career that made me highly capable of taking care of my physical needs, highly independent. I love being alone. I have eliminated many old friendships that didn't bring me joy. I still struggle with the idea that we need people, I need very few. There's a really big state park near me and I ride my mountain bike in there by myself. This activity brings me so much joy!
@daily-traveler 16 күн бұрын
언제 봐도 참 멋진 풍경입니다. 언젠가는 트래킹 해보고 싶네요. 멋진 설명과 함께 그랜드케니언 감상해볼게요.
@petergerard8951 Ай бұрын
I am a senior solo hiker and I too do not care to socialize with other people. To quote Charles Bukowski "I don't hate people, I just like it better when they're not around." Most of the time my hikes are off trail, in the mountains and deserts near my home. For safety, I carry a satellite locater. When I camp near my hiking spots, I boondock as far away from humanity as I can. To me, that's blissful. If someone asks about my solo choices, I don't bother defending my solitude to them. They wouldn't understand. With animals, I feel true connection with them in my life more than the humans I interact with. They don’t need spoken language to express their non-judgmental, unconditional loyalty and love. And lastly, Loneliness is when you are alone and wish to have others around, Solitude is having others around and wishing you were alone. Being in solitude gives my mind a break from thinking and doing for others. It gives me time to do things for myself and enjoy my own company.
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
"Lonliness is when you are alone and wish to have others around. Solitude is having others around and wishing you were alone." Gosh, I just love that. I never did read Bukoswski, but I found the movie "Barfly" impactful. I hate to admit how much I related to the character. Have you seen it? Thanks so much for your insight and thoughful comment.
@Very_Concerned-Citizen Ай бұрын
I worked the last 15 years of my career from home. When Covid came and everyone started talking about 'quarantine' I said, wow, I didn't know my lifestyle had a name!
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
LOL. Sounds like a perfect lifestyle.
@jcsrst 22 күн бұрын
@cspencer3421 Ай бұрын
I am right there with you. I'm 57 and have felt like this since my early 20's. I took a lot of heat from people over the decades for being like this but I think I've finally grown to an age where people don't care anymore. Hopefully.
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
I think with the passing years, people do leave you alone a bit more, which is great by me! The comments to this video should establish that you are far from alone in your approach.
@haihaitraveler Ай бұрын
Awesome 👍 Most of the time, my insights and self-discoveries happen when I’m alone. I see solitude as a space for introspection, creativity, and a deeper connection with existence, free from the distractions of society. In solitude I can face my true self, promoting clarity, growth, and inner peace❤
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
So well said, I appreciate your sharing your experience. Thanks so much for your support.
@janderson5224 Ай бұрын
Thank you for talking about this. It's nice to know there are others out there like me.
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
Thank you. I think there are more of us than the world recognizes!
@randyhawks7549 Ай бұрын
We need more people like you, people who realize that you're not a young person anymore and will makes a fool of themselves when they try or living youths though their kids or not going up just like a certain president.
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
LOL. I try to avoid politics on this channel. With age, I have found broad relief from the concern about what other people think and a greater determination to do what I want. Thanks for your comment.
@hikingwithchris Ай бұрын
I can appreciate what you are saying; although I don’t seek solitude as regularly as you seem to, and I do definitely need other people in my life. I am an extreme introvert. To have the energy to interact with the people I care about, I must take time to be by myself. I do a lot of hiking. It is truly one of my favorite activities. Most of the time when I hike, it is with other people. However, I absolutely must have a few solo hikes throughout the year or else I will suffer withdrawals. Hiking by myself, it recharges me and feeds my soul in a way that cannot happen when I hike with other people. One of my absolute favorite trips that did so much good for me, mentally and spiritually, was a solo hike in and out of the Grand Canyon. I live in Oklahoma, so that trip involved the drive and hotels and the hike… all by myself. Even though I want other people in my life and I enjoy hiking with the people I love, I absolutely must be able to go out solo. If I can’t have those days and those trips and those adventures and that sweet, sweet solitude, I think I would absolutely lose my mind.
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
Thank you for your thoughtful comment. Personally, I find solo driving to be another of the great pleasures of life. To combine that with a solo hike at the Canyon sounds ideal!
@KathrynPayne-g2h Ай бұрын
I’m one of you ! I’m so happy to be in a non people person ! Love this video
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
Non-people person, another useful term! Thanks for your comment.
@hikewithmike4673 Ай бұрын
right on!...nothing better then being alone in the wilderness!
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
I am with you.
@Wayne10160 Ай бұрын
61yo here. You summed up my view perfectly, to include my secular Buddhist practice. I have hiked the GC many times as well, but not since 2015. I now have new hips and want to do another R2R. Thanks for the videos!
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
Personally, I see Buddhism as more a philosophy than a religion. I hope the hips get you through another r2. I have always thought of the rim to rim as a secular pilgrimage.
@jamespazera3038 Ай бұрын
I love solitude😊
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
The movement seems to be growing!
@nationalparksprincess3216 Ай бұрын
I definitely agree with that Einstein quote! That is exactly the path I have been on. I don't want you to join me on my hike 😅 for real!! Your descriptions of solitude is spot on for me! Beautiful scenery settings for your TED Talk 😊
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
I was so pleased to find the Einstein quote, because it pretty much sums up my experience. Thanks for your kind comment. I could only aspire to do a TED talk, but I do enjoy considering the issues. Thanks for your ongoing support. I have been busy with issues outside of KZbin for a while, but hopefully I will get back with it now.
@Hvn1957 24 күн бұрын
I have enjoyed your discussions. I spent most of my career working on the road doing solo site work. I feel very comfortable being solitary amongst people, if that makes sense. I used to go weeks and sometimes months without speaking to anyone other than the client, and required interactions. But I always came home to a loving partner. For the last ten years I’ve been working in one place. So now I use some of my vacation time for busman’s holidays 😅. And to bring it to the common point. Since I was ten, I have always, always hiked alone. I’m now 68. For me, the woods are the “real world”, and where I feel most like myself. Thanks for your thoughts!
@Chris-ze4sq Ай бұрын
I used to work at S Rim and hike from GC Village out to Hermits on the west rim trail. I would bring a favorite cigar and magazine with me and sit at those picnic tables at Hermits reading my magazine, enjoying the cigar, and watching the ravens. GC will always be one of my favorite places on Earth. Love your videos….
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
Thanks. Some people visit Grand Canyon and check it off their bucket list. Others, like you and me, are touched by it. Like you, it remains one of my most favorite places on earth.
@vedrana0127 Ай бұрын
An interesting and complex topic. Solitude can be viewed from both a positive and negative perspective depending on how it is experienced and utilized. Solitude can be a source of strength and creativity or a burden of isolation, depending on how it is approached. It's important to find a balance between the positive and negative aspects of solitude.
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
Fair enough. I think it is all in how one feels about themselves and approaches the issue. For me, time in quiet contemplation is essential to my mental health, but for others it is burdensome. I appreciate your comment.
@hikingontario Ай бұрын
Your footage was absolutely amazing! Wishing you an great day. Warm greetings from Canada!✅✅😃😃❤❤
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
Thanks so much for watching. I have driven across Canada three times, some very beautiful country up your way!
@deanmay338 Ай бұрын
Another nice video. I appreciate your insights and identify with them. I also enjoy perusing the comments of your videos. There is a unity in comments regarding those that embrace solitude.
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
Thanks so much, the comments were very interesting, I just have not yet had enough time to get to all of them! Hopefully in the days ahead.
@judymartius7779 Ай бұрын
Covid was a godsend for me. My solitude meansm alot to me
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
I know what you mean, it really was a time for clarifying values and justifying decisions. I socialize so much less since covid, and I am comfortable with that result.
@jcsrst 22 күн бұрын
I loved everything about covid but the people dying part. It was SO quite for a little while!
@denisemarie5394 Ай бұрын
I think it's just common sense to not hike alone on a remote trail, regardless of your fitness level or age, and is not contrary to your thesis. I save my "alone" walks for places I know someone will come along within a few hours if I've "fallen and can't get up." People I encounter on these walks exchange a friendly hello and move on. Perfect.
@GC-Hiker 28 күн бұрын
Fair point. I did this hike with a friend, But, the modern satelite devices allow emergency communication more effectively. I have a new iPhone, but I have not yet tried that feature, and hopefully never will. There is risk in everything, even driving on the freeway.
@rickturnr Ай бұрын
I do my best thinking when hiking alone.
@mikedip99 Ай бұрын
@rickturnr any advice on how to have better, deeper thoughts while hiking alone?
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
Agreed. I hate to admit, but I think my best thinking is when driving alone. Something about occupying 3-5% of my brain on the drive frees it up to do some real deep thinking. Plus, empty Western two-lanes assist in the process. Thanks for your comment.
@hernehill6282 Ай бұрын
This reminds me of Thomas Merton ('No man is an island') who recognized his slavishness to the world, his divine Self, and the need for solitude. He shirked the politicized religious community, opposed the Vietnam war, and integrated eastern thinking. This irked the establishment and imho led to his assassination.
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
Thanks, I will have to take a look at Merton's book. The comments to this video have been so valuable and thought-provoking.
@sheilahenry7279 Ай бұрын
My job has always had lots of people. I reached retirement age as a few coworkers I’ve been with forever about to retire also. One coworker summed it up so perfectly. She said “I’m just ready to be relax & be me & not have to be nice all the time.” Lol
@MrfiX725 Ай бұрын
100% agree. "I AM ME."
@ken-mb5cp 22 күн бұрын
If you’re at peace it doesn’t matter if you’re alone or with others.
@RR-bd4bm 25 күн бұрын
Words of wisdom.
@bethannea4842 Ай бұрын
A man can be himself only so long as he is alone; and if he does not love solitude, he will not love freedom; for it is only when he is alone that he is really free. Arthur Schopenhauer
@GC-Hiker 28 күн бұрын
Great quote, thanks for sharing it.
@hikingoutdoorfamily Ай бұрын
Always enjoy hearing your perspective and seeing those grand canyon views.
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
Thanks so much!
@shirleygriffin7672 Ай бұрын
Most definitely and thanks for sharing today...........after hiking and now at the gym ⛹
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
Thanks so much for watching.
@DeborahJenkins-xm7wq Ай бұрын
Well, I felt that in my bones. Thank you.
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
Thank you!
@ColinsCreativeCabin Ай бұрын
excellent perspective ... I enjoyed this video a lot !
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
Thank you.
@happychappy7115 27 күн бұрын
It's a rare acquaintance who can hold a conversation; by that I mean listening rather than talking over you; people seem desperate to unload their story & their opinions, and most of the time it's just not that interesting 😢
@GC-Hiker 26 күн бұрын
I agree.
@Visitor2Earth Ай бұрын
The closer I get to 65 (not too long now!), I realize the truth of this statement: SOLITUDE DOES NOT EQUAL LONELILNESS!
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
So well said! Alone but not lonely.
@skyblue-lb9kr Ай бұрын
Yes! my happy place is in the wild with my dog
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
Sounds like heaven!
@GerhardSauer-v6s Ай бұрын
Introvert is the correct technical term from psychology. When you are able to regenerate energy by being alone then you are an introvert. In our society, heavily dominated by extraverts, it's just a loaded word. people tend to think that you are not normal, weird, even autistic. You, dear sir, seem to have one of the more widely occurring personality types, just with a clear introverted tendency. Now imagine being like myself, I'm a so called INTJ (google meyers briggs personality model), approx 2% of the population are like me. At the age of 45 I have yet to meet someone who's first impression of me was liking me. Even my wife didnt like me when she first saw me.
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
I worked at a place that used the Myers Briggs. Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging, that could probably describe me at my age as well, but not so much when I was young. And several commenters have asked if I am autistic! Glad to hear you charmed your wife in the end. I don't think you have to like someone initially to end up respecting them, which is probably a more important value. Thanks for your comment.
@shirleygriffin7672 Ай бұрын
We are childfree too
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
: )
@jamespazera3038 Ай бұрын
I am 77 and hike by myself😊
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
Glad to hear you are still getting out there. I hope to do as well!
@roselinnear3040 Ай бұрын
So am I 🎉 here in Arkansas I have many trails and paths to choose from... right out my door. Lakes and rivers abound and very few people. My orthopedic Dr just told me to keep hiking and it's doing knees good. As well as my spirit. Keep going. TY
@MichaelJ674 Ай бұрын
I enjoy solitude and quiet too much to listen to the last 5 minutes of your video. For some reason, that strikes me as being kind of funny. Maybe a little ironic? I don’t know. I don’t require a response as I won’t come back and look for it anyway. 😊Cheers.
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
We all find our own paths to travel! Thanks for your comment.
@randyhawks7549 Ай бұрын
I think it's totally natural to wanting to be alone in nature.
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
Thank you.
@DanielBengtsson Ай бұрын
I have a challange with the word ”single”. People sometimes ask me if i am single. If i say yes people automatically think that i seek a partner and i am not. So sometimes i say no just to not have to explain myself. Anyone else that do not like the term ”single”?
@GC-Hiker 29 күн бұрын
I hear what you are saying. Maybe the word "content" would be more descriptive. But it seems the world is full of people who want to impose their values on you instead of appreciating you for who you are.
@SigiSarn Ай бұрын
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@msromike123 Ай бұрын
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
Great term!
@birdman5223 Ай бұрын
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
@hernehill6282 Ай бұрын
In your case, it is good to look a bit like Clint Eastwood with your sunglasses on, because people will think twice before being intrusive.
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
LOL. I have always thought sunglasses make the look, but those are the somewhat dorky photogreys that I favor. But anything that gets people to leave me alone is a step in the right direction. . .
@brucebourassa5529 Ай бұрын
There is a word. Hermetic, which does not imply that one is "a" hermit. Just on the "hermetic " spectrum.
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
LOL. I do find the spectrum concept more and more useful. Thanks for your comment.
@Hvn1957 24 күн бұрын
I think you mean “hermitic”. Hermetic has an entirely different meaning. Sorry to be “that guy” 😞.
@Lisa-bo8jl Ай бұрын
You are very frequently socializing with other people by making all the KZbin videos you have posted on the internet. The difference between socializing on line versus in person is that on line socializing tends to be a very one-sided conversation. It doesn’t take as much physical or mental effort to socialize on line as it does to socialize in person. Social media sites have become a venue for channel owner’s to air their inner most thoughts and feelings to anyone whom might care to listen. Algorithms and the Pavlovian-like reward system of ‘thumbs up or down’ may serve to limit exposure to differing points of view. Back in the day, diaries served the purpose of airing out and resolving our inner turmoil. Diaries worked for both for introverts and extroverts. KZbin and other social media sites have sort of become modern day’s ’Dear Diary’ for some.
@tonykennedy1615 Ай бұрын
"Covid". Spare me. "Pandemic". Sheesh. I'm a loner by nature and can relate. Have been my whole life.
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
I recognize that covid is a controversial topic, and maybe I should have avoided it.
@tonykennedy1615 Ай бұрын
@@GC-Hiker Everyone has an opinion and should be respected. I'm an activist and and have been attacked many times because of it so I'm very sensitive and outspoken about it. I believe in freedom.
@donnasloane9031 Ай бұрын
As population's more difficult to find space.
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
There are still wide open spaces in the West!
@ceeemm1901 17 күн бұрын
Were you a "loner" at school? ...think about it...
@chrisg8995 26 күн бұрын
Very articulate couple of vids on the subject. The power of intentional aloneness can not be overstated. However, you must be craving some kind of human connection to be taking the time to make a post vids that can reach millions and millions of humans. Hmmm
@johanbadenhorst908 26 күн бұрын
Explain why you have KZbin channel, because it does seem contradictory, wanting to be alone, yet posting ons social media about it. I bet you check your comments, subscriptions and likes. It is fine, but it needs to articulated for people to accept the genuineness of your thesis about solitude.
@mervynsoo8353 Ай бұрын
Jesus is taking this solitude thing too far ,2000 years and people are still hoping 😅
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
: )
@percyveer5974 Ай бұрын
Your evolution toward solitude is fairly typical in my experience. I would identify as an introvert by preference but like you, I was gregarious in my youth. I think as humans our need to fit in and belong often overrides our more base instinct with causes us to act outside ourselves when young. Playing the part of an extrovert when you are really the opposite is exhausting. It seems that exhaustion catches up in later years and we surrender to our natural selves. As a man in my early 60's I find the current climate of political correctness extremely difficult. Being told what you can and can't say, having your opinions held to ransom by some ridiculous code of social compliance that I do not subscribe to is reason enough to shun the company of people whose ideas and behaviour I can't tolerate. Change the title of your vid - we should not feel the need to "defend" solitude, it should be our choice to enjoy it without the need of approval from others. In an age where everyone is "identifying" as something, I "identify" as comfortable in my own company.
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
Thanks for your thoughful comment. I agree that interaction can be exhausting and it is easier to be out in nature than socializing with others, particularly with their sensitivities. I wish I had stated more clearly that solitude needs no defense, I just thought it was a catchy title and also a bit of a response to the criticism my earlier video on solitude elicited. Peace (and quiet). ; )
@TimeIdle 27 күн бұрын
I feel the same. But I think you cheat a little. You have a YT channel and you interact with your viewers. :)
@Jackdaw5 Ай бұрын
Is someone really embracing solitude by churning out KZbin videos every few days? Or are they simply replacing real human contact with thousands of faceless digital subscribers?
@chrisg8995 26 күн бұрын
You sure do talk a lot for someone who doesn’t want to talk.
@thedanholmes Ай бұрын
I feel like your videos would be more appealing if they had an authenticity. As it is, you are clearly reading your script. No offense, but it comes across as inauthentic. Second, this is yet another video where you seem to be bending over backwards to tell us how much of an independent loner you are, who simply wants to live his life in solitude. And you even critique what you feel is society's unhealthy emphasis on "staying connected." Yet here you are making videos and drawing attention to yourself. You don't see the hypicrisy? Hey, maybe it's a genius plan...more views, more money for retirement. I simply wanted to tell you how I see your content: it doesn't seem authentic at all. I don't buy this "I want to be alone" spiel. You want attention. Nothing wrong with it. Embrace it. Or maybe, like Howard Stern and Rush Limbaugh, and other entertainers, you're just playing a part, in order to get eyeballs.
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
I appreciate your comment. Initially, I made videos without a script, but they were filled with "umms," and "ahhs," and I kept looking back in my brain for thougts and moving my head. I found them ineffective. I do write a script, but it is written by me, for me, to better communicate my thoughts. At least it keeps me focused towards the camera, but I could do a better job. I am not a professional. I see these as being like a video essay or a letter to the editor. I am communicating, but I am not really looking for a connection. I am not inviting anyone to dinner or to go hiking with me. To me, it is a mental exercise. I like writing, but writing is mostly dead. This is an outlet. The profit motive? The channel is monetized, but I make pennies a day on my videos. This is not a business effort, but really more an exploration by me of a new form of communication and a way to try something new. With that said, I appreciate people who challenge me and who offer a new way to look at things. All the best.
@fabianflores2339 Ай бұрын
Quit your whining😂
@SchallundWahn Ай бұрын
Thanks for this word. I'm not a senior, but 39, but feel the same and often people see me as kinda crazy or strange for doing so much on my own as if it is a lack
@GC-Hiker 28 күн бұрын
As long as you are happy with yourself, it seems to me to be the right road to travel.
@deschutesmaple4520 24 күн бұрын
If you are making videos about 'solitude' that are being watched by 3.5 thousand viewers, this belies your claim that you prefer solitude in my opinion. Through your youtube channel you are socializing with thousands of viewers, so you are actually more dependent on the attention of others than you care to admit.
@deschutesmaple4520 24 күн бұрын
True solitude would mean NOT exposing yourself to thousands of viewers on youtube through your channel, and interacting with them. Just saying.
@jimmyclay9316 Ай бұрын
You lost me with the dog rant.
@GC-Hiker Ай бұрын
No problem. My process is not for everyone.
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