Fresh Breeze Paramotor VS Flat Top Paramotor Comparison Review Testing Information

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Dell Schanze

Dell Schanze

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@thegardenfarmer 6 жыл бұрын
ill admit... the fact that Kurt disables his comments on his videos... isnt assuring for me... I really DONT like that when people prevent others from sharing their opinions. Let people determine for themselves...
@anthonyvega1959 5 жыл бұрын
I couldn't agree with you more
@bathsaltZ 2 жыл бұрын
I have a fresh breeze I got off some guy that I’ve been flying for about 3 years. The harness doesn’t connect where that zip tie was holding it. It’s pretty much wearing a harness, then the paramotor carry straps go over the harness and then the wing connects in between the two. Really dumb design, super heavy, hard to run in. I never flown anything else but I wouldn’t recommend a fresh breeze.
@tom474e 5 жыл бұрын
Your making it look much more difficult, grunting and groaning, with the Fresh Breeze.
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
It is a ton more difficult so that is accurate. The Fresh Breeze is upwards of 47 lbs heavier and you have to stand up from flat on your butt instead of already having an 18 inch advantage on the Flat Top. Also this is the super under powered fresh breeze vs the extremely powerful Flat Top so it's really not a fair comparison as it gives the fresh breeze a huge advantage using their "light" unit vs the powerful unit on the Flat Top. it's the Flat Top 120 that compares to the Fresh Breeze 122 as the Flat Top 120 has about the same climb rate as the insanely heavier Fresh Breeze but even the powerful Flat Top Ninja is up to 20 lbs lighter than the Fresh Breeze 122 so yes it is a ton harder to stand up with the Fresh Breeze as you have a lot more weight and stand up from your butt and the weight hangs much much farther off your back making it again even that much more difficult on top of the harness just not giving the freedom of movement that the Flat Top does. In a fair comparison it would be the Fresh Breeze Monster that weighs over 100 lbs that should be compared to the Flat Top Ninja but even then the Flat Top Ninja has 30 lbs more thrust while being 47 lbs lighter. So the Fresh Breeze is just ridiculous as the power is terrible for the insane amount of weight. In this video comparing the under powered Fresh Breeze to the super powerful Flat Top doesn't give a truly accurate representation as the huge gigantic advantage is to the Fresh Breeze despite the fact that the under powered Fresh Breeze is still sooooo much heavier and more awkward. So you can use all the fake accounts you want Kurt Fister but it just doesn't matter as the lies are the same. Not one single competent pilot flies Fresh Breeze. Let's see even 1 single video of ANYONE on a Fresh Breeze doing what we do on Flat Tops. It just doesn't exist because skilled pilots don't fly Fresh Breeze because they are total piles of crap just to put it 100% accurately. They are horrifically unreliable piles of crap as people can see from actual customer experiences and they are super heavy, flimsy, under powered and horribly unsafe. So you can tell all the lies you want about "electronic ignition" which is just a coil that every motor has lol but those lies are just lies Kurt Fister and you literally can't even do what brand new SUPER students can do so pretending to be an instructor when you are totally incompetent is seriously freaking evil. I CHALLENGE you to even try to just reverse kite no hands like all SUPER students can do let alone kite up a wall or pole or do circle foot drags or manage altitude give or take one inch. Stop pretending to be an instructor when you literally don't even have basic understanding of glider control.
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
@@jethrobell1364 A little kid standing up with a Flat Top Ninja at 0.43 seconds: For those reading notice how those that recommend the best and safest gear take the time to post the facts, logic, reasoning and video to back it up while those pushing the horrible gear just talk trash and straight up lie without offering even the slightest bit of evidence or knowledge on the subject. No video from the trash talkers and no facts such as the actual weight of the units or anything rational or valuable at all. Just trash. That's it. You don't learn real actual skills and knowledge from those who have nothing but trash to offer. The liars pushing the horrible gear like Fresh Beeze literally can't even do what my children can do let alone compete with my skill level or that of my students. You can see why all they have to offer is trash. That's it. For those that actually care about truth, facts and evidence to back it up just give me a call at 800-707-2525. Notice never once anywhere on ANY of my 900 or so videos does even one single "competitor" try to explain why their unit is better or SHOW they can do more with their unit or SHOW the benefits. All you get is trash while my children fly circles around them. This is the problem with this sport. While it's great there is no license or anything you do have to have the mental capacity to see the difference between experts who know and SHOW what they are talking vs trash talkers who have absolutely zero benefit to offer what so ever.
@TreyWK 6 жыл бұрын
I would say your units are better than theirs just on the simple fact that on their KZbin channel they disable the comments.... you can't even comment about it lol
@pulasthi7476 3 жыл бұрын
I wonder if this person knows how to fly?
@DellSchanze 3 жыл бұрын
You mean does the best pilot in the world know how to fly? Kind of a silly question eh? Do you know how to fly? Can you SHOW a video of yourself doing what brand new SUPER students can do? Like this for example: sadly very very few out there acting as "instructors" can even do what brand new SUPER students can do. It's just horrifying that they push absolute garbage like fresh breeze onto people knowing full well know real actual pilots would ever fly that crap. Seriously can anyone post even 1 single video of a truly skilled pilot doing something incredible on a fresh breeze? Nope. Not one. Zero actual pilots fly fresh breeze. It's just what scammers like Fister push onto those who don't know any better and didn't bother to research.
@johngrota717 3 жыл бұрын
This is what I've learned listening to these instructors the past few weeks, they're complete whiners and they don't care 2 shits about the customers. All they do is say theirs is the best and the others suck and you'll die if you buy it. You guys are killing the sport and stopping people from getting into it.
@DellSchanze 3 жыл бұрын
You didn't learn crap and really don't have the intelligence level for the sport. Everything in this video is obvious and plainly logical and from the best pilot in the world. So only a total moron is going to try to pretend they shouldn't listen to the best in the world and pretend the obvious facts people's lives depend on are only sales pitch. You really shouldn't be in ANY form of aviation as you simply don't have the intelligence level for it. How the heck is there any question as to the value of proper protection from the prop? or crumple zone? Or face plant protection? Or handless seating? Or ANY of the 304 reasons competent pilots only fly Flat Tops???? Let's see you trying to point out why it doesn't matter if over 100 people shred their hands in props on fresh breeze and how it's only a sales pitch???!!! Or the piles of people who have broken their back on fresh breeze because it has ZERO crumple zone!!! Seriously dude it's freaking evil people like you talking trash to experts that makes the sport look bad. It's just sickening to watch those like you get seriously injured or killed over and over and over and over as I've watched over 80 just like you DIE after I explained to them in exacting detail what proper gear and real actual training is but like you they didn't listen and then DIED exactly how I explained to them would happen. Of course anyone with intelligent can just click on this guys name and see he is a total fake scammer with ZERO content on his channel because he is actually just one of the total liars trying to talk trash. Notice how he doesn't say even one single logical or rational thing or pick out one single specific thing and explain in detail what is supposedly wrong with it because he knows zero about the sport and doesn't give one crap about truth all these liars do it talk piles of trash over and over trying to confuse people. Sick freaking evil murderous scum bags these scammers are but they are out there. So BEWARE of the totally ignorant trash talkers who talk stupid mindless trash like that but can't list even one single detail or specific of what is supposedly wrong with the facts very specifically talked about in this video.
@douggentry225 5 жыл бұрын
I'm going to try paragliding for a year or two then move up to a motor. When I do go with a motor it'll be a Flat Top. Not only because of this review but also that other guy saying to never fly mid day. I see Dell flying mid day with his wing and I see his 11 year old son flying his own....mid day, in the mountains. If this man trusts this equipment with his son. I'm in! Granted, I'm sure his son gets some seriously good continual training. Ahem, cawf cawf.. wanna adopt me? Dell, this was a really good review. thank you
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
The only place to learn paragliding is at SUPER training. No other schools in the world teach true and real glider control skills before chucking you in the air to live or die. Only at SUPER training will you truly master control of the paraglider BEFORE you ever take your first flights. It makes a huge world of difference so I would be super careful of considering to train anywhere other than SUPER training. Even if you do want to do that at least work with me to try to find an instructor as there are so many things you just don't know to look for but when they are explained by an expert it makes it very simple and obvious. Call me at 800-707-2525 before you do anything in this sport. It will really save your butt and save you a fortune. Literally about 98% of those who do anything but SUPER training up front end up quitting the sport. So those who "try" other things first most often just give up on the sport as it gives them a really bad perception of how the sport actually is. It's much harder than people think. It's more like learning karate. You can't just show someone a kick and a punch and throw them into an ultimate fighting competition. You have to work things into reflexes through many hours of practice so that things are automatic reflexes. One must learn to WIN the fight not just get shown a few things about how it could work. This is truly the most incredible thing you will ever do IF you learn correctly and get the right gear. I had a guy in my last class who tried to learn paragliding from Cloud 9 soaring center but broke his back because they chucked him into the air without the slightest real ability to control the glider. Now with SUPER training he is a truly incredible pilot. It's shocking to hear the experiences people actually have in the sport. So few are willing to share experiences like that openly as they don't want to offend anyone or have anyone not like them for telling the truth. So others keep getting seriously injured & killed over and over and over all because those who had the experience with that school didn't speak up and warn people about it. I'm the guy who will tell you the truth no matter how much trash they talk about me or how many lies they try to make up to deceive people against the simple facts. Truth is truth.
@brucesweatmaniii6030 5 жыл бұрын
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
Think logically about it for a second. Do you want your first flights to be jumping off a cliff on top of a mountain in thermals so you can stay up or would it make more sense to take your first flights on a huge wide open flat beach with no cliffs or rocks to fly into where you have a motor so you can take as many tries as you like to set up your landing. Plus with a Flat Top it's thousands of times safer than paragliding because you have a huge 57 inch roll cage around you for added protection and crumple zone. So by far the safest way to learn to fly a paraglider with with a Flat Top paramotor on a huge wide open beach where you can knock out up to 530 flights in your 10 days of SUPER training just like SUPER Lee did. All while dropping glider size after glider size as your skills progress. There is just no way I would want to get chucked off a cliff for my very first flights with only one shot at the landing. If it were safer we would be doing it that way. That's why we use Flat Top paramotors at SUPER training. It gives the very best level of safety so people can learn skills without the huge added risk of jumping off a cliff where the slightest mistake can result in a broken back or death like happens pretty much every week in paragliding.
@jangeisler6123 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for showing us all these details, I am constantly looking for the best/safest way to enjoy this kind of life in the sky, I am looking on European guys, American guys, homemade guys, and none of them offer this much information on safety and testing as you do. And I hope to be able to join you in the sky very soon. I am eternally greatful for what your doing, and I hope I get to see you in near future....
@emerymahylis944 7 жыл бұрын
comment from Canada; Dell, could you touch on the topic of "practical usage" & the reason I ask is when I read you had destroyed a dozen units over the past decade or so that sorta scared the sh-t outta myself..😕 could you do a video on what kind of flying minimizes the chance of unit replacement ect ect.. & maybe touch on how you have over the years shown us all the possibilities for usage, but in reality nobody should be trying any of that stuff until they have X-? amount of years of flights under their belts.. I think buying the toughest & safest unit is a good idea but I do have respect for my own mortality.
@DellSchanze 7 жыл бұрын
If you ride a dirt bike and push the limits taking bigger and bigger jumps you are definitely going to dump it many times over the years. If however you just trail ride calmly the whole time when you will still likely dump it once in awhile but the odds of any real damage are very minimal. It's totally up to you how hard you want to push it. The truly incredible thing is that still to date ZERO have ever died on Flat Tops and the fact that even one setting so many world records has literally never been injured should make you very excited about the safety not scared about it. Just look at the piles of records I've set. For pushing so many limits to new heights and never once having even been injured really says it's the most ridiculously safe action sport out there. If you drive a car for a lifetime the odds are you will total a couple in accidents. With a good safe car though the odds of actually getting injured or killed in that car if you drive at normal speeds are pretty minimal. If you would think nothing of going mountain biking or skiing then flying a Flat Top paramotor is well within your accepted safety level. It's also extremely durable so you really only damage it if you crash really hard. So if you do total a Flat Top you can be sure it just saved your life and that is much cheaper then a hospital bill. There are those with the personality of liking to push the limits and there are those who are content with straight and level. If you are content with straight and level then you would be like my older son who has never damaged even 1 Flat Top in all his years of learning and flying.
@jimsworthow531 3 жыл бұрын
I tried to communicate with the other guy;; his comments are turned off?
@mikewolf3264 3 жыл бұрын
Oh fudge. It broke. Hahahaha
@sgray1906 5 жыл бұрын
Harbor Freight 35 Bucks !
@GhostriderRIPUL 6 жыл бұрын
Nice comparison flat top rocks
@jimeisley8041 5 жыл бұрын
If you prefer the flattop, promote it. You trying to make the Fresh Breeze looked bad is stupid. I don’t own either,
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
So you are saying that one should just ignore over 100 people getting shredded in props and just ignore the constant carnage & death and not try to warn people? So if you know your neighbor is about to hire a child molester as a baby sitter you are the type of person that wouldn't say anything? Well for Christians we know the right thing to do is to warn thy neighbor of pitfalls that lay before them and fresh breeze is so horrible it is a huge pitfall. For most people that one horrific mistake of wasting all their money on such horrible gear will completely destroy the whole sport for them as they simply won't be able to afford to do the sport after they get ripped off like that. So instead of suggesting people should hide the truth you should look closer at the facts and just how life & death critical the difference is. The fresh breeze doesn't even have certified height hook in points and yet another guy just died a bit ago because of that exact issue. There are hundreds of issues like that. So it's best to listen to experts instead of try to pretend the truth is somehow a "sales pitch". The facts are the facts and any decent moral person is going to share those facts with people because it's their moral obligation. This is NOT Ford vs Chevy. It's life vs death.
@usmcculp 7 жыл бұрын
Like others have said, this was one of you best produced videos. Much more professional with little product bashing. Please make more like this one comparing other motors and gliders. The professional approach while still selling your product is easier to digest.
@gotthyme 5 жыл бұрын
Jeremiah Culp agree
@peterjones8546 4 жыл бұрын
Once I am ina better financial situation I will get a flat top with the trike attachment.
@tonymarzano2220 5 жыл бұрын
That quick release freaks me out, what happens if you have that come undone while flying?
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
Do you instantly fall out of your car if you undo your quick release seat belt? Seriously? It's a bucket seat. You don't fall out. There is even a video where I undo the buckle in flight on purpose and even come in and land all without the harness connected. You are always sitting inside the seat so the quick release does not in any way hold the load of your body from falling out.
@brucesweatmaniii6030 5 жыл бұрын
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
@Spacecoastz Here is a video where I unhook the harness buckle in flight intentionally. The seat doesn't fall from under you the buckle only hold the leg straps which is like the seat belt in your car. At no point do you ever hang from the actual leg straps because even during launch & landing your butt is still just sitting on the edge of the seat. So while there is no way it will come undone accidentally even if it did it really wouldn't matter as it is only a back up as you can see very clearly from this video: of course Kurt Fister was lying so badly he was claiming you hang from your balls so this video proves that isn't the case either since you never actually hang from the leg straps at all with a Flat Top. It's one of the only units where you never hang from your balls. Instead the handless seating works so perfectly you just pick up your feet and presto you are instantly in the seat. That's why you never ever see anyone with a Flat Top have to take their hands off the controls to try to pull them up into the seat. The design is so incredible it's truly handless seating. You just pick up your feet.
@edsone11 4 жыл бұрын
@@brucesweatmaniii6030 ewww Bruce are you a sweaty man
@DellSchanze 4 жыл бұрын
@glen paul It's like the seat belt in your car. Unhooking your seat belt doesn't mean you instantly fall out of your car. It's a bucket seat. Neither do seat belts just accidentally come undone. Especially cart racing harnesses like used on the Flat Top that are extremely well tested & proven. You are not held up in the seat by the seat belt in your car any more than you are with a Flat Top paramotor. Now this is NOT the case for units like fresh breeze where you literally do hang from your balls from the leg straps during launch & landing. It's another reason it can be so incredibly difficult to get into your seat with other paramotors as you have to lift your body weight up and into the seat. With the Flat Top your body weight never hands from the leg straps. During launch your butt is still sitting on the edge of the seat so once in the air you simply pick your knees up and effortlessly slide back into the seat without ever having to take your hands off the controls. This is a HUGE safety issue with other paramotors and many have died just trying to get into their seat on other paramotors. When they take their hands off the brake toggles to lean forwards and try to pull their body weight up into the seat the brake toggles go right into the prop, wrap up into the reduction and lock them into a face down spiral. Or while they have no hands on the controls trying to pull themselves in the seat they have no ability to active pilot the glider to prevent collapses and end up taking a collapse right near the ground while just trying to get into their seat. With a Flat Top you will never ever seen anyone have to take their hands off the controls to get into their seat. You won't even hear us have to explain to people how to get into the seat. It's so simple and natural you don't even think about it. You take off and instantly just pick up your feet and slide effortlessly into your seat. Handless seating is one of the hundreds of critical safety factors on the Flat Top and the Flat Top is the ONLY unit that addresses all the well known issues in the sport like this. That's why if you see someone flying or promoting ANY of brand or paramotor you know without a doubt they are either completely ignorant or just flat out stupid. Just watch the video series I did on the "304 reasons competent pilots only fly Flat Tops". There are sooooo many critical details that people getting into the sport would just never think of or know to ask about. Other paramotors like the fresh breeze have literally not been updated to address ANY of the serious issues causing carnage & death for over 40 years. They just keep pushing the same horrible gear with the same horrible issues. Seriously what kind of person can sell a unit with a design flaw like the lack of protection from the prop that has already shredded way way way over 100 people in the prop? Another guy just chopped the top of his head clean off just recently and still they keep pushing that crap onto ignorant newbies that don't know any better. The more you learn about the 304 reasons competent pilots ONLY fly Flat Top paramotors specifically the more horrifying you realize it is to see anyone flying anything else.
@indyzmike 5 жыл бұрын
I do not own either of these and am not a pilot, but I have many years of experience with 2 cycle engines. I do not like the way the engine is in the Fresh Breeze with the cylinder pointed down. If the engine experiences a rich condition during flight, the excess fuel can puddle in the spark plug, fouling it out and stopping the engine. Cylinder up is the best position but horizontal is not as bad as down. Look at other 2 cycle engines in chain saws, weed whackers, snowmobiles, and go-karts. They don't have the cylinder pointed down for a reason.
@g6rcteam81 4 жыл бұрын
Model aircraft do it all the time its not an issue if its to rich it will die no matter what.
@hankhopkins3587 2 жыл бұрын
Cylinder head down causes more heat in the crankcase, heat rises, heat will shorten the life of crankseals, air-cooled engines need the cylinder up for better cooling, I know a 2 stroke engine don't care what position it's in to start an run, but only for them with crankcase oil and oil pumps,,, it just seems better letting the heat rise up, off the cooling fins..even thru a cooling schrowd..
@person1972 Жыл бұрын
Flat Top is the best.. mr. schanze...if i would buy a paramotor, i would take a flat convinced me....(with a dominator wing)....very safe...great...🤪😜
@johnbarney5787 11 ай бұрын
You know what got me following you? I watched a few Flight Junkies videos and the Captain launched into an ad hominem attack on you and your religion, more notably lack of. I don't know what that has to do with paramotor skills and if it affects the quality of a Flat Top. You both have dressed diwn Tucker Gott in separate videos, but he did one brandishing a sidearm. I'm a Marine Corps veteran and retired law enforcement, so Im very pro 2A, but I don't seem him making other videos making his sidearm clearly visible. To me it looked like a veiled threat. I also like you because you talk a lot of shit, being a Marine I relate and partake in that. But you do back it up with examples, so I like that.
@lifeofbassman7228 4 жыл бұрын
Flight junkies aka capt kurt said that fresh breeze is better but yet never seems to allow any comments on his videos Fishy 🤔🤔🤔🤔
@ryanfonseca3270 6 жыл бұрын
Great video dell, I was asking you in a comment before about the situation of the harness and said i would use your phrase of saying "PROVE IT" and you did! More of this Dell, calm, and proving why the flat top is a better option and not just bashing to bash like some do is great! I was always on the fence because I saw alot of people who would talk bad about you just to do it, but i would give you the benefit, but this video has put me it your corner a few more steps!
@brucesweatmaniii6030 5 жыл бұрын
@glenpaul3606 3 жыл бұрын
Geeez...what an uncomfortable ordeal to get in and out of the Fresh Breeze....what a crappy designed piece of junk !!
@bakadam 7 жыл бұрын
i just say: not these way have to sit in a fresh breeze.. -_- but really funny how he wallow in front of the camera xD :"D
@randybeard6040 7 жыл бұрын
The gas tank above motor and almost zero crumple zone on Fresh Breeze is a Big Turn off to me. The center of Gravity Low on everything is always Best for Stability.....
@benjamins2314 7 жыл бұрын
You'll wish you had a tank on top if your carb or pump fails.
@DellSchanze 7 жыл бұрын
THERE IS NO PUMP!! Stop being so incredibly gullible. The motor itself creates the vacuum which pumps the fuel. So no the pump CAN'T fail if the motor is running. What's critical is that if there is a problem when you shut the engine off it STOPS pumping. With fuel on top it just keeps dumping fuel onto the problem. Seriously dude you have to listen to people that know what they are talking about and not scam artists like Fister. You probably think the fresh breeze has a "special electronic ignition" eh?? It's a COIL!! Every single motor on the market has a coil dude. Fister is a total con man. The fresh breeze is a total pile of crap. After the best pilots in the world snatch up the distributorships for the very best gear those like fister that don't have a clue are stuck with the terrible gear nobody else wants. Seriously have you ever seen anyone doing cool stuff and landing on mountain tops fly camping with fresh breeze? Hello?? Zero competent pilots fly fresh breeze.
@CrimFerret 7 жыл бұрын
Aside from the issue with having a possible fuel siphon issue once the motor is off. having the tank located that high is bad from a weight and balance standpoint. Assuming 3.5 gallons if it's full, that's like 20 lbs up at head level. Anyone who's ever backpacked knows you want the heaviest items down near your butt where your center of gravity is. Paramotors weight enough (even the lighter ones) without making them even more awkward to do the takeoff and landing in with a crappy design like that. I'm seriously not sure why other paramotor companies aren't using quick release harnesses, either one of that design or the type you just slap the central connection point on your chest to release. Aside from safety, it just looks a lot more convenient.
@decipherlogic 6 жыл бұрын
Just came here from Captain Kurt Fister's video, pretty sure that's the video Dells referencing. haha what a pissing match. Happy flying, you guys.
@DellSchanze 6 жыл бұрын
It's not a pissing match. It's true vs false. Fister literally can't even do what brand new SUPER students can do: its not about opinion it's about simple facts. Either Fister has these skills of new SUPER students or he doesn't: so look at the facts before you try to pretend it is just trash talking. Either what I'm saying is true and accurate or it isn't. The FACT is lying fister literally doesn't have even the most basic skills in the sport. He totally scams people into horrible gear and totally bogus training without any care what so ever for people's lives or basic decency. People need to see and hear the truth as their lives depend on it. Get a Flat Top, Dominator and SUPER training and this is truly the most incredible sport ever. Get scammed by liars who don't have even the most basic skills themselves and it ends up a total nightmare.
@brucesweatmaniii6030 5 жыл бұрын
@streetwiseguitar5113 6 жыл бұрын
Dell, I'm totally knew to this and enjoying your vids. I see that some ppl have written that you're abrasive, or whatever. It's one thing if you were talking to the camera only touting how great of a pilot you are, but that's not the case. I feel you are genuinely concerning about SAFTEY! What's wrong with being "abrasive" if you're primary concern is SAFETY? I say, "not one thing!" Keep doing what yer doing! I'm sold
@3seven802 7 жыл бұрын
Dell might not be everyones cup of tea but I can tell you first hand that I was on the fence between the Flat top and a gorgeous full carbon fiber wet dream paramotor. After training with Dell and the flat top i was completely 100% sold on the flat top after personally using most of the safety features on the Flat Top. I have since purchased the Flat top and have never had one regret.
@freerepublicusa2064 7 жыл бұрын
Dell do you build the flattop paramotors? where are they built? what company engineered them? where do I buy parts if I need them in the future? thanks in advance. ( I'm in las vegas and looking to fly... never done it before but looks fun).
@Knace- 7 жыл бұрын
Why is Gavin Belson doing a review on paramotors?
@DellSchanze 7 жыл бұрын
People seriously need to look at the skill level of whom they take advice from. No other's acting as instructors can even do what my students have achieved let alone compete with me. It's crazy to see so many total newbies out there giving advice when they literally don't have a clue themselves. For those who want to learn the right way call the very best: 800-707-2525
@Gkitchens1 5 жыл бұрын
Forgot to mention Kurt said point blank his trike was “the only one with an [auto/self] correcting front wheel” Yeah not listening to him, anyone and everyone knows that’s far from the truth. Even if you’ve never touched one. He says it early on in the vid so I knew the rest of it was going to be bad and it was.
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
Yes he at least copied that critical design feature from me which is great but his unit doesn't have ANY of the other safety updates. It literally doesn't even have certified height hook in points as they are clear up above your head and just that alone gets people killed on a regular basis like the guy who just died on blackhawk because of it and the guy in the last crash video I just barely reviewed. Same issue over and over when there is absolutely no reason or excuse for it. These guys also lack the logic in the fact that they could actually make more money promoting the best and safest gear in the world which is the Flat Top because then they wouldn't have to lie up and down. It's so much easier if people would just tell the truth and be honest with people. I run the biggest paramotor training school in the world. Just look at the videos. Where is any other training on earth where they train 15-20 people at a time? Those with a bit of wisdom would realize it's much smarter to work with the very best instead of trying to work against them. It makes zero sense to be "competitors". If they would just take SUPER training and gain the proper skills and do things the right way I would be happy to promote them instead of warn people against them. Dishonest people just don't seem to think rationally like that though. Seriously how would it hurt them to just come through SUPER training and gain the very best skills for themselves? There is no opinion on skills. Those like Fister literally can't do what my brand new students can do. So how would it hurt him in any way to just come learn how to do it? Then anyone that graduates SUPER training is also eligible to become a dealer for the best gear. It just makes no sense for these guys to put soooooo much effort into being dishonest when being honest is sooooo much easier. Seriously why lie to see a fake Chinese copy of the oldest wing in the history of paramotoring when they could make about the same or more just selling the best glider on the market which is the Dominator and then they wouldn't have to lie and could just SHOW the truth just as I do? Seriously there is no logic to the lying. It's also seriously inappropriate for anything at all let alone aviation. I had a guy come to me just a couple days ago with a new wing he had purchased elsewhere. Instead of bashing, trashing or lying I simply went out and we did a side by side comparison right in front of him and he saw first hand the Dominator utterly destroy it. Had his Apco Hybrid beaten the Dominator I would now be selling the Hybrid. I really don't care which wing is best. There should be zero sales pitch to it. It's a simple matter of truth and fact and comparing actual characteristics without any bs about it. Sadly his brand new glider he just paid a pile of money for FAILED the safety tests. It literally FAILED as it cranked into a spiral face first towards the ground after a very simple asymmetric collapse. So think about the logic of whomever sold him the Apco Hybrid that either didn't check the safety at all or flat out lied about it and sold him a glider that no newbie should be flying or really nobody at all should be flying. Why? Why sold it because they cared more about taking his money than they did his life. THAT is what's messed up. Trash talking is evil and a complete waste of time. A wing is either better or it's not. It has absolutely nothing to do with opinion. The guy who sold him that wing would have made pretty much the same amount selling him the Dominator vs the Hybrid so why the heck so why in the world would he go through all the effort of being dishonest when being honest would have been so much easier. Now the guy he sold to knows he is dishonest and incompetent and will never buy another wing from him again where if he had sold him a Dominator he would have found that the guy really did sell him the very best and safest wing and that would have built trust. Where is even 1 single person out there who bought a Dominator from me claiming it was a piece of crap or unsafe and even trying to claim it wasn't what I said it was? It simply doesn't exist. Liars bash, trash & lie but nowhere can they refute the actual facts.
@Gkitchens1 5 жыл бұрын
Dell Schanze haven’t seen a single one yet and I’ve been looking. Only people talking trash are the ones that don’t use em.
@Gkitchens1 5 жыл бұрын
Man I watched a video of Kurt earlier today and it was sad. I did my best not to pass and disrespect but it was about how he lands a trike and lays the wing over to the left on the front cells! Zip tie guides, nothing securing him in the trike, pulling the lines clean across each other with the wing still on its face. You know by now I have no idea about paramotoring but I’m trying to learn what I can until I can train and even I know it was bad practice and a disaster waiting to happen.
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
Yea you can see the "zip tie guides" on the fresh breeze in this video. You actually don't want those and the reason makes pretty simple sense. When you load the glider look at how high that loading will be pulling back on the cage from. That loading can flip you right over backwards. You want the glider to load itself right to the carabineers not load the dang cage. Plus locking them into channels eliminates your feel and connection to the glider where with Flat Top pilots you are actually piloting the wing and controlling and feeling the wing the second it's clipped into the carabineer so you don't want anything at all that would detract from that control or feel. Now think for a second what happens if you drop the glider back down behind you and it catches those stupid things? Yup it flips you right over backwards. You want the lines to be able to slide down the cage as well as up so the loading isn't on the cage. You need to feel the loading in your finger tips. It's the difference between real actual pilots who have been taught to actually control their glider and those who have zero ability to control their glider who just hope some zip ties help them get lucky. Ug. You don't want anything that can snag lines like that. Plus the fresh breeze cage is so incredibly flimsy if you make the lines load the cage the cage can literally flex right back into the propeller. Perhaps Fister puts them there on purpose knowing it can help him sell more cages, frames, props and wings. Of course look at the floppy bars where the glider would hook into on the fresh breeze as well. How are you supposed to get a good feeling and loading of the wing with those bars flopping all over and slamming back into the cage? Also think for a second that you want to pull a car with 2 ropes and you are facing away from the car. Would you put those ropes above your head and pull with your arms locked straight up above your head???!!!! Think about that. NO! You would want to pull from your center of gravity right there where certified height hook in points are. With a Flat Top you are pulling the wing up from the most comfortable and intelligent position for power, control and loading and pulling from a fixed point that isn't flopping all over the place and that point pulls directly from your body. You don't pull the car from your hands above your head you want to pull the car from your hips and that's exactly why it's soooooo much easier to launch a Flat Top. You pull from your hips NOT with your hands and especially not with your hands stuck clear above your head. When you start to learn facts of the sport like this they just make absolutely perfect sense and the more you learn the more you realize just how unbelievably dishonest and incompetent so many are in the sport. Seriously if you were going to teach someone to pull a car with 2 ropes would you teach them to pull the ropes with their hands and to put their hands clear above their head???!!!! Or should they pull from their waist and their hands just hold the ropes so they can have a perfect feel and balance of exactly where it's at every second of the pull. The right way to do things just makes sooooooo much sense. It's bazaar how much work dishonest people put in trying to lie about things so obvious, logical and simple. UG!!
@Gkitchens1 5 жыл бұрын
Dell Schanze that was my first thought “that looks like a good way to snag your lines and spiral to the ground quicker than you can say “should have got a flat top”
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
@@Gkitchens1 Actually that is another serious issue with the fresh breeze design. Here is what can happen when your brake toggle goes into the prop: Then realize those like Fister, scout, Tucker Gott, Nirvana, blackhawk, parajet, Aviator PPG... and sooooo many others are completely away of this issue as waaaaaaay over 100 people have been shredded in props on top of the busloads of deaths because of units that just don't have proper protection from the prop. Instead of addressing the problem though they completely ignore it or bash, trash and lie about me for warning people about the facts. I've had my brake toggle go into the prop TWICE on non Flat Top paramotors. TWICE!!!! So keep in mind what I share that is so critical is from direct first hand personal experience. Dishonest or unintellignet people often try to pretend this is just Ford vs Chevy or everyone bashing everyone but it's not. The facts are very simple and where do you see ANYONE but me really going out of their way to warn people about the hundreds of very obvious and serious issues while at the same time explaining clearly how to prevent them from happening? I have no intention of trying to insult Tucker Gott or Fister or Aviator PPG or blackhawk. It's not about putting them down it's about sharing the facts that people's lives depend on. It's so bazaar how so many like these respond to those facts though. Instead of addressing the obvious facts you don't even have to be a pilot to understand they instead just try to bash, trash or lie about me personally. I really don't care how much trash people talk though I simply have a moral obligation to warn people about that which I know all too well can and will get people killed if they are not aware of it. Seriously sick people have tried everything to deceive people away from these facts though and even try to pass off these facts as "sales pitch". Of course if I offer a sales pitch even my sales pitch will make sense. I can beat any price out there by at least $100 equals for equals. That's a sales pitch but a good honest one as it keeps it quite simple and to the point. Warning people about major safety issues is not a sales pitch. It's a moral obligation. The usppa scammers as in the dishonest people part of the usppa fake organization have threatened to have me killed and have even threatened to rape my children. They also spread lies like pretending I kicked an owl or claim I buy up shelter dogs and fight them to the death. It's really a classic good vs evil. Those that push the gear causing sooooo much carnage simply have no morals. New people to the sport don't fully understand just how messed up so man of these people are though until it's too late for them. So people need to take more seriously the facts and how others respond to these facts. Hope that helps.
@johnbarney5787 11 ай бұрын
I did the same thing a few years ago...I watched Captain Kurt j video and he just went into an unrelated bashing of Dell because " he's one of those atheists". I didn't know that had ANYTHING to do with the quality or lack of for a paramotor. I could be wrong 😁
@corycaves4250 7 жыл бұрын
I am not a flat top fan but Dell makes a great point he makes me want to buy one. Dell is the best pilot I've ever seen
@ambassador4ch 6 жыл бұрын
So I've been looking up paramotors and after watching your video I found a response to this video here Some of his statements irritate me because if I haven't found your videos first, he and others like him could have led me astray with unsafe equipment and an unsafe attitude. He said that we shouldn't need a crumple zone if you have a good wing and good training, which I think is stupid logic. I hope that I don't need the airbag, seat belt and bumper on my car but I wouldn't buy a car without those. I've been watching videos of the flat top and the fresh breeze and Kurt claims to have the "biggest" crumple zone on the market. Now I haven't physically seen the flat top or the fresh breeze units or any paramotor unit for that matter, but as a mechanical engineering student examining the various footage on each I don't think that his "crumple zone" is equivalent to the flat top's in terms of functionality. When he straps into the motor he needs to be on his knees bearing his own weight indicating to me that his "crumple zone " is more so designed to ensure that the motor stands upright under its own weight rather than supporting the combined distributed weight of both the motor and the human body. Whereas on the flat top I see the crumple zone bearing and balancing the weight of people sitting in the unit at rest. I can imagine that upon impact the flat top would catch the weight of the human body and motor where was on the fresh breeze it may actually impact on the "crumple zone' but then cause rotation shifting the force to the human body. In addition I also recognize that an actual crumple zone needs to be designed to crumple properly. If the impact point doesn't crumple at all or crumple properly then its labeled functionality is negated. So I hope Kurt isn't labeling something a "crumple zone" if it wasn't actually designed to function as one and proven effective in that functionality. Can you verify and clarify these observations? I was going to comment on Kurt's video but noticed that comments were disabled, which I think is quite telling.
@DellSchanze 6 жыл бұрын
Yes you are spot on correct. If the harness flops onto the ground then there is zero crumple zone. So fister is completely flat out lying about there being any crumple zone. It's the same for any units that have floppy harnesses and floppy comfort bars that rotate up and down. If the comfort bars allow their harness to flop onto the ground without any resistance then when you hit the ground there will be zero resistance preventing your body from hitting the ground. Just watch the John Black crash where he breeaks his back on a fresh breeze because there is zero crumple zone on fresh breeze. Fister is not just lying but about something that is life & death critical so he is intentionally and knowingly defrauding people in ways that WILL get them killed. If you ride a dirt bike you are going to dump it. If you fly a paramotor you are going to smack into the ground at some point it's just part of the sport. When that happens with a Flat Top you have up to 18 inches of aluminum crumple zone under your spine that absorbs the impact before your butt ever hits the ground and that much crumple zone can and has easily absorbed even a full stall straight into the ground on wings clear down to 17sm. Drop below a 17sm glider and then yes the descent rate can be high enough where the crumple zone isn't quite enough. There is a video of a guy spinning a 15sm totally uncertified acro glider straight into the ground from over 100 ft with a Flat Top paramotor and he is injured but incredibly stil llives. Without that crumple zone he would have been without a doubt dead. It's seriously sick that totall scumbags like kurt fister are out there intentionally lying to people without any care what so ever for the truth or people's lives. Over 100 people have also been shredded in props on units like fresh breeze because again there is almost no protection from the prop where ZERO have ever gone through the netting of the Flat Top because it's about 100 TIMES stronger than other units. There are hundreds of safety features like these on the Flat Top designed to save people's lives. 3 more dead in just the last month or so because of no crumple zone. It really doesn't take much of an impact to the spine to break your back or die and without any crumple zone at all you are almost without a doubt going to break your back or die in this sport as everyone crashes at some point the same way everyone dumps a dirt bike if they ride long enough. ZERO people have ever died in history on Flat Tops but total frauds like fister just flat out lie and claim the opposite despite the fact they can't back up what they say with ANY evidence as there isn't any. It's never happened. In way way over 11,000 fligths as the current best pilot in the world I have literally never even been injured. If I flew ANY other brand of paramotor I would be DEAD right now at least a dozen times over. The Flat Top has totlaly saved my life many many many times in different crashes. I even full stalled a 17sm uncertified acro glider straight into the ground and totally walked away from it without a scratch because of the Flat Top safety design. When you really look honestly at the design of the Flat Top with honesty and intelligence you can see why ZERO competent pilots would fly anything else. You cannot call someone competent when they would put brand new students on a unit that would shred them in the prop just doing a forward launch or from a simple fall or have the brake toggle go into the prop locking them into a face down spiral. All the horrors you see all over have ZERO to do with the Flat Top as none of that crap has ever happened on a Flat Top since it was designed to address eveyr known issue in the sport.
@thomasnappo6309 2 жыл бұрын
Everyone Knows the Fresh Breeze is a PILE OF CRAP...HEAVY ANCOR
@DellSchanze 2 жыл бұрын
Yea amen to that. Heavy, under powered, flimsy, unsafe... even Fister accidentally admitted in one of his videos that you will totally destroy your gear at least 5 times in the first year going through him. 5 times!! You could literally buy a brand new Flat Top and SUPER training for far less than those guys spend in repairs. Literally. It's very sad.
@kcimages5157 5 жыл бұрын
The straps up the middle of your crotch is the big thing that needs to be changed !
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
Actually that lie was made up by Kurt Fister the liar but it's completely absurd since you don't see anyone anywhere having any trouble with their Flat Tops. The Flat Top is actually one of the most comfortable units on the market as it's one of the only units where you never hang from the leg straps like you do with other units. You do in fact hang from your balls from most other units until you physically lift yourself up into the seat but with the Flat Top you never hang from the leg straps in the first place as you are always supported by the seat itself. To show this very clearly I unhooked the quick release harness in flight and then got out of my seat and landed with no leg straps on the Flat Top. You can see quite clearly just how huge of a liar Kurt Fister is and how dishonest and ignorance since the lie doesn't even make any sense: You can really tell just how ignorant people are by their sheer inability to even make up a plausible lie. The Flat Top harness works perfectly and is the most incredibly well designed and comfortable harness on the market. Never will you even once see people have to take their hands off the controls to get into the seat with a Flat Top. They simply lift their legs and slip easily back into the harness so effortlessly we don't even need to explain how to do it to new students. It just happens naturally. Nowhere do you hear any actual Flat Top pilot complaining about the harness as the Flat Top harness is truly the most well designed and thought out on the market.
@Hugh-Glass 4 жыл бұрын
So the former owner flew with the harness held on by a bread bag wire?
@DellSchanze 4 жыл бұрын
It was a tie wrap but yes of course they don't actually fly fresh breeze. Nobody really flies that crap. It's just what you are scammed into buying with a promise of "training" but then you never receive any actual training but by time you figure it out you are already screwed. This just sat in the guy's garage for years until he just came and got SUPER training along with a Flat Top & Dominator. Now he is an incredible pilot. You can even see him in the video where we all fly to breakfast down the beach there at SUPER training.
@Hugh-Glass 4 жыл бұрын
@@DellSchanze damn, what a scam.
@jimsworthow531 3 жыл бұрын
so cool you updated the engine; can't wait to get the 200!
@martinkohoutek7451 7 жыл бұрын
Dear Dell, this kind of video is exactly what convinces people! Calm voice, strong explanation with hard facts, friendly tone, respectful advice, insights from a real expert! I could go on for hours... To make a long story short: I know that this sport means the world to you and that your excitement over this is hard to take for a lot of people out there. They can't cope with your level of excitement and make fun of you. But when you speak to us as you do in this video, it clearly shows your level of expertise! Keep up the good work and show us more videos like this! I'm sure a lot of folks would like to see more this Dell ;) Best greetings from Germany! Martin
@DellSchanze 7 жыл бұрын
If you had a friend that almost died TWICE on units like Air Conception how do you think they would describe it to you? Do you think they would calmly explain the details or tell you that you would be a freaking idiot to get anything but a Flat Top paramotor? I treat everyone as someone I love and just tell it to them straight. What's really messed up is how many people don't recognize love and compassion but instead pretend that is sales pitch or over the top. Aviation is not forgiving of the weak minded so personally I don't really like to water things down for those people. If they can't take the truth straight up then this sport really isn't for them as they need to be able to deal with extreme situations without that causing them undue mental stress. If one is more worried about tender feelings then people's lives then perhaps they are in the wrong sport. Flying a paramotor isn't a good idea for everyone. It's more for those who are above average and a bit brighter then the average fence post. If someone is more worried about how someone says something then about the truth and reality behind it then this sport really isn't the best idea for them. It's those that don't care about truth, facts, logic, rational thought and reality like someone who would vote for Hillary that end up dead in this sport. 19 dead in a single year because they didn't bother with the FACTS about which gear is truly the best and who is actually the best instructor. One of the reasons ZERO people have ever died in history on Flat Tops is because I weed out the pansy weak minded liberal mamma's boys from the true men. I don't have time to train everyone so by being very direct and honest it does help ensure I'm only working with the decent, honest, successful, confident, logical and strong types who believe in telling the truth and doing what's right. A few dishonest blame everything on others types of people slip through but it's less often then you might expect with my straight forwards honest logical approach. :)
@streetwiseguitar5113 6 жыл бұрын
Hear hear!
@lindaandyspringer8753 5 жыл бұрын
I see, i just needed to read further to hear you say it... lol.. hillary, need i say more.
@SunShine-yd5xu 3 жыл бұрын
Fuck. Fresh Breeze simply sucks. At minute 12:00, trying to unload and separate from the unit was not easy. Now, imagine engine failure over deep water and you want to separate yourself from it ! Most likely death. Assuming the pilot would never fly over deep water, you have got to be a body builder to manage separating from it.
@kellee6551 7 жыл бұрын
Damn....You are a ROCK STAR....I'm 66 and played hard...don't think my body can handle anything but your S-Trike...maybe someday I'll be able to learn from the best...You.....Thanks for your expertise...defiantly ROCK STAR
@MrSeattleguy3098 7 жыл бұрын
this is an amazing video thank you dell
@choysum9030 7 жыл бұрын
First big boi!!
@riconjos 7 жыл бұрын
Dell I already was convinced as to which paramotor to buy, the Flat Top Ninja, but this video surely reassures me in that conviction! Congratulations and thank you!
@MrCoolcool666 4 жыл бұрын
This is why i'm choosing a Parajet Zenith because of fit, finnish and performance of the machine! Not the performance of the guy selling the machine?
@DellSchanze 4 жыл бұрын
So you want a horrible low end pile of crap skycruiser clone that hasn't had a safety update in over 40 years of carnage & death because it's horrible but you say it's good? How exactly does netting flopping into the prop causing the unit to explode in flight classify as "fit and finish"? Over 100 shredded in props on units like that... do you also have a "fit and finish" doctor that can hunt down your body parts from all over the field and put them back on? When you break your back like Glen Tupper exactly how I warn you will happen when you have zero crumple zone do you have a "fit and finish" doctor to bold your spine back together? Hmm where is he now after buying the worse pile of crap like that? Or the 80+ others who died on that crap? The reason you listen to actual experts is because there are hundreds of details like the specifics in this video that are pretty obvious and logical even for those who have never flown. Check out this "fit and finish" when your brake toggle goes right into the prop because of the total crap fit and finish and you immediately lock into a spiral face first into the ground and DIE: only dishonest ignorant newbies would ever push parajet as they are absolutely horrible. Not one single safety update to address ANY of the well known issues causing serious injuries & deaths for over 40 years. Just another fake copy of the ancient skycruiser design and with all the same horrible issues. So no parajet is not even remotely fit or finished. It's a total pile of crap zero competent pilots fly.
@MrCoolcool666 4 жыл бұрын
@@DellSchanze Thats a mad crash! But whats that got to do with the zenith?
@DellSchanze 4 жыл бұрын
@@MrCoolcool666 Same unit design. The Zenith is nothing more than yet another fake copy of the terribly old skycruiser design with all those exact same issues like that. It's horrifying people would even try to sell crap like that these days. Anyone pushing parajet you know straight up is either completely incompetent or flat out freaking evil. In this sport it's absolutely critical to LOOK at the skill level of whom you are taking advice from. Here is mine: nobody on earth can do what I do. Feel free to email that around and challenge anyone to best what you see in that video. There is skill and truth and then there are those who tell every lie they can make up and push loads of bull crap to scam people into units like parajet. What do you think happens WHEN you fall down with a parajet? It has zero face plant protection. One guy was face planted into the ground so hard with that design that it snapped his neck and he is now quadriplegic. Heck blackhawk who push the same crap put 2 people in the hosptial in a matter of weeks because of simple falls that resulted in severe face plants. Their own "instructor" broke his back TWICE in the same year and killed 2 students in a single month. Blackhawk copied skycruisers desing and put them out of business and now many others like parajet just copy that same total crap design. It's seriously messed up. These people don't give one crap how many they get injured & killed as long as they get your money first. The Flat Top is literally the ONLY unit design to address ALL the well known issues the sport. Just watch the video series of the 304 reasons competent pilots ONLY fly Flat Tops as it lists them out in great detail. Pretty obvious and logical stuff.
@MrCoolcool666 4 жыл бұрын
@@DellSchanze Cool thanks, i'll look into it, have a good day!
@DellSchanze 4 жыл бұрын
@@MrCoolcool666 Let me know if you have any other questions. This is serious stuff with 80+ dead. There is simply no reason for the same old things to keep happening over and over while those like parajet, blackhawk, scout, air conception, miniplane and so many others keep pushing exactly the same units with exactly the same issues all while lying to people up and down about what truly is the best & safest gear. It's absolutely critical to really LOOK at whom it is you are taking advice from. There are very very few people in this world that both have the skills and the integrity to put people's lives and the truth in front of money. Feel free to challenge me on anything if you would like more info and clarification.
@jeanbest9995 6 жыл бұрын
Wow this really opens up your eyes to a lot of things! Thank you very much for sharing this. I'm going to share this with more people. Thanks man!
@jacksonamaral329 6 жыл бұрын
Cool. Wanna get some equipment like this soon.
@DellSchanze 6 жыл бұрын
Just give me a call anytime at 800-707-2525. We have both new & used gear in most any price range.
@flitsies 6 жыл бұрын
Well I stumbled upon this video and I'm glad I did as I'm considering taking up flying. I've been watching lots of Paramotoring vids and noticed quite a lot of the flyers talking about a flat top of course I had no idea what they were talking about, but now I do. I will be honest I'm really in two minds as to whether to take up this sport as I've not really done anything like it in my life, however I have come across people I know who have and they rave about it, I have flown a plane once and that was awesome. But knowing the best way to start is probably the most important thing to a successful and safe experience. At least now I know what to look for regarding the actual motor to buy should I decide to actually take this sport up. Can you make any recommendations for someone in the UK to buy a wing to train with for learning the controls on the ground. No point getting in the air if I can't control the wing on the ground right.
@DellSchanze 6 жыл бұрын
For training you really want to contact us directly at 800-707-2525. We had another guy from the UK set a world record on his 8th day of SUPER training. So it's well worth the trip to get the very best gear and training in the world.
@lindaandyspringer8753 5 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed reading dell’s comments.. truth is not hate... msm lies...
@dsparamotor6538 7 жыл бұрын
yes is true flat top is very good by design and safety but dammit is very expensive to order in Europe.sad
@DellSchanze 7 жыл бұрын
Actually it costs less. So not sure where you are getting your numbers from. If you buy an EC Extreme in the UK you will spend upwards of $10,000 repairing it when trying to learn in your first year. If you buy a Flat Top you spend far less. You have to look at the cost of ownership and all those hidden costs they don't tell you about. Those other units are so flimsy just one bump and you get a prop strike to the cage causing catastrophic failure. The Flat Top is about 100 TIMES more durable so the math really comes out in favor of a Flat Top by a huge gigantic margin. That's not even counting the safety difference your life is worth.
@brucesweatmaniii6030 5 жыл бұрын
@peterblackburn7269 6 жыл бұрын
very well explained knowing all new comers have more understanding of what to look out for
@thomasthompson405 2 жыл бұрын
I have flown these ppg's for 30 years. As a mountain flying paraglider pilot, I enjoy a variety of wings & powered units. I was in the Army paratroopers during Vietnam. I like them all because I'm not a wussy 🙃
@DellSchanze 2 жыл бұрын
Nobody likes chopping their fingers off or breaking their back or getting face planted. That's why all competent pilots fly Flat Tops for the last 15 years.
@lifeofbassman7228 4 жыл бұрын
What is your opinion on the MiniPlane top 80 Ridgid cage AMB I am 163 pounds and 5,10 And I have a friend that is 5 feet tall and weighs 100 pounds what gear would someone that small use just out of curiosity
@DellSchanze 4 жыл бұрын
One should ignore opinions and just focus on logic, reason and facts. The miniplane is a pile of crap. The Top80 is so gutless that one guy died when he got hit by a truck after running the length of a field and still wasn't high enough to clear the road at the far end of it. Many many crashes have resulted because of it and no it's "ridgid cage" is not ridgid and hasn't had a single safety update to address any of the issues either as it still doesn't have any protection from the prop or crumple zone or face plant protection or quick release harness. Watch the video series of the "304 reasons competent paramotor pilots ONLY fly Flat Tops" as it goes into great detail of each and every specific safety update on the Flat Top. Getting a Top80 paramotor would be like buying an 50cc dirt bike. It's not even the same sport as a 250 or 450. The miniplane has killed many many people and utterly destroyed the sport for so many it's hard to even count. You can even watch people die on youtube with that horrible old skycruiser design: one second you are flying straight and level the next second the brake toggle goes into the prop and locks you into a face down spiral to your death. Seriously how could ANY competent pilot or instructor ever even remotely recommend such total crap as garbage like miniplane, scout, blackhawk, air conception, parajet or others which are all just fake skycruiser clones without a single safety update to address ANY of the well known issues in the sport. Anyone that would recommend a miniplane or ANY of those units is either totally and completely incompetent or freaking flat out murderously evil. Over 100 people shredded in props with another shredded in a miniplane only a week or so ago. WHAP!! Body parts and piece of flesh splattered to the 4 winds. Do you want your friends to have to search a whole field looking for your fingers hoping they could be sewed back on????????? How the freaking crap could anyone less than a psychotic murderer actually recommend that crap and LIE about the best & safest unit which is the Flat Top very specifically and intentionally to deceive people to their deaths. Want to watch it happen on video? Listen to the screams of this women and then tell me honestly if saying only a psychotic murderer could recommend crap like miniplane, scout, blackhaw, parajet, air conception or ANY of the zillions of other fake skycruiser clones: this is not Ford vs Chevy where both are mandated to have exactly the same safety features. This is life & death good vs evil honor vs serial killer. SHAME on anyone out there pushing such total crap. Those like Tucker Gott truly belong in prison for manslaughter as he knowingly, intentionally and maliciously defrauds people to their deaths by lying and deceiving people away from the best & safest gear and training very specifically so he can push pure evil. It's very sick to see for those who are decent rational caring human beings.
@pianogreg100 7 жыл бұрын
Dell, you've had your fair share of critics over the years but nobody could possibly argue the very valid issues you've demonstrated in this review. Credit where credit's due!
@waynewatters9283 4 жыл бұрын
Is this an old Fresh Breeze? The newer ones have a dual loop cage. I don't speak from experience, just from watching Flight Junkies videos. It doesn't look that difficult to get into their harness on the vids. I'm thinking about getting into the sport and I have been looking at different pieces of equipment. What are the current thoughts on the Simonini engines?
@DellSchanze 4 жыл бұрын
fresh breeze hasn't had a safety update in 40 years of carnage on that design. Single hoop vs dual makes no difference as they have no actual protection from the prop. The Simonini is a much older engine that is 12 lbs heavier than the new motors used on Flat Tops. Plus fresh breeze totally jacks it up horribly. On a Flat Top the Simonini 202 made up to 196 lbs of thrust. On a fresh breeze you would be lucky to get 140 lbs. A 2 stroke get's near half it's power from the tuned exhaust and they don't even use one killing a huge gigantic chunk of power. Plus they void the factory warranty with a pull start that Simonini doesn't make. Then when all their crank shafts started breaking off because of it they tried denying warranties claiming it was ethanol that snapped the crankshafts off outside of the crank case. Then with the entender on the prop it drastically increases the loads so you are constantly rebuilding the bearings. fresh breeze is horrible which is why you won't see even 1 single skilled pilot fly them. All the best pilots fly Flat Tops and in fact ALL competent pilots fly Flat Tops. One cannot be deemed competent using units that haven't had a single update to address any safety issues in 40 years of carnage & death with that design. Still no protection from the prop. Still no crumple zone yet they just lie and pretend they do. Still no face plant protection or handless seating or a trigger throttle with grip safety. Just watch the video series of the 304 reasons competent pilots only fly Flat Tops. Each and every one is very simple and obvious. You don't even need to be a pilot to understand why it's obviously critical. Plus no actual instructor would even train someone on fresh breeze with all those issues. You can't be deemed a competent instructor if you are not preparing students in every possible way to stack the odds in their favor instead of against them.
@zwarst 7 жыл бұрын
That settles that, next we move to demonstrate in the air from a crane for safety the differences with a stunt pilot - nice review & thanks cant wait to one day hook up & fly!
@Gkitchens1 5 жыл бұрын
I can already see someone saying “it’s not that hard to get in and out of the paramotor, it’s not that hard to unbuckle them” The thing is sure you could get used to it and be much faster after several flights. I have no doubt anyone could get into it and have it secured and up on their feet very quickly after they get used to it. But what about people who aren’t? What about people who aren’t super young or in great shape or brand new to the sport? Someone older isn’t gonna just be able to hop into it and go in 30 seconds. And sure the buckles might be quick to undo normally if you’ve practiced it enough, but how about when you’re in the water tangled up in lines and sinking, gas all over the water in your eyes and you’re being dragged down by the weight of the motor, how easy is it gonna be then? The flat top speaks for its self. Thank you for sharing this comparison.
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
Yes you nailed it. It's not about what happens in optimal conditions. It's about what happens after everything goes wrong. The Flat Top is the only unit on the market truly designed to save your butt from everything that can, will and has gone wrong in the history of paramotors and you don't have to be an expert on the sport to understand them as they just make sense logically.
@brucesweatmaniii6030 5 жыл бұрын
@brucesweatman2146 2 жыл бұрын
prove from the people who believe you cant fly at mid-day did this shows just how fast you drown?? look! listen!! learn!!!
@dengeondengeon 6 жыл бұрын
You talk about "no pressure" being applied, yet you leterally have your junk flowing around the straps. Not as if that is bad. All paramotors apply some pressure, since they have to hang off of something before you take off. Just pointing that out since you talked about it so much for some reason. However the biggest thing I would really not like about the ninja is the fact that your glider attaches to the paramotor, not the actual harness that you are in. Doesn't that concern you? Now again..... Not as if it matters. people should choose after their own research anyway. But since you talk about safety so much. But doesn't it make more sense to be connected to the glider? Not the motor to the glider and you to the motor? Or am I wrong? Is there a strap that does connect the harness to the glider? If there is, I take that back, can't make out from the video.
@DellSchanze 6 жыл бұрын
No actually I made another video where I undo the leg straps in flight and land without them attached. So no you don't hang from the leg straps at all. Yes the Flat Top does have a strap that goes from the harness to the glider as a backup. You would never ever want a paramotor where the wing attaches to the floppy harness as there is no stability or control. With the Flat Top the hook in points are fixed at 22 inches apart. If the glider attaches to the floppy harness where the carabineers can literally touch together there is almost no resistance at all to prevent riser twists or any help at all to try to undo it when it does happen. So no it would make zero sense to ever buy a paramotor with such a horrible design like that. The Flat Top paramotor has completely changes the whole sport which is why it's the ONLY unit competent pilots fly and recommend.
@owensrebellion 7 жыл бұрын
I wish I was not so damn, poor.... I want more then anything to be able to go out and fly....
@justaman-km1hl 7 жыл бұрын
Questing Guide flap arms really fast like the rest of us poir slobs do, or take drugs like normal people.
@scottyflintstone 7 жыл бұрын
Questing Guide if you want it, it's obtainable. for less than a Harley Davidson mc you can get trained, buy gear and be flying. go for it
@owensrebellion 7 жыл бұрын
lol I love how you say for less then a Harley haha oh god your living the life to be able to say something like that bro. I think @justaman6972 had the better idea
@scottyflintstone 7 жыл бұрын
Questing Guide maybe you are thinking too small. how much is your car worth?
@owensrebellion 7 жыл бұрын
the windshield on my car is worth more then the car buddy :D
@channingburton7476 7 жыл бұрын
Awesome video. Any comparison in regards to safety netting.
@SUZUKIGSXR-R 6 жыл бұрын
Fister always made the FRESH BREEZ seems as paradise but actually it is horrible paramotor . Flat Top the way to the sky
@fly4fun24 4 жыл бұрын
Very good points
@jmmorgenstern7005 5 жыл бұрын
No this is not a fluke french fries leaves it up to the customer to figure out how to do it I've actually gone for training for fresh Breeze and decided to hell with it because of this reason and this is how they do it but I hope they change the design very quickly do yourself a favor mean that you seem like you're an instructor go to a fresh Breeze interview and interview there Machinery I would love to hear your specific comments mean to say to the person who's making the video I want to hear your comments maybe the one that I've been training on has also been irregular or something like that I hope that it's not the case but go look at a fresh Breeze a brand new one and I really want to know if this is how it is if the person who's making the video I didn't get your name but if you can actually go and look at that for me that would be something special and I would greatly appreciate that I want to know if this is a mistake that they're making by making the fresh Breeze in this way or if it's purposely made in this way and how to use it because of this I've actually given up training on paramotors or on these types of things it's impossible to get in because of the danger of the seatbelt failing I would love to know if I'm the newer ones if they actually have the same flaw
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
Fresh Breeze are terrible. Way way too heavy and under powered for the weight. They haven't updated their design to address ANY of the critical issues well known for over 40 years. So no that's why no competent pilots fly fresh breeze. You just won't see any skilled pilots flying them. Only that scam guy Fister pushes that old outdated stuff onto people that don't know any better. Look into SUPER training. We provide the gear so you don't have to buy anything to get up to speed as a pilot. No other instructors can even do what SUPERS have achieved so it's pretty simple where you are going to get the skills. Call 800-707-2525.
@LtCopeGaming 5 жыл бұрын
I watched a lot of Kurt Fister's (FlightJunkies) videos here on KZbin and I was really wanting to get a fresh breeze. Now that I have seen this video, I have changed my mind. I think I'll stay away from fresh breeze and warn others about it. I also appreciate you having your comments open and not disabled. I for sure had to unsubscribed from FlightJunkies after doing my homework on him all day today. Thank you again for this video and you sir gained a subscriber.
@brucesweatmaniii6030 5 жыл бұрын
@YankeeinSC1 7 жыл бұрын
You took the freshbreeze in on trade? How will you resell it?
@DellSchanze 7 жыл бұрын
We only tell the truth so yes it takes a very long time to sell just like it could many years for the blackhawk to sell that we had on trade and same with the nirvana and all the other units people trade in to upgrade to the Flat Top. Usually is the people who sell them that buy them in hopes to get us to stop telling the whole truth about their gear.
@paramania47 7 жыл бұрын
Dell! The engine you compare with is at least a 10 year old model and you see how worn it is. Very unserious to claim it is new. Can you compare with Air Conception Nitro 200
@DellSchanze 7 жыл бұрын
Yes the fresh breeze design just like the Air Conception is nearly 30 years old without a single update to address any of the safety issues that are very well known on those units. People are pushing these units as new though so that's why I addressed it as most people don't know this. The Air Conception is just another copy of the skycruiser from the 1980s so it's nearly a 40 year old design without a single safety update in all those years. I'll see what I can do to address them very specifically. The basics are the same though; no crumple zone, no protection from the prop, no quick release harness or handless seating, no face plant protection... these are only a few of hundreds of issues. Thanks for the input.
@DAS-Videos 7 жыл бұрын
To me it looks like the netting on the AC has gaps large enough for the brakes to fall into. The pilot has to be laser focused and remember to stow the brakes on their magnets or risk one being sucked into the propeller. I am not even a PPG guy and I see that flaw.
@DellSchanze 7 жыл бұрын
Yes you are completely correct. I've personally hate my brake toggle go into the prop TWICE on units like that. TWICE!! The first time my prop just exploded luckily and I landed with a motor out safely. The second time it grabbed the brake and pulled about 18 inches and brake and then wrapped it up into the flimsy netting locking me into a spiral. I narrowly escaped with my life. You can see why I get so upset when freaking scumbags push that horrific death trap gear onto those that have absolutely no clue it has never had a single safety update to address ANY of the catastrophic issues. Those who would sell an Air Conception are those who are either horrifically incompetent or just flat out purely evil. The Flat Top is the only unit on the market that has been designed to address every single known issue in the whole sport. If someone isn't flying or recommending a Flat Top you can know without a doubt they are evil totally incompetent or freaking evil. This is a huge understatement. You try to explain things to people as you would explain it to a friend and some pretend that's not professional. How do you think a friend of yours would describe an Air Conception type unit for you after it tried to kill them several times? Pretty crazy how some think it's "unprofessional" to just treat everyone as a friend.
@garyfuzie1170 5 жыл бұрын
So i posted a comment on here and soon deleted it after being accused of being a liar. First to clear it up wasnt lying about what my and i stress my unit was like. I have no experience with a flat top or real flying experience.I am just getting started. However i was informed that my unit was completely unsafe and no real pilots would fly it. First off i didnt need to be insulted and told that i should stay out of aviation because someone doesnt like what i had to say. That is simply wrong and uncalled for. Second after thinking about my post and this is why i deleted it. a point was made. Just because my unit isnt like that doesnt mean there are others not like that. So you are correct sir unfair for me to say oterwise without being experienced. However unfair for you to bash me personally and say as you did. I dont want a war you are obviouly experienced to say the least, however leaves a bad taste when we hear insult. So here is my comment and i welcome responses. Dell Schanze i have one person who says one thing and one that says another. I am now confused. There is so much banter out there. I really do not know which way to turn. I own a particular unit and i am told not to use it. However on the other hand being told it is the beast out there. I have not formally trained yet besides some kiting and ground handling. I obviously do not want to fly without feeling safe. I feel that the community has let an aspiring ppg pilot down so far. I am not a rich person and do the best i can caring for family and an elderly aunt and a wife who has now had 28 surgeries. So figuring this would be a great stress relief and all i jumped right in got a personal loan and bought equipment recommended to me on a forum. Now seeing everyone hate on this i feel duped as it was just a ploy to get me to buy someones equipment. What i need to know is what do i need to be safe. Dell Schanze lets call a truce of words as i am asking for help. I at this point feel confused and lost and as i stated just want to fly.
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
In this very video above I go through specific details of the issue with the fresh breeze. I also SHOWED you a video of my skill level. Who else has done that? Since there is no license in this sport the very first thing to do before you buy anything is LOOK at the skill level of whom you are talking to. Obviously you didn't do that or you wouldn't have ended up with fresh breeze as there are no skilled competent pilots flying that gear. Also keep in mind you are again bashing me as you did attack me over false information while ignoring the piles of really obvious information. So putting that I'm accusing you of being a liar first before admitting you did actually share illogical and false information is in itself bashing. It makes no sense to be negative towards the one trying to help you that is taking the time to answer your questions in great detail. Plus I very clearly pointed out the lack of logic in what you did. Big difference between that and just being rude. Again I was responding to YOUR attack and negativity and did so without attacking you but rather addressing very specifically the issue with what you said. Now how does one progress in the sport? First you look for the very best pilot and instructor as you are going to have to take advice from someone as aviation is not something to learn from trial and error. If you search youtube for "world's best paramotor pilot" every video will be of me doing things nobody else on earth can do. If you search "world's best paramotor training" again every video is of me and SUPER training but more importantly you can see in the videos my students doing things almost no other instructors can even do. So you throw out all opinion and just LOOK at skill levels. The best instructor is the one training new students to the highest skill level. Where do you see any other instructor taking people from never having touched a glider to 530 flights in just 10 days? plus where do you see other "instructors" flying XXXXS Dominators in over 25 mph trashy winds with perfect control like this brand new SUPER students? Take the lying scammer kurt fister for example. Throw out all opinion and LOOK very specifically at skill level. Is there even 1 single video ANYWHERE of Fister himself able to do what SUPER students can do let alone his students show these skills? Nope. So it should be very very simple to see who to trust and who not to trust just by the FACTS of who is actually training people to have true and real skill vs who is chucking people in the air without the slightest ability to actually control a paraglider. Once you LOOK at the skills and realize kurt fister is a fraud that pretends to be the top instructor when in fact he can't even do what my brand new students can do then you start to see a very clear picture of who really does have the skill vs who is full of crap. Either what I'm saying is accurate or it's not. If it's accurate then it's not trash talking as obviously your life depends on information this critical. Compare me to ANY other instructor. SHOW a video of them doing what my students can do or try to find a video of their students doing what my students can do. Either they can or they can't. There is no room for opinion. Once you KNOW I am the very best through specific research like this then it makes sense to start listening very closely to what I say but also continue double checking it just to be sure it's accurate. If you catch me lying then definitely don't trust your life to my advice. The logic is really quite simple. If I say I'm the best in the world you can either see that in videos like I showed you or it's easy to disprove. Try me. SHOW ME. Honest people want you to SEE the truth and will never demand you just blindly believe what they say. So how do you progress in this sport? First you find out who truly is the best and who truly does know what the heck they are talking about and can back it up by proving it. Then you follow their advice. Sadly you will need to get rid of the fresh breeze and start over as you will literally spend more repairing a fresh breeze than it costs to just buy a new Flat Top. In this sport you WILL trip & fall down. You are running around with weight on your back with a motor pushing you one way and a wing pulling you another way. So it's critical to have a paramotor that is designed to really save your butt without catastrophically self destructing when you have oopsies. That's the Flat Top. I did a whole video series of the 304 reasons competent pilots ONLY fly Flat Tops. Again watch through that video series as you will learn boatloads of stuff you never would have thought of. If you can work through the logic and reasoning and do some research to double check what's said then you might be able to progress from there.
@garyfuzie1170 5 жыл бұрын
@@DellSchanze Thank you. Also want to say i did not in my second comment mean to bash you. as you know its a pride thing. I can see you take pride in what you do. I pride myself as well of being truthful. So thats all that was. Since our discussion I have done research and will be selling my fresh breeze. sadly as i said i took misinformation from a forum more particularly someone who was just trying to sell something to someone who didnt know. i do appreciate you even after the words taking time to get back to me. It shows a lot and your dedication to doing the right thing. In my venture so far i have had a local person try to charge me 1k for training then to find out he is not even and instructor. So never did that. I am just frustrated that i have wrapped up so much in this and have got nowhere. Like i said i have a lot on my plate with taking care of my wife and family and all it just sucks to be misled so badly. So do you want to buy a fresh breeze maybe trade it do use it for for a demo unit on what not to buy? Lol just kidding just trying to make light of my misfortune. My hats off to you for getting back to me. I would also like to find out more about your training.
@brucesweatmaniii6030 5 жыл бұрын
@emerymahylis944 7 жыл бұрын
comment from Canada; I've been following your videos for years (along with others videos to try & gain the most technical knowledge I can around designs) & I'm sold on all the safety features in the Flat top layout., there is 1 other company who hasn't addressed everything you have although they have addressed torque (running the same engine by coincidence so reliability is a mute point) "is there any plans for adapting louvers or little fins to the framework to counteract engine torque as an accessory item.?" (not that it would really be anything more than a preformance option upgrade as you have addressed safety to a commendable level)
@paulb7334 2 жыл бұрын
The fins are just something else to hit the propeller I think mabe not but they seem like something that can fall off and cause dammage
@coltonisernhagen3520 7 жыл бұрын
Flat top just looks better and better
@thediplomasta5891 4 жыл бұрын
I'm sold. So where do I get one of these flat tops? Are they complete? Or need motor bought separate? I've seen you talk about this and the dominator, for a year now. But no tips on where to purchase either. I can find the scout website, but no flat top site.
@DellSchanze 4 жыл бұрын
The website and phone number is linked in the description of all my videos. or just call 800-707-2525. Not sure if the description shows up if you are using your cell phone to view the video though. Maybe I should put a phone number in the title?
@thediplomasta5891 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks Dell. I was sure you had covered it at some point, and I just missed it. I know you're a busy guy. Thanks for taking some time for me.
@DellSchanze 4 жыл бұрын
@@thediplomasta5891 No problem. I know people's lives depend on getting their questions answered properly by one that knows what they are talking about. So I'm happy to help anytime I can.
@nitro200flyer3 7 жыл бұрын
I have total knee replacement and cant bend my knee enough to pick up ether of those motors , I have an Airconception 200 nitro with Electric start and clutch I just pick it up and put it on like a jacket..
@DellSchanze 7 жыл бұрын
The Flat Top is so lightweight even my 12 year old can launch it at high altitude in nil wind: The Flat Top is also 100 times stronger and more durable then the Air Conception and the most critical thing is that the Flat Top was designed to address all the issues in the sport while units like the Air Conception are just fake copies of the 1980's skycruiser that literally haven't addressed even one single issue that has been causing serious injuries & deaths for 40 years. It's just insane that they would sell such a horribly outdated unit with all those catastrophic issues and pretend it's a "new" unit. I personally had my brake toggle go into the prop TWICE on units like the Air Conception. TWICE! The first time the prop blew up and luckily I landed safely with a motor out. The second time though it pulled 18 inches of brake and then wrapped it up in the netting locking me into a spiral at the ground. I only narrowly escaped with my life. STILL after many people have died and countless injuries they STILL keep pushing that horrible crap onto those that don't know anything about the sport and don't understand the horrific history of those units. One second you are flying along just fine and the next minute you are dead. Yet another death on a unit like that just last week and 3 more before that. So it's one thing for the Flat Top to be so lightweight that even a 12 year old can launch it but quite another when it comes to safety that just doesn't exist with any other unit. Over 100 people have been shredded in props on units like that. Over 100!!! Still those like Eric Farewell at Aviator PPG just totally deceive people away from the best and safest gear and training to push them into getting the most horrible gear in the history of the sport. Please do not fly again fine sir until you get true and real training with an actual instructor. Aviation is not something to learn by trial and error. Call me right away at 800-707-2525 before you take even one more flight.
@bornuponawave 5 жыл бұрын
Eloy Garcia if you have a truck, you just put it on the tailgate and put it on. Easy peasy
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
@@bornuponawave The Flat Top is actually lighter than the pile of crap vibrating air conception. You can put gutless light motors on the Flat Top as well. Nobody wants those though because it's actually easier to launch with a ton more power. Just take a few steps and it rips you into the sky. Even my 12 year old much prefers the more powerful Flat Top Ninja becasuse it's easier for him to launch. Nobody actually flies air conception. If he did he would know they vibrate so badly your eyeballs have trouble focusing and you spend more time repairing them than flying them. They are just a horrible genaric low end motor. That's why we don't put them on Flat Tops. I've even seen video where they catastrophically self destruct in flight when the floppy netting just flops into the prop and WHAP!! Almost killed that one guy. I just saw another where his brake toggle went into the prop. That horrible design has been causing serious injuries & deaths for over 40 years. Just watch what happens when you get a skycruiser clone without a single update to address any of the issues: people pretend they are oh so smart ignoring the experience of experts and then WHAP the same old thing happens again over and over and over and over. Anyone selling units like the air conception is a total scumbag that has zero regard for human life and no honor what so ever. It's sickening that they would scam people into that crap after people trusted their life to their advice. Over and over death after death in exactly the same ways and they just keep pushing the same old crap and without a single update to address ANY of the hundreds of issues. Seriously think about that. Why? What kind of scumbag pushes a pile of crap like an air conception onto older handicapped people totally lying up and down to them about it??!!! Then those who get scammed into them could be honest and share their true actual expeirence with constantly fixing the unit and replacing props over and over but instead of just being honest they try to hide the facts from others. It's like people that have no honor seem to gravitate towards those like themselves. It's seriously just messed up beyond belief. Blackhawk, air conception, scout, miniplane, parajet.... they are all just fake copies of the old skycruiser design and none of them even bothered to fix ANY of the catastrophic issues with that design that have been causing serious injuries & deaths for years. It was a horrible unit all those years ago but to sell fake copies without a single update and pretend they are new is a whole new level of low and dishonest. Aviation is no place for sales pitch and bs. ALL competent honest people fly and recommend Flat Top paramotors. There simply isn't any other unit on the market right now that addresses all the issues like the Flat Top does. Other units should either be updated immediately or completely discontinued. There is just no reason for over 100 people to get shredded in props on units like air conception and then for liars to just keep on pushing them onto the ignorant. So for those that know the facts SPEAK UP!
@bornuponawave 5 жыл бұрын
Dell Schanze ya, I was talking about the flattop on the tailgate, not that pile of bricks air conception. Haha
@brucesweatmaniii6030 5 жыл бұрын
@darkshadowsx5949 5 жыл бұрын
the quck release harness is great in many ways but what to stop something from accidentally snagging it and releasing it mid flight? im not dumping on it i'm just genuinely concerned.
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
You are sitting in a bucket seat in the Flat Top. So no even if you release the harness you don't fall out any more than you fall out of your car because you undo your seat belt. There is a video where I even come in and land with the buckle undone. With a Flat Top you never hang from the leg straps. The leg straps are only there as a back up for safety. You are sitting on the edge of the seat when launching & landing so at no point do you actually hang from the leg straps themselves.
@randyhammer7777 5 жыл бұрын
I definitely like the netting and prop protection of the Flat Top compared to the FreshBreeze. It just looks like the FT is far more safer and more thought went into prop safety. However, I understand the FT has significant torque steer to the right. Also, why does the throttle cable have to be so long? Wouldn't it be safer if it was about 12" shorter? Finally, Capt Kurt says ONLY the FB has roller crank bearings, Nikasil cylinder coatings and CDI what does the Flat Top have? I've been dead set on a FB but seeing this video gives me pause.
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
The Flat Top has zero torque as you can see when even little kids fly the super powerful Flat Top Ninja and climb out perfectly straight and level. You will never see that with fresh breeze because fresh breeze torques so badly and because of the floppy hook in points people literally torque up in the risers. No the fresh breeze does NOT have any special bearings. Yes every unit on the market has the exact same Nikasil coating. No there is no such thing as a CDI ignition it's just a total flat out lie. The fresh breeze has exactly the same COIL as every other paramotor on the market. This just shows how absurdly Kurt Fister the liar totally flat out lies to people and lies so absurdly it's blatantly obvious to those who understand engines. The fresh breeze is a total pile of crap which is why you don't see ANY skilled pilots flying them. The best pilots in the world fly Flat Tops and you can see Flat Tops doing things no other units on earth can do. It's really quite simple when you take it one at a time. Seriously a CDI?? lol come on man. Think about that for a second. The Simonini is one of the oldest engines in the sport which is why it's soooo much heaver and fresh breeze totally jacks up it's power when they remove the tuned exhust and put on the total pile of crap untuned exhaust and completely jack up the reduction causing the bearings an crank to fail so quickly. LOOK at how far the prop extender sticks out on the fresh breeze. Just that alone gives you clue as to why fresh breeze are so horribly unreliable as the vibration from the prop is greatly magnified by how far it extends out behind the reduction. Kurt Fister is a total flat out liar that doesn't care how absurd his lies are as long as he gets your money. LOOK at the facts.
@randyhammer7777 5 жыл бұрын
@@DellSchanze Thanks for the reply. That's a plus. As far as the torquing to the Right, I was looking at this review of the Flat Top by Mark Honeycutt - - - - - as for the Nikasil, bearings and ignition, At the Fresh-Breeze website - - - there actually is a true CDI ignition available for the Simonini but it looks optional. There is also a standard coil set up available. I personally own several 2 stroke motorcycles that do indeed have CDI ignitions. So whether the CDI comes with Capt Kurts Fresh Breeze models or not I do not know. It looks like a $1000 option to me. Your point about the prop extender makes sense. I'll have to look into that. Thanks. Overall, I think I am leaning towards the Ninja 200 or the Moster 185 over the FB.
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
@@randyhammer7777 Mark Honeycutt has never had a day of proper training in his life and doesn't even know what something as basic as weight shift is let alone how to address torque so he has absolutely no place pretending to do reviews when he isn't even an actual pilot with any basic understanding of the sport. You have to look closely at the competency and skill level of whom you take advice from in this sport. I also have a fresh breeze sitting right here that a guy traded in and no it doesn't have any "CDI". Again it's just a blatant lie from Fister the liar. Also the fresh breeze is so jacked up they barely make 140 lbs of thrust on a good day from the Simonini where the Simonini Flat Top made 196 lbs of thrust!!! So the fresh breeze 122 doesn't even remotely compete with the Flat Top 200 or the Ninja as the 200 has 196 lbs of thrust and the Ninja has 200 lbs! So the fresh breeze competes with the Flat Top 120 that weighs only 47 lbs!! The fresh breeze 122 and Flat Top 120 have about the same climb rate and so they are both in about the same power class although the Flat Top 120 is about 25 lbs LIGHTER while also being nearly 100 times stronger and more durable and also infinitely safer. Do you see anyone at all flying a fresh breeze 122 up over mountain tops let alone doing it tandem like you can see with a Flat Top Ninja? Nope because the fresh breeze literally can't fly above the mountains. Because the pile of crap fresh breeze still uses the ancient float bowl carb it is very limited on the altitude it can fly at as you would have to physically change the jets inside the carb to get it to go higher while the Flat Top can climb over 18,000 ft without even tuning it. There is a reason you don't see ANY skilled pilots flying fresh breeze. It's just horrible gear. Plus watch any video of Honeycutt flying the crap he normally flies and you can watch it torque badly off to one side. Then watch a video of my children flying the super powerful Flat Top and you can see they climb out perfectly level with zero torque at all. Then watch a video of Tucker Gott launching the horrible scout paramotor and yet again you can see the scout torque badly off to one side while the Flat Top climbs out perfectly level. Instead of listening to what incompetent people say you have to LOOK at the actual facts of what reality truly is. Notice how the scout people totally lie about their "torque compensation" but then you watch a Tucker Gott video and oh surprise surprise he is torqued off to the side on all his launches. It's so simple to cut through the lies of those who are incompetent. I literally just talked to a guy a few minutes ago who had just talked to a total liar named Brian Goff. We went through lie after lie after lie that Brian had told this guy and my videos make it so simple to cut through their total blatant lies because you can very easily see the actual reality. When someone claims the Flat Top is so heavy and bangs you in the back of the legs making it impossible to launch you just watch a video of little children launching in nil wind at high altitude with none of those problems at all and the lies go right out the window. It's sickening how incompetent and dishonest so many in the sport like Gott, Mark, Brian, Eric, Fister and others are that just don't seem to give one single rats crap about anyone's life. It's upsetting to see the total carnage & death these people cause on a regular basis when it's so simple to just LOOK at videos of brand new SUPER students that have skills none of these people have. They literally can't even do what my brand new students can do: let alone compete with the skill of SUPER graduates. People's lives literally depend on getting true and real training and gear. Where is ANY training out there SHOWING their new students kiting up walls or even just reverse kiting no hands? people simply need to challenge the liars to SHOW a video of themselves doing what brand new SUPER students can do and then SHOW a video of their students doing what brand new SUPER students can do. They can lie up and down but never will they back up any of their lies with video SHOWING real actual skills and specifics because they just don't have them. For those interested in the sport just take it one detail at a time. Something is either true or it isn't. Anyone can call me directly at 800-707-2525 and I'll be more than happy to go through the details and back up the facts as it makes it really obvious who has the skills & knowledge to help people stay alive vs those that just don't care about truth or people's lives.
@starwarsfanforlife 7 жыл бұрын
First off let me say that this has to be the first video I have seen of yours Dell that is more of a reasonable comparison between the Flattop and another brand. I can understand it is sort of a slippery slope making direct comparisons like that which may cause people to decide one way or another but you should do these types of direct comparisons more often!! One thing I do have to say is please dispense with the theatrics like when you were trying to get out of the Fresh Breeze harness. We get that the straps are different and it is more cumbersome to get in and out of, and that you have to sit on the ground or have it on the bed of a truck or whatever, that is all you have to do. Making direct comparisons without bashing and showing differences will be the best way. By the way, there is nothing wrong with making some comments about another unit that it does ok or does well, people are smart enough to decide what is best for them. I would also like to see you make direct comparisons between the Dominator and say the Dudek Snake wings etc. You did a great job on this video Dell and it is refreshing to hear you do a comparison like this.
@DellSchanze 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the input. On hoaxflex death traps like the Dudek Snake though the last guy who did a review of it's safety died while doing it. So not a mistake to make again. Any wing they call "reflex" is so horribly unsafe it really should not be flown at all. Comparing it to the safest wing on the market would help people see the difference but sadly it's far too dangerous to really do a review with hoaxflex wings as one collapse could very well be your last. So the only 2 facts that are really important is that first the Dominator set the paramotor world speed record at 51mph so it's the fastest highest performance wing on the market but you can also see from the piles of safety tests on the Dominator that it's also one of the very safest. It would be nice to show a side by side speed comparison but who would be foolish enough to fly a hoaxflex wing at full speed for a comparison? Since the Dominator is both safer and has more performance there really is no point at all to hoaxflex wings. They should be completely removed from the market as they have killed more people in the sport then all other wings combined.
@starwarsfanforlife 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the reply Dell. When you are using the Dominator is there a time you would absolutely NOT fly aside from winds over 25 mph? Would you really need to worry about thermals in the afternoons etc?
@DellSchanze 7 жыл бұрын
With a Flat Top, Dominator and SUPER skills we can fly pretty much anytime anywhere in anything but horribly bad weather. We could even fly in bad weather it just wouldn't be much fun. Those saying you can't fly mid day are those who are totally clueless about the sport. Paragliders like the Dominator are very specifically designed to be flown mid day in the desert mountains no problem at all. SUPER training is really critical though. True active piloting skills are just not taught at any other training class that I've ever seen. It's just horrifying to see what people call training out there as they just chuck people into the sky without the slightest ability to really control the glider properly.
@SlowerLiving 7 жыл бұрын
starwarsfanforlife this is the more reasonable. I should watch the others.
@robertcs68 7 жыл бұрын
I'm glad I found your channels here on YT! I almost talked myself out of getting PPG training and going with Hang Glider training instead because of all the other trainers saying you can't fly mid day etc. Bah! I wanna fly in the thermals sometimes! So I was considering Hang Gliding instead. I'll be giving you a call next year to set up training so I can get the SUPER training and the best equipment and go fly in the thermals during the day why the no skills peeps are at home wishing! Hehe! :P
@alexsmith6914 5 жыл бұрын
342 dislikes from Capt Kurt. Btw: Which # wife/girlfriend is he on now?? 😂😂
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
Yea pretty sick that he tries to pretend to be "Christain". Might want to ask the wife he cheated on about that or the wife he was allegedly arrested for beating up...
@alexsmith6914 5 жыл бұрын
@@DellSchanze Exactly!
@jessestrange1646 5 жыл бұрын
Your flat top blows that piece of crap away. Anyone with common sense can see the benefits of the flat top.
@davidcataldo1222 6 жыл бұрын
Just needed to do show a side by side comparison
@TheMacmann17 7 жыл бұрын
Nice video Dell. I haven't tried this sport yet but would love to someday. Everyone says that their product if the best it gets confusing.
@DellSchanze 7 жыл бұрын
Just follow the skills. There are those who can back up what they say with videos and skills and there are those who can't. The truth is really pretty simple. You take it one piece at a time. Something is either true or it isn't. The truth really does just make sense. You don't have to be a pilot to understand crumple zone or protection from the prop or having a quick release harness or handless seating so you don't have to take your hands off the controls to get in your seat or face plant protection. These things are pretty obvious. Watch as the Fresh Breeze falls forwards how it rocks all the way up where it would crush your head and neck right into the ground. Then think about that happening while running as fast as you can go and while full throttle. Then you see how the Flat Top has face plant protection with the rounded comfort bars that stick out to protect you in a fall and you really don't have to be a pilot to understand the truth. Then of course you can watch my 12 year old fly the Flat Top Ninja up at high altitude in nil wind. So you have to figure if a 12 year old can do it then it must be light and easy. KZbin has really made it very easy to research to see who is really telling the truth and has the videos to back it up vs those who just flat out lie. If you catch someone lying to you even once you obviously don't want to trust your life to them. It's also good to look at what kind of person you are talking to. Do they sincerely care more about your life then they do about money? It's truly the most incredible thing you will ever do as you can see from my videos. It's just critical that you get exactly the right gear and training because there are indeed huge differences.
@TheMacmann17 7 жыл бұрын
Dell Schanze thanks man. What you are saying makes sense.
@mikebradley4245 4 жыл бұрын
hey dale.. it mike... next pilot in waiting
@DellSchanze 4 жыл бұрын
Too cool man! You are going to love it. Just call me at 800-707-2525 when you are ready and we'll get you rocking the skies.
@ryanclechel 7 жыл бұрын
noter dame...... are you near by south bend?
@DellSchanze 7 жыл бұрын
No it's just a shirt. This is not the sport where you just look for "local training" though. In this sport your life very much depends on getting SUPER training directly with me only. People come from all over the world to do SUPER training and it is worth every penny many times over. This is truly the most incredible thing you will ever do but only if you get the absolute best gear and training. Call me directly at 800-707-2525 and I can get you rocking the skills. :)
@corycaves4250 7 жыл бұрын
also make comparison with air conception
@DellSchanze 7 жыл бұрын
Air conception is very similar. Zero crumple zone as you are sitting flat on the ground, no real protection from the prop at all and they are so flimsy you can watch video of units like that having the netting go into the prop in just straight and level flight. No quick release harness or handless seating, no face plant protection and you will fall down. It's all the very same type of issues that caused 19 deaths in a single year while zero have ever died to date on Flat Top paramotors. Another huge issue with the Air Conception though is the lower quality motors. Just not the reliability of name brand motors and they don't have anywhere near the power. Power is your friend. It really makes a huge difference in allowing you to launch in much smaller areas and out climb obstacles that pop up on you. With a Flat Top if you are 1 ft off the ground and not paying attention and don't see a 40 ft power line until you are 40 ft away from it you could literally climb over it. People have died on the really weak units because it's much harder to forecast where you are going to be that far in advance. One guy took off in a huge field on a hot day and still by the end of the field he was only about 5 ft off the ground. He flew right out of the field across a road and was hit by a truck. With weaker units you don't have the power to really turn because if you turn you are descending. So when you are struggling to climb you absolutely cannot turn. With the Flat Top Ninja it is so powerful you can climb even while in a spiral. You can spiral UP. So if you didn't see a power line until the last minute you could both climb over it or turn really really fast and still climb while turning. The Flat Top is really the only way to go. There are hundreds of details.
@donindri 6 жыл бұрын
Got to ask, who’s the oldest ultralight maker in the world?
@brucesweatmaniii6030 5 жыл бұрын
@qLeila 5 жыл бұрын
I also saw a video of honeycutt flying a flat top, but he had a ton of torque. is this issue fixed?
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
There is zero torque on a Flat Top which is why even little children can fly the extremely powerful Flat Top Ninja we set so many world records on. Honeycutt is a dishonest incompetent newbie that doesn't know the first thing about the sport and doesn't give one crap about truth or people's lives. Just watch videos of little kids like SUPER Troy and notice he can fly circles both left and right with no hands on the controls at all. Where is the torque? Where is the "torque problem" if a little kid can fly the super powerful Flat Top Ninja and make left hand circles with no hands on the brakes? See how dishonest and incompetent Honeycutt is? Never ever take advice from totally incompetent crooks that don't know the first thing about the sport and who don't give a crap that they just got 6 people killed in the last weeks and they just keep telling the same lies to kill some more.
@brucesweatmaniii6030 5 жыл бұрын
@DellSchanze 5 жыл бұрын
@@brucesweatmaniii6030 Yes rule #1 in this sport is LOOK at the skill level of those you would take advice from. This is a perfect example of why you never listen to people like this as they simply don't have even the most basic skill or understanding of the sport. Getting into the air by sheer luck does not make you a pilot.
@jeffmenges9421 6 жыл бұрын
Dell, Great video. Like many other interested in the sport, I'm absorbing as much info as possible online to help make an informed appropriate decision. My company offers up to $5k of educational benefits per year. We are aviation oriented so I'm hoping your Super school will qualify as reimbursable training. I have an email in to the experts to find out. I think I've narrowed my search down to a FT Ninja and Dominator wing. The reserve chute also makes sense. I'm currently in Afghanistan until July so I may be talking to you about a July or Aug school slot if they are available. I'm interested in back mounted flying, tandem flying and, as a 25 year USAF flier, I'm also interested in the T&G opportunities offered by your trike. How easily can you bounce back and forth with the same motor/wing combo Is the dominator/Ninja combo the best for this scenario? BTW, I'm 53, in excellent health. 6', 200 lbs. Thx for your time.
@DellSchanze 6 жыл бұрын
Hi, Yes the Flat Top Ninja is what we use for all of those as well as the Dominator. I can fly the extra extra extra extra small Dominator solo, or tandem or with a trike and switch back and forth in seconds. So it's an incredibly versatile aircraft. Yes, we have a SUPER training Aug 3-13 but you will want to reserve your spot well in advance as we have been booking up many months before the trips. SUPER training is really the funnest trip you will ever take. I go every time of course but it's still a vacation for me. We just have a total blast. It's always something new or some new world record we set. I love trying to get people to the highest possible skill level that we can and it's amazing the results we've achieved with many students setting world records. So give me a shout anytime at 800-707-2525 and we can get you a spot reserved. Let's go flying!!
@jeffmenges9421 6 жыл бұрын
That sounds amazing. Will take a look at what used equipment you have. The combo we discussed. Is there an actual certification one receives after the super training? That's a requirement for my company benefits. Flying certifications get 50% coverage. Thx so much for answering so promptly. I was just reading through my company educational program.
@DellSchanze 6 жыл бұрын
There is no license required for ultralights at all so no there is no such thing as a certification. We have certificates for completing the class but that's just a recognition of graduating SUPER training. Anyone claiming to be certified is flat out lying as it doesn't exist. Call me if you have any questions if you like 800-707-2525
@jeffmenges9421 6 жыл бұрын
Copy. Just trying to figure out how to justify the company investment. Safety of course...but its an education benefit.
@DellSchanze 6 жыл бұрын
No worries I understand completely. Let me know if you have any other questions at all.
@jamienkelley 5 жыл бұрын
I'll admit I didn't like your comments on someone elses video and thought you seeemd a little cocky but saying that I really enjoyed this video and its pretty obvious you know what your talking about! Great video, I want one so bad!😭
@MariaOrLex 7 жыл бұрын
I can’t wait to get one
@DaveyZeeTV 6 жыл бұрын
Ok, I have a fresh breeze siminoni.. it’s great! But it’s a trike. Skip one.. I am physically not capable..
@DellSchanze 6 жыл бұрын
Nope it's not great that's why neither you nor fister the liar have ANY videos of just going out and having fun flying the Grand Canyon or anything like that. No competent instructors use fresh breeze so if you fly fresh breeze one can automatically know without a doubt you lack even the most basic skills. In this sport people really need to LOOK at the skill level of who's talking BEFORE they go taking their advice. When they notice you don't have even 1 single video SHOWING even the most basic skill or ability it makes it simple to know it's a bad idea to take advice from you fine sir. Instead of being in that position why not just get proper gear and training? Then you could be out flying and having fun instead of just talking.
@davidbasi472 6 жыл бұрын
Good product. We only have one body
@Miner-2016 6 жыл бұрын
Dell-good showman !
@lt.danslegs9737 5 жыл бұрын
@flightclub1868 6 жыл бұрын
Dell is the Temple Grandin of paramotors
@The92renegade 4 жыл бұрын
The fresh breeze is only 52lbs. 4 lbs heavier than the other unit. Plus free training for my whole family forever just for buying it from flight junkies. I’ll go with the fresh breeze
@DellSchanze 4 жыл бұрын
Total lie. The Flat Top with the same climb rate as the fresh breeze 122 weighs only 47 lbs where the fresh breeze is up to 73 lbs. Neither is there any "free training" as that's a total lie as well. I challenge you to SHOW even one single video of ANYONE that scammer has ever trained to SHOW real actual skills like these: heck Kurt Fister himself can't even do what brand new SUPER students can do so how the heck do you think a liar like that is going to teach skills he himself doesn't even have??!!! For those reading notice that liars like these using these fake accounts have ZERO videos of any flying on their channel. They are completely and totally ignorant or flat out dishonest. Who is so stupid they would fall for a scammer like Kurt Fister?? Really? I challenge anyone out there to try to SHOW even one single video of ANYONE including Fister himself SHOWING skills like those brand new SUPER students. Why can't anyone SHOW even 1 single video of even 1 student he has supposedly "trained"?? That's because there is no "free training". It's a complete and total scam. He promises training only to trick people into buying total crap gear for way above it's price and then never ever ever provides ANY actual training. Then if you complain about getting scammed he tells you to get in and hit the throttle and says there you go there is your free training. Want me to tell you to hit the throttle again? I'll be happy to tell you get in hit the throttle as many times as you like until I hang up on you. Fister is such a total rip off con artist he has to disable the comments on many of his videos as he get's destroyed by people telling the truth. Heck another guy just crashed because of his scam 'training" and broke his wrist with piles of others breaking backs and many deaths. All while the liar claims "a perfect safety record". Seriously how blind can people get??? Buying training is buying skills. Demand people SHOW their skill level and SHOW the skill level of their students. Those who would fall for scammers like fister without even trying to look at skill levels really should not have anything to do with aviation as it's very forgiving of those lacking intelligence.
@PRDMRE 6 жыл бұрын
How much of the design difference would be with long term instructors have always used them, and are just comfortable with the design as it, and are reluctant to make changes. Sort of a comfort zone for them.
@DellSchanze 6 жыл бұрын
Pretty much none of it is "comfort zone". It's dishonest crooked murderous watch people get seriously injured & killed over and over in all the same ways and lie about the facts thinking they can make a quick buck and don't care who they kill to get it zone. So many shredded in props on crap units like scout, air conception, fresh breeze, nirvana, blackhawk and the piles of other crap while so many more have died including the scout importer, nirvana importer, kangook importer, blackhawk owner, fresh breeze importer... it's constant carnage & death all while ZERO have ever died or gone through the kevlar netting into their prop on a Flat Top. The blackhawk instructor Micheal Mixer broke his own back TWICE in a single year and then killed 2 students in the same month and still they tell every lie they can make up to push the crap. I even told him over and over and over he would break his back or die if he continued to fly that crap but they just don't care one single bit and think it's ok to murder people as that's just "doing business" for them. Rob at blackhawk cheated on his own wife with a MAN! He makes up every lie he can think up about the Flat Top and the best training in the world trying to defraud people away from doing things the right way. These people are beyond just sick.
@PRDMRE 6 жыл бұрын
Dell Schanze well I cannot argue with that. The business I am in is similar, and all I need to do with your reply is change the names and objects. Sad we must sort through so much BS to fly safely.
@DellSchanze 6 жыл бұрын
Yea it's messed up how few actually care about integrity or honesty or even people's lives these days. People murder their own children and then try to destroy businesses simply because they choose to close on Sunday. Evil is as evil does.
@JRobert111111 6 жыл бұрын
Is the seat and width of the comfort bars wide enough to be comfortable for larger guys, i.e. 260 lbs. ?
@DellSchanze 6 жыл бұрын
Yes in fact the Flat Top has the biggest and widest harness on the market since with the weight shift kit the comfort bars are 22.5 inches wide. Almost all other units are only 16-17 inches wide so the bars on other units will rub against larger guys but not on a Flat Top. It works extremely well even for guys over 300 lbs. What's really incredible is that it also fits little kids as well. You can watch my 10 year old set the world record and you can see kids flying the Flat Top all over youtube. So while it's so light and easy to fly even little kids can do it the Ninja will also carry over 600 lbs so it's the ultimate for larger guys or for tandem flight. Check out this video where a 230 lb pilot I trained took a 304 lb passenger tandem on just a normal size Dominator paraglider: The Flat Top Ninja is so incredibly powerful and the Dominator is so efficient and builds so much lift I even set the world record for flying tandem on the smallest glider in history which was the extra extra extra extra small Dominator at just 16sm. So here is 190 lb pilot taking a 180 lb passenger tandem on the 16sm Dominator with the Flat Top Ninja: truly the Flat Top has only 2 legitimate competitors and they are ignorance and sheer stupidity. :)
@JRobert111111 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks much for the quick reply. Comfort is definitely something of importance to me. I also like that you put your money where your mouth is by showing us how strong the frame and cage are by standing on them, and how the quick release harness won't dump a person out by accidental unlatching, etc. Looking forward to more of your videos! I've also enjoyed and followed Brian's videos when he was doing car repairs in his garage in the Orem area. I trust his opinions highly and also see he flies the Flat Top and Dominator as well. Take care!
@DellSchanze 6 жыл бұрын
Yes comfort was big issue for me as well since I have 11 vertebra fused together from motorcycle accidents along with a hip bolted on, hand bolted together and numerous other injuries all from motorcycles. I can't stand an uncomfortable chair or seat. The Flat Top is very comfortable for me and even has adjustable lumbar supports so you can get the back just in the right position. Thanks for the feedback. I'm only halfway done with the series on the 304 reasons the Flat Top is the only unit competent pilots fly or train with. There are literally hundreds of things that really make a huge difference to address all the well known issues in the sport. It really is an incredible unit. Yes Brian is like me as he is quite the perfectionist. He also came right out of SUPER training with more skills than most out there acting as instructors. Both the gear and the skills are absolutely critical.
@JRobert111111 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks again for your insight with great information. I'm sorry about all of the injuries (I'd heard a little along the way). Each day my decision to go with the Flat Top & Dominator gets even more solid. I agree Brian is a perfectionist, he showed that pride in his car repair videos also, and is someone I'd trust in that department too. I've got health issues myself I'm working on with my doctor right now, but would love to save money over the winter and hopefully be well and get geared up next year. In the meantime, I'll keep enjoying watching and learning. Thanks again for your reply, I appreciate it!
@Omarateastwind 7 жыл бұрын
Dell, I think that was one of your best videos...very informative and a nice, professional presentation. That quick release harness is pretty sweet!
@brucesweatmaniii6030 6 жыл бұрын
@DellSchanze 6 жыл бұрын
You are sitting in a bucket seat. You don't fall out just because the harness is undone any more then you fall out of a car when you take your seat belt off.
@duanereichert8482 6 жыл бұрын
Looking forward to flying the Flat Top Dell. There's no point in being cool if you're dead.
@SUZUKIGSXR-R 6 жыл бұрын
Looking to buy paramotor , Good i saw your video here . i weight 240 LB, what size of Dominator i need. and what the total cost for everything to fly .
@DellSchanze 6 жыл бұрын
Yes this video very well could have just saved your life. It's horrifying to see those like Kurt Fister flat out scam people with every lie he can make up. People need to LOOK at the skill of those they talk to and especially those they might choose to trust their life to. Those like Fister literally can't even do what my brand new students can do let alone his students show any true actual skills. Let's see him do this for example: Ok the gear to get is simple as that's the Flat Top Ninja & Dominator which size to get is the most difficult question of all though. Normally for your weight you would fly the XL Dominator which is 29sm. At SUPER training though we don't just chuck you up on an XL for a few flights and call you a pilot. After a handful of flights if you are doing well on the XL then we drop you to the large then medium, small, XS, XXS and then the XXXXS. At your weight you can fly ANY size Dominator. For safety you want to fly the smallest size you can easily launch that is within your skill level as that gives you the speed and stability to fly in pretty much ANY weather conditions. If you fly an XXS Dominator for example, that I set the paramotor world speed record on at 51mph, then you can pretty much fly where ever and when ever the heck you want and in pretty much ANY weather conditions other than horribly bad weather. If all you have is some huge 33sm then you are stuck and can only fly maybe 5% of the time because anything over 10mph wind and it would be too much for you. With an XXS though you could fly in upwards of 35mph winds so you can pretty much fly when ever the heck you want. It drastically opens up your window of fun time when you have the faster safer more stable wing. So we could wait to pick which size you want to get until after you finish SUPER training. The best and safest gear in the world all brand new is about $12,000. That's the Flat Top Ninja, Dominator and SUPER Mini Reserve. Then we can go way down from there. What's awesome is that with an extra extra small Dominator you can even fly tandem with it or with a trike. So it's extremely versatile. So give me a call and I can help you get the perfect gear for you specifically and the very best skills possible so you have the very best capability to do what ever you want and be the very safest possible while doing it. 800-707-2525. Here is a video where I fly the extra extra extra extra small Dominator TANDEM. That's 190 lb pilot with a 180 lb passenger so 370 lbs on an XXXXS Dominator: Here is a 230 lb pilot I trained taking a 304 lb passenger TANDEM on just the normal XL Dominator: so your weight is no problem at all. SUPER James, another guy I trained, can even launch the XXS Dominator in zero wind up at 6000 ft. Most likely at your weight though if you are decently coordinated the XS would be your favorite size like SUPER Tyler flies in so many videos. At SUPER training you can play with all the different sizes so you really know exactly which is your favorite before you have to pick which size to buy. Plus you are not stuck with anything you get through us as you can always trade it back in or swap for a different size later. First let's get you rocking the skills though. Call me right away to get a spot reserved for SUPER training and we can go from there. Or let me know if you have any other questions at all.
@alihaq1420 3 жыл бұрын
I'm keeping away from fresh breeze. Thank you for a great video.
@paulbarnhill3974 6 жыл бұрын
I notice the man is missing the index finger of his left hand. Wonder how that happened? Reaching into a prop, perhaps?
@DellSchanze 6 жыл бұрын
Took a steal reflector post right up the handle bar on a motorcycle at 90 mph. Nope nothing to do with ppg as I fly a Flat Top paramotor.
@paulbarnhill3974 6 жыл бұрын
OUCH! Thanks for responding. Paramotors is a sport I'm very interesting in taking up. I know nothing about it, so I'm starting m homework. Thanks again!
@DellSchanze 6 жыл бұрын
Well the #1 thing you should start with is to really look at the skill level of whom you talk to. Just that alone can week out 98% as almost no other instructors can even do what my students can do let alone try to compete with me. One doesn't make it to the highest level of skill in the industry without massive experience and one doesn't get massive experience if they are dead. So learning from the very best is pretty logical that it's also the safest. Call me at 800-707-2525 and I can help you with all sorts of details on how to really compare and check who's who and what's what.
@AnneewakeeChampions 5 жыл бұрын
stfu stupid. Is that all you have to do with your day is fuck with someone that makes sense?
@performanceglass24 7 жыл бұрын
I'm in AZ any suggestions where to train out here?
@DellSchanze 7 жыл бұрын
Yes for sure. Without a doubt you cannot get proper training in AZ. It just doesn't work as training starts out with mastering glider control. To do that you fly the glider like a great big kite but to fly a kite you need wind and the only place the wind blows consistently all day is at specific beaches. So the only way to get piles of hours into a short period of time is to go to SUPER training and do it the right way. Plus who you train with is absolutely critical as you can't lean true glider control mastery from one who doesn't have even the most basic skills themselves. So call me right away at 800-707-2525 and I can help you with all the specifics and details of how to get started the right way without spending a fortune and getting totally ripped off.
@johngrigsby5351 7 жыл бұрын
Dell Schanze - California, North Carolina, and Florida have beaches. From your criticism of Arizona, I'd reasonably infer that SUPER training is in one of those states. Where is the SUPER training held? I'm in Virginia, and like anyone, looking to economize. Thanks.
@DellSchanze 7 жыл бұрын
I've trained in all of those areas you have named. The location training is done is of extreme importance as it will dictate the over all outcome from the number of hours actually spent practicing. Like you a group from Virginia hired me to come train them on their own turf. As warned they lost more hours waiting for proper conditions then the hours that would have been spent on a plane flying to the best location in the world. So based on vast vast experience you are far better coming to the coast of Texas to train where you can get upwards of 80 hours of actual practice into just 10-11 days of SUPER training. I drive 1500 miles to train at an optimal location. 1500 one way! So you should consider the value of the very best training in the world in the very best possible location over that of bad training in a far less suitable location. Look at the mind blowing outcome of SUPER training. Almost no other "instructors" can even do what my students can do let alone compete with me. Such skills are well worth the plane ticket to the best possible location. Once you learn to fly you don't need wind and can fly from anywhere pretty much anytime. For training though it's best to consider the wisdom of the most successful instructor. Those who train with the likes of Aviator PPG for example get as little as 3 hours of actual glider control practice according to their own videos. 3 hours!! Look at one of my latest videos and you can hear one of my students mentioning he got 6 HOURS of practice on the very day he flew in which wasn't even included in the 10 days where he trained upwards of 8-10 hours a day. Several of the students in the class ended up with roughly 250 flights each. That's more then most out there acting as "instructors" have in their entire lifetime. So the location is far more important then you might at first consider. Give me a call at 800-707-2525 and I can help you become an absolutely incredible pilot and do it with the highest level of safety possible.
@WiltshireMan 7 жыл бұрын
Flat top looks a much better design.
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