hello sir , can refer any book in which all topics clear about delphi..?
@batfan193910 жыл бұрын
Will Chapter 2 be uploaded to YT too, then?
@learndelphicode10 жыл бұрын
Hi batfan, Yes, the first few lessons are almost done. Another week or two......
@batfan193910 жыл бұрын
DelphiSchools (Delphi Programming Tutorials) Looking forward to seeing them! You're the most methodical, complete teacher/tutor on the Internet. Your lessons have been more than helpful!
@learndelphicode10 жыл бұрын
Thanks! It's comments like this that encourage me to go on!
@seifmbarouk23497 жыл бұрын
this is last chapter 26 or it will be continue
@matodzin14 жыл бұрын
procedure TForm1.btnOutputClick(Sender: TObject); var iRadius : integer; iMeter : integer; iCircumference : integer; iArea : integer; iTrimmingCost : integer; begin iRadius := StrToInt(edtRadius.Text); iMeter := StrToInt(edtMeter.Text); iCircumference := 2 * Pi * iRadius; iArea := Pi * iRadius * iRadius; iTrimmingCost := iCircumference * iMeter; pnlOutput1.Caption := 'The amount of trimming required:' + IntToStr(iCircumference); pnlOutput2.Caption := 'The area the carpet will cover:' + IntToStr(iArea); pnlOutput3.Caption := 'The cost for trimming is R:' + IntToStr(iTrimmingCost); end; I needhelp with iCircumference and iArea calculation on Pi I am getting errors