🇩🇰 DENMARK: CULTURAL SHOCKS or Is Denmark Really THIS CRAZY 😟 | First Impression

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Anna Goldman

Anna Goldman

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@serratededge4154 10 ай бұрын
Denmark doesn't have an alcohol problem, there's usually always enough for everyone.
@dockingtroll6801 2 ай бұрын
lol.. good one....
@gouzgr638 Ай бұрын
Even for Swedish and Norwegians
@kazuriel2770 Ай бұрын
@serratededge4154 Ай бұрын
@@gouzgr638 We try to be good neighbors, sharing is caring y'know.
@hoegild1 11 ай бұрын
I am amazed, that a tourist can be shocked to be overprized when buying coffee at a tourist trap.
@finncarlbomholtsrensen1188 11 ай бұрын
Still you are free to buy and make your own coffee! But if you want to sit down and look at people from a Coffee Hustlers Place, you will have to pay for the Privilege 😁!
@DaxstersDangerZone 11 ай бұрын
The prices are not adjusted toward tourists. It not like you pay less money for the same cup if you are a local Dane, as you would see in other countries. You can definitely find less expensive places, but coffee is usually quite expensive no matter where you go.
@jensholm5759 11 ай бұрын
Im rather old. I was in Berling in 1968. You go away from the main centers. Everything is cheeper there and You see the real inhabants. I have followed that rule in too crowded towns. 🎈
@lills3733 9 ай бұрын
Uanset om kaffen er købt fra en turistfælde eller ej, så er en kop kaffe meget dyr i Danmark hvis man sammenligner med andre lande, i det hele taget er det dyrt at spise og drikke kaffe ude.. og Vil bare sige, at det er et ry vi har i mange af de lande jeg rejser rundt i..
@publictoilet7926 9 ай бұрын
You clearly never been to copenhagen
@muhest 11 ай бұрын
The loud party trucks you highlighted at: 5:30 is in fact graduation parties. We don’t have high schools US style in Denmark. We do have *Gymnasier* … a 3 year kinda prep school education. And it is tradition to go around town in these graduationtrucks together with your fellow class mates. Usually it’s about a month and a half (from the month of may to mid/end of june) 😮the festivities take place. The students celebrates graduation driving around visiting the families of every single grad student, where they are treated to food, snacks and drinks by proud parents. Ofc … the drinking also takes place while driving from home to home. Accompanied by loud music. But a seriously drunk grad student tumbling home at 5 am is not uncommon around those months of early summer. That’s what you witnessed. 😉 Bikes are not a result of the insanely high taxed cars. It is one of the reasons .. but people have been biking for a very very long time in Denmark. And all the major cities have incorporated biking culture in their urban planning for several decades.
@holmbjerg 11 ай бұрын
Norwegians have RUSS. It is similar to studenterkørsel in many ways, so I thought Anna would know that having lived there.
@julianneheindorf5757 11 ай бұрын
As a Dane I don’t find any of these things shocking, maybe except the shocking response by this tourist to Denmark.🤣
@erikdarman591 10 ай бұрын
I found the price of that coffee, 10 $ = 69 Dkk in the high end. ☕
@The-Vigilante-and-the-Fox 9 ай бұрын
Det samme her det er så normalt for os så er det da klart at vi ikke syns at det er over raskne ps undskyld for nogen små stavefejl 😂
@hansemannluchter643 9 ай бұрын
As a Dane, I do find the 25% sales-tax on food shocking. Most other EU-countries have a lower sales-tax rate on food.
@thedudefromrobloxx 9 ай бұрын
I mean of course you wouldn't cos you're from denmark???
@emp-ty-g 7 ай бұрын
shockingly bad joke.
@finncarlbomholtsrensen1188 11 ай бұрын
Foreigners coming to work in a Danish Firm are sometimes very much in doubt who's the Boss, as they hardly separate themselves, but in the end one of course makes final decisions!
@rikkeobasi867 11 ай бұрын
I really enjoyed your video although it contains a few misconceptions. 😂 Perhaps you would get a deeper understanding if you went out of the center of Copenhagen. Try a one hour train drive in any direction and you’ll get to see something else. This is basically a Copenhagen video more than a Denmark one. Greetings from a Dane who doesn’t drink alcohol, drives a car, never pays 10 $ for a cup of coffee and is quite noisy. 🎉
@laurentd.4473 11 ай бұрын
After my first visit in Copenhaguen, I was very surprised on how super respectful are the Danes in public places. Even the cyclists. That's why I booked a second visit to enjoy the end of this year. Compared to my hometown Brussels (Belgium) where people do not the word RESPECT anymore.
@duckmcduck007 11 ай бұрын
Actually you got the car-reasoning back to front. Danes in the big cities prefer bikes, because it is so much faster and convenient to ride a bike than to drive a car in the city. No need for parking, no waiting in traffic jams or queues, just hop on the bike and be anywhere in 10 minutes. Therefore many people in the cities choose to wait with getting their driver's license, until the need for one arises, ie. when they move out to the suburbs or country side, at which point they'll get both licence and car. Cars are practically useless, except for transporting ikea furniture and children, and Copenhageners have found a different solution for transporting those: The cargo bike -- which still has all the convenience of the bicycle.
@lindaostrom570 9 ай бұрын
wouldnt work in canada lol. instead of driving 6 hrs to reach another town it could take 6 days. and then you would need features like a snowplow attachment? skis instead of wheels? get my drift ( pun intended)
@vast001 11 ай бұрын
As a European citizen from The Netherlands I don't find these things shocking The bikes don't have a chain lock as the bikes, just like in The Netherlands, have a (built-in) lock on the back wheel through the spokes. You do need cash money when you want to buy something in a stall at a farm or farm store in the country side.
@JKristofferNielsen 10 ай бұрын
No, you just need MobilePay - which means that it is easier for a tourist to have some cash for that purpose. I often go more than 3 months without handling cash at all.
@magnusbrlum6414 9 ай бұрын
@@JKristofferNielsen MobilePay can only be used in Denmark and Greenland so 99,99% tourists dont have it 😉
@martinandersen1849 7 ай бұрын
@@magnusbrlum6414 and requires a danish bank account.
@jenshansen2698 11 ай бұрын
Denmark is more than Copenhagen.
@JeppeBeier 11 ай бұрын
Plastic straws are extremely rare in Denmark currently. Not sure I've been at a place that serves plastic straws for at least a couple years at this point. Surprised you found a plastic straw.
@Alhem11 11 ай бұрын
About the plastic cup, disposable plastic service is subject to high environmental charges, it's one of the reasons why coffee and other to-go drinks is so expensive. Denmark is very environmentally conscious country, in places like Tivoli and at music festivals, you can get a refund if you return the plastic cup.😉There are of course other reasons as well, such as imports, wages, production costs, etc.
@klausolekristiansen2960 11 ай бұрын
If you want to insure your bike, the insurance company requires you to have a lock permanently mounted on the bike. A chain lock is not enough. You might forget it. That is why chain locks are not popular. But the bikes are locked.
@birterasmussen8133 11 ай бұрын
If you were watching a film from Copenhagen from way back in the 1940s and 1950s there would be as many bikes as today 🚴‍♀️🚴
@AnnaGoldmanTravel 11 ай бұрын
Ohh that’s amazing 🤩🤩 I kinda like this way of transportation but you really need to have skills for this 😁
@markdonald5919 10 ай бұрын
@@AnnaGoldmanTravel thank you for this video! its interesting. But the most interesting question is HOW MUCH DANNISH EARN ?!
@theodorschwartz4258 9 ай бұрын
You can start getting a driving license when you are 16 and 9 months old. It usually takes three months so you can have a license as a 17 year old, however you need a person with a 10 year old license next to you.
@TheKIMANO 11 ай бұрын
For the record, it is mathematically impossible to pay 150% tax on a new car. Denmark has a tax ladder that looks like this: 25% of the first DKK 67,800 - 85% of the next DKK 142,800 - 150% of the price that exceeds DKK 210,600. This means that you pay 44.32% in tax on a car worth DKK 100,000. 64.66% for a car worth DKK 200,000 and 90.81% for a car worth DKK 300,000. Even if you buy a car for DKK 1,000,000, you pay 132.24% in tax and even though cars are expensive in Denmark, we buy lots of them. 🙂
@peterpearson1675 7 ай бұрын
Man skal vel lægge told og momsen til?
@TheKIMANO 6 ай бұрын
@@peterpearson1675 Momsen er en del af den pris der betales afgift af så på en måde ja. Det ænder ikke det store ved regnestykket. Men afregningen er alligevel en anelse mere kompliceret end min beskrivelse. Faktisk er den så indviklet at de færreste danskere kan gennemskue den så at forsøge at forklarer den for ikke danskere fjerner focus fra min pointe at vi IKKE betaler 150% i bilskat.
@abaddon1371 11 ай бұрын
Copenhagen, especially in the center of the city, is a good deal more expensive than elsewhere. It is where most tourist will visit, and the prices match that. Also, to-go drinks in plastic cups, are also usually more expensive. We can't just ban them outright (EU stuff and free trade union etc.) There's a good deal of extra tax on them though, hence the price. Expect Copenhagen to be at least 20-30% more expensive than the rest of the country and abnormally expensive when it comes to housing. Flats and houses in inner Copenhagen are easily 300-500% more expensive than outside of Copenhagen. That usually goes for hotel prices as well.
@Jens-Viper-Nobel 9 ай бұрын
Expensive cars are not really the issue here in Denmark. You can go visit people in the ciies and find that they have both a car and a bike. The bike is often the more convenient transportation inside the cities as it will mostly bring you there just as fast as a car can do it, and it's a lot easier to find a place to park it at he job or the grocery store etc. The car is for longer travels or going outside the cities where it might be less convenient with a bike. If you live in a rural area, you will still find bikes in just about most households. But when it comes to work and getting to mall's and supermarkets and such, he distance becomes a problem as busses and trains don't go when people need to leave for work (leaving for work at 4:30 in the morning is not uncommon in rural areas) as they often won't start to drive until 5 in the morning or even 6 at some places. Plus the fact that Danes are well aware of the physical and economical gains as well as the environmental gains of taking the bike rather than the car when you don't really need to use the car.
@olerask2457 9 ай бұрын
Wrt. bikes, the danish cities are prepared for bikes, and the bike is faster than the car in the morning and in the afternoon, where the amount of traffic stops the cars, but the bike just passes by 😊. Also the bike is easy to park, and it is healthy to use a bike. If you have to travel larger distances, the car, public buses or trains are preferred.
@norkannen 11 ай бұрын
Spooky enuff these Cultural Shocks could have been in Norway most of them. But since i am most part Norwegian and part Danish i do not get shocked either in Norway or Denmark or even Sweden for that matter. 😁
@timhansen6951 11 ай бұрын
a few thing you need to know about danes and denmark very relaxed social people if you ever say the frase "lets meet sometime" a dane will take you at your word an probaly try to scheldue some time and if they ask you home for dinner its the custom to stay and have a cup of cofee after and talk (Hygge) and what is the biggest culture shock are we leave or baby´s outside in their prams for a nap with little supervision except a baby monitor(two way commincation device)
@lindahansen9413 9 ай бұрын
❤I would love if people visting my country, would go to FYN and Jutland too, so you get another tacke on who we are. ❤ Thank you for your kind words about my country❤ I LOVE my country and our coultre❤ Lots of LOVE on your Journey 🤲🏼💗✨💕💗✨💕💗✨💕💗✨💕💗✨💕
@Fetguf 11 ай бұрын
Yes you can swim in the harbor, but only in the designated zones. The red latter's are for safety, if you should fall in.
@finncarlbomholtsrensen1188 11 ай бұрын
Fault number 1. As a now Pensioner I had "6 weeks" annual vacation, as a craftsman (One week for your own use, if a Factory, common vacation)! And we did make/produce Ford cars in a Factory, at least til the sixties. Latest a Volvo Dealer, Ole Sommer made a row of specially built cars, lastly a version looking much like a Ferrari/AC Cobra (Named "Oscar")!! Also a very practical, Postal delivery van. A former US Ambassador (Trump) claimed it was because Danes couldn't afford to buy cars, that all those people used bikes (As one of the very few, she didn't get a "Danish Order", when she left)!!! The high tax on cars are mostly used for public spending as you are still able to buy reasonably priced cars, but if wanting a Luxury Car (And we do still make a Top, luxury Sportscar, Danish designed and built: "ZENVO"), you have to pay some tax from that, at least!! Finn
@bjrnhalvorsen9982 Ай бұрын
Monterte Ford biler men de var produsert andre steder. Billigere å importere bildeler enn hele biler var grunnen til det etter hva jeg forsto fra et program på DR.
@Lupinemancer87 11 ай бұрын
While you have to be 16 to buy alchohol and 18 to buy strong liqiour, we don't have an official drinking age in Denmark. Technically, a 9-year old are allowed to drink alchohol, assuming the parents give permission, which most wouldn't do, cuz most a responsible. But the fact that we don't need a law forbidding little kids from drinking is actually crazy.
@kimklarskovpedersen2576 11 ай бұрын
Hvorfor er det skørt haha.. Jeg er ved at være så træt af alle de forbud og love der bare hagler ned over os alle sammen.. Det er da 100% op til den ansvarlige forældre at bestemme over sit eget barn.. Det staten da overhoved ikke blande sig i :p
@0cosmic 10 ай бұрын
thanks for your review,, you are too kind but very on point, your observations are sharp...... wonder where she's from herself
@Dimsen666 11 ай бұрын
Yes, about Plastic!!! We in Denmark are not the ones who throw the plastic in the oceans..... We are a Very well developed Country, with a very sophisticated recycling system, one of the most advanced recycling systems in the WORLD!!!! So... yes we do have plastic cups, and straws.... Because we are a very ecology minded people. Thx 😁 ❤
@holmbjerg 11 ай бұрын
Norwegians are going Russ on Russebusen. That's quite similar to the graduation celebrations in DK.
@zymelin21 9 ай бұрын
ja, rødrussen plejede at komme til København da jeg var ung (1960). Flotte jenter i Tivoli
@bjrnhalvorsen9982 Ай бұрын
Rart hun sier at hun har bodd i Norge, alle måneder unntatt mai kanskje :-)
@SvampeMat5334 10 ай бұрын
Its amazing to se pepole from other contries in denmark cuz its my home that amazing to se and i love seeing pepole making videos about denmark i litarally commented a comment like this 2 minutes ago😂
@knudplesner 7 ай бұрын
Even when I and we have cars in Copenhagen, we don't use them in the city because everything is within 15 minutes away by bike and S-train or walking distance.
@pataudi8025 11 ай бұрын
The absolute best thing about all Scandinavian countries and many Nordic countries is the digital economy. Man even in southern Europe you really need some cash in hand just in case. And ofc yes it's a very good place to get away with caffeine addiction 🙃. Great video Anna! 🙌🌺
@finncarlbomholtsrensen1188 11 ай бұрын
At an early date we introduced a common Debit Card for all Banks, "The Dancard". It made people used to paying electronically, so today we are the "most Card-using population" in the world, for the benefit of all. And Danes are really heavy coffee drinkers, so we get the "Good Stuff" on the market. Nordic COOP are one of the largest buyers in the world!
@lindaostrom570 9 ай бұрын
until the power goes out then you cant get in the house hahaha.
@p.pasaribu 11 ай бұрын
I have just learned Norwegia LANGUAGE and I Said to You only TAKK ! From Indonesia
@omega1231 11 ай бұрын
It's not that i don't drive a car because i can't afford it. Different priorities money wise and no need really, i live in greater Copenhagen, if i can't reach it by bike there's a bus and/or train to get there. Alcohol also isn't nowhere near the problem you made it out to be and Druk (another round) wasn't about that at all. Young people in Denmark drink alot because they are allowed to and can, but statistically by the age of 25-30 alcohol consumption in Denmark is below the EU average and has one of the lowest percentages of clinical alcoholics in the Nordic countries, which are already low-mid for Europe in general. Denmark functions under the basic principle of "Freedom with responsibility" young people are afforded alot of freedom provided they act responsibly, now what constitutes responsible is of course largelly culturally determined and we are not that adverse to, well, hedonism i guess you could call it.
@veronicajensen7690 11 ай бұрын
88% of people in Denmark above the age of 18 have a drivers license even though is't expensive 83% of all households have at least 1 car even though it's expensive, that a lot of the people in the big cities like Copenhagen use the bike a lot doesn't mean they ll don't have a car -the main reason to bike is that is the fastest easiest way of getting around the city -to avoid traffic jam and the almost impossible chance of a parking space-the reason for the lack of parking space is 1. it's an old city and all old cities build before cars have this issue, 2. the left wing politicians who controls the big cities have removed a lot of parking space because they wan't to reduce the number of cars in the city-it's the same reason why there is a lot of tax on cars -however more cars have come to the city and continues to come, so the policy certainly don't work - a lot of people also bike to save money and/or to get exercise
@Bramfly 11 ай бұрын
The driving license requirements in Europe in general are the reason we are good and safe drivers compared to the USA
@renehulgreen8650 7 ай бұрын
Hi Anna, I´m from Copenhagen, alot of what you learned from Visiting Copenhagen might be right, but I don´t know any one going to the center og Copenhagen, especialy Ny Havn, since there are to many touists. the real Copenhagen is a ring of Vesterbro, Nørrebro, and Østerbro just around the Center of town. You should go, cheers !!
@grethejohansen6989 11 ай бұрын
You may drive in Denmark if you have passed the driving and theory test. and has a companion with him. The companion, who can for example be the 17-year-old's mother or father, must be at least 30 years old and have held a Danish driver's license for a passenger car for the past 10 years, without the driver's license having been revoked at any time. When he or she is driving with the 17-year-old, the companion must always be legally able to drive. From the age of 18 you are not required. Bicycles are part of Danish culture - And on a bicycle it's just easier to get around Copenhagen.
@CRBarchager 10 ай бұрын
1:37 It used to be up to 180% but have since been lowered and I believe the age of getting a drivers license is 17 years and you can start 3 months prior to your 17th birthday and not it does not cost $5000 to get a license. Most cost between $1000-1500 depending on the amount of lessions you need to pass the drivers exam. If you need lessions that will end up in the $5000 range I suggest you quit getting it.
@gudendk 25 күн бұрын
2:18, a drivers license does not cost $5000, more like $1500 in most cases. Extra costs applies if you fail a test and have to re-take it.
@zelyazelya8426 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for this amazing video!
@AnnaGoldmanTravel 11 ай бұрын
Aww thank you so much for watching 🤩🤗 I’m glad you enjoyed it ☺️
@finnravensholt9984 7 ай бұрын
Just a Little correction 🙂 The reason why there are so many bicycles in Copenhagen and so few cars is not due to the price of cars. It is because part of the government in Copenhagen has set out to make it really difficult to park and get around by car. Although public transport is greatly expanded, it is too expensive and unreliable.
@danillumjrgensen3865 11 ай бұрын
DK has had a huge car industry. Cars from Citroën, GM and Ford has been assembled here for years and years untill the sixties.
@rozhinkargar4806 11 ай бұрын
Ur comparisons are really much of a great help, giving me ultimate guides about where my destination can finally be among european countries Big thanks💗💗
@agffans5725 8 ай бұрын
Actually most workplaces in Denmark DEMAND that their employees take 3 weeks off in the summer, fully paid of cause, because you are entitled to 5 +1 week fully paid vacation + around 10 holydays a year.
@minazohradalagerjensen 11 ай бұрын
Yeah you definitely don’t get plastic straws in Denmark as they are prohibited but it might be something biodegradable made from sugarcane 😅
@williamschacht 11 ай бұрын
Hey Anna! The things people do don't really shock me too much anymore. Love the video foxy woman!
@AnnaGoldmanTravel 11 ай бұрын
Aww thank you so much indeed ☺️🤗 I’m glad you enjoyed it ❤️
@joakimbyg5914 9 ай бұрын
In Denmark we have a tradition of sorting trash and not littering, so the plastic is very likely to be reused.
@klaudiapetersennaturopathi3794 9 ай бұрын
nice to hear that you like Danmark but you are wrong about one thing, most people in Denmark have a driving license even though they ride bikes
@Rene-kg7pf 2 ай бұрын
Ladder from pier down to water is for rescue like if u have fallen drunk in water and u wanna get back up like example.... Newest ones have solar panels at top and light up the ladder at night... An extra note the cycles are locked just not always with a "chain" around things (though some more expensive cycles might be this.. I do myself with my MTB) ... The truck in the back is the students celebrating they finished their education and got their hats and final exams... I have also been living in Norway myself too.. They have something similar there called Russebus...
@pile333 11 ай бұрын
Denmark is awesome, in many ways. Dungarees fits you good.
@AnnaGoldmanTravel 11 ай бұрын
Aww thank you so much for watching ☺️ I’m sooo happy you enjoyed it 🤗
@PepsiMaGs 11 ай бұрын
A driver’s license typically will start at appr. $1700-1800 USD. Then you might need to take extra lessons, paid individually. And the reason many people in Copenhagen do not have cars is … they don’t have a need for one! First of all it’s quicker and easier to bike from A to B, second of all there are not enough parking spaces if all would have a car. Sooo don’t exagerate things!
@jeffroussell 11 ай бұрын
Tried to take a picture of a bike parking lot but there was so much chrome on so many bikes that it overexposed the photo.
@Gert-DK 11 ай бұрын
The reason for the many English-speaking Danes, is that English is mandatory in school, from day one. German is also mandatory. So all native Danes speak English and German. German is only for 4 years in school and many forgets it. English and German have been mandatory since 1943.
@Sigart 11 ай бұрын
Not true. German isn't mandatory. You can choose French instead if your school have the capacity.
@Gert-DK 11 ай бұрын
@@Sigart I know. I didn't want to complicate my explanation, so I just mentioned German, most still chose German.
@Sigart 11 ай бұрын
@@Gert-DK True, most consider German more useful.
@Gert-DK 11 ай бұрын
@@Sigart Yeah, and not all Germans speak English. My "baby German" has been handy a couple of times. Once it was at a ticket sale for public transport in Berlin. The lady there did not speak English.
@liselottenormannsrensen7867 10 ай бұрын
How can being on time to appointments be schocking? I know this only shows a small piece of Denmark and our society. But please understand, that our high tax and things being expensive needs to be seen in context. We have free healthcare and free education, where you get paid by the state to study. We have cheap daycare and kindergarden. We have 12 months of paid maternaty leave. We have a really tight knit social system, where every body is taken care of. No one is forced to be homeless, but some chose to. We are sort of raising children to help take care of others. We have a saying that sound like "The one with the broadest shoulders will/must carry the biggest burden" Few rich people complain about having to pay high taxes to help the poorest children. That is how we grow up, taken care of each other. Of course there are bad things in our society and we don't agree on everything. But I would never want to live any different❤❤
@Mike-zx1kx 11 ай бұрын
Reg. the plastic. First of all it are important to remember that all our trash gets sorted and thus either gets burned under controlled circumstances and reused for central heating and secondly, that we have a very high recycle degree of many things, hereunder plastic. Maybe you noticed that all bottles you bought, not matter if glass or plastic, have a small recycle symbol and "pant" (deposit) symbol on them? This means that every time you buy a bottle a deposit are included in the price. After use you return the bottle and get the deposit back. We have had that system for something like 100 years, first just with beer glass bottles and then more and more types, today practically all bottles and cans are included in the system. SO, basically your plastic straw and your bottle will be reused, one way or the other. We have made limitations in types of plastic you may use and thus have improved the percentage of plastic that can be recycled. Our return/deposit system are one of the most efficient in the world greatly reducing spill and enhancing the circular economy where same materials have many life´s without necessarily adding a lot of new raw materials. The returned becomes a new raw material. Transitioning to a fossil fuel free society are needed by us all. Denmark now on a windy day produces way over 150% of own electricity needs completely emission free through windmills, increasingly off shore windmills. On average its now around 65% and in 7 years it will permanently always be above 100% and Denmark will become net exporter of emission free energy. By combining off shore windenergy with green hydrogen production we are right now working towards a reality where a small one digit percentage of our future green hydrogen production will be used when the wind does not blow to maintain energy supply even when the wind does not blow. The green hydrogen are made from the same windmills when the wind does blow. A closed loop solution ensuring emission free energy all around. When POOtin decided to start his illegal war and colonisation attempt Denmark were able to pass a law banning Russian gas import very fast. NOT being dependent on sending your hard currencies to dictators with no respect for human rights nor international law are an additional plus on top of not destroying our habitat/planet´s atmosphere and waters! Countries like USA, Australia and Canada REALLY should make a copy/paste of what we are doing. You too have optimal conditions for off shore wind. As us you have the chance for transitioning AND laugh all the way to the bank while doing it. Transitioning for you, as it are for us, are an investment, not a cost. Worldbank recently released numbers from some (all that had these numbers calculated) nations in the free world and currently extreme weather events in 2022 alone had a extracost in the few nations that calculated this of 16 million Dollars AN HOUR! Maybe these money were better spent on transitioning. One thing are for sure! That cost will ONLY go up coming years! Please copy us. Humanity and our habitat need you to. And the 5 weeks of paid vacation you mentioned are the MINIMUM! Many have longer/more.
@janfalk8574 Ай бұрын
Slight correction, even though it's been a year since the upload. There is no minimum drinking age in Denmark, and no minimum age on purchasing alcohol. The law states that you are not allowed to SELL Beer to people under 16, and strong liquer to people under 18. But you cannot be punished for buying alcohol, no matter your age. The restriction is on selling and not on buying.
@CRBarchager 10 ай бұрын
3:55 Depending on your location in Denmark, English is being taught in schools starting from anywhere between 1st to 4th grade and all the way up to graduation. Besides all the places mentioned. However after the introduction of streaming services ALOT of children movies and cartoons are released with danish audio and subs too so it's not that we can't choose not to have the original language spoken if we wanted to.
@agffans5725 8 ай бұрын
Beverages including high alcohol products are rather cheap in Danish supermarkets, but try to stay clear of buying it (including coffee) in a restaurant or in coffee shops, because you are going to be ripped off, while the price of the food they serve is often quite reasonable, they make a huge profit on beverages.
@paulstivers3213 7 ай бұрын
It would have been hilarious if at the very end you said, "Lastly, it's shocking that the sun is out today!" (I lived in Oregon, USA for 30 years, so I get it. It's not that we nor Denmark never get sun. It's just that we have a lot of drizzly days and fewer sunny days than much of the country.)
@mariannejensen349 9 ай бұрын
Ah, you were in the country at the gratuate season. What we just saw on the pictures was a gratuate student-wagon. When the young Danes gratuate their educations, something sort of translated in movies to high school, but which I understand is quite not the same in the US, they get a hat on, with a coloured ribbon on it, representing their education. They get a ceremony, and a ride all day long, to visit each student's home. That goes on shifts, between the students onboard the vehicle. Typically, it's what we in Denmark call "Gymnasium", which most likely will make you think of a gyms room of a sort. But in Danish context, it's the opening towards higher learnings. If the ribbon is blue, on the hat/cap, then the student has taken a HF, which stands for "Højere Forberedeleses eksamen" and translates to "Higher Preparation exam". That education has a duration of two years. The red, wine-red ribbon on the cap shows that it is an STX, which stands for "Studender eksamen" and translates to "Student exam". These educations gives access in the Danish education system to higher academical educations.
@dennisoestermann1880 7 ай бұрын
We had a car industry. And it was a electric car. It was produced in Denmark from 1987 to 1995.
@kimflycht2258 11 ай бұрын
The numbers of alcohol consumption in the Nordic countries are very lopsided by the fact Norway have "Vinmonopolet" and Sweden have "Systembolaget" also both countries have a very puritanical attitude towards alcohol!! And if history have showed us anything, it is that prohibition is never a solution to a problem education of the danger is!!! Both in Norway and Sweden they have a massive problem with home-brewing of alcohol and if anybody smuggles alcohol into their country it is the Swedes!. How that problem is in Norway I can not say, but I expect they have a similar though not as severe as the Swedes!!! These statistics will have a very large amount of alcohol consumption lacking in the numbers!! If You need proof of this visit harbour-cities with connection to either Sweden or Norway!! The young party-group were by the way young students celebrating the end of their education (Gymnasium Denmark) High-school or Trade academy. Have a nice time in our country! Kind regards the Danish Viking
@zymelin21 9 ай бұрын
there is a lot of "moonshine" being made in both countries. In Norway it is called "seksogniti" "96" referring to the alcohol strength. Sugar might be cheaper in Sweden and norwegians who makes 96 and live near the border go and buy it there. Norway is not an EU country and is very restrictive as to how much alcohol you might take across the border. 1 liter is allowed. Sweden is EU and somewhat more lax, but if you drive to Sweden in a pickup truck and the whole floor is covered in beer and booze, you will be done for smuggling.
@kimflycht2258 9 ай бұрын
Yes if you are found out!! Some years ago the Swedish Border officers stopped a bus from Germany. It contained vine and alcohol for more that 100000 kr.!!! The judicial system tried to pin this on the bus driver, because none owned anything after the stop!!! Luckily it did not go as the Police wanted so the bus driver got off free!! So believe me it does still happen, I have seen how much beer, vine and alcohol can be loaded into a bus-trailer! We are talking pallets of beer and so forth!!!@@zymelin21
@CRBarchager 10 ай бұрын
2:30 Bikes are popular because they are cheap (compared to cars) and it's easy to get around in Denmark on a bike. And you don't need to pay any fees for parking anywhere. However if you need to drive outside the major cities it's still preferable to do it by car or train depending on your destination. - I wouldn't recommend leaving your bike unlucked. Depending on the city there is a large possibility it will get stolen. However the major cities offer a service where you can rent a bike and I think these are the bikes you've might have seen.
@phaexus 7 ай бұрын
Basically all companies offer a sixth week of vacation to their employees on top of the five weeks.
@bkyrivera8100 11 ай бұрын
Awesome videos Anna! Very helpful thank you;)
@AnnaGoldmanTravel 11 ай бұрын
Aww thank you so much indeed ☺️🤗 I hope you’ll enjoy your trip to Copenhagen! 😉
@LiegeEdward 11 ай бұрын
Much love for the good work 🙏
@AnnaGoldmanTravel 11 ай бұрын
Thank you so very much ☺️🤗
@LiegeEdward 11 ай бұрын
@@AnnaGoldmanTravel always support
@allanjensen8324 11 ай бұрын
I`m shocked by This shocking video 😂… thank You for a fun and different video
@AnnaGoldmanTravel 11 ай бұрын
My pleasure ☺️ I’m glad you enjoyed it 🤗
@shakpro4296 11 ай бұрын
Great presentation as usual Anna. ❤👍🏿🇬🇧
@anjumghafoor3540 11 ай бұрын
Hey Anna, hey from Dubai, glad to see your vlogs ❤🎉
@AnnaGoldmanTravel 11 ай бұрын
Aww thank you so very much for watching ☺️🤗
@ErlingL Ай бұрын
I think you are using shocking quite wrong. Surpricing might be a better worth. The only shocking thing in the video is the idiotic car prices. Some comments : 5000 for a drivers licence??? If people spend that, they are fools or or really bad drivers. Common price is around 2000 Euro Using bikes in the big cities most of the time is not because of prices on cars or drivers licence - it's simply because it's faster and easier than going by car ans spending a lot of time waiting in lines . Again : I think coffee is expensive in Copenhagen. But if you pay 10 dollar you are buying it in the wrong place. It should cost you around 5 instead. But seems like you enjoyed your time here - after all that's the most important thing
@MrDrake333 8 ай бұрын
The painted ladder next to water is mostly for if you fall in water by accident, then you can easily see it and get out. Be Price for drive license is more like 1500 USD. Copenhagen destribution of age has a lot of 18-30 year old. The party vagon is only when gymnasium students graduate (typical one or two weekends)
@fabiosantos3672 2 ай бұрын
Iam from Brazil and I say: Skal for u guys!
@Simon89Jeppesen 10 ай бұрын
I am shocked by people describing Countries by their captial cities? Capital cities are not the Country, but more like other EU capital cities.. Comes from a Dane ❤️😋
@Julleisa 9 ай бұрын
Thats BS. Have lived here all my life (since 61'), and feel as much danish as my cousin's in Jutland. But it is people like you that devide us by telling stories from YOUR view that isn't true. da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indre_By_(K%C3%B8benhavn)#:~:text=Indre%20By%20er%20den%20inderste%20bydel%20og%20hjertet,befolkningst%C3%A6theden%20p%C3%A5%205.627%20indbyggere%20pr.%20km%202.%20
@zymelin21 9 ай бұрын
Geography is no longer taught in schools. My teacher back then (1957) used to whack us students over the head with a rolled up map (rolled up around a stick) for a false answer!! and he was not sued by parents and such for that. part of daily school life!!
@westcoastmex629 9 ай бұрын
5 weeks straight vacation is too much for me im old school i like feeling useful 😅 but i would take a week off every 2 months
@Noblemand 11 ай бұрын
Fact correction. People can start taking their driver licens when they are 16 yeears 9 month old and get it once they turn 17. And the pricing is not entirely true. Most driving schools have required packages with different aspects to the driver licens for as low as 1500 usd. The prize you mention are if you do not pass in multiple attempts
@Joliie 11 ай бұрын
Not many places left where you get plastic straws, it's been a long time since you have not gotten a paper straw, but you still get a plastic lid (why not have a paper lid and a plastic straw? so it doesn't melt in your drink before the icecubes :))
@ojichrom8448 7 ай бұрын
I'll add Denmark to my travel list,the place look amazing. I'm not "shocked" well for what I can see but maybe coffee is too expensive. World can depend on many things,there is others things or things more than things to obtain or to achieve,to materialize a new world.
@lynnglidewell7367 6 ай бұрын
I don't find it so shocking sixteen year olds legally drink alcohol. Many cultures even give adolescents wine with main meals of the day. In fact I think many laws and other cultural norms that still view sixteenth year olds as minors are incorrect. That's not to say they're fully matured adults yet but they're not children anymore either. I'm from the U.S. state of Michigan and when I was eighteen (I'm 71 now in 2024) it was legal to purchase any alcohol you wanted there also. In later years they reversed it however. It's strictly a matter of culture how sixteen to twenty one year olds are viewed. Mostly based in outdated old traditions. As populations become younger you'll find many of those norms dropping away.
@KHValby 9 ай бұрын
Greetings from one of the locals 🇩🇰 😊 ! ❤ your video! BTW! Your check from the Danish Tourist Board is on it´s way 🤣🤣🤣 ! Your Cup and straw were made of recycled plastic !
@nichohansen1402 9 ай бұрын
Just remember when talking prices you also walking around at the most expensive place in Denmark, the rest of Denmark is not that expensive, big city's live from tourism der for the price.! What you pay for a small two room apartments in COPENHAGEN, I could buy and pay out a house for here in the main land of Denmark..!😅 And If I go to my local guy and buy a cup of coffee and pay him 10$ he would says say free refill for the rest of the day😂 Besides that I can only agree 😁✌️💙
@jonasholm-mw5bn 9 ай бұрын
I’m pr sure those ladders aren’t so you can swim. We also have that in Aalborg and those are for the people who accidentally fall in. I heard the fine is 10.000 dkk if the police find you swimming. 3:58 sure, they’re not attached to anything, but they’re still locked. The straw thing isn’t a country thing, it’s more of a company thing.
@tommyrjensen 2 ай бұрын
Try to walk around in a burka, it might give some additional ideas.
@marcussampaio9535 9 ай бұрын
Imagine a brazilian in copenhagen 😳! Shocked, for sure 😅... stayed only a few days last month (november 2023), it was cold and rainy, but i loved it 😍...
@Valjean666dk 11 ай бұрын
Lots and lots of bikes get stolen I'm afraid. Denmark is not that safe.
@Fetguf 11 ай бұрын
Lots of those stolen bikes, are not stolen. People just forget where they parked them, and most of them are so cheap, that people dont go looking for them and just buy a new one. You can tell they are not stolen, as they still are locked with the approved lock.
@tahamansoor3895 11 ай бұрын
You Anna, are living life to its fullest!
@AnnaGoldmanTravel 11 ай бұрын
Aww thank you so much ☺️🤗 trying my best 😉
@tahamansoor3895 11 ай бұрын
You are very beautiful @@AnnaGoldmanTravel
@torlakruusgaard259 9 ай бұрын
A drivers licence doesn't cost 5000 USD at all. More like 2000 USD
@hernanpizarroerdmann8097 11 ай бұрын
Hi Anna amazing video . I have been living for short time in Oslo 6 months I think Norway now hasn't good quality life the krone is down and expensive life this is rason I back to Scotland . Norway was much better 5 years before o more. Do you think Denmark has better quality life than Norway? I was last year in Copenhagen for Holidays I know Norway is more beautiful amazing fiords etc etc but I think is better life in Denmark (UE) there more option everything like supermarket. Kind regards From Edinburgh
@finncarlbomholtsrensen1188 11 ай бұрын
Opposite many years ago, The Danish Kroner are now the most valuable coinage in Scandinavia. And our economy is immensely sound and strong, so that even Covid19 couldn't shake it very much, compared with several other States!
@nighthawk3045 11 ай бұрын
We have more bikes than cars in Copenhagen. Most cars is from people outside of Copenhagen going in.
@jaywtube 11 ай бұрын
Hi Anna. Did beer drinking time tempt you? 2 months alcohol free. Thanks for the inspiration.
@AnnaGoldmanTravel 11 ай бұрын
Nope, I never liked beer so I don’t really care 🙂 Thank you so much for watching ☺️🤗
@user-sb5wx2wl2f 11 ай бұрын
@AnnaGoldmanTravel 11 ай бұрын
Always my pleasure ☺️🤗 thank you very much for watching!
@KamillaMirabelle 8 ай бұрын
And the sound system you use "røde" arr danish too ❤️
@finncarlbomholtsrensen1188 11 ай бұрын
Robert Wadlow, tallest man ever (The statue) actually was an American! But from the Islandic SAGAs we have a man named "Walker Rolf"! A man too tall to ride a (very small) Islandic horse, so he had to walk!
@pollethegamer7837 2 ай бұрын
i am shocked someone has found one of the rare plastic straw's in denmark, have looked for 2 years, have yet to find a plastic straw to this date.
@gouzgr638 Ай бұрын
Shocking fact for Danes traveling outside the country. You can not pay everywhere with a credit card. Shocking 😂
@Philiprblx76 7 ай бұрын
Amazing amazement!
@svendemadsen8275 11 ай бұрын
Surprisingly i think this video would be better if you were more relaxed & chilled, seems like you're easily chocked, simply because of your lack of understanding Denmark in general. Btw bikes are not left unlocked, otherwise they would be stolen.
@mcsenn Ай бұрын
04:50 true, we do. there is a lot of german people at the west cost along jutland, were im form. they often dont speak english and want os to speak german x'D
@Lou_Snuts 11 ай бұрын
As a "middle-alternative" to automobiles on one side and bicycles on the other extreme, are Vespa-type motor scooters available?
@AnnaGoldmanTravel 11 ай бұрын
I haven’t seen 🙂 maybe just a few. Nothing like in Italy or in France 😉
@vrenak 11 ай бұрын
There are many of them around, but generally they're more popular outside Copenhagen, the more rural the area the more popular, but they're also mostly for young people.
@MrLarsgren 7 ай бұрын
think its around age 7-8 kids start having english in school. then later they can pick 2 more. need to have atleast 2 other languages than danish.
@runesvensson1244 8 ай бұрын
What is your accent, where do you come from? My guess would be somewhere in Eastern Europe :-)
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