Wait until Immaru hears about my secret ability called “Being the Main Protagonist.”
@TwiceBubaigawara-dl5ln Жыл бұрын
Can’t wait for the anime “That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Guardian” it’s gonna be thrallesome.
@submachinegun5737 Жыл бұрын
@@TwiceBubaigawara-dl5lnDestiny isekai except the event that makes the protagonist enter the other world is them dying horribly 😂
@TwiceBubaigawara-dl5ln Жыл бұрын
@@submachinegun5737exactly it would be awesome af as funny as it sounds saying so plus I’d hope the servers wouldn’t need reviving every 20mintues I’m being nice saying 20 😂
@charleskinsey2077 Жыл бұрын
And how long has it been since we were the hero of the story. It sounds more like that we are the fixer to the worlds problems
@mazman117 Жыл бұрын
Make it an Isekai where the main character gets reincarnated into the Destiny universe before the Battle of Six Fronts or Twilight Gap where the MC is just a normal human, exo, or awoken and THEN gets a ghost later after embodying the tenets of the Guardians before death. They might have a notebook on their person detailing whothey are or discover something that would help them remember their previous lives.
@dannyred9094 Жыл бұрын
Eris right now is the embodiment of the “I have plans that I cannot share with you right now because the haters will sabotage me” meme.
@Silencersix Жыл бұрын
“I got a plan, Immaru.” “You always have a plan Eris.” “This… is a good one.”
@vedo254 Жыл бұрын
@@Silencersix Reminds me of Red Dead Redemption 2: "John, Arthur - I have a plan!" "WHAT PLAN, DUTCH???"
@levicarpenter5509 Жыл бұрын
@@vedo254 lol
@SilentShadow423 Жыл бұрын
Aren’t we forgetting a insty bitty but crucial detail? *grabs Immaru* I O W N Y O U
@DragonKnight90001 Жыл бұрын
Is that a Hercules reference I spy?
@beninmalgaard9836 Жыл бұрын
@@DragonKnight90001I believe so!
@SilentShadow423 Жыл бұрын
@@DragonKnight90001 indeed sire
@DragonKnight90001 Жыл бұрын
@@SilentShadow423 brings back memories.
@levicarpenter5509 Жыл бұрын
In the overall story of destiny we(humanity) have shown to be nothing but a mix of evil and good, narcissistic, and shellfish, and eris may end up genociding the entire hive just because meh personal vendetta, maybe immaru was right when he said "the traveler didn't make a mistake when it chose the hive, it was fixing its mistake when it chose you"
@Silencersix Жыл бұрын
I love the writing this season, I really do, but it feels like the quest has just devolved into “Wait not just until next week, but until the end of the story to see what happens next.”
@TwiceBubaigawara-dl5ln Жыл бұрын
On the next episode of guardian ball z
@gabrielpineirogarcia2078 Жыл бұрын
"Boy you Will not believe It. I know you're kicking her forces but Oh boy! When she brings her Big guns? Hohoho shes going to mop the floor with you." *Lament kills her troops in a 10 minute mission*
@shifty_dragon Жыл бұрын
I wish there was a community event where we all had to tithe Eris by playing Altars of Summoning. It would make it feel like at least SOMETHING is going on during the narrative downtime.
@Cpt_John_Price Жыл бұрын
The "I love it, but...." statement of yours is just you lying to yourself, deep down you just don't like it. Intention or not.
@FlynnCaydeSolo Жыл бұрын
The DDoS attacks don’t make things any better and have made the deliciousness of this season a little sour and I know that’s not intentional but still
@moonlitmortician6694 Жыл бұрын
I like to think Savathun would want her Ghost to be one that sells her out. As a Goddess of Deception and Trickery, there could truly no better partner for her.
@madlector5438 Жыл бұрын
Like how the witness use our ghost to win.
@IlPinguonauta Жыл бұрын
It was really surprising that Immaru doesn't give a fuk about savathun.
@jackfkater1818 Жыл бұрын
Given what Eris said to Ikora this week it’s more likely that Eris will have Savathun resurrected so she can be killed again by Eris herself, fulfilling the promise of vengeance she made to herself. This will give Eris enough power to inflict some crucial blow on Xivu Arath,possibly removing her from her armies in the ascendant plane so she cannot make the grand war she needs to survive
@gabrielpineirogarcia2078 Жыл бұрын
Theres some clever potential going on here with the lines of the story slowly coming together. The imbaru engine first stage, imbaru engine. Theme: Savathun. Second stage, test of strength. Theme Xivu Arath. Completing It you get the text "you summon war". Theres still a final stage of the imbaru engine, which more likely involves Oryx. Would we be "summoning exploration"? (Oryx value) As its purposefully left for last. Eris in the Lore states that Xivu sees her as Oryx reborn, since Oryx believed whoever killed him would "become him" per sword logic. Until now no one took the mantle, but Eris finally claimed those tithes from when we killed him and Crota. Hence, per sword logic, Eris would take Oryx place. We see Eris torn at the moment. Sometimes she is regretful of having to get tithes and using Ahsa, the very Next time shes demanding tithes and batting away any concern her Friends show. Like an addict with tithes. And shes starting to slip a bit more into the hive mindset (more Than usual)
@DarthDoom-2014 Жыл бұрын
Using everyones misunderstanding of yourself as deception to resurrect the hive goddess of cunning and deception is tight!
@jenslivingbby Жыл бұрын
Wow you totally called it
@REDcladSPECTER Жыл бұрын
I honestly don’t think Eris has any hope of gaining enough power so quickly to beat Xivu, but I feel she has to know that. Eris knows too much about the Hive and the extent of their power to be this confident in such a short term and desperate plan to not have some other idea brewing in the background. And honestly it makes a lot of sense. Xivu is excited for Eris to gain power so the two can fight. If Eris has a scheme of her own she can’t let anyone, even us know because then she runs the risk if Xivu finding out and everything being ruined. I think Eris is trying to bait Xivu into a trap, but what that trap could be, I don’t know.
@TheGokenshi Жыл бұрын
I agree. I can absolutely see Queen Mara coming in clutch. While Xivu has been focused on Eris so hard, Mara has been helping on the back end weakening her from the Dreaming City and the Astral Plane. Those two have been in talks and working with each other more than we know. Let us not forget about Empress Caitil. Sisters of the Power 3. All Hokus Pokus 😂.
@CC-2062 Жыл бұрын
Probably Eris is planning to make xivu arath take vengeance by killing her. Eris probably has a throne world and will be instantly summoned back and empowered enough to drop kick xivu arath. I just hope we get an epic fight between them. Hibe god vs hive god .
@linhorne2962 Жыл бұрын
Xivu is all raw emotion, and she is led by her nose by that emotion. If she takes action against Eris, it would be in revenge for her siblings. It would Conjure Vengeance.
@british35 Жыл бұрын
Eris is very well versed in the sword logic, I think she knows how to contend
@miniverse2002 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, a couple weeks of nonstop killing isn't going to catch up to billions of years of it. The whole plan must rely on sidestepping Xivu in some way.
@pieceofgosa Жыл бұрын
Prediction: this season has been very focused on Hive logic & Xivu's devotion to it. I believe Eris will put Xivu in a position where logic will demand that she (Xivu) submits to her (Eris). Xivu will believe that tithing her power to Eris will bring about Eris' ascension to becoming the new Oryx but Eris will give up the power after Xivu is neutralized & thus prove the logic false. Aiat.
@kalebgerace Жыл бұрын
Probably driving Xivu into abandoning the idea that Eris will be her sister and to seek vengeance against Eris which would ultimately be a tithe.
@BeggarsNight Жыл бұрын
That would be reasonable if we hadn’t already been shown how much of a hypocrite xivu is concerning her adherence to the logic, vis a vis oryx. Where the logic demanded she praise his downfall as a purge of the weak, she sought vengeance and tried to dress it up as adherence to the logic. The point is that she follows it as long as it suits her, but abandons it as soon as it’s no longer benefitting her. So there’s no “proving” the logic false to her via logical means. Only by violence. For example: Xivu begging for her life or for mercy when she looks about to lose and die. That would be a fundamental overthrow of who she pretends to be, something she can’t justify by just twisting a tenet of the logic to be a teeny more convenient.
@TheDragonman55 Жыл бұрын
Immaru's assessment that Eris isn't getting enough power to beat Xivu sounds genuine. With that in mind, I'm afraid someone is going to do something drastic next week. I don't know who, I don't know what, but I have a very bad feeling we will all be screaming "NO, don't do it!" at our screens next week.
@AshleyGlenn Жыл бұрын
I believe the Drifter is going to sacrifice himself somehow. All the buildup for the romance between him and Eris has to go somewhere. and what would the loss of her love do to spur Eris on?
@Wastingsometimehere Жыл бұрын
@@AshleyGlenn or give her the motherload of trapped tithes.
@readingfreak8808 Жыл бұрын
I could still see Elisi doing something this season that might sabotage us somehow since I didn’t heard anything about anyone being able to convince her .
@johngancarcik5682 Жыл бұрын
@readingfreak8808 do we have another season coming up?
@levicarpenter5509 Жыл бұрын
@@johngancarcik5682yes, it is still months away from the final shape
@IronSouls Жыл бұрын
I think there is one wild card here we haven’t seen much of since the beginning of the season. The Drifter. There is zero chance Eris and Drifter haven’t been cooking up something even before this season and beyond zero Drifter is just going to allow Eris to sacrifice herself or anything like that.
@savagecabbage6.0 Жыл бұрын
If the architects hadn't taken our funny guns we wouldn't even need our own hive god
@ThePaulper Жыл бұрын
I do recall Byf talking about avoiding the whole "ooh look the big bad is coming" for a weekly story, which has been sorta happening for the past two weeks. I mean, the weeks before weren't the absolute best but at least it felt like we were learning/doing something. These past two weeks were more lackluster.
@riskrunner4532 Жыл бұрын
You know I wish bungie actually let Xivu Arath win last season because really its hard to be threatened by someone whos done nothing but lost against us, sure she still gains power from those defeats but thats more telling than showing, I feel if she actually won last season it'd really make this season more compelling and would make Immaru wanting the bail and Ikora's doubt more hard hitting and then the comeback at her even better.
@riskrunner4532 Жыл бұрын
Idk I guess I just want a Savathun build-up with her where Savathun was behind multiple seasons and technically won each one. But Xivu doesn't win outta secret, but strategy type of deal. Maybe it's just me, but I'm sick of winning, y'know? I just want us for once to lose the battle and later win the war or something. Like I'd also settle for another Rasputin type where we win but at what cost but I just wanna feel more invested idk.
@gabrielpineirogarcia2078 Жыл бұрын
@@riskrunner4532 i get What you mean though in the videogame format its hard to translate. You spend 8 weeks grinding an activity and then you just... Lose? Bungie went with a stalemate situation on Seraph. But I just know they killed Rasputin becuase They didnt know What to do with him
@submachinegun5737 Жыл бұрын
Yeah it would be really compelling but then you’d get the “wah we did all of that for nothing” crap from people like there was in seraph. Then again people find ways to complain either way so
@riskrunner4532 Жыл бұрын
@@gabrielpineirogarcia2078 are people really fans of storytelling if they don't like main characters failing? I mean failure is something incredibly important in storytelling it shows the characters aren't invincible and hypes up the villain even more for pulling one up on the character. People who only want to win in my eyes aren't real storytelling fans and are just there for the power fantasy which I get but still doesn't mean bungie should cower at not delivering interesting stories.
@riskrunner4532 Жыл бұрын
@@gabrielpineirogarcia2078 and also let's just be real Deep ended horribly as we just dunked orbs and magically defeated Xivu Arath through battle something we aren't supposed to do. Edit: it didn't end horribly more so lazily I suppose.
@ivegonefishing482 Жыл бұрын
Immaru really is a piece of work, I wonder if he and Drifter knew each other during the dark ages (he practically embodies the Drifter's accusations of ghosts being untrustworthy and only looking out for their own welfare). On a side note, if Eris in the Dark Future was able to bring Savathun to heel it makes you wonder how she managed to do so and if our Eris knows this secret as well.
@GabrielSyler33 Жыл бұрын
Good afternoon Byf. Fairly new to the channel. I had been really interested in Destiny back when the first game released. But for various reasons I fell off around the time of The Dark Below and never came back. Then I started seeing tweets and ads for new content for Destiny 2 and decided to see if anyone had made videos talking about the lore or story of the games. Yours was the first channel to pop up. The way you do your videos, the way you present the lore and stories, you got me really interested to keep going. So I’ve been going through the backlog of lore videos a handful at a time more or less every day. I just wanted to thank you for and compliment you on the work you do. Stay awesome.
@Kezajaws01904 Жыл бұрын
I think that the crap will hit the fan and Immaru will dip, but we manage to beat the Leviathan Eater and force Xivu to retreat. While she's retreating, we manage to resurrect Savathun ourselves via cunning and/or the Imbaru Engine, and she and Eris come up with a plan to get Xivu off our backs. After that's done, Savathun tells us how to get through the portal, wishes us luck, and heads off, saying she needs to "set her house in order" (or some other quote from the Books of Sorrow).
@levicarpenter5509 Жыл бұрын
Savathun isn't a hive God anymore and even if she is we can't bring her back with tithes since we killed her in her throne world and you can't bring a hive God back with tithes
@tkgwildfire5339 Жыл бұрын
Looking at the Book of Sorrows Verse 8:4, Eris's morph is called the Harbinger morph; so a trial of vengeance maybe part of the Imbaru Engine.
@joelbarr1163 Жыл бұрын
It's interesting to think that Immaru could just be full-on lying to empower Savathun's resurrection, making all of this up
@killerofzombs115 Жыл бұрын
His only hope after us will be the Skrank Gang.
@NMA247 Жыл бұрын
Savathun is going to wake up laughing. The moment we went against her, we had been playing her game. Just as Oryx planned his continuation through the Touch of Malice, Savathun made plans for her fall through the imbaru engine. We have yet to see her greatest trick unfold, and I fear that it may be that her death was just another trick.
@stinkyblood12345 Жыл бұрын
I'm certain Savathun planned all of this from the beginning. She obviously knew Eris would not succeed and that this whole plan of Eris defeating Xivu arath is not only doomed to fail, but is in fact another trick for a secret plan that even Immaru probably doesn't know about.
@DarthDoom-2014 Жыл бұрын
I don`t think so. In this weeks lore page Immaru listens to Savathuns recordings for her "plan B"s. She is afraid and is sure that everything will be over, if Eris goes mad. Even the witch queen fears Eris, but still trusts her to make it. Eris is still plan A!
@gabrielpineirogarcia2078 Жыл бұрын
@@DarthDoom-2014 its interesting because Savathun doesnt want Eris to go mad, yet Xivu wants. Savathun in All her plan B's has countermeasures to make sure the host does not get tributes too quickly which would make them mad, Xivu is about to serve us a leviathan eater on a silver plate. Imagine how powerful and ancient those tithes are, its like shes giving us a fat pig as a gift
@jamaalclinton4676 Жыл бұрын
Atleast I'm not the only one seeing this picture. Xivu knows that too much will drive you mad, she already ran through this already as she been doing this for how long? The fact savathuns plans involve cutting back to grow slowly shows us she knows her sister very well. She is the cunning one remember this
@JynMojito-xp2yp Жыл бұрын
We were able to strengthen Sloane’s connection to Ahsa through egregore last season…is it crazy to think that we could use it again here? I’m imagining a scenario where those close to Eris, those like Ikora and Drifter, maybe Mara, could use egregore to link with Eris. Creating some sort of psychic net that would allow her to safely contain and use the massive amount of tithes necessary to win. Or maybe I’m just comforting myself with the theory bc I don’t want to lose my comfort character!
@Lightstation_ Жыл бұрын
If savathun doesn't get revived then I will be disappointed. This season started strong but it's been slow the in the last few weeks with nothing really happening
@riskrunner4532 Жыл бұрын
I'm betting she'll get revived off screen and run away for later type of deal, or Eris exploits killing her over and over for some power. Could be dead wrong tho. But I'm willing to bet this and Xivu vs Eris will be off screen which sucks really wish they ran with this plot for an expansion so we can actually see a hive god vs hive god. Maybe that's just me
@pyrogod1041 Жыл бұрын
I think season of the witch is just part one of the next season
@submachinegun5737 Жыл бұрын
The entire point of the season is to rez savathun to get knowledge on how to enter the traveler, she just wants xivu dealt with before immaru will do it. So I don’t see her not getting resurrected. There’d have to be a really good twist or we just flat out lose against xivu for her to not get rezzed, which would either piss people off a lot or be an interesting story of more desperation depending on how that would be handled
@Lightstation_ Жыл бұрын
@@pyrogod1041 if it is that's not good. Seasons should be able to stand on their own without waiting for the next season for a continuation
@Lightstation_ Жыл бұрын
@@submachinegun5737 after Lightfall I'm not holding my breath. I don't expect them to give us the plot point we actually want
@reamoinmcdonachadh9519 Жыл бұрын
Knowing Savathun, the answer she gives, when she is raised is one that was probably right in face, staring at us all tis time, and something to do with that key looking thing sticking out of the Witness's ship and point STRAIGHT at the center of the Portal in the side of the TRAVELLER.
@Blindluck92 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, Immaru is free to bail whenever he wants. I'll miss his commentary, but you know what else I miss? Perma-killing a Hive god in their own throne world. After all that time wondering how we were going to make Savathûn *stay* dead only to now be bringing her back, I'm feeling nostalgic for another round of godslaying.
@chipsawdust5816 Жыл бұрын
The Xivu battle neds to almost be a new raid.
@clearsky4049 Жыл бұрын
Am I the only one worried about Fynch's safety? He was supposed to be a spy of sorts. Now that Immaru knows about him, we have to get Fynch and his Knight out of the throne world.
@LOVEMUFFIN_official Жыл бұрын
Thank you! I thought I was the only one worried about that!!!
@levicarpenter5509 Жыл бұрын
Why would we get his knight out, he is still dead and has been dead since
@paragonflash8937 Жыл бұрын
honestly i love to see the Drifter and Immaru interact. They both have this chaotic alignment to them although Drifter is more of Chaotic good. Immaru is almost like Chaotic evil/neutral remember if he was chaotic evil he would go through with Resing Savathun but now that he's willing to ditch it all and run away for himself it lands him on the Chaotic neutral. Two chaotic characters just interacting id love to see it.
@nicholasschoonbeck6866 Жыл бұрын
I thought this week was fascinating & I'm surprised that Byf feels it wasn't, I'd guess that its more related to other things.
@PFAMIS191 Жыл бұрын
And here i am without my light suppresing leash for the little light dog
@martyatchley7096 Жыл бұрын
My prediction: Xivu Arath exacts her vengeance, inadvertently tithes to Eris Morn, and suffers a blowback of immense proportions. The Leviathan Eater falls, and Savathun comes back, either by Immaru or the cunning of Eris.
@glacialWind Жыл бұрын
"ghosts are atleast aligned in the sense that they would work well with them" tell that to drifter and his ghost.
@torgue5364 Жыл бұрын
I hope that by the end of the final shape we are the last of the guardians standing. I like the idea of victory at immense cost
@Lifeblood56 Жыл бұрын
nothing like a byf video to start the day :3
@gavo7911 Жыл бұрын
Considering we STILL don’t know what Eris’ ultimate endgame is, I think she has a plan cooked up to outsmart Savathun and Xivu. At least I hope so, I really don’t wanna lose her after all her incredible development.
@BleachisMyLover Жыл бұрын
No hate to eris but outsmarting savy is redundant being as she is the hive god of cunning and trickery
@GlueEater-ix9gl Жыл бұрын
To outsmart savathun would be as one might say a case of having "conjured cunning" thus empowering savathun further
@lynchie360 Жыл бұрын
Morph of the acolyte maybe? I'm basing this purely on speculation and conjecture because Eris looks like an acolyte in her hive form to me
@nicolas2146 Жыл бұрын
I mean did any of us actually think Eris would be able to catch Xivu. Like aren’t the hive gods like millions of years old. Xivu still has a massive hive army tithing to her as well. There has to be more hive in Xivu brood than guardians tithing to Eris. I always felt like it was a lost cause. Edit: might be wrong don’t have a lot of destiny Knowledge
@gagejohnathan9641 Жыл бұрын
This is my belief, even if she's bleeding Tithe, *she's still got the army people.*
@ASpaceOstrich Жыл бұрын
We beat Oryx by cutting off his tithe to the point where he was basically two weeks from starving to death. If Xivu brings her army here, that makes her vulnerable.
@Yokoto12343 Жыл бұрын
What if next week is the reason we have gathered motes of darkness all theye years in gambit... Drifter comin in clutch with a tithe motherlode
@dutchvanderlinde6568 Жыл бұрын
If Immaru bails, where would he go?
@dereckguerra6863 Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't be surpised that Savathun knows about Immaru opinions about her and has planned accordantly, maybe a spell that teleports him to her and forces him to resurrect. She has done alot of experiments on ghosts. It could also be a plan similar to how oryx did and get resurrected by cunning...maybe by Eris doing a very spectacular maneuver that tricks Xivu in such an epic way that she returns
@localfiddlesticksmain2185 Жыл бұрын
I bet this whole time we were getting disconnected. Immaru was behind the scenes pulling the strings the entire time
@jon20187 Жыл бұрын
Big fan. Have something that has been in my mind and not sure if I’ve missed the explanation of this. At the end of the Taken King Eris says “You were right my queen, the guardians are the key” when touching Oryx’s sword. I assumed this was a message to Mara Sov but could she be working with Savathun and maybe she was speaking to her?
@bignerd9641 Жыл бұрын
Weirdly enough there’s an extra 3-4 radio messages in the triumph for those, I wonder if there’s going to be something at the tail end of the season.
@joshuavarney2346 Жыл бұрын
This week was literally "kill some dudes at the throne world, then listen to like 10 lines of dialog"...
@shadowyandel_vx2061 Жыл бұрын
I wouldnt be surprised if savathun would be resurrected by us showing "Cunning" "I am cunning and by cunning you have conjured me back"
@wolfemperor_n112 Жыл бұрын
You want that immaru? Constantly looking around for enemies that want to crush your bulb like powder?
@imarubronzen Жыл бұрын
This is where something like the Hyperbolic time chamber from DBZ comes in.
@andrewbeehler579 Жыл бұрын
You’re not the only one expecting a cataclysm on the horizon.
@grzetim Жыл бұрын
How badly did Byf want to say "Feed the Imbaru Engine that is the KZbin Algorithm."? I am still convinced that unless the whole final season is somehow bring Savathun under control, Eris has something in store for Savathun that she (Savathun) has not predicted.
@lowrng3672 Жыл бұрын
I can see the witch queen coming back to life at the end via eris
@twobee-1654 Жыл бұрын
The theory of Immaru being similar to Savathûn is really interesting. I also can't help but notice the similarity between Imbaru and the name Immaru
@chipsawdust5816 Жыл бұрын
I noticed the similarity as well but not sure what to make of it, if anything.
@ryanmaxwell7816 Жыл бұрын
My guess is that Savathun has created a sort of backdoor into the tithing ritual Eris has been using, by giving us the perfect locale to provide massive amounts of tribute and has made it so any tithes made here can be redirected to herself in an act of betrayal and cunning.
@n0denz Жыл бұрын
Eris is the Pawn, but when a pawn reaches the other side of the board, it can assume the role of a taken piece.
@demonsorrows Жыл бұрын
It's already understood by the build up of her and Drifter's relationship that he's going to be the one to pull her from the Hive god fire when she has trouble letting go. Ahsa will likely sacrifice or try to sacrifice herself by becoming the main conduit in a way making Sloan break down, but Ahsa will put her at semi-ease saying conveying that her last act will be an act of mercy, love, and an end of the Witness and head hive worms for her lost brothers and sisters.
@triggerfish9967 Жыл бұрын
"Your ghost may not abandon you but their's a difference between him and me. He's an idiot" - Immaru
@augstradus Жыл бұрын
One thing that bothers me about Savathun beeing dead is that if i recall correctly, one of the last things Savathun learned before her dead was the massive deception of the Hive in general and wouldn't have had time to adjust her precautions in case of death as such.
@mikey11295 Жыл бұрын
I thought that once resurrected by your ghost, you forget everything in your past life. That’s why Savathun had us do the alters in WQ expansion? So surely the guardians have the upper hand once she has been reborn to essentially have her learn whatever we want her to know and weaponise that situation. Idk food for thought
@optumis1433 Жыл бұрын
The lore you get this mentions something called the heirloom. Maybe that’s a hint into next season
@themortreport Жыл бұрын
I sadly think that second of those two unknown triumphs will be watching a cutscene/interaction the last week of the season to set up the next. I know this is the season Bungie was able to get away from the production line style story telling, but I can't see them getting away from hinting at the next season in a radio message next week then showing exactly what the plan is in the last week of the season.
@althechicken9597 Жыл бұрын
We gonna have to squish him. Ive seen it coming since the first cut scene He also doenst have sleeves for cards.
@CMRonin Жыл бұрын
Immaru bails out, we have the imbaru engine to bring back Savathûn. She really did think of everything didn’t she
@79bigcat Жыл бұрын
The idea of beating the Hive at their own game is a satisfying one, but I had a thought of an enemy that Xivu Arath can't get any tithes from fighting: the Vex. There's some successor Vex in the oubliette. Given their time bending power, they're like trying to pick up scattered bobby pins, even in throne worlds if Crota's backstory is to be believed. Being machines that for all their intelligence, are rather single minded would just see attacking Xivu's forces as another avenue of study for paracausality; not a war. Savathun may be able to trap and manipulate them toward her goals, but Xivu isn't as flexible.
@christopherking6496 Жыл бұрын
Watching this now, I ADORE what they did with Eris during Season of the Witch.
@paulm2822 Жыл бұрын
Short answer to me is, "Yes Eris defeats Xivu". Eris doe not have to be stronger.... just strong enough. She is God of Vengeance and Xivu the God of War. To fight the forces of Xivu you invoke war. War makes her stronger. It is Xivu that is challenging Eris (in revenge). Every attack from Xivu will make her stronger until she overpowers. The downside.... Eris is unable to return. Vengeance is a double edged sword. Avenged with the deaths of Xivu, Oryx, and Savarthun in the current timeline, vengeance must be sated still. Guardians of the Council that left the fireteam on the moon? The Witness? Was the Stranger right???
@paulm2822 Жыл бұрын
BTW.... Savathun's return... interesting... inherits the Xivus Brood and the lucent hive. "The line between light and dark is so very thin."
@supreme782 Жыл бұрын
Savathun had become my fav character long before witch queen because I love intelligent antagonists. The way I would like to see the story place out is that everything we have done this season has been within the confines of Savathuns throne world and Eris becoming strong enough to defeat Xivu (a god) might be the sacrifice required to resurrect savathun. A big crazy twist could be that Eris remains mentally stable but her body surging with power could've just been a pawn for Savathun to take it over and assume control (killing Eris by dissolving her consciousness and savathun gets a new body from the new most powerful hive god Eris. The 4th element of Imbaru could be the resurrection of savathun not addressing her in the same light as when she was a full hive but now addressing her as a new entity now that she weilds the light and is a hive god/guardian hybrid.
@rayden120 Жыл бұрын
I think a lot of characters that were a key element to the light vs dark saga is going to end leading up to final shape
@hadenburbank6040 Жыл бұрын
He obviously doesn't know about the top secret multipurpose deployable plates the vanguard has been working on to bring the overwhelming power of 6 guardians standing on plates to any conflict anytime and anywhere.
@danielginn9033 Жыл бұрын
I think the season finale will finally give us a face to a name when it comes to xivu arath. It’ll probably end on a cliffhanger of a cut scene
@makoredeyes Жыл бұрын
Some peculiar potential foreshadowing in this week's lorebook entry for both Ikora but more intriguing for me, Immaru. I wonder if he'll become more pivotal than he cares to be.
@mysticstar19 Жыл бұрын
I think we’ll defeat the Leviathan Bane next week and maybe Xivu by end of the season or for next season
@dylanmiller1140 Жыл бұрын
Considering next week is the finale and it’ll be Oryx’s week I’m hoping we’ll see him come back, his body is alive and kept in the same place as savathun. Bring oryx back, stop Xivus desire for vengeance which limits Erises tithing loop reducing her future power and that could get Xivu away from the witness. That’s Only Ws for the hive all Ls for the witness and us pretty much gaining no ground besides Savathuns information
@PsalmLab Жыл бұрын
Really great video! 🙌🏾 I think we have reached the tipping point! What concerns me most, however is, at what cost? 😅
@notluckycharms5917 Жыл бұрын
I think eris is gonna call up her boo the drifter and he gonna transmat xivu into a match of gambit and she'll realize what real carnage is all about😂
@pasttense69 Жыл бұрын
I know the Imbaru engine will have some big event happen with it, but i wish we had dialogue or something at the end. I’m really missing that Veil Containment equivalent this season.
@athroughzdude Жыл бұрын
Immaru seems to think that being Savathun's Ghost makes him the smartest/most important person in the room while she's dead. He is wrong on both counts, and I cannot wait to beat Savathun to death with him.
@trololopez2437 Жыл бұрын
Im curious. If Savathun represents Cunning and Oryx Curiosity, does us trying to figure out Imbaru also empower Oryx? Yes we're trying to outsmart and negate Savathun's Logic of Cunning, but does that not also mean that our natural curiosity in trying to figure something out also empower, or feed, Oryx? Idk, I'm probably making s**t up rn...
@dembro27 Жыл бұрын
I think Oryx was a seeker of knowledge, so if the only way to negate Imbaru is to learn about Savathûn and her plans to eliminate misconceptions and confusion, then yeah, it'll probably empower Oryx. But I don't think our actions (as in, us players) matter that much. If anything could empower Oryx to a significant degree, I think it would be Eris. She's always sought Hive secrets and forbidden magics, and now she has power she's never had before. I believe Xivu expects Eris to unintentionally resurrect Oryx for that reason.
@divinelawmakers7818 Жыл бұрын
he's a fool not to believe in the Heart of The Cards.
@serafaye9705 Жыл бұрын
Eris Morn: Ikora IM THE HIVE BATMAN!
@alexgilgalad Жыл бұрын
We still have one more season to go and Bungie definetly delivers in terms of story and progress on the season before an expansion. For me, the main idea of this season is not much about how to get to the Pale Heart (crossing the portal), we will get there, the point is what we will lose to get there. Again, so far one more season before Final Shape.l and I am more intrigued what next season content will be and my two glimmer are Osiris and Mara Sov as main NPCs and having to deal with this "The Heirloom"? Thar Contingency plan lore passage is interesting. And next season we will get the info we need to cross the portal and the steps needed to make it happen, maybe we will have a throwback, maybe the Dreaming City will be important, maybe Io will be back? The last place touched by the Traveler.
@Llama83 Жыл бұрын
Byf, Hive God of Lore
@connormacdonald9217 Жыл бұрын
He knows who Fynch is and _hasn't_ killed him yet? I think that might just lend itself to my theory that Savathun's ghost wouldn't be wearing a shell that puts a giant target on its back.
@ASpaceOstrich Жыл бұрын
I think we've seen Immaru rez Savvy. But if we hadn't that would be an amazing twist.
@connormacdonald9217 Жыл бұрын
@@ASpaceOstrich That's the funny part, neither Immaru nor Fynch spoke during that final mission and ghost shells are interchangeable. Think about it, she'd want her ghost to be in the safest position while still leading us towards restoring her memories.
@hanamizuno0625 Жыл бұрын
The last morph might just be called the vengeful morph for eris's hive form
@dembro27 Жыл бұрын
Or the Guardian Morph 🤯
@nicholasschoonbeck6866 Жыл бұрын
And he didn't include the lore for this week, that really suggests that Savathun has many plans including that Eris would sacrifice us all? If I ran a channel doing feedback on this channel, I'd say Byf dropped the ball this time.
@jokeyxero Жыл бұрын
I love how we can never trust anything Immaru says at face value. I feel like we've never received anything real from him other than whatever we needed to near to trap us into the next step of a Savathun plan.
@Shapes_Quality_Control Жыл бұрын
I don’t think we are going to get a definitive conclusion here. I think the previous seasons content post lightfall will culminate in the final season. Not to say next week won’t be big, but it will be a cliff hanger.
@driverslineocsz4418 Жыл бұрын
Something tells me Mara is coming in at the last bit. Listening to this made me question the season of the arrivals with Savathun’s interference and how she’s positioned to do things as a matter of convenience. Not to forget the seed that was planted so long ago that we’ve forgotten about. When we told Savathun that she was lied too makes me think that the light bearer Savathun didn’t know as much as the original Savathun - so if she didn’t know that she was lied to it affects her plan and they way that we are in place as the Wild Card. Idk I think that something is about to get dropped.
@chipsawdust5816 Жыл бұрын
Mara is clever - she took that damn worm and put it into a gun. She kept her promise but it wasn't what the worm thought it was gonna be. We may need that thing to kill Xivu!
@Fenyxclips Жыл бұрын
One thing I've noticed this season (specifically with Ikora and understandably as well) is how some characters are trying to play it safe when we are in the Endgame. There's no longer a set morality and anything must be done to stop the Witness. No victory is won without sacrifice and there's a lot to be lost. Ikora appears to be trying to play it safe and stop Eris when Eris is the only one who can really handle this Hive power. Now if only we could get tithes outside the seasonal activities...Already know spots to endlessly farm enemies.
@MultiShadowgod Жыл бұрын
It's cannon that she gets tithes from all our activities
@acw_tracks7097 Жыл бұрын
I think the way Eris defies what immaru says is the leviathan eater. We kill the big knight and when we tithe all of the power and strength behind such a legendary hive that's under xivus command it'll hopefully level the playing field for Eris and give her the upper hand momentarily
@Astro_0421 Жыл бұрын
The Imbaru engine might be tied to a new exotic, with I think will be the case.
@summerrose7650 Жыл бұрын
Immaru not immediately leaving was a shocking delight. Even tho it's probably only cause we're his best hope at not losing all his fancy power. Also, Ikora is such a mother to Eris. She's very protective over ghostless guardians as anyone would be. Hope she finds peace with what Eris is doing. With all the stress building up from all sides about the hive god buisness , she needs one less thing to worry about
@chipsawdust5816 Жыл бұрын
Eris has stopped holding that Ahamkara bone, I wonder where it went? Those things have lot of power.
@summerrose7650 Жыл бұрын
@@chipsawdust5816 she probably has it somewhere safe. Problem is, the power she has already is tempting already. That bone will probably make it worst
@mightymanatee5342 Жыл бұрын
Remember that next week is only the end of Act 1 of Season of the Witch. There are 12 more weeks to go before we see the end results of Eris' and our own actions.
@pyroslev Жыл бұрын
He called my Ghost stupid. No one calls my Rudy stupid. Time to play pop the green eyeball. Oh and Eris has got this. Xivu is gonna bite enough of her ending that Ole' Savathun is gonna help us out.
@eemelisaurila9940 Жыл бұрын
Would be hilarious if Savathûn never planned any of this, on purpose, so she'd get a bunch of imbaru from us wondering what plans within plans she has
@williamwh810 Жыл бұрын
Honestly one of my favorite lines from this season was when Immaru was saying Eris will lose but at least it will be fun to watch. On a more serious note though I do hope Eris lives because I don't want Drifter to lose her. If Eris is lost then I hope we get an exotic made by Drifter possibly with the help of Banshee, Ikora, and maybe others like Zavala with the exotic named after her nickname. I say made with help because Banshee's knowledge of weapons, Ikora also being close to Eris, Zavala because of how Drifter gave him the have faith talk in season of the deep, and those are just a couple people who might help Drifter because of their relationship with either him or Eris. Also on a more out there note while I can see an exotic weapon in memory of Eris being light or stasis I wonder if a new weapon of sorrow will be born from all of this.
@chipsawdust5816 Жыл бұрын
Maybe the Eremite will turn exotic - but it's already solar.
@humanmale1042 Жыл бұрын
The last more of probably going to be the Light Morph, aka Eris
@Landis963 Жыл бұрын
My 2 Glimmer regarding the end of the season: We have a few balls in the air and they all need to land, somehow, to make this pay off. The Leviathan Eater is one of them - he needs to come back so we can grind him into pulp. That promise Eris made - see her letters to Asher Mir and Savathun immediately post-Beyond Light, found in _Regarding Stasis_ for the full text - has already come back into play, and we shall see whether it finds fruition now, or whether the Witch Queen Jokers off to menace us another day. The Imbaru engine, which I strongly suspect to be what Savathun is expecting to charge up with upon her resurrection, needs to be destroyed somehow, or Savathun somehow rendered unwilling or unable to reap its benefits.
@Blaze-710 Жыл бұрын
What if Savathun knew Imaru is a natural leader, and just needed to give him the opportunity. She is so cunning she could have plans for Imaru too, maybe to be in a future leadership position in our fight against the Witness
@VagrantTime Жыл бұрын
When a hive god falls, the mantle it held can be taken by another, so if 1 kills another and then abandons their own, would that not leave it for a 3rd to take.
@Aqrelon Жыл бұрын
My guess is that Eris plans to deliver Final Death to Savathun, that would be vengeance for sure
@BrazarB Жыл бұрын
If we're going to continue to get visuals like this at 4:28, can we get subtitles
@Riza3190 Жыл бұрын
Maybe the engine is what will allow us to enter the Traveler