Elle a raison sur le small talk, j’ai vécu 5 ans aux USA et c’est leur spécialité, c’est vraiment très agréable. C’est ainsi qu’on se retrouve à discuter partout, tout le temps avec tout le monde. Et une fois passées les premières phrases banales, on peut se retrouver à dire des choses importantes et profondes. Je me suis installée ensuite en Allemagne, et ici c’est d’une très grande austérité dans les contacts humains, desséchant !
@ExogalacticMushroomQuantumTech9 ай бұрын
Mdr grave les teutons ils sont pas doués pour parler
@Fleur25447 ай бұрын
ca depend ou on vit aux US
@Germansister7 ай бұрын
@@Fleur2544 oui c est vrai
@antoniovisk5 ай бұрын
Je ne suis pas preparé à ecuter les longues Videos en français, car je suis encore débutant.
@philippereybard56565 ай бұрын
Bonjour Louise, je suis Psycho-praticien en Maïeusthésie, je vois le pb d´identité, de transfert que tu as pu avoir avec ta sœur jumelle à propos de la roujeur. Si tu le souhaites, je t'invite a aller voir cette Louise devant sa sœur... Belle soirée, ou journée
@nathaliekandro71539 ай бұрын
Un double merci : merci beaucoup pour cette interview. Sanna est très inspirante. Merci aussi pour l’initiative de faire venir dans votre podcast des personnes inspirantes ou spécialistes non médiatisées ! C’est une vraie richesse, une bouffée d’air frais, une joie aussi, tant il devient pesant de voir toujours les mêmes visages médiatisés circuler sur tous les plateaux et podcast ! Vive la diversité et l’intelligence collective en mouvement. Cela va peut-être vous demander plus d’énergie pour les dénicher mais pour nous c’est vraiment galvanisant ! Continuez !!!!
@madinaba14499 ай бұрын
@solangehonore60094 ай бұрын
La Communication est une imposture propagandiste .
@TrueChance-d4mАй бұрын
Hello I live in a village called Mashta Al-Badsi,or The martyr Khalil Bouzard, Hamala in Municipality, Mila Province in Algeria Racist environment Conclusion They wanted to attach several charges to me and exploit me because they wanted me to keep getting into trouble Death threats and attempts to dampen morale They wanted to destroy me psychologically, morally, financially, and health-wise They used medicines, machinations, and witchcraft in many ways they tried to break up my family They used mentally ill people, women, young children, and even the elderly the villagers incited against me they disrupted my studies, work, and life, and even they wanted prevented me from speaking and thinking, isolat me from society, and instilled negative thoughts, fear, and reverse in everything. They used the method of defaming reputation They targeted me in most of the places I worked They incite the workers against me Even in the street They wanted to disrupt my life period of the past five years Everything is planned They wanted to charge me and used medications The types of medications they targeted me with are hallucinogens and viagra And medications that affect the abdomen, intestines, and immunity They used propaganda against me that I was sick and suspicious, and they wanted to exploit me with it Several provocations occurred in Bani Harun We continue to follow you wherever you go We all get rich or we break you And many provocations In Grarem Goga, some people use provocations We catch you somewhere else and take your pants off You heal, but you heal a sick person If you get married, we will rape your wife Tear down the house the magic is buried underneath And several provocations My father also, they put the same medicines to him and they tell him, “Your wife is the one who put to you the medicines.” They created many problems between my father and mother My father benefited from rural construction and the place where he built the house. They told him, “build here,” and they all knew that they left him until he completed building the house. They wanted to make it an accusation so that they could exploit him and his children, and I was the first they target me. I was targeted by Muhammad Issous or Boughachich, Bahri Issous, Nadir Boughachich, Farouk or Ali Bouzard, Masoud or Shuaib Boughachich. They saw me going to practice sports, so they wanted to plot against me. They used Zakia Bouchaqour to try to set me up, and they were put me Viagra in Bani Haroun. Every time I go to exercise, they try to demoralize me Al-Saeed Darmashi's wife watches me in front of the house and closes the door forcefully in my face and she use voice like a dog And provocations from Abdel Nour Bouchakour’s daughters, and provocations from Issa Bouchakour, his wife, and Zakia Bouchakour’s children. and Farouk Bouzard and Azouz Bouanemr Al-Saeed Darmushi’s wife has contacts with other parties. They monitor me on their phones. When I leave the house or return to the house, I find her watching me in front of the house in order to provoke me and close the door forcefully in my face. She ends up threatening me. Her goal is to put you in prison or put you in a mental hospital, and she wanted to lure me The one who provoked me with his car Salima Bouhallassa built half a brick wall in the house that contained the smell and rats, and she started using provocations. She say I built it, and who think her silf a man, touched it. I demolished it. She created an accusation against me and claimed that I had beaten her. and she used several provocations I worked in Jijel, in Algiers, in Bechar, in Oran, in Annaba, in Bejaia, and they targeted me in these places. Also a doctor from Mila state and Dr. Boukrouh in Grarem Goga They used Salima Bouhalasa, causes us problems, Especially when occasions and parties approach, she use the method of sedition spread, playing the role of the victim, and the method of distorting reputations, especially among relatives, against us. Then they used Al-Saeed Darmouchi's wife to cause us problems They want to herit us problems, disease and poverty And they herit it on to our children and our children’s children They use all methods: gossip, provocation, insults, insults, incitement and machinations. They want to prevent me from even speaking and thinking They cause me problems and play the victim in order to incite my father against me I was provoked by several people, including women, with their cars They have many ways to evade the truth and no one tells the truth They created several ways to evade crime and the truth They were throwing stones at our house at night in Grarem Goga, and they insisted several people against us, causing us problems, here also in the village the same events happened Because of the medications they put on me and the problems they caused me, I was sick for a year and a half in bed They wanted to kill me and destroy me for their interested and money They steal our good things and pass on to us their problems and faults When they heard that I was learning and studying at home alone and that I wanted to travel outside Algeria, they wanted to ruin everything I do Who can help me with my case
@kadijanebbache41809 ай бұрын
Oui la célébrité n'est pas toujours synonyme de légitimité. Merci d'avoir invité Sanna Boukhalfa El Kehal, une experte dans son domaine, mais surtout une expertise utile à toutes et tous. Ce partage d'expériences riche en enseignements est à enregistrer et à réécouter autant que nécessaire ! Superbe découverte ❤
@melczt78459 ай бұрын
Merci beaucoup pour ton travail si transportant ! J’ai fait tant de pauses pour lire cette vidéo mais j’ai fini par lire l’intégralité, ouiiiiii hourra 😅🙌 🙏merci beaucoup encore !
@leila.elle45889 ай бұрын
Petite anecdote qui m'a aidé : ma mère rougie facilement, comme moi, un jour, une de ses amies a pris la parole devant toute une assemblée, elle était toute rouge. Ma mère m'a dit à quel point elle l'avait admiré à ce moment là car sa pote avait osé dire ce qu'elle pensait devant tous ce monde, malgré sa peur et sa rougeur, elle avait fait preuve de courage, tout simplement, contrairement à ceux qui pourraient se moquer notamment. Son admiration m'a poussé moi aussi à plus d'audace et peu importe de rougir tant qu'on ose...
@rymrymrym9 ай бұрын
Moi aussi j’ai tendance à rougir dès que je parle en public, même dans un petit groupe. Ça me gênait beaucoup, et quand je me sentais rougir je rougissait encore plus… Maintenant, j’ai accepté la situation, je me suis même convaincue que ça me faisait un blush naturel 😅 j’ai remarqué qu’en y faisant moins attention, la rougeur disparaît peu à peu
@EnivertMarcRobertJohn4 ай бұрын
@HajarElyamani-jn1xh3 ай бұрын
@ElouardyChadia-so7cb23 күн бұрын
@AdelaideRosier9 ай бұрын
J'écoute presque tout tes podcasts Louise et celui-là va m'être très utile étant donné que je suis dans le train , pour préparer un petite prise de parole devant 400 personnes la semaine prochaine 😅. Merci donc pour ce contenu
@creativibes9 ай бұрын
Bon courage pour le stand up :D C'est quoi la thématique ?
@yako6689 ай бұрын
Ça s'est passé comment du coup?
@hafidashouse78249 ай бұрын
@creativibes9 ай бұрын
@@hafidashouse7824 Salut !
@celinedorizzi25422 ай бұрын
Le silence...?
@charlottebouet47569 ай бұрын
C'était top, je vote pour plus "d'inconnus"
@anaisdiziere51869 ай бұрын
J'ai eu Sanna en cours de communication il y a deux mois. C'était vraiment très formateur !
@bulustyle98259 ай бұрын
J'ai A-DO-RÉ!!!! Merci infiniment 🙏🏿 !!! J'ai partagé, réécouté et maintenant je prends des notes ! Un podcast d'utilité publique 👌🏿
@nemy18-209 ай бұрын
La puissance de cet interview c’est énorme ,bravo à vous deux
@leila.elle45889 ай бұрын
Super concept d'inviter les personnes de l'ombre, expert(e)s dans leur domaine, j'adore, merci Louise et Sanna, c'était passionnant!
@laud219 ай бұрын
Incroyable !! Ce podcast était particulièrement captivant, touchant et parlant !! Et surtout inspirant et motivant !! Très belle personne Sana !! Merci les filles pour ces échanges !!! Et je vote pour le retour de la rhétorique dans les écoles !! 🙋🏻♀️☺️🫶🏼🌸☀️
@RoxanneASYLLA9 ай бұрын
Un grand merci a Sanna de nous avoir partagé qq tips et à vous Louise de l'avoir invitée. Comme beaucoup, j'en ai lu et entendu des centaines de conseils d'experts ici ou là sur la prise de parole en public mais, c'est bien la 1ère fois, pour ma part, d'entendre des mots et une methodo qui résonnent pile poil en moi. Je prépare un oral et ça fait 3 jours que que j'avais décidé de me lancer à la recherche d'un coach tellement ça me décourageait de pas trouver par quel bout prendre le truc pour structurer ma ma présentation et mon interaction avec le jury. Ce podcast est un merveilleux cadeau pour ma journée d'aujourd'hui ❤ !
@electricmiss9 ай бұрын
L'approche de Sanna me rappelle celle de Clément Viktorovitch, qui affirme que la rhétorique est un outil (voir un pouvoir) incroyable dont il faut se saisir. J'ai l'impression que ces clefs manquent cruellement dans les parcours scolaires...
@Musicos1868 ай бұрын
Exactement !!!
@mathieupy309Ай бұрын
Je conduis mon camion 10h par jour dans mon métier et j'écoute au minimum 2 podcast par jour, je viens de tomber sur cet épisode aujourd'hui et waouh j'adore ton podcast est la personnalité que tu as tu es une personne très humble très simple et tu as l'air aussi plein d'énergie, j'adore tout ça cumulés j'ai une question : quand tu as créé le podcast tu avais quoi comme idée et est-ce que tu avais déjà créer une entreprise avant ça ? Merci en tout cas pour ce podcast
@lau.moreaux-g.40539 ай бұрын
J'ai adoré l'écouter répondre à tes questions ❤ merci! Et REMETTEZ LA RHÉTORIQUE à l'école! Les messages de fin de Sanna m'ont particulièrement parlé et touchée, je trouve ces paroles très fortes!
@aureliederolland49819 ай бұрын
Cet interview est excellent et très enrichissant comme beaucoup des interviews menés par Louise ! Je me suis souvent demandée pendant l’interview pourquoi mais ô grand pourquoi ne pas avoir des personnes aussi passionnantes , bienveillantes et intéressantes pour donner des leçons à nos enfants dans les collèges et lycée sur des sujets de ce type qui permettraient à chacun de gagner en éloquence, en réthorique et en confiance en soi ! La société s’en porterait bien mieux ! Je vais faire écouter cet interview à ma fille de 14 ans 😊 car oui la parole, quand elle est maîtrisée, est une sacré arme dans la vie !
@lauretherapeuteholistique25896 ай бұрын
Un très grand merci Louise pour cette magnifique interview. Une rencontre magnifique avec cette femme, une très belle façon de pouvoir évoluer et nager dans l'océan des mots. Une jolie conteuse 😊 Un wonman show quel bonheur. J'ai été comblée par votre discours. Merci Aristote 😅 Vive la parole, stop aux écrans et votre histoire m'a énormément touchée, je n'ai pas de tv depuis des années. Mon fils est contre le fait d'introduire la TV et les écrans pour ses enfants. C'est vraiment nécessaire actuellement de faire un arrêt de l'écran, des écrans... afin de développer davantage l'échange, le dialogue et se servir de la parole pour mettre un enfant a l'aise. L'écoute est capitale, le discours le maître. Perso, ne pouvant m'exprimer jeune, j'écrivais, cette façon de vider mon mental m'a sauvēe, a ce jour J'écris toujours Je chante, je danse. Mon enfant intérieur est toujours autant émerveillē de pouvoir s'exprimer de différente façon. J'ai pris conscience que j'étais capable de prendre la parole en public, lors du décès de ma mère. Eglise comble, 😢 regard des autres, tétanisée de lire la prière que j'avais dû realisee seule puisque le prêtre m'avait dit : Je ferai la messe mais ce sera a vous de créer la prière universelle. Une façon de prendre confiance en soi, surtout lorsque l'on ne peut se permettre de pleurer a oa lecture du texte. Ma famille, les amies étaient sous le choc de me voir si détachée, dans un rôle d'oratrice malgrē la peine engendrée par le dēcēs de ma mère. Merci encore et merci de m'avoir lue
@blondycamille9 ай бұрын
Merci pour cette interview Louise. Très belle découverte de Sanna qui a, je trouve, beaucoup d'humilité et beaucoup à partager. Ce n'est pas toujours les personnes les plus connues qui nous en apprennent le plus.
@KeepZeSmilee9 ай бұрын
Merci beaucoup pour ce podcast, je compte en faire profiter mes élèves de 3ème pour leur oral de brevet ! Petite information tout de même : le théâtre, s’il est remis dans les programmes, le sera au détriment des arts plastiques et de la musique … l’idéal serait de faire cohabiter les 3 qui me semblent tous essentiels. Enfin, les personnes qui décident des programmes sont bien souvent trèèèèèèès loin des salles de classe et de la réalité du terrain, alors merci pour cet appel, mais je ne suis pas sûre qu’il soit entendu malheureusement. Bonne continuation à toutes les deux !
@zeda83566 ай бұрын
Wouaaaaw elle est top!!!! Je devais écouter cette vidéo en « fond » en faisant autre chose mais impossible de faire autre chose que la regarder et l’écouter! Ce qu’elle dit est hyper intéressant 😍 bravo
@natht21248 ай бұрын
Sana, vous êtes passionnante. Merci pour tous cette découverte de la rhétorique, vous avez su nous partager l’envie d’aller en découvrir plus. Habituellement je ne visionne pas deux fois la même vidéo, celle ci va faire exception. Encore merci!
@valeriefourriermalavergne655318 күн бұрын
Très heureuse d'avoir découvert Sanna, c'est un vrai plaisir de l'écouter. Très inspirante !
@tomatowebfr4 ай бұрын
C'était vraiment bonne découverte avec une thématique de l'invitée qui me parle beaucoup ! Bravo à Louise et à Sanna pour l'épisode.
@Sannaracontetastory2 ай бұрын
Merci infiniment Toma ! Si la thématique te parle, je t'invite à en parler à ton tour :) #Tomaraconte?
@Juliette-pb6qq9 ай бұрын
Génial ta vidéo !! Vraiment top. Juste un petit point à redire mais pas sur le fond, sur la forme : c’est trop long les scènes coupées dans le teaser je trouve, ça serait mieux s’il y avait un générique ou alors seulement une partie très courte de la scène coupée la plus ¨ marquante ¨ de la vidéo pour vraiment donner envie
@victorushindi12257 ай бұрын
Infiniment merci. Beaucoup de lumière transmise dans une simplicité légendaire. Vous êtes très aimable ❤.
@AnneDory9 ай бұрын
Merci merci !! Je me suis régalée à vous écouter !! Un dimanche de Pâques, tranquille chez moi ... et je "tombe" sur cette vidéo !! J'ai pris plein de notes pour vraiment préparer un très gros RV pro dans 15 j. Et aussi pour préparer mes scripts de mes vidéos!! C'est top ce genre de partage! 🙏😘 ... je suis en plein changement de vie et cela m'inspire pour préparer mes nouveaux projets ! Merci ++++ 😊
@badoamandine68706 ай бұрын
Podcast très édifiant et très enrichissant, j’ai beaucoup appris merci
@pitchoune14588 ай бұрын
J'ai adoré ! Belle découverte et merci Louise pour cette qualité d'invité
@marievanLeckwyck2 ай бұрын
Encore merci pour ces belles rencontres ! Je me demandais pourquoi les petits vieux aimeraient plus que les autres parler de la pluie et du beau temps, sauf s'ils ont une dégénérescence intellectuelle.... Ils sont avides de rencontres souvent, et heureux qu'on leur parle, mais comme tout un chacun préfèrent de loin les sujets chalangeants !
@souadelbh11689 ай бұрын
La meilleure prof !! Incroyable ce podcast, passionnant et nécessaire✨
@user-Top.2099 ай бұрын
@nathaliehervy96559 ай бұрын
Merci pour cette interview. Un grand plaisir d’écouter cette personne bienveillante
@beatriceprost75009 ай бұрын
Incroyable le jeu des volumes et du débit. Génial
@iamchinoir3 ай бұрын
Magnifique!! J’ai beaucoup aimé! Merci pour ce contenu de qualité. J’ai beaucoup aimé la pertinence et l’aspect concret des réponses de Sanna. J’ai juste envie qu’elle me coach à présent. En tout cas bravo à toutes les deux.
@nadiadidonato98915 ай бұрын
Bonjour, je vous trouve FORMIDABLE ! Bravo et merci....!
@AminatasCoulibaly-s1x3 ай бұрын
L'épisode le plus instructif et celui que j'ai le plus aimé
@Sannaracontetastory2 ай бұрын
Salut Aminata, merci bcp
@Illiia0009 ай бұрын
Merci Louise. J'ai beaucoup apprécié ce genre d'interview avec une personnalité de l'ombre très intéressante et inspirante que tu permets de mettre en lumière grâce à la qualité de ton poadcast. Je demande qu'à en découvre davantage ❤👍
@tetuaoro9 ай бұрын
Waouh merci mesdames 💚. Je suis vraiment content d'avoir écouter ce podcast.
@alainmontinard35584 ай бұрын
La présentatrice a une éthique extraordinaire. Et elle s'articule aussi bien ! L'invitée aussi ! Elle est très à l'aise.
@Sannaracontetastory2 ай бұрын
Merci Alain, une articulation avec éthique et tact ? #Alainraconte
@abdelhamidjabrane6154Ай бұрын
Je découvre Sanaa et sa passion . Un vrai torrent qui ne demande qu'à partager
@kinesin13409 ай бұрын
Sanna a trouvé ce qui lui va à merveille, elle parle très bien
@yed-nadiashihab37488 ай бұрын
Bingo ! Dirait tous et toutes. Merci pour votre travail avec Sana. Qlqs bonnes prises de notes de vos échanges. Et même en discuter avec une connaissance. Merci. Bien à vous.
@eduardomergenperes5551Ай бұрын
Superbe, génial et surtout une conversation très naturelle et engageant. J'adore cela, c'est le type que l'on ne prend conscience que ça passe autant vite.
@yogaaveclison9 ай бұрын
Vraiment un super interview. Comme tout ceux que j'ai écouté d'ailleurs! Un énorme merci pour cette belle découverte, très utile ! Aussi Louise, je tiens à te dire que j'adore tes éclats de rire spontané. C'est magnifique ❤
@sylviemichelbilger49382 ай бұрын
Un des meilleurs podcasts.. ça inspire !! Bravo 🎈😍👍
@audreynotter87693 ай бұрын
C'est un de mes préférés ,oui aux inconnus, quelle belle découverte sanna❤❤
@Sannaracontetastory2 ай бұрын
Merci infiniment Audrey ! Est-ce que tu as mis en application certains conseils lors de tes prises de parole? Signé Sanna l'inconnue 😋
@celineguibourge6 ай бұрын
Magnifique 🤩 tellement inspirante 🙏 merci à vous 2 pour cet échange
@claudiaraynaud84589 ай бұрын
Ce podcast est une pépite !!! Merci infiniment !
@marinecolombier19219 ай бұрын
merci... j'ai adoré cet épisode. j'étais pendue à ses lèvres ! mon dieu j'ai tellement galéré lors des oraux à la fac c'a été une torture.
@maiteecantin49124 ай бұрын
J’ai adoré ! Un partage tellement riche et passionnant. Merci à vous deux !
@Sannaracontetastory2 ай бұрын
Merci à toi Maitée! Si tu as adoré, à toi de te mettre en mouvement et de (te) raconter ! #Maiteeraconte ?
@TrueChance-d4mАй бұрын
Hello I live in a village called Mashta Al-Badsi,or The martyr Khalil Bouzard, Hamala in Municipality, Mila Province in Algeria Racist environment Conclusion They wanted to attach several charges to me and exploit me because they wanted me to keep getting into trouble Death threats and attempts to dampen morale They wanted to destroy me psychologically, morally, financially, and health-wise They used medicines, machinations, and witchcraft in many ways they tried to break up my family They used mentally ill people, women, young children, and even the elderly the villagers incited against me they disrupted my studies, work, and life, and even they wanted prevented me from speaking and thinking, isolat me from society, and instilled negative thoughts, fear, and reverse in everything. They used the method of defaming reputation They targeted me in most of the places I worked They incite the workers against me Even in the street They wanted to disrupt my life period of the past five years Everything is planned They wanted to charge me and used medications The types of medications they targeted me with are hallucinogens and viagra And medications that affect the abdomen, intestines, and immunity They used propaganda against me that I was sick and suspicious, and they wanted to exploit me with it Several provocations occurred in Bani Harun We continue to follow you wherever you go We all get rich or we break you And many provocations In Grarem Goga, some people use provocations We catch you somewhere else and take your pants off You heal, but you heal a sick person If you get married, we will rape your wife Tear down the house the magic is buried underneath And several provocations My father also, they put the same medicines to him and they tell him, “Your wife is the one who put to you the medicines.” They created many problems between my father and mother My father benefited from rural construction and the place where he built the house. They told him, “build here,” and they all knew that they left him until he completed building the house. They wanted to make it an accusation so that they could exploit him and his children, and I was the first they target me. I was targeted by Muhammad Issous or Boughachich, Bahri Issous, Nadir Boughachich, Farouk or Ali Bouzard, Masoud or Shuaib Boughachich. They saw me going to practice sports, so they wanted to plot against me. They used Zakia Bouchaqour to try to set me up, and they were put me Viagra in Bani Haroun. Every time I go to exercise, they try to demoralize me Al-Saeed Darmashi's wife watches me in front of the house and closes the door forcefully in my face and she use voice like a dog And provocations from Abdel Nour Bouchakour’s daughters, and provocations from Issa Bouchakour, his wife, and Zakia Bouchakour’s children. and Farouk Bouzard and Azouz Bouanemr Al-Saeed Darmushi’s wife has contacts with other parties. They monitor me on their phones. When I leave the house or return to the house, I find her watching me in front of the house in order to provoke me and close the door forcefully in my face. She ends up threatening me. Her goal is to put you in prison or put you in a mental hospital, and she wanted to lure me The one who provoked me with his car Salima Bouhallassa built half a brick wall in the house that contained the smell and rats, and she started using provocations. She say I built it, and who think her silf a man, touched it. I demolished it. She created an accusation against me and claimed that I had beaten her. and she used several provocations I worked in Jijel, in Algiers, in Bechar, in Oran, in Annaba, in Bejaia, and they targeted me in these places. Also a doctor from Mila state and Dr. Boukrouh in Grarem Goga They used Salima Bouhalasa, causes us problems, Especially when occasions and parties approach, she use the method of sedition spread, playing the role of the victim, and the method of distorting reputations, especially among relatives, against us. Then they used Al-Saeed Darmouchi's wife to cause us problems They want to herit us problems, disease and poverty And they herit it on to our children and our children’s children They use all methods: gossip, provocation, insults, insults, incitement and machinations. They want to prevent me from even speaking and thinking They cause me problems and play the victim in order to incite my father against me I was provoked by several people, including women, with their cars They have many ways to evade the truth and no one tells the truth They created several ways to evade crime and the truth They were throwing stones at our house at night in Grarem Goga, and they insisted several people against us, causing us problems, here also in the village the same events happened Because of the medications they put on me and the problems they caused me, I was sick for a year and a half in bed They wanted to kill me and destroy me for their interested and money They steal our good things and pass on to us their problems and faults When they heard that I was learning and studying at home alone and that I wanted to travel outside Algeria, they wanted to ruin everything I do Who can help me with my case
@viktoriakrsteska9 ай бұрын
Une vrai Masterclass! Merci à vous deux ❤
@afoussatoumazu64026 ай бұрын
J'adore l'exercice sur la musicalité de la voix
@fannylesprit9 ай бұрын
Wow merci Louise pour cette interview ... évidemment c'est une thématique qui me parle ah ah !!!! Il y a tellement à dire sur la prise de parole en public, merci pour cette interview & de mettre en lumière des métiers comme les notres :)
@sweedy.vision9 ай бұрын
Vraiment passionnante cette nana et ca donne envie de s'auto-former, tellement heureuse que des femmes comme elle existe, merci de l'avoir invitier Louise :D
@TrueChance-d4mАй бұрын
Hello I live in a village called Mashta Al-Badsi,or The martyr Khalil Bouzard, Hamala in Municipality, Mila Province in Algeria Racist environment Conclusion They wanted to attach several charges to me and exploit me because they wanted me to keep getting into trouble Death threats and attempts to dampen morale They wanted to destroy me psychologically, morally, financially, and health-wise They used medicines, machinations, and witchcraft in many ways they tried to break up my family They used mentally ill people, women, young children, and even the elderly the villagers incited against me they disrupted my studies, work, and life, and even they wanted prevented me from speaking and thinking, isolat me from society, and instilled negative thoughts, fear, and reverse in everything. They used the method of defaming reputation They targeted me in most of the places I worked They incite the workers against me Even in the street They wanted to disrupt my life period of the past five years Everything is planned They wanted to charge me and used medications The types of medications they targeted me with are hallucinogens and viagra And medications that affect the abdomen, intestines, and immunity They used propaganda against me that I was sick and suspicious, and they wanted to exploit me with it Several provocations occurred in Bani Harun We continue to follow you wherever you go We all get rich or we break you And many provocations In Grarem Goga, some people use provocations We catch you somewhere else and take your pants off You heal, but you heal a sick person If you get married, we will rape your wife Tear down the house the magic is buried underneath And several provocations My father also, they put the same medicines to him and they tell him, “Your wife is the one who put to you the medicines.” They created many problems between my father and mother My father benefited from rural construction and the place where he built the house. They told him, “build here,” and they all knew that they left him until he completed building the house. They wanted to make it an accusation so that they could exploit him and his children, and I was the first they target me. I was targeted by Muhammad Issous or Boughachich, Bahri Issous, Nadir Boughachich, Farouk or Ali Bouzard, Masoud or Shuaib Boughachich. They saw me going to practice sports, so they wanted to plot against me. They used Zakia Bouchaqour to try to set me up, and they were put me Viagra in Bani Haroun. Every time I go to exercise, they try to demoralize me Al-Saeed Darmashi's wife watches me in front of the house and closes the door forcefully in my face and she use voice like a dog And provocations from Abdel Nour Bouchakour’s daughters, and provocations from Issa Bouchakour, his wife, and Zakia Bouchakour’s children. and Farouk Bouzard and Azouz Bouanemr Al-Saeed Darmushi’s wife has contacts with other parties. They monitor me on their phones. When I leave the house or return to the house, I find her watching me in front of the house in order to provoke me and close the door forcefully in my face. She ends up threatening me. Her goal is to put you in prison or put you in a mental hospital, and she wanted to lure me The one who provoked me with his car Salima Bouhallassa built half a brick wall in the house that contained the smell and rats, and she started using provocations. She say I built it, and who think her silf a man, touched it. I demolished it. She created an accusation against me and claimed that I had beaten her. and she used several provocations I worked in Jijel, in Algiers, in Bechar, in Oran, in Annaba, in Bejaia, and they targeted me in these places. Also a doctor from Mila state and Dr. Boukrouh in Grarem Goga They used Salima Bouhalasa, causes us problems, Especially when occasions and parties approach, she use the method of sedition spread, playing the role of the victim, and the method of distorting reputations, especially among relatives, against us. Then they used Al-Saeed Darmouchi's wife to cause us problems They want to herit us problems, disease and poverty And they herit it on to our children and our children’s children They use all methods: gossip, provocation, insults, insults, incitement and machinations. They want to prevent me from even speaking and thinking They cause me problems and play the victim in order to incite my father against me I was provoked by several people, including women, with their cars They have many ways to evade the truth and no one tells the truth They created several ways to evade crime and the truth They were throwing stones at our house at night in Grarem Goga, and they insisted several people against us, causing us problems, here also in the village the same events happened Because of the medications they put on me and the problems they caused me, I was sick for a year and a half in bed They wanted to kill me and destroy me for their interested and money They steal our good things and pass on to us their problems and faults When they heard that I was learning and studying at home alone and that I wanted to travel outside Algeria, they wanted to ruin everything I do Who can help me with my case
@elodiesru8 ай бұрын
J'ai adoré cet épisode. Merci beaucoup à toutes les deux !
@LittleSunnyHeart7 күн бұрын
Ceci est une masterclass!! Merci
@amaelline21229 ай бұрын
Coucou, Louise, très bel interview, l'invitée est une bonne pédagogue. J'ai particulièrement apprécié l'utilisation des mots anglais explicité en français, je me suis sentie moins bête, moi , qui ne parle que ma langue maternelle 😊 A retenir
@ameliechabou52259 ай бұрын
Ton podcast est vraiment une aide pour toutes et tous! Merci pour cet épisode Louise 🌸
@Katefromgeneva9 ай бұрын
Je vous remercie chaleureusement pour cet excellent podcast!
@bissegnakarima85832 ай бұрын
Je viens de découvrir cette chaîne incroyable , merci beaucoup pour cet interview bénéfique , merci d’avoir aborder ce sujet que nous rencontrons tous dans notre vie quotidienne
@nad988 ай бұрын
Super interview riche en informations. Merci Louise et Sanna !
@RM-nw2rv5 ай бұрын
C'est mon premier podcast à écouter.. c'était super merci beaucoup
@inpowerpodcast5 ай бұрын
Le premier d'une longue série alors ! Merci pour ton écoute ☀️
@RM-nw2rv5 ай бұрын
@@inpowerpodcast j' essayerai mon meilleur puisque je veux pratiqué mon français à travers votre Channel 🤍
@wissemwissem21012 ай бұрын
Wow pour une fois je continue un podcast jusqu'à la fin j'ai bcp appris et j'ai bcp aimé le sujet d'ailleurs il m'a captivé merci bcp et sana est une belle découverte pour moi ❤
@ElodieBouty9 ай бұрын
Super podcast!!! Merci Louise pour cette invitation!!! Justement je cherchais une formation pour apprendre la prise de parole ❤
@teachyourself4932 ай бұрын
j'ai ecoute deux fois c'est super podcast merci infiniment
@marinettevangoethem86397 ай бұрын
Tellement riche et complet ! Merci
@clementineroyer66859 ай бұрын
Sanna au cœur de sa mission t'intérêt public.
@mathildedesbonnet22599 ай бұрын
Podcast riche, merci pour cet échange. Je rebondis tout de même sur la fin. Inclure le théâtre au collège est certes intéressant, seulement, c'est actuellement pensé pour être installé au détriment de l'éducation musicale et des arts plastiques, qui sont tous deux primordiaux. L'élève serait amené à choisir entre les trois où aurait une matière par trimestre. Ce qui "tuerait" le contenu des différents apprentissages ! Et puis le théâtre existe déjà au collège dans les programmes de Français et parfois en club. Donc s'il vous plaît, remettez cette éventualité dans son contexte. Merci pour nous, les professeurs d'éducation artistique.
@abdelatikenbouchi41469 ай бұрын
Merci infiniment pour la qualité et l'utilité de vos podcasts.
@TrueChance-d4mАй бұрын
Hello I live in a village called Mashta Al-Badsi,or The martyr Khalil Bouzard, Hamala in Municipality, Mila Province in Algeria Racist environment Conclusion They wanted to attach several charges to me and exploit me because they wanted me to keep getting into trouble Death threats and attempts to dampen morale They wanted to destroy me psychologically, morally, financially, and health-wise They used medicines, machinations, and witchcraft in many ways they tried to break up my family They used mentally ill people, women, young children, and even the elderly the villagers incited against me they disrupted my studies, work, and life, and even they wanted prevented me from speaking and thinking, isolat me from society, and instilled negative thoughts, fear, and reverse in everything. They used the method of defaming reputation They targeted me in most of the places I worked They incite the workers against me Even in the street They wanted to disrupt my life period of the past five years Everything is planned They wanted to charge me and used medications The types of medications they targeted me with are hallucinogens and viagra And medications that affect the abdomen, intestines, and immunity They used propaganda against me that I was sick and suspicious, and they wanted to exploit me with it Several provocations occurred in Bani Harun We continue to follow you wherever you go We all get rich or we break you And many provocations In Grarem Goga, some people use provocations We catch you somewhere else and take your pants off You heal, but you heal a sick person If you get married, we will rape your wife Tear down the house the magic is buried underneath And several provocations My father also, they put the same medicines to him and they tell him, “Your wife is the one who put to you the medicines.” They created many problems between my father and mother My father benefited from rural construction and the place where he built the house. They told him, “build here,” and they all knew that they left him until he completed building the house. They wanted to make it an accusation so that they could exploit him and his children, and I was the first they target me. I was targeted by Muhammad Issous or Boughachich, Bahri Issous, Nadir Boughachich, Farouk or Ali Bouzard, Masoud or Shuaib Boughachich. They saw me going to practice sports, so they wanted to plot against me. They used Zakia Bouchaqour to try to set me up, and they were put me Viagra in Bani Haroun. Every time I go to exercise, they try to demoralize me Al-Saeed Darmashi's wife watches me in front of the house and closes the door forcefully in my face and she use voice like a dog And provocations from Abdel Nour Bouchakour’s daughters, and provocations from Issa Bouchakour, his wife, and Zakia Bouchakour’s children. and Farouk Bouzard and Azouz Bouanemr Al-Saeed Darmushi’s wife has contacts with other parties. They monitor me on their phones. When I leave the house or return to the house, I find her watching me in front of the house in order to provoke me and close the door forcefully in my face. She ends up threatening me. Her goal is to put you in prison or put you in a mental hospital, and she wanted to lure me The one who provoked me with his car Salima Bouhallassa built half a brick wall in the house that contained the smell and rats, and she started using provocations. She say I built it, and who think her silf a man, touched it. I demolished it. She created an accusation against me and claimed that I had beaten her. and she used several provocations I worked in Jijel, in Algiers, in Bechar, in Oran, in Annaba, in Bejaia, and they targeted me in these places. Also a doctor from Mila state and Dr. Boukrouh in Grarem Goga They used Salima Bouhalasa, causes us problems, Especially when occasions and parties approach, she use the method of sedition spread, playing the role of the victim, and the method of distorting reputations, especially among relatives, against us. Then they used Al-Saeed Darmouchi's wife to cause us problems They want to herit us problems, disease and poverty And they herit it on to our children and our children’s children They use all methods: gossip, provocation, insults, insults, incitement and machinations. They want to prevent me from even speaking and thinking They cause me problems and play the victim in order to incite my father against me I was provoked by several people, including women, with their cars They have many ways to evade the truth and no one tells the truth They created several ways to evade crime and the truth They were throwing stones at our house at night in Grarem Goga, and they insisted several people against us, causing us problems, here also in the village the same events happened Because of the medications they put on me and the problems they caused me, I was sick for a year and a half in bed They wanted to kill me and destroy me for their interested and money They steal our good things and pass on to us their problems and faults When they heard that I was learning and studying at home alone and that I wanted to travel outside Algeria, they wanted to ruin everything I do Who can help me with my case
@JulieMina-k9t9 ай бұрын
Merci pour ce podcast de qualité !
@magaliemm26099 ай бұрын
Genial cet entretien !!!!! Très intéressant !!!!! J'adore !!!!
@amandinerincheval43239 ай бұрын
Tellement intéressant merci !!
@lemarginalmagnifique85479 ай бұрын
Super podcast ! 🙂👍 Personnellement, en complément, je conseille le livre "CONVERSATION & RÉPARTIE", de Nathan Stone. Y a tout ce qu'il faut savoir, c'est clair, très complet, pas de discours superflu, le top. Tous ceux à qui je l'ai conseillé en sont très contents ! C'est un indispensable.
@vmapodcastshow7 ай бұрын
Hyper interessant !! la realisation de l'épisode est top !
@imanesefouane41749 ай бұрын
Bravo, j’adore la dynamique et la qualité de se podcast! Merci 😊
@noriabousmaha19199 ай бұрын
Merci pour cette fluidité et simplicité dans les échanges ... bravo les filles vous assurez grave!!
@virginieromain94699 ай бұрын
Merci!!! Quelle richesse partagée 🎉
@investworks3.0429 ай бұрын
J'ai adoré ce podcast. Merci 🙏
@Justemoimuriel3 ай бұрын
Bonjour, j'aime aussi les interviews avec des personnes non connues, c'est le contenu qui est intéressant. En plus après on a fait le tour et beaucoup avec les mêmes discours.
@FabienneBenaroch-sophrologue9 ай бұрын
Merci et oui c’était vraiment chouette 💐💐. Bravo à vous 2
@bouaoukelrachid8837 ай бұрын
Je viens de découvrir ta vidéo qui est très intéressante, je suis abonné bonne continuation
@titato_istwaАй бұрын
Trop bien ce podcast 👏🏾, j'adore... Merciiii Merciiii Merciiii !😊
@arnaudfifonsi3 ай бұрын
Je suis revenu l'écouter à nouveau😇
@Sannaracontetastory2 ай бұрын
Oh super ça merci beaucoup ! J'aimerais pouvoir t'écouter aussi alors ! #arnaudraconte ?
@arnaudfifonsi2 ай бұрын
@@Sannaracontetastory Au plaisir de raconter. J'ai appliqué plusieurs de vos conseils ! Merci beaucoup 🥳
@gabs_ldmАй бұрын
Super podcast, j’ai une grande peur de parler en public et c’était vraiment utile ❤
@best_dall_est5 ай бұрын
J'ai aimé cet épisode! Très interessant😍
@TrueChance-d4mАй бұрын
Hello I live in a village called Mashta Al-Badsi,or The martyr Khalil Bouzard, Hamala in Municipality, Mila Province in Algeria Racist environment Conclusion They wanted to attach several charges to me and exploit me because they wanted me to keep getting into trouble Death threats and attempts to dampen morale They wanted to destroy me psychologically, morally, financially, and health-wise They used medicines, machinations, and witchcraft in many ways they tried to break up my family They used mentally ill people, women, young children, and even the elderly the villagers incited against me they disrupted my studies, work, and life, and even they wanted prevented me from speaking and thinking, isolat me from society, and instilled negative thoughts, fear, and reverse in everything. They used the method of defaming reputation They targeted me in most of the places I worked They incite the workers against me Even in the street They wanted to disrupt my life period of the past five years Everything is planned They wanted to charge me and used medications The types of medications they targeted me with are hallucinogens and viagra And medications that affect the abdomen, intestines, and immunity They used propaganda against me that I was sick and suspicious, and they wanted to exploit me with it Several provocations occurred in Bani Harun We continue to follow you wherever you go We all get rich or we break you And many provocations In Grarem Goga, some people use provocations We catch you somewhere else and take your pants off You heal, but you heal a sick person If you get married, we will rape your wife Tear down the house the magic is buried underneath And several provocations My father also, they put the same medicines to him and they tell him, “Your wife is the one who put to you the medicines.” They created many problems between my father and mother My father benefited from rural construction and the place where he built the house. They told him, “build here,” and they all knew that they left him until he completed building the house. They wanted to make it an accusation so that they could exploit him and his children, and I was the first they target me. I was targeted by Muhammad Issous or Boughachich, Bahri Issous, Nadir Boughachich, Farouk or Ali Bouzard, Masoud or Shuaib Boughachich. They saw me going to practice sports, so they wanted to plot against me. They used Zakia Bouchaqour to try to set me up, and they were put me Viagra in Bani Haroun. Every time I go to exercise, they try to demoralize me Al-Saeed Darmashi's wife watches me in front of the house and closes the door forcefully in my face and she use voice like a dog And provocations from Abdel Nour Bouchakour’s daughters, and provocations from Issa Bouchakour, his wife, and Zakia Bouchakour’s children. and Farouk Bouzard and Azouz Bouanemr Al-Saeed Darmushi’s wife has contacts with other parties. They monitor me on their phones. When I leave the house or return to the house, I find her watching me in front of the house in order to provoke me and close the door forcefully in my face. She ends up threatening me. Her goal is to put you in prison or put you in a mental hospital, and she wanted to lure me The one who provoked me with his car Salima Bouhallassa built half a brick wall in the house that contained the smell and rats, and she started using provocations. She say I built it, and who think her silf a man, touched it. I demolished it. She created an accusation against me and claimed that I had beaten her. and she used several provocations I worked in Jijel, in Algiers, in Bechar, in Oran, in Annaba, in Bejaia, and they targeted me in these places. Also a doctor from Mila state and Dr. Boukrouh in Grarem Goga They used Salima Bouhalasa, causes us problems, Especially when occasions and parties approach, she use the method of sedition spread, playing the role of the victim, and the method of distorting reputations, especially among relatives, against us. Then they used Al-Saeed Darmouchi's wife to cause us problems They want to herit us problems, disease and poverty And they herit it on to our children and our children’s children They use all methods: gossip, provocation, insults, insults, incitement and machinations. They want to prevent me from even speaking and thinking They cause me problems and play the victim in order to incite my father against me I was provoked by several people, including women, with their cars They have many ways to evade the truth and no one tells the truth They created several ways to evade crime and the truth They were throwing stones at our house at night in Grarem Goga, and they insisted several people against us, causing us problems, here also in the village the same events happened Because of the medications they put on me and the problems they caused me, I was sick for a year and a half in bed They wanted to kill me and destroy me for their interested and money They steal our good things and pass on to us their problems and faults When they heard that I was learning and studying at home alone and that I wanted to travel outside Algeria, they wanted to ruin everything I do Who can help me with my case
@TatianaFostitschenko-cinéma2 ай бұрын
Les "small talk" ne sont pas des formalités ! Mais plutôt la création d'un lien effectivement avant d'approfondir une conversation !! Ça n'est pas question de formalité mais d'humanité. ❤
@TrueChance-d4mАй бұрын
Hello I live in a village called Mashta Al-Badsi,or The martyr Khalil Bouzard, Hamala in Municipality, Mila Province in Algeria Racist environment Conclusion They wanted to attach several charges to me and exploit me because they wanted me to keep getting into trouble Death threats and attempts to dampen morale They wanted to destroy me psychologically, morally, financially, and health-wise They used medicines, machinations, and witchcraft in many ways they tried to break up my family They used mentally ill people, women, young children, and even the elderly the villagers incited against me they disrupted my studies, work, and life, and even they wanted prevented me from speaking and thinking, isolat me from society, and instilled negative thoughts, fear, and reverse in everything. They used the method of defaming reputation They targeted me in most of the places I worked They incite the workers against me Even in the street They wanted to disrupt my life period of the past five years Everything is planned They wanted to charge me and used medications The types of medications they targeted me with are hallucinogens and viagra And medications that affect the abdomen, intestines, and immunity They used propaganda against me that I was sick and suspicious, and they wanted to exploit me with it Several provocations occurred in Bani Harun We continue to follow you wherever you go We all get rich or we break you And many provocations In Grarem Goga, some people use provocations We catch you somewhere else and take your pants off You heal, but you heal a sick person If you get married, we will rape your wife Tear down the house the magic is buried underneath And several provocations My father also, they put the same medicines to him and they tell him, “Your wife is the one who put to you the medicines.” They created many problems between my father and mother My father benefited from rural construction and the place where he built the house. They told him, “build here,” and they all knew that they left him until he completed building the house. They wanted to make it an accusation so that they could exploit him and his children, and I was the first they target me. I was targeted by Muhammad Issous or Boughachich, Bahri Issous, Nadir Boughachich, Farouk or Ali Bouzard, Masoud or Shuaib Boughachich. They saw me going to practice sports, so they wanted to plot against me. They used Zakia Bouchaqour to try to set me up, and they were put me Viagra in Bani Haroun. Every time I go to exercise, they try to demoralize me Al-Saeed Darmashi's wife watches me in front of the house and closes the door forcefully in my face and she use voice like a dog And provocations from Abdel Nour Bouchakour’s daughters, and provocations from Issa Bouchakour, his wife, and Zakia Bouchakour’s children. and Farouk Bouzard and Azouz Bouanemr Al-Saeed Darmushi’s wife has contacts with other parties. They monitor me on their phones. When I leave the house or return to the house, I find her watching me in front of the house in order to provoke me and close the door forcefully in my face. She ends up threatening me. Her goal is to put you in prison or put you in a mental hospital, and she wanted to lure me The one who provoked me with his car Salima Bouhallassa built half a brick wall in the house that contained the smell and rats, and she started using provocations. She say I built it, and who think her silf a man, touched it. I demolished it. She created an accusation against me and claimed that I had beaten her. and she used several provocations I worked in Jijel, in Algiers, in Bechar, in Oran, in Annaba, in Bejaia, and they targeted me in these places. Also a doctor from Mila state and Dr. Boukrouh in Grarem Goga They used Salima Bouhalasa, causes us problems, Especially when occasions and parties approach, she use the method of sedition spread, playing the role of the victim, and the method of distorting reputations, especially among relatives, against us. Then they used Al-Saeed Darmouchi's wife to cause us problems They want to herit us problems, disease and poverty And they herit it on to our children and our children’s children They use all methods: gossip, provocation, insults, insults, incitement and machinations. They want to prevent me from even speaking and thinking They cause me problems and play the victim in order to incite my father against me I was provoked by several people, including women, with their cars They have many ways to evade the truth and no one tells the truth They created several ways to evade crime and the truth They were throwing stones at our house at night in Grarem Goga, and they insisted several people against us, causing us problems, here also in the village the same events happened Because of the medications they put on me and the problems they caused me, I was sick for a year and a half in bed They wanted to kill me and destroy me for their interested and money They steal our good things and pass on to us their problems and faults When they heard that I was learning and studying at home alone and that I wanted to travel outside Algeria, they wanted to ruin everything I do Who can help me with my case
Merci pour ce super épisode, tellement intéressant !
@CharnevieLiondje6 ай бұрын
Un podcast inspirant❤
@lesopportunistes9 ай бұрын
A enregistrer cette vidéo, super les conseils.
@Ode208 ай бұрын
Super épisode, très utile! Ca serait top de l'enseigner à l'école ! Merci à vous deux, j'ai passé un bon moment d'écoute! D'autres postcast de ce type, je suis preneuse!
@OuardaSEROR9 ай бұрын
Bravo à toutes les deux. Je découvre ce podcast. En cette période de transition et de changement c'est le genre de débat dont on a besoin. Humanité authenticité et partage. Bravo pour cet échange dynamique, instructif et lumineux. ❤
@beactrice.demavie9 ай бұрын
Merci à toutes les deux, énergie, astuces, conseils pratiques... quelle belle interview I love it ❤
@riapiago41289 ай бұрын
Excellent !!!! Merci beaucoup ❤
@christophemusenga6877Ай бұрын
Merci pour ce podcast !
@ambre_dsn9 ай бұрын
Super épisode! Merci beaucoup!!❤
@cyrilskinazy53979 ай бұрын
Pas de télé, un studio dans le 6ème et un goût prononcé pour l''éloquence. Trois très gros avantages pour démarrer dans la vie.
@user-iu4pj8pr6q9 ай бұрын
Oui, ses parents sont forts.
@MI-rj4fo9 ай бұрын
Génial ! L'art oratoir est un sujet qui intéresse bcp .. mais qui est trop peu abordé. Louise, peut-être que tu pourrais nous présenter d'autres personnes aussi intéressantes dans cette domaine 😊