DGA Overviews: Heroes of Hammerwatch II - Class Tier List - 1/22/2025

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Dad's Gaming Addiction

Dad's Gaming Addiction

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@DadsGamingAddiction 10 күн бұрын
As stated in the beginning of the video, this list is not what classes are best. These are classes we enjoy playing. Remember that before leaving an angry or inappropriate comment. I will ban / remove people that violate this, so keep your ego in check.
@kjuproduction 7 күн бұрын
it is okay when u do so, but then the title shouldnt be "class tier list" - you are simply baiting people and beginners with "wrong" information. just name it "my personal most enjoyable".
@Shadow-nx4yl 10 күн бұрын
great video, dga! the wizard and its hydras are my favorite by far, sometimes i forget i have other characters to grind lol. gonna try to branch out and this video is super helpful 👍
@DadsGamingAddiction 10 күн бұрын
I’m a big fan of the wizard too, I can’t help but keep coming back to it.
@TheKingRune 10 күн бұрын
Berserker warrior is hard slept on. Massive damage reductions and half cooldown on all of their abilities.
@DadsGamingAddiction 10 күн бұрын
I’m glad you had better luck with the Berserker than I did.
@Mr.Kronk2 10 күн бұрын
I had the same experience. i actually greatly preferer the berserker over the tyrant, as it just has some (in my opinion) far superior upgrades, like the half cooldown peark. But i have clearly been sleeping on the caster classes. will give conj wizard a go later!
@dayoftherope1690 10 күн бұрын
@@DadsGamingAddictionyeah I felt super weak compared to whirlwind tyrant
@mcteags 9 күн бұрын
I like berserker warrior because it provides a lot of weapon crit damage and flat damage reduction. It’s viable to completely ignore spell power and keep throwing axe and leap at skill level 1. I focus my build around maximizing HP and weapon damage. It’s versatile and can play either dex or strength. I put in just enough attribute points to equip my gear and put the rest in vitality. It’s also extremely mana efficient!
@opposed2logic 7 күн бұрын
it is by far the strongest class in the game as it stands, by FAR.
@Selenkate 10 күн бұрын
Been playing Evocation Wizard after I couldn't get more sorc far into NG. Just beat NG4 on the wizard, and I don't use meteor or fireball, I go all in on magic missles and use the passive to help buff them. Even after the nerf they still do crazy damage and they do well enough vs groups if you have the bounce upgrade on the skill
@Luper1billion 10 күн бұрын
I just beat the game solo with demolitions. It felt kind of op after a long run. I think the key is the skill upgrade that drops bombs when dashing away from enemies. You dagger dash in drop bomb and dash out (droping a bomb). It nukes bosses and lets you play safe. Parry, evade, and armor from passive upgrades makes you unkillable as long as you dip in and out
@mcteags 9 күн бұрын
Thanks for the video! It’s fun getting other player’s perspectives. Pardon the wall of text. Sharing some thoughts. The boss Arista has an attack pattern where spikes come up from the ground starting from the outside of the boss area and eventually pop out right next to the boss. If you’re playing melee just remember to move slightly out of the way for a moment when this happens instead of trying to tank the damage. For mono damage type builds (like the fire sorcerer or any physical attack damage build) it helps a lot to get penetration for your damage type. Either through equipment or skill orb upgrades. For transmutation wizard I like using the free strength to slap on a good shield for survivability. Then I rock whatever my best wand is at the time and speed around the map throwing fireballs and cleaning up with the wand. I think it’s the best late game specialization. It just gives more of everything and the higher the level the more you get. More armor, weapon and spell crit and crit damage and way more spell power. By level 40 the passive will give you 80% weapon crit damage, 100% spell crit damage, crit % for both, 100 spell power (more with skill upgrades) and a good chunk of armor. Compare that to some passives that just give you 100% crit damage. Seems pretty good. Even after the patch I still don’t like the warlock summon specialization. It doesn’t feel fluid to play (in my opinion). I want the minions to tank the hits for me but they follow you around. So I engage with demon’s tail, then I wait for the minions to attack. But then everything dies before I can generate any essence stacks. Maybe I’m playing it wrong and just need to play like other warlock builds and face tank and heal and think of them as an extra damage source.
@joseph4993 10 күн бұрын
Rage berserker is my favorite, you get 60% damage reduction from orbs and use the tavern drink for triple health regen below half hp. i just sit on bosses on ng+3 so far tanking everything and they physically cannot kill me
@DadsGamingAddiction 10 күн бұрын
I’ll have to give that a shot. I couldn’t output enough damage to get past artista as a berserker.
@JoshTheMadLad 10 күн бұрын
I reaaaaaly like Radiance Paladin, especially with a battleaxe and whirlwind, then adding fire damage to your attacks. Only issue is that some of the skill orb upgrades scale off lightning, for EG, when you're hit you reflect lightning damage based off your armour... so it's just counter intuitive to stack fire damage when a large portion of Paladin revolves around lightning damage.
@Belbetoss 3 күн бұрын
Judgement paladin is realllllly good if you up the passive, since massive groups of mobs will try to kill you and be unable to attack you. Cleansing Touch for lay on hands and you can basically solo the game, but bosses will take a while
@Samtrex17 10 күн бұрын
Surprised you didn't like marksman, that was my favorite ranger build. Rain of arrows does massive damage and the rapid fire attack damage is huge. Successful in ng+3 so far
@wickedbeanz 10 күн бұрын
Same here. I use it with bows and dual daggers. The mobility of the dual daggers is just too satisfying for me.
@thelastgekko 10 күн бұрын
Dual dagger is to good honestly
@DadsGamingAddiction 10 күн бұрын
When you get tendinitis in your wrists, let me know how much you like rapid fire clicking. :)
@meowxeno 3 күн бұрын
​@@DadsGamingAddiction double bind attack to scroll wheel or use a macro?
@bytoadynolastname6149 10 күн бұрын
Gotta play em all in the end anyway! (bonuses per level, and achievements for level milestones for each class). Learn to love all the roles.
@petergtterup4205 9 күн бұрын
Souls, radiance, demolitions, evocation and berserker is by far S tier and fun too
@thomas1644 10 күн бұрын
I started a warrior expecting to be bored of the class within an hour or two... but then I unlocked primalist and was pleasantly surprised by just how fun (and powerful) the spec is. The totem gameplay combined with the tankiness of the class is such a breath of fresh air compared to the playstyle that you usually get out of warrior classes (like berserker).
@trkghost 5 күн бұрын
Can you do a straight weapon build? I am trying to make the marksman ranger work for just straight bow damage but finding it hard to push higher NGs. Everything I keep seeing it people going heavy into spellpower and casting. Weapons are just stat sticks and would really hope this isn't the case for everything.
@DadsGamingAddiction 5 күн бұрын
Weapon builds are very gear dependent + tag bonuses you might be able to get. I imagine if you put skill points into the weapon trainer you'll start seeing some extra oomph but you're right, early game seems to be spell power since skill points typically go to skills then trinkets.
@bubba1682 10 күн бұрын
Interesting list for sure. Im curious to what NG+ youve completed with each class in order to give a power listing
@DadsGamingAddiction 10 күн бұрын
Some are NG3. The rest NG2.
@bubba1682 10 күн бұрын
@@DadsGamingAddiction Nice. I found some good coming from the Warlock in NG+ with a good Dirk+Shield Chaos or Souls. Loving Warrior Berserker as well. Haven't touched Wizard yet but will do so next.
@mbarry7701 10 күн бұрын
@@bubba1682Gonna try running a shield on my Warlock now since I don’t really use the tome’s attack
@bubba1682 10 күн бұрын
@@mbarry7701 worst part about it is needing to get the Strength requirement, usually
@JappaChow 10 күн бұрын
​@bubba1682 I'm not looking at the screen but I think if u get pally and war to lvl 15 u have enough default str to use a shield on any char. Every 5 levels gives u account 3+ str.
@n-dawwg2570 7 күн бұрын
Evocation sorcerer feels very strong to me. I've been offered ice meteor shower every time I took it, but more importantly the incanter's cadence lets you spam the homing balls even more and those things are the real boss killer.
@DadsGamingAddiction 7 күн бұрын
Sounds cool! Do you use magic missiles then to get around the fire resistance mobs?
@n-dawwg2570 6 күн бұрын
@@DadsGamingAddiction Yes, or you can take the ice damage type meteor shower. Ultimately I agree that hydra is more useful than meteor, but I the passive that comes with meteor is insanely good while the sword seems nearly useless.
@schmiggidy 7 күн бұрын
Can you spec in and out of specializations at will, or do you need to create a new character every time you want to pick a new specialization? Currently working on getting all my classes to Lvl 10 to learn them all and determine my faves before I dive into a more specific build.
@DadsGamingAddiction 6 күн бұрын
You can switch at will. As of the latest patch, the 2 columns on your skill tree containing your specs new active / passive will be reset when you switch.
@schmiggidy 6 күн бұрын
@@DadsGamingAddiction Gotcha. Thx!
@xjulixn5335 10 күн бұрын
I fell like all paladin classes are very strong. They simply are almost unkillable when they get the mana for dmg upgrade. An warlock is also so insane because off the healing. I had only finish the dungeon with paladin and was able to finish with the warlock startimg with lvl 3. i did a full run with a lvl 3 warlock. Edit: The warlock run was also after the nerfs
@MakiMaki. 10 күн бұрын
Ah yes, the conjugation wizard, my favourite grammar magician. ;P
@stealthycat8113 9 күн бұрын
What weapons are you all using with these classes?
@seandunn2513 9 күн бұрын
I run great axe on tyrant(on ng+2) and mace and shield on paladin(ng+1)
@jimmpi 10 күн бұрын
As a new player (Still trying to get to lvl10) to this game I really appreciate this tier-list. Gonna use it as a guideline.
@DadsGamingAddiction 10 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching and welcome to HOH2!
@mbarry7701 10 күн бұрын
Got my first clear today with the Summoner Warlock so I guess it’s my S tier but have had a ton of fun with everything so far. Still find the combat a bit clunkier than HoH 1 and agree with your fiancé that there is too much button mashing, which aggravates the clunky feeling
@McWerp 10 күн бұрын
The Marksman absolutely has to rapid click. But it SHREDS bosses. Would be nice if it just fired at max rate with out having to absolutely spam both right and left click non-stop.
@opposed2logic 7 күн бұрын
bit funny that warrior berserker, likely the strongest class in the game right now, is rated so low. i guess its a bit straight forward to play, after all its literally just warcry and whirlwind, but it also easily clears ng10 with 100 shadowcurse
@DadsGamingAddiction 7 күн бұрын
What part of, "this list is what we enjoy playing, not what's best" didn't you understand?
@4rtifex 9 күн бұрын
The summoning specs fall off at higher difficulties.
@sleshflex4170 10 күн бұрын
Radiance paladin has exactly what you said divine is lacking. has sustained dmg and short cd aoe burst dmg. paladin already comes with a huge defensive toolkit and doesnt need more to survive.
@stealthycat8113 9 күн бұрын
When you say farming in NG+, farming what?
@DadsGamingAddiction 9 күн бұрын
Farming is usually done for XP / Resources.
@MunitionsDudTester 10 күн бұрын
Don't really agree with much of this list but good food for thought I guess.
@DadsGamingAddiction 10 күн бұрын
If we all shared the same opinions the world would be a dull place.
@MunitionsDudTester 10 күн бұрын
@DadsGamingAddiction very true. Always interesting to hear other's opinions :)
@BryanPlaysAlot 10 күн бұрын
i main Radiance Paladin :( had no problem in ng+ so far
@TheKrazyGamerr 10 күн бұрын
interesting to place chaos warlock in B tier but summoner in S tier...
@petergtterup4205 10 күн бұрын
Its his list… and he made it about how much fun he had not competetive
@jprec5174 10 күн бұрын
Ranger warden is OP. It probably has the best heal in the game
@Excellent226002 5 күн бұрын
which heal? i did not found any...
@quertysberg 10 күн бұрын
Justice for justice paladin! Belongs at the top of paladin specs
@leoleo1035 10 күн бұрын
Berserker's leap has got to be the most boring skill of all characters and subclasses. Doesn't even have a nice animation where it shatters the earth or something. It just looks unfinished. A lot of things in the game feel unfinished. Still, tons of fun and more than enough for the price tag, so I guess that's fine
@Gandalflegris77 10 күн бұрын
Yoyo I love your vidéos keep it up!! Pls do a video of warlock somuns
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