Is this all just make believe or is some of this based on technologies in development?
@dhsscitech7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the question, Will. All of the technology shown in the video is achievable over the next 10 years, and some of it is under development or commercially available today. Currently, the DHS S&T Next Generation First Responder program (NGFR: is working on a number of projects highlighted in the video, including physiological monitoring (, indoor tracking and duty uniforms that are lightweight and carcinogen, tear, puncture, fire and water resistant. We’re also working on the Assistant for Understanding Data through Reasoning, Extraction and Synthesis (AUDREY:, an automated system that can collect sensor and situational awareness data, determine what’s important for a particular first responder to know, and transform the information into actionable knowledge or insight. We’re currently piloting AUDREY with a few first responder agencies across the county, and encourage you to stay tuned as more information about the pilot becomes available in the next few months. We also encourage you to take a look at the new NGFR video ( and continue to visit our NGFR Program page as we update information about our work.