收到很多朋友私信,表示從其他博主聽到的某些細節和我講述的不一樣: 1.Eric到底是1983年還是1982年出生的? 2.Eric到底是有2個姐姐還是2個妹妹? 3.CL到底是男是女? 根據Summit縣法庭的公開資料 The state of Uath VS Kouri Darden Richins (Case No:231500139 SCSO Case No. 22-L06363 ), 以及Eric家人為其撰寫的訃告外加ABC電視4台的新聞, 大家可以參見下面的英文原文對於以上問題的解答: 問題1&2:訃告的原文是God certainly perfected the mold when Eric was born to Gene and Linda (Carter) Richins on May 13, 1982 in Bountiful, UT. Being the eldest was a dubious task, but he was up for the challenge and led and loved his sisters fiercely. ABC電視4台的新聞原文是According to Eric’s obituary, he was born on May 13, 1982, to Linda and Gene Richins and was the oldest of three, being survived by his two younger sisters and his father. 問題3:法庭文件原文: C.L stated she met Acquaintance 2 at Maverick gas station in Draper on Feb 11 2022…… C.L stated she delivered the pills……. 其他還有很多問題 篇幅的原因 在這裡不做過多敘述 希望可以幫助大家解決一些困惑
我覺得他自己的原生家庭太幸福美滿了,給了 Eric 心中對自己家庭最大的憧憬及嚮往,這才是主因( 所以第一任的婚姻失敗後,對他是個很大的打擊。)我已經是遲暮之人了,想年輕的時候,一心捍衛愛情,認為交往的對方只要人品好就可以了,談及其他的都是市儈庸俗不堪,嗤之以鼻。真要到這個年紀才能恍然大悟~ 為什麼婚配要門當戶對才容易走下去,這才是人生智慧呀!