I go into my closet and pray to my God to please help me to be a vehicle for their will in the Cosmos, to find just enough sustenance to continue my autopoesis, and to be forgiven my sins, as I forgive those of others, and hope to move toward the Good, True, and Beautiful, and away from that which would thwart my Virtue.
Just during the introduction, I am absolutely fascinated by this.
@mcnallyaar Жыл бұрын
Verily, I say unto you: truly these are virtuous men.
@O.G.Rose.Michelle.and.Daniel Жыл бұрын
Magnificent, and I appreciate the start discussing how different forms and expectations of prayer have led to various pathologies and problematic dynamics-I’ve certainly experienced and felt that myself. The point was also brilliant regarding how people classically saw God in the ordering of the universe, whereas moderns today can look for God in the breaks and disorders. I also really like the idea that prayer helps break us out of conceptual frames, and thus prayer can work on us even when we don’t expect anything from it. Very well put, and a great discussion!
@mcnallyaar Жыл бұрын
23:50 That's what I love about the Communion of Saints, and the Celebration of Hallowtide. Kallistos Ware describes this beautifully in his book *The Orthodox Church*.
@mcnallyaar Жыл бұрын
PS I love the Jesus Prayer. It has brought so much to my life.
@RyanBarton- Жыл бұрын
Ken, I loved this conversation with you... You were so generous and kind in first holding the space for me to process this, and then sharing such beautiful insights and co-creating something new. The insights have been personally helpful and enriching, and I'm grateful.
@climbingmt.sophia Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Ryan. I'm very grateful to you for bringing your open, kind, and articulate style to bear with me!
@Joeonline26 Жыл бұрын
Ken, do you intend to record a part 2 with DC Schindler on his book 'freedom from reality'? Part 1 was great
@climbingmt.sophia Жыл бұрын
Thank you, J. I am so glad you found it helpful. Scheduling time is the primary challenge, but we are hoping to do several more episodes, hopefully soon! Would you have any specific questions or thoughts you hope might be addressed in the series?
@ayomidebolatiwa2642 Жыл бұрын
Maybe with prayer there is something to do with remaining in a state of longing and a hope for reconciliation but where the true fulfilment is in the eschaton
@climbingmt.sophia Жыл бұрын
To be always in between having been and becoming
@mcnallyaar Жыл бұрын
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@mcnallyaar Жыл бұрын
I worry about the risk, when idealizing "Order" and "Organization" as it pertains to our actions, to bleed into attitudes toward culture and behavior in general, and to thus be easy to use as a tool to manipulate, punish, coerce, and discriminate against others.