Did Jesus Have BROTHERS?

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Coptic Orthodox Answers

Coptic Orthodox Answers

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@LukeWills-ui8nu Ай бұрын
I am a recent convert I am protestant, though I have been really digging into orthodox and catholic arguments and just wanted to say thank you so much for putting this video out there it has given me much to consider and research on this journey of truth.
@josephjude1290 8 ай бұрын
In the Roman Catholic Church Saint Joseph is seen as a virgin. Father what would be your thoughts and insights on this? Thanks
@CopticOrthodoxAnswers 8 ай бұрын
Honestly, there are many different traditions about this so I don't think there is enough evidence to have a discussion.
@MartinBielkovic 8 ай бұрын
he is. The brothers mentioned are cousins, its a mistranslation
@mogufikru441 9 ай бұрын
According to Ethiopian Orthodox tradition, Saint Virgin Mary was the only child of her parents, and the brothers of Jesus were sons of Saint Joseph from a previous marriage. Additionally, in another tradition, a kind woman named Hermela wedded a blessed man called Matthat, and she bore three blessed daughters. They named the first one 'Mary,' and she married Saint Joseph, bearing St. Salome, James, Joseph, Simon, Judas, and two other children whose names I do not remember exactly. The second daughter was named 'Sophia,' and she bore St. Elisabeth. The third daughter, a unique one, was named 'Anna' (Hanna), and she bore the Queen of Heaven and Earth, the Virgin Mary. Therefore, the Virgin Mary, St. Elisabeth, and St. Salome are cousins.
@CopticOrthodoxAnswers 8 ай бұрын
Yes, some traditions hold this view indeed. God bless you
@mogufikru441 8 ай бұрын
@bernardauberson7218 3 ай бұрын
La grave erreur de ceux qui affirment que Jésus a des frères, est la suivante: l’ensemble “frères de Jésus commence ainsi : 0 frère, 1 frère, 2 frères 3 frères, …etc oublier sciemment l’ensemble nul est une grave erreur mathématique ! De plus ceux qui affirment le contraire font des contemporains de Jésus et de tout Nazareth des menteurs alors qu’ ils connaissaient la réalité ! Et c’est leur témoignage que l’Eglise transmet fidèlement depuis 2000 ans ! Que pèsent vos affabulations stupides, juste pour justifier votre Mario-phobie ! Oui !
@bernardauberson7218 2 ай бұрын
@@mogufikru441 A cette époque, même si on se mariait très jeune, donner naissance à 7 enfants paraît peu crédible: après 3ou4 naissances, elle serait morte en couches au 5e. ???
@alfredpalacios8475 2 ай бұрын
Show us where it’s written in the Bible that Joseph had other kids and why is he a saint? According to who?
@farida.5766 9 ай бұрын
Can you comment on the step brothers theory (brothers as sons of Joseph from a previous marriage) according to the Eastern Orthodox tradition.
@Corpoise0974 9 ай бұрын
It is a patristic teaching from the Greek theologians. The theory is acceptable.
@CopticOrthodoxAnswers 8 ай бұрын
Yes it is a tradition and could be discussed. This is not dogma. However, the Bible seems to imply otherwise.
@Troy-Moses 8 ай бұрын
Though a popular tradition, it is incorrect... They were His relatives, just as Lot was called Abraham's brother. Here is the explanation: NAMES: Mark 6: 3 Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of *James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon* PARENTS: . Luke 6: *James the son of Alphaeus ... Judas the brother of James* . Mark 16: *Mary the mother of James* . John 19: *Mary the wife of Cleophas* . Matthew 27: *Mary the mother of James and Joses* - From Luke 6, James and Judas are of Alphaeus. - From Mark 16, this Mary is the mother of James, which makes her the wife of Alphaeus. - From John 19, this Mary is the wife of Cleophas, which makes Cleophas the same person as Alphaeus. - From Matthew 27, this Mary is the mother of James and Joses. So we know for _SURE_ from Mark 6 that *James, Joses and Juda* are neither the siblings of Jesus from Virgin Mary nor Joseph. Therefore, the only logical conclusion is that they were all close relatives.
@konstantinoskalemkeridis730 5 ай бұрын
I am Greek is a farsh big lie Marriam ever virgin WHY ?replacing the Godess Athena the virgin
@bernardauberson7218 2 ай бұрын
@@Troy-Moses Une grave erreur : Judas or Jude brother of James ! Lisez Actes 1; Jude est FILS de Jacques ! Et, si Jude est Apôtre, il a plus de 20 ans, voire l’âge du Christ et son père plus de 50 ans cette année- là ! Ainsi Jacques est plus âgé que Jésus… pour ceux qui veulent absolument donner des frères à Jésus , voyez leur erreur manifeste ! Autre absurdité, imaginer que la Vierge a assumé 6, voire 8 grossesses est un blasphème, nier la vérité ! Elle a déjà 27 ans cette année-là ! Quand , à 12 ans Jésus monte au Temple avec Ses parents, personne ne parle de Ses petits frères ! Donc, il n’en avait pas ! Et tout Nazareth et Jérusalem le savait, seuls ces hérétique, 2000 ans après viennent affirmer le contraire ! Tout ce qu’ils disent sort d’une cervelle moisie, défaillante : il ne vaut pas la peine de faire attention à ce qu’ils disent, pipi de chat , rien d’autre !
@RodiMaregn-g3e 2 ай бұрын
I was reading the bible, particularly the book of Genesis. It was talkin about how Abraham left with hi cousin Lot to a new land. Later in the passages Lot is referred as his Brother. I believe it was the culture and customs of that time to refer your cousin as Brother. So Jesus brothers could be his cousins trough joseph or Mary.
@linasuleman5470 6 ай бұрын
Can you explain who was the carpenter that mattew was referring to in Matthew 13:55? If its not Joseph the husband of the Virgin Mary, then who was it?
@MatthewZlotow-zm3zl 2 ай бұрын
the Nazarenes did not know of Christ's virgin birth, so they thought Joseph was his father.
@cameronmcbryde5992 2 ай бұрын
Thank you
@JosipM333 8 ай бұрын
Mother of God Mary died as a virgin.
@CopticOrthodoxAnswers 8 ай бұрын
@invincible_ssj4 5 ай бұрын
Mathew 1:25!!!😅
@bernardauberson7218 3 ай бұрын
@@invincible_ssj4Il ne l’a connu point . Point final. N’ajoutez pas tout vos fantasmes par dessus, sa vient du Malin !
@louisvega-oe2sc 3 ай бұрын
If Mary was "the mother of God!" Then who was Gods father? Remember, numbers 23:19?
@bernardauberson7218 2 ай бұрын
@@louisvega-oe2sc Tu es donc stupide à ce point de pas savoir ce que veut dire Mère de Dieu ! Theotokos en grec ! Mais c’est par rapport au Christ , son Fils ! As- tu suivi un catéchisme ? Visiblement , non ! Débile cette question ! Dans ton esprit, c’est de Joseph ou l’Esprit Saint , ce Père ?
@konstantinoskalemkeridis730 5 ай бұрын
yes HE did Why we the Greek Orthodox and Catholics say otherwise,Martin Luther was a Catholic
@CopticOrthodoxAnswers 5 ай бұрын
Greek Orthodox and Catholics don’t say that Jesus had brothers! Only Protestants do…
@CopticOrthodoxAnswers 5 ай бұрын
And in the video it’s clear what Martin Luther believed…
@delgande 5 ай бұрын
Hello, can you please make a video about the Rapture and Dispensationalism? I know that these ideas are pretty new, but one Copt told me that there is an orthodox understanding of these doctrines and that he believes in them
@Troy-Moses 9 ай бұрын
Firstborn vs first born: Both Jacob and Ephraim were the younger, yet both became the firstborn; for "firstborn" is a matter of inheritance, while "first born" is a matter of chronology.
@pepehaydn7039 Ай бұрын
@alfredpalacios8475 5 ай бұрын
We don’t care what Martin Luther said we care what the Bible said, and it does say that Jesus had brothers. Really a man marries a woman and he can’t be with her? Then why marriage? more than 10years later Jesus is preaching in the synagogue and his mother and brother were looking for him cause he was lost for3 days and and now you mean to tell me that Joseph a man with desires like any other has been able to contain him self that long ?..also that Joseph and Marie embarked on a field trip with cousins looking for Jesus in every verse of the Bible that said brother? that would be crazy ! That is sad if you believe that! the Bible would be twisted! God and would have no power!! We are to believe that Mary and Joseph embarked on a field trip with the cousins in every single verse that talks about brother, just to make you distortions right…. The whole Bible would be distorted if words changes like that, and would be a total different gospel. It’s like saying that the nails that went into his hands are now screws ..because with time words change so much.😅
@bernardauberson7218 3 ай бұрын
Malheureusement, tu n’as rien compris à ce que dit la Bible ! Ce sont tes fantasmes que tu nous délivres comme un perroquet .! Il y a plus de 2000 ans que nous savons que Jésus et Fils unique de Marie, dire le contraire c’est tordre les Ecritures ce qui conduit à la ruine ! Saint Paul dixit.
@top10bags93 3 ай бұрын
Do you know that Martin Luther could have removed james and revelations and you guys wouldn't even have known that
@bernardauberson7218 3 ай бұрын
@@top10bags93 Bien sûr ! Pourquoi ? Jacques 2; 24 démolit toute sa théologie de la “ sola fide “ : la foi sans les oeuvres est MORTE !
@bernardauberson7218 2 ай бұрын
@@alfredpalacios8475 Si M. Alfred a encore quelques cellules grises valides , qu ‘il nous explique comment il comprend que Jésus à 12 ans, dans le Temple est venu seul avec ses parents ! Où sont ce soi-disant frères ?Donc à 24 ans Marie n’a pas d’autre enfants et vous dites qu’elle a assumé plus de 5 grossesses ! Connaissez-vous beaucoup de femmes dans votre entourage capable de cet exploit ? Moi NON. Donc c’est un blasphème. Vous semblez ignorer que les Habitants de Nazareth et de Jérusalem n’ont pas de mot pour dire cousin, en hébreu, ils sont donc tous frères et ce mot est traduit tel quel en grec, alors que le mot cousin existe en grec, question de culture ! La bible ne se lit pas en solitaire , mais en Eglise ! Voilà votre grande faiblesse… et la source de votre ignorance crasse.
@hyzenthlay713 2 ай бұрын
​@top10bags93 Majority of Protestants do not see Martin Luther as a leader or idol of our faith. His only role for us was historically to begin a path of not relying on what religious leaders say, but rather what God says.
@lanabowers5332 6 ай бұрын
Mary & Joseph had 8 children: Jesus, James, Jose's, Jude, Mary (May Jacob, Mary Cleophas. She married Jacob Cleophas), Joanna, & Sarah.
@ogbetaemmanuel9194 4 ай бұрын
At the foot of the cross we have mary the wife of cloepas which is the cousin of Mary the mother of Jesus
@ogbetaemmanuel9194 4 ай бұрын
Do Virgin Mary Had Any Other Children? PEOPLE DO THINK THAT BECAUSE THE PASSAGE BELOW QUESTIONED CHRIST RELATIVES, THEREFORE HE HAD BLOOD BRETHREN, NO!: Matt 13:55 ...*..Is His mother not Mary?, And are not his brethren JAMES AND JOSEPH and Simon Judas* the word brethren includes kinsmen, relatives,ETC. You WILL see James, Joseph, Simon, and Jude, were Jesus' cousin, brethren/Relatives The Bible uses the phrase ---'A SON'-- or --'CHILD'--and not children or sons confirm this Neither will the Bible or prophesies be lie, thus: Matt. 1:22 This all happened so that what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet would be fulfilled: Matt. 1:23 .*.Look! The virgin will conceive and bear A SON, and they will call him Emmanuel Matt. 1:21 She will give birth to A SON and you will name him JESUS, because HE will save his people from their sins. SO James, Joseph, Simon, and Jude. Are they really Jesus BLOOD BROTHER? no! in Hebrew were the English version of the bible was translated from, there is no such word as * my blood brethren*, rather as the Igbo Language has no such, rather they call same blood, relative, even their tribal ones *My Brother* (Nwa Nne m meaning *my mother's Child/brother*) even when they had only Tribal relationship only, Christian also call their fellow Christians Sister or Brother(in the Lord=specified) because the share the same faith. else one may think they are of same blood! The Bible Proves it otherwise .*. Prophecy of scripture is not a matter of one's personal interpretation 2 Pt. 1:20, Note THE BIBLE WARNS: Scripture can be difficult to understand and can be distorted to one's destruction ... .*. 2 Pt. 3:15-18. Let analyze the passages misunderstood by many, (that Virgin Mary was Virgin up to the birth of Christ, that after then she lost her Virginity and gave birth to other sons or if she remained EVER VIRGIN in Matt. 28:1 ..*Mary Mag'dalene and other Mary went to see the tomb* before this Jesus had died and His mother is already with Disciples, Matt. 28:7 ..*..then go and tell His Disciple that He has risen from the dead * he said this because the Disciple and Mary where at home, that's why the bible use the word *the OTHER MARY* this includes: *(Cloepas' wife). and Mother Of The Sons Of Zebedee, Mary The Mother Of James And Joseph When the Bible wants to mention Virgin Mary, it specifies Her as in Luke 2:48...*and His mother said to him, son, why have you treated us so? your Father And I* you see that they had no other child yet even at 12 years, SEE HOW the BIBLE DISTINGUISHES 3 OTHER MARY FROM VIRGIN MARY Mark 15:40; Matthew 27:56, : ...*Among them at the cross were MARY Magdalene and MARY the MOTHER of JAMES and JOSEPH(Joses), and Salo'me ; and THE MOTHER OF THE SONS OF ZEBEDEE.* Matt. 27:61..Mary Mag'dalene and the OTHER MARY WERE THERE. SITTING OPPOSITE THE TOMB Summing the passages, This shows that there may be at least 2 Mary(s) who are Jesus relatives and had sons: Cross reference this with the passage below SEE HOW THE BIBLE DO MENTION JESUS' MOTHER John 19:25..*..But standing the cross of Jesus were: His MOTHER, and MARY THE WIFE OF CLEOPAS (VIRGIN MARY'S sister,), and MARY MAG'DALENE We see that at least three of the brethren mentioned in Matthew 13, OR MARK 6:3 were definitely not siblings of Jesus (although they're called Siblings) but they were Jesus' cousins--sons of their mother's sister. because them Virgin Mary is already with the Disciples ahome. The Bible is simply silent on the exact relationship between Jesus and the other two men, Simon and Jude, mentioned in Matthew 13. This proves two important things. First, it proves that the Greek word for brethren is sometimes used to mean something other than sibling, and it proves that Matthew 13:55-56 in no way demonstrates that Mary had other children. Matt 13:55...*..Is His mother not Mary?, And are not his brethren JAMES AND JOSEPH and Simon Judas* the word brethren includes kinsmen, relatives, Extended family, society, people with same faith etc that's why in court, or bank they will ask you to specify the exact relationship of your chosen next of Kin. The Bible only teaches us that Joseph kept her a virgin until after the birth of Jesus (see Matt. 1:18-25 below). Matt. 1:18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ happened this way. While his mother Mary was engaged to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit. Matt. 1:19 Because Joseph, her husband to be, was a righteous man, and because he did not want to disgrace her, he intended to divorce her privately.
@bernardauberson7218 3 ай бұрын
Ou avez-vous trouvé que Joseph et Marie avaient eu 8 enfants ? Ce n’est pas du tout ce qu’ont dit les gens de Nazareth leurs contemporains ! Êtes -vous sûr d’en savoir plus qu’eux? Il y a plus de 2000 ans qu’on sait que Jésus est Fils unique ! Alors, cherchez l’erreur ! Dans la sainte Trinité, Il n’y a que Lui !
@bernardauberson7218 2 ай бұрын
@@lanabowers5332 C’est écoeurant de lire pareille idiotie de gens qui sont persuadés d’avoir bien compris ce qu’ils ont lu ! Mais, où ont-ils donc la tête pour en savoir plus que ceux qui ont vécu autour du Christ ? Qu ‘ils comprennent une fois ! Qu’ils imaginent une jeune fille de 15 ans avoir un fils Jésus, puis 8 autres grossesses ? Mais, bémol : quand Jésus a 12 ans , il va à Jérusalem seul avec Ses parents. Pas de frères à ce moment, aucun nom donné!Ah ! Bonne question ! Depuis plus de 2000 ans, les chrétiens savent que Jésus est Fils Unique et ces mal formés, depuis moins d’un siècle savent tout que les anciens et même que Luther et Calvin, c’est un comble ! Ils ont oubliés l’ensemble ZERO dans la théorie des ensemble, bien nuls en math !
@s1b3r11 2 ай бұрын
XDDD people are really making headcanons about the Bible... What next? Fanfiction?
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