There is a community of analouge waxup technicians who are more satisfied with hand work. Digital may be faster but there is a steep learning curve for those who have never done analogue wax-up. All dentists and dental technicians have to know the morphoogy of the tooth properly and that starts with tooth carving by hand and analogue waxup, digital is only a tool, comes after analogue waxup. There are courses conducted for digital dental designers to learn analogue waxup who have never learned waxcarving by hand, so they can perform better digitally. My two cents. Greetings from India Mumbai.
@la.dentistry7 ай бұрын
Hi! Thank you for your comment. I agree with you, it is crucial for any dentist and technician to know and understand the tooth anatomy. Digital is just a tool and it is very useful as we can be more precise and measure the amount of "wax" that we put in each tooth. India is a lovely country, I hope to go to Mumbai one day!