Dimash The Story of One Sky - REACTION - WOW THAT WAS DEEP!

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@anahills3836 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think Dimash is saying that we need war in order to have peace. I was expecting the Dimash character to set the right example, but he chose to give himself the role of someone who, when pushed to the extreme by the results of war, acted against his own beliefs. We can all sympathize completely I think with why he killed the evil leader, but it isn't the way to end war. You can't kill war. I think he's saying that the only way to end war is by choosing to take the hard road of choosing life, following the light, turning from wrong to right. Remember in the trailer he said, "There is no peace in war. War is death." This video gives me SO much to think about! All the symbolism. Also, what do I need to do in my own daily existence to choose life? Thanks for your excellent reaction!
@dwimulyaningsih125 2 ай бұрын
I completely agree! Dimash is not saying that war is needed. War is evil doesn’t matter what the reason behind it because it caused suffering and death and all the worst possible things you could ever imagine.
@Kerrelyn717 2 жыл бұрын
Не перестаю восхищаться мудростью и сердечностью Димаша, который сотворил этот шедевр, по сути своей молитву за всё человечество. Призыв к всеобщему миру на планете, к прекращению конфликтов и недопонимания между людьми разных национальностей. И всё это через мощнейший вокал Димаша, плач и мольбу, чтобы люди услышали и смогли понять и принять его посыл! Это почти физическая боль, которую начинаешь испытывать при просмотре этого видео, а эмоции просто зашкаливают. Ты полностью погружаешься в происходящее, не в силах оторвать свой взгляд от экрана, понимая, насколько глубокий смысл скрыт в этом видео послании. К сожалению, не все смогут оценить этот призыв от Димаша, часть людей живёт во мраке собственной души и не способны прозреть в ближайшее время, а многие вообще утратили такие качества, как чуткость и сострадание. Ведь люди, имеющие в себе доброту и человечность, будут тянуться к свету и любви, которые излучает собой Димаш, ну а те, кто обделён этими качествами, будут продолжать жить во тьме, принося с собою в этот мир лишь негатив, подпитываясь отрицательными эмоциями, ведущими к разрушению собственной личности. У таких людей любое проявление доброты или милосердия со стороны других людей вызывает практически болезненные ощущения, острое неприятие и желание сделать что то плохое в ответ. Это как добро и зло, они всегда рядом, также как свет и тьма. В этом сущность самого человека и ничего с этим не поделаешь. Все мы рождаемся хорошими и добрыми, но каждый в итоге выбирает свой путь, каким ему быть в этой жизни. Одни, несмотря на сложные жизненные обстоятельства, будут всегда стремиться к свету и добру, другие, даже в условиях комфортной жизни, могут выбрать путь тьмы и разрушения. Но всегда остаётся Надежда, что этот мир изменится к лучшему, а для этого каждый человек должен вначале изменить себя. Ведь в каждом из нас есть и хорошее, и плохое, и каждый человек должен прежде всего захотеть стремиться к свету, наконец проснуться и взглянуть на мир другими глазами, через призму доброты и любви к ближнему. Только так, начиная изменять в лучшую сторону себя, мы способны в последствии изменить и весь мир. И именно к этому призывает нас всех Димаш, чтобы светлая сторона каждого человека восторжествовала и освещала весь его жизненный путь. А мы все в свою очередь должны оберегать Димаша от всякого зла и негатива, ведь он как лучик света, освещает нам путь во мраке, в который мы же сами себя и погрузили.
@РитаСемёрка 2 жыл бұрын
Спасибо Вам за ваш комментарий. 👍Полностью с вами согласна. Димаш -это вселенная наших душ.💖
@ЛарисаЗахарова-к3п 2 жыл бұрын
Вы всё очень правильно сказали И да, не все могут оценить этот призыв Димаша, к большому сожалению! И вы хорошо объяснили - почему. Мне кажется, чтобы принять и понять этот шедевр, да и вообще творчество Димаша, надо иметь достаточный уровень интеллекта. Я бы сказала Димаш не для" толпы", не желающий думать. Он над ней и "толпе" это не нравиться. Извините, если кого то обидела.
@Kerrelyn717 2 жыл бұрын
@@ЛарисаЗахарова-к3п , как же вы правы! Полностью с вами согласна! Чтобы понять и принять творчество Димаша, его музыку, его уникальность, разносторонность, нужно и самому быть образованным человеком. Огромное количество современных людей попросту разучились думать, логически мыслить. Кто сейчас читает серьёзную литературу, зарубежную классику, мировых авторов? Очень небольшой процент населения. Большинство людей привыкло к простой информации, где не нужно напрягать мозг и где всё разложено по полочкам, отсюда и снижение интеллекта в целом, иными словами узколобость и скудоумие. Так что никого вы Лариса не обидели, вы всё правильно сказали! У вас рассуждения прекрасного душой и сердцем здравомыслящего человека. Спасибо вам огромное за комментарий!
@ГульмираС.Қожа 2 жыл бұрын
Благодарю вас. Вы так правильно и хорошо всё сказали. Я вас люблю ❤️🇰🇿🥰. Будьте всегда здоровыми и счастливыми ❤️
@Kerrelyn717 2 жыл бұрын
@@ГульмираС.Қожа Спасибо вам огромное за добрые пожелания! Вам тоже от всего сердца только добра и всего самого светлого и хорошего в жизни!
@Kerrelyn717 2 жыл бұрын
Уважаемые зрители! Посмотрите, пожалуйста, официальный трейлер к этому видео, там показана речь генерала и в конце слова самого Димаша. Это очень эмоциональное и психологически тяжелое для просмотра видео, но его стоит увидеть каждому, ведь это послание Димаша для всего человечества. Он сам написал музыку и работал над сценарием последние три года. Его голос, которым он передаёт всю боль и все эмоции в этом видео послании, просто феноменален! Димаш уникальный и неповторимый человек во всех смыслах, как будто не из этой реальности, имеющий мудрость и опыт множества прожитых жизней. Это невозможно объяснить с научной точки зрения. Хочется от всего сердца поблагодарить Димаша за созданный им шедевр, за невероятно колоссальный труд, за доброе и открытое для каждого человека сердце, за чистую душу и человечность! Пусть любовь и доброжелательность окружают тебя повсюду! Ведь, чтобы изменить этот мир к лучшему, каждый должен вначале изменить себя и посмотреть на мир другими глазами, через призму любви, милосердия и сострадания. Ведь все мы люди одной планеты и все живём под одним небом!
@sofiesimon1731 2 жыл бұрын
Спасибо Вам огромное! 🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤
@Merkhat75 2 жыл бұрын
@eileenanderson3517 2 жыл бұрын
Yes you have the meaning of the video spot on and I could not agree more!
@РитаСемёрка 2 жыл бұрын
Да, когда смотришь в глаза Димаша, всегда кажется, что он знает то, чего не знаем мы.
@Ariel-gh9cc 2 жыл бұрын
🙏❤️🌹 Присоединяюсь к каждому Слову! Через Димаша нам вещает Центральный Божественный Источник из которого мы все вышли и туда же должны вернуться, уже в новых одеждах Сознания! Люблю! 💕🌹✊✊✊
@mariabeltran4213 2 жыл бұрын
BEAUTIFUL DIMASH ... LOVE PRÍNCIPE KASAJO !!! ... 👏👏💯👏👏💯👏👏💯👏👏💯👏👏💯👏👏💯👏👏💯👏👏💯
@geminitwin1160 2 жыл бұрын
Great reaction to this very complex masterpiece. Please share it, not just here on You Tube. We need Dimash and his message in America.
@Xtremed-jy9yw 2 жыл бұрын
not only America - the WORLD needs to see this
@DQ_Mine 2 жыл бұрын
The whole world.
@DQ_Mine 2 жыл бұрын
The whole world.
@geminitwin1160 2 жыл бұрын
@@DQ_Mine So true; I mentioned the USA to the reactor as one American to another! 🙂
@FinarfinNoldorin Жыл бұрын
Yes, we do.
@janetlawson4482 2 жыл бұрын
The most important powerful message in this video. You got it right. Dimash sacrificed himself to end this war, even though they had been childhood friends. Dimash, the Ambassador of Peace, was just given a Medal of Honor for his stand on Unity of Humanity by the Pope, to me, he has at this point, made legendary progress toward his goals, the video being a huge part of that, and he is not finished. He is brilliant, with a heart of gold that cry’s for humanity and senseless death, especially the impact on the innocent children. He takes a stand, risking his own life, to spread a message with his gift of his incredible voice. This is an absolute masterpiece, created by a legend. Thank you for sharing your very insightful reaction and thoughts, always love your reactions ❤
@mardiyanasofi1157 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with u
@janetlawson4482 2 жыл бұрын
@@mardiyanasofi1157 I truly believe that Dimash is a messenger and his incredible gift of voice gives him a platform to reach the world, it’s a massive job, that he takes very seriously, a tremendous burden on such a young man, but he is doing an exemplary job at it❤️, love and peace to everyone.
@portiaShao 2 жыл бұрын
The first performance of this song by Dimash was in the presence of the Pope in Astana, Kazakhstan for the 7th Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions. in early September, Dimash met the Pope and I think he received a medal. You can find fancam versions of that performance. If those in presence were not moved by the song, then they are not worthy of being religious leaders, but I haven’t seen any reports of how they reacted to it. I am sure it’s significant that Dimash chose this song to present at the conference. Your reaction and interpretation of the video is really good! I had to watch it many times to get most of it. And BTW, the Kazakh words spoken my Dimash in the middle of the video is “human(people), caravan, life, path” which we translated to “people are caravans on 5e path of life”.
@anahills3836 2 жыл бұрын
According to the Astana Times, Dimash received a commemorative medal. These were made to commemorate the seventh Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions which was held in Kazakhstan. I imagine they were given out to those who attended this conference. He was indeed given it by the Pope himself as can be seen in the photos he released.
@NatalyaIva23 2 жыл бұрын
You are one of the few reactionaries who understood the plot of this complex composition by Dimash, which uses many musical themes and techniques and is the result of his three-year composing work. The video script is also written by him. The clip is divided into several parts. The first is childhood. The main character, his friend (Antagonist) and the girl are connected by children's stories and symbols of eternal friendship (pendant). Once a friend (Antagonist) rescues a boy (Dimash's hero) when he drowns. However, there is already competition in this children's story, because the boys are in love with the girl, and she chooses the hero Dimash. The antagonist undergoes a kind of psychological destruction and transfers children's problems into the adult world of totalitarianism and struggle. As an adult, the Antagonist harbors the idea of a war for salvation: "Only war will lead us to peace. Only the strongest can find love in their hearts. You have to be strong enough ..." The main character also talks about unity, about peace, but through the prism of love. In the process of fighting, he is shocked, but must save his family: his pregnant wife (this girl from childhood) and daughter. Once at home, he is horrified and realizes that his family is also dead. He moves towards the Antagonist to get revenge. However, his wife survived with the help of people who know that she will give birth to a son who can save the world. These are people of different nationalities and faiths who have united for the whole world. The parallel line is Pilgrims, people of different religions. United, they create a common energy in which the son of the main character is born, but he himself dies. Having grown up, his son leads the pilgrims to the place where light and peace are born.
@enswidaroflox-musci2776 2 жыл бұрын
Did the wife survive or died? Other comments posted that the wife died of childbirth and the baby was taken care by the people who were around her.
@kriknut1 2 жыл бұрын
@@enswidaroflox-musci2776 I don’t know, but I think she died. She is out of the picture after the baby is born and the baby boy has got her necklace.
@susanbeckmolloy9536 2 жыл бұрын
This video deserves every award for short movie and music video that there is. The most beautiful, disturbing, epic video I've ever watched. I could not stop watching and listened to Dimash's singing as you did, telling the story. Too many reactors are concentrating on what he is doing with his voice and paying no attention to the message of the video and that is such a shame. Of course the Dears are letting them know that they completely missed a message, but once watched It's hard to watch it over for a first time. Thx for giving this video the respect it was meant to be given. The message is clear, even though individuals have slightly different insights, the message is clear. This man, I know, will someday be an ambassador of peace. He's already on the job. ✌❤😎
@susanbeckmolloy9536 2 жыл бұрын
@no chains no more absolutely 🎶✌🏆 😎
@anahills3836 2 жыл бұрын
I think part of what Dimash is saying by casting himself in the final role is "I am taking a lead in choosing life. Please join me." He is encouraging us to also take a lead in our own spheres of influence by choosing life.
@LeahDaVi51 2 жыл бұрын
He already is!
@debbiemorgan859 2 жыл бұрын
I've been waiting so long for your reaction on this and yet again you did not disappoint. You have been the only one to spot every detail, to recognise the relationship (and future relationship) of the children. One of the few to spot the real Dimash almost from the beginning and to realise that the woman giving birth is Dimash's wife and the dead child his daughter. The only thing you got wrong was the message but I believe you corrected that later, is that the whole video is anti war, it's more obvious in the actual words of the song, when he sings about the crazy Piper that we should decide to stop following, he tells us not to listen to the propaganda of dictators but to make up our own mind. He shows us that an act of revenge only leads to more death. In the end it's the future generations (his grown up son in the video) who have the power to lead the world into peace and prosperity if we raise them with the right values of tolerance, love and acceptance.
@anahills3836 2 жыл бұрын
Nicely said!
@АнарТалжанова 2 жыл бұрын
Согласна с вами.
@kriknut1 2 жыл бұрын
That was beautiful said. So true
@tuijakarttunen9164 2 жыл бұрын
Well said, indeed.
@bortexo 2 жыл бұрын
É difícil,prestar atenção a todos os detalhes do video com esse vocal magnífico de Dimash,mas você captou praticamente quase todos eles Vídeo emocionante, música maravilhosa e mensagem mais do que necessária no momento em que vivemos.🌎
@rosamariadiaz8143 2 жыл бұрын
Creo que su relato es lo que Dimash ha querido reflejar. .. muy acertado. Gracias por su reacción! Me suscribo! 🇪🇸💃🙏🇺🇦🙏🇺🇦 Paz en cada rincón del planeta! 🙏🙏🙏
@zenithdawn9646 2 жыл бұрын
You followed that video better than most reactors. Good job.
@corimara2431 2 жыл бұрын
The moment Dimash discovers his dead daughter, he has a moment of hesitation, his brain doesn't want to register what it sees. And all of a sudden, he takes reality in the face, this short film is really very thoughtful, everything has a meaning. If you lose 10 seconds of the film, you are sure to miss something important in understanding the story.
@tuijakarttunen9164 2 жыл бұрын
Agree 100%. Great acting by Dimash, as well. And those children also. Really good job.
@corimara2431 2 жыл бұрын
@@tuijakarttunen9164 Ah yes, Dimash is a great actor, they were all good by the way, the religious ones are amazing too! On the other hand, the "Piper crazy", the poor actor will be hated lol!
@tuijakarttunen9164 2 жыл бұрын
@@corimara2431 The actor of the Piper was really credible, too.
@corimara2431 2 жыл бұрын
@@tuijakarttunen9164 Oh that yes! That's why he is likely to be hated lol
@mara.869 2 жыл бұрын
Вы один из очень немногих, кто понимает! Спасибо))
@angelarasulo2174 2 жыл бұрын
Hai compreso la storia alla perfezione. Complimenti. 👍
@tralyn 2 жыл бұрын
This Painful Masterpiece is Dimash’s soul pleading to the World. I have no words, as my heart, body and soul are aching for Dimash. I believe Dimash Qudaibergen Has thousands of souls in him. How can one young man be so in tune in everything he does. His passion for The world, his country, his parents, his siblings, his friends, and especially his music is extraordinary !!! We are all so blessed to be a part of his outstanding journey!!I am so proud to be a Dear!! 💐💐❤️❤️ Thank you Dimash, for staying true to yourself. We Need Peace Thanks for you heartfelt reaction!!
@blackpearl7665 2 жыл бұрын
My love, Dimash❤️
@kalliopesensei3023 2 жыл бұрын
How can you not admire and respect such a wholesome artist with a beautiful heart and soul? Dimash’s song, video, and message are so powerful and compelling… We could feel his pain, passion, and desperation in his heavy metal like scream because he truly cares. Dimash has found his calling as an artist: presenting his Kazakh culture to the world, but also spreading compassion, love, respect, and unity through his voice and music. One should strive for peace and understanding among different peoples, cultures, and religions so that there’s mutual respect in spite of our differences, hence the necessity of an open dialogue to solve conflicts instead of choosing war. Indeed, in this short film (it’s more than a simple MV at this point!), Dimash is showing us that war is NOT the path to peace. War does not unite people like the antagonist preaches; but leads to “senseless horror”, destruction, grief, and death. At the end, he shows us the alternative to war by leading people from different religions and cultures to the true path of peace and unity. I admire his strong conviction, courage, and beautiful soul. I hope that his powerful, heartfelt plea for peace and unity will be heard all across the world. Being a Dear is an honor. Thank you for yet another great reaction to Dimash and for your genuine appreciation of his insane talent! Cheers!
@monikaslavec9663 2 жыл бұрын
Great reaction, thank you!
@laurys7077 2 жыл бұрын
Propongo a Dimash para el Premio Nobel de la Paz 🌎
@Елена-д5у8м 2 жыл бұрын
Мы все ЗА!!!
@duniatucker1638 2 жыл бұрын
@ОльгаИльичева-л6ф 2 жыл бұрын
Спасибо за реакцию 🙏 это потрясающе, как вы правильно поняли всю историю этого видео👏
@pattyaldunate9169 2 жыл бұрын
Patty I am from Chile nd I am a dlastic artist who lost her creativity in the pandemic and the beauty of Dimash[.S music gave it back to me. he is an enlightened being as he came from space to bring bauty, peace and hope in a short time in all the continens of the earth every love him.- He was sended to us like Leonardo da Vinci, Miguel Angel, Newton and Einstein all enlighyeneds
@baktyldz8312 2 жыл бұрын
We are choosing LIFE under one sky. Thank you for your reaction.
@roca8060 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your reaction, we need to support to this Amazing singer this masterpiece of video with the deep message 😢, just go to His official KZbin channel and watch this video many times you can, that way can reach a millions of views and spread this message around the world. ❤
@ReactionsbyD 2 жыл бұрын
oh trust me, this video will hit 10 million views....watch!
@brendaguerin1409 2 жыл бұрын
Loved your reaction😍 I cry every time I see Dimash holding the child and the real pain on his face.
@ЕленаМаркина-н3ь 2 жыл бұрын
you are a very perceptive and sensitive reactionary. I always enjoy your reactions! Thanks for the response!!
@marisolpina1420 2 жыл бұрын
Amigo, te felicito , eres unos de los pocos youtubers que entendiste de principio a fin la trama de este video hermoso, de mi amado Dimash , saludos desde Chile.
@blueorchidfeather 2 жыл бұрын
Dimash did not reincarnate, he passed the Staff to his Son who is the next generation bringing continuity and stability to the Message of " We're Choosing LIfe"!!!
@silvidella7389 2 жыл бұрын
Leíste la historia correctamente, Dimash encontró la mejor manera de transmitir su mensaje! A través de esta increíble obra de arte!!!
@siralestat 2 жыл бұрын
totalmente! cuando dijo "ah ese del bote es dimash!" ahí supe que entendió desde el principio.
@astral6298 2 жыл бұрын
UFO 5 elements Dimach
@yudyflores1687 2 жыл бұрын
tremenda reaccion👏👏👏👏👏 una de las mejores. Saludos 🇻🇪 BRAVO DIMASH
@valyatodorova5511 2 жыл бұрын
A wonderful name -"The Story of One Sky". The title is the key - it shows the globality and scope of this personal story. Yes, this is our history and the present of all of us. This song is a requiem for the hope of survival. As long as the symbol of love and life is upside down and falls into the wrong hands, there is no hope for all mankind living under one sky. Through our reincarnations, we must learn our lessons, become better and move on, but it turns out that after each reincarnation we become more and more vicious killers. This masterpiece is a requiem for all of our humanity. It's our common tragedy. The tragedy of one sky, one planet, recreated through the personal drama of one life, one friendship and one love. We are all children of one sky, one earth and one god, no matter how the different religions call him. Everyone has the same pain, everyone has the same salty tears and death is the agony of every creature of God. Pied Piper - someone who offers a strong but deceptive seduction, a leader who makes irresponsible promises, a charismatic person who attracts followers. When the boy doesn't get a girl's love, he heals his wounded ego with power and leadership. The antagonist has the symbol given to him as a sign of love, brotherhood and friendship, but he turned it upside down, which suggests that the meaning of this symbol is no longer the same. There is no hope for humanity. All mankind - a caravan of people moves along a large steep slope, along the edge of a deep abyss. On its way, in search of hope and the right direction, the world caravan loses many people. Many souls are dying. But the caravan of life does not stop. It's still moving, but the right direction needs to be found. The caravan has no compass. It just crawls along the edge of the abyss in despair. And in the end, a reborn hero, bearing the symbol of pure and impartial children's love and faith, leads humanity to the light. The ominous sounds of war are absent. Silence and peace. The singing of birds and the sounds of nature are heard, and the caravan moves towards the light, guided by a compass (a young man with a symbol), already in the right direction. After the sad requiem, humanity must stand up and find the right direction if it wants to survive. The symbol that unites these three souls in thе video, ultimately remains only in the reborn boy. Perhaps he comes to correct the mistakes of both - dressed in the body of Dimash, carrying the soul of the antagonist and born of the woman they are both in love with. And looking at this story from perspective of the song title, the reborn one comes to correct the mistakes of all mankind and point out the right path. Each birth is actually a rebirth, which means that we return to our starting point in order to learn the lesson we missed. For the antagonist - this is to change the character in the right direction. To restore his faith in true love for brother and neighbor, which is actually the freedom he propagates. For the character of Dimash, it is to learn that revenge is actually the path to death and not to life, which he so desperate cries out for. The woman symbolizes love in every sense of the word. Love for the neighbor, for the loved one, for the child, for the parents... In one word - LOVE. The woman gives life and hope. She is what they both long for, but they both kill that love with their "humanе weapons", both believing that they are doing it in the name of love and life. Dimash is just a genius, even if he himself doesn't realize it. Incredibly deep work. And if you add Dimash's voice to this story, then this mini-movie cannot help but break your heart.
@Starche59 2 жыл бұрын
Людей разъединяют не религии, ни цвет кожи, а продажные политики, которые приносят в жертву наши жизни ради власти и денег.
@Heatherjoyb 2 жыл бұрын
Stunning reaction, thank you ... you understood everything perfectly! I was at his concert in Almaty, Kazakhstan where he sang this live in an open stadium to about 37000 people ... I cannot even begin to describe in words what that was like. Please react to a live version too ... he left his entire being out on that stage! It was one of the most profound moments I've ever experienced. This is a fancam that will give you some great close-ups: kzbin.info/www/bejne/mZuqeKiGpdt6mqs
@biljanakv 2 жыл бұрын
Great Dimash, a gift from God to all of us ! Masterpiece ! ❤️❤️❤️
@СветланаКаляева-ю1п 2 жыл бұрын
Вау 🥺😨😰☝️👍👍👍👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩 Димаш космический вокалист и невероятный,чистейшей души человек 💞💞💞... спасибо вам за реакцию 🙏💗
@iLoveDimash4ever 2 жыл бұрын
such a great reaction ! Thanks a lot !
@fatimebek1302 2 жыл бұрын
Wow,wow,wow! " The Story of One Sky " Dimash is a GENIUSES ! He should be nominated for GRAMMY award for this incredible amazing performance as a singer, a composer, the best voice, an actor ......giving us a world wide massage : peace on earth for everyone we share the same sky STOP the nonsense of killing innocent people and children 😭A CRY for PEACE ☮️ well done Dimash this is a masterpiece ! Thank you for your emotional reaction, I cried through the whole video.
@xylynevan3915 2 жыл бұрын
Hello, thank you for sharing your video reaction... Dimash master piece song. ❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭😭👌👌👌
@jorgelarosa177 2 жыл бұрын
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 great! Great reaction!!!!! Amazing Dimash, Amazing song, Amazing video
@ol6988 2 жыл бұрын
Спасибо за вашу реакцию, за эмоции, спасибо
@edithtrejo6795 2 жыл бұрын
Me encantó tu reacción. Este video es una obra de arte que lleva un profundo mensaje. A mí me llegó al alma, llorando conmovida
@brendaguerin1409 2 жыл бұрын
He composed the music, wrote the story line and co directed. Dimash is the one drowning
@ludmilagoldin2542 2 жыл бұрын
The great reaction! This video the ocean emotional. Dimash's voice and music genius! Bravo Dimash and team! Fantastic job!
@nimunetra6086 2 жыл бұрын
Merci pour votre belle réaction . Cette vidéo est une pure merveille Merci Dimash et merci à vous depuis la France.
@AyLeenToRa 2 жыл бұрын
Woww you're so observant!! You're the first reactor who gets the whole story right!! 😆😆 This is a masterpiece right? And hes a genius indeed!!
@raquelcalvete3988 2 жыл бұрын
Masterpiece!! Amazing Dimash! 🙏🙏🙏
@dmanciocchi 2 жыл бұрын
I was waiting for your reaction to this! I knew it would be great! ❤
@sallystubbs7417 2 жыл бұрын
EXCELLENT analysis! Dimash has long been all about tolerance, love, kindness, world peace. At age 19, he composed “War and Peace.” He is SO advanced in maturity and wisdom…and is just 28 years old!! More Dimash, please?
@tammydolkos4790 2 жыл бұрын
I cried like a baby, such amazing video. War is never needed. It shows how many died just because of people's greed, and need from power. Bravo Dimash.
@maritzalopezaguilera7154 2 жыл бұрын
Dimash nos entrega un enorme mensaje de paz transformado en una obra maestra...un genio.
@zerrinsigirci638 2 жыл бұрын
Dimash is indeed freaking amazing 🤩I wish peace to all people in the world. So far I see you didn’t miss the essence of the story
@kotoal 2 жыл бұрын
The best analyse I saw about this video !! You saw close to everything in one view. But not when you said "this War was needed to give Peace". Absolutly not, the opposite. The protagonists die at the end, in suffering, one because he thinks War is the solution, the other by revenge. So no one wins at the end.... Violence just spread suffering, fear and death. The message is friendship, humanity, tolerance are the only way to unite different people and solve problems.
@rose-maries7131 2 жыл бұрын
Lets choose life... That is his Life's Message... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@tompham637 2 жыл бұрын
You are the only one reactor got the story right. You gave brilliant comment to the video. You are the best reactor so far that I have seen from the others. Thank you for the great reaction. Love ❤️ from Vietnam 🇻🇳. Bravo 🎈 !
@mariaanbuys3278 2 жыл бұрын
Reborn as a leader for peace and love, Dimash's character in the form of his son becomes a guide for all of mankind on our shared journey up the mountain towards the light of God, however we may interpret or name the divine. We are all on the same path, even if our personal narratives, cultural heritage, and spiritual orientations are very different from one another. By focusing on our common destination rather than on our differences, we can walk together in peace and love and mutual respect. Thank you for an amazing reaction! You didn't miss anything - you followed the storyline perfectly! Love from South Africa ❤
@apashkafromnytnt4475 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your opinion! This is a heartbreaking masterpiece by DIMASH ! He is beyond the genius and he trustfully shares his heart and soul with us!♾♥️
@Benjamin_pack 2 жыл бұрын
Your reaction was so amazing!✨
@LMironono 2 жыл бұрын
15:40 I imagine that when he turns away from her, it's right after he's saying something like, "Really? You love him even though he's so weak he needed saving?" And it's in slow-mo because it has to be
@juancarloshurtado5956 2 жыл бұрын
Exelente reacción al principe kazajo saludos desde Bolivia
@nancyhashiguchi8470 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely shocking!!! Dimash is doing a great job for the PEACE of the world!!!! Let's support him by regularly visiting his KZbin page!!! Your "dears" we choose life!!!!
@eric201247 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, Dimash is amazing. ❤ nice reaction
@mkhasen 2 жыл бұрын
I am very impressed by your intelligence how correctly and from the first take you deciphered this complicated video from Dimash. It took me several viewing and reading comments of the beloved Dears to understand. Thank you for amazing reaction and love from Kazakhstan.
@VenusAway 2 жыл бұрын
Это произведение как продолжение темы Stranger... Димаш впервые исполнил эту песню на съезде Лидеров мировых и традиционных религий в Казахстане в 2022 году. И папа Римский вручил ему награду
@АЗБ-м1ы 2 жыл бұрын
Послание Димаша землянам...СпасиБО за добрую реакцию...🙏🙏🙏
@p.f.5718 2 жыл бұрын
pls see also the teaser of one sky - Dimash said it there very clear Love from Austria 🇦🇹
@hanaalhajjar4002 2 жыл бұрын
One of the best reactions to this masterpiece, thank you 🙏🏻 May Allah bless Dimash and aaaaaalllllll of you 😊🌸❤️
@angelina8489 2 жыл бұрын
after so many watched videos of Ukrainian artists and this mini film from Dimash, I think you made absolutely the right conclusions! this clip shows where we are going and where we can end up if we don't stop in time.
@sirpakuparinen7309 2 жыл бұрын
I have watching the video every day when notifications come for Dimash. It’s so deep, beautiful and powerful. Thank you very much!💖🇫🇮
@DL2010000 2 жыл бұрын
Hello D, you were spot on, good call! Thank you for your sincere reaction. When I first heard this MV, it broke me, I became very emotional, it was heart wrenching! 😢 Dimash has worked hard for 3 years on this MV, and it turned out to be his most valuable MV, in the ideological sense, ever made, a real Masterpiece! I believe that Dimash deserves THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE, for his selfless hard work and tireless efforts in trying to bring the world together in love, peace and unity. He is a Legend and will go down in History. The mini movie is full of symbolisms, it's the story of 3 youths, 1) Dimash, who was drowning at the beginning and at the end; 2) Piper, the one who saved Dimash, and who became the leader, and who was killed by Dimash at the end; 3) The young girl, became Dimash’s future wife who gave birth to his son at the end, and Dimash's daughter who was killed by the Piper's army. They were all torn by the war. For the symbolic aspects, Dimash is showing the different cultures and religions (Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism, Hindi, etc.), through the throat singing, which is called the REQUIEM (mass for the souls of the dead), from different religions. The Pilgrim or (Shepard or a Wise Man) at the end of the video was Dimash’s baby boy, born in his image and grows up to guide the Representatives of different religions and race from different Nations to the light, for a new beginning living together in peace, tolerance, love and harmony. I’m choosing life!! 🙏🙏 See you in your next reaction. Love from Canada 💖💖
@marciareginaalb2196 2 жыл бұрын
Dimash maravilhosooooooooooooooooooo👋👋👋😍😍😍
@jeanettebadilloorrego1861 2 жыл бұрын
Gracias por reaccionar al gran príncipe Kazajo Dimash
@eliselippert9953 2 жыл бұрын
In my oppinion U did a great job !! This is what Dimash is here for !!!! (Think about all the previous lyrics u've heard from him .. All (exept covers) r about love, acceptance, unity ect !!! The end words r from 2019 conference of world religius leaders and written by the Pope and a great Imam (btw first live performance of this song, was at the same conference in sep 2022 and Dimash recived a medal from the Pope) Greatings from an old Danish Dear ❤️🇩🇰🌷
@jimwallace3441 2 жыл бұрын
Dimash composed the score and wrote the screen play and stared in the video. Check the stage performance of this song from his concert two weeks ago. Amazing! Dimash is a genius. This video needs to go around the world. Just maybe it will have some impact on the current conditions we live in.
@christinabrain1426 2 жыл бұрын
Things he doesn't do:- smoke, drink, do drugs & probably doesn't sleep around! 😊
@christinabrain1426 2 жыл бұрын
@no chains no more 🤣🤣🤣 i forgot that one! Mama didn't teach him well there then 🤣🤣🤣
@ReactionsbyD 2 жыл бұрын
Finally, something I can do BETTER THAN DIMASH!!! WOOHOO!!! 🍝
@christinabrain1426 2 жыл бұрын
@@ReactionsbyD 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@mamacarol6092 2 жыл бұрын
Producción maravillosa, mensaje tan tan necesario para esta humanidad que a veces es tan inhumana. Dimash cómo siempre impresionante.
@ИринаКаримова-с5р 2 жыл бұрын
Спасибо за потрясающую реакцию!
@marisabrihuegaparodi2765 2 жыл бұрын
Es una obra de arte. Que grande Dimash
@sofiamiranda6522 2 жыл бұрын
Es una obra maestra , estoy en shock , único y maravilloso Dimash , su voz es de un genio de la música , tiene tanta creatividad que siempre nos sorprende , sus mensajes son tan profundos que además de ser un ser único es una persona maravillosa , humilde , multi instrumentista y multi talentoso , nos hace reflexionar y nos transmite tanto solo con su voz que no parece de este planeta , desde España 🇪🇸 gracias por tu reacción 🤗, me quedo esperando la próxima de Dimash
@astral6298 2 жыл бұрын
UFO 5 elements Dimach
@Ilya-Bogdanov 2 жыл бұрын
Спасибо друг тебе за реакцию. Я из России, и Я выбираю Жизнь!!!
@rodrigorra3153 2 жыл бұрын
You just made me proud as a subscriber. You hit the story message(s) without fail. Congratulations. You are a great and a very intelligent and analytical person. Dimash is already the biggest artist today and on his way to becoming a legend. A thousand blessings.
@hellotomka 2 жыл бұрын
Dimash Qudaibergen’s 12-minute work is dedicated to the unity of people on our planet. We are all divided into races, nations and religions, but we are all children of one planet and live under one sky. Life is the highest value. No sacred book calls for the destruction of people. We must learn to be friends; it is impossible for a few adults to cause millions of children to suffer. The future of our planet, the future of people is in our hands, let there be peace in the world. We are children of one Home, one Earth and one Heaven
@natali.tomilova. 2 жыл бұрын
Спасибо за Вашу реакцию 🙏❤️
@Snarky_Tart 2 жыл бұрын
If you're still online, please re-upload this with a filter on the video before yoola blocks it. We don't want to lose your reaction, because it was a great one! Thank you for this.
@ReactionsbyD 2 жыл бұрын
I think it will be ok , since he is getting all the monetization money, not me.
@mariapilargalar917 2 жыл бұрын
@@ReactionsbyD It does not how Yoola-S works,it's blocked😭😭
@Snarky_Tart 2 жыл бұрын
@@ReactionsbyD I hope you're right, though other reactors not monetizing have been blocked and had to re-upload with filters.
@alejandraguevara2222 Жыл бұрын
Hola desde Costa Rica 🇨🇷 gusto de verle de nuevo reaccionando a nuestro ruiseñor kasajo:Dimash ❤
@donnakebab5415 2 жыл бұрын
The lie we are fed by our leaders is that war is necessary to create peace. As the quote at the end states, understanding, dialogue, acceptance and tolerance are really what is needed for true peace, never the slaughter of others. Masterpiece.
@yanakardo3288 Жыл бұрын
Спасибо за анализ и реакцию. Очень интересно было смотреть.
@cbdutchy5545 2 жыл бұрын
What the hack is going on? 😂 But Sir, you understood so well the message! But still, please read the explanaition of the mv at Dimash News, written by the producer. It is very helpfull. And yes, Dimash is A genius with A Hugh ❤ for peace, children and A better world.
@tuijakarttunen9164 2 жыл бұрын
I have watched this video for so many times already, and still get chills, every single time. This story with his voice moves you to the core. Absolutely amazing. Brilliant, as you said. Brilliant.
@aynurgulaybastuncu1674 2 жыл бұрын
You mentioned his help in the creation of the mv but you didn’t mention (and I don’t know if you knew or not) is that Dimash wrote the entire music of this . He composed this whole song.
@cuquiscuevas2552 2 жыл бұрын
Muy buena reacción, gracias!! Saludos de México!! Viva la Paz y Hermandad!! 🙏🤝💗
@ruthmarcotulli 2 жыл бұрын
Spot on analysis of the video. What can Dimash not do?... by his own admission, he can't cook! 😉
@melbrod3868 2 жыл бұрын
Right before the antagonist is shown at the podium saying, "War is the way to unite people", during the scene where Dimash is shot and wounded, the military leader says in the background "You must be strong to accept freedom and bring it to the world. United we will enter every city, every house...We will lead everyone ready to start a new life. Anyone who resists will not find a place next to us." That message says so much to me about where and how our world has gone astray.
@lantre-zen7308 2 жыл бұрын
See your video again and i agreed your comment thank J'ai regardé votre commentaire deux fois et suis entièrement ok avec vous Merci
@BillTarling 2 жыл бұрын
The Piper [the older boy who becomes the Commander - as shown in the transition scene from the kids on the beach into the first dark viduals of the Commander] is also similar to "The Pied Piper of Hamelin" -- leading away followers who can't resist... and one of the song lyrics encourages them to break away from following the bad (destructive) influence of the Piper's direction, and instead turn away and escape from wrong to the right direction *see NOTE 2 below for additional/alternative Piper possible representation Part of the irony is that the older boy, who at first saves the younger one [young Dimash], grows to be ruthless (contrary to the innocent youth caring in the rescue) -- and is killed by the grown up younger boy, who in turn is killed and symbolically returned back to the imagery of the waters that would have killed him if he had not been rescued by the youth version of the Piper The figures walking through the sands represent the victims of all races, people, and religions -- i.e. war and intolerance plays no favorites, and all end up suffering and dying needlessly... The symbol, passed on to the to the grown up little girl's baby [who also represents fresh innocence, and our future generations], is also a reminder that we pass along to our children -- so will we pass them our hopes that they can retain their original intentions of the symbol [friendship, peace, tolerance, and caring], or does we pass along our misguided directions [hatred, control, destruction, intolerance of those that don't follow our control and beliefs]. What future are we leaving for the children... NOTE: Merriam-Webster - Definition of Pied Piper 1: one that offers strong but delusive enticement 2: a leader who makes irresponsible promises 3: a charismatic person who attracts followers NOTE 2: Pipers are also the soldiers who play their instruments [fife, bagpipes, etc.] during battles to encourage the forward movement of the troops -- although this would be a weaker consideration in the "Piper" reference since the musical pipers are just assigned soldiers, and are not the actual leaders or instigators for war. The reason I consider this a weaker potential reference for "Piper(s)" is because, since they aren't the actual leaders drivingf the battle, even if they "fall" in battle, that doesn't stop the troop movement forward -- the soldiers would still continue forward as ordered regardless of whether the Piper(s) is in front or not NOTE 3: It's easy to miss the initial connection between the kids and the first appearance of the military Commander -- but if you notice (on the beach), the older boy has crushed and bent his gifted symbol; which then appears next to his hand on the book when the shot first introduces the adult Commander into the story [the gifted symbol on the book is also bent] -- and the Commander has converted the symbol as a sign of control rather than friendship (as seen on the military arms, caps, etc.) NOTE 4: Some people seem confused about which adult is the grown up version of the 3 kids... one easy notation is that the older boy (who did the CPR) never wears the pendant, he only holds it or has it beside his hand at the pulpit. NOTE 5: Many seem to also miss the interaction of the kids on the beach... during the CPR, the girl shows great concern for the boy who was drowing and only stares at him -- the boy doing the CPR avoids looking to the eyes of the boy who nearly drowned, and you can see him glance towards the girl; with almost an annoyed expression about how much she's caring for the younger boy -- sort of like a [paraphrased] "Do I really want to save him if she likes him more than me" -- and you see the same rejection he felt after trying to make his advances on the girl, but she runs to be with the younger boy instead. NOTE 6: Without seeing the original lyrics, it would be hard to decisively determine if some of the lyric words were mispronounced or simply changed or in typos in the subtitle captions -- e.g. Dimash sings "Piper's Falling", but the subtitles show "Piper's failing" (with failing making slightly better logic in that lyrical point context as in a Leader driving people into war is failing his/her people by not protecting, but instead sending them towards death in war -- and as said earlier, in battles, even if the soldier [bagpiper] "falls", that has no affect on the rest of the soldiers continuing to advance... and likewise with the subtitle lyric line about love to share (the ",not shares" may have actually been intended to be ",not shared" as in the love of people that has been withheld because war has no intention to encourage compassion whereas peace would). NOTE 7: Often missed is how the desert scenes shift into an ominous blue windstorm when Dimash decides to go after retaliation and revenge [as if fighting within himself between peace and revenge]... with revenge (as in war) leading only to destruction and death of those that follow that path NOTE 8: Underwater Death Screams -- while it may sound simply like doing screaming rather than singing; he is in fact using the rock/metal vocalist techniques [the "screams" are for the proper intended notes]. In fact, to show he is actually using controlled singing, you can hear where he decides to add in vibrato during the apparent 'scream' on the 4th "We're Choosing Life" belt... and on the final one, his vocal cords relax smoothly into a transition into the operatic aria style climax NOTE 9: Dichotomy plays fully throughout the story -- visually, vocally, and combined -- and also weaves throughout the story structure, narrative, emotions, and backgrounds
@lilianareina2023 2 жыл бұрын
Excelente interpretación y que buena reacción, la reflexión que nos deja Dimash es realmente profunda y para meditar la en nosotros mismos. Dimash se ha convertido en un mensajero de paz y es un ser humano sin igual. Muchas gracias por reaccionar. Saludos desde Colombia 🇨🇴❤️
@user-lu4vw6bt2m 2 жыл бұрын
Interpretaste la historia muy bien!!! Es verdaderamente una obra de arte imprescindible en estos tiempos donde todo es superficial y las guerras se suceden continuamente. Gracias Reactions by D 😍😍😍!!! No olvidemos visitar el canal de Dimash y apoyar este gran trabajo tanto visual como musical!!! La voz de Dimash es totalmente impresionante❤❤❤
@Xtremed-jy9yw 2 жыл бұрын
You hit the story line right on the money while so many others just smiled and say amazing through out the video
@herminiapurugganan4923 2 жыл бұрын
Dimash is really a GENIUS man. Thank you for watching TSOOS.
@christinabrain1426 2 жыл бұрын
Wow! I think you're the first reactor to get it straight off! Well done! Great reaction to this masterpiece. Dimash wrote this story a while ago & composed the music for it & it's taken 3 years to create in all. Fantastic result. ❤️💜💙
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