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Net-Zone: IUN Briefing Cover ( • Net-Zone| Ace Combat 7... )
Zaptroxix, because I can't be bothered to extend the OSTs myself.
@RythusOmega: Extraction assistance, No Portraits mod.
@Talesfan93: No Portraits mod.
This is not a mod, but rather an edit in post. Below is my creative process.
For Avril's cutscene, I used extracted alt-takes for all of her lines. Curiously, the audio container does not have the final takes used in the games cutscenes; those are baked into one contiguous audio file which contains all of the cutscene's SFX, meaning they are not recoverable in raw form. Because of this, I had to painstakingly reconstruct the foley manually using the extracted SFX library. This library does not contain the original SFX used in the cutscene foley, so there was some improvization. You may notice entirely different engine noises, for example.
For the final game's briefing, there were a few things that bothered me (condescendingly saying "you have all been instrumental... until today"; the officer jumping back and forth between topics). So, while incorporating the cut lines from this character, I fixed up the flow, beginning his briefing with the broad strategic situation before drilling down to the tactical orders.
As before with Avril's scene, I had to completely rework the foley, particularly the briefing computer UI and the bomber attack. I had to create some UI SFX from scratch; for the briefing computer's boot screen, no one briefing had the entire bootup SFX without voices over it, so I clipped a few of them together to get the whole thing. For the bombing, I felt that single explosion in the final game didn't reflect how bombing runs work, so I took over a dozen different explosion SFX and sequenced them in two second drop intervals, scaling up and down volume to simulate strategic carpet bombing. I then applied impact SFX from shrapnel hitting the building where the briefing was taking place.
I added Brownie's voice in the background of the pre-briefing chatter, and Knocker's cocky "they're ours!" as he and the squadrons run to their planes. From his lines, I get the impression that he's the kind of leader to really push a go-getter attitude before a mission, and I wanted to show that a bit.
I transcribed the main mission's voice lines from a pure runthrough, then created an alternate transcript using cut lines. I then choreographed a playthrough without voice or portraits, meeting certain time requirements (take off, flying in formation with Clown, taking out certain bombers) to give me time to fill in the lines I wanted to use.
After recording my run, I formatted the extracted voice lines with radio filters, applying relevant background audio (lock alarms/klaxons/engine noise) and mic clicks. I then applied these formatted lines to the video using VEGAS Movie Studio 16, and overlaid subtitles with the appropriate font.
Some other creative decisions on my part:
Pyro as Rigel Leader was my idea. I want to stress that PA had nothing to do with that.
A vengeful guy on the ground at the Fort Grays harbor saying "Good luck, I hope they stick it to them hard!" as Trigger's plane flies overhead.
After Pyro goes down, Rigel and the bombers become noticeably more panicked and their morale tanks down hard.
The Rosa lines I used are in the final game, but are heavily distorted, and some are read a little awkwardly. I used the better quality ones to combine them for a more natural sentence structure.
I did not include the debriefing because Mission 1 is one of the rare missions in the game where there are no alt-take lines from the briefing officer.
Thank you for reading this far.
i originally intended for this to be a series covering most of the missions from the game, but that might not happen for a while if at all.
For those of you looking for more like this, I have to admit that this kind of content takes an IMMENSE amount of time to construct. I'll never say never, and I wish I had all the time in the world, but I cannot guarantee more Discarded Combat.