Discover The Mysteries of the Human Brain | BBC Earth Science

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BBC Earth Science

BBC Earth Science

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@R0H00 18 күн бұрын
Please add timestamp preferably with detailed headlines.
@RambutbatuKeras 17 күн бұрын
Solve tooth decay first then focus on mind upload.
@Sigma813 12 күн бұрын
Due to suger or unhealthy drinks mainly acidic or calcium difficiancy
@EmpowermentPsychology 18 күн бұрын
This is such a fascinating topic that really dives into the complex intersection of science and our future as a species. As a therapist and combat veteran, I’ve seen how technology can both help and hurt mental health, and this concept of uploading consciousness raises so many important questions. It's incredible to think about the possibility of transcending our biological limitations, but we also have to consider the ethical implications and potential risks. I’ve been creating content on my channel, Empowerment Psychology, to help people navigate challenges like trauma, PTSD, and more, and if you’re interested in these kinds of deep discussions, feel free to check it out. Thank you for shedding light on this mind-bending subject!
@jeff_forsythe 10 күн бұрын
First science has to realize that it is not the brain that thinks or has consciousness, it is the soul..This puts an entirely new light on the subject.....................Falun Dafa
@Nature-Light49 5 күн бұрын
Thank you information.
@isatousarr7044 14 күн бұрын
Creating a digital copy of your brain involves the concept of "mind uploading," where the goal is to replicate the structure and functions of the human brain in a digital format. This would require detailed mapping of neural connections and processes, as well as the development of sophisticated algorithms to simulate brain activity. While still largely theoretical, advances in neuroscience and computing continue to explore the feasibility of this idea. Ethical, philosophical, and technical challenges remain significant, such as ensuring the accuracy of the digital model and addressing the implications for personal identity and consciousness.
@jamesragsdale8202 13 күн бұрын
It isn't a copy. How go you copy the heat of the brain?
@jeff_forsythe 10 күн бұрын
The brain is not conscious, it is exactly like the cockpit of an aircraft, while the pilot is the soul.
@dennk735 5 күн бұрын
My friend had 1/2 a brian. She had some weird effects but over all you would not be able to tell anything was amiss. Her mother was exposed to the virus in cats feeces and it is believed to have caused this.
@boeingpameesha9550 17 күн бұрын
My sincere thanks for sharing it.
@penguinista 18 күн бұрын
Marijuana smoke is not as damaging as cigarette smoke because it has no nicotine, which is very nasty. Nicotine knocks out the inhibitor of elastase, freeing the enzyme to eat elastin, which is a major component of lung tissue. Nicotine also defuses through the body, so it is able to destroy elastin in the skin - leading to smokers bad skin. Probably the most insidious effect of nicotine is that it mimics a signal that causes cells to release from the basement membrane, which is why smokers have more metastasis in every kind of cancer, not just lung cancer. Hot particles and tar are bad for the lungs, so smoking pot is bad too, but epidemiological studies show a dramatic difference in outcomes.
@stellarwind1946 18 күн бұрын
Nicotine by itself is actually considered the least harmful of all the compounds found in tobacco smoke. It’s not a neurotoxin, nor is it carcinogenic. It’s a stimulant, like caffeine. There’s even evidence of it being neuroprotective in the onset of Parkinson’s and other dementias.
@catalystcomet 18 күн бұрын
While I agree with you, and volunteered for over a decade for marijuana legalization causes, I will say that you're not considering psychological effects. I personally have known and witnessed people who have gone into psychosis because of the intense levels of THC. People who have schizophrenia running in their family can have it triggered by the highly potent weed products we have these days.
@maipful 18 күн бұрын
Nicotine is not the most harmful substance in cigarette, not even close, but carbon monoxide and many other poisons. Tobacco is more harmful to the lungs than cannabis, but not because of the nicotine.. And cannabis is also very harmful to the lungs. Käännä
@laurieerickson5648 18 күн бұрын
Ok cigarettes are awful for us partly because of nicotine but also I'm sure a few of the over 500 other chemicals that are used in producing cigarettes. Just saying there might be a chance they could have something to do with the nasty crap in my lungs right now and why I am going to die a slow, painful, agonizing death being robbed of my dignity and becoming a huge burden on family and whatever is going to pass for Medicare by then from whatever cancer come first. I'm not sure nicotine actually causes the cancer (idk if consumed by itself if nicotine would cause cancer. It might. I would have to do some googling) but it most certainly makes us feel that we absolutely need that evil little stick even though we know exactly what's happening to our insides.
@bronnismofo 18 күн бұрын
Among many, many, other things.😮
@laurieerickson5648 18 күн бұрын
Very interesting and informative video. I do have one minor...uh....I guess call it a respectful but strong disagreement on one particular example that was given regarding differences between the male and female brain. It's said at 25:44 that women are better multitaskers. My thing is, multitasking doesn't really exist in the way people understand it. Our brains are only capable of focusing on one major task at a single moment while all the other tasks get put on hold so to speak. Our attention can be taken off one task for a brief time in order to do a different task. If we actually try to force our brains to fully focus on more than one task at a time, really weird and sometimes scary or tragic things can happen. Obviously there are certain things this can be done with. Like I personally can walk and chew gum at the same time. Silly example but it gets the point across. Now think about seeing a woman (I'm only using this particular example because I have seen it too many times with my own eyes) driving next to you on the freeway. You clearly see her talking away with no passenger. Ok duh, sure she's on he car Bluetooth. Ok she is also trying to get her lipstick or mascara or whatever on by glancing back and forth in the rearview mirror. So shes starting to drift between the lines of her lane but still able to stay within them so far. That is until her purse puppy jumps from the backseat on to her lap spilling the hot ass cappuccino she just embarrassingly over paid for all over her lap sending the mascara wand into her eye as she tries in a panic to stop her ass from being burnt with the coffee by shooting up in her seat causing the purse puppy to get wedged in to the steering wheel yoking it to a position that isn't going to be very pretty due to the fact that she is currently driving 65 mph on a freeway where there are COUNTLESS innocent bystanders. Sure it's a bit of an extreme example but the same could be done for a normal situation at home. My ultimate point is that while we are capable of performing certain functions without having to actually think about what we are doing (I don't mean breathing. More like feeding our pets or simple household chores. Things that are very straightforward from the beginning, but when it's been done each and every day or week for years and years. ) when we start adding tasks that are more complex in nature or that involve the safety and welfare of people or pets that's when things start to go wrong. Seems more like being a master of time management. Almost like cooking a meal from scratch. Learning to start with what part takes the longest to cook and cooking the meal in a way that has everything getting done and served at the same time while still hot. Just replace the ingredients with miscellaneous tasks. Yeah that's not multitasking. That is AMAZINGLY SUPERIOR time management. Oh and yeah women are FAR better at time management than men....imho.
@philbert006 17 күн бұрын
There is a whole lot of dumbassery in this and in science in general. I honestly don't think it's a matter of difference between men and women, but a difference imposed in the way we are educated, trained, and the roles assigned and observed throughout the world. Unless you can eliminate the lifetime of experience in each individual, making any kind of assertion about that kind of thing isn't scientific in any way, and subject to the ideas and sensibility and all that of the people conducting the studies. Life is not black and white, not in any aspect of it. Not ever. Truth is a subjective thing, as opposed to facts, which are hard and don't sway no matter who you are. The arrogance in general of people is astonishing to me, and in my opinion a solid and overwhelmingly challenging obstacle to overcome before we can start to lay down such statements as anything remotely approaching fact.
@jeff_forsythe 10 күн бұрын
First science has to realize that it is not the brain that thinks or has consciousness, it is the soul..This puts an entirely new light on the subject.....................Falun Dafa
@VikrantSingh-se2zb 18 күн бұрын
Thanks for explaining the intricacies of functional structural and behavioral dynamics of brain default mode network.😊❤
@jeff_forsythe 10 күн бұрын
First science has to realize that it is not the brain that thinks or has consciousness, it is the soul..This puts an entirely new light on the subject.....................Falun Dafa
@eddyr1041 15 күн бұрын
Ok thxs but why so low budget bbc 😅
@Papa_and_son2024 Күн бұрын
Just reminded me of a series called Black mirror
@davmac6148 18 күн бұрын
What if we all are already uploaded
@speeddemon8977 18 күн бұрын
we are i know we are i come from the future
@FraktalPriest 17 күн бұрын
I come from the past, which is the future
@tads73 2 күн бұрын
While using KZbin at home while on wifi, change your resolution to 144 to use less data on mobile devices.
@DihelsonMendonca 2 күн бұрын
To whom are you answering that ? 😮
@tads73 2 күн бұрын
@@DihelsonMendonca adding to ways to save on data at home
@jan_darysh 4 күн бұрын
It seems that less than 5% of all substances are known to us.
@jan_darysh 4 күн бұрын
What I want to know is the universe. medicine, education, past are necessary.
@Sigma813 12 күн бұрын
Brain is telling about brain!
@shieldmcshieldy5750 17 күн бұрын
Our bodies and lives already function as high-bandwidth interfaces, an advanced AI could shape us more profoundly by orchestrating our lived experiences than through direct neural links, leveraging our inherent qualities as organic computational systems within broader ecologies.
@jeff_forsythe 10 күн бұрын
First science has to realize that it is not the brain that thinks or has consciousness, it is the soul..This puts an entirely new light on the subject.....................Falun Dafa
@ZZealot 6 күн бұрын
What's with that Birdman's soundtrack ??🎉
@earth_safari 8 күн бұрын
Can’t take a picture, have to get into the brain first
@sfkeepay 15 күн бұрын
This show is seven years old? (Host says 2044 is 27 years away?) Also, the way they describe this hypothetical mind upload, no one would “suffer” the way we usually think of it, or the way they depict it here. To suffer emotionally is to feel emotional pain, and that is an embodied experience. While our brains certainly allow us to recognize, label, and describe our emotions, we only feel the pain of negative emotions in our bodies. Becoming disembodied would be a truly foreign experience, to put it mildly.
@jeff_forsythe 10 күн бұрын
First science has to realize that it is not the brain that thinks or has consciousness, it is the soul..This puts an entirely new light on the subject.....................Falun Dafa
@sfkeepay 9 күн бұрын
@@jeff_forsythe , Fair enough…so what does the brain do? Also, do all the processes that dictate what our bodies do, but that we aren’t consciously aware of, also originate in our souls? I’m just asking…
@jeff_forsythe 8 күн бұрын
@@sfkeepay The brain is exactly like the cockpit of an aircraft and the soul is the pilot. I could explain many things but it is better if you read them yourself , Falun Dafa is the new Gospel, given to us by Heaven. Just google On Dafa, it is a very good start.
@ismailsultan110 18 күн бұрын
damn short term reversible brain damage sounds like a super power
@nevinphil 18 күн бұрын
Greg's had too much coke.
@LPARDU3 11 күн бұрын
Someone loves the sound of his voice. Seriously, I thought this was a documentary. Instead it’s a dude endlessly narrating various studies and theories standing in front of a blue background.
@jeff_forsythe 10 күн бұрын
First science has to realize that it is not the brain that thinks or has consciousness, it is the soul..This puts an entirely new light on the subject.....................Falun Dafa
@glanerao1356 18 күн бұрын
Whole universe is mystery
@jeff_forsythe 10 күн бұрын
Not to me. First science has to realize that it is not the brain that thinks or has consciousness, it is the soul..This puts an entirely new light on the subject.....................Falun Dafa
@IdanKim.702 18 күн бұрын
Love the Freddy Shirt
@SheenDelute-b4z 7 күн бұрын
Brain is have nervolas system it was genetic nerve that can detect pain and intelligence
@madhulalitha6479 3 күн бұрын
Nuron is different from other cell .billions of that its functioning results to mind.but no idea about feel .unknon
@georgegrubbs2966 3 күн бұрын
Wrong. The brain changes state continuously, so an upload only gets a brain State that makes no sense.
@george.a_m 17 күн бұрын
Give this man an Oscar
@louismcglasson7913 17 күн бұрын
We may be able to upload all the information in our brains to a computer, but it wouldn’t be us anymore than a video of us is us. These “scientists” want to achieve immortality by transferring information from our brains to a computer???? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@jeff_forsythe 10 күн бұрын
First science has to realize that it is not the brain that thinks or has consciousness, it is the soul..This puts an entirely new light on the subject.....................Falun Dafa
@MrWhatever1234567 18 күн бұрын
Books and bricks
@user-zt5xz5fz4q 18 күн бұрын
O.K.. 🎉.
@ClarkeZona-t8w Күн бұрын
Martin Maria Robinson John Taylor Scott
@fightingforfreedom5017 18 күн бұрын
I always believed that the prisma colors had some kind of impact at humans. This oddly seems to confirm that. So you say that different kind of colors of light can switch the brain on and off. That’s an huge impact, light has on brains. Have this also to do with color temperature? I want to know where the storage for our (long/short) memories being kept, I think it’s not inside the brain but somewhere in the clouds “Universe”. The brain is just a electrical connector to send through the commands in physical and mental way. We always thought we are empty shells with a soul and that this soul will leave the body at the end. I start to believe more and more that the so-called soul is not in the human body but in the Universe. We are puppets on strings. The brain is maybe the most important organ to keep us alive and human. Any disconnection, disturb in signals causes malfunctioning in the human body.
@jeff_forsythe 10 күн бұрын
First science has to realize that it is not the brain that thinks or has consciousness, it is the soul..This puts an entirely new light on the subject.....................Falun Dafa
@justletmepostthis276 18 күн бұрын
Ryan. lol.
@ClareBoyd-f8c 5 күн бұрын
Thomas Lisa Clark Donald Hernandez Jessica
@FieldBonnie-p9q Күн бұрын
Rodriguez Paul Brown Laura Lopez Edward
@ConnoisseurOfExistence 2 күн бұрын
Nice lsd ad. 😁
@NAT-turners-Revenge 18 күн бұрын
The soul leaves..... the body is a shell 😅 .... getting brain in the vat vibes on certain parts of video
@jeff_forsythe 10 күн бұрын
First science has to realize that it is not the brain that thinks or has consciousness, it is the soul..This puts an entirely new light on the subject.....................Falun Dafa
@HubbardGavin-e1x Күн бұрын
Smith Matthew Young Sandra Hernandez Dorothy
@userTZARBOMBA 16 күн бұрын
No matter how hard you try, I will definitely be back....
@cli3335 17 күн бұрын
Black mirror
@assignmentuot7963 14 күн бұрын
@jamiethomas4079 18 күн бұрын
I’m gonna watch the whole video but I already solved uploading yourself, it’s easy. We only need one device. A stream of consciousness recorder. It needs to be able to record your stream of thoughts starting from as early as possible. So everyone alive now is a bit too late for the party. As you go about your life the recorder will record everything it can from inside, verbal and visual if possible. As the data is uploaded and stored outside of you this can double as never needing to write anything down again. Think “I need milk” and it will add it to a shopping list. Upon death, an AI is trained against your life long stream of conscious. This AI then talks like you, thinks like you, and is basically a copy of you now in digital form. If you dont have a lifelong version of data to build the AI then there will be gaps and hallucinations that aren’t quite you but could still be considered a copy. It really doesnt need that much data to copy you, but the more data the more exact the copy will be.
@markopolo3445 18 күн бұрын
Why do you think cell phone is not the device already...yikes
@jeff_forsythe 10 күн бұрын
First science has to realize that it is not the brain that thinks or has consciousness, it is the soul..This puts an entirely new light on the subject.....................Falun Dafa
@jamiethomas4079 10 күн бұрын
@@jeff_forsythe Quite possibly. The soul could be entirely separate. I do however believe we will achieve for all intents and purposes, an AI that behaves and acts just as us. Whether or not it has a soul is yet to be discovered/explained. I also believe we can copy ourselves digitally, as I mentioned, it will behave and act just like us, but for now I would consider it just to be a copy until proven otherwise.
@jeff_forsythe 10 күн бұрын
@@jamiethomas4079 We are all immortal souls with a flesh body. Each soul has a different amount of black karma, and when that karma is suffered away, we become Divine, Buddha and Jesus both were aware of this fact, that is why , over the centuries, billions have entered convents, to deprive themselves of all earthly delights and to purify their souls..........................Falun Dafa shows the Way to clean one's soul without withdrawing from society. To think of copying ourselves is foolish. We need to practice truthfulness-compassion-tolerance.
@rcoimbra00 18 күн бұрын
For people, and channel that should know a lot about drugs and about brains, there are several parts where there is much more common sense brains and superficial and sometimes wrong in some issues connected with drug use, and the bias goes only one way sometimes due to lack of solid evidence and sometimes even lacking internal narrative coherence, particularly in some phrases and ideas where one can feel there is labelling processes in underlying attitudes, and this just puts everyone in the same bag so it dehumanizes it, and so its reducing the other to stereotyping, stigmatizing and facilitating the spread and persistence of many discrimination. I mean some conclusions and studies should be better explained and seeing that many have few subjects one cannot extrapolate, and so in my opinion it is an unnecessary risk of even deepening more the stigma regarding people that use drugs... there is a certain arrogance, but also lack of direct knowledge on drugs, and turning that not as an handicap but as a moral or health quality is not best possible information. A dangerous mixture of solid and evidence-based knowledge, with parts that can go as half lies or maybe tendencies, and acritical parts like the historical and political context for the big changes regarding patterns of drug use... such potential, almost all well, but then a kind of morality dropped upon viewers ... so unfortunatelly not so special and good...
@philbert006 17 күн бұрын
And when you apply this kind of critical thinking to everything that people say, which you definitely should, it will show you every single time, just how little we really know about anything, much less things so complex and beyond our ability to thoroughly take a look at. Arrogance, greed, malice, the presence of these massive factors isn't a credit to our species. Quite the opposite. They impair our abilities to observe and experiment without pushing everything towards a desired outcome, and therefore guarantee at least a measure of invalidity to all that we do before we even start.
@jeff_forsythe 10 күн бұрын
First science has to realize that it is not the brain that thinks or has consciousness, it is the soul..This puts an entirely new light on the subject.....................Falun Dafa
@rcoimbra00 8 күн бұрын
@@jeff_forsythe The brain is in the dark of the skull with no light entering it except by the optical nerve after light is decoded to electric impulses and chemistry reactions, we know a lot about the brain, we know some areas are functionally connected with vision, some parts are connected with emotions, some parts with language we know one hemisphere is slightly different of the other in terms of its functionality... The neurons (86 billion) create a very dense network of interconnections, and from these interconnections there are some properties that emerge and that are much more than the sum of its parts, so I believe that being consciousness is one of these emergent properties maybe we can call it soul or mind or spirit, and I also believe that there is a lot to learn before extrapolating or wanting to reach to conclusions very quickly that I think is the mistake in this doc...
@bernicemarie7243 18 күн бұрын
I think there is a whole movie on why this is a bad idea.
@YousufAhmad0 18 күн бұрын
@yassemin3930 2 күн бұрын
2 mins in and so annoying I don't think I can watch this oresener
@JoyceElroy-z9w Күн бұрын
Jones Betty White Dorothy Harris Deborah
@smc2811 2 күн бұрын
Lost me when he started with the woke justifications
@shieldmcshieldy5750 17 күн бұрын
This is such fluff
@SajiSNairNair-tu9dk 3 күн бұрын
@jan_darysh 4 күн бұрын
That's what I thought as I was listening. Religion is also necessary to explain the universe and the past. We can't do it now, but we should be able to split the ocean and go anywhere. No one can fully explain what space is. So are the others. What is matter? How did you discover it? The city under the sea is also unknown. What is the earth? What is the universe?
@shadowcult464 16 күн бұрын
Balderdash opening. Stopped watching early.
@user-te4iw8hg5n 18 күн бұрын
People has another destination to go after death! so not hopeful.
@jeff_forsythe 10 күн бұрын
Reincarnation is just part of life that billions have accepted and still do. First science has to realize that it is not the brain that thinks or has consciousness, it is the soul..This puts an entirely new light on the subject.....................Falun Dafa
@user-te4iw8hg5n 10 күн бұрын
@@jeff_forsythe maby. Please you should see crash course philosophy that match with your recommendation
@Indian_swan 17 күн бұрын
Are you telling me to do drugs? 😮
@meknotewe8155 14 күн бұрын
Trying to be a comedian has lost my interest....
@dagnabbitwabbit 12 күн бұрын
Cause you suck 😂
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