Love this kind of content talking to those who are "in charge" of the format, and hearing their thoughts. A question for Tom, What are your thoughts about changing the deck size for commander from exactly 100 to minimum of 100, allowing for some silly decks like battle of wits, or a deck with 100 rat colonies.
@attackoncardboard22 күн бұрын
Personally, I wouldn't like that broad rules change. I feel it might lead to a multitude of things like choice paralysis, people doing things like "I won't cut this card" and un-optimising their decks even more than they normally would etc What I would like to see is a card that said something like "if X is your Commander, [change the rules]". Then those that want that "extra" work can do it without impacting those that don't really need that 😅
@taranlee520321 күн бұрын
The console free play joke is never gonna get old. It’s not funny, but the fact that you love it so much is 😂