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Disney Don'ts: Worst Guest Behaviour!

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That Sounds Fun

That Sounds Fun

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@chelseafn104 7 жыл бұрын
One for the Parents. Just because you are on Vacation does not mean Parenting stops at home!! Watch your kids!!
@CaitlynSpencer 7 жыл бұрын
To go along woth your comment on people holding up ipads during parades and fireworks: I hate when people put their children on their shoulders to watch parades, shows, etc. Just hold them at your eye level and they'll have the same view you do! When your kids are on your shoulders, you ruin the view for everyone behind you. Sincerely, a disgruntled short person
@JoshBrinson 7 жыл бұрын
Caitlyn Spencer I'm so sorry. I've done that with my niece. We don't anymore, though.
@CaitlynSpencer 7 жыл бұрын
Awww thanks :) It's no big deal when you're in the back of the viewing area, just when there are people behind you. I'm barely 5'3", so I have a hard time seeing around/over even most average height people lol #shortgirlproblems
@jackbentz5661 7 жыл бұрын
Caitlyn Spencer that's so annoying
@ahakirsten0918 7 жыл бұрын
I was in a wheelchair for my last trip due to an injury, and every single time I went to a firework show, I had someone do this, or one time i had someone open an umbrella and hold it above their head right in front of me.
@waytoson 7 жыл бұрын
I COMPLETELY AGREE!!!!!!!! I am 5 ft tall and inevitably Gigantor stands in front of me and puts his kid on his shoulders...I always want to kick him in the knee.. then he can sit at my eye level and see how it feels...I really do think that if Disney can stop selfie sticks, they can put a stop of children on the shoulders. js
@Mousland-723 7 жыл бұрын
You missed one of the really big ones! People who let their kids run wild. I was at MK and a kid about 5 years old climbed over a railing and was walking down to play with ducks near a pond. The father was standing there watching him not saying a word. Eventually a guest services person came over and told the kid he could not be there. This really pisses me off. Control your kids. For their safety and the inconvenience of others in the park.
@zombiTrout 7 жыл бұрын
I hate when you are waiting in-line for a ride and the person ahead of you is saving a place for his family...all 12 of them...seriously, don't get in line if your party isn't there.
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
See if I get split from my group. I always let people go past until the rest of the group catches up. Rather then have the push past people.
@sammyt6461 7 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU for the swearing comment! We brought my four year old niece to Disney back in November and I was so, so aware of the words coming out of peoples mouths because so often we were in close quarters waiting in lines. I actually gave dirty looks to several people who didn't seem to care that I have a small child right by me and continued with their language as if everybody wanted to hear the F bombs they were dropping.
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah, it's a bit of a shame that happens - it's the one place I think people should definitely keep an eye on their language.
@Heather3point14a 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for bringing up the DAS ruining. We rely heavily on our DAS and our experience/wait time, etc it's not different than anyone else because it exists. We hate that our family gets on the bus first, but a person in our family needs a mobility scooter. The glares from some people are really humiliating. Our days are hard enough without being shamed for things that are beyond our control. Plus, if folks are nice, we usually have fun treats in our bag to say thanks to others for being great people.
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
FUN TREATS! I always try and be considerate, a fun treat would actually make my day!!
@MysticsLibrary 7 жыл бұрын
Someone smoking in a non-smoking area happened to us when we were there in 2009. Some woman was smoking in an area that we were standing in that was CLEARLY labeled non-smoking and she was doing it anyway. That alone was annoying me, but what made it worse was there was a woman trying to nurse her baby sitting right near her. She asked the smoking women to move away from them and the woman just glared at her and basically expected the nursing mother to move. So the nursing woman, while still nursing her baby, had to get up, get her pack, and sit on the other side. I felt so bad for the mom. I offered to let her sit where we were, but the smoke was still wafting our way. It was so incredibly rude. And not only that, but it was putting an infant at risk for smoke inhalation. After she was done nursing the mom did go talk to a cast member, but the smoking woman had already left so I don't know if anything was done about it.
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
I don't like smoking - but if you want to smoke, fine. Just do it where you're supposed to so that you're not affecting others with your choice.
@MysticsLibrary 7 жыл бұрын
Exactly. I wouldn't have had a problem with it, if she were in the designated smoking area, but she wasn't. And she was putting a baby at risk. I was so annoyed.
@mewzoeyrulz 7 жыл бұрын
ImaginingMystic I had a similar situation when I was a kid. my sister and I were eating ice cream with our dad and this woman was smoking like a few tables behind us. my dad turned around and basically told her to move and thankfully she did. it was great how my dad told her off basically. XD but yea I hate the smell of smoke, I get headaches.
@LadyTaeKwonDo1 7 жыл бұрын
I work at Universal and I see all of these all the time especially with parking people and people complain about having to drive all the way down the row.
@megnichole23 7 жыл бұрын
oh my gosh. My boyfriend and I went to Magic Kingdom a few weeks ago, and while trying to watch Wishes firework show, there was a group of cheerleaders (probably 30 or more of them) and one of the girls decided to put her phone up in the air and shine the flashlight. She was trying to encourage people in the crowd to do it, then suddenly all 30 other of the cheerleaders had their phones straight up in the air with all of there flashlights on and it was completely blinding us and we could not even watch the show. We were so upset because it was our anniversary, and we only went to specifically watch the firework show since it was going to be our last time since they are replacing it with another firework show. Those girls totally ruined it. Not to mention they were chanting their dumb annoying cheers during it too..
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
Oh god. The cheerleaders! They are not my favourite people in Disney, that is for sure. Why do that? You are literally ruining the show for everyone else. It really stresses me out when they are about.
@nicoleduelley7159 7 жыл бұрын
That Sounds Fun wow the cheerleaders aren't your favorite! That's great to hear. We come to Disney EVERY year for The Summit which is held at Disneys EPSN wide world of sports. Sorry that they aren't your favorite -_- I have two all star cheerleader daughters and to throw all the cheerleaders into a group like that isn't really fair! My girls (all the girls from our gym actually) are very well behaved and have rules laid out for them before we ever get to the parks.
@nlafevre 7 жыл бұрын
We have the same pet peeves! My flash photography peeve is when people take photos of animals at the zoo using flash. It's rude to the animal plus if they are behind glass it's not even going to come out. As for the Disney buses, last year a kid who was behind us in line ran in front of us to get on the bus and instead of his mom grabbing him and getting back in line she used that opportunity to get ahead of us. When we got on they had taken the last two seats. We got off and waited for the next bus but I thought that was rude. That's not the first time I've seen parents user their children as excuses to jump the line.
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
That's a good point - any time there is a "no flash photography" sign it's usually there for a very good reason. I'm sure Disney would love not to have to prevent you from doing anything unless they have to!
@JoshBrinson 7 жыл бұрын
I love this and all your videos. I've personally been a victim of rouge selfie sticks, so I'm happy they're gone. It hit me in the face and she didn't apologize or anything, so I grabbed it and bent it. Also, it amazes me how entitled and rude people can be. Especially to cast members. They have a hard enough job and don't need some entitled moron cussing them out because they have an issue with their Magic Band or fast passes. Good grief. But hey!! We are going soon and can't wait. I love Disney!
@PsoPstrong 6 жыл бұрын
Josh Brinson I've never understood selfie sticks. I'm going to say they hurt the world worse than Trump has so far. Yep. First time I saw one, I was like "What the...? Why? But...WHY? You have an arm-USE IT! Actually, most people have TWO-USE THEM!" Then quite a few KZbinrs (vloggers mostly) would get them and be like "oh, I know it's dumb, hah, look, it's so dumb, hahaha! Hah. But I just had to see the dumbness for myself...haha." ...when we all know they *LOVE* the damn thing and we're rolling our eyes like, "Uh huh, whatever helps you sleep at night, fam." Glad places are banning stupid sticks.
@ahluvdrums 7 жыл бұрын
Yes!! All of these!!! Especially the point about how one person's vacation is not any better/more important then anyone else's, that drives me crazy!!! The person who is behind you who you are inconveniencing, this might be literally their one day in their whole life they are in the parks. Just be courteous of others!!
@natabrains 7 жыл бұрын
As a CM at DLP, I totally agree with all of these! Though I have to say the absolute worst is the combination of the two last things. When during the fireworks, the person behind/in front of you has their 11'' tablet up filming WITH THE FLASH ON! So frustrating. There is a reason that the lights are off people! Don't ruin it for everyone around you. Plus, you can find better quality video online at any time, so just take a minute and enjoy the show with all your senses, rather than watching it through a screen. You will never forget it. Trust me.Personally, the worst behavior is when guests fail to research ahead of time leading them to become angry and explode at the poor CM who is just doing their job. Example, rides closed for refurbishment, restaurants that require reservations, parade times (so you don't make reservations at the same time!), fast passes etc. Please keep in mind that the cast member helping you is only following orders. They have nothing to do with the ride being closed. They can't help that the restaurant has been booked up or that you booked at the same time as the parade or that the fast passes for the day are all done. Want to truly make an impact with your complaint? Go to City Hall and (politely!) explain the situation and file the complaint. That is the fastest way to get information to our higher ups. Exploding on the ride operator will do you absolutely 0% good.
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
Fortunately we haven't seen too much of that, but we know it happens - and it definitely isn't the cast member's fault! I know you're frustrated on your vacation that something hasn't gone completely as planned - but shouting at the people that often can't do anything to fix it isn't going to help you either! Disney are great at trying to do their best to give everyone the experience that they wanted, but they don't HAVE to and raging about everything doesn't make people want to do everything they can to help you!
@DeeHazel 7 жыл бұрын
There have been a few occasions where I have told other guests to behave with more consideration for others, if they are going to behave like a spoilt child, I will treat them like it. Totally with you about people filming on their iPads, oh my gosh, literally like WHY?!!
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
RIGHT!!! I am with you on telling people off. I do it probably more than I should. I just think, if it is really annoying me, then it is probably also really annoying other and they might not have the confidence to say something.
@wyomom7260 7 жыл бұрын
As a smoker, I always go to the smoking section, however, I resent the pretend coughing and glares from non-smokers walking by my designated section! Bugger off already!
@rachelnewland 7 жыл бұрын
I agree with all of these! Think the worst is when people just stop walking...drives me crazy, especially when you bump into them and they look at you like you was in the wrong!! Makes me so annoyed haha!
@Cerrie88 7 жыл бұрын
Rachel Newland lol the amount of people I have run over with my pushchair because people just stop right in front of you like right here now bam into there legs I push the buggy and then they moan at me lol
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
It's definitely the worst when you're all trying to leave the parks at night after the fireworks! It's like come on people, there's a huge crowd behind us - we literally can't stop right now! Over to the side please!!!
@sammyt6461 7 жыл бұрын
We had my grandmother along when we went and she was on one of those motorized scooters because she doesn't get around so well and people were SO RUDE walking across right in front of her, cutting her off, not allowing her to get through, stopping directly in front of her. It got to the point that I just started screaming "EXCUSE US!" while we were trying to get through because these people had absolutely no desire to get out of the way or act like decent human beings.
@Roadent1241 7 жыл бұрын
Mother uses one too and she just lets the scooter hit them then look at them like 'Not my fault.' Why do they act like it's our fault when they block us??
@naritruwireve1381 7 жыл бұрын
Omg I *hate* when that happens. At my school, there's often this group of 5-ish girls and they would just stand in the middle of the hallway to talk to each other and they would block the entire path! I'm not even kidding! There were trashcans to the right and other people standing to the left but at least to the side. I would stand there like a full 5 seconds behind them thinking they'd move by then but nope cause it's not like 7 other people are trying to pass at once!
@ZakkuTakku 7 жыл бұрын
During my solo trip in May, I rode Pirates of the caribbean numerous times because it's one of my favorites! On one ride through, someone took so many flash pictures all throughout, and I was so annoyed!
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
That is a bit of a shame - it's so well lit to give that specific "Pirates" feel, no need for a flash!!
@waytoson 7 жыл бұрын
Another point about the wheelchairs is that they may be first on, but they are LAST off. Everyone still ends up at the same location.
@snowcats95 7 жыл бұрын
Cannot agree more with these, especially the Pirates people! We had one such episode on our last trip to Disneyland (Ca). Had a couple using their flash all through the ride (despite the CM telling the not to). I finally had enough about halfway in. The flash came and I turned around and said "turn it off!"; not peep afterward! I knew it worked when we saw the offending couple couldn't leave fast enough when the ride was over. It's all about common courtesy, just wish more people had that when in Disney parks.
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
I am also one to say something. I just don't understand people who are complete oblivious to others around them!
@itsrlife 7 жыл бұрын
You guys are so funny!! I agree with you!
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you!!
@YAYCONFORMITY 7 жыл бұрын
People talking/screaming on rides. Yeah, it's a ride, it's fun, you might make some noise. That's fine. But you don't need to turn to your kid and scream "Oh look it's Mickey!" at the top of your lungs. You also don't need to scream bloody murder on the haunted mansion. It's not that scary.
@reido387 7 жыл бұрын
Justin Weinblatt i had the worst experience on Test Track, I was seated next to to 3 teenage girls who, for the ENTIRE RIDE, were screaming at the top of their lungs.
@teganbigone2366 7 жыл бұрын
Sorry, screaming on a thrill or dark ride is part of the fun. Get over it or stay home.
@alianderson1710 7 жыл бұрын
Justin Weinblatt sorry for trying to enjoy my time . Most people only get to visit Disney once. They want to have all they fun they can
@cijmo 7 жыл бұрын
If they stood in line and screamed or watched a show and screamed, I could see that but...stop screaming on rides? Never!! I don't consider the volume a problem, it's content that I have a problem with.
@sarah4hp 7 жыл бұрын
+Justin Weinblatt Okay, this is the first complaint I have seen that I find to be extremely unreasonable and ridiculous. If you can't accept that people will scream and be loud at amusement parks, hen maybe going to them just isn't for you.... this problem is YOURS, and nobody else needs to limit the amount of fun they have on the rides because they were unfortunate enough to be seated close enough to you that you can hear them scream.
@kristenx0 7 жыл бұрын
I have two things regarding what you’ve said: 1.) The whole idea of “oh it’s MY vacation so I can do whatever I want even if it bothers everyone else around me”….. Last year, we had THE worst guest experience so far. We went to Disney World in December, which is when all the cheerleaders have their competitions. And the cheerleaders are infamous for being the worst, most rude and obnoxious guests there are. So we were having dinner in the food court of our hotel which was All-Star Music (where a lot of the cheerleaders stay), and there were these two young adult chaperons who were watching two little kids, who were maybe six or seven years old, who came and sat down across from us. And of course the two little girls didn’t care about actually eating, they were only interesting in playing with their bubble wands that they got at the park. I don’t know about anyone else, but those are THE most annoying product Disney sells. Kids are blowing those bubbles in everyone’s faces all day at the parks. But like.. I get it. To a kid those are fun. BUT no one should be using them inside a place where people are trying to eat. So these two girls were running up and down the aisle of tables blowing bubbles that were inevitably landing all over our table, us, and our food that we were trying to eat. Those bubbles are made out of SOAP. I do not want to eat SOAP. So my mother, who was a preschool teacher for over 25 years, who definitely knows how to talk to children, asked them very politely to stop blowing bubbles near us while we were trying to eat. So of course those two girls went to their chaperons and told them that someone told them to stop blowing bubbles. So the chaperons specifically told the girls to go right back to our table and to keep blowing the bubbles RIGHT at our table and proceeded to laugh about it. So this time we tried to ask the adults to please tell them to stop blowing soap bubbles on our food and their excuse was “they’re children” “they’re having fun” “yes I do think this is funny” etc etc etc. So we wound up having to throw away our food and my mother went to the front desk to go report them to which the cast members agreed with us and said that they should not be doing that in the food court, and went to go find them. We had already left by this time, but on our way back to our room we saw the four of them being thrown out of the food court and man were they angry hahahaha. But I mean COME ON. Be considerate of the people around you who are also trying to have fun on their vacation, and I don’t find eating soap bubbles fun. And second thing; about the wheelchairs that get loaded on the bus first. That is fine and dandy, but the rules posted at the bus stop specifically say how many non-wheelchair guests are allowed to be loaded on first along side of the guest in the wheelchair. So I have a problem when someone in a wheelchair gets in line after there are already 30+ people who have been waiting in line for a while now, and then immediately get loaded onto the next bus who then have their 10+ family members walk onto the bus first along side them. The rules specifically say that the exceeding guests need to wait in line for another bus. I saw that happen more than once on my last trip.
@domesticateddisneymom7437 7 жыл бұрын
There was a family at Disneyland that literally stepped over a family and blocked their view from a parade like it was ridiculous. I mean literally stepping on them! Anyway a Cast Member tried to politely ask them to move and go to another spot and they where like "NO, WE ARE NOT MOVING" so the cast member went and got what looked like a manager and the manager straight told them "MOVE or YOU Will be asked to be move by security and leave the park!" I had never seen a cast member act like that but I was so glad they did. Everyone cheered as those people left but some people are ridiculous and Disney should be allowed to asks people to leave if they are annoying other guest or not following the rules
@genzi78514 6 жыл бұрын
"Everyone cheered as those people left ..." I would feel terrible, if everybody get happy when I'm's so easy being nice with other people!
@haileysimpson3927 7 жыл бұрын
Someone in front of me filmed a parade with their LAPTOP and I wasn't the only one who saw this someone "accidentally" bumped into that person so they would drop the laptop...
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
I actually laughed out loud when I read this. A LAPTOP. Who films with a webcam with a laptop!!!
@clairegillfamilyadventures863 7 жыл бұрын
I fully agree! My pet hate is people not thinking about their order when in the counter service queue before they get to the order point!
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
Oooh! That's a really good one. I get it if there isn't a visible menu, or if you have a question and the answer changes what you were going to order (kind of) but if there's a big board? NO EXCUSE!! Haha.
@mikecantrall305 7 жыл бұрын
When someone plops down in the middle seats it brings my inner dancer out . I turn and face the front push my posterior toward the back and do a little toe stomping as I slide by them. You must end the whole thing with a very polite "whoops sorry "
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
I would love to see this happen!!! I can imagine their reaction to your dance. Haha!
@jlafunk 7 жыл бұрын
Everything you mentioned is spot on. I live in San Diego, California and I go to Disneyland/California Adventure a lot. One of my biggest pet peeves is the cellphone/iPad over the head shot of fireworks, parades, and World of Color. I'm 6'3" (190.5 cm). My best friend is 5'6" (167 cm). When the phone/iPad is over an average person's head it is magically at eye level for me and I can't see anything. For my friend it's worse- he has a hard time seeing over the crowd to begin with and now he can't see anything at all. I feel that there are enough KZbin videos of these events that taking your own video is pointless. I think the only reason would be if your best friend/significant other/family member is in the parade or part of the show. One personal story- I was in the Haunted Mansion and a lady was filming with her iPhone. She was a few feet away in a very crowded "Stretching Room" using the LED light to film and it was directly in my eye. To turn away would mean I would be facing the wall. So I yelled (it was really noisy) "Turn off your phone!" Her husband got mad, called me a "F**cking fa99ot" and tried to threaten me with physical violence. (and, I'm gay so... kind of offended). Luckily my friend is a black belt in Kung Fu (no joke) and I'm trained to take down psychotic mental patients (I work in a psychiatric hospital). So, I wasn't scared but I was definitely unhappy. We kept our distance while he glared at us from across the crowd. So, cell phones on dark rides and at parades/fireworks are the worst.
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
That's definitely some incredibly inappropriate behaviour and manages to somehow be 3 of things we talked about all at once - that 's a new "terrible guest" record. Flash/lights on dark rides/obstructive filming/bad language all in one. Not good.
@MiaTalericoLove3232 7 жыл бұрын
I agree with this 150%!! Some people can be so ignorant and down right rude! And I do have to admit, ranty videos are my favourite aha! This was too funny! Thanks for sharing
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you, and thanks for watching!
@danaabel1049 Жыл бұрын
@@ThatSoundsFun I totally agree w/ everything you're saying in this video. That's b/c people just have to realize that their actions will ALWAYS have consequences, & that DOESN'T just pertain to only Disney. It's a REAL LIFE issue!!!
@benthompson8670 7 жыл бұрын
I love you guys and I love your videos and watch them religiously. Please do some more cast member videos and funny moments/stories from your experience at Disney, I just love your content!
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you! If we come up with more stories and funny moments we'll definitely try and find a way to share them :)
@lydiaowen6811 7 жыл бұрын
My favorite Disney memory is when It was my birthday, or close to my bday, and when my mom and I went to go get ice cream the worker gave it to me for free. I didn't even know they did that. I only wore that button because I loved cast members wishing me happy birthday! It makes me mad that people who have taken advantage of it
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
That is the way it should be done! A nice unexpected surprise! Not a demand. That is so cool that they gave you one for free. Love when it is done properly.
@GetRocked4676 7 жыл бұрын
One time I was leaving Philharmagic, and this guy was passing where you drop the glasses and walked straight past it, and put his and his child's glasses in two random places in the gift shop. He was literally 2 seconds from putting them where they go and put them in the gift shop. I went and got them because that's insane. Also, one time we were waiting for wishes on a already crowded patch of grass, and a mother and her 7 children came over and started stepping on all of my and my friend's stuff. She was so entitled to wishes. Here's my wish; THAT PEOPLE LIKE HER WOULDN'T EXIST.
@FantasmicEars 7 жыл бұрын
GetRocked4676 I work at Publix, and stuff identically to that happens! They are 2 steps away from where the item goes, or an associate, but they just put it anywhere! I feel like everyone should work at least 1 year of retail in their life
@tankmaster1018 6 жыл бұрын
Great video! I unfortunately was "that guy" 7 or 8 years ago who did something that still embarrases me to this day... I had ended up at Disney for 3 days with a few friends and I was a real heavy cigarette smoker. I always made my way to the smoking areas and smoked there, even if it meant missing out on rides with my friends. But one night, I had been drinking with them earlier which I never do and was so intoxicated, I literally lit up a cigarette right in the middle of the Pirates Of The Caribbean line... Understand, this wasn't something I did out of malice, I was just on autopilot since I was drunk and didn't even think about it. Holy shit man, about 30 seconds went by and I realized the entire line was glaring at me, then I looked down in my hand and realized what I had done. That still has to be one of the top 3 most embarrasing things i've ever done in my life, I was so horrified that I just walked out of the line and left the park. That was also the last time I drank for several years. Jesus that still keeps me up some nights! You guys are troopers, good video!
@nicoleharris4192 7 жыл бұрын
Personally, as someone who has had to use wheelchairs in the parks (I physically can not make it through the parks), is when someone jumps in front of you, causing you to have stop suddenly (which on occasion, is hard and painful to do). I have had a number of times where people have jumped in front of me, and then stopped. Causing me to run into them. I've even had several who have glared at me afterwards as though it were my fault. Recently, I've taken to having my feet rest on the edges of the footrests just to protect other people. Even if it isn't comfortable for me (which it isn't).
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
That is such a shame. I really hate when people are not spatially aware and considerate of others around them.
@nicoleharris4192 7 жыл бұрын
Ya, it can get a little frustrating, but I've gotten used to it. And I've actually been trying to get more active so I don't have to use the wheelchair as much, so hopefully some time soon I won't have to deal with it at all.
@averyaddams108 7 жыл бұрын
Your comment about smoking in non-smoking sections reminded me of my childhood Disney trips where I had to stay in the smoking section with my parents which sucked- sure I can't smell it but i don't want to breathe it in still- but I just realized that the next time my family goes to Disney I'm finally old enough to not have to stay in the smoking section and that's just like the best thought ever!
@kathygoodman4531 7 жыл бұрын
From a guest's point of view, I've always been really nice (my own mom called me a prude), but over the years I've learned that the nicer you are to the people around you at Disney the worse they will treat you and the more you will be taken advantage of. It's a shame that people now feel so entitled. Like you said, we all paid for this vacation. It's not cheap, and you save up for this dream vacation. I have had whole weeks where every day I've been treated horribly and I look forward to going home. I've been going to Disney World since I was 14, the first year it opened, and I'm a huge fan even at 58 years old. Every time someone is really horrible to me I just cry. A man once deliberately threw his entire sticky frozen drink all over me because my husband yelled at him when he kicked me really hard to get through when I was sitting waiting for a parade.
@edvaira6891 7 жыл бұрын
Actually, on a couple of cases when someone has parked themselves in the middle of the row, I've seen the next people who they inconvenience turn to them and loudly say, "You deaf?! Move down!" (Generally, New Yorkers will be rather forthright)
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
We didn't see too much of that! It's a shame it sometimes takes other guests confronting them before they'll do anything about it. Listen to the CMs!!
@alexysautumnelf 7 жыл бұрын
edvaira6891 Except it wouldn't work for me because I am Deaf...
@Zilmita 7 жыл бұрын
I agree with 100% of what you've both stated. Some people can be so rude. Some of the stuff that you've mentioned has happened to me. Especially the cursing. I was so appalled when I heard a bunch of teenagers curing in line for Test Track seeing that there was a 8 year old with their parents nearby. It was so shocking. Another time I was watching one of the parades with a few friends of mine and some guy just pushes me out of the way to get in front of me. I was so angry. I just left with my friends.
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
It's really not the time or the place to be cursing or queue jumping. It's a shame when it affects other people's trips in that way.
@psubymarr 6 жыл бұрын
HA! My favorite rude Disney family story was waiting in line to see Merida. The family refused to fold up their stroller...The different cast members approached them three different times asking if they could park their stroller in stroller parking. The woman yelled at the cast members each time that her children were sitting in the stroller and eating their pop tarts. She was so rude. Then the kids got out and attracted squirrels because of the pop tart crumbs. The woman started freaking out about the squirrels running up to them. Then she started freaking out when her two year old was touching the ground. So after three attempts by cast members to move their stroller to stroller parking. . . it was their turn to meet Merida...but they didn't put their stroller away. So we had t o wait...and wait...and wait...while they took their time to packed up their stroller and take it to stroller parking and come back. By then I was ready to murder them. We listened to the cast members and placed our stroller in parking. No problems. I guess I would call the family entitled by their attitude to the cast members and they annoyed everyone in line. Honestly, if you are eating outside in a should expect squirrels and sparrows coming at your feet.
@louisedavenport4080 7 жыл бұрын
OOOOHHHH Excellent video :) love the rants this week. My pet peeve people who go in dark shows like the little mermaid and either sit texting on their super bright phone right in front of you or even worse leave their Mickey ears on :o I mean do you really need to wear those in the dark? Thats better feel like I can breath again now :)
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
Ahh! The Mickey Ears while in a sit down show! I forgot about this one. I get it, it's your holiday - it's totally a magical place and you can wear ears all you like! But they're really view obstructing during shows and movie type attractions!! Great point.
@StaciLearns 7 жыл бұрын
My sister had an issue with a family that stayed at the same hotel with her. They had 2 people who didn't really need to be in wheelchairs (they would switch out who was in the wheelchairs every time she saw them), at the end of the day they'd be waiting for a bus and they'd fill a quarter of the bus because there was around 15 people in that group. Then the people that had been waiting a long time had to wait even longer because those people were abusing the handicap perks.
@susanpohlers2638 7 жыл бұрын
The ride stopped in Madame Leota's room in the Haunted Mansion at DL and the person straight across the circle from me took a flash photo. I was blinded by the flash and seeing spots for quite a while afterwards. From literally every other "doom-buggy" in there people started shouting "NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY!" - so apparently I wasn't the only one blinded by that inconsiderate flash!
@xchelseareads 7 жыл бұрын
Yes to all of this! Thankfully I haven't had too many experiences like this (I've only had one Disney trip though, so I'm sure I will in the future) but the biggest thing I saw was skipping in line. I couldn't believe that a family of four was just staight up skipping at least 45 minutes worth of wait time in Pirates by going under the rope. In retrospect I should have said something to them, but I hate confrontation. I mostly couldn't believe the parents were fine with setting such a bad example for their two kids. Also, if you want to stay with your party stay on the same side of the rope. You don't get to skip to the fastest line up becuase you didn't read the sign and now you got split up from your party. /rant.
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah, line skipping seems to be a big one - we didn't see much of it on our last trip from what I remember, but it's a real shame when it happens!
@m1221983 7 жыл бұрын
I worked at a theme park when I was a teenager, and you are absolutely on point with this video. If KZbin had existed back then, I definitely would have made a video and ranted about the exact same things!
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
Bad guest behaviour seems to be pretty consistent!
@danaabel1049 Жыл бұрын
@@ThatSoundsFun You can def. say that again. One of the things that I can't stand about some Guests, it's that they believe they have the right to deliberately injure a CM. I remember, 1 day, a few days after Xmas, '12, I was just minding my own business working in the dining room of the food court in the POR. Then, this 1 Guest came up to me & asked me some questions, & I just nicely diverted him to 1 of the managers, b/c I couldn't answer the questions so well. Then, like a bolt out the blue, he thought it'd be cute & funny as hell to grab & squeeze the circulation right out of my left wrist. So, I have a practically fractured left wrist, for what could last the rest of my life. And to add insult to injury, both literally & figuratively, when I tried to report it to 1 of the managers, not only did she just brush me off like lint from a high-priced sweater, she actually threatened to have me expelled from the Program if I report it to the police. Can you believe that?? So, that's what I can't stand about some Guests. I mean, when you deliberately attack a CM, not only is that grounds for getting your butt kicked out of the parks & off Disney forever, but it can also land your butt in jail b/c that's "ASSAULT", which is TOTALLY ILLEGAL!!!
@juliecastillo914 6 жыл бұрын
My issue with the handicapped people getting onto the buses first is that there are times that you wait two or three buses just to get a bus that you can get on and then somebody in a wheelchair could roll right up with their family of 10 people and they're going to get on the next bus even though you've already waited for two or three buses. Meanwhile because they got on you now have to wait for another bus. This is happened to me multiple times. I feel that their party should have to wait in line and when their family gets close enough to the front of the line where they will be able to get on that bus the person in the wheelchair should indicate to the bus driver that their party is getting on and that's the bus they should get on. Not the first bus that pulls up when they get there
@happyunicorns3761 7 жыл бұрын
People that abuse the disability system...ugh! I have Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, a rare disease that makes standing for long periods of time dangerous. I often get called a faker because the illness is invisible, so I often don't take advantage of disability accommodations. I had the wonderful opportunity of preforming with my school choir in Disney, which was complicated due to my illness, but my wonderful school nurses were very helpful. After passing out while waiting on line in Epcot, I decided to give in and get a disability pass for the next day. On the bus later that day, I heard a girl saying she was going to use an old knee brace to get a disability pass. People like her are the reason people like me get called fakers.
@jaycee3177 7 жыл бұрын
The worst thing about this video is that the people who really need to watch it are just gonna be like, "Nah. I already know what I can't do. Don't need to watch that."
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
This is probably very true.
@kaitlyngrace9071 7 жыл бұрын
One time my brother and I were riding Hauntes Mansion, and we got stuck in the room with the crystal ball (which is our favorite room). This lady decided to take flash photography oh EVERY SINGLE THING in that room. You could literally hear the groans, and after the fourth flash my brother screamed "STOP TAKING FLASH PICTURES" and the person stopped and there were literally sighs of relief.
@LauraIsPink 6 жыл бұрын
The flash photography one happened to me at Disneyland on the Haunted Mansion recently. We were in the seance room and all of a sudden the flash from the camera blinded us. I mean it totally exposed the entire rooms special effects. Personally I like knowing how things work and I like behind the scene stuff but for someone else that could ruin the magic for them. As much as I like seeing things behind the scene I really DONT like being blinded. The best part was when I saw a bunch of heads of other rider pop out from the Doom buggies and everyone shouted "HEY!" To be fair though I think the person may have just forgot to turn off the flash as they no longer took flash photos.
@simbapins7036 7 жыл бұрын
At Disneyland the cast members literally scream to get people moving through walkways during fireworks... To a point where it would scare me as a child!
@bethdibartolomeo2042 7 жыл бұрын
Recording fireworks shows on the phone can be beneficial. My husband has taped at least part of the main local fireworks show (in IL) for his elderly mother for the past several years, since it's an enjoyable experience with the music and all. It can be great to relive years later too.
@saffiegirl4158 7 жыл бұрын
Getting something replaced after you eat half of it isn't true at all. I was eating at Sci-Fi Diner and the server put my plate on the very edge of the car table, and if you've eaten there you know there's very little room in the first place. Before I could take a single bite, the meal went toppling, almost into my lap, and I had to jump to avoid it falling on me. I hadn't touched it or anything; she just sat it on the edge of the tiny table. When I called her back to tell her about it, her attitude was "Well, sucks to be you, doesn't it?" as she walked away. It was HER fault to begin with, and she wouldn't do anything about it. I even complained to corporate; didn't do any good.
@teganbigone2366 7 жыл бұрын
The only time I've been disappointed by someone's behavior was when I bought a churo at Magic Kingdom and the moment I turned around to show it to my friend who had never seen one before, a huge bird swooped down and snatched it from my hand, and the cast member refused to give me another one. Those things aren't cheap. And those who use a flash on a dark ride should be expelled from the park if they defy an order not to.
@ericar 7 жыл бұрын
Disneyland Paris is awful for smokers, they smoke in the queue and I've found other guests there to be very pushy and unaware of personal space! So sad as it ruins it for everyone.
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
I think the smoking one is definitely a bit of an issue - fortunately WDW are pretty good at making sure it doesn't happen (on the whole). It's just not really fair to smoke around other people's children.
@fondantroses 7 жыл бұрын
Once I was queueing for pirates at DLP, the queue line is pretty wide but the most inconsiderate ADULTS (not even joking, there were about 15 of them) almost doing a conga line, holding on to each other's shoulders just plodding past the queue line. Like seriously????? About 5 of them went past me and I just plonked myself into the line and stood in the other people's way 😂😂😂 nope not happening!!! Some people are so oblivious if baffles me!
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
Ah yes, the "let's pretend we're meeting somebody further up the queue!". Queue jumping is one that lots of people have mentioned, it's just such an annoying one to try and monitor and there are so many places to get away with it easily that it would be a really tough one to stamp out!
@AvastPirateGirl 7 жыл бұрын
My pet peeve at Disneyland in CA is when people are cutting in line when you are deep in the line
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
That's definitely annoying!
@AvastPirateGirl 7 жыл бұрын
That Sounds Fun it sure is
@leawinter1992 5 жыл бұрын
I love this video! You two are awesome! We're locals and we visit the parks often, and we see many rude people. We've seen and experienced parents using strollers as battering rams to push through other guests. This, of course is very dangerous. Also, while visiting EPCOT this year we were riding "The Land" boat tour and there was a high school music group on the boat behind us. The kids were screaming and yelling through a good portion of the ride. When we exited the ride at the end I noticed there weren't any adult chaperones with them! These kids were so obnoxious! I was very disappointed in them because they were not representing themselves or their school well at all!
@aquafox7176 7 жыл бұрын
One time I went to Disney in Orlando FL, we were waiting in line to meet Buzz Lightyear, and there was a little boy, about the age of 5 or 6, maybe 7, and he was super excited to meet Buzz, and these guys infront of the little boy and his family, decide to ruin the magic. Buzz was going in to "Charge his batteries" and the guys infront of the little boy and his family blurt out, Its just a guy in a costume switching out people because its too hot. Ya sure it was true, but uh hey, you have a young child infront of you, who is excited to meet Buzz, and thinks thats the real Buzz.
@Bunny-ec5nw 3 жыл бұрын
I was just walking and this person in a motorized wheelchair just ran over my foot while I was wearing sandals. She didn’t even apologize she just kept on going. Even when my parents told her that she hurt me she kept going. Then when she “apologized” she told me not to listen to my parents and that they were wrong for being mad. She basically ruined my whole family’s day.
@orlendatube 7 жыл бұрын
My whole family is asthmatic and allergic to cigarette smoke in particular, so when people smoke in areas I cannot escape (like lines) its truly life threatening to me and my family which is incredibly upsetting. I am always super nice when i ask them to move or put it out (despite the fact that this usually means moving closer and further inhaling their fumes), and they almost always get really huffy about it...I have no idea why...I never say something to make them feel like bad people (although they kinda are for not being considerate of others in regard to their smoking)-so what the heck? Hubby and I had a picnic recently, and toward the end someone else in the pavillion lit up and I was upset that we had to hurry up and leave then. I shouldnt have to vacate because someone is spewing toxic fumes. Worst part was they had a bunch of kids, and it just isnt ok to smoke around kids imo....that upsets me too
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
That is such a shame. I really wish people understood that rules are there for a reason. You shouldn't have to justify to someone why they shouldn't be smoking in an area where smoking is not allowed!
@ArianaMichele123 7 жыл бұрын
If you are exquisitely nice or curtious to cast members, they will be nice to you. They'll give you free fastpasses. There was one circumstance where my mom was overheating and I ran to the nearest kiosk at food and wine festival to get her some ice. The cast member saw me coming from my the bench where my mom was sitting and asked if she was okay. When I told her about the circumstance, she handed me 3 cups of ice and a bottle of water, and told me not to worry about paying for it. I definitely took down her name and location and put in a good word for her#
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
Awesome for putting in a good word! This is very important, and can really make that cast member not only feel great, but let their managers know that they're doing a great job too! It's definitely something I know a lot of cast members appreciate. Especially if they've gone above and beyond to help a guest.
@chartle1 7 жыл бұрын
Well Disney took care of the selfie stick issue by banning them at least a year or so ago. +1 on the iPad thing. I stopped taking a lot of pics because I felt I was missing too much.
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah the restrictions on telescoping selfie sticks was a good move. It's a shame though, they're very useful and not inherently bad - but some people just couldn't be trusted not to use them inconsiderately and ruined it for everyone!
@chartle1 7 жыл бұрын
I think I had one of the first selfie sticks at WDW. I ordered it from a Chinese online retailer and it was for a regular camera not a phone since it was just as phones were taking over from small point and shoot cameras. I don't recall seeing one our entire week long trip. I mostly used it as a short monopod. I filmed the Main Street Electrical Parade with it.
@thaliay4401 7 жыл бұрын
Another note with the smoking issue: Asthmatic people exist! If I end up stuck next to someone smoking, it can give me an asthma attack. Just don't fucking do it.
@jesssharp301 7 жыл бұрын
People were using the flash on the haunted mansion and really ruined it for me and my family. We were so annoyed. I also hate it when people feed the animals or hurt them in magic kingdom. I totally agree with the fireworks coz I am really small and it really obstructs my view and others around me .
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah feeding the animals isn't a great idea - you don't want to mess with their diets too much!
@alwaysabob8962 6 жыл бұрын
A British rant is the BEST rant of all!! Really enjoyed this, you make many good points:)
@reido387 7 жыл бұрын
What really makes me furious is people similar to the lady who basically stole the ice cream are actually the reason a ride I would have ADORED going on if I had a chance was shut down, the ride was the Extra Terrorestorial, what people would do is they would use it to get a free day at the park, they would ride it last and afterward, would go to management and complain about the ride and demand their money back, so because Disney was losing money, they shut it down!
@shiningkingghidora 6 жыл бұрын
Three things that piss me off are character hogs, older kids riding in strollers, and out of control kids.
@krissyb44 7 жыл бұрын
As a former smoker...I have a smoking related "DON'T DO" for non smokers. Smokers only have a limited areas to smoke in so if you're NOT a smoker, you should not be sitting in the limited shade areas of the smoking section. If we can't smoke in your shade, you should not sit in ours.
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
That's a really good point for areas that have limited space/facilities to accommodate smokers. That's an interesting point of view I hadn't considered, thank you for bringing it up!
@scxrlett_x2460 7 жыл бұрын
I agree with you guys so much! All those reasons really annoy me to 😝
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
Glad you feel our pain!
@angealyna422 7 жыл бұрын
One of the things that makes me the most angry are the parents who force their children on rides. I stood in line for Haunted Mansion next to parents with their sobbing child, who was begging them to not make him ride it. Not only does the crying get a bit annoying for the other park goers, but I always feel so bad for the children! If your kid doesn't want to ride, don't make them.
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
As a cast member, we were told that if a child was too distressed that we could refuse the family on the ride. I think for the most part that most don't because it is not worth the hassle.
@AnneShepstone 7 жыл бұрын
Totally agree :) To add to rude people, my husband and l had waited once for an hour to get our spot before the parade started. About 5 min before start time (as you know there are no spots in the front available, so we sat on the curb so people behind us could see), we had a woman push her kids in front of us and basically sit them on us. When we said excuse me! She said your adults Disney is for kids you don't need to see this as much as they do! Even though l was smoking mad, we made room for the kids as we knew it wasn't there fault to have a horrible parent. I've also had it where we were standing back in front of the statue by the train station to watch wishes, l figured being that far away we wouldn't be bothered. Again this couple goes and stands right in front of us, there was spots just behind us they could have stood at, my husband and l are short, they were really tall, l was so mad, so we moved up then a girl with her balloon kept letting it go up and down during the show blocking the castle, l finally couldn't take it anymore and moved right next to the photopass person even though she was taking people's pictures at least there was a space so no one stood in front of us. Like you said in your video we all paid to be there some of us a lot more then others with travel cost and exchange rates, so please respect one another!
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
OMG, this made me so mad reading this. I have far too much of a short fuse for people like the ones you have described. We arrive right before the shows start but I will always accept the spaces that are left and never push in front of others. If you care that your children are in the front, arrive early!!
@hollyrhodee 7 жыл бұрын
i agree w them all! i think the one i hate the most is flash on dark rides!! did u see timtrackers video of them in disney la on tot in the dark?? if not he said someone kept their flash on their phone on the whole time bc it was 'too dark' knowing lights would be off so tim had to complain bc it ruined the whole experience but luckily disney gave them a fast pass to go on again
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah exactly! It just isn't good for everyone else on the ride, and it's not even GOOD FOR YOUR PHOTOS aggggh. I get so mad about this one, I really do.
@deedee3861 6 жыл бұрын
I agree with you about the smoking. I smoke and get annoyed with people who smoke in the non-smoking areas. Actually, I agree with you on all the stuff but that one in particular really annoys me.
@jennamorganbooks 6 жыл бұрын
Went to MK a few weeks ago and saw Happily Ever After for the first time. There was a lady beside us loudly FaceTiming an infant during the whole show, and then a lady in front of us who filmed the whole show with her flash on. 🤦🏻‍♀️ COME ON. Didn’t let that ruin it for me though; it was amazing!
@edvaira6891 7 жыл бұрын
What's worse with the people who just stop are when one person in your family is in a wheelchair(like my wife)...either we end up hurting them because either my wife's feet hit or clip their legs out from under them, or, and this has happened, my wife has injured her feet (she ended up with a twisted ankle at Universal hitting someone who suddenly stopped to look at a map)
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
I completely know what you mean! I have never personally been to Disney with someone who uses a wheelchair, but it makes me so mad when I see people just cutting up a wheelchair or getting in the way. It's a lot more difficult for a wheelchair to manoeuvre through the crowds and yet no one ever gives them the right of way. It is such a shame that your wife got injured due to someone else just not being aware or their surroundings or courteous of others.
@rubyh2483 7 жыл бұрын
Totally agree with all of what you have said . Specially the listening to cast member , certainly about keeping hands in the rides. Does my head in when I see stories about ppl getting injured cos they didn't Listen and then trying to blame disney and try take them to court ! x
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
The Pirates of the Caribbean water SCARES me, I have no idea why you'd want to put your hands down in it!!
@Vaderd2k926 7 жыл бұрын
Hahaha..."Stuff the kids! Don't smoke in front of me!" I love it!
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
I like to have my priorities in check. hahaha!
@SirIkeMedia 7 жыл бұрын
I hate when people talk loudly or scream/overreact to the Haunted Mansion.
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
I second this!
@andrewyacos5934 7 жыл бұрын
Great, great series. Thank you. I have eye-guzzled all your WDW vids, as we are visiting soon for the marathon 2017. All are fun and extremely helpful. Cheers.
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Glad they were useful!!
@ashleybrookecraw4589 7 жыл бұрын
YES! No flashes on the dark rides. I can not STAND THAT!
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah I think that will forever be my number pet peeve with Disney World guests.
@Cerrie88 7 жыл бұрын
I agree with all of this not just in Disney though everywhere in all theme parks lol and the walking thing in paths in every shopping centre
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah, that one's an every day annoyance too haha.
@tabithacorinne4580 7 жыл бұрын
Ahhh! People that just stop! I just got back from a trip to Disney last week and this was something I mentioned to my husband. People just stop in the middle of the walkway for no reason! I did this one time, and it was because my 4 year old leaped out of the stroller after a toy she dropped. I get it if you need to stop, but make sure it's a legitimate reason.
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
I hate people that just stop! They are the worst. It's the people that just stop to take a picture. Just move slightly to the side and do it!
@tabithacorinne4580 7 жыл бұрын
Or the people that stop in queues to take pictures and hold up the line behind them. Just had an annoying experience on Star Tours where a group of people were taking photos and wouldn't let anyone go around them, even though there was literally no one else in line ahead of them.
@fotofeary6 7 жыл бұрын
I went to Disneyland in CA a few weeks ago and I kept telling my friends that people walk like they drive. No consideration for others.
@FrancesCalderin 7 жыл бұрын
My biggest pet peeve is when guest ask for a "magical moment"
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah, the quality of the Tsums has definitely gone down.
@OnTheGoWithCarson 7 жыл бұрын
I just found your channel and I'm so happy I did!
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
Awesome, thank you!
@sophiewest2903 7 жыл бұрын
Going to Disneyland Paris the amount of people using the flash on Phantom Manor made me so upset! It's my favourite ride there, and I distinctly remember these two teenage girls in the vehicle next to us Snapchat filming the entire thing with the flash on. Like what's the point? The video isn't gonna be good, it makes everyone else angry, and no one on your snapchat story is going to care!
@05Gigi 6 жыл бұрын
I agree with all of these apart from the stopping and photography. There is so much to look at/hear at Disney World, that sometimes people are caught and just want to take it in. Children especially are not going to always think about their surroundings before they stop and parents are surely not expected to carry on without them? Most of these things are annoying but sometimes, we need to be a little less annoyed about everything and accept that, sometimes, people will stop in such a sensory environment. Also, forgive the average person for thinking they need to use the flash in the dark...I mean it's a pretty normal thing to think if you're the average holiday maker and they haven't watched your previous videos...
@brianna_lynch 5 жыл бұрын
I try to fill in all the available space but my family refuses and I have to stay with them...
@philrabe910 7 жыл бұрын
OMG I am So embarrassed Still. I was on Space Mtn. on the last day of the earth [12/21/12, that time the Mayan calendar ended] and the ride stopped, lights came on. I've seen it many times as I grew up near Tampa and am a 'professional guest'. So my group was in the front car, and in my haste to get my iPod out that was buttoned up tight in my pocket to shoot the interior, I let out an atomic trainload full of Fbombs- Completely oblivious to the mom and kids in the back car. I was so mortified after I could barely apologise! My niece said, 'Oh uncle Phil, we can't take you anywhere!' which lightened the mood slightly.
@heidimorgan1704 7 жыл бұрын
What about adults that are so inconsiderate that they step into children's strollers to get around you, or that push carts or wheelchairs into the back of your legs, those people are terrible.
@singlemomofonelife 7 жыл бұрын
I recently found you and am enjoying your videos, so interesting at times... thanks for sharing.
@beccag.6653 7 жыл бұрын
Totally agree - especially with the attitudes to people in wheelchairs - a friend of mine goes every year with her mum and Nan who are both in wheelchairs - some people were so mean to them because they are in wheelchairs that it caused great upset and nearly ruined a whole day for them - really not cool people - also agree with the kids on shoulders thing at parades / fireworks and when people go to the front areas for parades and sit and wait with everyone and then at the last minute decide to stand up and block everyone else's view who's also been waiting for the same amount of time to see the parade / show :( not fun :( great video though guys :)
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
I really hate when people are so inconsiderate like that. Makes me so sad.
@shannonbeaulieu3216 7 жыл бұрын
Too with the wheelchairs I'm from Massachusetts and my dance team performed thru the magic music days when we signed up we didn't know my grandmother who's never been able to go because it was always just her and my mom and aunt and my grandfather off doing military things so the money wasn't there, was going to still be recovering from knee surgery in a wheelchair and if anyone I think she deserved to enjoy the park without being stepped on walked into and be made to feel guilty because people thought we were cutting lines. I mean come onnn and most of it were from adults with children! Great examples ugh
@SophieeeeeB 7 жыл бұрын
Fireworks shows, that's what really gets on my nerves, it's so irritating when people move around so that they can get a better view, if you pick a place, stay there!!! It really ruins the show having to keep moving from side to side because someone blocks your view!
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
Omg! The moving from side to side stresses me out so much!! You are so right. JUST STOP!
@reido387 7 жыл бұрын
I call a group of people who completely block a pathway for no good reason an "idiot barricade"
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
hahahahahahaha......LOVE IT
@TheDisneylover71 7 жыл бұрын
The flash photography oh my god.
@ThatSoundsFun 7 жыл бұрын
It's really just distracting and not even going to HELP. At least if it made those kinds of pictures better it would be more tolerable but ugh. It's just the one that really gets me annoyed.
@alyssarouso 6 жыл бұрын
I hate nothing more than obnoxious drunks at Disney. I've seen a woman hijack the microphone on one of the Epcot resort ferries so she could do karaoke, and the poor skipper had no clue what to do. At Disneyland, I watched a bunch of drunk frat boys cut the line to Eeyore, harass the character, and then they intentionally caused Pirates of the Caribbean to break down by standing up just before one of the drops. My mom reported those jerks to security and they got banned. Also I've seen people complain that Make-A-Wish kids get special treatment. Uh...? If your child is chronically or terminally ill, you'd probably want some accommodations too...
@FantasmicEars 7 жыл бұрын
I hate when people abuse the guest assistance pass. They'd hire handicapped people and have them go around the park with them just to get through the fast pass line
@MountainMan7.62x39 7 жыл бұрын
9:15 OMG, every time I got to the parks I say to myself, next time I'm bringing an airhorn.
@clarikid 4 жыл бұрын
If you hold up iPads during parades and fireworks, you're leaving yourself open to be hit by a flying gem stones
@gabbymiller2230 7 жыл бұрын
I don't mean to be better then everyone else but when I go there's all ways those few ppl who think it's ok to push and pull people out of the way!
@Blaze116_ 7 жыл бұрын
I agree with the 2 wheelchairs on the bus let them go first and maybe there close family, it's when I see a wheelchair with grandma(who usually appears to walk fine when a bus arrives) and her family of 20 getting on first that's crazy!
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