Disney Star Wars is Broken

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Grey Galaxies

Grey Galaxies

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Have you started noticing that something is a little off with Disney Star Wars? well you're not alone. Join us as we explore all of the Disney Star Wars Series to uncover why they so often struggle to keep our attention.

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@eps200 Жыл бұрын
Cobb Vanth is the perfect level of cross over. He actually isn't an original character (he's from the novels) but for the unimitated he feels like one, ALL cross over characters need to either work that way or be relegated to cameo only like Zeb in Mando s3.
@G36645 Жыл бұрын
These small channels are getting better in voice quality and writing quality Keep it up
@TheeGreyGalaxies Жыл бұрын
thank you, I intend to. :)
@Drave_Jr. Жыл бұрын
I believe Andor, and the Bad Batch, it does some referencing, notably Tarkin and Krennic in Season 2's final two episodes, are only getting one more season each. And for Bad Batch, it's mostly the Batch themselves and dealing with new characters as well pretty well. I think in Season One with Bane and and the female bounty hunter works well, because they're mainly interacting with the Batch, and shown to be bounty hunters without needing to go into depth about who they are, since Echo is the only proper old character. They handled Palpatine expertly for the few minutes he was on screen as well. Oddly enough, the only person where you'd really need to have watched Clone Wars previously is Rex. Even Cody only shows up for one episode, but they don't tell us what all he did, he's posited as a commander known to the Batch and close ties to, but that's it.
@merafirewing6591 Жыл бұрын
Obi-wan Kenobi is just so terribly executed.
@saintnick6598 Жыл бұрын
Sadly Disney has dropped the ball on that show but a channel called Auraulnauts makes a good parody of it.
@iknow4082 Жыл бұрын
Is it just me or am i the only one who's sick of all the connections to cloning and trying to explain how palpatine return
@TheeGreyGalaxies Жыл бұрын
I've never been very taken by that element of the saga to begin with. other than the kaminoan clones, of course.
@jokemangamesnl3157 Жыл бұрын
It kinda seems to me like the writers are actively trying to distance the new series from Disney Star Wars, it looks as if Disney is trying to make money grabbing moves while Dave Filoni is trying his best to incorporate legends content into these series with slight differences so Disney can’t bitch about it.
@chrisrosales4219 Жыл бұрын
You missed one MAJOR point: most of Disney era Star Wars is poisoned from the get go for Kathleen Kennedy insisting that agenda comes first, then story a distant second. One of the reasons Andor was better than the rest of the offerings was that it was the only one that didn't cram the idea that women are better than men at everything all the time right off the bat without earning it. Or that the "diversity" of a character is more important than the character themselves. (Also, what does diversity even mean in a galaxy where there's hundreds of species of all sizes shapes and colors? Cramming early 21st century self righteousness into a formerly timeless property can only hurt it.) So yes, the writing has been spectacularly bad, but what can you expect when a series cannot grow organically but must find its way to an agenda whether it nakes sense or not. I'm hispanic, and it never once even occurred to me as a kid watching the original trilogy that there were no hispanics in it. Why would there be? It's a galaxy far, far away. How would we get there from Veracruz? Not being able to see yourself in another person unless they look like you is what allows racism to happen in the first place. Write the best story, hire the best actors and film crews. Nothing else matters.
@TheeGreyGalaxies Жыл бұрын
mostly stuff I can't say without getting cancelled... thanks for sharing.
@QualityPen 11 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠@@TheeGreyGalaxiesThat’s a sad state of reality in a nation which is supposed to value freedom of speech. Thanks for your content, and I hope one day we’ll all be able to speak freely.
@deadpool-xr6dr 11 ай бұрын
Yes, they are racist that they fell culprit.
@surge1229 9 ай бұрын
whats very sad is that Andor will only get a second season and disney has already said there will not be a third season of Andor
@TheeGreyGalaxies 8 ай бұрын
that is unfortunate, indeed... to be fair, it is a prequel that occurs very shortly before the work it's based on so there's only so much you can try to pack in before it becomes obvious that they're just milking it for all its worth. 1 to 2 new seasons I think is probably the most you could realistically get out of it to begin with.
@jeffreycarman2185 Жыл бұрын
I like all things Star Wars, but yes I agree that they really need freshness and newness. It is a huge and visually interesting galaxy that is overrunning with all kinds of story potential. What I loved about Andor was that it stands very nearly on its own, yes Mon Mothma was a key character and Saw Gerrera plays a role in the show, but their characters are nothing but enhanced in this new story, their histories are so completely weighed down with our expectations and bits of world building from their dialogue in previous Star Wars entries (I’m looking at you Solo a Star War Story). Another thing that Andor does probably better than any Star Wars story since Empire Strikes Back is really plumb the depths of what it is to be human, to want something, and also show that life (The Force, The Universe, or God) just has other plans for us. It is a compelling story, the story is written well enough, and directed and acted well enough we genuinely care about the new characters. They even introduced a ton of new (and awesome!) ships. I enjoyed Obiwan and season 3 of Mando (and even Book of Boba Fett was fun to watch) but these shows were created and made by hand-wringing executives who want their new streaming platform to do well, and think that the way to get the success that their shareholders demand is to cannibalize previously successful IP.
@saraphys5555 Жыл бұрын
As a good note, The Return of the Bob has come with the news that both Marvel and Lucasfilm will be ordered to stop "saturating" viewers; as Iger wants a return to the days of the First Phase of Marvel, where its QUALITY over QUANTITY... And thank drek for that! Im hoping the Bob had people surveying the word this whole time, and that thats why this order is the first thing he's doing... because any more of stuff like Kenobi...nah... Willow had hope, but those writers had no experiance to handle that property; same with Kenobi... Falcon and the Winter Soldier, She-Hulk, Loki, really all the Marvel Shows... its like they always *lack* something, y'know? I dont know what it is...maybe a proper payoff? Maybe more consistant logic? something in them is *almost* good, but its being held back... I think part of Marvel shows problem is that they cant stand on their own... nor can they stand on their own with just ONE reference (FatWS basically requires you to have seen some 4-6 movies? What?! No...too much). I think a big problem going on at Lucasfilm (atleast), is entrusting these IP's to people (mostly writers, but some directors, too) who have so little experiance...and have no real qualifying talent...that they shouldn't have been handed these properties to do with as they pleased. I would have thought Kasden's son would know how to do Willow...and it was finely directed...but the writers were amateurish trash that had never really helmed ANYTHING before, not even made a show in the genre before... Kenobi had the same thing...Deb has some strong directing cred...but the writers were amateurish trashbags who CLEARLY had less talent then The Lego Movie duo that KK fired off of Solo! I mean, just look at Kenobi's Gallery...the actress playing Reva ("Third Sister" my Tuskan @55!!!) was excited she would be playing a villianous woman...SHE CLEARLY DIDNT GET THE SCRIPT FOR THE LAST EPISODES!!! That was the most forced, undeserving, contrived arc I'v ever seen! Kenobi's finale replaced Episode 9 as the Worst Star Wars for me, because atleast Episode 9 "The Rise of Screw You Leia" ENDED!!! The end of Kenobi felt like it was setting up a Reva show!!! NO! ...Bad Lucasfilm! *smacks*
@TheeGreyGalaxies Жыл бұрын
I certainly hope so, I really like the mini-series because of how much more detailed they CAN be, compared to movies, I just hope that they slow down a bit and spend a lot more time to actually flesh them out and stop making them self referencing easter egg factories.
@Beuwen_The_Dragon Жыл бұрын
It’s all talk, Bobby boy, kk, and all the others heading Disney/LucasFilm/Marvel projects have been repeating the same ‘we are going to stick to quality over quantity, we are going to stick to the source material..” line for years, and people keep forgetting that. You can only promise to ‘give us what we want” and giving us nothing so many times before we stop believing your word..
@Straswa Жыл бұрын
Great vid Grey Galaxies, you made many excellent points.
@ProdAlarick Жыл бұрын
If all this gonna lead to an epic movie or trilogy(hope) that is half as good as the original trilogy it was all worth it.
@TheGenericavatar Жыл бұрын
Darth Vader's voice was owned by the voice actor Jones, who gave the rights to the SW IP with the understanding that AI would be used to recreate the Vader voice. So it was no diss. He's getting old.
@heralds Жыл бұрын
I think the important thing to remember about going back to tattooine, is that it's cheap to film there
@heralds Жыл бұрын
Also the J in Danny Trejo should be pronounced as an H
@twirlygirly 11 ай бұрын
Disney didn't kill it. Star Wars fan boys killed it. The best scene ever that summed it all up, was the one scene fan boys just didn't get. When Luke threw the lightsaber over his shoulder... it was Lucas wiping his hands of the whole mess because his point was completely lost on you. You guys just didn't get it. It wasn't about the color of your light sabers, or mitichlorians, or dressing up as the 501st StormTroopers to go to a CON, or writing spin off pulp fiction, or collecting crap plastic dolls still in their bubble plastic packaging. It was a movie that came out of the anti-war 1960's Hippies against the VIetnam war, about a grassroot resistance against a Republic subverted to an Empire because.. what else could a Republic become but an Evil Empire... it's in it's very DNA. Throw in a stolen trench run from another film, and that's it. That's Star Wars in a nut shell for you. All the rest was milking it out because you guys demanded more, until it was an exhausted dead carcass.
@DIEGhostfish Жыл бұрын
I didn't like the Anakin Obi-wan parting.
@benjamincat666 Жыл бұрын
But shouldn't you be able to remember what happened before in previous seasons? It sounds like you have a short attention span....
@Qualman701 Жыл бұрын
But for people that are very new, it's a hassle. I haven't even finished half of the new Marvel shows or movies because it's too much to keep track of.
@benjamincat666 Жыл бұрын
@@Qualman701 eventually you will catch up
@Qualman701 Жыл бұрын
@@benjamincat666 I'm not interested in Moon Knight, the newer movies (except for guardians 3) seem dull, and don't get me started on Secret Invasion.
@andrewpytko4773 Жыл бұрын
Andor sucked. It was so damn boring.
@PsychedelicDude Жыл бұрын
Their biggest mistake is keeping the sequels in the canon
@nazotech7590 Жыл бұрын
Take this into account the 1st season of deep space nine relayed to much on TNG guest stars and we know the actually started getting good when they went away from that
@TheeGreyGalaxies Жыл бұрын
There were also a few tie-in episodes of tng while the two ran concurrently that I wasn't all too enamored with either. interesting parallel... good point.
@trueberry4094 Жыл бұрын
In relation to the familiar characters that we got in andor, they all were really needed and fit well. like mon mothma. Of course she would be there. a lesser show would have just thrown in cgi leia.
@jeffreycarman2185 Жыл бұрын
5:49 for the record. I’d love to see your take on the Book of Boba Fett in more detail.
@GentlemensClubHolyEdition Жыл бұрын
Also why moon knight is like the only good marvel show (sorry wandavision fans)
@mytotim8978 Жыл бұрын
Well, you are just wrong about your hypothesis. It has nothing to do with reliance in established characters, but really bad writing. If something, the only thing that made them even watchable, was the fact that they have good old characters, but even that was a nightmare, because they tear them apart. So good stories, with correct narrative flow, character development and that is it, they don´t need anything else. Instead we had a third season of Mando where nothing happen, and they even undid what they did in previous seasons, but all good because is all powerful girl´s serie now, and Bo Katan don´t need Din Djarin to take credit for her work.
@nbixel Жыл бұрын
Sadly this is true. The reliance in established characters is the result of bad writing, because they know its bad, and also Kathleen's Producer brain is making bad writing because she wants Baby Yoda on screen for views, she is doing clickbait in her own show.
@theenigmaticst7572 Жыл бұрын
I've got to agree that whilst I enjoyed the Book of Boba Fett, it did feel like he was a bit-player in his own story, and the Mando scenes were somewhat pointless - they'd have been better in Season 2 or 3 of the Mandalorian. I really would have liked to see a take on Boba Fett where it's more like the Godfather - especially if Fett is trying his damnedest to go legitimate, but his past keeps bringing him back to crime. It's probably really derivative, but him plotting to take out all the gangs of Tattooine and install himself in Jabba's chair would be a brilliant series, and could lead on to the above idea. What would you have done, Gray, if you'd been in charge of writing the outlines? Your Fallout 4 stuff is great, so I'd be interested to hear more!
@colincopland3665 Жыл бұрын
The Obi-Wan Kenobi series was originally conceived as a Star Wars Anthology feature film in the same vein as Rogue One, and it shows in the poorly integrated additional subplots for Reva and Muppet Babies version of Princess Leia. It suffers from similar problems that afflicted the Hobbit trilogy- plot and characters are stretched thin, “like butter scraped over too much bread.”
@zekeweis6529 11 ай бұрын
Still say one of the biggest sins of the Obi-Wan tv show is the fact that him and Vadar met. In the movie a New Hope, their dialog makes it clear that they haven't met up since their duel on Mustifar. Way to not only milk nostalgia bait but also say fuck canon
@demonocolips Жыл бұрын
the universe is a big place. so why do we keep running into the same people. a well written story is self contained. there should be no NEED to know everything about the universe to enjoy what your watching now. think its the initiative to try to drive viewership up by their corporate overlords.
@TheReaverOfDarkness 8 ай бұрын
You'd have to try pretty hard to make me not like a Star Wars or Star Trek product. And these companies are consistently succeeding at that goal!!
@jacobrispoli4351 Жыл бұрын
Disney probably watched this video, because his predictions on the Ashoka series couldn't be more wrong.
@TheRedneckGamer1979 Жыл бұрын
Look, I could watch Danny Trejo explain the intricacies of family tax credits and be entertained.
@jeffreycarman2185 Жыл бұрын
10:38 the main problem is that Jon Favreau doesn’t respect Boba Fett as a character. The show was so poorly executed and was so bogged down with nostalgia with the weight of previous IP that it couldn’t tell a good story.
@jacobrispoli4351 Жыл бұрын
To be fair I do so Book of Boba Fett as Mandalorian 2.5
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