@egliptor Күн бұрын
Why do Star wars fans try to majority push the same repetitive narrative of sith jedi and glow sticks dark or light side tropes. Especially when the show does not go up the trooes path. Star wars has become so far up it's own ass only about star wars tropes. Andor presents compelling story writing reflecting historical fascist regimes, Franco, Mussolini that display competent individuals working together gonup against the pressures of an empire without jedi sith repetition like every star wars product. The constant tropes and explaining away havs likely diluted erroded away what made star wars interesteing and unique product
@wowitsnicify 3 күн бұрын
A beautiful theory, but diminishes the story for me if he was a Jedi
@amehayami934 3 күн бұрын
But the lukerhulk wasn't apart of the Rebels?
@tompearce5418 5 күн бұрын
The holocrons in his shop would also be targets for the Imperial authorities, which were busily destroying all teaching materials and artefacts linked to the Jedi Order to prevent it rising again. For this reason I think they're just replicas.
@Duck.246 9 күн бұрын
Or… he could just be a very cunning ordinary person instead of a space wizard.
@sIosha 12 күн бұрын
Don't be sad that it's over, be happy that it happened.
@GrayNeko 23 күн бұрын
Luthen Rael strikes me very much as a man who found himself in an impossible situation, I hope none of us ever have to face; either surrender to tyranny, and I mean really /surrender/, or try to fight back. Knowing that fighting back is going to mean you will have to do things you'll be hated for, and worse, you'll hate yourself for. Stellan Skarsgaard deserved an Emmy for this speech alone! As for his origins, I don't think they're that important. Maybe he was a Jedi, maybe he wasn't, doesn't matter. What matters now is that he's organizing a rebellion against an evil that will burn the galaxy to ashes if they're not stopped. And paying the price.
@Fancypants117 29 күн бұрын
These kind of debates are the same energy as "Germany could have won ww2 if only they did this!" it completely removes the personality of the people in control of these empires which is what George originally based starwars Ya of course they could have won if the people who were running the show weren't in control and my hindsight armchair general lol Nerd debating can be so silly lol
@MeuxProductions Ай бұрын
I personally would’ve preferred “The Book of Boba Fett” if set before or during the original trilogy, and each episode was Boba just bounty hunting.
@fernandocisneors175 Ай бұрын
This was my favorite of all the spinoffs and many of the main movies.
@admiraljodix4725 Ай бұрын
@andrewhoughton8606 Ай бұрын
The quazar was pre alliance ship in Disney cannon to was part of phoenix squadron and sufvade as mobile repair base
@NickLupercus 2 ай бұрын
I'm currently part of a Star Wars RP and it is REALLY making me see the usefulness of some of these vessels, particular the Quasar Fire and the GR-75 which have actually become key to the Rebel Cell my character runs. Like you touched on, the Quasar Fire is a serious logistical godsend. It is basically a mobile base. Have it jump to nearby where you are going to raid, then have the fighters jump the rest of the way. Think of it as a mini Yavin-4 that you don't have to abandon because it was discovered. That's HUGE. The Lucrehulk is another example of this. Keep if far away from the front lines and use it as a major logistics center that can flee at the first sign of trouble. In fact I would argue that the Quasar Fire and Lucrehulk would be better than building bases on planets. The GR-75 as you corrected in the comment section has pretty high cargo capacity and serves well as a fleet tender and is also extremely useful for moving high amounts of personnel or resources around. And with a combat retrofit, it can be a decent guard to your more squishy backline ships in a pinch or even a fire ship.
@robertnickerson8463 2 ай бұрын
Didn't they do the same thing for Fennec Shan killed her then brought her back to life with Cybernetic Implants... So you can't contradict that one... You have some good ideas and theories on the Mando one, but everyone has their reasons for putting things into a story or taking out but I won't be able to say why all I have to do is watch...
@juggernautgrant 2 ай бұрын
I would love to see Luthen have his own series! I believe seeing how he began and evolved into what we know of him could be epic!
@bindair_dundat 3 ай бұрын
Considering how Boba Fett was frequently grouping up with other bounty hunters during the Clone Wars, being a respected leader many times, I expected him to gather the "old gang" for his showdown with the Pikes. Visiting various planets and moons episode by episode to show a bit more of the Galaxy than just Tatooine, and recruit Bossk, Embo, and Aurra Sing. At the very least. They aren't even all that CGI-heavy as alien species go, and they should be alive at this time. And Bane needed an earlier introduction. Maybe a trap where Boba narrowly escapes with his life, to make their final showdown more personal. I would have kept some Mando scenes in. Him aiding Boba Fett, so that in turn when Mando reclaims Mandalore in season 3, Boba could be there to repay his debts. But no Grogu.
@Dino_man387 3 ай бұрын
The gr-75 is good in Empire at war if you want to just to relieve your ships that matter for a little bit.
@LeeCarlson 3 ай бұрын
Dark Matter was based (very loosely) on a comic book series by that name.
@sortasurvival5482 3 ай бұрын
Ya know. I never thought about it till now, but the show shameless did that firefly thing too. Self contained events that are chronologically dependant.
@ruidykeman7422 3 ай бұрын
1. How you made this without sitting the source material is impressive 2. Firefly was a trope blender all be it an extremely entertaining one. 3. Nether show is that original motley crew of adventures is as old as Odyssey. At minimum. 4. Dark matter was a fun low budget show with some grate moments and if given one more season it would have finished its story see source material. Ps they stretched that comic min sires for all it was worth lol.
@richardgoddard37 3 ай бұрын
Syfy cancelled the wrong show...
@VonOutlaw 3 ай бұрын
I'm from the US and I actually loved this series I started watching it when it very first aired on Syfy. I'm still quite upset that I never got an ending to my questions
@mattbosley3531 3 ай бұрын
Dark Matter was a good show. I enjoyed it. One of Syfy's better efforts.
@hansolav5924 3 ай бұрын
'let go' of properly GREAT storytelling? (fuck the movie's ending, though, it was the company giving the finger to any continuation of the show) We need MORE shit like Firefly. not LESS.
@corymccarty8603 3 ай бұрын
I almost agree on some points but consider this. The security scene. Your analysis is pretty accurate but you don't take one factor into account. Thisbis the Inquisitors facility. Vader shoqs up often wnough and he likely doesn't show ID. The inquisitors probably don't show ID. Being that Vader and Inquisitors are commonly around it's reasonable to assume more than one person has been summarily executed for some offense or another. That allows for a sense of fear and paranoia where he works. This made it possible for her to bluff him. He thought maybe this IS someone who is on a secret classified mission so secret the system doesn't even know her. So he freaked out and she successfully bluffed him. Now As far as Vader not drawing his saber to defeat Reva. This is not the only time we have seen powerful force users stop lughtsabers with The Force. Yoda did it to Ventresa in The Clone Wars seris. The reason it isn't commonly done is Force users have a passive Force Shield to help protect them from unfrendly force powers. This is why we don't usualy see Sith choking Jedi and such. To break through The Force Shield of another Force user demonstrates yiu have a much greater power and mastery of The Force. That's why Vader could do it to easily to Reva. She is NOTHING compared to Vader and that's why he didn't even need to bother with his saber.
@rmartinson19 3 ай бұрын
Frankly, the impression I got from the show is that it was written by idiots. They may have done a few things right here and there, but overall? It was a mess of plot holes and contrivances from start to finish. And I don't think I can ever forgive them for making Grand Admiral Thrawn into a mouth-breathing moron. Every time he opened his mouth, he sounded like what a complete numbskull THINKS a military genius sounds like, but his actions - and his pathetically weak explanations for them - show nothing but arrogance and rank incompetence. As usual for Disney, their writers are too stupid and unimaginative to write competent villains who are defeated by smart, creative and talented heroes, so they default to idiotic villains defeated by improbably lucky heroes who only succeed by pure fiat and contrivance.
@rmartinson19 3 ай бұрын
It's funny how immediately dismissive you were towards Stargate, because Dark Matter's set deign, ship designs, space battle sequences, cinematography, and often its character interactions and general vibe were all much closer to the middle and late seasons of Stargate SG-1 and Stargate: Atlantis than it ever was to Firefly. Which is fitting, since Joseph Mallozzi (one of the co-creators of Dark Matter) was one of the main writers for all three Stargate tv shows.
@jesternario 3 ай бұрын
Firefly was an interesting Traveller campaign made into a TV show, if you ask me. It follows the game’s formula well, and it had the Wedon charm. The second biggest hurdle for any renewed series for this is Jose Wedon himself. The man’s style has evolved and changed and any series he makes today will be difficult from a show he made over twenty years ago. On that note, if you are into any TTRPG stuff, can you take a look at Traveller sometime? Maybe Battlestar Galactica?
@oscarobrien5304 3 ай бұрын
Also I don’t think getting rid of the ISD is a good idea the 2 death stars could easily fund some venerators and corvettes for an imperial strike team the isd venators along with tie fighters would make an unstoppable strike force
@oscarobrien5304 3 ай бұрын
Fun can’t the coast guard is also somewhat a wartime branch in ww2 the drivers/gunners of amphibious landing vehicles were coast guard one even got the Medal of Honor and I may be mistaken but I think in Korea they had a combat role as well
@davidponseigo8811 3 ай бұрын
CR-70 not CR-75. Another mistake.
@TheHispanicHombre 3 ай бұрын
This show should have gotten another season to bring closure to the each characters ark. I loved this show and enjoyed every episode.
@37jsully 3 ай бұрын
I liked Dark Matter when it was out. Man sad it was canceled.
@joecardinal2930 3 ай бұрын
I cannot focus on what this dude is saying because of the music... I hear words but they mean nothing.
@merm7th 3 ай бұрын
I watched and enjoyed it a lot. Android was my favorite as well. I found its vibe closer to farscape than firefly.
@madcapmonster 3 ай бұрын
it was a good show but not on the level of firefly
@bjones6381 3 ай бұрын
This show (Dark Matter) which I truly like is more along the lines of Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda than Firefly which I also liked. Firefly is more of Outlaw Josey Wales. I know I am mixing genres. The reason being is Josey and Firefly is about a ragtag group of people who have chosen to be together. Were Dark Matter the crew is forced to be together in this series. Also, with Dark Matter the series goes back and explains each person motivations and quest to get back to their normal after memories are returned.
@YoMamma-dy8gu 3 ай бұрын
I liked this show for the first 2 seasons but then it suddenly veered into painfully stupid territory. The whole mirror universe thing. The "Blink drive." The Asian guy's whole Hamlet thing. All terrible. Honestly I wish the show had focused more on Android.
@TheeGreyGalaxies 3 ай бұрын
I agree that it constituted a major shift in the plot, and made for a 3rd season that barely felt like it was the same show. but in all fairness, the groundwork for those elements was being laid all the way back in season one, so it's not like they just ran out of ideas and decided to go full star trek on us.
@jameskillbot2867 3 ай бұрын
Dark matter more interesting than stargate? Big nope.
@YoMamma-dy8gu 3 ай бұрын
@Reulorics It's so good to re-watch with your kids too. You can pick up any random episode and trust that it's okay for your 9 year old kid to watch.
@I_Don_t_want_a_handle 3 ай бұрын
Watched it some years ago after a recommendation from a friend. It was OK but had a few hackneyed tropes that were already boring at the time, specifically the girl boss, nerdy techy and the metal (wo)man wanting a soul. The series dying on a cliffhanger was also a shitty move by the studio. Ultimately it was fun to watch but the disappointing ending ruins it.
@YoMamma-dy8gu 3 ай бұрын
And the most hackneyed of tropes: a mirror universe where everyone is EVIL. 🙄 I liked Android because she already HAD basic emotions and it was considered normal. I remember reading that the actress was given the direction "Don't be Data."
@johnlee3899 3 ай бұрын
Sy-Fy cancelling Dark matter to keep running killjoys a 3rd wave intersectional feminist wet dream was bloody criminal.
@migmigjohnson9351 3 ай бұрын
Maybe some people weren't really taken in by a 120 lb woman taking down men twice her size. The series could had been good regardless, but to some people it's like a cockroach egg on their favorite ice cream.
@migmigjohnson9351 3 ай бұрын
If you haven't seen Firefly, don't. After you're done watching serenity and realizing that was the end, you will be scarred for life.
@bobb4you 3 ай бұрын
Three all the way,
@plasmabazooka4403 3 ай бұрын
Please drop the music. It is so annoying.
@JunkVWs 3 ай бұрын
Was watching when it came out, loved it. felt like a guilty pleasure some episodes, but overall was awesome. I should rewatch it 🙂Number 3 was my favorite
@nanoflower1 3 ай бұрын
I remember watching it as it came out. I loved the show and was saddened by the cancellation of it without a proper end.
@TJH1 3 ай бұрын
No, it's a Canadian remake of "Blake's 7"!
@Lucian028 3 ай бұрын
It was okay for a time
@johnwiebe8581 3 ай бұрын
I remember watching it a long time ago, It was definitely interesting with the amnesia plot and the characters discovering themselves. As the name suggests it was a dark, gritty world they portrayed which can be refreshing or psudo-realistic compared with ST:TNG. I do remember a significant cliffhanger on the last episode I watched, but honestly the characters didn't come to memory; even after watching this video. I might rewatch it but I'm in no rush.