I do really like your content because you're a breath of fresh air when the modern youtube is just people yelling or talking very loudly and very fastly at the camera. Lots of sharp edits and harsh cuts etc. I like your laid back and casual approach to these videos that I can relax to and smile about the memoires. The only games on this list I even played were Mario Kart and Pokemon Stadium. I'm not sure why but all the BEST nintendo games just never made it into my family's collection and my best memories of it are actually when I grew up and went back to play Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. I beat EVERYTHING in goldeneye to the max difficulty. I got absurdly good at that game and no one would play multiplayer with me anymore haha. Perfect Dark was insanely good but I've always had a thing for shooters and those are pretty much the only two FPS on the entire system worth playing. Yes I've tried doom 64 and it just doesn't feel like an FPS to me. Otherwise, me and my bros rocked pokemon stadium and snap a lot. Back when we were kids and rated M games were nowhere to be found. A bit of star wars podracer but that game was a bit difficult for a kid. We had superman which was genuinely an awful game. I don't know how it made it out of development. There's no way they got actual kids to playtest that. I still can't figure it out as an adult. A pain to play. Otherwise it was sports games for my bros (don't care for them myself) and Rampage with my friends! That was fun but didn't have much replay-ability like smash but like I said, I didn't touch any of these games except Mario Kart and Pokemon. We had the Super Mario 64 but didn't play it too much because it was hard and we got stuck A LOT with no internet or manual to help us learn controls. It took us years to finally learn the extremely long jump because of how long it took us to find that one or two signs that actually tell you how to do it along with actually learning to execute it and not just kill your jump and fall to death. Sorry, long comment but I've never met anyone who played as much 64 as you ever. (no I don't get out much or know many people)
@DMFF_YT Жыл бұрын
I'm so happy to hear that you enjoy my videos! And yes, I played so much N64 back in the day and even sometimes today! I've played some absolute stinkers on there as well and I share your pain with Superman. That game was literally unbeatable casually. Luckily, we only got it as a rental from our local supermarket (just thinking about that is hilarious. The 90's were a wild time.), So it wasn't any huge loss. I contemplated putting Banjo-Tooie or Goldeneye on the list, but I ultimately settled on the fact that the controls for the 1st-person sections are so antiquated. A keyboard and mouse mod does exist for Goldeneye and it's REALLY good, but that doesn't really keep the spirit of the N64, y'know? I have great memories with friends playing Goldeneye back in the day though. It was the shooter we played before Halo came out and blew our minds! Thank you for your well-thought comment and I hope you get to experience some of these awesome games in the near future!
@TheQueenOfGames69 Жыл бұрын
I'm surprised that Super Mario 64 didn't actually make the list. Great list nonetheless though!