The Unfolding Restoration Lesson 22: Plural Marriage

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@brb5506 2 жыл бұрын
You handle a difficult subject with meekness, openness, and sensitivity. You give one of the best short explanations of the subject I've read or heard.
@ab87184 Жыл бұрын
My step father is 87 year old. He grew up in Vancouver, Canada where there weren’t many church members. He was teased a lot about polygamy. He served a mission in Sweden back in the 1950’s. While in Sweden, he met a very old member of the church who had joined when she was 16- her family kicked her out of the house. My step father said, “you joined the church when polygamy was still being practiced. How did you deal with it? What did you think about it?” This old lady looked my step father in the eyes and said, “I never had a problem with it. Elder- you listen to me. When the Lord gives a commandment, He gives understanding with that commandment. When the Lord takes the commandment away, He also takes the understanding away”.
@phariseeinrecovery7181 Жыл бұрын
God never commanded polygamy. All true scripture preaches against it. Joseph never practiced it. In fact, Joseph preached against it publicly often. To believe that he practiced it in secret while publicly denying it is to believe that he was a liar, fornicator, pedophile and duplicitous. I believe that Joseph was a true prophet and was framed by wolves in sheep's clothing pretending to be his friends - including Brigham Young, John Taylor, Willard Richards, Heber C. Kimball and other. Polygamy was Brigham's apostate invention. Study the provinance of D&C 132. Didn't show up until 8 years after Joseph was martyred. #132 wasn't canonized until 1876 when it replaced the original D&C 101, which commanded monogamy. So much evidence against polygamy.
@lindaayre 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Brother Sweat. I have really appreciated all your videos. I love your style. This week has been a feast for me as I have dug into D&C 132 and listened to several other excellent podcasts on the principles in that section. I made peace with polygamy many years ago but continue to study its place in church history, partly because I see how many people struggle with it. I love the C.S. Lewis quote and believe that his statement is true for us, not only personally, but as a church collectively. If more of us would face this issue with real humility and diligent effort to understand the true doctrine, motives, sacrifices and consecration that was involved in its practice, not only would our own conversion and discipleship be strengthened,but the whole church would rise in faith and faithfulness.
@kaejohnson1448 2 жыл бұрын
Though plural marriage in the church is difficult to understand, my testimony is not in plural marriage, my testimony of truth is in God. And when I read the Book of Mormon, I find beautiful and precious truths there that exist no where else, and many beautiful second witnesses to the Bible. It is a book from God, I know that because God has confirmed to me through much prayer and study that it is true. I feel the Holy Ghost when I read it, and it comforts my heart and answers my questions just like the Bible. God still speaks, and He can speak to you if you will study and ask Him questions in faith. ❤️
@danite620 2 жыл бұрын
I am glad that you had the courage to make this video . As far as the principal of plural marriage gos , I know that Joseph Smith was the lord's profit chosen to restore his church on earth. Consequently , I know that the commandment from God . That is good enough for me .
@michaelmichaelc1748 2 жыл бұрын
Thanking you so much for your insights and research you have done into the practice of plural marriage. I was speaking to a brother who comes from Nigeria who said to me . I don't understand what all the fuss is about with regards to plural marriage. Where l come from it is practiced all the time. It was a norm in his society. Accounts l have read or heard was that there was no compulsion to practice it but Joseph taught them to ask the Lord and see what his will is for them and from the scriptures it seems clear if the Lord commands the Lord prepares a way and our lives will be blessed. The Lord prepared a way for Abraham. Faith obedience and sacrifice are such important Christian doctrines. Serving a full time mission required me to lay all l had on the altar. I didn't want to do it but the Lord kindly and gently showed me over a period of time it was the right thing to do. And although l went to serve the Lord and his other children my life too was and continues to be blessed today as a result of it. The Lord does not forget our labour of love for his name s sake. God bless you and all your loved ones ❣️. Please keep up the good work.
@wwsandbe 2 жыл бұрын
This is brilliant! I learned so much. I always thought that it was to populate the growing church. Wow! There is so much more to it! Thank you Anthony!
@jacquelinelockhart3905 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for such an enlightening talk. I now understand about dynastic marriage in our history
@sharonhall4486 2 жыл бұрын
Your presentation was so so enlightening. I see where this is such a roadblock to many but after studying deeply and listening to the words of our leaders I know that I can pray and ask God for confirmation. It is promised to us. We also need to prepare ourselves with knowledge to meet the questions asked by our children, grandchildren and friends. Because I believe with all my heart in the restoration of the gospel, I can truly say that I have found a peaceful understanding of plural marriage. Thank You
@bonnielarsen7022 2 жыл бұрын
This was one of the most comprehensive and thoughtfully- researched discourses I’ve ever heard on the principle of plural marriage in the early days of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Your insight and sources broadened my understanding and gave me a much clearer perspective of the “why” behind, and true nature of, the practice. I also appreciated your emphasis on the fact monogamy is the Lord’s standard, with exceptions as directed, and our focus should be on our willingness to be obedient and sacrifice to carry forth His work.
@charlesmendeley9823 2 жыл бұрын
And do not forget to pay tithing to the multi billion dollar enterprise.
@siumanspringer2014 2 жыл бұрын
Always being uplifted and inspired by your candid lecture. Each of us assigned different journeys on earth and have our special blueprint according to our spirits and preparation in Pre Earth Life. I am just grateful to be born in this generation.
@kellysmithmarketing 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for an excellent presentation on this difficult subject. The detractors of the church dig up every salacious reference they can find to denigrate the church, yet serious study reveals those sources were detractors themselves who invented the references. I pray that people will humble themselves and seek the truth regarding not only this subject, but they really important ones like faith, repentance, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, Revelation, having a modern Prophet and Apostles on the earth today, and a host of other things. Thanks again Brother Sweat and thanks for that painting and describing its symbolism. Being a fellow artist, I appreciate what it takes to make those.
@gwendolynwyne 7 ай бұрын
Just thinking how it is possible that Section 132 is “not our revelation”…? I guess, technically, since it was never accepted by common consent, you’re right! Love this interpretation, thank you.
@laloifilealofi9628 Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this pure story of plural marriage
@richardmanwaring5786 2 жыл бұрын
This is one of the best presentations I have listened to in addressing straightforwardly some of the very difficult aspects of plural marriage. I will say that I am glad we don’t rely on historian methodology in the legal system. For example, if I were approached to participate in an illegal and morally repugnant act and I not only refused but made my story public back in the 1840’s, not only would I have been smeared as the women were who rejected church leaders’ overtures, I would later be labeled an “antagonistic” source and deemed less credible. I personally feel that the same scrutiny then should be applied to those who were, on the other extreme, ardent supporters, as they may have conveniently omitted uncomfortable realities in their own accounts. Regardless, there are an adequate number of historical accounts from faithful followers that corroborate the patterns reported by antagonistic sources. At best, the practice of plural marriage in Nauvoo was horribly executed, with its secrecy, deception, pressure, and threats of loss of salvation to many of the women and girls. At worst, it is as we now admit the Priesthood Ban to be: based on false doctrine, and probably the single most damaging principle to the church. I have a firm testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ and I am grateful for my membership in the church. But I do recognize that we are deeply flawed, including our leaders. And I can accept the goodness that they encourage and the inspiration and good revelation received while at the same time recognize that they sometimes get it wrong…really wrong. I also recognize that I could be wrong. So, I will simply keep doing the best I can to follow the Savior and seek His light while being willing to accept that certain narratives may need to change.
@jenniferwallace8161 2 жыл бұрын
I feel the exact same way.
@jlyman1942 2 жыл бұрын
So basically following your legalistic thinking is to just decide which side of the coin you like better and go with that 🤔.. good luck with that.
@richardmanwaring5786 2 жыл бұрын
@@jlyman1942 Not at all. What I mean is that there are people who take any antagonistic source “with a grain of salt” while ignoring the similar biases of faithful sources. We need to look at both very carefully and since you can recognize patterns in many of both types of accounts, there is definitely some validity to even the antagonistic sources. Also, look, one of the reasons so many people leave the church over things like this is that most members have been given 2 narratives: 1. That either the individual is a false prophet or 2. That “when speaking as a prophet” they are always right. Interestingly, for many teachings we no longer accept, we have decided they simply weren’t speaking as prophets. However, to those prophets and everyone they were speaking to at the time, they WERE speaking as prophets. So when someone reads accounts of some extremely disturbing teachings and you have those 2 narratives, even one mistake means “he must not have been a prophet at all” and people leave the church. Either that, or they try really hard (and sometimes fail) to rationalize why God would command such a thing, often just throwing their hands up and declaring “we just weren’t meant to understand right now”. I don’t accept either narrative since I have seen both the good brought about and I can also recognize the bad. Like almost everything in life, including individuals and organizations like the church, we are neither all good nor all bad, but something fuzzy in between, and trying to become better each day. Almost nothing in church history is as black and white as we have generally been taught.
@jamesclawson9243 2 жыл бұрын
I am with you. I appreciate how you acknowledge both ends as possibilities and you still don't know which is the case. Its uncomfortable sitting in the grey area but so often a grey conclusion is all we can responsibly conclude. The more I learn about history, the gospel, and the world the more I realize how much I don't know and how much we as the human race don't know. I too have a strong faith in Jesus Christ and what I believe to be His restored Church. Thank you for your faith.
@iam9tpercent 11 ай бұрын
What i got from your video is God commanded it. End of discussion. Thank you brother
@StompMom5 8 ай бұрын
Of course men are in favor of it. Funny thing...a man commanded it and still to this day continue to support it. 🙄
@littleredhen3218 7 ай бұрын
God didn't command any such thing. They are perpetuating lies that you WANT to believe.
@ldsdanz 2 жыл бұрын
Unbelievably instructive. Thank you once again, Anthony.
@kraz4paper220 2 жыл бұрын
Wow! This was so good! I think I took 7 pages of notes! Thank you SO much for addressing this hard topic and for reminding us in the end of what we have committed to doing in the temple. I’m so grateful to have you as one of the teachers in my life!
@jenniferfiso42 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your time talents and knowledge with the rest of us. You have enriched my life. Thank you Brother Sweat.
@sunshineandhappiness6014 2 жыл бұрын
This was so interesting to listen too. Ive listened to several KZbin’s on this subject by you excellent teachers. Ive learned with every one I’ve listened too. As a single sister in the church at age 50, never married with no children. A member all of my life. I kind of understand why some wanted it. There may be more men than woman in the church, or an equal amount, but of men that are worthy priesthood holders active in the church etc it feels hard to find good men to date. I can see why only certain men were allowed to do this. I myself am a direct descendant from Brigham young, his 2nd wife. Mary Ann angel. The prophet is now married to two women in this earth life. I don’t know if he was married to Wendy in the temple? But there will be two women he’s sealed too. So doesn’t that make plural marriage a thing in the eternities?
@denaecoco400 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your perspective as a single woman. I know that through plural marriage all righteous men and women will have the opportunity at the highest degree of the celestial kingdom and have the blessings of an eternal family. Yes, President Nelson and Oaks are both sealed to two women, as are many others.
@cheripierson2742 2 жыл бұрын
Your painting is awesome! Thanks for all you do👏👏👏
@jenvasseur6547 2 жыл бұрын
I needed this for my Seminary lessons last week... better late than never.
@traceyjones7866 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for bringing me insight and a different perspective on a topic I have struggled with. You have do e a fabulous job and brought peace to my heart. Bless you!
@r.t.matila7647 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Brother Sweat! You are helping many, even Latter day Saints, understand why our dear Prophet had to obey the practise of plural marriage. I always knew that it was not of our prophets will, but a higher command given to him, but oh, how tremendous the burden was for him and all though asked to practise it. These ppl were the Salt of the Earth. Ever faithful and obedient, trusting God.
@leslieshelton1835 2 жыл бұрын
I agree that it was difficult for the prophet to implement and he had to even have his life threatened by angels to get him to do so. We always mention how the women, the 1st wives, may have felt initially but perhaps when they prayed to receive confirmation they realized it was just as much of a test for their husbands as well since husbands would not be able to practice this out of lust and I'm sure that was a temptation for some of the men even if it was never recorded in their journals for us to read about.
@renatemckendry104 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this difficult lesson. You did an awesome job! I do still have, at times, a problem with this subject, and am glad that my testimony of the church is strong!
@98layton 2 жыл бұрын
You say that "plural marriage is not our revelation," but you forget that most women in the church at some point end up having to consider that if they die before their husband, and then their husband is sealed to another woman, then they will indeed have to "reconcile" themselves to this practice -- if not in this life then certainly in the next. So it's not so simple. This is not to distract from your earnest presentation. I do appreciate it, and I think it was well done. But that one section fell flat, and always does for me when anyone in the church says: "We don't practice it anymore." I always want to respond sort of do...
@denaecoco400 2 жыл бұрын
I agree. President Nelson and Oaks both currently have more than one wife. The practice was taken away because the Saints were not up to living it as a whole. The Lord could have allowed plural marriage to continue if he desired it. As we are working towards Zion, and Zion is built on celestial law, we can expect plural marriage to return. Do we want to be a part of Zion?
@richardmanwaring5786 2 жыл бұрын
@@denaecoco400 the practice was stopped because the government was threatening to confiscate church property, particularly temples, and President Woodruff had to decide which was more important: continuing a cultural practice that was never historically an important “doctrine” even biblically but somehow rose to become the pinnacle exalting doctrine of the church, OR allow temple work to continue. I think he made a good call. Those who didn’t agree tended to start fundamentalist splinter groups, and understandably. It’s a hard thing to be told for decades how vital plural marriage is, only to be later told “we’re just going to stop doing this thing now.”
@CarolineAnderson5678 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly! This is one part as to why people have a problem with polygamy…bc it’s technically still practiced/endorsed for men. It still puts women in a lesser than position, and the Heavenly Parents I know don’t believe women are lesser than.
@denaecoco400 2 жыл бұрын
@@CarolineAnderson5678 In our culture and traditions, we have a hard time seeing plural marriage as God does. Through our eyes, it may appear only advantageous to men and not women. However, I know that Heavenly Father has a different perspective than us. His plan is giving us his fullness of glory if we are worthy, to include plural marriage. Because I know Heavenly Father loves me, I absolutely have faith that plural marriage exalts and is glorious for both men and women.
@MrDofB 2 жыл бұрын
Being sealed to someone is not a "sentence" forever to it. Sealing is to unit the children of mankind. While there is an end to "giving in marriage" at the resurrection, previous to that, during the millennium, there is still choice. Even now, a child has to be sealed up. That is where the Links come from. Even if his parents were divorced. If there was another marriage, they can also be sealed in order to seal UP the children born to them. That tells me there is more to this than we know and understand. To me it is about the way it has to be Organized in an Order to unit ALL the children.
@suliceakana8936 2 жыл бұрын
So grateful for your time, love for the Lord, and for the opportunity to learn more, God bless you and your posterity
@melanieboles3134 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you So much for all you do to enlighten us. I just love the knowledge you share.
@davequist7086 2 жыл бұрын
From Diane Quist - wow! I really enjoyed your presentation on plural marriage. I’m going to say that it is probably the best explanation I’ve heard. However, now you’ve got me worried about what we will be asked or are asked to be obedient on. I appreciate your statement, “it is not our revelation”.
@lorigreen4134 2 жыл бұрын
Very insightful. Thank you for your humble approach Dr. Sweat. I loved the painting of Joseph and Emma. It helped me understand how difficult this must have been for them, just like it is for us today.
@awfulwaffle1341 2 жыл бұрын
That was actually maybe the best articulation of the plural marriage issue I have ever heard. I didn’t expect that.
@marjillapitan5771 2 жыл бұрын
Brother Sweat, I appreciate this video series and learn so much from it. Thank you!
@dwightbaldwin7934 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for another excellent presentation, it was very helpful.
@anthonyyim4461 2 жыл бұрын
This channel reminded me of all the great religion classes at BYU! Thank you.
@wendyfoster5579 2 жыл бұрын
I love this and especially the quote from C.S. Lewis!! Thank you for your insights especially what you said about this not being a doctrine for our day and I have always agreed with regard to animal sacrifices.
@lobsterfyit 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this. I really loved listening to this. A hard topic but helped me understand it better
@micheleh3851 Жыл бұрын
I believe that God knows my heart and would not place me in a kingdom after death or in a situation in the next life where I would be miserable and unhappy for eternity. Therefore, I take comfort in faith that my eternal reward will not include polygamy. There's no motivation or point to live a righteous life here on earth if we can't look forward to eternal joy.
@icecreamladydriver1606 Жыл бұрын
Well said.
@leslieshelton1835 2 жыл бұрын
What types of Abrahamic sacrifices do you think we possibly are asked to offer up today? There seems to not be such tough requirements from myself or my family in our days as was asked of those in times past. Am I just not grasping the laws of obedience, sacrifice and consecration as I should? How do I and my family "get" more Abrahamic that our sacrifices asked of us today are worthy ones? ..... by the way, you presented an amazing video on this topic. Its what started me thinking more deeply about my own sacrifices or lack of them.
@marymabey9858 2 жыл бұрын
This is a humbling idea for me to consider..
@denaecoco400 2 жыл бұрын
I think in coming days you will have more opportunities for Abrahamic tests in your life. The reinstatement of celestial law, to include plural marriage, as we build Zion will be a huge test for many members. As President Nelson counseled, strengthen your spiritual foundation now so you will be able to withstand the tests.
@richardmanwaring5786 2 жыл бұрын
I think all of your sacrifices are worthy, but personally I would never seek to be “blessed” with an Abrahamic sacrifice. You would essentially be asking, “Which of Your commandments would You like to ask me to break to prove my utmost devotion?”
@leslieshelton1835 2 жыл бұрын
@@richardmanwaring5786 I personally do not feel I would need to break any commandments to prove myself. Instead, I feel its more like what is the most difficult if not almost impossible act/behavior for me to give willingly to Him that's above and beyond what I already do.
@richardmanwaring5786 2 жыл бұрын
@@leslieshelton1835 I actually completely agree with that first sentence. I think we’re just getting hung up on how we each define Abrahamic sacrifice. I am simply looking at the original example of Abraham himself, and if something doesn’t meet the same conditions, I don’t consider it “Abrahamic”. Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son, going against what God had specifically commanded people not to do. He was asked to break/contradict one of God’s own laws to prove that he would do whatever God asked. I believe any sacrifice we make for the Lord is appreciated by Him, and a willingness to sacrifice the things we cherish for His sake when asked, is indeed noble, as I think the second part of your reply touches on. But I just don’t know about desiring this type of scenario of “Hey you know how evil it was that your dad almost sacrificed you and I told you all not to do that? I now want you to do that to your own son to see if you’ll do whatever I ask.” Also, Abraham didn’t have to go through with it. So a true Abrahamic sacrifice would also not require someone to even break the commandment…which makes it a stretch to me to apply it to plural marriage, except when Joseph asked for Heber Kimball’s wife but then didn’t go through with it at the last minute. Of course he later married Heber’s 14 year old daughter so that part I wouldn’t consider Abrahamic, just wrong.
@burtnolan 2 жыл бұрын
Great presentation Dr. Sweat.
@elisebalmer3797 2 жыл бұрын
Such an important video here. Thank you!
@ensignj3242 2 жыл бұрын
I’m glad you are doing this because enemies of the church are talking about it in a mocking way. I do have questions about polygamy but I take it by faith because I have received a testimony of the Book of Mormon and therefore KNOW Joseph Smith is a prophet.
@denaecoco400 2 жыл бұрын
I love your testimony! I challenge you to extend your testimony to include plural marriage, as it is an eternal and celestial principle. I know you can gain one of it as you have of the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith.
@traceythorup1547 2 ай бұрын
My great, great grandfather was sent to jail for living polygamy. I wouldn’t be here without that practice.
@marymabey9858 2 жыл бұрын
This was really good. Like the previous comment it makes me wonder about my personal sacrifices. I do wonder though and need to study is how it changed from this dynastic idea with Brigham Young. Much to ponder❤️
@tinacarvalhoBodyandHealth 8 ай бұрын
Well said thank you. I also heard of Joseph's plural marriages were married women pregnant; thus dispelling the notion that there was intimacy . Practice of physical contact during heavy pregnancy was not engaged into in those days , as a practice - therefore he was showing the Lords Hand in having people linked His way - more than the sex minded thought often associated with negative heated debate of this topic
@thedailydump7407 2 жыл бұрын
It saddens me to hear the prophet Joseph slandered by someone who ought to be defending him. When I realized God is able to defend His church without me and allowed myself to stop being an apologist for the church and simply study doctrine and history with an open mind, I could see very clearly Joseph was honest in his disdain for polygamy and consistent efforts to stamp it out of the church. For example it is clear that section 132 was doctored after Joseph’s death to be significantly different than its original form. And each supposed evidence of Joseph practicing polygamy can be rather easily deconstructed. Brigham Young and other apostles claimed to have first learned about polygamy by revelations while away from Nauvoo on missions. If we believe they were prophets, seers, and revelators that should be good enough to accept it. Why insist that Joseph Smith was involved in it?
@ToddCellaUtah 2 жыл бұрын
Amen! There’s is too much evidence out there now that he fought against it publicly and privately! Please stop speaking evil of the Lords anointed by teaching that he was an adulterer. Please stop perverting the eternal nature of women. Please stop perverting the eternal nature of our Heavenly Parents by teaching this is of God. It is not. The Book of Mormon is clear on polygamy. It stinks the church’s curriculum dept can’t revise this subject. Too many Mormons KNOW that Joseph, Hyrum and Emma spoke the truth about polygamy! We should believe then!
@icecreamladydriver1606 Жыл бұрын
@@ToddCellaUtah I add my Amen! Evidence that the church has, for whatever reason has kept secret.
@elainew6441 2 жыл бұрын
What you said about this is not our revelation explains exactly how I have accepted it in the 50 years I've been a member of the church. I don't know how I would deal with it if it was required of me but I don't think that's going to be one of my tests so I'm not worried about it at this point. Excellent job brother sweat
@larryofaz6502 Жыл бұрын
Oh, but it is required of you. By your login name, I'm guessing you are female. If you're married and sealed to your current husband, and you die, and he remarries, he can be sealed to this new wife. You are now a polygamist wife. If he dies and you remarry, you don't have the same option. The Church still practices polygamy. Don't believe anyone who tells you otherwise. It is still "our revelation". Only it's serial polygamy, not the parallel polygamy as introduced by Brigham Young and Heber Kimball, et al.
@bartercoins 2 жыл бұрын
After my grandmother died, my grandfather married again. He then joined the church and both his dead first wife (my grandmother) and his living second wife, were sealed to him, making him a modern-day polygamist. Do you still think that the plural marriage revelation isn't in operation today? The keys of the church are used to put living and dead people into plural marriage _in this way_ , precisely because of the laws of the land that prohibit it among living spouses. When the laws of the land suddenly change, and they _will_ , the church will start openly practicing plural marriage among living spouses. Just as Roe vs. Wade was overturned _suddenly_ and _unexpectedly_ , so the laws against polygamy will be removed seemingly overnight. In the meantime, we only openly practice monogamy and keep our mouths shut about this principle's return.
@ggrace1133 Жыл бұрын
Wait, whaat? It is going to come back in this life? How do you know this?
@desgood1495 Жыл бұрын
I think so...
@jum5238 9 ай бұрын
My understanding of baptism in African countries is that men culturally married to more than one woman are not allowed to be baptized into the church. It was more openly discussed then, but now I haven't heard anything addressing the dilemma that these families are put under to join the church and be baptized or even take on them temple covenants and ordinances.
@littleredhen3218 7 ай бұрын
​@@jum5238 This is why gay marriage and plural marriage are in the same boat. Neither is from God. Just because the African nation want to be plygs doesn't mean God will change his mind about polygamy and Gay marriage to accommodate their lifestyle. God is unchanging. Monogamy is the marriage system of God. a careful study of Church history and the restoration of the gospel does not allow for abomination.
@SloanTSmart Жыл бұрын
But God never commanded Abraham to do it. It was culturally acceptable.
@normanfobert7272 11 ай бұрын
Marriage is not a commandment either.
@danaroberts4409 2 жыл бұрын
You mention that plural marriage is a big issue with many members. If your viewers only give this subject 37 minutes and then move on, that makes us "lazy learners ". If the Sacrament and Baptismal ordinances must be done word perfect, then why did Joseph not receive word perfect instructions for such a high ordinance other than an angel with a drawn sword saying: "just do it!!" I decided to learn more last year during lockdown when I was reading the "Saints " book, Vol. 1 Page 490. This caused me quite a cognitive dissonance. Joseph married the young Partridge sisters without Emma's knowledge, then later he convinces her to it and so they do a mock wedding again with Emma witnessing but never tell her about the first ceremonies. My God is a God of order. It makes it look like God views Emma as no more significant than mashed potatoes. This is chaos, and it appears to be reverberating throughout the ages causing pain and anguish in people's lives to this day.
@jennyelsie 2 жыл бұрын
I agree. It just doesn't add up. I understand reverence for sacred things, but it doesn't feel right how Joseph Smith & the early members had to practice polygamy it in such secrecy. If it's truly a commandment, why would the Prophet swear people to secrecy? Probably because at the time, there were laws against bigamy and they were technically all breaking the law. But wait--Joseph Smith writes the 12 Articles of Faith (that reference honoring and sustaining the law), meanwhile at that very time breaking the law by practicing polygamy. 🤔
@stacy6994 2 жыл бұрын
Have you ever lied to your spouse because you took loyalty to your parents instead?
@Hala-ataa 2 жыл бұрын
I’m totally with you. The harsh, but clear explanation of all this is that Joseph did not, in fact, ever practice polygamy. He never condoned it. It was a conspiracy within some leaders of the church and they spent the coming years after his death trying to weave these stories into church history and pin it on him. There is no contemporary evidence to back up the fact that he did it. Only hearsay 3rd hand stories from decades later. If this seems entirely out of Jospeh’s character, that’s because it is! He is innocent! And the JS Papers project has brought this to light.
@brianthorne1656 2 жыл бұрын
I like that you note that this is not "our revelation". To build on this, the Prophet holds the key of knowledge (D&C 84: 19). When the Prophet has not turned the key of knowledge, the Holy Ghost is restrained from teaching and testifying. We can try to learn everything we can about Polygamy but without the Prophet's authority and the influence of the Holy Ghost to teach and testify we will be left to ourselves. We will end up chasing our tail and feeling lost, perhaps in a stupor of thought as noted in D&C 9: 9).
@jamesclawson9243 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I'm not sure that's what the key of knowledge is. I don't think the Prophet controls/governs the Holy Ghost, the 3rd member of the godhead. But for sure we are limited in our knowledge both because those involved are dead and pretty much all historical records are ambiguous to varying degrees.
@cherylwilson8519 Жыл бұрын
Yep, don’t reconcile, just accept. Even if through trying to understand you still feel uneasy about something, just do it. The premise of how Polygamy was supposed to be accepted as is everything given to us in our day. Just go along with it…🙄I wonder why C.S. Lewis never was baptized into the Mormon church.
@elizacragun4697 2 жыл бұрын
One of the most perplexing things about polygamy is it's seeming one-sidedness (in favor of men). Biologically, this is the natural arrangement for replenishing population when there are many more women than men. Biologically Speaking. But it would seem from past and current practice that polygamy also exists in the eternities. Does this mean that more women will be eligible for exaltation than men? It's been called an "Abraham sacrifice" but the sacrifice seems to be more on the part of women than men. Perhaps, in some ways it's similar to the Buddhist idea of letting go of attachments (in this case a selfish attachment to a spouse). Still, it seems one-sided. And contradictory to church teaching on the enduring nature of family relationships. Perhaps polygamy has a purifying effect on the nature of those relationships (I e. "If you love someone, set them free ")? Except this idea STILL seems to only apply to the women. Even though early church leaders who practiced it say it was repulsive to them at first, it's hard for us to see it as something difficult for a man (other than financially). I suppose this is where we are all getting hung up in our understanding 🙂. Also, many struggle with just monogamous marriage.
@jamesclawson9243 2 жыл бұрын
Good question. I think it is possible but until we receive more enlightenment on the subject I wouldn't put much money on it. Definitely a fun one to wrestle.
@jennyelsie 2 жыл бұрын
@lunadelsol735 2 жыл бұрын
Love the art explanation!
@swedishlina 2 жыл бұрын
How do you reconcile with JS marrying other saint’s wife's, while they were doing the Lord’s work away from Navoo? If Father is all knowing, why did he only restore plural marriage for only 60 odd years?
@angelinaanderson481 Жыл бұрын
OK this is the best video that I have ever seen for a sincere description on the possible reasons for polygamy. That I Nastik version was some thing I had no idea of. I do know that the Lord requires some of the greatest sacrifices and for many women that would be a great sacrifice And sometimes just as Abraham was with Isaac we have to be tested to see if we would have enough faith to win that challenge. Thank you for a beautiful description of possible wise, I do know that no matter what , I believe in the restoration of the gospel and then if it were to come about that I was required to do this I would so.
@littleredhen3218 7 ай бұрын
Abraham was stopped from killing Isaac. I see no one stopping anyone from practicing polygamy. Stupid analogy. God requires a broken heart and a contrite spirit. That's the New sacrifice unless you didn't get the memo.
@marthaabrahamson6813 2 жыл бұрын
We have faith that the Lord will work it out and explain it to us in the next world it's not that hard to understand
@charlesmendeley9823 2 жыл бұрын
You avoid the fact that you have been fooled by a conman.
@karenmartin5647 Жыл бұрын
We do practice polygamy today in a limited way in that a woman is only sealed to one male, but a man can be sealed to each wife (as one passes away and he remarries).
@avoice423 2 жыл бұрын
Why would the Lord do This? The quick answer is found stated by the prophet Jacob. Part of my opinion is the sacrifice on the part of women to set aside their jealousy, and men to set aside their self time giving their life in service to family.
@vickiheath6133 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this information.
@jillannholmes 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I need this better understanding of plural marriage. Three of my genealogy lines come from the Nauvoo period of plural marriage and it has helped me better understand the practice.
@gailjenkins9197 2 жыл бұрын
I live in north carolina, I have always been told, since I was a little girl, that I am akin to Joseph Smith. I did not really know about him until I was much older.
@jillyncomstock2284 Жыл бұрын
Why could the sword angle not appear to Emma and give directions to her?
@icecreamladydriver1606 Жыл бұрын
Or the girl who was not complying with polygamy..............
@pathfindermom4007 2 жыл бұрын
Even if you can try and explain polygamy away there is no excuse for Smith practicing polyandry....marrying women who were already married and sealed with living practicing LDS husbands. Many of these women were married to Smith while their husbands were away on a mission. Marrying a 14-year-old, telling women to keep the marriages secret, telling women that an angel with a flaming sword would strike him down if they didn't marry him, and marrying a mother/daughter which the bible explicitly prohibits are just a few issues that cause many to doubt the validity of the LDS doctrines. If this comment is removed I'll understand but history is history.
@matthewsailors3153 Жыл бұрын
Hi Pathfinder! I can understand why you feel as you do. From a woman's perspective, polygamy in general and polyandry in particular are just plain strange and hard to deal with. I'm grateful, firstly, that Christ is the Center of my faith, and He does away with unrealistic expectations for His servants, such as presentism and perfectionism. Our faith, our focus and our foundation must be in Christ and in Him alone (Helaman 5:12). But when we face difficult questions and issues with Christ at our side, we grow spiritually whether we get the answers we want or not. I recommend this video for further information from a faithful source. She happens to be a woman so I find her perspective particularly compelling and empathetic. I hope you enjoy it and that your faith in Christ brings you peace in this, His restored Church. I witness that He lives and that this Church has always been and will ever be in His hands. :)
@icecreamladydriver1606 Жыл бұрын
It never happened. Joseph and Hyrum both fought against it. Only after Joseph was dead and could not defend himself did all the allegations come forth against him.
@amynazza Жыл бұрын
Saints Unscripted has a video on this subject where they dive into the historical evidence of polygamous physical relationships (consummation) taking place. Its a great video, I recommend you check it out. It shows facts and references instead of gossip and hearsay.
@danpiedra3910 2 жыл бұрын
Having been a member of the Church all my life and having served a mission, served in many capacities I still do not understand it. I do think that the application of this principle had to be as tough on men as women. Let us not assume that things were easy for those brethren who entered into this practice. I for one would never be able to do it nor would I want to.
@jdrobinson4865 2 жыл бұрын
I think it was harder on the women. Don’t forget, one the U. S. started to enforce the illegality of polygamy, second and third wives were driven “underground” keeping their marriage hidden. Most of these women had very little support and lived very poor without public support from their husbands. They also had to live with the knowledge of a shared sexual relationship of their husbands without fully knowing what was happening.
@rayesafan9628 2 жыл бұрын
@@jdrobinson4865 yeah, I think the biggest thing was those hidden wives raising families as single moms. That would have been so hard!
@jdrobinson4865 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, some of the first-hand accounts are gut wrenching. So terribly hard for these women and children. Many were destitute. The church would have been far better off and even scientifically would have produce more offspring in better better family conditions without polygamy.
@talbertofdz 2 жыл бұрын
A great 👍 explanation of it.
@elizacragun4697 2 жыл бұрын
I think the concept that the Lord chooses the wives is pretty key. Perhaps we should involve the Lord more in choosing our monogamous relationships as well 🙂
@ruthboehmer8483 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you. Your lessons are very informative.
@ChaChaDancin 11 ай бұрын
Polygamy is diametrically opposed to Christian marriage. The fact that Joseph and his friends had to practice it secretly and lie about it publicly should raise some big red flags for any honest person.
@karinabloom135 2 жыл бұрын
This maybe why she didn't follow the saints to the valley, I can understand better why she stayed away
@NancyKimmerle Жыл бұрын
Is there a statistic of how many single women were in The Church in this time period? Is there a ratio of women to men? In my younger years I was irritated by this doctrine. I asked my grandmother, the granddaughter of a polygamist, "What was it like? really?" She answered, putting her hands on my shoulders, "In my home, we loved each other." That was all the comment she would make. Thank you for this presentation and all the others.
@zon3665 2 жыл бұрын
There's a great book by an LDS author that shows that there's perfect harmony between the prophetic statements concerning the garden of Eden being in Missouri and the Old Testament account concerning the garden of Eden. It's called Canaan, Babylon, and Egypt A Comparative Theological Analysis on Creation sold by Eborn Books.
@SloanTSmart Жыл бұрын
Do you go over the Happiness Letter in this series? Pretty smoking gun, since Leaders and BYU professors quoted from it, without giving the context of how we have it.
@StillThinkingAboutIt 2 жыл бұрын
"Plural marriage isn't Our Revelation" But is plural marriage Still a True principle, Today? If it was brought back by the church today, would you practice it? Is it plural marriage when a man's wife dies, and he then gets married, and sealed eternally, to another woman?
@michaelciccone2194 Жыл бұрын
This plural marriage topic caused severe problems for Joseph Smith's youngest son. DAVID HYRUM SMITH. His son was a prolific preacher for the Reorganized LDS... eventually he had to be hospitalized at the Elgin, Illinois hospital for the Insane. His wife never forgot him all those years while he was hospitalized.
@novawarren5089 Жыл бұрын
Did you read the Talk of Orson? Coming back from a missionary Trip About he asked for forgiveness if he was wrong about Jesus Christ.Got a wonderful holy experience of Jesus Christ might been married to different women who were around him while he was alive and some had children, not saying that they were his own, but taken care of Nothing else has ever been said about the talk not even from Prophet Young 💙♥️
@mwagoner7531 2 жыл бұрын
Love these videos -- Question -- why are these videos followed with a disclaimer and the other BMC videos are not?
@dork2dork 2 жыл бұрын
06:10 Joseph Smith said, "Mormonism is Truth." Is it? According to Prophet Nelson, using the word Mormon is, "A major victory for Satan." And is offensive to God. Shouldn't have Joseph said, "The Church of Jesus Christ is truth?"
@charlesmendeley9823 2 жыл бұрын
We are talking about a rebranding here. Nelson wants to get rid of "Mormonism" exactly because it is connotative with polygamy.
@troyjohnston4089 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate your efforts to inoculate members of the LDS church through these videos and your artwork. Your efforts to be as transparent as you can be is refreshing and I’m glad that you encourage listeners to read the gospel topic essays. It’s disturbing that 76% of BYU students surveyed in your class did not take issue with plural marriage!! That’s astounding, but sadly not surprising. I’m confused that you would be confused by animal sacrifice and not express similar confusion about God’s sacrifice of Jesus. Allow the purported atonement of Jesus to be enough rather than perpetuate false extrapolations and experiments. You quoted someone that said, “Mormonism is truth.” This statement is painfully untrue. The truth claims of the LDS church are not true. It’s so difficult to let go of our tightly held and hard-fought beliefs, but in doing so, you’ll be able to be more honest and true. Let’s stop perpetuating error by making efforts to faithfully understand Joseph’s secretive implementation of polygamy. Though the sources are limited, there’s enough to discern what is right and what is wrong. Obedience, sacrifice, consecration? How about love, goodness, and respect. If there is an afterlife, these three principles will get us to the right place without the subservience to a confusing God that commanded D&C 132.
@hollow_1115 Жыл бұрын
Can't imagine God commanding any man to participate in plural marriage against his will. The only thing that can make sense in this issue is that the prophets in question already had a desire to participate in plural marriage and God allowed it in order to not put his servants in a position of condemnation so long as the plural marriage is done in righteousness and not for the wrong reasons such as lust or other carnal desires. Whether anyone wants to believe plural marriage can be done in righteousness or not should certainly be a topic of discussion.
@c.l.888 2 жыл бұрын
I would love to know what happened to these plural wives when Joseph was martyred. Also did any pregnancies result from them. I have never heard that they did. Seems like it would have if they had relations.
@richardmanwaring5786 2 жыл бұрын
Most of them were essentially divvied up between Brigham Young and Heber C Kimball (and a few others) as their wives for time but were sealed to Joseph for eternity. At that time to be sealed to someone dead for eternity meant whoever stood in as proxy became your husband for “time”. We don’t have definitive knowledge of any births/pregnancies during Joseph Smith’s life though there are some references to suggest it happened
@jenniferwallace8161 2 жыл бұрын
After watching another video, I learned that DNA has proven that there's only 1 possible child of Joseph's from polygamy but it can't be proved with current technology. If I'm explaining it right, the living descendant also had other Smith heritage so they couldn't tell if the DNA match came Joseph Smith or from the other Smith's that married into that line.
@SloanTSmart Жыл бұрын
I am 6 minutes in, and you haven't said anything about the ins-and-outs of Polygamy. The problems. Let's get specific.
@icecreamladydriver1606 Жыл бұрын
Go to the channel called 132 problems. Michelle stone has done very extensive work on this. Hemlock knots is another channel where you will find a lot of truth unveiled. The Book of Mormon is true and Joseph was a real prophet.
@littleredhen3218 7 ай бұрын
Yes go watch 132 problems. You will learn stuff you never considered because the church doesn't teach it. Even though they have access to the records in the Joseph Smith Papers and other sources they won't release like the rest of William Clayton's journals. There is a completely different narrative to consider in if you are interested in getting to the bottom of the truth
@jacbox3889 Жыл бұрын
collapsed in despair is wonderful?
@misfyresalot 11 ай бұрын
Why is it that there are no proven children from these other marriages... particularly if there were sexual relationships between any of them. If it was simply for the sealing aspect, why was there sex involved? Makes no sense
@jum5238 9 ай бұрын
In support of the dynastic marriage concept, I believe Joseph was sealed to other men as well.
@novawarren5089 Жыл бұрын
Was C.S.Lewis ever baptized after his death,in family, baptized in the church?
@stacy6994 2 жыл бұрын
I am a business owner if I am to hire a manager I train from bottom up. So there is an understanding of how each job is done so it can be managed well. Is it possible to teach someone to be a prophet and restore a church with doctrine practice of old, is it possible HF taught JS carefully and thoughtfully. Maybe JS was told to do it to complete or fulfill doctrine once done it was dissolved and we moved on?
@charlesmendeley9823 2 жыл бұрын
He had an affair with the maid Fanny Alger before the First Vision. Plural marriage was created to justify his extramarital affairs and to coax women in.
@icecreamladydriver1606 Жыл бұрын
@@charlesmendeley9823 The Fanny Alger event never happened. It was fabricated, along with all the false documents of his polygamy, after he was dead, in order to make it right for those who were practicing polygamy.
@novawarren5089 Жыл бұрын
I look at it this way, Joseph Smith had many years of being taught, some things he didn't have permission to write everything down Even if you don't see it in the Holy Bible in the end, and The Book of Mormon This was a certain time and their Time Not our Time. Will it come again? It's up to Our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to tell our Prophet.
@SloanTSmart Жыл бұрын
The Essays admit that all the stuff I was taught growing up was Anti-mormon is true. And the Essays are heavily spun. Helen Mar Kimball was just shy of 15, which means she was 14.
@icecreamladydriver1606 Жыл бұрын
I have done much research and I now believe Joseph Smith was not a polygamist so he wasn't apedophile either.
@SloanTSmart Жыл бұрын
@icecreamladydriver1606 the Gospel Topics Essays (put out by the church) admit to polygamy and polyandry. So I am not sure what research you've done, but it is clearly not enough. The only reason given for polygamy in DC 132 and Jacob 4 is to raise a righteous seed. So sex was a factor. Why wad Helen Mar Kimball not allowed to go to dances with boys her age?
@icecreamladydriver1606 Жыл бұрын
@@SloanTSmart I am not sure what you are talking about in Jacob 4 as that talks about Christ and things other than polygamy. Jacob 2 sternly speaks against it and you can back that up in Jacob 3. Yes there was polygamy but what they left out was all the information about Joseph, Hyrum and Emma fighting against it. There was much adultry taking place by the "brethren" and Joseph was trying to stamp it all out. You don['t need polygamy to raise up righteous seed. Adam, Noah and his sons, Lehi and his sons all proved that. 132 was handed to Brigham Young and was very changed from the actual content of what Joseph supposedly said. Helen Mar Kimball event didn't happen and neither did Fanny Alger. Why the leaders choose to accept the lies, I don't know.
@SloanTSmart Жыл бұрын
@icecreamladydriver1606 explain the Happiness Letter. Besides, Joe did bang Fanny Alger. Oliver Cowdry said so. He cheated on and lied to Emma. He tried to get with Nancy Rigden, and wrote her the Happiness Letter. Prophets and Apostles, and even BYU professors quoted it, including professor Sweat here, and ascribe it to Joe, bit without the context of the letter.
@icecreamladydriver1606 Жыл бұрын
@@SloanTSmart Prophets and apostles say lots of things. Remember the infamous letter encouraging members to take a toxic jab and called it safe and effective? Do you know the date that Oliver Cowdry's statement was disclosed? A whole lot of things were said after Joseph was dead. Including the Happiness letter. I don't really care what people who are on the church payroll say and BYU is pretty much under scrutiny so I wouldn't put too much faith in them.
@jlyman1942 2 жыл бұрын
"This isn't our revelation" and the C.S. Lewis quote don't work well together.... it isn't my revelation is just running from it. If you can say that then eternal marriage isn't our revelation either since D and C 132 is where we get the eternal marriage idea. And if we can start eliminating revelations based on that logic then the manifesto isn't our revelation either since it was to those same people in that day. This was very insightful but there's only one problem. It's not true. If it is why did 11 of the Twelve in the 1890s have more children and take more wives AFTER THE MANIFESTO?
@brb5506 2 жыл бұрын
What he means by "this isn't our revelation" is that God commands some things to some people and other things to others. Plural marriage was forbidden to the Nephites -- that was their revelation -- but commanded, or at least allowed, to the early Latter-day Saints -- that was their revelation -- and then once again not allowed after the Manifesto. Whatever God commands is right for its time and place. Saying "this isn't our revelation" is not running from the problem; it is acknowledging that there are things we don't understand because we were not of others' times and places or because God has not revealed them to us personally or to the Church collectively. It is trusting that all things will be revealed in their time and in their place and in God's way. Even though the Manifesto ended the practice officially, it continued because it took time for people to accept that what they had sacrificed so much to obey was no longer allowed. It takes time for people, especially as they grow older, to adjust to new commandments and practices. The Lord knows this and is patient with us in our weakness. The bottom line is this: What has the Lord commanded each of us both through His servants and through the Spirit? On judgment day, everyone will be accountable to God individually. What each of us believes and what each of us does is a matter of individual responsibility. And each of us will be judged as mercifully as we have judged others.
@ChaChaDancin 11 ай бұрын
If you feel uneasy about it, that’s because it is wrong and your conscience is telling you so. Crazy how Mormons latch onto any warm fuzzy feelings as “evidence that the Spirit is telling you it’s all true”, but are taught to ignore any uneasy feelings and to “doubt your doubts, not your faith”. So obviously a fraud. Wake up, please!
@ChaChaDancin 10 ай бұрын
@@simonthewelshman I was raised in a strong Mormon family and was taught that polygamy was something that God instructed Brigham Young to do, just temporarily to support the widows whose husbands had been killed by mob violence. Even when I was a child, my conscience told me it was wrong, but uneasily accepted it. Imagine my surprise when, as an adult, I learned the truth about how polygamy was “revealed” and practiced…
@simongarner3753 2 жыл бұрын
If it was a dynasty marriage and the point was not to have more children, then why did he have sex with several of his wives?
@VardniK10 9 ай бұрын
Jesus teaches the higher law of marriage in the New Testament of one man and one woman.
@BGCflyer 2 жыл бұрын
Does the current LDS Church uphold the principle of plural marriage?
@craigcondie9723 2 жыл бұрын
Plural marriage was required of a minority of members from the timeframe Anthony mentioned. It was never obligatory (By the man or the woman). Outside of that timeframe, the churches stance is that a marriage is consists between 1 man and 1 woman. In the year 1998, a previous prophet and president (Gordon Hinckley) stated: "“If any of our members are found to be practicing plural marriage, they are excommunicated, the most serious penalty the Church can impose.".
@jdrobinson4865 2 жыл бұрын
Plural or celestial marriage as it was called at the time was obligatory in a sense because it was required to reach the highest level in the celestial kingdom. This was a doctrine that use to be taught more…that there’s three levels in the celestial kingdom: 1) for non-married, 2) for monogamous marriages, and 3) for polygamous or celestial marriages. Polygamy started with Joseph, but by the time it ended was practiced throughout almost the entire church.
@charlesmendeley9823 2 жыл бұрын
Several general authorities are sealed to two wives.
@SloanTSmart Жыл бұрын
But are you okay with Joesph lying to Emma? Emma didn't do anything wrong, she reacted justifiably. What about Emma finding Joseph Smith banging Fanny Alger in the barn? That is why Oliver Cowdry was excommunicated, because he called it a nasty, filthy affair.
@icecreamladydriver1606 Жыл бұрын
It never happened so there is nothing to worry about. A lot of our history has been changed from Brigham Young onward.
@charlesparsons3280 2 жыл бұрын
I have no problem with plural marriage. I think it would have been a great opportunity for a lot of single sisters to have the blessings of a family. I would gladly be part of that and would have supported my husband’s decision if it had been required of him.
@elliottjackson7632 Жыл бұрын
God taught his children to do animal sacrifice in similitude of the atoning sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ. Those who practiced it were doing so a commandment of God. As we keep His commandments, whether we fully understand them or not, we are blessed. I believe those who followed the commandments to practice plural marriage were also blessed. Isaiah 4
@jum5238 9 ай бұрын
I was engaged to a woman who accepted that if polygamy was commanded by the Lord, she would do so. I marveled that she would give up so much (in my eyes) to be faithful to the Lord. As a man I was willing to do so as well, but not strictly for sexual purposes, but to support women who might not otherwise have companionship or a helpmeet. (I would anticipate intimacy as it related to fulfilling needs or desiring children.) I didn't marry her, though I believe (for other reasons) that my cohesion with a friend and spouse would have been much better with her. I married another woman who is even now enduring a crisis of faith over this element of the gospel, and has stated she wants no part of it. I also have had to explain to her that if she were to try to put herself between me and the Lord (and she has in church or temple attendance, or fulfilling my calling as a ministering brother, particularly to females assigned to me and my companion, etc), she would not prevail. I put the Lord first. It's been a difficult marriage. I felt I received revelation regarding these two women that spoke to my ability to get to the Celestial Kingdom, but that it would be a much more difficult path with my wife (than with the other woman, who I greatly admire for many aspects of her spiritual nature.) It would have been an easier path with the woman I was engaged to previously. It's a struggle I deal with often in my choice, because of the difficulty of the path I'm on. I endure for a number of reasons, but especially because I was told I'd make it to the celestial kingdom. It's difficult in that I have not been sealed to my wife despite my desires, and it's been difficult enough to where I struggle with the possibility that she may change her mind at some point. It's been a bit of a living hell.... she doesn't share the same spiritual priorities, and she's so very judgemental and presumptuous about how she believes I should live my life, and even presumes to know what I'm thinking and why, assuming the worst of me. I find it difficult to even be a friend at times.
@cpt.moroni3092 2 жыл бұрын
Are you able to prove it’s not required for exaltation. God seemed pretty clear in the revelation as given to Joseph
@charlesmendeley9823 2 жыл бұрын
There is no positive mention in the Book of Mormon, only negative... If the BoM is the cornerstone of the LDS, Polygamy should never have happened.
@cpt.moroni3092 2 жыл бұрын
@@charlesmendeley9823 are you referring to Ezra Taft Benson?
@charlesmendeley9823 2 жыл бұрын
@@cpt.moroni3092 Jacob 2:24-,26
@cpt.moroni3092 2 жыл бұрын
@@charlesmendeley9823 do you understand the context of what was happening with the Nephites? I believe Joseph Smith was a prophet of god. I don’t believe he was doing what the Nephites where doing. Aka committing whoredoms because of the things which were written concerning David, and Solomon.
@charlesmendeley9823 2 жыл бұрын
@@cpt.moroni3092 I know the context, but from what I have read, I am rather inclined to believe that polygamy was not of God but that Joseph Smith invented it for pleasure. His affair with Fanny Alger predated even his First Vision, so any claim of a plural marriage to her is an attempt to backdate things as an excuse for Emma.
@afriend7370 2 жыл бұрын
We know Abraham Jacob and also Moses king David and king Solomon. Had many wives. It also exist it Way back in Adams day. Genesis chapter 4 verse 19.
@denaecoco400 2 жыл бұрын
Right, plural marriage is an eternal principle, and the foundation of the highest degree of the celestial kingdom.
@janetjsharp 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for your efforts. But why can we not believe JOseph and Emma when they asserted time after time, to the ends of their lives that they did nothing but preach against polygamy and try to eliminate it from the church?
@vickyhenderson22669 2 жыл бұрын
What about Mutah and yoma marriage 💑 ?
@juliawood4772 2 жыл бұрын
PA p
@ivelissejimenez2344 Жыл бұрын
I follow Yeshua which is Jesus's name in Hebrew. I don't follow Joseph Smith.
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Joseph Smith's FULL letter written while in Liberty Jail - featuring John W. Welch
Doctrine and Covenants Central
Рет қаралды 23 М.
The Unfolding Restoration Lesson 25: Continuing Revelation in the Modern Church
Doctrine and Covenants Central
Рет қаралды 10 М.
Jared Halverson - Don't Let a Good Faith Crisis Go To Waste
Faith Matters
Рет қаралды 126 М.