Does 1 Corinthians 8:6 Disprove Christ as God?

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Light over Dark Ministry

Light over Dark Ministry

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#ExJW #Apologetics #Bible
In this Chicken Scratch, I'll explain 1 Corinthians 8:6. Many use this as proof Jesus isn't God, however I'll show it actually says the opposite.

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@benz8421 2 жыл бұрын
I love your videos bro. Keep up the great work
@SaturnSnapple 2 жыл бұрын
Former witness turned Atheist here. I gotta say I’ve been binging your videos lately and you make really amazing stuff. Easy to follow, well reasoned, and well researched. Keep up the good work, I really love watching these!
@LightoverDarkMinistry 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks I really appreciate that.
@randomiumolica 2 жыл бұрын
If God is one than how can he be three persons? Why would Jesus pray to himself if he is God? Does it not sound like Shiva and Vishnu prying to each other? What does begotten mean in “Jesus being a begotten son”. Isn’t Jesus a picture of God manifested in human form? If yes, then what about the first two commandments? If God is “all-loving”, then why is there a hell? Will non-Christian monotheistic followers of 10 commandments be saved? Will Jesus, if he is a God, forgive polytheism? Why dis the prophets from Adam to Abraham and from him to the one before Jesus NOT preached crucifixion for salvation? Did Jesus die? How did death overpowered the creator of death? Even if Jesus is positionally below the true God, still his divinity must be enough for Him to overpower his creation which did not happen; but why? If Jesus, Holy Ghost and the father are equal, then why will The God not salvate those how pray to him through the name of the Holy Spirit instead of the name of Jesus? Did Jesus took away the sins of Jews and Muslims of the future too? If Jesus took away all the sins, then why is NOT believing in him being a God still a sin? If Jesus took away all the sins then what is the reason of the day of judgment? If all the sins of all are taken, then why is there repentance? Why will a Jew, a Muslim or an Atheist go to hell if he doesn’t believe in what happened tens of twenties of centuries before his birth? People back then saw miracles of Christ and got eternally saved by believing in Him, but what miracles can people of 2022 have to believe in Jesus? If your answer is Bible, then why does Bible have scientific inaccuracies as per the human logic that God gave him? Why does Bible need interpretation, must it’s verses not be straightforward? Where is Jesus Christ as a God in the Old Testament? Can God order evil? If not, then why are there verses of God ordering evil to his prophets? Does God only have three persons? Can I bow down to God? Did anyone of the prophets or disciples prostrated Jesus? Did Disciples prayed to God unseen and omnipotent? If yes, then why did they not prayed to Jesus who is seen and present in front of them? If they prayed Jesus, then what would be their psychological reaction on seeing Jesus crucified? Will God send me to hell for asking or writing these Questions? Does Jesus love him who loves him, but not as a God because of the logical limitations of his neurones that God created? Who is the father and mother of Adam? Does having no biological father means one is God? Are the people to be produced via genetic engineering God? If Hindus destroy all their idols and worship only to Krishna, their true God; will it still be monotheism if they claim Krishna has a begotten Son? If Jesus can eat and drink, then why can Parvati not cook food for Shiva? If Jesus does not know about the fruit of the fig tree and still be a God, then why can Shiva not be a God if he does not know about his son? Did Jesus send Moses to Jews? If yes, then why did he not send clear prophecy of the arrival of a God as a Human Christ? Is it just to kill me only because my brother killed your brother? If not, then why is this justified that the only begotten Son of God be killed because of the sins of others? Is this out of the love of God? Does this imply God sacrificed his son for his creation out of love? Does this imply God loves his creation more than His Son? Was God in flesh only for a brief period of time? Did God change himself for that period of time? Can God change himself? If God can change himself and his words, will He change his rules for Pharaoh so that he can be saved to out of the love of God? Did God know about the original sin? Why did He not stop Adam from eating the apple so that salvation can be granted without the sacrifice of a human god? What is the actual claim of Bible? Does that actual claim has any proof for the people of today? Who is anti-Christ? Can anti-Christ resurrect people from dead? If yes, then he would have the same proof for his claims as Jesus had for his. What is the real name of God? Did that name come in the Old Testament? What did Abraham use to call God in his prayers? Can I pray, “O God of Abraham, save me!” Will asking this alone give me salvation as a gift from God? Will praying this without the name of Christ save me because I’m asking for the love of my creator? Is Bible word of God or of Jesus or of the Holy Spirit? Then why does it not make any such claim as the book of a fellow religion Islam claims that No one can alter Quran which was sent in seven different accents? Why does Bible not claim or provide proof of its claim that it’s free from errors? Does fruits tell the truthfulness of a prophet? Then where is the fruit of the prophet Lot? Who is the final messenger? Are there any prophets today? Can two true prophets contradict? Does following the Ten Commandments be sufficient for the salvation of the non Believers? Who are the non-believers? Did Jesus die for non-Believers? How will creation be judged on the day of judgment? Will the judgment be according to the knowledge or logic people were given or whether the hell and the paradise are pre written in the destiny? Will someone be judged for something he has not done? Why is imagining lustrous things already adultery? Is there any verse saying that the ten generations of a bastard are in hell? If yes, then what is the genealogy of the children of Lot as per the biblical accounts? Is Christianity a Natural religion as per the nature of God’s creation? If yes, then why is the biggest factor of people leaving Christianity is 1+1+1=1? If you say it’s 1*1*1, then why can’t it be 1*1*1*1*1? Why God can’t be four or five? If God can have a Son, can he have a father or a wife? Who is the father of Jesus? Who is the father of the father of Jesus? Can God do anything? Can God manifest as space-time as he did in the form of Jesus? If God can be a God in flesh, then why can’t a God be a God in flesh of a Cow as Hindus claim? Who is the author of Bible? What is Bible? Is Bible the proof of Christ? Does everyone need Christ? Does everyone need Bible? Is Bible for everyone? How is the holy Bible for everyone if people prove that it has inaccuracies? If not Bible, what is the proof of Jesus Christ? Is that proof the arrival of the Holy Spirit? Does Holy Spirit not prove Jesus to everyone? Do Hindus not claim that Kali manifest in them as the priests claim that the Holy Spirit has come to them? If God can come as Jesus and walk on Earth and have a shadow and pray to the father, then why can’t Narayan came as Ram and eat and kill and walk on Earth? What is monotheism? Can a God have a Son in monotheism? Why do Jews consider is a polytheism and Muslims regard it as blasphemy? If a Hindu love Jesus, will Jesus love him? If Mohammad love Jesus, will Jesus love him? If I love Jesus, but Not consider him God as per the logic and knowledge and circumstances that God gives me, will Jesus love me?
@mattmurdock2868 2 жыл бұрын
@@randomiumolica Jesus did not pray to Himself, He was praying to the Father. No one thinks the Father and the Son are one person. They are one God. The name of the God of Christianity is YHWH. Father. Son. Holy Ghost. One God. The Godhead. YHWH. The Son was praying to the Father, not to Himself. Within the Godhead, Father and Son speak to each other, regularly. Here, Father speaking to the Son, addresses Him as "O God," a title belonging to the Christ. But to the Son He says: "Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your Kingdom." Heb.1:8 Christ is "O God."
@randomiumolica 2 жыл бұрын
@@mattmurdock2868 Jesus was not praying to himself but to a God and Jesus himself is God. Isn’t it two Gods?
@mattmurdock2868 2 жыл бұрын
@@randomiumolica YHWH is one GOD. Not one PERSON. Father is YHWH. Son is YHWH. Spirit is YHWH. ONE God. The Godhead.
@Monsy77 22 сағат бұрын
The phrase "The LORD said to my Lord" comes from Psalm 110:1 and is quoted in the New Testament, notably in Acts 2:34-35 and Matthew 22:44. This passage is significant in understanding the identity of God and the Messiah in the context of the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament. Here’s a closer look: ### Psalm 110:1 (Hebrew Scriptures) In Hebrew, the verse is: "הֻנְּאֹם יְהוָה לַֽאדֹנִי שֵׁב לִימִינִי עַד־אָשִׁית אֹיְבֶיךָ הֲדֹם לְרַגְלֶיךָ׃" Transliterated: "Ne'um Yahweh la'adoni: 'Shev limini, ad-ashit oyvecha hadom leraglecha.'" Translated: "The LORD says to my Lord: 'Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.'" ### Analysis of Terms - **"The LORD" (יְהוָה, Yahweh)**: This is the personal name of God, often rendered as "Yahweh" or "Jehovah" in English. - **"my Lord" (לַֽאדֹנִי, la'adoni)**: This term "adoni" means "my Lord" and can refer to a superior or master. In the context of Psalm 110, it is understood as referring to the Messiah. ### New Testament References #### Acts 2:34-35 Peter quotes Psalm 110:1 in his sermon at Pentecost: "For David did not ascend to heaven, and yet he said, 'The Lord said to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.”' #### Matthew 22:44 Jesus quotes Psalm 110:1 while questioning the Pharisees about the identity of the Messiah: "The Lord said to my Lord, 'Sit at my right hand, until I put your enemies under your feet.'" ### Significance - **Divine Dialogue**: This verse depicts a conversation between two divine figures: Yahweh (God the Father) and adoni (the Messiah, understood in the New Testament as Jesus Christ). - **Messianic Identity**: By quoting this verse, Jesus and the apostles emphasize that the Messiah, who is Jesus, holds a divine status and authority given by Yahweh. - **Christ's Authority**: The New Testament use of this verse highlights Jesus’ exalted position at the right hand of God, signifying his authority and divinity. ### Conclusion Psalm 110:1, with its phrase "The LORD said to my Lord," is crucial for understanding the relationship between Yahweh and the Messiah. It affirms Jesus' divine authority and role within the framework of biblical revelation, connecting the Old Testament depiction of God with the New Testament understanding of Jesus as Lord and Messiah.
@inTruthbyGrace 2 жыл бұрын
excellent video... !!! Seriously brother!! Do you have another channel about high efficiency packing or small space organizing bc you do an AMAZING job of squeezing TONS of stuff into the smallest of videos! WOW! I've watched this video 3 times, I still have more to digest... I'll be back later but I need a nap first. :D
@Episcopalianacolyte 2 жыл бұрын
I love how the deniers will not watch the video before commenting. You did a fantastic job explaining this. I have to watch it again and take notes.
@scottgrey2877 2 жыл бұрын
You did not win 😂
@Episcopalianacolyte 2 жыл бұрын
@@scottgrey2877 there was no contest with prizes.
@Episcopalianacolyte Жыл бұрын
@@scottgrey2877 still won't watch the video?
@Episcopalianacolyte 4 ай бұрын
@@scottgrey2877 the Bible says JESUS was born of a virgin and the HOLY SPIRIT. _the _*_laws of conception_*_ requires that HE received his nature equally from both the HOLY SPIRIT and Mary._ The fact that JESUS was a man proves this. If HE received HIS nature from Mary only, HE would have been a SHE. The nature of the HOLY SPIRIT is GOD and JESUS is GOD because that is how the *laws of conception* work.
@zaylock9276 3 ай бұрын
I like the explanation but please consider goong trough this a bit slower, I had to watch this in 0.75 to follow what you were saying
@danielcarranza1957 Жыл бұрын
Boom ! No noooo! 😂 ❤ Glory to the king of kings JESUS CHRIST ! Amen.
@jeremiahrowesr.3130 2 жыл бұрын
For us, Paul writes, there is indeed one God. He is the Father. All things come from Him and we exist for Him. Also, there is only one Lord. He is Jesus Christ. All things exist through Him, including us. Paul's declaration of the one God and Lord as Father and Christ is masterful and clarifying. Together, both Father and Son exist as one in the Trinity with the Holy Spirit. They are distinct in their roles and functions and yet, mysteriously, still one. I could be wrong on this but this is what I believe.
@LightoverDarkMinistry 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I personally believe he's not referring to God the Father, but Father as in "our father". however, from an apologetics point, that's really hard to argue, so best approach from the way most unitarians are viewing the verse.
@jeremiahrowesr.3130 2 жыл бұрын
@@LightoverDarkMinistry absolutely agreed
@randomiumolica 2 жыл бұрын
If God is one than how can he be three persons? Why would Jesus pray to himself if he is God? Does it not sound like Shiva and Vishnu prying to each other? What does begotten mean in “Jesus being a begotten son”. Isn’t Jesus a picture of God manifested in human form? If yes, then what about the first two commandments? If God is “all-loving”, then why is there a hell? Will non-Christian monotheistic followers of 10 commandments be saved? Will Jesus, if he is a God, forgive polytheism? Why dis the prophets from Adam to Abraham and from him to the one before Jesus NOT preached crucifixion for salvation? Did Jesus die? How did death overpowered the creator of death? Even if Jesus is positionally below the true God, still his divinity must be enough for Him to overpower his creation which did not happen; but why? If Jesus, Holy Ghost and the father are equal, then why will The God not salvate those how pray to him through the name of the Holy Spirit instead of the name of Jesus? Did Jesus took away the sins of Jews and Muslims of the future too? If Jesus took away all the sins, then why is NOT believing in him being a God still a sin? If Jesus took away all the sins then what is the reason of the day of judgment? If all the sins of all are taken, then why is there repentance? Why will a Jew, a Muslim or an Atheist go to hell if he doesn’t believe in what happened tens of twenties of centuries before his birth? People back then saw miracles of Christ and got eternally saved by believing in Him, but what miracles can people of 2022 have to believe in Jesus? If your answer is Bible, then why does Bible have scientific inaccuracies as per the human logic that God gave him? Why does Bible need interpretation, must it’s verses not be straightforward? Where is Jesus Christ as a God in the Old Testament? Can God order evil? If not, then why are there verses of God ordering evil to his prophets? Does God only have three persons? Can I bow down to God? Did anyone of the prophets or disciples prostrated Jesus? Did Disciples prayed to God unseen and omnipotent? If yes, then why did they not prayed to Jesus who is seen and present in front of them? If they prayed Jesus, then what would be their psychological reaction on seeing Jesus crucified? Will God send me to hell for asking or writing these Questions? Does Jesus love him who loves him, but not as a God because of the logical limitations of his neurones that God created? Who is the father and mother of Adam? Does having no biological father means one is God? Are the people to be produced via genetic engineering God? If Hindus destroy all their idols and worship only to Krishna, their true God; will it still be monotheism if they claim Krishna has a begotten Son? If Jesus can eat and drink, then why can Parvati not cook food for Shiva? If Jesus does not know about the fruit of the fig tree and still be a God, then why can Shiva not be a God if he does not know about his son? Did Jesus send Moses to Jews? If yes, then why did he not send clear prophecy of the arrival of a God as a Human Christ? Is it just to kill me only because my brother killed your brother? If not, then why is this justified that the only begotten Son of God be killed because of the sins of others? Is this out of the love of God? Does this imply God sacrificed his son for his creation out of love? Does this imply God loves his creation more than His Son? Was God in flesh only for a brief period of time? Did God change himself for that period of time? Can God change himself? If God can change himself and his words, will He change his rules for Pharaoh so that he can be saved to out of the love of God? Did God know about the original sin? Why did He not stop Adam from eating the apple so that salvation can be granted without the sacrifice of a human god? What is the actual claim of Bible? Does that actual claim has any proof for the people of today? Who is anti-Christ? Can anti-Christ resurrect people from dead? If yes, then he would have the same proof for his claims as Jesus had for his. What is the real name of God? Did that name come in the Old Testament? What did Abraham use to call God in his prayers? Can I pray, “O God of Abraham, save me!” Will asking this alone give me salvation as a gift from God? Will praying this without the name of Christ save me because I’m asking for the love of my creator? Is Bible word of God or of Jesus or of the Holy Spirit? Then why does it not make any such claim as the book of a fellow religion Islam claims that No one can alter Quran which was sent in seven different accents? Why does Bible not claim or provide proof of its claim that it’s free from errors? Does fruits tell the truthfulness of a prophet? Then where is the fruit of the prophet Lot? Who is the final messenger? Are there any prophets today? Can two true prophets contradict? Does following the Ten Commandments be sufficient for the salvation of the non Believers? Who are the non-believers? Did Jesus die for non-Believers? How will creation be judged on the day of judgment? Will the judgment be according to the knowledge or logic people were given or whether the hell and the paradise are pre written in the destiny? Will someone be judged for something he has not done? Why is imagining lustrous things already adultery? Is there any verse saying that the ten generations of a bastard are in hell? If yes, then what is the genealogy of the children of Lot as per the biblical accounts? Is Christianity a Natural religion as per the nature of God’s creation? If yes, then why is the biggest factor of people leaving Christianity is 1+1+1=1? If you say it’s 1*1*1, then why can’t it be 1*1*1*1*1? Why God can’t be four or five? If God can have a Son, can he have a father or a wife? Who is the father of Jesus? Who is the father of the father of Jesus? Can God do anything? Can God manifest as space-time as he did in the form of Jesus? If God can be a God in flesh, then why can’t a God be a God in flesh of a Cow as Hindus claim? Who is the author of Bible? What is Bible? Is Bible the proof of Christ? Does everyone need Christ? Does everyone need Bible? Is Bible for everyone? How is the holy Bible for everyone if people prove that it has inaccuracies? If not Bible, what is the proof of Jesus Christ? Is that proof the arrival of the Holy Spirit? Does Holy Spirit not prove Jesus to everyone? Do Hindus not claim that Kali manifest in them as the priests claim that the Holy Spirit has come to them? If God can come as Jesus and walk on Earth and have a shadow and pray to the father, then why can’t Narayan came as Ram and eat and kill and walk on Earth? What is monotheism? Can a God have a Son in monotheism? Why do Jews consider is a polytheism and Muslims regard it as blasphemy? If a Hindu love Jesus, will Jesus love him? If Mohammad love Jesus, will Jesus love him? If I love Jesus, but Not consider him God as per the logic and knowledge and circumstances that God gives me, will Jesus love me?
@randomiumolica 2 жыл бұрын
@@scottgrey2877 yeah, one person praying to a person of upper status. Also, according to Bible, David is the BEGOTTEN son of God, NOT Jesus.
@randomiumolica 2 жыл бұрын
@@scottgrey2877 that’s how you derive meaning. Psalm 2:7 says that David is the begotten son of God. Where as, the word begotten from the verse “God so loved the world…” is thrown out as fabrication indicating that not Jesus but David is the begotten son.
@jwdefensor8055 2 жыл бұрын
1 Corinthians 8:6 disproves the trinity doctrine altogether. Only “The Father” is identified as our God, and only “The Son” is identified as our “Lord” . Of course there are other texts were “The Father” is called “Lord” and Jesus is called “Theos” or “god”, however, *never in the sense of* “ *The One God* “, “ *The Father* “, as per Paul’s own words.
@LightoverDarkMinistry 2 жыл бұрын
And because he says one God, only the Father is God. Is the Father Lord?
@jwdefensor8055 2 жыл бұрын
@@LightoverDarkMinistry He is The Sovereign Lord as per Acts 2:34-35.
@LightoverDarkMinistry 2 жыл бұрын
@@jwdefensor8055 agreed. But I thought only Christ was Lord?
@jwdefensor8055 2 жыл бұрын
@@LightoverDarkMinistry Yes, Jesus has been appointed, *by The Sovereign Lord* , to be the only Lord who oversees all activities *on behalf of Jehovah God* . (Acts 2:34-36)
@LightoverDarkMinistry 2 жыл бұрын
Ok then. Did the Father stop being the sovereign Lord? Is the Father still sovereign Lord over his creation?
@Bowen12676 Жыл бұрын
This verse doesn't disprove that Jesus is God. What it does disprove, though, is that God is a Triune Being. The verse quite clearly defines the one God as "the Father". If God was in fact a triune being, as the trinity doctrine maintains, then why would Paul claim that he is "the Father"? The trinity doctrine says that the triune being is NOT the Father! Really, if Paul was a trinitarian, this was an excellent opportunity for him to say something more like this: "For us there is one God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit". But he didn't, he just defines God as "the Father".
@LightoverDarkMinistry Жыл бұрын
You missed the point of what Paul is trying to say. Paul is taking the shema and applying to Jesus. Also Lord is still the Jewish covenant name for God. Is God not their Lord? It’s also a logically fallacy to say “if there was a Trinity paul would have mentioned it here” Now you’re demanding what the text should say, and Paul’s point was not give a explanation of the nature of God, but to say his people don’t worship multiple gods.
@Bowen12676 Жыл бұрын
@@LightoverDarkMinistry I am questioning whether that _is_ his point at all. Yes, I agree that Jesus is the "one Lord" to us, but not in the sense of being the "one Jehovah". Rather, in contrast to the "many Lords" mentioned earlier. Think about it: the phrase "many Lords" in verse 5 doesn't mean "many Jehovahs", and thus the phrase "one Lord" in verse 6 cannot be "one Jehovah" (the contrast would be lost). See what I mean? If not, then consider this: God MADE Jesus Lord (Acts 2:36). All authority was GIVEN to him (Matthew 28:18; John 17:2). God granted Jesus Lordship over us all because of his complete obedience unto death (see Phil. 2:6; Heb. 2:9, and 1 Cor. 6:20, where it's clear that Jesus "bought" us "with a price", his own blood). This is why he is called "Lord" so often. It's because "you belongs to Christ". But Paul is quick to add, "and Christ belongs to God" (1 Cor. 3:23). So, there is an obvious sense in which Jesus is the "one Lord" over us, which does not require him to be God. Indeed, Paul says he BELONGS to God!
@LightoverDarkMinistry Жыл бұрын
@@Bowen12676 are you a Jehovah’s Witness?
@Bowen12676 Жыл бұрын
@@LightoverDarkMinistry No. I think Matthew got it right when he said that "the origin of Jesus Christ" happened at his human conception (Matthew 1:18-20).
@LightoverDarkMinistry Жыл бұрын
@@Bowen12676 The Man Jesus, yes. Christ has two natures, fully God and fully man. John 1:14, Col 2:9, Phil 2:6-11
@lesliewilliam3777 2 жыл бұрын
And re 1 Cor 8:5, also note the 'even if indeed' intro. He's not saying there are actual other gods - which of course in reality there are not (except for the Arians who have a few others hanging around in their heads!) - but even if there were (a hypothetical thought experiment, if you like), we would only have 1 God and 1 Lord.
@mattmurdock2868 2 жыл бұрын
Yes. In the Kingdom of God, LORD is a title shared by Father and Son. Christ is Lord. Lord of lords. A title, belongs to the Son. Christ is Lord of lords. Here. "These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, because He is Lord of lords and King of kings..: Rev.14:17 Here. "Oh, give thanks to the God of gods! For His mercy endures forever. Oh, give thanks to the Lord of lords! For His mercy endures forever and ever." Ps.136:1,2 Here. And on His robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. Rev.19:16 Here. "For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality nor takes a bribe." Deut.10:17 Christ is Lord. The Son is Lord of lords. In the Old Testament and in the New Testament, because, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Heb.13:8
@scottgrey2877 2 жыл бұрын
God has a God Hebrews 1:9
@lesliewilliam3777 2 жыл бұрын
@@scottgrey2877 Leaving aside the quote mining and ripping the verse from its CONTEXT, let me get your argument straight: Jeff can't be human at the same time as John being human because everyone knows Jeff and John are 2 persons and 2 can never equal 1? In other words, both the Father and Son can't be deity because deity is only one and there can't be two beings who possess the ontological status of being deity? So exactly what was Jesus claiming when he said, "The Father is no man’s judge: he has put judgment entirely into the Son’s hands, so that all men may honour the Son equally with the Father."? Surely if you honour Jesus equally with the Father, Jesus cannot be a creature; he has to possess full deity.
@mattmurdock2868 2 жыл бұрын
@@scottgrey2877 Yes, Christ is of the Godhead, YHWH. Yes, in verses 8 and 9, the Father addresses the Son as God. In verse 8, He uses one of the titles belonging to the Son, "O God." And in verse 9, simply as God. But to the Son He says: "Your throne,*O God, is forever and ever; A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your Kingdom. You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness; Therefore God (Son), Your God (Father), has anointed You With the oil of gladness more than Your companions." Heb.1:8,9 *"O God" is a TITLE. Christ is "O God."
@scottgrey2877 2 жыл бұрын
@@lesliewilliam3777 I did not say Jesus is not God
@orangeandslinky 2 жыл бұрын
Do you think God could have made the bible so clear that we all could read and understand it without knowing Greek or Hebrew? If yes, why didn't He? If no, the thousands and thousands of denominations will just keep fighting.
@LightoverDarkMinistry 2 жыл бұрын
Most denominations believe the exact same thing. And it comes down to styles of worship, non essential traditions, location, etc. the over whelming majority of churches are United in what are the essential doctrines, who God is, Jesus is, how to be saved etc.
@randomiumolica 2 жыл бұрын
If God is one than how can he be three persons? Why would Jesus pray to himself if he is God? Does it not sound like Shiva and Vishnu prying to each other? What does begotten mean in “Jesus being a begotten son”. Isn’t Jesus a picture of God manifested in human form? If yes, then what about the first two commandments? If God is “all-loving”, then why is there a hell? Will non-Christian monotheistic followers of 10 commandments be saved? Will Jesus, if he is a God, forgive polytheism? Why dis the prophets from Adam to Abraham and from him to the one before Jesus NOT preached crucifixion for salvation? Did Jesus die? How did death overpowered the creator of death? Even if Jesus is positionally below the true God, still his divinity must be enough for Him to overpower his creation which did not happen; but why? If Jesus, Holy Ghost and the father are equal, then why will The God not salvate those how pray to him through the name of the Holy Spirit instead of the name of Jesus? Did Jesus took away the sins of Jews and Muslims of the future too? If Jesus took away all the sins, then why is NOT believing in him being a God still a sin? If Jesus took away all the sins then what is the reason of the day of judgment? If all the sins of all are taken, then why is there repentance? Why will a Jew, a Muslim or an Atheist go to hell if he doesn’t believe in what happened tens of twenties of centuries before his birth? People back then saw miracles of Christ and got eternally saved by believing in Him, but what miracles can people of 2022 have to believe in Jesus? If your answer is Bible, then why does Bible have scientific inaccuracies as per the human logic that God gave him? Why does Bible need interpretation, must it’s verses not be straightforward? Where is Jesus Christ as a God in the Old Testament? Can God order evil? If not, then why are there verses of God ordering evil to his prophets? Does God only have three persons? Can I bow down to God? Did anyone of the prophets or disciples prostrated Jesus? Did Disciples prayed to God unseen and omnipotent? If yes, then why did they not prayed to Jesus who is seen and present in front of them? If they prayed Jesus, then what would be their psychological reaction on seeing Jesus crucified? Will God send me to hell for asking or writing these Questions? Does Jesus love him who loves him, but not as a God because of the logical limitations of his neurones that God created? Who is the father and mother of Adam? Does having no biological father means one is God? Are the people to be produced via genetic engineering God? If Hindus destroy all their idols and worship only to Krishna, their true God; will it still be monotheism if they claim Krishna has a begotten Son? If Jesus can eat and drink, then why can Parvati not cook food for Shiva? If Jesus does not know about the fruit of the fig tree and still be a God, then why can Shiva not be a God if he does not know about his son? Did Jesus send Moses to Jews? If yes, then why did he not send clear prophecy of the arrival of a God as a Human Christ? Is it just to kill me only because my brother killed your brother? If not, then why is this justified that the only begotten Son of God be killed because of the sins of others? Is this out of the love of God? Does this imply God sacrificed his son for his creation out of love? Does this imply God loves his creation more than His Son? Was God in flesh only for a brief period of time? Did God change himself for that period of time? Can God change himself? If God can change himself and his words, will He change his rules for Pharaoh so that he can be saved to out of the love of God? Did God know about the original sin? Why did He not stop Adam from eating the apple so that salvation can be granted without the sacrifice of a human god? What is the actual claim of Bible? Does that actual claim has any proof for the people of today? Who is anti-Christ? Can anti-Christ resurrect people from dead? If yes, then he would have the same proof for his claims as Jesus had for his. What is the real name of God? Did that name come in the Old Testament? What did Abraham use to call God in his prayers? Can I pray, “O God of Abraham, save me!” Will asking this alone give me salvation as a gift from God? Will praying this without the name of Christ save me because I’m asking for the love of my creator? Is Bible word of God or of Jesus or of the Holy Spirit? Then why does it not make any such claim as the book of a fellow religion Islam claims that No one can alter Quran which was sent in seven different accents? Why does Bible not claim or provide proof of its claim that it’s free from errors? Does fruits tell the truthfulness of a prophet? Then where is the fruit of the prophet Lot? Who is the final messenger? Are there any prophets today? Can two true prophets contradict? Does following the Ten Commandments be sufficient for the salvation of the non Believers? Who are the non-believers? Did Jesus die for non-Believers? How will creation be judged on the day of judgment? Will the judgment be according to the knowledge or logic people were given or whether the hell and the paradise are pre written in the destiny? Will someone be judged for something he has not done? Why is imagining lustrous things already adultery? Is there any verse saying that the ten generations of a bastard are in hell? If yes, then what is the genealogy of the children of Lot as per the biblical accounts? Is Christianity a Natural religion as per the nature of God’s creation? If yes, then why is the biggest factor of people leaving Christianity is 1+1+1=1? If you say it’s 1*1*1, then why can’t it be 1*1*1*1*1? Why God can’t be four or five? If God can have a Son, can he have a father or a wife? Who is the father of Jesus? Who is the father of the father of Jesus? Can God do anything? Can God manifest as space-time as he did in the form of Jesus? If God can be a God in flesh, then why can’t a God be a God in flesh of a Cow as Hindus claim? Who is the author of Bible? What is Bible? Is Bible the proof of Christ? Does everyone need Christ? Does everyone need Bible? Is Bible for everyone? How is the holy Bible for everyone if people prove that it has inaccuracies? If not Bible, what is the proof of Jesus Christ? Is that proof the arrival of the Holy Spirit? Does Holy Spirit not prove Jesus to everyone? Do Hindus not claim that Kali manifest in them as the priests claim that the Holy Spirit has come to them? If God can come as Jesus and walk on Earth and have a shadow and pray to the father, then why can’t Narayan came as Ram and eat and kill and walk on Earth? What is monotheism? Can a God have a Son in monotheism? Why do Jews consider is a polytheism and Muslims regard it as blasphemy? If a Hindu love Jesus, will Jesus love him? If Mohammad love Jesus, will Jesus love him? If I love Jesus, but Not consider him God as per the logic and knowledge and circumstances that God gives me, will Jesus love me?
@orangeandslinky 2 жыл бұрын
@@randomiumolica no
@randomiumolica 2 жыл бұрын
@@orangeandslinky what?
@orangeandslinky 2 жыл бұрын
@@randomiumolica it depends
@Felipe-dp9lr 2 жыл бұрын
@Monsy77 22 сағат бұрын
📌 Jesus Christ was the Holy Servant of God, sent by God our Heavenly Father to save the world by reconciling people with God. He came to fulfill the will of God, not to take the place of God. • Jesus as the Servant of God: Acts 4:27 (NLT) refers to Jesus as “your holy servant, Jesus, whom you anointed.” Similarly, Acts 3:13 (NIV) says, “The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus.” • Sent by God: John 3:17 (NIV) affirms this: “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” • Reconciling people to God: 2 Corinthians 5:18-19 (NIV) says, “All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ… that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ.” • Fulfilling the will of God: Jesus said in John 6:38 (NIV), “For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.” • Jesus did not take the place of God: In John 5:30 (NIV), Jesus states, “By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.” These verses clearly support that Jesus Christ was the holy servant of God, sent to fulfill God’s will and reconcile humanity with Him, always pointing back to God the Father as the source of all authority and purpose.
@johncolage1651 10 ай бұрын
Even a Christian cannot brush aside the worship of Jehovah as God. In Revelation 1:5 the Son of God called himself "Jesus Christ, 'The Faithful Witness.'" When on earth as a man he was a Jew, an Israelite, to whose nation the words of Isaiah 43:10 were written: "'You are my witnesses, ' the utterance of Jehovah, 'even my servant whom I have chosen.'" Jesus demonstrated that he was a faithful and true witness of Jehovah God. His genuine disciples today must be the same kind of witnesses, Jehovah's.
@Episcopalianacolyte 4 ай бұрын
JESUS was a male born of a virgin and the HOLY SPIRIT. *The laws of conception* _require JESUS muat receive HIS nature from Mary and the HOLY SPIRIT equally._ The fact JESUS was born male proves this. Had HE received his nature only from his mother, He would have been born a woman. Since GOD is HIS only FATHER, JESUS received half HIS nature from HIM, and that includes HIS gender. JESUS was not formed from the dust like Adam who was not governed by the *laws of conception.* Had JESUS not have been GOD, he would have had human parents or just visited as the angels did in Judges 13, Hebrews 13, and Isaiah 6. That also rules out JESUS being an angel because they visit and are not conceived.
@Jimmy5991-eb3re 4 ай бұрын
@@EpiscopalianacolyteI just read your comment from the video “Does 1 Corinthians 8:6 disprove Christ as God? You are showing you have no understanding of Jesus and Jehovah, as well as what the holy spirit is. Pls explain what a spirit is. Jesus own words in John 17:3 are being ignored and are you going to ignore 1 Corinthians 11:3? “The head of the Christ is God.” so that shows that there is no such thing as a trinity.
@Episcopalianacolyte 4 ай бұрын
@@Jimmy5991-eb3re Even the Nazi's were _obedient._ I respect US president 45, but I certainly would not quote him. Even the Grey African Parrot repeats entire conversations but has no clue about what it means. Quoting is nothing more than parroting what your handlers tell you.
@Episcopalianacolyte 4 ай бұрын
@@Jimmy5991-eb3re Even the Nazi's were obedient. What does that prove? I respected US president 45, but I certainly would not quote him. Even the Grey African Parrot repeats entire conversations but has no clue about what it means. Quoting is nothing more than parroting what your handlers tell you.
@Episcopalianacolyte 4 ай бұрын
@@Jimmy5991-eb3re @Jimmy5991-eb3re I respect US president 45, but I certainly would not quote him. Even the Grey African Parrot repeats entire conversations but has no clue about what it means. Quoting is nothing more than parroting what your handlers tell you.
@tongakhan230 Жыл бұрын
(1 Corinthians 8:6) there is actually to us one God, the Father, from whom all things are and we for him; and there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things are and we through him. Paul reasons about various god and lords among the nations. But TO US, ie. Christians, there is ONLY ONE GOD, and there is ONLY ONE LORD. It is quite clear. No need for dramas and sketches to override this simple TRUTH. 1 Timothy 2:5 For there is ONE GOD, and ONE MEDIATOR BETWEEN God and men, A MAN, Christ Jesus, The mediator cannot be a member of either party he mediates between. Thus, Jesus cannot be God not the chosen ones.
@LightoverDarkMinistry Жыл бұрын
Is the Father the Lord of Christians?
@tongakhan230 Жыл бұрын
@@LightoverDarkMinistry : Daniel called the pagan King of Babylon his Lord. Daniel 19:17. Sarah addressed Abraham as her Lord. 1 Peter 3:6 Word matching is a sign of desperation. Doesn't help with the truth.
@LightoverDarkMinistry Жыл бұрын
@@tongakhan230 You dodged my question. I asked, for the Jehovah’s Witness, is the Lord over their lives the Father? Yes or no.
@tongakhan230 Жыл бұрын
@@LightoverDarkMinistry : I have to be shown some scripture. The reason is that the KJV and others avoid using God's name and insert Lord in its place. As I've shown. Lord is a title that can apply to anyone. The British system has tons of Lords.
@LightoverDarkMinistry Жыл бұрын
@@tongakhan230 Read Psalm 8, when did YHWH stop being the Lord of Christians?
@lesliewilliam3777 2 жыл бұрын
Why do you call Jesus our master? Are we not God's sons? Are we not Jesus' friends: "There is no greater love than this-that a man should lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I tell you to do. I shall not call you servants any longer, for a servant does not share his master’s confidence. No, I call you friends, now, because I have told you everything that I have heard from the Father."?
@LightoverDarkMinistry 2 жыл бұрын
Jude 1:4b who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. Ephesians 6:6 not by way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart. Colossians 3:24 knowing that it is from the Lord that you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve. Galatians 1:10 Am I now seeking the approval of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ
@evanwindom3265 2 жыл бұрын
@@LightoverDarkMinistry Not to mention the multiple references Paul made to being a bondservant. How many times did the disciples call Jesus "master" in the gospels again?
@lesliewilliam3777 2 жыл бұрын
@@LightoverDarkMinistry What you didn't do is to respond to the verses I quoted where Jesus calls us 'friends' and John calls us 'sons of God'. Why didn't you reply to those instead of throwing up more verses? How can Jesus be our friend and brother and simultaneously be literally our master? I would argue you have a contradiction on your hands which you are intellectually obliged to resolve. Does the word ‘despotes’ always mean ‘master’? No; for sometimes it means ‘lord’. The following questions and points are apposite: 1. Jude 1 - Is Jesus’ "unrestricted power and absolute domination, confessing no limitations or restraints" over and in relation to us or is it a definition of his ontological status? 2. Jude 1 - There are textual variations on this verse. 3. Jude 1 - There are translation variations 4. As Strong’s point out, “Perhaps from deo and posis (a husband)”. And this marries well with our being the bride of Christ. Brides are never, ever slaves to their husbands. 5. Ephesians 6:6 - Stripped from its context, as any loyal Calvinist characteristically undertakes. Paul is talking about actual “slaves” and how they should obey their actual masters. In any case, you apparently don’t understand what a servant’s purpose or role was in a Greek or Hebrew household. A slave is not a servant. In any case, if your hermeneutic is correct, it would make Jesus a slave: “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve”. 6. Colossians 3:24 - Again, ripped from its context of a whole chapter. Notwithstanding that, the key verse is v. 22: Paul is talking about how real servants should act toward their masters. 7. Galatians 1:10 - Is Paul speaking literally or metaphorically? Stripped from its context you might be justified to take it literally. Placed back into Paul’s encompassing argument it is clear he is wanting us to take in metaphorically, as per Strong’s explanation “one who gives himself up wholly to another's will”. Paul persecuted the Church and was personally rescued by Christ. Paul feels morally obliged to spread news for what Christ has done. Once you’ve isolated a single word from its background information you can make any word attract any meaning you wish it to. But here are some verses to think about: 1. “But you must realise that so long as an heir is a child, though he is destined to be master of everything, he is, in practice, no different from a servant. He has to obey a guardian or trustee until the time which his father has chosen for him to receive his inheritance. So is it with us: while we were “children” we lived under the authority of basic moral principles. But when the proper time came God sent his son, born of a human mother and born under the jurisdiction of the Law, that he might redeem those who were under the authority of the Law and lead us into becoming, by adoption, true sons of God. It is because you really are his sons that God has sent the Spirit of his Son into your hearts to cry “Father, dear Father”. You, my brother, are not a slave any longer; you are a son. And, if you are a son, then you are certainly an heir of God through Christ.” (Galatians 4) 2. “Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” So are you still a slave and Jesus is your master? I AM NOT AN ABDULLAH, BUT A SON OF GOD. Are you an abdullah or a son of God?
@LightoverDarkMinistry 2 жыл бұрын
@@lesliewilliam3777 I don’t deny I’m a som of God who’s been adopted as a son by his Grace, and don’t deny Jesus is my friend, by I’m still his servant, he’s my Lord, master, King, my God. Jesus is my creator, I’m the creation. I know my place. I’m friends with my boss, but he’s still my boss, he hired me, I listen to his orders, and he can fire me.
@lesliewilliam3777 2 жыл бұрын
@@LightoverDarkMinistry Try as you might, you will not extricate yourself from your misuse of the word 'master'. In any case, you refuse to deal with the logical problem I put to you: How can a slave be a friend or a son? And the boss/employee analogy? Really, really disanalogous because it ignores Scripture and thus question begs what you're supposed to prove FROM SCRIPTURE. Re you knowing your place, is it anything like this? As I said, I am not an abdullah.
@theoskeptomai2535 2 жыл бұрын
Hello. I am an atheist. I define atheism as suspending acknowledgement of the existence of gods until sufficient evidence can be presented. My position is that *_I have no good reason to acknowledge the existence of gods._* And here is the evidence as to why I currently hold to such a position. Below are 10 facts I must consider when evaluating the claim made by theists that a god exists. To be clear, these are not premises for an argument concluding there to be no gods. These are simply facts I take into account when evaluating the claim. 1. I personally have never observed a god. 2. I have never encountered a person whom has claimed to have observed a god. 3. I know of no accounts of persons claiming to have observed a god that were willing or able to demonstrate or verify their observation for authenticity, accuracy, or validity. 4. I have never been presented a valid logical argument which also employed sound premises that lead deductively to a conclusion that a god(s) exists. 5. Of the 46 logical syllogisms I have encountered arguing for the existence of a god(s), I have found all to contain multiple fallacious or unsubstantiated premises. 6. I have never observed a phenomenon in which the existence of a god was a necessary antecedent for the known or probable explanation for the causation of that phenomenon. 7. Several proposed (and generally accepted) explanations for observable phenomena that were previously based on the agency of a god(s), have subsequently been replaced with rational, natural explanations, each substantiated with evidence that excluded the agency of a god(s). I have never encountered _vice versa._ 8. I have never experienced the presence of a god through intercession of angels, divine revelation, the miraculous act of divinity, or any occurrence of a supernatural event. 9. Every phenomena that I have ever observed has *_emerged_* from necessary and sufficient antecedents over time without exception. In other words, I have never observed a phenomenon (entity, process, object, event, process, substance, system, or being) that was created _ex nihilo_ - that is instantaneously came into existence by the solitary volition of a deity. 10. All claims of a supernatural or divine nature that I have encountered have either been refuted to my satisfaction, or do not present as falsifiable. ALL of these facts lead me to the only rational conclusion that concurs with the realities I have been presented - and that is the fact that there is *_no good reason_* for me to acknowledge the existence of a god. I have heard often that atheism is the denial of the Abrahamic god. But denial is the active rejection of a substantiated fact once credible evidence has been presented. Atheism is simply withholding such acknowledgement until sufficient credible evidence is introduced. *_It is natural, rational, and prudent to be skeptical of unsubstatiated claims, especially extraordinary ones._* I welcome any cordial response. Peace.
@jwdefensor8055 2 жыл бұрын
Have you looked into the physical constants ? What would happen if any of those changed one bit ? Do you see it logical that those came just by chance ?
@LightoverDarkMinistry 2 жыл бұрын
Just because you’ve never encountered god, does that mean no one has?
@theoskeptomai2535 2 жыл бұрын
@@jwdefensor8055 I am aware of three constants: speed of light, gravitation force, and the calue of _pi._ What about these constants?
@theoskeptomai2535 2 жыл бұрын
@@jwdefensor8055 Constants don't change. Hence the term.
@theoskeptomai2535 2 жыл бұрын
@@jwdefensor8055 I don't believe anything happens by chance.
@randomiumolica 2 жыл бұрын
If God is one than how can he be three persons? Why would Jesus pray to himself if he is God? Does it not sound like Shiva and Vishnu prying to each other? What does begotten mean in “Jesus being a begotten son”. Isn’t Jesus a picture of God manifested in human form? If yes, then what about the first two commandments? If God is “all-loving”, then why is there a hell? Will non-Christian monotheistic followers of 10 commandments be saved? Will Jesus, if he is a God, forgive polytheism? Why dis the prophets from Adam to Abraham and from him to the one before Jesus NOT preached crucifixion for salvation? Did Jesus die? How did death overpowered the creator of death? Even if Jesus is positionally below the true God, still his divinity must be enough for Him to overpower his creation which did not happen; but why? If Jesus, Holy Ghost and the father are equal, then why will The God not salvate those how pray to him through the name of the Holy Spirit instead of the name of Jesus? Did Jesus took away the sins of Jews and Muslims of the future too? If Jesus took away all the sins, then why is NOT believing in him being a God still a sin? If Jesus took away all the sins then what is the reason of the day of judgment? If all the sins of all are taken, then why is there repentance? Why will a Jew, a Muslim or an Atheist go to hell if he doesn’t believe in what happened tens of twenties of centuries before his birth? People back then saw miracles of Christ and got eternally saved by believing in Him, but what miracles can people of 2022 have to believe in Jesus? If your answer is Bible, then why does Bible have scientific inaccuracies as per the human logic that God gave him? Why does Bible need interpretation, must it’s verses not be straightforward? Where is Jesus Christ as a God in the Old Testament? Can God order evil? If not, then why are there verses of God ordering evil to his prophets? Does God only have three persons? Can I bow down to God? Did anyone of the prophets or disciples prostrated Jesus? Did Disciples prayed to God unseen and omnipotent? If yes, then why did they not prayed to Jesus who is seen and present in front of them? If they prayed Jesus, then what would be their psychological reaction on seeing Jesus crucified? Will God send me to hell for asking or writing these Questions? Does Jesus love him who loves him, but not as a God because of the logical limitations of his neurones that God created? Who is the father and mother of Adam? Does having no biological father means one is God? Are the people to be produced via genetic engineering God? If Hindus destroy all their idols and worship only to Krishna, their true God; will it still be monotheism if they claim Krishna has a begotten Son? If Jesus can eat and drink, then why can Parvati not cook food for Shiva? If Jesus does not know about the fruit of the fig tree and still be a God, then why can Shiva not be a God if he does not know about his son? Did Jesus send Moses to Jews? If yes, then why did he not send clear prophecy of the arrival of a God as a Human Christ? Is it just to kill me only because my brother killed your brother? If not, then why is this justified that the only begotten Son of God be killed because of the sins of others? Is this out of the love of God? Does this imply God sacrificed his son for his creation out of love? Does this imply God loves his creation more than His Son? Was God in flesh only for a brief period of time? Did God change himself for that period of time? Can God change himself? If God can change himself and his words, will He change his rules for Pharaoh so that he can be saved to out of the love of God? Did God know about the original sin? Why did He not stop Adam from eating the apple so that salvation can be granted without the sacrifice of a human god? What is the actual claim of Bible? Does that actual claim has any proof for the people of today? Who is anti-Christ? Can anti-Christ resurrect people from dead? If yes, then he would have the same proof for his claims as Jesus had for his. What is the real name of God? Did that name come in the Old Testament? What did Abraham use to call God in his prayers? Can I pray, “O God of Abraham, save me!” Will asking this alone give me salvation as a gift from God? Will praying this without the name of Christ save me because I’m asking for the love of my creator? Is Bible word of God or of Jesus or of the Holy Spirit? Then why does it not make any such claim as the book of a fellow religion Islam claims that No one can alter Quran which was sent in seven different accents? Why does Bible not claim or provide proof of its claim that it’s free from errors? Does fruits tell the truthfulness of a prophet? Then where is the fruit of the prophet Lot? Who is the final messenger? Are there any prophets today? Can two true prophets contradict? Does following the Ten Commandments be sufficient for the salvation of the non Believers? Who are the non-believers? Did Jesus die for non-Believers? How will creation be judged on the day of judgment? Will the judgment be according to the knowledge or logic people were given or whether the hell and the paradise are pre written in the destiny? Will someone be judged for something he has not done? Why is imagining lustrous things already adultery? Is there any verse saying that the ten generations of a bastard are in hell? If yes, then what is the genealogy of the children of Lot as per the biblical accounts? Is Christianity a Natural religion as per the nature of God’s creation? If yes, then why is the biggest factor of people leaving Christianity is 1+1+1=1? If you say it’s 1*1*1, then why can’t it be 1*1*1*1*1? Why God can’t be four or five? If God can have a Son, can he have a father or a wife? Who is the father of Jesus? Who is the father of the father of Jesus? Can God do anything? Can God manifest as space-time as he did in the form of Jesus? If God can be a God in flesh, then why can’t a God be a God in flesh of a Cow as Hindus claim? Who is the author of Bible? What is Bible? Is Bible the proof of Christ? Does everyone need Christ? Does everyone need Bible? Is Bible for everyone? How is the holy Bible for everyone if people prove that it has inaccuracies? If not Bible, what is the proof of Jesus Christ? Is that proof the arrival of the Holy Spirit? Does Holy Spirit not prove Jesus to everyone? Do Hindus not claim that Kali manifest in them as the priests claim that the Holy Spirit has come to them? If God can come as Jesus and walk on Earth and have a shadow and pray to the father, then why can’t Narayan came as Ram and eat and kill and walk on Earth? What is monotheism? Can a God have a Son in monotheism? Why do Jews consider is a polytheism and Muslims regard it as blasphemy? If a Hindu love Jesus, will Jesus love him? If Mohammad love Jesus, will Jesus love him? If I love Jesus, but Not consider him God as per the logic and knowledge and circumstances that God gives me, will Jesus love me?
@LightoverDarkMinistry 2 жыл бұрын
Are these sincere questions, or do you believe they are unanswerable from the trinitarian perspective? I’m doing a whole series on Jesus being God, maybe that will answer some of your questions.
@randomiumolica 2 жыл бұрын
@@LightoverDarkMinistry these are sincere questions!
@LightoverDarkMinistry 2 жыл бұрын
@@randomiumolica alright, I will answer every single one, just not today because I’m busy, but check back tomorrow.
@randomiumolica 2 жыл бұрын
@@LightoverDarkMinistry okay, but in case you lack much time; just answer these three first: 1. Will a Jew or a Muslim go to paradise? It’s because they follow the Ten Commandments. 2. How can three be one and one be three but still one? 3. Will anyone not believing in crucifixion be granted salvation because he love one God (but don’t consider Jesus a God)?
@LightoverDarkMinistry 2 жыл бұрын
@@randomiumolica 1. Any practicing Jew, and Muslim who deny the deity of Christ, and reject his gospel of grace will not enter paradise. It is only by the blood of Christ we are washed clean and justified by his grace. There is no other way to get to God or get peace and forgiveness of sin. James 2:10 says even if you fail at one point of the law, you are guilty of it all, Matthew 5, Jesus says even our thoughts condemn us. Romans 3 and 4, both chapters make it clear, we are not justified by any work, or following any law, but by trust in Christ. 2. My 2 brothers and I have a team. We are one team, yet 3. Genesis says the 2 become 1 flesh. God is one in being, 3 in person. Meaning, God can sit on his throne, walk on the earth, and fill the universe with his glory, all at the same time. God by his nature is limitless, and has revealed himself in 3 persons. The Father who is outside of Space and Time, the Son who became flesh, the Spirit, who fills the universe and the hearts of believers. 3. You can not put your faith in a false Christ. Only the true Christ saves, if you remove the most important aspect of Christ, his deity, you're putting your trust in someone who doesn't exist. It's not so much about believing in the crucifixion, even demons believe that. It's, did you put your trust in what Christ did for you sin. Do you hold on to him as your only hope, knowing he nailed your sin to the cross. It's about repenting, asking Jesus to take your sin, and trusting he did, and made you right with God. That's what saves you. If you reject that, you die in your sins and the wrath of God remains on you.
@marcusvanrensberg6060 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus christ is the infinite spirit, breath of life, the eternal spirit of God, the farther is the divine conscience, wisdom of Jesus christ, the live in bodily form in the body of Jesus christ the lamb on the throne, the farther, the water and the blood are one God and the three are in agreement of the testimony of Jesus christ the one and only true living God ❤
@MichaelTheophilus906 3 ай бұрын
Jesus is a man. The son of God and Mary. Matt 1.18-21, Luke 1.30.35, Luke 2.4-7, John 8.39, Acts 2.22, Acts 17.31, Rom 5.15.
@edwinmariano5131 Жыл бұрын
Those who are not satisfied with this explanation (like me) and feel that they can not enforce this very LOOOOONG explanation to others. I have a short alternative (I'm not saying this is wrong, this is correct video) for those who have no time to explain using this very LOOOOONG explanation to your arguing opponent. Tell them the word "one" refers to the God the Father He really is the ONE God where everything came. Jesus is not included. So he is only one source, again Jesus is not included as the original source so the word "one" Another easier way is to tell your opponent that the word "god" in the bible could mean divine being or simply God but it could also mean Supreme God. That is really only one God the Father
@tombuddy100 6 ай бұрын
Why does the Bible say that the Father is God countless times, yet almost zero times that the Son is God?
@LightoverDarkMinistry 6 ай бұрын
John 1:1?
@tombuddy100 6 ай бұрын
@@LightoverDarkMinistry One time? Anyway, how do you interpret the following verses, referring to events in the future, when the Son will "hand over the kingdom to God the Father" and "be made subject to him who put everything under him"? Why would that be necessary if Jesus is God according to the Trinity doctrine? [1 Corinthians 15-24:28] 24 Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. 25 For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death. 27 For he “has put everything under his feet.” Now when it says that “everything” has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ. 28 When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all.
@LightoverDarkMinistry 6 ай бұрын
@tombuddy100 Do you want another? John 20:28. Here's 3 more, 2 Peter 1:1, Titus 2:13, 1 John 5:20. You said " yet almost zero times that the Son is God" Well, Jesus is the Son of God, and that's 5 times he's called God. I can address 1 Corinthians 15-24:28, but you have to admit, the zero is incorrect.
@tombuddy100 6 ай бұрын
@@LightoverDarkMinistry John 20: 28 is not something Jesus said. It was exclaimed by Thomas, and can be interpreted in different ways, and is not conclusive nor authoritative. 2 Peter 1: 1 is also not something Jesus said, and can be interpreted in different ways. Peter may be referring to God and Jesus separately, and it is not conclusive. It does not say "Jesus is God" or "Christ is God" or "the Son of Man is God" or "the Son of God is God" in a straightforward unambiguous manner. Titus 2: 13 is basically the same as 2 Peter 1: 1. 1 John 5: 20 does not conclusively say that Jesus is God. In fact, it says that "... in HIM who is true by being in HIS Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life." The "HIM" and "HIS" is referring to God the Father. There is no reason "He" in the next sentence wouldn't be referring to the Father as well. In conclusion, few verses that Trinitarians use as argument that Jesus is God are ambiguous and can be interpretered in different ways, whereas throughout the NT, the Father is clearly identified as God, and Jesus never said anything supporting Trinitarian doctrine, having many occasions to do so. No, on every occasion, when talking to people or answering their questions, Jesus clearly identified his Father as God, as the one we should worship, and the one we should pray to. Why and how is supposedly the (most) fundamental doctrine (Trinity doctrine) not mentioned, repeated, and emphasized throughout the Bible? Also, could you now address 1 Corinthians 15-24: 28?
@LightoverDarkMinistry 6 ай бұрын
@@tombuddy100 First just addressing what you said, John 20:28, how else should you interpret it? Thomas said TO Jesus “The Lord of me, AND the God of me.” Thomas being a Jew, how many God’s did he have? This is also the narrative of the Bible, calling Jesus God. With 2 Peter 1:1 and Titus 2:13, please research the Granville Sharp Construction. It is a Greek rule, and in both cases this is calling Jesus God and Savior. For 1 John 5:20, who is the closest antecedent to the demonstrative pronoun? In regards to 1 Corinthians. This is Christ fully God and fully man, and his flesh which is mediator between God and Man must submit to the Father. That doesn’t remove his deity. Jesus submitted himself under the rule of his parents in Luke, same word used, and we shouldn’t assume Jesus was less human for doing so. This is he roll within the Godhead. Since the part of Christ is of creation, therefor it must submit to the creator. Also just to add 5 more, Isaiah 9:6, Hebrews 1:8-12, John 12:41, Revelation 22:12-13, John 8:58. Are you or were you a JW?
@Puta692 2 жыл бұрын
I think that the teaching of the trinity is a true Christian. In the baptism of Jesus Christ show the father that speak and dove the Holy Spirit. One God with three person
@scottgrey2877 2 жыл бұрын
But the third person is the Spirit of Jesus Christ
@Puta692 2 жыл бұрын
@@scottgrey2877 Scott if the holy spirit is not person why he feel sad, and the blasphemy of the holy spirit cannot be forgiven it is higher than Jesus
@scottgrey2877 2 жыл бұрын
@@Puta692 Jesus is a person the spirit of his son
@Episcopalianacolyte Жыл бұрын
@@scottgrey2877 Colossians 1 : 15 says that JESUS is the visible image of the invisible GOD. He isn't a spirit of himself (what ever that means).
@XxlightxX Жыл бұрын
@@Puta692 jesus is human who is below the angels yet divine.
@XxlightxX Жыл бұрын
The trinity can't be explained it's just a God with 3 persons in him.
@tongakhan230 Жыл бұрын
Meaning a schizophrenic?
@XxlightxX Жыл бұрын
@Tonga Khan no the best way to explain it is how we are a trinity like God since we are in his image flesh body and soul. So we are 3 in 1 like he is but his 3 has different consciousness.
@tongakhan230 Жыл бұрын
@@XxlightxX : The flesh is the body. Can the body have a conversation with the soul and best of all get a reply. Jesus prays to his God and God answers him.
@theophilis3257 2 жыл бұрын
JW’s inser the word other in 1 Corinthians
@Mr.DC3.1914 2 жыл бұрын
THE BIBLE teaches that Jesus was MADE As Lord and Christ and as Son (ACTS 2:36, Prov 8, HEB 1:5), CREATED/PRODUCED/INSTALLED (Prov 8) , COME INTO BEING/MADE (Mat 21:42 - egeneto) and GIVEN LIFE by the Father - John 5:26 and it uses TODAY (Heb 1:5), and uses future tenses and is a prophecy in Isa 9:6 (Isa 9:6, - WILL BE) . If you are called MADE AND CREATED AND GIVEN LIFE, and NEVER CALLED in the BIBLE as Creator or Maker , then you are A CREATION. ALL FROM THE BIBLE From the Lord was this (this is referring to the chief cornerstone who is Jesus) , the word WAS is egeneto (made or came into being) - Matthew 21:42 and the exact Greek word used in John 1:3 - MADE, egeneto (came into being) - JESUS WAS MADE/CAME INTO BEING FROM THE FATHER , yes, Jesus was MADE/CREATED!, See also Acts 2:36, Heb 1:5, 1 john 5 Isa 9:6 the word Prince in the Prince of Peace means PATRON ANGEL also Leader. WHO IS the ONE LEADER that we have? Jesus. Now, that same exact Hebrew word was used for Daniel 12:1 which is used for Michael the Archangel. So are you saying there are MANY LEADERS now? JESUS IS Lord! His Lordship was MADE - See Acts 2. Who is the Sovereign Lord? He is different from Jesus as mentioned in Acts 4:24, 26, 30 There is no term God of gods or Creator or Maker used for Jesus.Acts 4:24 - who is NOT Jesus and who is called Sovereign Lord - "one accord to God and said: “Sovereign Lord, you are the One who made the heaven and the earth " Who is TOTALLY DIFFERENT from Jesus who is the Anointed and the Sovereign Lord's SERVANT as Acts 4:30 mentioned "through the name of YOUR holy servant Jesus.”" Acts 4:26 - one against Jehovah and against his ANOINTED one. GOD IS NOT A LITERAL TORTURER. GOD is LOVE. He only gives eternal life to those who exercise faith in him and his Son (John 3:16, John 14:1) and NOT TO WICKED people. The Wicked will VANISH AND WILL BE NO MORE. Psalms 37:20 How many is Jehovah? Trinitarians say there are THREE Jehovah. What does the Bible say? There is ONE JEHOVAH and NOT THREE JEHOVAH. Deut 6:4. - “Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah WHO IS THE STAR IN NUMBERS 24:17? That is Jesus. It is the same Hebrew word used in Job 38:7 for the morning stars. So as Jesus is called THE BRIGHT morning star (REV 22:16) so also are the other morning stars(angels). So Jesus is the CHIEF Angel with the archangel's voice (1 Thes 4:16). Jesus is called Prince of Peace in Isa 9:6 and the original Hebrew word for Prince means PATRON ANGEL which is the same Hebrew Word used for Michael the archangel in Daniel. Jesus is the High Priest and the High Priest is NOT GOD himself. GOD DOES NOT WORSHIP HIMSELF : John 4:22 -You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, because salvation begins with the Jews. Jesus Included himself IN WORSHIPPING THE FATHER. ONLY A CREATION WILL WORSHIP GOD. If the holy Spirit is a PERSON then now you have MANY PERSONS IN ONE GOD. REV 5:6 - seven eyes, and the eyes mean the seven spirits of God.SO NOW YOU HAVE ADDITIONAL SEVEN PERSONS IN GOD. Who is the cause of Salvation? Both GOD and the lamb are saviors, Rev 7:9-10, even Jesus needed to be saved by the Father from death as the Father is the SOURCE OF LIFE AND SALVATION , Hebrews 5:7 & John 5:26 - THE FATHER GAVE THE SON LIFE.
@Mr.DC3.1914 2 жыл бұрын
@Thoska Brah Jesus because of his faith can say that he raises it up but Gal 1:1 says who RAISED up Jesus literally?
@Mr.DC3.1914 2 жыл бұрын
@Thoska Brah Nope, just your own false opinion. Jesus is called PRINCE in Isa 9:6 and the hebrew word for that means PATRON ANGEL
@richbaker7187 2 жыл бұрын
@@Mr.DC3.1914 What are you objecting to what Thoska Brah said? The side note? John 2 explains the Jesus told the Jews that HE would "raise it up" after 3 days. Then John goes on to say that the disciples UNDERSTOOD that Jesus was talking about the "temple of His body", not the Jewish Temple. What "opinion" is being expressed in this passage? Here, tell me what this means if it doesn't mean Jesus was talking about raising His own body? 18So the Jews answered and said to Him, “What sign do You show to us, since You do these things?” 19Jesus answered and said to them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” 20Then the Jews said, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?” 21But He was speaking of the temple of His body. 22Therefore, when He had risen from the dead, His disciples remembered that He had said this to them; and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had said. Please explain some OTHER opinion.
@scottgrey2877 2 жыл бұрын
@@Mr.DC3.1914 made Lord in his humanity
@scottgrey2877 2 жыл бұрын
@@richbaker7187 metaphorically
@craiglittle7367 2 жыл бұрын
Stop trying to twist scripture to make it fit your preconceived trinitarian theology. Paul was clear. We have one God and identified this one God as the Father! Jesus told us the same thing at John 17:1,3. The Bible doesn’t say there is only one Lord, it says TO US this is only one Lord. Jehovah, Jesus and men were all called Lord. It’s a title of respect in ancient cultures given to those above whoever is using the term. Many are called Lord but we (Christians) only have one Lord or are to call only one Lord, Jesus. The Greek word “dia” is defined as “a channel one acts through”. It just is. 🤷‍♂️ All things were created “dia” Jesus. John 1:3 and Col 1:16 And by the way….in the LXX Kurios is translated from the Divine Name. You’re totally misrepresenting and misunderstanding these texts. 👍🏼 Have a great day!
@LightoverDarkMinistry 2 жыл бұрын
I will have a great day Craig. Also, is Jehovah your Lord?
@craiglittle7367 2 жыл бұрын
@@LightoverDarkMinistry You’re attempting twist scripture in order to prove your theology… or you misunderstand how Adon and Kurios are used in the Bible. Paul can say, there is only one Lord, Jesus Christ and the Bible can also call Jehovah Lord, without that meaning Jesus is Jehovah. Which is where you’re heading with that question. For example….the Bible teaches at Isaiah 43:11 that there is no savior besides Jehovah. That’s pretty clear….Jehovah is the only savior. Yet, at the same time the Bible calls human beings savior, the exact same Hebrew word used in Isaiah 43:11, “yasha”. Ehud and Othniel are called saviors at Judges 3:9,15 And of course Jesus is called “yasha”. Does this mean Jehovah, Jesus, Ehud and Othniel are all the same being, person, etc. because the Bible says there is only one savior and refers to all these as saviors? Of course not…that’s silly. The Bible is obviously using the word savior in different senses. The Bible does the same exact thing with the words Lord (Adon, Kurios) and god (elohim, theos). Jehovah, Jesus and men are called Lord. Jehovah, Jesus and men are called god. Jehovah, Jesus and men are called saviors. The Bible doesn’t use these terms in the absolute sense that you and other trinitarians suggest.
@lesliewilliam3777 2 жыл бұрын
You've spelled Colossians incorrectly i.e. no double 'l' but a double 's'.
@evanwindom3265 2 жыл бұрын
Why is that important? Have you never made a typo?
@lesliewilliam3777 2 жыл бұрын
@@evanwindom3265 Your write Evin Whinedum.
@evanwindom3265 2 жыл бұрын
​@@lesliewilliam3777 Wow -- such a mature response. Well, okay, if you're going to be the grammar police, have a look at your own first comment. You said "1 God and 1 Lord". Someone with your obvious focus on perfection should know that any numbers less than 10 should be spelled out. And then there's that mishmash of parentheticals and hyphens. So, it seems like you and DH are capable of mistakes, which makes you both human, just like the rest of us. Can we leave it at that, give a little grace, and just move on?
@SaturnSnapple 2 жыл бұрын
I didn’t realize witnesses could get this petty
@lesliewilliam3777 2 жыл бұрын
@@SaturnSnapple Are you on drugs too or are you a born liar? Where have I said I am a JW? Where have I mentioned the NWT? Now there are 2 people who owe me an apology. Bearing false witness (aka lying) is a sin, or don't you know that?
@eew8060 2 жыл бұрын
Huh?? You've completely missed the 'God/Lord' argument here! So you've essentially knocked down a strawman. We recognize that the Father is called 'Lord' in passages AND we recognize that the Son is called 'theos' in passages. So the actual argument is: The way the Father is God, no one else is, not even the son. (The only true God, omnipotent omniscient etc) The way the son is Lord, no one else is, not even the Father. (Made the one Lord by the highest power.. JHVH as the Highest Power wasn't made Lord by a higher power and also he hasn't bestowed this rank on any other except his firstborn) This is the actual argument and if you can respond to this one instead of the one in the video, you'd be the first
@LightoverDarkMinistry 2 жыл бұрын
[ The way the Father is God, no one else is, not even the son. (The only true God, omnipotent omniscient etc) ] > The Son is omnipotent, (Hebrews 1:3) and omniscient, John 21:17, Rev 2:23, and called God, John 20:28 [ The way the son is Lord, no one else is, not even the Father. (Made the one Lord by the highest power.. JHVH as the Highest Power wasn't made Lord by a higher power and also he hasn't bestowed this rank on any other except his firstborn] > Jesus was Lord and equal to God in glory and might before being elevated. (John 20:25, Luke 1:38, Phil 2:5, John 17:1) So in Matthew 13:28, the Father is Lord of heaven and earth, and in Matthew 28:18, Jesus is now Lord of heaven on earth. So how many Lords of heaven and earth are there, and for Christians, who should we call Lord in heaven or Earth, considering we only have one?
@jeremiahrowesr.3130 2 жыл бұрын
EE w let me give you something real quick if I can do that if you would like. Jesus is equal with God the father when Jesus healed a man on the Sabbath, a controversy and sued that shis light on the deity of Christ for this reason did you use were persecuting Jesus, because he was doing these things on the sabbath. He answered them, my father is working until now, and I myself from working. For this reason therefore the were seeking all the more to kill him, because he not only was breaking the Sabbath, but was calling God is on father making himself equal with God therefore Jesus answered listening to them, truly, truly, I say to you, the son can do nothing himself, unless it is something he sees The father doing; for whatever the father does, these things the son also doesn’t like manner. Jesus healed on the Sabbath. Did you subjected to this, alleging he was breaking God‘s law. Jesus response is often missed in the rush to get to the phrase, making himself equal with God. The Jews took great offense when he said that his father was working till then, and he himself was working. The reason they were so upset is that they had to believe that Yahweh brought the Sabbath. That is, Yahweh kept the world spinning in its orbit, kept the sun shining or the rainfall, even on the sabbath day. Thus, in one sense, God was above the Sabbath law because he continue to work in maintaining the universe. You can see, then, why Jesus words offended them. He claimed the same right for himself they are in raged it by calling godfather in a way that unique and special to himself, he was making himself equal with God. They knew that to be the son of God was to be deity. The sun is always like the father, and if Jesus is the son of the father and his special and unique way, he must be deity now, many are confused by the discourse that follows, for edit Jesus says that the son can do nothing of himself. All through the discourse the dependence of the sun upon the father is stressed. Many use this to argue against the deity of Christ. Yet, in reality, just the opposite is true. The son of God is not here repudiating the allegation of his equality with the father. Instead, he is expanding upon it, and in the process correct again. That is; he is making sure that no one misunderstand what it means for him to be equal with the father. How does he do this? First, the Jews, while rightly sensing he exalted nature of the Lord‘s claim, misunderstand the claim and phrase in the context of competition between the father and the son. That is, the Jews use a term of the sun that is technically incorrect it speaks of inequality of persons, which would confuse the distinction that exist between the father and the son. Rather than using the term in the way Paul does on speaking of the equality the son had with the father in Philippians chapter 2 verse six, they use the term a different form. Jesus correct this miss apprehension in the following verses by carefully distinguishing himself from the father, while maintaining the truth of the claim he had made in verse 17. Secondly, Jesus makes it clear in the following discourse that there is no competition between the father and the son. There are no differences of opinion, no disagreements to be ironed out. The sun is not a loose cannon off on his own, doing his own thing. No, monotheism in the singular glory of God is not in any danger by the coming of the sun in human flesh. Instead, the sons actions are imperfect accord with the father, and everything. And again, no mere creature could possibly other such words. Jesus didn’t claim equality with God by healing on the Sabbath and in the rest of the chapter he make sure that he that we recognize that equality with God does not mean he is the father or at odds instead, he and the father are one John 1030 verse 33 in all things.
@jeremiahrowesr.3130 2 жыл бұрын
EE w i’ll give you one more. Two final testimonies to the deity of Christ as I indicated at the outset, it is not my purpose to provide an exhaustive apologetic for the doctrine of the Trinity. Instead, I have attempted to provide helpful information along the way that is designed to assist those who so love this truth about God‘s nature and to tell others about it once such hopefully helpful bit of information is found in looking at two passages that are often cited against the deity of Christ, but which, in fact, when properly understood, testify to the deity of Christ. These passages have the added advantage of removing from the hands of the detractors of the Trinity some of their favorite texts, and causing them to reconsider what they have been taught. As Lord Jesus walked with his disciples on the night of his betrayal, he taught them many deep truths about himself, the father, and the sun coming spirit. He told them that he was going to be leaving them and returning to the presence of the father. In the midst of this discourse, Jesus says, you heard that I said to you, I go away, and I will come to you. If you loved me, you would have rejoice because I go to the father, for the father is greater than I John 1428. Probably no passage comes to the lips of the person who denies the deity of Christ faster than John chapter 14 verse 28. Yet if we will but consider the passage, and avoid embracing surface level uses of it, we will find that it does not lead us to deny the duty of Christ, but rather embrace to it. Most of the time we see these passages only partially quoted. The last few words are recited as if they buy themselves settled all questions on the deed of Christ. The father is greater than I. Doesn’t it say at all? No one is greater than God; therefore Jesus can’t possibly be god if, in fact, there is anyone greater than him. How can I get any simpler than that? But such an argument ignores what Jesus himself is saying. Why is he referred to the father as being greater than he is? He does so because he is reproaching the disciples for their selfishness. He had told him that he was going back to the presence of the father. If they truly loved him and we’re not simply thinking about them selves, this announcement will Cozzo to rejoice. Why? Because the father is greater than the son. Now immediately we can see what the term grader means. If it meant better as in a higher type of being, these words would have no meaning. Why would the disciples rejoice because Jesus was going to see a being who is greater than he? Why would that cause rejoicing? I prefer to better the greater as in positionally greater. The sun was returning back to the place he had with the father before the world was John 17 verse five. He would no longer be walking the dusty Rhodes of Galilee, surrounded by sin and sickness and misery. He would no longer be the subject of attack and ridicule by legions of scribes and Pharisees. Instead, he would be at the right hand of the father in heaven itself. So we see the term greater speaks to the position of the father in heaven against the position of the sun on earth. The sun has voluntarily Philippians chapter 2 verse six latest say his divine prerogatives in humbled himself by entering into human flesh. He would soon be leaving this humble position and returning to his position of glory. If the disciples have been thinking of the ramifications of Jesus words, they would have rejoice that he was going to such a place. Instead, they were focused upon themselves in their own needs, not upon the glorification of the Lord. So we can see that rather than denying the deity of Christ, John chapter 14 verse 28 implies it, for the position into which the sun was returning is a position fit only for deity, not for mirror creatures. This is brought out play late in the words of Jesus and John 17 and his prayer to the father. Amazingly, even this passage is sometimes cited to get the truth of the Trinity. How can a passage that connects eternal life itself with knowledge of both the father and the son, and that speaks of the son sharing the very glory of the father in eternity past Isaiah 48 verse 11, be used against the deity of Christ? Again, it requires one to make a couple of false assumptions right at the start. First one must assume Unitarianism or refuse to see that God can refer either to the person of the father, or could be use more generically of the Godhead in Toto. Secondly, one must assume that if there is any difference between the father and the son, then the son is not truly deity, the only difference in function does not indicate your feriority of nature issue. So the argument is, Jesus said the father was the only true God. Hence, Jesus is not God and isn’t inferior creature. Yet with Jesus said was that to have eternal life one must know both the one true God and Jesus Christ, who was sent by the father. This is exactly what we re in first John, where having eternal life involves knowing both the father and the sun. But one of the phrase the only true God? Doesn’t this mean that Jesus isn’t God? Of course not. How else would Jesus make mention of the truth of monotheism? Since he is not a separate God from the father he is a separate person, sharing the one being that is God, how could this confession of the deity of the father be taken as a denial of his own deity? As a perfect god man, we again encounter the question of how the incarnate one would behave and relate to the person who did not enter into human existence the father and the spirit, just as we discussed above in reference to John 20 verse 17. Would Jesus deny the deity of the father? Would he say that the father is not the only true God? Was it often miss by those who present John 17 verse three as an argument against a deity of Christ is that they have only two options as to what the passages saying, yes, in fact, it is not superiority DGD of Christ. Either number one Jesus is a false God, separate from the father, or number two Jesus would have to make some statement supporting polytheism, like you were one of a couple of true gods or some other such absurd statement. Instead, Jesus speaks the truth there’s only one true God. And as the God man, he pray to the one true God, just as we would expect. Having seen the miss use of the passage, we can then see how it is directly relevant to John 14 verse 28, in that it describes exalted position the sun head before the incarnation, sharing the very glory of the father. It is no surprise to recall that John himself had insisted that when Isaiah saw the glory of Jehovah, Isaiah was in fact, seen the glory of Christ it was speaking about him John 12 verse 39 and 41 see chapter 9. Therefore, we can easily understand that the father was, during the entire time of the incarnation, positionally greater than the son, who voluntarily subjected himself to the father, taking a subordinate position, doing the father‘s will, also fulfill the eternal covenant of redemption. We close by looking at our final passage, which has again been presented as if it denies the deity of Christ, when in reality it is beyond understanding outside of that truth therefore concerning the eating of things sacrificed to idols, we know that there is no such thing as an idol in the world, and that there is no God but one. Even if there are so-called gods weather in heaven or on earth, SND there are many gods in many Lawrence, yet for us there’s one God, the father from home are all things and we exist for him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through him first Corinthians 84 verse six hear some wish us to believe that, just like in John 17 three, Paul’s use of the phrase one God, the father excludes Jesus from the realm of deity. Of course, we immediately recognize that there’s a real problem here that’s not what at all Paul says. If one god, father is meant to be taken exclusively, then does it not follow one Lord, Jesus Christ also expose the father from the realm of Lord ship? When we see the distinctive use of the terms garden Lord, we should realize that the Scriptures are not here introducing a competition or contest between the two. God is just as much Lord as the Lord is God. The two terms are merely being used to describe different persons in their relationship to one another. There are not being used to say that God is more Lord and the Lord is God.
@eew8060 2 жыл бұрын
@@LightoverDarkMinistry Now whether or not Christ is omnipotent/omniscient is a totally different subject. Obviously I would disagree with the way you read Heb 1:3 and the other passages you cited. What I was bringing to light was how your video only dealt with a strawman version of the position at 1 Cor 8:6. As to your Lord of heaven and earth (Matt 13:28; 28:18) position, (assuming the text says what you say it says as I didn't look it up) non-Trinitarians would just resolve these texts with the principle of agency. As God's agent, Christ takes possession of heaven and earth in his Father's name (like when the text may say 'David took the city' but the story tells how Joab and the army took the city. A contradiction? Nope)
@eew8060 2 жыл бұрын
@@jeremiahrowesr.3130 I'm sorry I can't read what you wrote. You came in out of nowhere as if we were already in dialogue and I don't know you. And the message was far too long-winded without the benefit of having the best punctuation/sentence structure. Maybe if you make it shorter with a point clearly evident...
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