Does Allah have Have Two Eyes? Sheikh Saleh Al Fawzan

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Subul As Salam سبل السلام

Subul As Salam سبل السلام

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@abusaalih5211 3 жыл бұрын
"And so on loving the speech of Allah , it is from the signs of loving Allah. And if you want to know what is in you or other than you from the love of Allah then look at the love of Quraan from your heart, and how much good you feel while listening to it more than how the musicians feel while listening to songs , for it is known whom a person loves his speech is the most beloved to him. (From the book 'The disease and the cure' by Ibnul Qayyim, pg:549-550)
@subulassalam6067 3 жыл бұрын
Edit: the translation of the last verse should be : "under my eye" قال الوليد بن مسلم: (سألت الأوزاعي ومالك بن أنس وسفيان الثوري والليث بن سعد عن هذه الأحاديث التي فيها الرؤية وغير ذلك، فقالوا: أمضها بلا كيف) Al Waleed Bin Muslim said: "I asked Malik Bin Anas, Sufyaan Ath Thawri, Al Layth Bin Sa'd and Al Awza'i about the narrations that mention the (believers) seeing Allah (in the hereafter), and other than that [narrations which mentions the attributes] so they said: "Pass them on, without asking how"". [As sifaat, by Ad Daaraqutni, pg 75] At Tirmidhi said: "They are (to be) believed in, but not imagined, and it is not said: "how is this?". It has been narrated from Malik, Sufyaan Bin 'Uyaynah and Abdullah Bin Al Mubaarak that they said regarding these ahadith: "pass them by, without asking how". And this is the statement of the people of knowledge of Ahlus Sunnah Wa Al Jamaa'ah. As for the Jahmiyyah, they denied these narrations and said that they are tashbeeh (likening Allah to his creation). And Allah 'azza wa jall has mentioned in several places in his book: "The Hand (of Allah)", "The Hearing (of Allah)", "The Sight (of Allah)", but the Jahmiyyah (a deviant sect) did ta'weel (metaphorical interpretation) of these verses, and interpreted them upon other than that which the people of knowledge interpreted. And they said: "Allah didn't create Adam with his hand". And they said: "The meaning of 'hand', here is 'power'". And Ishaaq Bin Ibrahim said: "It is only tashbeeh (likening Allah to his creation) if one says: '(Allah has) a hand like (our) hand, or similar to (our) hand, or (Allah has) hearing like (our) hearing, or similar to (our) hearing'. So if he says: 'hearing like (our) hearing', or 'similar to our hearing', then this is tashbeeh (likening Allah to his creation). As for saying as Allah (the most high) says: "a hand, hearing and sight", and doesn't say "how" (i.e. how these attributes are) and doesn't say "similar to (our) hearing", nor does he say: "like (our) hearing", then this is not tashbeeh (likening Allah to his creation), and this is as Allah says: "There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer" [42:11]." Abu Nu'aym, the author of Hilyatul awliyaa' said in his "Aqeedah": "And the descending of Allah to the lowest heaven without asking how, and without comparing Allah to his creation, and without ta'weel (interpreting it as a metaphor). So whoever denies Allah's descent or does ta'weel of it, is a misguided innovator.... and that Allah rose above his throne, without asking how, without comparing Allah to his creation, and without doing ta'weel" [See: Ijtimaa' ul juyoosh al islamiyyah pg 201, naqdh ut ta'sees (1/212), dar' ta'aarudh al aql wa an naql (6/252). It was also mentioned by Adh Dhahabi in al Uluww (521)] So the madhhab of the salaf is to believe in the attributes of Allah, without changing and distorting the meaning
@hamzafarah4417 3 жыл бұрын
Asalamu alukum akhi there are a lot of layman who are asking questions and have doubts could you a deeper longer explaination from the people of knowledge especially from the chapter of aqaida wasitoyah
@tayyabahassan6671 3 жыл бұрын
Akhi i have subscribed to the channel you've mentioned. But why are people fighting all over the comment section? Like i watched a video of "khurooj of al husayn r.a".... I have no idea of the context of that video or that event. I am not knowledgeable you see. But i also donot want to be misguided. Is the channel authentic?
@jabba5716 3 жыл бұрын
@@tayyabahassan6671 the channel is upon the manhaj of the salaf alhamdulillah. Don't pay heed to the people fighting with them. And we don't discuss the ikhtilaf which happened between the sahaba as imam ahmad (rahimahullah) said in usool as sunnah.
@bmrigs 3 жыл бұрын
Allah Azza wa Jal has eyes and leave it at that. And there is nothing like unto Him.
@qalbi-s_Ahnfy2095 3 жыл бұрын
@MohamedAhmed-rf5bk 3 жыл бұрын
@nasmoh7182 2 жыл бұрын
Btw you just gave Allah physical attributes of limbs. I.e eyes. The Propeht s nor the sahaba interpreted this like you have done.
@u.6546 2 жыл бұрын
@@nasmoh7182 No, this is your slander and your lack of insight. Read the last line of above comment once again. We affirm what Allaah affirms and we do not ask how or why. Allaah has all of the Attributes He has Attributed to Himself, all befitting His Majesty, and there is nothing like unto HIm.
@robthebob4586 2 жыл бұрын
@@nasmoh7182 Allah also has a face and so do humans but He is nothing like us at All and He is free from likeness of any of His creation.
@na_seem 3 жыл бұрын
بارك الله فيكم وجزاكم الله خيرا
@smartentertainment9574 2 жыл бұрын
@muddassir3179 3 жыл бұрын
الله يحفظك يا شيخ ✔️🌹❤️❤️❤️
@darulquran3123 3 жыл бұрын
Could I use your Videos? I would translate the English subtitles into German and then replace the English subtitles with German subtitles. I would upload then these videos on social media. Is this ok?
@muhammadasad-cs3qv 2 жыл бұрын
Excuse my ignorance, but is there an explanation for why these proofs are a proof that Allah has 2 eyes and not more than 2 eyes? Seems like it's just a proof that he doesn't have one eye, but why can't it be more than 2? JazakAllahkheir
@akh4640 2 жыл бұрын
Assalamu alaykum Wa rahmatullah akhi Look at The Ende of The Video There is evidence of The Quran 20:39
@thereligionofabraham 2 жыл бұрын
@@akh4640 brother the translation is wrong it says ayni in arabic meaning eye
@thereligionofabraham 2 жыл бұрын
@@akh4640 but correct dajjal is blind in one and your lord is not one eyed so from we can derive the eyes for Allah
@Smz1sh Жыл бұрын
Fr I’m waiting for a response on that too
@cowdyayaad6378 Жыл бұрын
I am too. We have two ayat. One says ayun (eyes in the non dual plural form). Other says ayn (eye in the singular form). But where is aynan (eyes in the dual form) mentioned?
@ibnhassanq657 3 жыл бұрын
Is number 2 mentioned thought or just derived from other than Quran wa sunnah?
@justice70567 8 ай бұрын
It is derived from salafi kalam
@HayatHayat-rj8sg 3 жыл бұрын
Mashallah sheikh Allah yahfazak
@SpencerLowe-kg4rg Жыл бұрын
Yes Allah has eyes (2 eyes) and he sees with them what is beneath the soil, what is beneath the seventh heaven and lowest earth and what is in the highest heavens, and whatever is between them, whether small or great. Kitāb At-Tawheed p. 52, Dār Al-Kitāb Al-Ilmiyyah Allah is complete and perfect and uncomparable.
@Star_vegeta 11 ай бұрын
Allah is Noor (light) so how he has eyes isn't Allah doesn't need eyes to see?
@justice70567 8 ай бұрын
Kufr and shirk
@SpencerLowe-kg4rg 7 ай бұрын
​@Star_vegeta Yes Allah himself is noor but he also has a face and 2 eyes. If he shows his face then the entire creation would be obliterated.
@justice70567 7 ай бұрын
@@SpencerLowe-kg4rg That would mean he has parts. Exalted is he above that.
@shadowstorm5261 4 ай бұрын
@@justice70567 Allah said he has this himself in the quran
@Anon-uv9mj 9 ай бұрын
Did any of the scholars of the past say ‘eyes’ without saying ‘two’? Does anyone here know?
@sujal4tech 7 ай бұрын
Scholars Like Ismail Harrawi (Abdullah Ansari)rh did
@mohamedelmokhtardjouadi1547 2 жыл бұрын
الترجمة خاطئة ، هو لم يقصد عينين اثنين ، بل قال عينين بلغتهم تعني أعين
@cowdyayaad6378 Жыл бұрын
But doesn't the ayah say ayun instead of aynan? Why then say 2 instead of unknowable number of eyes?
@skeso2k157 8 ай бұрын
Because the reality is that they are wrong. They affirm body parts for Allah, affirming what didn’t come from the Quran and the Sunnah. The Prophet peace and blessings be upon him said “your lord is not one-eyed” then pointed to his eye, showing that our lord is not in need of any body parts. إن الله غني عن العالمين
@justice70567 8 ай бұрын
Because humans also have 2, so it would be quite akward to say he has 3, 4 or 8 eyes lol
@cowdyayaad6378 8 ай бұрын
@@justice70567 I for the record is a athari although not extremist athari.
@ummzahra6885 3 жыл бұрын
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته May I share this video and your other videos on Instagram? بارك الله فيكم
@subulassalam6067 3 жыл бұрын
Wa alaykum as salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu. Yes, you may share my videos, May Allah reward you with good Baarak Allahu feekum
@nufailanoon 3 жыл бұрын
@@subulassalam6067 Assalamu ALikem, brother can you make a video about the explanation of the 7 ahruf. And do you know any online free book of a scholar that explains the 7 ahruf in a detailed way? may Allah reward you
@abdulwadood.8 Жыл бұрын
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Sister what is ur Instagram ?
@allahisthegreatest6302 3 жыл бұрын
The holy quran Al hayat” (life), 145 times; “al mawt” (death), 145 times“al-dunya” (mundane life), 115 times; “al akhira” (the afterlife), 115 times“malaika” (angels), 88 times; “shayatin” (demons), 88 times“ar rajul (man), 24 times; “al mar’a (woman), 24 times“as salihat (good deeds), 167 times; “as sayya’at” (wrong doings), 167 times“qul” (say), 332 times; “qalu” (said), 332 times“an nas” (people), 50 times; “an nabiya” (prophets), 50 times“al muslimat” (Muslim women), 41 times; “al muslimin” (Muslim men), 41 times"yawma-izhin" (That day), 70 times; "qiyama" (Judgment day), 70 times"dunya" (near), 115 times; "akhira" (far), 115 times"shitaa" (winter), 1 time; "sayf" (summer), 1 time"Isa" (Yahushua), 25 times; "Adam", 25 times Iblis the devil is mentioned 11 times and seek refuge from iblis the devil is mentioned 11 times. Belief and disbelief 17 times Clay (teen and sperm (nutufa 112 times (how ALLAH says he made us) Charity (zakat and blessings (baraka same amount of times. The words "Sea" and "Land" are used 32 and 13 times respectively in the Quran. 32 plus 13 equals 45, and the two words make up 71.1 and 28.9 percent respectively of those 45. These percentages roughly correspond to what we today know the proportion of the Earth's surface made up of water and land to be."Human being" is used 65 times: the sum of the number of references to the stages of man's creation is the same: al-Fatihah in itself has 7 verses, 3.5 dedicated towards our praise of the Omnipotent, and the next 3.5 dedicated towards our prayers to the Omnipotent.The words “salawat” (prayers) and "aqimis-salah" (establish prayer) are mentioned 5 times in the Quran, the same as the number of mandatory daily prayers.The word "alwan" (colors) is written 7 times, the same as the number of colors of the rainbow.The words "samawat" + "sab" (heavens + seven) are written together 7 times, the same as the number of heavens described in the Quran.There are 365 days in a year. The word "yawm" (day in singular) is written exactly 365 times. Months written 12 times Muslims circumambulate around the Qibla, seven times during pilgrimage. The word ‘Qibla’ is used in the whole Quran exactly seven times: 2:142:8, 2:143:15, 2:144:8, 2:145:10, 2:145:14, 2:145:18, and 10:87:12"
@Sheixh_Salafi Жыл бұрын
This Is Not From The Sunnah, And It Is Not Agreed Upon So Please Don’t Share Such Things
@Faizaanms 3 жыл бұрын
Assalāmu ’alaykum warahmatullāhi wa barakātuhu. Does anyone have exceptionally well punctuation skills in English and wants to edit the punctuation of a text regarding Allah's beautiful names transcribed from lectures? No transcribing, only editing the punctuation.
@sidrahasad9942 3 жыл бұрын
Walaikum assalam warehmatullahi wabarakatuh. Editing or correcting grammar and punctuation is called proofreading. I am a proofreader.
@post2jannah279 2 жыл бұрын
Wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
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