I remember watching him 3 years ago before his character starting dating girls in the city he always got weirded out with ERP, dating or kissing girls IC. Mr. K and few others even held a dating show for him and made him kiss this other char that won the show and he was put on the spot and he just ran away. I mean he's come a long way with his character going along with dating girls just for fun now a days. I see him slowly getting comfortable with it but not completely there yet. It just makes me wonder if he thinks dating IRL is still uncomfortable for him and that's why he focus' so much on grinding.. I hope tho he does find a good woman and settles down cause finding and feeling love from a S/O is one of the best feelings in the world..
@John_Conner2222 жыл бұрын
100% correct. Just listening to Fuslie talking about her meeting him in NY confirms what you are saying here. Most guys lack confidence because of the damage feminism causes. It's not about empowering women its about destroying men. Its a scary place because women know they can cry wolf and it doesn't matter if the dude is innocent or not he will get locked up. I knew a guy who was your average indian dude. Went to a local club and found a bunch of super hot girls just absolutely wasted. One of the girls started making out with him and went home with him. Woke up with a terrible hangover and realized what she had done she called the police and reported a grape crime to cover up her mistake. If it was not for the security cameras he would be in jail instead of her with a lifelong sexual predator tag. Social media has made it to where your average girl thinks she can get with all the celebrities and your average guy like Ramee who was not very confident before will definitely not approach now. The grinding allows guys to feel some sort of worth (girls its looks, for guys its success - we are not loved for anything but what we can provide: it is what it is and you can see it play out in his RP) and not worry about getting handcuffed because we told a girl she was pretty and wanted her number and all she wants to do is shame you on tiktok for likes and clout.