DON'T Cut These Cards! | EDHRECast 348

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@Azeria Ай бұрын
Honestly the thing I forget about most in deck building isn’t a specific card, it’s just… blockers. Way too often I first play a deck and realise ‘oh I just keep dying to combat damage I need to add way more creatures’
@michaelpohl9077 Ай бұрын
Amen, brother
@grubgobbler3917 Ай бұрын
I basically never play the normal green ramp spells for this reason. There's enough creatures that can to get me a land like Wood Elves that I would rather just have the body laying around. Way safer than mana dorks since your land sticks around after a wrath, but all the benefits of it being a creature, just a little less efficient.
@MickeyYeahbaby 15 күн бұрын
Yep. When i first got into commander in 2021, i made a Bruvac deck, hoping to mill everyone as a fun challenge. In my infinite wisdom, we had only enlisted 12-15 creatures and no other creature token generators. Lo and behold, i ended up dying to chip damage a bunch.
@Tuss36 11 күн бұрын
I feel this big time. So many cool enchantments and artifacts I forget to put in creatures! Then end up being the target for free damage/attack triggers 'cause I have just my commander as a blocker, if that.
@DetroitTyler Ай бұрын
Golgari Charm isn't niche. -1/-1 can blow out token decks, destroying an enchantment is always good, and boardwipe protection is great. Golgari charm to me is one of the best 50 cent cards you can get in GB.
@MonoxideTF2 Ай бұрын
Token deck isn't going to have 1/1's past the first 2 turns but go off.
@Peronioz Ай бұрын
@@MonoxideTF2 Usually what makes them bigger than 2/2s are enchantments, so...
@fwop7436 Ай бұрын
Golgari Charm is functionally like a Heroic intervention with enchantment removal.
@DyneGrasshopper Ай бұрын
Untimely Malfunction is my favorite new card of last year. It has already done so much work for me. I hope you give it a try and love it like I do, Matt!
@mathimus55 Ай бұрын
It’s real gnarly
@seikers7 Ай бұрын
"mirage mirror can protect itself from board wipes." - what an eye opener
@EDHRECast Ай бұрын
It's one of those things that is super easy to miss but makes you kick yourself for missing it once you realize it.
@Qwazzy2021 Ай бұрын
In defense of Untimely Malfunction, and redirect effects like it, it's red's version of counter magic. It typically blanks any single target removal, or spells that only effect you, and during counter wars on the stack, it can change the entire outcome by changing which spell a counterspell is hitting. And Untimely Malfunction has two other modes tacked on to it alongside the redirect effect. It's such a good card I love it
@Kyronex0 Ай бұрын
Besides the obvious Deflecting Swat, I think Untimely Malfunction is legit the best protection spell in any deck with red
@60mg Ай бұрын
I have had Sudden Spoiling in my The Scorpion God -1/-1 counter deck, and it has saved me so many times and made so many huge impacts on games. Sometimes, I have had 2 -1/-1 on creature(s) and it helps wipe out some of their creatures.
@oddsketch9969 Ай бұрын
It's amazing for tempo play in toxril as well
@PaulSzkibik Ай бұрын
thanks for this great suggestion, a friend in my pod plays that deck and I'll forward this recommendation!
@verselesscooking9416 Ай бұрын
The card I will never cut is Strixhaven Stadium.
@James_Zilla Ай бұрын
Have you ever won with it's effect?
@MTG_Mana_Drama Ай бұрын
@@James_Zilla Yes :P
@James_Zilla Ай бұрын
@@MTG_Mana_Drama NICE!
@mathimus55 Ай бұрын
That’s a good one for sure.
@WishNoMore Ай бұрын
Card goes hard in Felix Five Boots
@DetroitTyler Ай бұрын
I think with Mirage Mirror most people see the word copy and look at that effect externally, like well it's only going to be useful depending on what other players have. The reality is that this card also offers colorless redundancy to your own deck. If you are in black and there are only a few cards like gravepact, well now you can pay 2 mana and have a second gravepact effect at instant speed. If there is an effect that you want that doesn't already have a ton of redundant effects mirage mirror can help you do that. The versatility of the card based on opponents and the value it can add to your own engines is immense. I agree it can be overlooked as it's not clear as to what role it directly plays in your list, if you are talking classic playing cards think of it as a JOKER, the card is a swiss army knife, mana sink and can be used your turn and opponents turns. If they try and destroy artifact you can change it to a land, it protects itself as well. You got a doubling season on the board, cool you have another before dropping tokens of PW's. Mirage Mirror is the type of card that thrives especially in playgroups that might be big on synergy and low on removal.
@nathand6467 Ай бұрын
I like it in artifact heavy decks, particularly ones where something like Basalt Monolith is good (gilded lotus, thran dynamo etc). If you have Basalt Monolith in play, Mirage Mirror is already a mana rock, but if you are using Basalt Monolith, you're probably using a key or otherwise up to no good with it in other ways, so the Mirror makes your big mana turns even bigger, or easier to achieve.
@alexandergartner8877 Ай бұрын
Q: "Why do players feel tempted to cut truly excellent cards?" A: Because some players prefer flavorful synergistic cards to generic excellent cards, especially on low-to-mid power tables.
@fplruben297 Ай бұрын
Yeah I love synergy more than I love generic good cards. But people play generic bad cards and then it should be easy to slot in these instead.
@PaulSzkibik Ай бұрын
I feel like the section about "blades of velis veil" didn't convey how good a fit it is with Gornog. Turning opposing creatures into cowards doesn't just disable them from blocking, but it also pumps Gornog and your other Warriors by an extra +2/+0 from Gornog's ability. On a board with like 4-5 warriors with Gornog out, you're getting +3/+0 and your opponents three best creatures can't block. That's basically an Overrun for 2 mana instead of 5.
@giovanniganss3807 Ай бұрын
Mirage mirror is an auto include in every deck I have. It can survive almost any removal or board wipe by turning into a land last second and can surprise your enemy if he forgets and attacks into the biggest creature on the board. Also, having 2 smothering tithes or doubling seasons or any other non-legendary value engine for a turn can get out of hand fast.
@SSolemn Ай бұрын
Sudden Spoiling and March of the Swirling Mist are my pet cards and I won't cut them from any deck that has those colors. They have help me win tons of games ✨
@EDHRECast Ай бұрын
March of Swirling Mists is a great pick!
@Tools-yt4sk Ай бұрын
It always depends as what kinda role a card should fullfill. Village rites is often a draw, but there simply are far better draw cards if you dont gain any advantage out of saccing creatures. Yes, if a creature were to get removed you effectively draw 2 for 1 mana, but in any other scenario you are better off paying 2 mana to draw 2 with nights whisper etc, not even including off color draw when playing 2 or more colors. Thats why stuff like village rites can feel good if you "dodge" a removal with it, but more often than not is normal card draw better, especially if you can draw into some real protection. Ultimate malfunction for instance is insane, as it is removal but also extremely good protection. Thats definately a card that can easily be picked over many other "protection" cards like tamiyos safekeeping or other hexproof giving cards
@joles72 Ай бұрын
Love the shorter format! ❤
@kevinthecarpathian Ай бұрын
I have been adding Healing Technique to a lot of my green decks and cutting Eternal Witness and sometimes even Skullwinder. It is a great way to recur a big spell (usually splash card draw) and has the added benefit of gaining a substantial amount of life back. I usually find there is relatively low risk because at least one opponent won't have a huge graveyard or I have enough graveyard exile myself to get rid of the worst one and then choose that opponent as my target. Getting two big spells back in your green deck over one can literally be a game-changer.
@MAndrews976 Ай бұрын
This recommendation is intriguing. I've created my own Titania, Protector of Argos deck after Joey's, and have a fair amount of self-mill. I have an Eternal Witness in there mostly out of tradition, but haven't had much cause to cast it.
@Blacklodge_Willy Ай бұрын
​@@MAndrews976 that sounds like the perfect deck to include it in!
@kevinthecarpathian Ай бұрын
@@MAndrews976 It's great value generically but sometimes it is a certifiable win con. Like in my Treebeard deck if I get two large targets (I know I have returned an Ondu Inversion before and gained 8 life) that can at least be one player out of the game.
@laurensmayr7760 25 күн бұрын
Naya charm is that kind of card for me. Just awesome in a lot of cases.
@olipod5470 Ай бұрын
“So the card here is Sudden spo-“ and an ad starts. Absolutely perfect lmao
@skylarthoma5353 Ай бұрын
I’ve really liked having looters in any deck that has a remote synergy with the graveyard. The filtering ability is super useful, and it’s shocking how much work even a Merfolk Looter can do
@darkma1ice 27 күн бұрын
Sudden spoiling is easily an auto slot. It’s defensive and offensive and could get around most stax pieces from what I know
@davidrosenberg9615 Ай бұрын
Claiming first as a patreon supporter feels like cheating...
@brendans1983 Ай бұрын
All good, the reward's the same.
@mathimus55 Ай бұрын
I’ll allow it
@TimHense-m5k Ай бұрын
It's just pay to win, like in many games now. 😆
@ty_sylicus 28 күн бұрын
Short but sweet episode.
@maxleveladventures Ай бұрын
I discovered Stone-Seeder on a deep Scryfall dive about 2 months ago and slid that into my Bristly Bill deck. That card is insane. It seems hard to play for 4 mana, but it's just unbelievable. It's basically a Lotus Cobra or an Amulet of Vigor, whichever you need it to be for each separate trigger-but it's also still a dork even without the landfall trigger. It's crazy good and I've been suggesting it to everyone since then. So happy to see it mentioned here. I am validated :P
@Hirnamputiert 22 күн бұрын
If you play enough basiclands i strongly recommend trying it with Thawing Glaciers.
@UnreasonableOpinions Ай бұрын
I don't think it's a coincidence that the charms that see the most play are the ones that have That Mode you can proactively aim for, even if on reflection that is often not the mode you use. Naya Charm and Rakdos Charm have their Remove Target Player modes, but the former for me is most likely a regrowth and the latter an artifact remover.
@Spencer4686 Ай бұрын
Untimely Malfunction is the best card of 2024 IMO. It does everything you need to be doing. If your running artifact removal, deflecting swat style effects and looking for ways to get your creatures through for combat dmg Untimely Malfunction has your back. 2 mana instant speed multiple uses why would you not run this, it's pure value and slot compression.
@digitalscribbler68 Ай бұрын
Thanks for the tip on Sudden Spoiling. I wasn't aware of the card previously. It will be a good inclusion in my Esper tricky stuff deck.
@EDHRECast Ай бұрын
You'll be shocked how much utility it has.
@IslarfPokemon Ай бұрын
4:55 Come on Joey! That was a perfect time to say "Before you Wreck your deck"
@jdvolz Ай бұрын
This episode is wild because you're basically telling me to not change my mono black deck, which includes all three of your cards and also Mimic Vat. "Black fog" (aka Sudden Spilling) is a card I taught my playgroup to fear. The Mirage Mirror can be a second copy of Cabal Coffers. Village Rites is correctly covered as a protection from exile type card.
@Lonewolfz24 Ай бұрын
I feel this way about homeward path. This card now goes in every deck I make.
@EDHRECast Ай бұрын
(Dana here) Homeward Path, Scavenger Grounds, Abstergo Entertainment and a couple Strip Mine effects into every deck, full stop.
@Lonewolfz24 Ай бұрын
I would also say, and this one hurts every deck I make, but the "new" best 3 mana rock has got to be Manascape Refractor.
@robertoruiz742 Ай бұрын
i've been adding Equilibrium to all my decks with blue, the card has been fun and very impactful in my games!! one of my new favorite cards lately. (Equilibrium: basically add unsummon to all your creature spells)
@Gwedyr77 Ай бұрын
Sudden spoiling has won me games. Love it
@spiralshadow Ай бұрын
Watched this episode LITERALLY as I was in the process of cutting Mimic Vat from a deck... then thought better of it 🤭
@trashcan_papi Ай бұрын
Sudden Spoiling will forever be my pet card. It’s saved me so many times and its versatility is insane.
@jasonritner9662 Ай бұрын
Sudden Spoiling is a ridiculously versatile card. It has become a staple for me in a lot of decks that can run it. Offensive, defensive, and disruption of combos/key pieces are all available in a single card with Split Second on it, which makes it extremely difficult to counter. It's just such a good card in so many strategies... I've even used it to protect myself from a casting of Dusk, preserving my board 😂
@EDHRECast Ай бұрын
It does sooooo many little things.
@jasonritner9662 Ай бұрын
@EDHRECast this card is nearly impossible to truly evaluate in a vacuum. It is so context specific you don't really understand how this card can completely shift the balance of power in a game until you play with it a few times. It makes it super easy to overlook and accidentally cut during deck building/testing.
@j.mbarlow5952 22 күн бұрын
i used to play Sudden Spoiling in my Mono Black Control standard deck, and it was surprisingly deadly because players never expected what ways it was going to be used
@todharter5195 28 күн бұрын
Sudden Spoiling rocks. really nice variation on a fog effect. Not the cheapest one, obviously, but has some very nice uses.
@Hirnamputiert 22 күн бұрын
I did in fact cut Stone-Seeder Hierophant from my MonoGreen Kamahl, Fist of Krosa. It has been hilarious to be able to put as many basics into play as you have mana in conjunction with thawing glaciers. Got this combo when both were penny cards. The deck isn't strictly a landfall deck, its more just playing around lands. I took it out, cause the deck has finally gone all retro-frame and it feels kinda bittersweet if i look back at the card. 😅
@sunsfssb7699 Ай бұрын
Deep Gnome Terramancer for me. He usually gets one land, which is okay. But sometimes he just goes nuts and gets you two lans in the turn cycle you play it! Stone Seeder Hierophant is one of my favorite green cards btw. I had a 60 card Honden, Garruk, Obliterate deck when Lorwyn was new. Stone Seeder Hierophant made sure to help to untap those bounce lands to reliably get to Obliterate everything except Garruk and a Honden.
@chadsamuels6512 Ай бұрын
I live deathgrip and it's compatriot lifeforce. When the come out they do do much work when you leave mana for them to counter thing. You change up player's play patterns. Even if you counter nothing that has such a huge impact on the game. It also feels really good when an opponent asks are you going to counter my spell.
@MAndrews976 Ай бұрын
I cut Muldrifter from my blink deck once because I wanted to try Lapse into Memory to remove enemy tokens while still drawing cards, but I found myself missing the simple flexibility of a good draw effect.
@HuntersheepKaridas Ай бұрын
Mimic Vat has won me so many games in my henzie deck, thinking outside the box REALY can catch people offguard. also, rakdos charm is THE BEST at letting people know that token spammers deserve no mercy.
@chrs-wltrs Ай бұрын
As someone who runs Millennium Calendar in my super friends deck, I appreciated Joey's opening jokes very much.
@conerchambers1214 Ай бұрын
I think a big thing for people, and myself included, is cutting cards when you begin to, “draw the wrong half of your deck.” I’ve been in so many situations where the entire game I’ll see the instants, sorcs, artifacts, and lands none of the stuff that adds to the board state. When that happens in games, I’m definitely more likely to remove those cards because of the alleged high density when in reality, luck of the draw is a real thing (no matter how much card draw you have)
@Mobius_ll Ай бұрын
I added Stone Seeder to my Necrobloom Gates commander thanks to you Joey! Lotus Field + Maze's End = Gravy
@Bongus_Bubogus Ай бұрын
Love the Deathgrip mention. I always run it in mono-black. Started running Stromgald Cabal for similar reasons, that one can counter Teferi’s Protection, Inkshield, or Farewell, plus makes white players nervous. Screens Swords like a Mother of Runes too.
@carlitos366 Ай бұрын
I'm upgrading Blood rites right now, and just last night I was teetering back and forth between keeping sudden spoiling or taking it out for a different fog. cool to see your thougths on it
@abdiz1 Ай бұрын
Fleeting Reflection - never cutting this power house of a 2024 card... Love it
@techpriest8965 Ай бұрын
Enchantment hate. I have seen so many games won due to one enchantment that goes well in a commander deck. It either locks down the game or propels that player forward so much that it wins him the game
@James-mm8pr Ай бұрын
Mirage mirror and mimic vat fall into the same category for me. They are: a. Good cards conceptually b. Look bad when your brewing your deck and it’s spread across the kitchen table c. Are good in game play. I find it hard to envision how they will play out in game. As a result it gets cut more than it should.
@Jerhevon Ай бұрын
Mirage Mirror to me is the classic 102 card. It's a good card. But in a generic sense. So if I have to decide between the Mirror and another card that actively goes with my theme I'd rather go with that. Especially since Mirage Mirror is a multi turn mana sink. It's good, but I've already seen it.
@tylermoore6774 Ай бұрын
Dana, that's a win-win, you either successfully resolve a new years resolution, or you continue the trend and are more productive.
@EDHRECast Ай бұрын
This guy resolutions.
@tylermoore6774 Ай бұрын
@@EDHRECast I bring a couple counter spells and stifles as backup.
@reesercliff Ай бұрын
For me i just love including modify memory in every blue deck its basically draw 3 cards destroy 2 creatures for 5 mana
@mathimus55 Ай бұрын
It has been an absolute stalwart in my Council of 4 deck
@charlesdeeds8746 Ай бұрын
I like Mirage Mirror in my Myrkul, Lord of Bones deck. If someone tries to target my commander or he's about to die aome other way, I activate Mirror to become a copy of Myrkul, sacrifice the original Myrkul to the legend rule, and then get an enchantment copy of Myrkul on the board.
@itslexactually Ай бұрын
This broke my brain a little bit
@davifks Ай бұрын
for any weird good music enthusiast, putting a "deathgrip" and a "bottomless pit" in the same deck would make mc ride go YUH with joy
@EDHRECast Ай бұрын
You can take that to the money store.
@davifks Ай бұрын
@EDHRECast wotc needs to print the money store asap
@jerensteinbear Ай бұрын
Sudden spoiling and untimely malfunction are both huge in my kazarov creature ping deck
@befuddledfrog 15 күн бұрын
Happy to see angel of suffering mentioned. Saved me from losing to voltron and helps my reanimator strategy
@sandytrumble2940 Ай бұрын
As someone who plays a ton of spellslinger decks, my village rites is seize the spoils. Draw through your deck and get a little value. It's not quite creature protection as well, but interacts great with cost reducers or copy effects!
@PaulOkon1981 Ай бұрын
@23:00 Stone-Seeder Heirophant is my main girl in my Ashaya deck!
@edwardpotter2150 Ай бұрын
I swear by the bow of Nylea. It does so much
@mfsoab Ай бұрын
YES! Such an underplayed card. Recently even put it in my (mostly Mardu) Kenrith knight tribal, just to give my hasty, trampling first strikers also deathtouch on top. So worth it!
@777vid Ай бұрын
wow, amazing mini-episode. happy new year y'all
@roydemons4919 6 күн бұрын
death grip is especially good in k'rrik when a little known card called painter's servant exists, and is useful with grindstone aswell. also you can just hose any 5 color commanders
@DishyMishy Ай бұрын
Modal spells (including cheeky secret modal spells like Sudden Spoiling) are so good in EDH. The Mightstone and Weakstone might be the best card in my Mishra, Eminent One deck because it does everything. ...and for a dad joke, it's a shame that Deathgrip gets No Love. I've Seen Footage of it doing serious work in games.
@dwpetrak Ай бұрын
Side note: I prefer the shorter format!
@Reymysterio619619611 Ай бұрын
Reins of Power is my personnal pet card I'm trying to never cut out of my deck. Such a versatile card it's nuts. Reins of power in response of a Cyclonic Rift is tons of fun...for you
@SamySapphyre Ай бұрын
So I don’t have a doctorate, but I am a Master of Laws. I’m also English, so I appreciate the Sherlock Holmes reference…even if it was a stretch, that’s what makes the dad jokes such gems! Thanks guys!
@sawderf741 Ай бұрын
Sudden spoiling at worst is a black uncounterable fog for 3
@Murray5867 Ай бұрын
Not a specific card but the lesson can be applied to themes as well. I built a Ukkima and Cazur deck with an unblockable theme. I had ninjas and other cards that could bounce Ukkima to my hand in my list. I ended up cutting them for more 1/1 counters support. I realized quickly I could have been dealing 15 to 20 damage multiple times very easily by bouncing Ukkima. I had too many counters support card in the deck with no way to take advantage of the giant creatures besides attacking one player at a time. Lesson learned!
@thadrin 29 күн бұрын
Naya charm is a card I just cannot cut from my main deck, Ghired. All 3 modes have won me games. Modal cards are so great. Three steps ahead from OTJ is another. In a singleton deck that flexibility is insanely useful.
@styfen Ай бұрын
When I open up a new deck list. I grab 8 staples that always go in. Mirage Mirror is one of those 8. Sol ring isn't btw, it's too much trouble outside of competitive metas. Reject Sol, Embrace Mirage.
@Chpow01 Ай бұрын
My issue with thinning decks is that I feel like I have played all the cards already... Obviously it's not true, but my decks used to have Demonic Tutor, Survival of the Fittest, Gaea's Cradle, Palincron, Deadeye Navigator, just stupid "best version of" cards, so everything makes me go... "I literally did that, but better and it was not as fun as I thought it would be." Which leads to me being in a situation where I have "no, these are still good and people won't *really* complain if I run them" cards for every color... So I made a boros deck and it will have half the overlap of an azorius deck, because both have white, so they have StP/PtE/Land Tax/Teferi's protection/WoG/Flawless Maneuver, so on and so forth... Because why *wouldn't* I play them? Part of the problem is simply that I have had so few chances to play over the past few years, that I want to do something "new and fun", but my budget has been so limited that I simply can't just go "oh, this deck would be fun, I will just buy the 20 - 30 new cards I need for it". I dunno, maybe I am just whining... I am probably just whining. it sucks living on a small island that you need to take a ferry to/from if you want to play games/trade cards.
@kurdist_baleer Ай бұрын
Temple of the False God a.k.a. Sol Ring #2. When Battlecruising the LGS with Nothing-under-6-cmc-mono-green, Sea monsters tribal, or Rhuric Thar Gruulp Slug that stupid land always pulls weight. I generally play 39+ lands per deck and even if it is in my opening hand, it rarely fails to perform from the jump. I also tend toward "just happy to be here" decks...
@EDHRECast Ай бұрын
(Dana here) Temple of the False god gets crapped on a little too much imo. The biggest problem it has in my experience is the decks that use it the worst are the ones that tend to run it, and the decks that tend to be best equipped to utilize it need it the least.
@commiecommandermtg Ай бұрын
Commie Commander here, This is a fantastic topic, and I’ve got a card that fits perfectly into this discussion. Like Dana mentioned with *Sudden Spoiling*, my go-to is *Paladin of Stromgald*. Yep, take a moment to look it up-it’s *that* one. I’ve gotten so tired of being blown out by *Teferi's Protection* that I started keeping *Paladin of Stromgald* in my decks as a subtle countermeasure. Most opponents forget about it because it seems so innocuous, but I’ve managed to counter some key spells with it. In one game, I even used *Finale of Devastation* in my cEDH deck to bring it out with no board state, leaving everyone wondering why-until the time was right! Now, it’s become a staple in all my black decks. Honestly, in any deck running black-five-color or otherwise-it’s invaluable. With so many powerful white spells out there, paying one life to counter them is just too good to pass up.
@ekuude Ай бұрын
?? Paladin of stromgald doesn't exist
@GotOblivion14 Ай бұрын
@@ekuude They likely meant Stromgald Cabal which taps to counter white spells.
@dapperghastmeowregard Ай бұрын
I have the opposite problem, like at one point Prossh had Sudden Spoiling, Hellish Rebuke, Wyll's Reversal, Bolt Bend, Obscuring Haze, Heroic Intervention, and Moment's Peace. But like, when it works it's so funny.
@andrewpeli9019 Ай бұрын
The only “never cut” cards I can think of are sol ring and wild growth. Honorable mention to lightning greaves which I’ve only cut from a few decks.
@chadsamuels6512 Ай бұрын
About dearhgrip and other spells like them. They are so much fun. Because these cards are color dependant they enter always hit. In four players games they often will and getting a benefit that is often repeatable feels very good and is quite fin.
@fplruben297 Ай бұрын
I never thought of putting Mirage Mirror in my spell slinger decks before now. I have mana up all the time and that fact will just stop a lot of attacks. And when I go off in a turn I can 2x one of my combo pieces for that turn. 2x Storm-Kiln Artist yes pls 😆.
@dwpetrak Ай бұрын
I am the 0% that runs Deathgrip in K'rrik. It gives me devotion for Gary, Storm count, and hurts so many decks with green in them that I also started running Gloom because it's funny. Also, Blightbeetle is chef's kiss in there as well for either ability.
@schwarzertee7586 Ай бұрын
Why Village Rites? Ceiling: Opponent casts exile target creature. You cast Village Rites. Opponent goes -1, you go -2 +2=0 and your creature is in the graveyard now. Floor: You cast Village rites to go -2 +2. It's not even carddraw. This card is so fucking bad. And if you go on about "hurr durr but what if I want the creature to die or what if I can reanimate it" yea, if you can do that you PROBABLY got a sac outlet anyways. And guess what: they don't cost you anything. If you find Village rites is a good card in your deck, try running a sac outlet like phyrexian altar/ashnods altar/altar of dementia/goblin bombardment/Ayara/Whatever really. And see where it takes you. Hell, play Erebos Bleak Hearted. At least you get to kill another creature like this.
@Ryan-Mather Ай бұрын
Village Rites is interesting bc I've never played a card like that in a commander deck lol Are cantrips good???
@darkma1ice 27 күн бұрын
Is drawing cards good in commander? DUH
@MickeyYeahbaby 15 күн бұрын
My pet card that will always find its way in my blue inclusive decks is Mystic Reflection. On one half, i can copy a super cool nonlegendary creature someone has… or for an opponent blank a scary creature or even planeswalker. Just the other day, someone casted a Zacama… and instead it entered as a 1/1 spider.
@obsidiansiriusblackheart 21 күн бұрын
Sudden Spoiling in Orzhov with OG Elesh Norn is *chef's kiss*
@lightfut Ай бұрын
Green players doing terrible things is known truth and sometimes i like being terrible
@fhgwdads05 Ай бұрын
@bmprosser Ай бұрын
Whirlwind denial! A bad counterspell which has a ceiling so high I can’t get rid of it. Runs similar to sudden spoiling.
@zacharylink9281 Ай бұрын
Just starting the video and hoping i even have the cards they are suggesting to not cut 😊
@robjmiller84 Ай бұрын
I really want Joey to make a Havi, All-Father deck. Naya, legendary-matters, graveyard recursion deck. Cheat stuff in with Feldon or Sneak Attack, copy or sac your legendaries to recur. It's a strange version of a graveyard deck.
@ajaydassani9931 Ай бұрын
I tend to be the berserk.. hatred.. kokusho.. massacre wurm guy... but i luv these cards mentioned..
@andrewpeli9019 Ай бұрын
I love it when I have Angel of Suffering and lands that deal me damage.
@ty_sylicus 29 күн бұрын
Mirage Mirror is very flexible but requires you to use your brain in the moment to capitalize on its use.
@Dragon_Fyre Ай бұрын
The only issue I have with sudden spoiling is that they are putting counters on everything, so reducing base stats will only do so much.
@itslexactually Ай бұрын
But no abilities!
@narvuntien Ай бұрын
Ponder, preordain, consider, opt etc. not flashy but they make sure you can hit your land drops and put away cards you need right now. 8 Basics!! that is way too high
@thadrin 29 күн бұрын
Temples. Sure they come in tapped, but most of the time the scry is insanely useful. Same thing.
@TylerWessling1 3 күн бұрын
Sudden spoiling and pyrexian wurm is a one player creature wipe. Definitely useful
@jordankerr5057 Ай бұрын
Episode starts: 4:14
@EDHRECast Ай бұрын
You're gonna make people miss Dana's amazing CardSphere tags though. Yes, Dana is writing this.
@rileyobannon7936 Ай бұрын
I still run Trading Post as often as I can.
@VodShod 3 күн бұрын
if you have procrastination as a new years revolution, does that mean you are failing your resolution if you are not procrastinating on work? and if you are procrastinating on work does that mean you are not procrastinating on your new years resolution? So you are failing your resoultion.
@mattfrisone3961 Ай бұрын
One time, I used Mimic Vat on my Gonti commander, and then Mimic Vat got exiled. Super awkward.
@NotARealDuck Ай бұрын
Matt, did you hear about the yeti who decided to go to the gym more for his New Years resolution? Now he's the abdominal snowman.
@mightyone3737 Ай бұрын
I sometimes cut a better card for a worse one if I just really like the worse card for some reason. Who knows why some people see The One Ring and do cartwheels to try to fit it into their Dimir decks, other people do backflips across a balance beam to justify running Banshee. I like to think that if you have enough impactful cards you can sneak in some pretty bad ones and you'll still win roughly your share of games. Bad cards CAN be a lot more fun, optimal games aren't always optimized around fun for all in my experience, they're optimized around winning quickly (or rarely, thoroughly).
@Geoff_W Ай бұрын
Re: A lot of this talk about cards feeling bad in play testing...use MTG Forge. It's not the same as playing against other players, but it is by FAR the best way to play test and tune a deck. You ACTUALLY get to see the value and tune your deck with "real" games.
@Kjos_jax 28 күн бұрын
Gotta love when someone says old card about something from 2015. To me an old cards is from the 90's
@Darkscotty76 Ай бұрын
My new card to never cut is ghost vacuum. Graveyard hate and potentially a lot of great etbs late game. With honorable mentions to Agatha's soul cauldron, scavenging ooze, deathrite shaman, and lion sash.
@enzostanful Ай бұрын
I will never cut Goatnapper. You. Just. Wait.
@TheKumaXKuma Ай бұрын
Blades of Velis Vel is amazing in any decks in red that worries about certain types. It foes WORK in my Varchild deck because I can nab 2 big creatures as a response to my commander being removed. Very fun card
@tresnalder2149 Ай бұрын
Love this card in my Karrthus deck too
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