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@slasher3428 2 жыл бұрын Join the pack LOBSTER THEORY
@gregotox 2 жыл бұрын
"furries are insane". Your "theory" is just common knowledge.
@Pancake8450 2 жыл бұрын
Hol up lemme skip this advertisement cause now not only videos contain 2 ads but now the comments contain ads
@nemanjamarkovic2444 2 жыл бұрын
Yo bro whats the song on part 7?
@slasher3428 2 жыл бұрын
@@nemanjamarkovic2444 Postal - Park theme
@nemanjamarkovic2444 2 жыл бұрын
@@slasher3428 its cuckooland theme yes i forgot tnx
@Rajclaw 2 жыл бұрын
Webber is arguably another case of monster meat mutating someone, only difference is the meat ate him
@zixvirzjghamn737 2 жыл бұрын
Wait so maybe the reverse happens with human meat, there was once gonna be player meat in the game, so maybe eating it has the reverse effect
@Rajclaw 2 жыл бұрын
@@zixvirzjghamn737 That’d be pretty weird if you fed player meat to mobs and then the mobs became human It also doesn’t make sense because why would human meat possess any magical properties? Monster meat does due to it’s relationship with nightmare fuel, but there is no such relationship for human meat The idea of an opposite to monster meat seems possible with the moon stuff though, but everything changed by the moon stuff has come in contact with the lunar energy in some way, maybe one day we’ll get some kind of lunar meat, friendly meat?
@zixvirzjghamn737 2 жыл бұрын
@@Rajclaw the reason I say that it posseses that power is because the meat ate him
@Rajclaw 2 жыл бұрын
@@zixvirzjghamn737 it’s more likely the thing that has the power in that situation is the meat
@jx0152 2 жыл бұрын
I mean, long pig is an item
@Kroban_d4c Жыл бұрын
Wilson being insane is interesting considering hes the only character that the Void Scythe talks to!! If you choose the Void Alignment the scythe whispers to Wilson like Lucy does to Woodie
@rxlrpg 2 жыл бұрын
This is such a great theory! Really enjoy you’re theory videos
@marshmallowzen 2 жыл бұрын
wait weren't we talking about freddy in WW1 last video?
@HeDronHeDronHedron Жыл бұрын
what if the reason the ancient guardian drops normal meat is because it is seen oozing nightmare fuel in the fight and when we kill it said nightmare fuel has already left its muscles?
@Baark0 2 жыл бұрын
suggestion for next theory vid if there is one: instead of just spawning things like bunnymen on the surface, get shots of them in the caves. hiding the hud with one of the f1-12 keys would also make things look nicer imo
@grunchchristmas 2 жыл бұрын
It’s debatable that the monster meat spikes are just spider legs
@ItWasMyMicrowaveDude Жыл бұрын
wanda not losing sanity
@deadmagnet6318 2 жыл бұрын
this implies that wilson wouldnt grow a beard if he didnt enter the constant, which would be weird, or what about woodie? i know you cant shave it, but still its a beard, and i think maxwell's saying about beard hair is not talking about wilson, cuz there are multiple creatures who drop beard hair, but only one wilson
@jacobk3812 2 жыл бұрын
I also think we should consider that while it is canon that other characters have been trapped on the throne, its most likely that maxwell and wilson have been on it the most. Maxwell is more adapted to the shadows and has slow sanity drain, but wilson doesnt. And he most likely was on that throne for a while until Charlie found him. So that complete isolation, no movement, and a single repeating sound patern for ages would also have contributed to his more complex insanity. I think he isnt insane in the normal sense. But i think his combined experiences have awakened a stronger and more unsettling DESPERATION. He needed a breakthough, an escape from the constant, an escape from the throne and the endless cycle of death and reanimation, he’s desperate for something to happen. Thats why he’s always so emotional in the animated shorts whenever something new is added. He’s desperate for anything. And if that isn’t insanity then i dont know what is
@tandorgamash 2 жыл бұрын
I was thinking about him being trapped on the throne but the beard was here before he freed Maxwell and before the existence of the adventure mode portal meaning he was insane from the start
@cacarlin70 2 жыл бұрын
I think its canon Wilson the only survivor to make it through Adventure Mode and dethrone Max (Charlie is an outlier)
@Local_Moron 2 жыл бұрын
Wilson gaming
@willflower4919 2 жыл бұрын
@@cacarlin70 agree! Idk why everyone think that everyone was on throne, it doesn't makes sense. Due to cyclum comic Wilson freed Maxwell, and if there was everyone than it means someone else freed Maxwell, then rest of characters replaced each other, then it's again Maxwell for some reason and then Wilson, then Charlie. Can this "everyone was on throne" theorists give me at least one sane and adequate reason why Maxwell decided to take throne back? And "maybe to prevent others to start Armageddon due to not knowing all the stuff" isn't the reason including the fact that we're talking about Maxwell.
@zixvirzjghamn737 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t think that’s insanity but more like depression
@Tr0lliPop 2 жыл бұрын
Regarding Wilson and Maxwell, something they have in common is that their hands are purely black, and look scribbly. a feature shared with... beard hair. Meaning that the fuel's effect on Maxwell and Wilson is clearly visible. Furthermore, as you progress through chapters in adventure mode, Maxwell's posture becomes more and more hunched and quadrupedal, while his teeth and ears sharpen to become more "animalistic".
@darkstone_official_2427 2 жыл бұрын
But you're forgetting that Maxwell himself, most likely like Wilson, was glued to the throne and forced to listen to that music for as long as he was held captive there. Only when Charlie freed him was he allowed to leave the throne. Meaning that figure we see interact with Wilson is likely either a clone of Maxwell or an illusion image made to scare him away from the throne. Perhaps, think of a hologram of sorts but with a more tangible form.
@LunaWitcherArt 2 жыл бұрын
@@darkstone_official_2427 or it was a mental projection being affected by him descending into madness because of the damn radio. We have no way of knowing the time spam between all the events in all the games. Given the existence of the DLCs alongside with the Adventure Mode, we could infer that while Wilson was making portals and finding other Constants (the shipwrecked and the hamlet ones), Maxwell was corrupting the other characters. And after all of them are corrupted, Wilson finally goes back to the original Constant and finds the Adventure Mode portal. So, by that assumption, Maxwell has nothing left to do but sit in that room and focus on that music while Wilson is going through each world, taking who knows how long. And Maxwell is going madder and madder as time goes on, thus corrupting his own mental image of himself.
@darkstone_official_2427 2 жыл бұрын
@@LunaWitcherArt Interesting spin on the topic. That's something I hadn't put together, but you're right. Wilson could spend either a few days or thousands in the Constant just trying to get through it depending on the type of player that plays the game. He could either be quick about it, knowing what lies ahead of him, or go about it at his leisure, thinking to himself that he probably shouldn't be helping the person that dragged him in here. I never thought about that before.
@Tr0lliPop 2 жыл бұрын
@@darkstone_official_2427 Well there could've been significant amounts of downtime between the "recording" of each illusion, so to speak
@user-dj4cq2ru9v 2 жыл бұрын
makes me wonder if wilson and and maxwell's hands and arms are just very hairy rather than stained black by the nightmare fuel..
@benpaulic6587 2 жыл бұрын
I’m willing to bet that the difference between wicker and Wilson’s reaction to what maxwell did to them can found in their state of minds. Wilson is already a little crazy in his short, which is why the influx of forbidden knowledge in his mind hardly effects him negatively. He’s already familiar with madness.
@mandragorius9637 Жыл бұрын
You could also argue Wilson asking for knowledge and wicker for proof She knew some details of the constant already but wanted concrete proof Arguably the entering of the constant is the proof she asked for. Wilson however wanted knowledge and entering the constant was the price. Thus he entered the constant as a price for a cursed wish Wicker just entered the constant as her cursed wish.
@pessien8474 3 ай бұрын
Wasn't Wilson a scientologist before this? I mean if you look at it that way then... You know?
@matthewharter6134 2 жыл бұрын
Don't question it, JUST EAT IT!
@jorgeleiva6067 2 жыл бұрын
@shivers5718 2 жыл бұрын
Delicious pain food
@Pancake8450 2 жыл бұрын
@@shivers5718 (Webber and Wormwood laughing maniacally in corner)
@oddbluedragon 2 жыл бұрын
Webber mains
@itsathing3369 2 жыл бұрын
“Just pretend it’s beef”-A soldier
@Kikithegreen Жыл бұрын
I would just like to add to this. Wickerbottom's examine quote for large Woby is "There must be a mutagen in monster meat that triggers her growth."
@chudyjoza 2 жыл бұрын
The moment you made me realised that monster meat has the same spikes as ancients i said "oh shit" out loud. Great video.
@olexoz1505 2 жыл бұрын
For the Bunnymen I'd say they could also just be Rabbits that fell down from above because of Earthquakes, after that, the nightmare crevices corrupted them due to long exposure. And that with the whole vegan thing could be explained that they simply don't want predators (meat eaters) around. How they know that you carry meat with you probably comes just from missing visuals, like the player carrying their items actually in their arms or food poking out of a bag. If they could smell the meat, that would mean they knew if you ate meat before you came close, but this could also just be game limitations.
@thatonemeganium 2 жыл бұрын
I get the feeling that treeguards drop monster meat purely because leafy meat didn't exist at that time.
@tristancarter4324 2 жыл бұрын
naw more so tree guards not fully plant anymore
@coolgames6452 2 жыл бұрын
I agree that nightmare fuel screws with meat, however, I think the hounds and the werepigs working together thanks to the full moon rather than anything to do with the werepigs. Since the moon is *able* to turn pigs into wolves, the moon probably has some type of power over the hounds. Also, as seen with the Spiders, Pengulls and the hounds, the moon mutates things too, usually by taking something and mixing it with other things, like how the Pengulls are made of Moonglass and the Spiders are moon rock. I think that the Naked Mole Bat's in the lunar grotto are a mutation of a Bat (they tend to be native to the blue mushroom biome) and a Mole Worm (Who tend to fall from the sky).
@coolgames6452 2 жыл бұрын
Nightmare fuel mutates via evolution (growth), the Moons Influence mixes. Woodie is at risk to both since his transformation covers both areas of Growth and Mixing, which is why both powers do what they do to him.
@zmithyimafail8440 2 жыл бұрын
another thing i could point out about the "perception" part for monsters is how monster meat becomes benign when you "percieve it as something good" when cooked on a crockpot the meatballs is a good example of this we all know, 1 monster meat 3 berries, but now is percieved as something good and sane to eat
@proclasstinator1543 2 жыл бұрын
Monster meat is just Maxwell's world famous Allegra chicken recipe.
@accountN6942 2 жыл бұрын
Ok hear me out, what if the reason my giant monsters like crab king and deerclops dont make drop monster meat is them exerting insanity to others, so they reason why they didnt devolve but rather evolved into something more powerful is because they found a way to use it for usefulness and get rid of it when no longer needed which could also be theres so little of these things around
@Sluko 2 жыл бұрын
We can add to this theory that the Tallbirds species is (apparently ?) a creation of Maxwell and they drop regular meat, probably because they did not have the time to mutate yet or something idk
@johnathanegbert9277 Жыл бұрын
The Tall bird was a failed experiment.
@verestoyjanos5013 2 жыл бұрын
What if wilson has made a breaktrough? Wilson was probably the last one willow needed to eridictate. From the loading screen tips we can see that wilson was fired from wagstaff's university for blowing a chemistry lab up. And what does wagstaff do? Find out what the constant is. What if wilson has made something what blew up because of a saboteur when he wanted to presentate it. "In the backstage something happened". The devs said something like that in the wickerbottom rework patch notes too. And maxwell had no reason to abduct wilson. What if maxwell wanted to eridictate wilson before re-inventing his machine (because hes desperately trying to find out what he messed up). When willow sabotages the machine, maybe she can't find an exit from the explosion either and makes a deal with maxwell to save her, aka teleporting her into the constant and cleaning the world from one more person who could tell the people anything about it. Three birds with one stone.
@khromyakvsevolod3664 Жыл бұрын
I believe that the shadows (nightmare fuel, essentially) have such a strong effect on everything they touch because it's literally a matter from other world. Maxwell in his records stated, that nightmare creatures observed him with otherworldly malice, which is a very convenient description, because the nightmare fuel is an alien substance for the normal world, that seems to mix in and incorporate itself into normal matter. The ancients used it's properties to produce food and recourses, thinking it to magically transform into matter or energy, but it actually just "inflated" those items by becoming a part of them. For instance, if a carrot was grown with nightmare fuel, it wasn't actually a 100% carrot, it was a carrot consisting 70% of actual matter, and 30% of nightmare fuel. And so, as nightmare fuel was drawn from the portal and incorporated in... Well everything, it started accumulating in the Constant. Which would explain, why it got more dangerous over time. Since all things shadow seem to originate from and controlled by an unknown overmind (aka the big evil eye in the portal), it got more power over things that had a high concentration of nightmare fuel in them. And this is why it damages your sanity and health as you consume nightmare fuel - a part of your body becomes literal nightmare fuel, including your brain. You are letting an intruder in your head, and with the eyes of that intruder you get a glimpse of all the shadows polluting the Constant, including nightmares. And the ancients over time became more nightmare fuel than organic matter, and basically started living on a different plane of existence, with their minds overran by a big evil eye. But i don't think there were other intelligent races at the time. In fact, most don't starve creatures might have evolved into what they are today because the world became polluted with nightmare fuel, with every part of it containing shadows in certain amounts. Speaking of how creatures become more and more feral corresponding to amount of nightmare fuel in them, i have theory that originally shadows didn't really have a mind or were intelligent. They might have gained those properties during exposure to the ancients' minds, intertwining with their plane of existence and world perception. This is why they need humans like Charlie to actually do something, and are so disorganized overall.
@bakybabyx 2 жыл бұрын
I love the idea of Wilson being more insane than the rest of the survivors. It would be cool if he did get a rework to make it focus on his insanity. He clearly has a love for the magic system and it's power that the others lack(besides Maxwell).
@martinmarkov9707 2 жыл бұрын
Yet, willson can't read. Sad.
@meriewanderer 2 жыл бұрын
I'm literally begging for a Wilson rework atp
@bakybabyx 2 жыл бұрын
@@meriewanderer I am as well, but he's also the character I'm most fearing a rework for. I feel like they'll just mess it up lol
@meriewanderer 2 жыл бұрын
@@bakybabyx it's gonna be either way, super great or shit
@glowinggreen2607 Жыл бұрын
​@@meriewanderernow that the rework is out, ehat is your opinion
@SIK_Mephisto 2 жыл бұрын
Something I think needs addressed is the extreme amounts of human level intelligence in unrelated groups for seemingly no reason, with multiple factions being able to speak and having basic civilization and culture; going off this theory we could maybe attribute it to lunar essence as it's antithesis nightmare fuel causes a lack thereof and reverts creatures back into feral states. The issue here though is it doesn't quite hold up with why pigs turn on a full moon of all things, but regardless it seems like some interesting food for thought.
@Laff700 Жыл бұрын
I think it's more that humans tend not to notice sentience in other species, and the beings of the Constant are just more capable, making their sentience more apparent.
@Jakeyosaurus 2 жыл бұрын
Good Theory 10/10
@cuddlefish7798 2 жыл бұрын
I think the spikes on monster meat might be spider legs since when the sprite for the item was done spiders were the source of it.But I still think the mutation theory works on a logical level.
@Terminator-Plays101 2 жыл бұрын
“What is monster meat well it’s Meat from monster” best line
@goatsandbullets 2 жыл бұрын
I like this theory, it falls in line with the moon similarly mutating things like the Crab King or Pengulls, through power of enlightenment-- the same way the Fuel does with the power of belief. Though, I believe Wilson was cursed with forbidden knowledge, rather than "going mad," while Wicker was forced with her own library's knowledge, which explains why she might be mistaking the nightmare beard hair with the very similar acting and feeling human beard hair. Though I do love the Wilson theory you bring up and I think it's a very valid thing to think of. What I also find weird, though, is how Maxwell states that the land was only barren except for Them, which is kind of odd considering the theories concerning Ancients mutating into nightmares, which seems to be what Klei seemed to be going for with the murals and ancient imagery? I just wonder if this is old writing not taking into account the future lore of the game, or if this was intentional, and whatever will happen with what's assumedly the Maxwell rework will explain what exactly he saw when he first sat on the throne, instead of whatever his definition may be of "Barren," since the land seemed to be teeming with life according to a lot of these connections, and we kind of know Maxwell to be the kind to disregard things like that.
@placeholderdoe 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe he meant that the land was dead, maybe a few mutating stragglers but it was mostly dust, abandoned lands, and Them.
@tristancarter4324 2 жыл бұрын
@@placeholderdoe baren/dead could mean no purpose like all species are highly cannibalistic the eco system is fked (we have frogs killing pigs here so yeah) in a way it was going to fall with no order a wasteland which is baren till Maxwell put the little logic we have with the seasons cause obvi the biomes snowfall and rain he added cause. it seems the constant is like an island in the middle northern hemisphere and the drastic season don't make sense
@plasmabasher 2 жыл бұрын
I should remind anyone watching this that Maxwell is the only character who can immediately recognize carrots growing in the Reap what you Sow update, it may just be because it’s the only naturally growing vegetable in The Constant, or perhaps it’s because he knows to avoid them… Though, he never says anything that implies carrots aren’t safe to eat, so this may be a long shot. However, I believe that the secret to Nightmare Fuel and Monster Meat lies in the Carrots. The most common vegetable in The Constant, tracing back to before even Maxwell’s reign. Something happened to the Carrots. They are not safe to eat.
@tristancarter4324 2 жыл бұрын
hmmm this explains why bunny may be first mutated and the original species of the cave and the ancients concentrated it corrupting their flesh to monster meat
@barrysimpson7666 2 жыл бұрын
would be cool if wilson's rework had him shift into a corrupt form with low sanity or something.
@poke8754 2 жыл бұрын
gay albania
@culteyeoftaxfraud1143 2 жыл бұрын
Shadow Wilson
@chitinskin9860 2 жыл бұрын
I believe crab king doesn't drop monster meat because he was more influenced by the moon than nightmare fuel, though that doesn't explain why some other things mutated by the moon do contain monster meat, like moonrock pengulls. Maybe both forces are competing with each other in those cases, would make sense given that spiders and hounds have both been heavily modified by the moon despite being "property" of the nightmares. Also, scorpion meat is rich in tannin, as well as various proteins and fats. Like most arthropods, the exoskeleton also includes chitosan, which is good for balancing cholesterol levels. Regardless, it's many times more healthy than monster meat.
@vexiour 2 жыл бұрын
the Hounds part is kinda farfetched. It doesn't make sense for the existence of Varg.
@junova7503 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah. I like the theory of monster meat changing things but hounds were clearly made by Maxwell.
@Curl_Fox 2 жыл бұрын
correction on red meat and white meat red meat is actually red for a very good reason Its something called a slow twitch muscle and the red comes from the myoglobin, a red protein slow twitch muscles are for long distance travel and doesnt only apply to mammals the pigeon for example actually has red meat on the other side of the coin white meat is a fast twitch muscle its for short bursts of movement and arent well attuned for like, lets say a long jog
@Milk-vf6zz 2 жыл бұрын
On top of Wilson's beard hair, there is the fact of him being one of few characters with black arms and hands, most other characters have hands coloured similarly to their skin tone. Could be that he has that condition with it spreading to his arms and such, as he has this before meeting Maxwell, but also might be a "tainted" hair. As in he has the medical condition, but is also affected by the nightmare fuel as he travels to the constant.
@darkstone_official_2427 2 жыл бұрын
Related/unrelated note: Given your discussion about Wilson being a mad scientist and the knowledge he gained from Maxwell, it would be nice to see some sorta mad scientist character in the future, or perhaps introduce a new 'no downside no upside' character to replace Wilson and then rework him to be more in line with his 'mad scientist' origins. Imagine if he were able to make the hallowed nights potions without the need for the mad science lab or the event as a whole, or had a whole host of new potions like fire/ice that gives off effects like Klaus' AOE attacks, or lightning in a bottle that can be thrown to call down lightning strikes in specific areas unlike WIckerbottoms book. There's so much you could do with a mad scientist Wilson it's almost a shame that he's so default it's boring. The only real reason I ever play Wilson anymore is to more easily farm beard hair for a few minor crafts later in the game or because I just can't find a character to play. Having his no downsides is good and all, but I feel like he should have more to him. Make potions/cocktails out of sanity and resources, become the mad scientist he dreamed of being, all while growing that magnificent super saiyan beard of his.
@dripstone4180 2 жыл бұрын
i loved watching slasher talking about meat for 13 min
@randomguythatlikeshorrorga9588 2 жыл бұрын
The longer someone stays as a werewolf more they will turn into a wolf and less of a man so this may apply to the pigs the more pigmen turns into a werewolf more they will turn into a wolf However there is another side of this we know that whoever controls the throne gains the ability to create life this is proven by Maxwells examine quote with Rockjaw this may mean Maxwell said "Yeah why I shouldn't just add hounds lmao" and created them
@mothichorror446 2 жыл бұрын
It might be worth mentioning that there was an old blog post from Klei while the Underground was being worked on that stated that Pigs and Bunnymen would probably fight if given the same space. Since nothing like this has been implemented, for any of the races besides Merms, it's pretty safe to say that any pacifism between these different creatures is mostly intentional.
@wardrobewings8000 6 ай бұрын
A LOT of activities that raise sanity are the kind of stuff that makes you feel "civilised" in the wilderness. You made and wear a fancy hat, you discovered a new technology, you made fancy food that is resource-wasteful but reminds you of better times, you sleep during the night instead of jumping at every shadow, *you* *took* *care* *of* *your* *personal* *hygiene* by shaving your facial hair... I think that Maxwell's comment is Maxwell being snarky. Wilson probably wasn't exactly sane when Maxwell contacted him, but what made him believe Maxwell was what probably most of the characters share- desperation.
@mothbott9461 2 жыл бұрын
I always saw it as "artifical", as in the creatures it drops from were MADE for the constant.
@furby519 2 жыл бұрын
22:28 The monsters in the Don't starve "The Screecher" mod are most likely a form of mutated humans. Data: - As mentioned in the mod, some tourists have turned into monsters. -Events take place in a more modern time, which means that Wagstaff, most likely, has already got out of the constant and began to conduct his experiments in the forest - into which tourists later arrived. -Most likely, Wagstaff himself was mutated and no one knew about him. -This form follows the rules of mutation. (Although it has the appearance of an owl that does not correspond to a person - but this is a trifle). [google translater]
@elChuchmay 2 жыл бұрын
We didn't talk about maxwell coming in the constant and the fact that there was almost nothing before. Implying that he created most creatures in here doesn't exactly stick with the theory
@champaris2610 2 жыл бұрын
Then where does the crockpot fit in all this ? How can it take moderates amounts of monster meat to cook perfectly healthy dishes ? I wonder where that comes from, and the ancients had access to crockpot tech as seen in the archives, but it would make sense it wouldnt save them. The crockpot can pretty much only handle one monster meat without giving a lasagna, so if they only had access to monster meat and corrupted carrots, cooking wouldnt have done a lick of good.
@Little_Compy 2 жыл бұрын
Monster meat is 1/4th of a meatball 🤯
@luckytrap897 Жыл бұрын
Personally, im pretty sure hounds and werepigs attack the moon staff because they have connections to the moon. Werepigs being obvious and hounds because wolves are shown to be connected to the moon As for crab king, its the altar piece he's on
@UntaperedLeech Жыл бұрын
"all characters have been exposed to nightmare fuel" wormwood who literally is a just an overgrown rock from the moon: what
@HeDronHeDronHedron Жыл бұрын
wormwood is so ugly even They don't want him
@Adir-Yosef Жыл бұрын
idk about the hound part it was my opinion that Woby (Walter's pet dog) is the uncorrupted hounds spicies
@r.ipeter6445 2 жыл бұрын
Bunnymen are mutated/evolved rabbits that came from Maxwell's tricks
@yukowolfang8645 2 жыл бұрын
Spoken very eloquently. I love the duality. That your channel is not just "epic bass boosted cowabunga it is meme fueled rampage with great edits". While I love spoofs, shi*posts and youtube poop to no fathomable end, I do love good theory and deep discussion. This is some serious gourmet stuff, no not the monster meat, your content.
@LunaWitcherArt 2 жыл бұрын
The way I never realized that there are weird spikes in the monster meat AND in the Ancient ones' statues and pictures... You amaze me, dude!
@pajushenka6124 Жыл бұрын
thats an interesting theory, i never wondered about the fact that monster meat is just you know.. corrupted and atll that. it makes so much more sense now, especially like when youre insane and some mobs will turn hostile and drop monster meat ugh how did i not think of this before..
@alixcanotas5644 2 жыл бұрын
Dusint Maxwell say "thay don't recognize me" when he observes the hounds he cud have made them like he did the tall birds
@alixcanotas5644 2 жыл бұрын
Whooope dident see the whole thing
@twice4846 2 жыл бұрын
nice btd bgm lmao
@haroldparsons9727 2 жыл бұрын
What if the entire constant is a projection in Wilson's head? Possibly from his mind just being broken in half by Maxwell's promise of knowledge. And the reason its called the constant is his mind trying to create some kind of stability out of the things in his head after the "knowledge bomb" and the trauma he possibly put himself(and maybe others) through before we met him. Or maybe this is his own personal blend of good old fashioned hell. Sorry for the scattered thoughts lol Great video slasher
@azumetapraline 2 жыл бұрын
That video is so interesting! I had some thoughts while and after watching… First of all, there are a couple types of food that are considered monster type, so maybe the monster meat or its byproducts trickled down to a few animals (like jellyfish, bean bugs or slugs), or became manure for some plants (durians) and corrupted them too but not enough to turn them into feral unhinged beasts (since all the mobs mentioned are passive)? I’m not sure how else that would work, I need to think about that further… And it made me wonder, why is jellyfish safe to consume even if it’s monster food? I also read some comments and wondered, what are imps exactly? Why are they considered monsters if they are not from the Constant? Well for first, we have Wortox, who used to be a "simple creature" (perhaps all imps are like that, but only a few turned into red-furred, horned variants??) but he got corrupted by the Krampus soul he absorbed, turning him to an actual monster. He can use magic, although it’s different from nightmare-fuelled items, and oops, he loses sanity when he eats a soul (but I mostly attribute it to him feeling guilty and therefore letting himself drive into craziness, unless…), and gains health and sanity when he releases them! Perhaps am I overanalyzing all this and, in reality, souls are a concept totally distinct from nightmare fuel, but how else could we explain that Wortox, Krampii and Klaus(?) are all monsters, look *strangely* similar (and ALSO someone in the comments pointed out the rabbits’ antlers, which are from a fictional creature, but they also oddly look similar to theirs, and also the Fuelweaver??) and that "friendly" creatures attack them on sight like with spiders, hounds, snakes, etc.? Another thought I had is, how are some characters able to consume meat safely (Webber, Wilba, pigs, hounds, pogs, and pretty much all carnivore mobs if I am not wrong)? For monsters I get it, they are already monsters, so consuming more corrupted meat is like a drop in the ocean for them, but the others? One could say exposure to nightmare fuel renders one the ability to safely consume monster foods, but that would mean Wilson, Maxwell, Wortox (still unable to get why he is not immune to it lmao), Woodie (he is literally a werebeaver lmfao, and also a Canadian), etc. would be immune too, so that must be something else, but what? Also doesn’t explain how Wurt is immune to durian’s dangerous effects despite her not being a monster… I do not have the answer to everything, I am not as deep into DST lore as people like you are, but my brain gears are spinning and questions (mostly without answers) and ideas are flowing and I thought it would be neat to share them!
@Joblerone Жыл бұрын
The game also considers rabbits innocent - that is, killing them can cause krampus to appear to steal your shit. Perhaps whatever it is that makes a creature "innocent" is why bunnies and bunnymen display this peculiar form of lycanthropy. And, curiously, I know the pigs do not aggro onto you if you attack a werepig, which might be another signal of "innocence"
@muhammedmuha4846 2 жыл бұрын
Bruh the video begins Narrator:do you know what monster meat is Me:its meat from monsters Narrator:i mean sure its just meat from monsters LOL
@ethribin4188 2 жыл бұрын
I actually think normal bunnies came before bunnymen. They burrow. Thus can easily have been on the surface and underground. Bunnymen evolved underground propably due to the powervaccum left by the ancients.
@RandomAnonymousSomeone 2 жыл бұрын
Every Characters Experience with monster meat nightmare fuel beard hair Sanity and other stuff related Wilson: Grows Beard Willow: Bernie’s craft Wolfgang: Gembell and Character Trailer Wendy: Ectoherb ology and abi flower WX: Needs to scan nightmare creature for craft Wicker: Sleepytime stories spawns nightmare creature when book read at low sanity Woodie: Idols use monster meat Wes: Uses sanity in craft Maxwell: Uses nightmare fuel in craft Wigfrid: Bel Canto of courage thulecite medal Heartrending ballad life amulet Webber: Is spider uses monster meat Winona: Can survive one hit from Charlie otherwise nothing Warly: Grim Galette Wortox Wormwood Wurt: Originated in constant Walter: Cursed rounds Wanda: Time travel clock pieces Shadows Hunt her in trailer
@azumetapraline 2 жыл бұрын
Wortox is not from the Constant tho, he hopped in it through the Ancient Gateway and comes from a place nobody really knows of 🤔
@Fehn_Fennec 2 жыл бұрын
I think anyone (Wilson) who studies “Astrology” is Already Insane NGL Didn’t need a Whole Video to tell me a Astrologist is Insane
@kinghoovy8576 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve gotta be honest I’ve never seen anything like this! Good job slasher!
@shutup4451 2 жыл бұрын
ah hell nah slasher got the mathpad virus
@georgethompson7049 2 жыл бұрын
This guy should do an op flat earther play through where you dont use any science machine or alchemy engines
@Ghost-qu7jk Жыл бұрын
I think why some drop moster meat its just a basic "This is enamy we want it to drop meat but nothing makes sense so moster meat" it make sense why the snakes drop it as its just a filler meat
@Jaxck77 2 жыл бұрын
This video is the real Monster Meat
@El_chara Жыл бұрын
All of that is good but in game it's just funny purple food that make good to your belly
@errni376 2 жыл бұрын
Wilson gets sanity for shaving because beard is such an uncomfortable thing to carry
@konemies3908 2 жыл бұрын
There is a odd detail only in maxwell and wilson. They are only characters whose hands are black.
@SeraphimOfOne 5 ай бұрын
@poke8754 2 жыл бұрын
bro i already know its made in the the fofe estate crazy is a real one he makes goated dogs on god
@ashleycurtis3482 2 жыл бұрын
17:09 it could be that one cut boss from shipwrecked with a similar pattern
@MrdotFace Жыл бұрын
The monster meat sprite is based on the spiders. That's why they have fur and have spikes(it's legs). If you're asking "then why do non spiders drop spider mean?" Let me ask you something, why do rock lobsters drop meat with a bone in it? They have the same reason, klei was lazy.
@slasher3428 Жыл бұрын
Fair enough but I like my reasoning better. The meat in lobster could easily be referencing their claw or outer exoskeleton connection to it
@MrdotFace Жыл бұрын
@@slasher3428 that is true, but lobster meat is considered white meat, aaaand the meat it drops is red meat although this could be due to the difference between red and white meat. Red meat is red due to myoglobin, a protein that helps keep muscles working for longer by having oxygen attached to it. And rock lobsters can fight and heal for a long time. Sooooo I might still be wrong...
@SwitchNovice 2 жыл бұрын
Man after eating that I feel like burning down a library
@TamRamPam 2 жыл бұрын
At this point you are just bullying Wilson for growing hair smh
@henrythebee8179 2 жыл бұрын
Also Wilson’s hands are black and hairy so that also adds to your theory
@miguelrios7436 2 жыл бұрын
I think that since the monster meat corrupted the hounds and pigs there are swore to the dark side hence why they don’t want the player to acquire a moon calller staff since it’s a gift from alter the moon god who they despise
@gnolfo 2 жыл бұрын
My right ear is very informed.
@nangsanbhalangblah333 Күн бұрын
So you're telling me that don't starve staves run on ork wh40k magic? Wild
@SirDorfleBurg 7 күн бұрын
Funny enough, corruption is more shadow, as wurt’s shadow affinity is the corruption of the marsh. mutation is more lunar, since, same thing, wurt’s lunar affinity is mutated marsh
@rovyy8008 2 жыл бұрын
The surface rabbits have antlers hmm
@slasher3428 2 жыл бұрын
Thats a lead
@genoronpa7465 2 жыл бұрын
We still have wonder. Why does woodie transform when consuming monster meat? Maybe the curse caused woodie to become a monster yet he still looks human when un-transformed. Klei did state woodie's beard is just human hair. Also the hirsutism may explain the werid black arms wilson has.
@dunnkids7263 2 жыл бұрын
i think i have a way to explain why the crab king drops regular meat, what if its due to the moons influence? we know that nightmare fuel and the moons magic are pretty much polar opposites, so it would make sense that crab king, someone who was presumably mutated by the moons influence due to how different he is from the only other DST crab, and the fact that he literally has one of the 3 moon altars in his ass, would have his meat "purified" by the moons influence. the shattered spiders do go against this theory a bit, but i assume thats just ballancing
@justanotherinquisitor7962 2 жыл бұрын
On the part of why the Crab King is the way he is. I think it's because of the influence of the Celestial Moon. When you finally defeat him, he drops a fragment of the Celestial Moon (The Statue). It's been shown that the Shadow Creatures and those blobs of light hate each other, and they will even attack the player if they're carrying a dark sword or night armor. So yeah, I think Pear and CK were just a pair of regular crustaceans before the moon fragment morbed all over them and turned them into what they are now.
@EsteffersonTorres 2 жыл бұрын
Oh my God! You are using Silent Hill 2 soundtrack! Awesome! Nothing better to give a psychologic horror atmosphere!
@mirge666 Жыл бұрын
This is actually quite interesting, since there's a lot of stuff left there without a clear explanation.
@blacklight683 2 жыл бұрын
eating mm:❌ eating mm with berries:✅
@fcomolineiro7596 2 жыл бұрын
1:36 if bugmeat is anything to go by, probably high in protein and in keratins
@adapperdragon8822 3 ай бұрын
1:34 I have learned something new about slasher, him being a fitness nut that means the chances of him being absolutely fucking ripped are low, but they sure as hell aren’t zero.
@auwren4529 Жыл бұрын
Another interesting intersection with Wickerbottom not believing in Wilson's beard being supernatural in nature: She also refuses to believe in most ghosts (except for maybe Abigail, but I sum that up as her working so closely with Wendy that she needs to for her own survival). Her comments on ghosts, pirate ghosts, and ancient spirits: "It must be fake, I don't believe it" Her comments on the pipspook: "your adorable appearance won't make me believe in you!" and even with Abigail, she says "fascinating, can you speak, specter?" which is phrased more as a question, and depending on how you read it, could be interpreted as sarcasm. I hypothesize that given Wickerbottom's additional knowledge about the Constant, she may be using this 'disbelief' as an attempt to balance the negative affects of her believing in her own magic. Haven't looked into too many other quotes but I thought this might be worth noting!
@nuggetillustrations383 2 жыл бұрын
“Wilson is insane” Me: Well, yeah
@kidfrenzy2273 3 ай бұрын
Although I do think The specs of hair have something to do with the ancients I thought of a different way of this working what if the ancients We’re a lunar aligned or a lunar made species that tap to shadow and monster is a mixture of shadow and lunar magic affecting the meat With the shadow growing hair on it and the lunar Being pushed inward tainting the color of the red meat with its blue magic Thinking of purple new type of meat with a mutagenic effects
@axelthemanwithanaxe4212 2 жыл бұрын
Me casually in the caverns: Mmmm cooked froggie legs! with the boys Bunnyman: OH GOD KILL THEM KILL THEM!! LEAVE NONE OF THEM LEFT!!! ERASE THEM FROM THIS GOD FORSAKEN LAND!!! DO IT NOW!!!
@RockOnTheKitchenTable 2 жыл бұрын
Small rabbits bunny men children?
@RRUUNBEENN 2 ай бұрын
And why not instead of the beard of being literally hair, but also his arms, they are completely black, maybe because of the hair that's in his arms.
@eenayeah 2 жыл бұрын
Loved the video. We need more Don't Starve lore videos! But also, your transition videos/pictures are creepy, bro 💀💀
@naerolf09 Жыл бұрын
this video felt vaguely sexual 😳
@coffee69420 2 жыл бұрын
slasher back at it again with a banger theory!!! also 22:14 as if wagstaff would ever help someone without some kind of ulterior motive LMAO
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