Doom II: Eviternity 2 - MAP36: Kenosis - Blind Ultra-Violence 100%

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@ukirocom 8 ай бұрын
Designing something like this is very daunting for many reasons, one being that people play so differently. So I’m deeply grateful that in almost every instance this playthrough follows my vision. There’s always a hundred more things I want to adjust or add, but the level literally uses every single linedef and sidedef allowed by the map format,so other than the upcoming coop support version, this gets to be final. Thanks again for playing and creating such a wonderful presentation of not just my level but Eviternity II as a whole.
@DinnerForkTongue 8 ай бұрын
Hard not to follow when your vision is given through a streamlined design. Kenosis being more linear and less sandbox-y than Anagnorisis, with its PONRs and restricted but unlockable navigability, works in favour of that. Damn, it uses the entire buffalo of MBF21? Surprised it runs so well, then. So we can definitely say this is bigger and heavier than new Sunder. Now, a question: did you mean the unveiling of the exit to seem like the cross was being re-consecrated after you wipe out so much evil? Because that's how it came off as to me.
@MasterChibi 6 ай бұрын
Question, was this 'secret' in RC1?
@DinnerForkTongue 6 ай бұрын
@@MasterChibi No. It got included in RC2.
@MasterChibi 6 ай бұрын
@@DinnerForkTongueButts. Gotta do the map over lol
@mattj2217 8 ай бұрын
This map is the closest you can get to the feeling of Frodo climbing the steps in Mordor.
@Vytaan 8 ай бұрын
That's a very accurate description indeed 😆
@TheWolfgangGrimmer 8 ай бұрын
...You're not wrong
@synaestheziac 6 ай бұрын
My thoughts exactly
@DinnerForkTongue 8 ай бұрын
Kenosis. A daunting prospect. A fitting name for the setting, the former holy temple of an angel that emptied himself of divinity in exchange for power and his pride. The architecture on display here is breathtaking. Every single one of the eight buildings is markedly unique-looking and offers a unique challenge, and the rocky crags inbetween all look rough and natural while still being climbable to fit gameplay. No artificial lifts to be found on the rocks. The whole setup of burning down the demonic bastions locking away that corrupted rotten church, proudly represented by that fresco of the Archangelus with a hole that you can see vile flesh behind... That is freaking awesome. And can we talk about the final encounter? The cross being demonized in real time, pouring blood, and the stained glass windows and EXPLODING to spew forth zombie meat for Hell's healers to work with. Then when it's not enough the map sics on you the strongest demons it can muster (because while they're powerful, _none_ of Eviternity's additions match up to a cyberdemon or spider mama!) as a last ditch effort, that _still_ can't match Doomguy with a Perforator. 😎 And then, after the last demon dies... the inverted cross becomes a symbol of light and a path forward to the big bad. It's like with the destruction of the Archangelus' congregation brought forth by you, God actually claimed back a small part of this forsaken hole and gives you a push forward in thanks. Starting with the inverted cross - after all, that's not a Satanic symbol, that is originally _Saint Peter's cross._ A symbol as sacred as any other, only misappropriated by the devil's followers.
@thomasvleminckx 8 ай бұрын
Misappropriated by Hollywood*
@DinnerForkTongue 8 ай бұрын
@@thomasvleminckx What's the difference again?
@_antares031 8 ай бұрын
The super secret monster was originally designed as a normal monster, so you could encounter them in conventional levels. Their "low-tier flying projectile spammer" role would've been worked pretty good throughout the megawad. And yes, the credit is true. I only added some sound effects to make them sound like a cute little monster.
@DinnerForkTongue 7 ай бұрын
Just from seeing the DECORATE code, I figured they'd be spawned by the final boss.
@594613 8 ай бұрын
I just want you to know that the time you put into recording and editing these videos does not go unappreciated. Thank you for making our days just a little bit brighter.
@Vytaan 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much, that means a lot! ❤️
@gelonzo71 8 ай бұрын
41:40 That time the elevator doors open and a spectral cacodemon walks in: "hello, mind if I join?"
@DinnerForkTongue 8 ай бұрын
"Goin' up? IN FLAMES!"
@mikerwolski 8 ай бұрын
I had a good laugh at that part.
@Vytaan 8 ай бұрын
And I was simply being polite... 😔
@KernelLeak 8 ай бұрын
@@Vytaan "That's the last time I hold the lift for a Caco... what does he even need a lift for? >:("
@DinnerForkTongue 8 ай бұрын
I love the fine thought going behind practically all the challenges. In the starting zone you can't bum rush the switch guardians or you'll be exposed to archie zaps from how fast their lifts cycle. In the SSG arena, the setup is perfect to force infighting between the nebula of astral cacos and the perched annihilators. The final wave of the yellow skull tower (if visited first) makes up for the lack of firepower from just the chaingun by only featuring enemies that can infight their own kind, getting the heat off you. And finally, the shower of gibbed corpses at the final bleeding is both a spectacle _and_ a source of ammo so you can go ham with the Perforator, while the healers hit hard and Zombiemen in scattered droves are not to be taken too lightly - multi-directional attacks are a serious threat. All in all, while Kenosis is a hard map, it barks louder than it bites. And I see ukiro made the maps adapt to your progression, too. In my red skull tower, I had no Archies, only Revenants, but I had no rocket launcher. The guardian of the shootable heart in the crusher tower was a Revenant for me, not an Annihilator. Meanwhile, while you only had hitscanners and Lost Souls in the chaingun tower, I also had Revenants and Hell Knights, and 3 or 4 more Archies at the start, but I also had the SSG. 1:56:12 That's the thing: the Archies don't get released. They die instantly when the cage finishes lowering. Side note about the bleeding at the end: people playing this wad in GZDoom with Nashgore, DISABLE IT FOR A BIT. Set the gore and gib types to Vanilla _before hitting the switch._ If you don't, no matter what beast of a PC you have, your game will become a PowerPoint presentation. Ask me how I know. 😅 *EDIT:* Did you notice one thing, Vytaan? Two words: no BFG. And not only that, no need for a BFG in any of the fights. To make a big combat and puzzle map without the BFG and at no point making the player think "This sucks, I need the BFG!", Ukiro is an underrated genius of combat setpieces 🤩
@voncully 8 ай бұрын
Its my sleepover and I get to pick the movie! I'm gonna enjoy this one, thanks for keeping the editing down.
@Vytaan 8 ай бұрын
Thanks :D Hope you enjoy the movie!
@lordbiscuitthetossable5352 8 ай бұрын
Again, a map like this can only be experienced once. If you haven't played it yet, go away and do so. If you are looking for a fun challenge, this is it. I am a casual Doomer, and this map broke me. Not because it was hard; it is but it is also not unfair or slaughter, but as someone who doesn't often pistol start this map taught me skills I ought to know very firmly. Fists, Super shotgun is the only weapon you get for the first 3 arenas, and each fight is tightly calibrated affair that presents a unique challenge. Slowly building up myself for those battles within that gold and white cross. By the time I got to there I had built up anticipation for some epic fights, and it sure delivered. I particularly loved the Archvile fleshpit, having to navigate in a pit wasn't difficult, but it felt tense. Likewise with the Cyber Demon Gauntlet, having to actually approach the Cyber Demon and platform around him was delightfully evil map design. But I felt it was trying to test me. I love this map, but it is a punishing one that isn't undertaken lightly for me. It's runtime is likely worth more then most. I doubt I will ever get into the really hard stuff, but taking on hell's six challenges, Christ's trinity and then dealing with that antiChrist of an ending with the Penetrator is epic feeling. This is doom as I imagined it as a young man, but having done it once it feels like a bigger gauntlet then Agnosis, and as much as it challenged me, I do prefer to cut loose in my downtime. Plus that midhi feels both like 5 minutes and hours. Just the fact it is unlike anything else in this WAD did leave me feeling a bit unsettled in the beginning. Now, only the Origin awaits. Though; I feel that people who aren't pistol starters should skip this level first; the Penetrator isn't even fair. :)
@DinnerForkTongue 8 ай бұрын
"A map like this can only be experience once." Say it louder for the people in the back! 👏🏼 Man am I *_elated_* I refrained from watching any spoilers like I usually do, and experienced Kenosis blind. MtPain27 once described Anagnorisis as "soul-crushing" once. I disagree with that, for me Anagnorisis is adventurous. _This_ is soul-crushing. Oppressive, dreary, daunting, and so very much evil. Not unfair or enraging, which if anything makes it worse because you can't shake off that claw around your neck with anger at the game. And the further you explore, the more you see, the nastier it gets. At the same time, conquering this wasteland and wiping out ALL of the demonkind in it was so utterly satisfying.
@enjoylife6374 8 ай бұрын
yessir, the difference of watching and experiencing this one is like, life or death - easily one of my top 10 doom maps ever, and a sole reason to put eviternity 2 on the same shelf as the first one. as in - world class, but it it scary mind you
@lordbiscuitthetossable5352 8 ай бұрын
@@DinnerForkTongue When I saw evil 2 on this channel, I thanked Vtan for bringing it to my attention, left, and immediately completed episode 1 and continued. Not out of disrespect, but a brand new game is always best experienced with one's own eyes so that I can form a connection with it. If I had stopped to watch it first, part of that experience would forever be tied to someone else experiencing it. I do agree with you with Anagnorisis. Sure, it is most likely the biggest challenge of the Wad so far, and it has some big ambushes, but it's just a massive choose-your-own-adventure; sure it has a massive kill count, and its own challenges, but I never once felt I didn't have the tools to deal with the challenge. While I had seen and heard it on Dean of Doom, unlike most of the Wad, his description couldn't hem it in. It is an example of what genuinely enormous maps look like. Every area is themed, coloured and intricate; more importantly, everything is always close to everything else. If you do not want to be there, you can jump into the lava and *go* somewhere else. This map *only* provides you the tools you need for your immediate challenge. It does feel like the ultimate challenge of all one's skills earned in a mod, whether you are pistol starting or not; you are stripped down and forced to match. The only thing is, I could never describe Kinosis as my *favourite* map. It isn't even in my top 20 because it is a prolonged, drawn-out bloodletting. This is not a complaint. The experience of playing this map blind has ingrained itself in me, particularly once I finally get to see the beautiful architecture inside that cross and the *blood-letting*, but it is a long experience that I feel can be tedious if I'm not ready for it, particularly the long periods roaming across winding pathways. But it is precisely the kind of map that throws out all the gaming rules and is content to be something completely different.
@DinnerForkTongue 8 ай бұрын
@@lordbiscuitthetossable5352 Yeeeeah, I know that feel. After watching him play chapter I and Ritual at the start of chapter II, I went on to play for myself and got to experience everything after that point blind as a mole. And no wad I can think of, not even Valiant, deserves my blind reaction more than Eviternity II. For similar reasons, I've also skipped the Dean of Doom coverage of What Lies Beneath. I wanna savor that one blind as well.
@Dragonfly_Doom 8 ай бұрын
The sound at 1:04:55 gave me a scare, lmfao what a noise! 😅
@DinnerForkTongue 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for the jumpscare alert 😂😂😂
@Vytaan 8 ай бұрын
Ummm.. I completely forgot I made that noise. 🫠 That's what I get for going through it at x4 speed 😆
@cordedquill4286 2 ай бұрын
Thats what a normal person would feel like after they took a cyberdemon's rocket to the face (If they were not splattered.)
@danielja1832 8 ай бұрын
40:25 - The Doom gods have gifted us a second rocket launcher! Today is a good day! 1:04:50 - Rockets putting in all kinds of good work today.
@Vytaan 8 ай бұрын
Rockets giveth, and rockets taketh away 😅
@ThePlaydohWarrior 6 ай бұрын
"If you don't want to see, I suggest clicking away now." My computer - *Crashes*
@hebonky 8 ай бұрын
The music was derived from a joke Dragonfly made about how Ukiro would like the map's MIDI to be one long guitar strum... and Ukiro liked it so this!
@hebonky 8 ай бұрын
The MIDI title is AHEM! I Wish I Was Where I Was When I Wished I Was Here.
@DinnerForkTongue 8 ай бұрын
​@@hebonky AKA "I deeply regret thinking setting foot here would've been a good idea".
@DinnerForkTongue 8 ай бұрын
*🛑 SPOILER ALERT 🛑* Holy cannoli, that's a cheeky super secret. 😂 A mini caco and Ukiro Jr to brighten up your day after such a vile experience. And damn, Dragonfly picked up the ball and ran with it: the kid's discordant chords are for me the _creepiest_ part of the whole midi for me. I don't mind having this secret spoiled. I spent two hours searching for more Sigil Eyes (only found three) and can't be bothered to look for more of them anymore.
@tbkih 8 ай бұрын
Wow, a doom map with revolutionary music. The weapon choices and the combat blend and contribute to the music. Never seen anything like it. Could watch this video with eyes closed.
@Dragonfly_Doom 8 ай бұрын
Wow, hearing comments like this about that midi will forever blow me away, especially since I started it off as a joke of all things! 😁
@tbkih 8 ай бұрын
@@Dragonfly_Doom You're the composer? Congrats on the whole project, but especially congrats on this one. Were you thinking of Ligeti and other modernists or just the "one long guitar strum" joke?
@ukirocom 8 ай бұрын
Hah I actually referenced Penderecki when describing what I wanted for this map (Utrenja, specifically). @@tbkih
@thesoulingredient06 8 ай бұрын
I don't know about you Vytaan but after giving this map many playthroughs I gotta say it's my favorite of Ukiro's two behemoths. I think the music and atmosphere really do it for me. Ever since I first played this map, that MIDI in combination with the feeling of walking around the map stuck with me like no other map has in all my time playing this game. This is one of my favorite maps ever.
@DinnerForkTongue 8 ай бұрын
I'm inclined to agree. Kenosis is more cohesive, realizes its vision more solidly. Anagnorisis has a lot of mapping for the sake of mapping.
@HmmHmm-ve7ou 8 ай бұрын
Honestly, of all secret levels, this is my least favourite. It's not bad, but I don't like it
@DinnerForkTongue 8 ай бұрын
@@HmmHmm-ve7ou That's a fair opinion. This is a huge step out of scale for Eviternity II and the other secret maps are all insanely good.
@Vytaan 8 ай бұрын
Oof, that's a tough one for me. I think Kenosis leaves more of an impression, though Anagnorisis offers a bit more replayability? They're both so different that I think it might depend on my mood as well. I've attempted Kenosis a few times trying to see how far I could get with a Tyson run, since Anagnorisis was beaten Tyson a very short while ago 😄
@worldoffood123 8 ай бұрын
Sigil Eyes it just what they're called now. Everyone I know calls them that 😂 GGs! Great run.
@DinnerForkTongue 8 ай бұрын
Can confirm, saw one when investigating the red brick ruin and my first thought was "wait, why's this Sigil Eye hidden here?" lol
@Vytaan 8 ай бұрын
Hehe, glad I'm not alone 😄 Thanks!
@KernelLeak 8 ай бұрын
🎶Sigil Eyes They're watching you They see your every move Sigil Eyes They're watching you Sigil Eyes They're watching you watching You watching you watching you Inducing you into watching me Watching you watching we 🎶 Wait - that last part is Coldcut, not Hall & Oates... whoops...
@eddiesalinas 8 ай бұрын
The ending to this map is GLORIOUS. the choreography with the blood, upside down cross, the shattering stained glass windows, punctuated with the perforator and the final fight is sooooo cool!!!!! I finally beat this map this morning. at the building where you have to navigate the "cyberdemon elevator" in the middle, I had to cheat cause walking that ledge, not getting hit, and platforming to/from it is so so hard. this is a very very cool map!
@Vytaan 8 ай бұрын
Congrats on beating it! The ending is extremely memorable indeed 😄
@spase667 8 ай бұрын
What an awesome level. The final encounter is so amazingly clever. I'm so happy that Doom can continue to surprise me after 30 years!
@DinnerForkTongue 8 ай бұрын
That one is _awesome._ I never expected such a complex effect without scripting with ACS or ZScript. And it's probably the best show of force for the Perforator in all of Eviternity II.
@KernelLeak 8 ай бұрын
@@DinnerForkTongue Good thing there were many, many pre-perforated zombiemen to provide the ammo... :)
@Vytaan 8 ай бұрын
Those final moments are so memorable. The visuals, the effects, the tension leading up to it... it all comes together!
@enjoylife6374 8 ай бұрын
i've just beat it. with heavy drops in frame-rate, sometimes even to teens, twenties. i thought of them as being in purpose. it was just a depressive experience.not counting the drops but overall design, i love these kind of maps so much, maps that are just hostile to player. i think its a essence of doom - evil traps, romero like design, doom64 desolation. BRAVO. favourite map of eviternity so far, by far (THE SOUNDTRACK!!!)
@DinnerForkTongue 8 ай бұрын
Was that on DSDA, or in GZDoom? I ran this on GZ with Vulkan, with a usual framerate of around 50fps; software was only a little bit better. Can't imagine running this beast in OpenGL.
@enjoylife6374 8 ай бұрын
@@DinnerForkTongue it was on a shitty laptop vulkan but in hardware not software... in the end mostly the open map was chugging, the fights themselves were ok. the overall feel was still oppresive..
@DinnerForkTongue 8 ай бұрын
​​@@enjoylife6374 Ah, that explains it. My new GPU is reasonable, if I were to use my old R7 250 to try and run this, I'd probably be in the same boat as you. Then again, the outer vistas of Kenosis make even DSDA-Doom chug, and that's a superbly optimised port. The oppression was very real. It's like this whole map is a living, breathing and scheming demon unto itself, and it was toying with me. Needless to say, I was happy to prove I was more than it could handle 😎 Heck, the way the exit portal is unveiled was the most awe-inspiring and satisfying sequence I've ever seen in a Boom wad.
@Vytaan 8 ай бұрын
Heh, I like how you view the framerate drops as part of the oppressive experience. Actually fits really well when you think about it 😂
@CarlRaven91 8 ай бұрын
I expect nothing less from Ukiro, another behemoth of a map! I'll watch this in segments. This Dragonfly MIDI is so creepy and chilling at the same time!
@Mr.Showbiz 8 ай бұрын
Was really looking forward to you playing this one and you delivered us with a 2 hour behemoth! Loved this playthrough, thanks a lot man This map was super sinister by Eviternity’s exuberant standards, it felt like a punch in the guts when I first landed in here. An experience like no other. This is an instant classic.
@erikziak1249 8 ай бұрын
Astral Caco: Hold the lift! Here I am. Die!
@Vytaan 8 ай бұрын
Such a rude Astral 😟
@TheRaker1000 8 ай бұрын
OMG you can't take two hours out of my day like that, I don't have this kind of time!!! Just don't watch it you say? Sure, well, but but but, i haaaavve to.
@DinnerForkTongue 8 ай бұрын
Relatable af 🤣
@Vytaan 8 ай бұрын
I'm sorry 😎
@TheRaker1000 8 ай бұрын
@@Vytaan To be honest, I watched every minute and loved it. great catch with those "Sigil Eyes"
@BigPashPlays 8 ай бұрын
I’ve been waiting so impatiently for this video, hooley dooley 140 minutes! 😵‍💫 I lost track of time playing this one for the first time, basically using save states before each arena because I don’t have the skill nor patience to do single segment!! Just an incredible map.
@DinnerForkTongue 8 ай бұрын
I spent like 2 hours only looking for Sigil Eyes. Gave up after finding only three (the first three Vytaan found).
@Vytaan 8 ай бұрын
Once you know what to do, the map is a lot more doable than it seems at first! It's especially the pressure and atmosphere that make it feel harder than it really is in my opinion. I think you could do it 😄
@BigPashPlays 8 ай бұрын
@@DinnerForkTongue man those Eyes in this video threw me for a loop because I never found any. I was like how could I have missed all of them?? Turns out RC2 that I played didn’t actually have them, they were added later. So I was very curious what they did!
@DinnerForkTongue 8 ай бұрын
​​@@Vytaan I agree. Kenosis barks more than it bites. Foreknowledge makes it go by really quickly and more easily, but without the fights becoming any less enjoyable.
@requem90 5 ай бұрын
Just finished this level during yesterday night (yes - night - because evening wasn’t enough) and oh my… This is another level of surrealism. I knew I couldn’t finish it single segment on blind especially with disabled rewind key from time to time because even DSDA on OpenGL was chugging so I refrained only to saves before and after completing each „star corner” 😅 In the end fights weren’t that difficult with exception of part with Cyber lift and Astra Mancubi - that was real combat puzzle to figure out what I’m supposed to do. Overall what kept me on my toes was sense of solitude - I never felt such thing in any Doom map like this one. Aesthetics really reminded me of my trip to Iceland where you’re seeing only wastelands (especially after volcano eruptions) so feeling of being small insignificant is strong with this one. I’m still struggling internally if I can single-segment or not but I need to cool down first before trying it again 😂 Also I realized those sigil eyes mean something and thought that enabled some secret BFG/Perforator but when I arrived at the beginning (although beginning sigil eye in RC5 was removed) I didn’t expect that what I saw and with map of that scale I expected some easter eggs too. ❤ Overall that’s an another ukiro’s milestone and worthy sequel to Anagnorisis.
@requem90 5 ай бұрын
Oh forgot to mention final fight - that was the most Shining moment I ever experienced in Doom ✝️
@royb0t 8 ай бұрын
incredible map wow! great play too, was captivated the entire time!
@circle9nerd 8 ай бұрын
33:08 I really didn't mean to make you self-conscious about it. 😅 I think it's a cute "tic" like when agadmator (chess channel) scratches his leg every video. It adds to the experience and is a part of your brand.
@KernelLeak 8 ай бұрын
Like I said before - it's a perfect catchphrase / slogan... :)
@Soper20 8 ай бұрын
Holy Shit Vytaan! What a great Play though! Such a wild ride!! Good Job Dude!!
@asabovesobelow1362 8 ай бұрын
I thought this map was gonna be like anagnorisis but it's really it's own beast. Funnily enough I found the fight after the lost soul room the hardest, those purple imps hit really hard and you can cheese the fight if you save the invuln. The finale is just so cool too. The difficulty of this map really depends on order too.
@DinnerForkTongue 8 ай бұрын
I agree, the Veil Imps were a much harder gut punch than the Lost Soul swarm. Lucky me I had the SSG. And very true about the progress order, too. Not all "chalices" are created equal and there is much room for optimising single-segment runs here.
@asabovesobelow1362 8 ай бұрын
I had the SSG too but kept getting overwhelmed, probably skill issue on my behalf. @@DinnerForkTongue
@Vytaan 8 ай бұрын
I like how there's multiple paths to take, even if it wasn't obvious to me at first. Also cool that the chaingun fight becomes harder the later into the map you attempt it!
@circle9nerd 8 ай бұрын
GG! Map was EPIC! Huge platforming, combat and puzzles. Really enjoyed it! Easter egg was epic too!
@philadams9254 8 ай бұрын
A work of art! I was going to comment that the music is very reminiscent of the PS1 Doom soundtrack, which a lot of people say is the best of all time. I'm glad I waited to the end of the video because that secret was awesome. Also, that final room was amazing. Not a fan of all the platforming though! 😨
@asabovesobelow1362 8 ай бұрын
When I did the yellow key fight there was like 8 arch viles, it must have something to do with how many keys you have.
@joker718 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, I was also surprised at there being two arch-viles, I thought I'm going crazy especially since I played the newest version of the WAD when playing this map. Makes sense though I suppose, when I was doing that fight I think I had SSG and rocket launcher already so it was manageable and two archies wouldn't pose much threat I imagine.
@asabovesobelow1362 8 ай бұрын
It was the last one I tried and I died a few times trying to do it with the chain gun cause I was like well if this is how they want me to do it I'll give it a go.@@joker718
@philcul123 8 ай бұрын
@@joker718 Yeah, I really think it depends on if you have grabbed the SSG before, because I also had more AVs but went to the SSG-building first.
@Vytaan 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, it scales with the amount of fights you've already cleared. Great way to balance it 😄
@asabovesobelow1362 8 ай бұрын
@@Vytaan More doom wizardry that dragonfly and the gang put in the wad, like there's no scripting in this wad right? Cause I don't really know how they did it.
@zachdkelly 8 ай бұрын
@Vytaan 8 ай бұрын
Wow, thanks for your generosity!
@eddiesalinas 8 ай бұрын
oh my, the video length! I started this lKenosis evel only after I saw Vytaan figure out how to get here from map29 (I found only 1 of two secret areas to unlock the secret exit). I started this level and saved in the middle, I haven't died, but have saved, and it seems like a BIG level and not easy for sure! I suppose I may watch this video later after I've gone as far as I can blind myself....
@Sentinelord 8 ай бұрын
SPOILER - Evil eye locations 14:40 18:40 42:40 1:17:05 2:12:30
@adinocc2042 8 ай бұрын
A great secret level full of lots of cool fights that was very fun to watch. I'm going to miss this wad when it's over, tho!
@SmilingImp 8 ай бұрын
now this is podracing
@SmilingImp 8 ай бұрын
i think this is my fav map of the set. really nice playthrough, thanks for all your effort!
@Vytaan 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching! Awesome map indeed 😄
@Sentinelord 8 ай бұрын
Just beat this map + cosmology on single segment after beating it with saves & loads. What an amazing level. Gameplay wise I think it is better than Anagnorisis, but I think Anagnorisis is prettier. I died almost twice, first in the raising platform cyber room when couple of rocket splash damaged me to 26% because I forgot how to do the room correctly but managed to get out alive (thank Ukiro for the 3 megaspheres in that arena. Second death was almost death at 5%. After finishing the room with crushers, I went up the pathway to the heart with annihilator near it. I was firing rockets when I dodged his rocket to the left but immidiately put him in pain state so he immidiately shot 2nd rocket at me which hit me and brought me down to about 35% and some armor and launched me off the cliff so while figuring out a way out I fell in the lava couple of times which brought me to 5% and barely managed to get up the platform. Very cool and fun map, I was unsure if I liked it more than Anagnorisis but the end fight just dropped my jaw to the floor of how cool it was and solidified it as better.
@Dollar_Store_Cacodemon Ай бұрын
That squeak at 1:04:57 needs to be clipped and turned into a soundbite! 🤣🤣
@DarkstarArchangel 8 ай бұрын
Unlike Anagnorisis, the path finding and direct is clear in this one. Practically all of us weren't excited for you to fight the final boss, we were excited for you to play this: The most DOOM-themed demonic level in Doom history, a Profaned Palace sealed by 7 deadly towers when its inhabitants made deals with devils. The level linked to the Celestial realm. Honestly the midi sounds best when it's Arachnofont. It has the siren-sounding instruments and some of the audio is more clear. We weren't lying when we told you this level is a grande finale.
@Vytaan 8 ай бұрын
Feels like a finale for sure, and what an amazing one. It's also why I took my time to play through it: not only did I want to experience it fully, but I also knew it was basically leading me to the end of Eviternity 2... and I didn't want it to almost be over 😔
@DarkstarArchangel 8 ай бұрын
@@Vytaan Especially since you take that overpowered-weapon that replaces the chainsaw with you to finish off the boss. Extremely cheap way to finish it off. Honestly it reminds me of Complex Doom's expansion called "Clusterf___" which has a level called Nemesis Macrocosm that you cannot access until you get all the upgrades and requirements and you fight an ACTUAL CHALLENGING boss rush that takes over 30 minutes to fight. Some people have done the boss you may want to see and search "Nemesis Macrocosm" videos to see what I mean.
@crit-c4637 8 ай бұрын
1:11:40 Revnants on stairs, man. What an awful combo they make.
@Vytaan 8 ай бұрын
Heh yeah, very deadly.
@garygrinvalds3887 8 ай бұрын
I'm wondering what everyone thought the hardest fight was. I thought the crusher room with the cyberdemon and mancubi was particularly brutal. Just so much to pay attention to and keep up with and so little room to move. Definitely a cool challenge.
@DinnerForkTongue 6 ай бұрын
For me it's either the SSG chalice (at least until you can circlestrafe the Astral Caco nebula) or the first one with the berserk and so many alternating archies. For the crusher chalice, you only have to strafe following the crusher pattern and you'll be safe.
@Hydronisa 8 ай бұрын
I don't know if you've already recorded it and set it to upload, but... There is a hidden encounter in Map 37
@joker718 8 ай бұрын
Oh man, now you got me checking every corner in the credits map, didn't find anything for now but I'm curious so hopefully I'll find it at some point.
@DinnerForkTongue 8 ай бұрын
I tried to find it for almost an hour this weekend. Couldn't find it. Still gonna look for it and find it all on my own!
@Vytaan 8 ай бұрын
I'm aware, thanks :D Took me a looooong time to find, and actually: that's not all, I think I might be able to surprise you even further... hehe. Not going to spoil anything though - I'll include it tomorrow in some way. I consider it SO well hidden that it won't be directly found in the main video, it'll only be for people who pay attention and are curious enough 😄
@Hydronisa 8 ай бұрын
It's legit difficult to figure out. I noticed in the extended hud that there is an Item on the map, so I iddt'd and idclip'd to figure out where it would be. But actually unlocking it without idclip takes either a crap ton of luck, or perusing UDB. There are five maps that when you "Use," you will hear feedback. You have to hit Use on these five windows AND NO OTHER WINDOWS, or else it will reset. BUT!!! You have to hit one of them specifically before the other four, or it won't work at all. More of a Hint: "Offer yourself before these mapping experts, lest ye be left out in the Cold."
@Vytaan 8 ай бұрын
It's very difficult to figure out, but there's a reason behind the secret. I'll try to make it make sense tomorrow 😄
@willeatpants7691 8 ай бұрын
2 hours. 20 min. I might have to prepare thy self for this... Where is my inplament for herbal remedies! 😊😊😊 Your second death. Last thing you saw was the smiling astral caco 😊
@MongoosePreservationSociety 8 ай бұрын
I had to watch in pieces, but I'm almost there
@TreuloseTomate 8 ай бұрын
My.god... I don't know when I'll have the time to watch this.
@Vytaan 8 ай бұрын
Heh yeah, it's a long one! But the video won't go anywhere and the series is almost over anyway, so no need to hurry I guess 😄
@MasterChibi 6 ай бұрын
Was this 'super secret' in here from the first version, because I swear the version I have doesn't have *any* eyes.
@Vytaan 6 ай бұрын
I'm not sure, I haven't played this map in RC1.
@MasterChibi 6 ай бұрын
@@Vytaan Well crap, I'll have to do the whole map over in RC5 then >_
@MasterChibi 6 ай бұрын
I got the update and did the map over just for the secret, absolutely worth it
@Classicvideogames45 8 ай бұрын
I just bought a Acer predator gaming desktop. I wonder if I won’t have any issues with it with this level or levels like this so big
@x1teDota 8 ай бұрын
@nitrosnowman7410 8 ай бұрын
I had to skip this map because my little mx350 refuses to run the map in software and opengl, 17 fps 🤦‍♂️
@DinnerForkTongue 7 ай бұрын
If only DSDA supported Vulkan rendering. Vulkan puts GZDoom on par with DSDA, easily.
@nitrosnowman7410 7 ай бұрын
@@DinnerForkTongue Vulkan really helps my little laptop gpu, I can play most maps on gzdoom at 1440p and got a consistent 60 for most maps (Lol I can’t believe I am dropping fps on a game from 1993 🤦‍♂️)
@DinnerForkTongue 7 ай бұрын
@@nitrosnowman7410 To be fair, it's a 1993 game with basically all static limits removed, running on a severely un-optimized source port that doesn't even support CPU core multithreading. Yes, it's a single-core application. 🤦‍♂️ VKDoom is in development to make even more use of Vulkan (GZDoom right now can render with Vulkan, but it's still bottlenecked by using OpenGL on the backend) to increase performance. We'll see how things turn out with that one.
@defftlingo4803 7 ай бұрын
Can't hear the music you rave about
@Vytaan 7 ай бұрын
It's the ambient track in the background. For example you can hear it very clearly at 5:53
@Classicvideogames45 8 ай бұрын
Over 2700 enemies
@Vytaan 8 ай бұрын
A lot! Though I think a big chunk is from all the zombiemen getting gibbed begkre the final fight.
@Classicvideogames45 8 ай бұрын
@@Vytaan that’s the best part
@fiereke 8 ай бұрын
Baby astral was left out of the monster count😅
@Classicvideogames45 8 ай бұрын
@@fiereke That Baby astral wasn’t a secret I dont think more like an Easter egg
@TheWolfgangGrimmer 8 ай бұрын
So let me tell you about Cosmogenesis...
@southpakrules 8 ай бұрын
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