Try not to torment yourself with schedules too much, these kinds of videos are best when they’re “in the moment” and “when the times right”. Don’t stress about maintaining a certain schedule unless it’s absolutely necessary. My advice for staying motivated however, is lists. When you wake up, or before you go to bed, write a list of objectives you wanna achieve the following day and plod through it that way. It helps me stay on task when I find myself getting distracted. Anyway mate, another ace video. Keep it up, you da man 🔥
@00Turquoise12 күн бұрын
Thanks! I'll definitely give that a shot. I'm usually pretty good at not stressing about schedules and stuff, so I'll keep that in mind in future as well! Thanks again :D
@PuchiPlays12 күн бұрын
WaruMonzaemon 😍
@00Turquoise12 күн бұрын
I've haven't raised him that often before, but he's a pretty cool mon. I love his attack sprite!