Thank you, Dr. Sertima, your devotion to world history and the truth has been truly illuminated to all who have heard your voice. May the ancestors welcome you with open arms, hotep.
@albertgray63912 ай бұрын
Can't see pictures
@wendylowman490 Жыл бұрын
Dr. Ivan Van Sertima such a great Historian of African Sturdies.✊🏾 Our Iconic BLACK SCHOLARS, Teachers.... Dr Sertima, Dr. Ben, Dr. Clarke and Dr. Jeffries... I had the GREAT Opportunity to travel to EGYPT with Dr. Ben, it was an EDUCATION of Black History of a Lifetime I will ALWAYS TREASURE❤️
@CVinyl Жыл бұрын
What about Sun Ra 🛸? He was way ahead of them Dr's
@juanrivera2841 Жыл бұрын
@itstheru274 Жыл бұрын
🫢 "OMG! You named all the Great Honorable Ancestors 👏🏾👏🏾👍🏿🫶🏿💪🏿 along with these Great's Honorable Malcolm X Marcus M Garvey and Carlos Cooks so many other's 🙏🏿🤲🏿💜💫
@badabinbadaboom7338 Жыл бұрын
"historian"😂😂😂 More like fiction writer reinventing History to calm the insecurities of negro-americans😂
@seekingtruthonly.42999 ай бұрын
Great list. I'd only add the great Psychologist Dr Amos Wilson
@MekhiThepowerful Жыл бұрын
knowing your history isnt to say you are superior it is to know you too are great 🥇
@paulettewright9623 Жыл бұрын
Loved this statement.
@alejandronopasanada5302 Жыл бұрын
You can tell the character and self esteem of the people who don’t even want you to know or give a little look at your history.
@Trey-t1i Жыл бұрын
Thanks to Brothers like yourself Sir! The Veil Is Gradually Being peeled Back! And The Balance Is Being Established Because The Dead In Christ Is Rising!! Thank You Brother! Bless!!
@cherylwin9364 Жыл бұрын
@manueldavidson1398 Жыл бұрын
A great man and a master teacher, thinker, and a real truth teller. Right on Dr. Van Sertima.
@skimanization Жыл бұрын
The problem is that all these lectures about ancient civilisations in Africa are in English, not the languages of the continent of Africa. The biggest task facing us as Africans is to translate all the works of our great scholars into African languages so that all the children of Africa know about them. So much research has happened done by black Americans but Africa doesn't or know little about it. Even what Cheik Ante Diop revealed to the astonishment of Europe/America/Arab scholars is not known by the majority of Africans because it's all in French and English. There's a lot to be done by us Africans in order to achieve UNITY or BLACK POWER or PAN-AFRICANISM
@ikpoegee Жыл бұрын
When you say that, you confine a more wider problem to language. Dr. Cheik Anta Diop wrote most of his seminal works in Senegal and many more. The historians in America are writing or have written in English but that has not filled the gaps of availability and accessibility. The black people in diaspora and in the motherland are looking for the information that will be in the classrooms and not in the fringes. They need those books in the libraries all over. We need leaders who will not only take the economy serious but will also think of the sociocultural and psychological wellbeing of the people, and to do this,you will have to fill the yearning for proper African history.
@hiramabiff773 Жыл бұрын
Arabic is extremely essential for understanding our history, and the Germans hide a higher level of scholarship from the world.
@ChrisThornburn-ke5xk Жыл бұрын
such an ignorant post
@mrgooglethegreat Жыл бұрын
Y'all are likely not African. It's amazing ppl call themselves doctors then believe events that any medical doctor worth anything will tell you is physically impossible
@rogerdecaires8403 Жыл бұрын
The problem is that Africa is a continent and we and the world fool ourselves into believing its " one people and one culture ." Which language of any African nation/tribe / grouping can we use ? There are hundreds of " African languages ."
@TrendApparel3 ай бұрын
gone but never forgotten Dr. Sertima. as a 22 year old I'm looking to go back to uni and continue from where you left
@ghostwriter5316 Жыл бұрын
Gratitude Beloved. My heart was so excited when I stumbled across this title, definitely subscribed, definitely save this video in my playlist.
@DPSLee8 ай бұрын
Incredible scholar. This is 1982 and so much of what he's bringing to light is still being debated and the political issues are still being debated.
@Humanity21028 ай бұрын
The truth will never be admitted because so-called "Western Civilization" is framed on a pack of lies. Africans and those in the diaspora will have to be responsible for teaching their people and children. It will never be done by the "system."
@twanacisse3950 Жыл бұрын
Thank you 🙏🏾 great scholar! I have your books and will study even harder! Much love may you rest in peace!
@Staykool777 Жыл бұрын
@roddycharles9297 Жыл бұрын
he used to clean my toilet for extra income
@ItsMe-ic7on Жыл бұрын
Who Ivan? Didn't he die in May of 2009?
@yepimback Жыл бұрын
@@roddycharles9297 Back to hell devil. You are REBUKED
@adlenaijomah3646 Жыл бұрын
@@roddycharles9297 If that is true, So What. !! All that proves is, you will have a Very Difficult if Not Impossible chance of Getting into Heaven !!!
@SergeGOLDSTEIN-tq2oe Жыл бұрын
«Afrique Éden Terre Sainte» CHAPITRE-1-ÉDEN AFRIQUE 1-«(1392)Africaines(1393)(1404)Sara Rébecca(1405)»[Livre du Juste 15]. 2-«(1421)Éthiopienne(1422)(1444)Séphora(1445)»[Livre du Juste 16]. 3-«23Égypte Le Pays de Cham 27Le Pays de Cham»[Psaume 105:23-27]. 4-«21Égypte 22Le Pays de Cham»[Psaume 106:21-22]. 5-«51Égypte de Cham»[Psaume 78:51]. CHAPITRE-2-ÉGYPTE Le PAYS de CHAM CUSCH MITZRAÏM 6-«6Fils de Cham Cusch Mitzraïm 7Cusch 8Cusch 20Fils de Cham»[Genèse 10:1-32][1Chroniques 1:1-54][Jasher 7:1-51]. 7-«2Égypte Mitzraïm 4Égyptiens 8Mitzraïm Égypte»[Jasher 15:1-47]. 8-«8Fils de Cham Cusch Mitzraïm 9Cusch 10Cusch Nimrod 11Mitzraïm»[1Chroniques 1:1-54][Jasher 7:1-51]. 9-«21Nimrod Mitzraïm Cusch 35singes éléphants 37Tour de Babel»[Jasher 9:1-39]. 10-«(1170)Éden Fils de Cham(1171)(1183)singes babouins(1184)(1204)Cham Cusch Mitzraïm Égypte Gaza(1205)(1212)Tour de Babel Euphrate(1213)»[Livre du Juste 4]. 11-«(1170)Éden Fils de Cham(1171)(1174)Cusch Adam Paradis Cham(1175)(1180)Mitzraïm(1181)(1183)singes babouins(1184)(1204)Cham Cusch Mitzraïm Égypte Gaza(1205)(1212)La Tour de Babel Égypte Euphrate(1213)»[Livre du Juste 4]. 12-«6Les Fils de Cham Cusch Mitzraïm Canaan 7Cusch 8Cusch 13Mitzraïm 20Fils de Cham»[Genèse 10:1-32]. 13-«19Cham Cusch Mitzraïm 21Mitzraïm 22Égypte»[Jasher 10:1-39]. 14-«8Fils de Cham: Cusch Mitzraïm Puth Canaan 9Cusch Saba Havila Séba 10Cusch Nimrod 11Mitzraïm13Canaan 16Hamath»[1Chroniques 1:1-54]. CHAPITRE-3-ÉGYPTE LE PAYS DE CUSCH MADIAN KÉNIEN 15-«12Cusch Fils de Cham 13Madian Égypte Madian 21Égypte Cusch 24Égyptiens 59Égypte Mitzraim»[Jasher 76:1-62]. 16-«7Éthiopie Madian Cusch»[Habacuc 3:1-19][LSG][MAR][KJV]. 17-«1Abraham Ketura 2enfanta Madian»[Genèse 25:1-34]. 18-«4Noé, Sem, Cham Japhet 5Fils de Japhet: Gomer 6Fils de Gomer: Aschkenaz 17Fils de Sem 27Abram Abraham 28Fils d'Abraham: Isaac Ismaël 32Fils de Ketura, concubine d'Abraham enfanta Madian 33Madian 34Abraham engendra Isaac. Fils d'Isaac: Esaü Israël 36Théman 43Edom Israël Dinhaba 46Madian Moab»[1Chroniques 1:1-54]. 19-«1Cusch 7Égypte 12Cusch Fils de Cham 13Madian Égypte Madian 18Égyptien 21Égypte Cusch 22Cusch 23Séphora 24Égypte Égyptiens 59Égypte Mitzraim»[Jasher 76:1-62]. 20-«26Madian 34Égypte Cusch 48Égypte Madian 49Kéniens»[Jasher 77:1-51]. 21-«4Égyptiens Égypte 26Madian 34Égypte Cusch 48Égypte Madian Égypte 49Kéniens»[Jasher 77:1-51]. 22-«16Kénien beau-père de Moïse»[Juges 1:1-36]. 23-«16Kénien beau-père de Moïse 17Cananéens 18Gaza Askalon Ékron»[Juges 1:1-36][Juges 4:1-24]. 24-«1Moïse La Femme Éthiopienne une Femme Éthiopienne»[Nombres 12:1-16]. 25-«(1421)Éthiopienne(1422)(1429)Afrique(1430)(1444)Séphora Sara Rébecca Rachel Léa(1445)»[Livre du Juste 16]. 26-«10Éthiopie 13Israël 14Sion ! Israël ! Jérusalem ! 15Israël 16Jérusalem ! Sion !»[Sophonie 3:1-20]. 27-«1Éthiopie ! 7Sion»[Isaïe 18:1-7]. 28-«(1145)Ève(1146)Adam(1147)Le Jardin d'Éden(1148)(1150)Éden(1152)(1154) Fleuve Guihon Adam(1155)»[Livre du Juste 3]. 29-«13Guihon-Cusch-Éthiopie»[Genèse 2][KJV][LSG]. 30-«8Éden-10Éden-13Guihon-Cusch-Éthiopie-15Le Jardin d'Éden»[Genèse 2][KJV][LSG][NBFC][TOC][BS21]. 31-«8Éden-10Éden-11Pischon-Havila-13Guihon-Cusch-Éthiopie-14Hiddékel-Tigre-Assyrie-Euphrate-15Le Jardin d'Éden»[Genèse 2][KJV][LSG][NBFC][TOC][BS21]. 32-«6Cham 7Cusch Havila 19Gaza 20Cham»[Genèse 10:1-32]. 33-«1Cusch Cusch 2Cusch Cusch 3Cusch 4Cusch 5Cusch Cusch 6Cusch 7Égypte 8Cusch 10Cusch Cusch 11Cusch 12Cusch Cusch Cusch Fils de Cham 13Madian Égypte Madian 14Madianite 16Madian 18Égyptien 21Égypte Cusch 22Cusch 23Séphora 24Égypte Égyptiens Égypte 25Égypte Égypte 28Égypte 33Égypte 42Égypte 46Égypte Égypte 53Égypte 59Égypte Zoan Mitzraim»[Jasher 76:1-62]. 34-«6Cham Cusch Mitsraïm Canaan 7Cusch Séba Havila 8Cusch Nimrod 14Philistins 15Canaan Sidon 18Hamath Cananéens 19Cananéens Gaza 20Cham»[Genèse 10:1-32]. 35-«Éden Cusch Fils de Cham Saba singes babouins Euphrate»[Livre du Juste4]. 36-«Éthiopie Éthiopienne Afrique Madian Adam Éden Noé Sem Abraham»[Livre du Juste 16]. 37-«Marie Euphrate Éthiopie Éthiopienne Afrique Madian Adam Éden Noé Sem Abraham Isaac Séphora Sara Rébecca Rachel Léa»[Livre du Juste 16]. 38-«Adam Éden Noé Sem Abraham»[Jasher 77:1-51]. 39-«Madian Séphora Cusch Adam Éden Noé Sem Abraham Hébreu Kénien»[Jasher 77:1-51]. CHAPITRE-4-ESCLAVES JUIFS HÉBREUX SÉMITES 40-«13Et l’Éternel dit à Abram: Sache que tes descendants seront étrangers dans un pays qui ne sera point à eux; ils y seront asservis, et on les opprimera pendant quatre cents ans. 14Mais je jugerai la nation à laquelle ils seront asservis, et ils sortiront ensuite avec de grandes richesses. 15Toi, tu iras en paix vers tes pères, tu seras enterré après une heureuse vieillesse. 16A la quatrième génération, ils reviendront ici; car l'iniquité des Amoréens n'est pas encore à son comble. 17Quand le soleil fut couché, il y eut une obscurité profonde; et voici, ce fut une fournaise fumante, et des flammes passèrent entre les animaux partagés. 18En ce jour-là, l'Eternel fit alliance avec Abram, et dit: Je donne ce pays à ta postérité, depuis le fleuve d’Égypte jusqu'au grand fleuve, au fleuve d'Euphrate, 19le pays des Kéniens»[Genèse 15:1-21]. 41-«2Israël 3un lion 12Les Juifs 32Euphrate Égypte 34éléphants Judée Jérusalem 35Israël Jérusalem 37Euphrate Judée 39Juda 40Emmaüs 41Israélites esclaves 45Jérusalem Israël Juifs 46Juifs Jérusalem Israël»[1Maccabées 3:1-60][BFC]. 33-«1la foi juive 8Jérusalem 9juif 10juifs esclaves 11esclaves juifs 17Jérusalem les traditions juives 24Juifs 25esclaves 31Jérusalem 32Juifs 33Jérusalem 34acheter les Juifs 35esclave 36Jérusalem esclaves Juifs»[2Maccabées 8:1-36][BFC]. 34-«17L'esclave hébreu»[Genèse 39:1-23]. 35-«12Hébreu esclave»[Genèse 39:1-57]. 36-«13Abram l'Hébreu»[Genèse 14:1-24]. 37-«8Sarah Rebecca Rachel Léa 7Madian Séphora»[Jasher 78:1-16]. 38-«7Éthiopie-Madian»[Habacuc 3:1-20]. 39-«1Madian 5Terre Sainte»[Exode 3:1-22]. 40-«29Madian 33Terre Sainte»[Actes des Apôtres 7:1-60]. 41-«7Sion 12Terre Sainte»[Zacharie 2:1-13]. 42-«5Afrique 50Israël»[Jasher 64:1-50]. 43-«10Éthiopie 15Israël 16Sion»[Sophonie 3:1-20]. 44-«7Éthiopie Madian»[Habacuc 3:1-19].
@wahidthebarber4958 Жыл бұрын
If a movie was to made about our master teacher I could see Lawrence Fishburne playing the role
@AlonzoeJohnson-o8x Жыл бұрын
Will smith
@cwdoby Жыл бұрын
30 years ago maybe
@Malitubee Жыл бұрын
@@AlonzoeJohnson-o8x He honestly looks like a mixture of both
@jamaleadris1677 Жыл бұрын
Giancarlo Esposito
@SOULarLioness Жыл бұрын
@@Malitubee True
@adlenaijomah3646 Жыл бұрын
@billyjenemusiclover667 Жыл бұрын
There is a fascinating book by another black author named Drusilla Dungee Houston. "Wonderful Ethiopians of The Ancient Cushite Empire" (published in 1926) that I think people will find interesting. Also, I've enjoyed Dr. Van Sertima's books for many years.
@pmoran5123 Жыл бұрын
THANK YOU, for mentioning Drusilla Dungee Huston's VERY IMPORTANT book!!😂❤
@kevinhartzog4777 Жыл бұрын
You and me must put all the pieces back together to see the Truth. Just start by asking yourself who told you what you know now. Cognitive Dissonance is hard but deep down inside most of us just want to know the Truth. Historical Truth that we were not provided. Well no more excuses to not put the pieces to the puzzle together. Man Know Yourself for in knowing self you will know the Most High. For the names have been changed to protect the Guilty. He who controls the printed pages controls the thinking of the Ages. Thanks to all of my AnceStars who have provided their Truth based on their research.
@nunu2hip Жыл бұрын
@quasifree Жыл бұрын
12:23…the nose of the Sphinx is in the British Museum ( hidden).
@jennaywilliams1024 Жыл бұрын
And that's the irony of it all. They intentionally hide our history from us and refuse to acknowledge the truth of civilization, the lineage of man, the absolute history the Bible accounts for since our beginning. Our time on earth has not been as long as they claim it to be
@oliviamonteque6407 Жыл бұрын
Among all the other stolen African properties.
@Indigoglo1111 Жыл бұрын
Praise and honor to our great ancestor, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima! Ase!
@nickjones3860Ай бұрын
“I used to worship a certain Queens police murderer 'Til I read the words of Ivan van Sertima He inserted somethin' in me that made me feel worthier Now, I spit revolution, I'm his hood interpreter” NAS
@sterlinggray347910 күн бұрын
What song?
@workingthrumyissues Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the recommendation KZbin ❤
@jujutu5084 Жыл бұрын
What a welcome ❤ know this will be good 🎉
@robin314 Жыл бұрын
If I could only B as great as Dr.Ivan V!!!!!!! Sirius B……❤
@TheRealNemesisX Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this, appriciated.
@rivermountain7315 Жыл бұрын
The Europeans have done what the scriptures in the book of Revelation said they would do in describing them as riding a pale horse, the original writings most likely said: "the pale rider on the pale horse" who was followed by death. And that has been their undeniable legacy which they have held onto the spirit of and actual practice throughout the centuries!
@ChrisThornburn-ke5xk Жыл бұрын
we wuz everyting nasty whiteman took it all we forgot everyting
@rivermountain7315 Жыл бұрын
@@ChrisThornburn-ke5xk The actual truth of the matter is that it is really true and nothing said or done can change that reality. And acting stupid about it certainly won't.
@ChrisThornburn-ke5xk Жыл бұрын
@@rivermountain7315 the real truth is van sertima was a pure fantasist to you true facts are acting silly you know you are following complete utter garbage it has being shown to be this by true historians this is ignored by sertima sheep
@ChrisThornburn-ke5xk Жыл бұрын
@@rivermountain7315 as true as king charles is an alien
@theskeptic3214 Жыл бұрын
@@rivermountain7315You people are no different than Eurocentrism.Yiu tried to steal our Native American identity
@timbarrow6789 Жыл бұрын
@ChrisThornburn-ke5xk Жыл бұрын
good at telling fantasy
@timbarrow6789 Жыл бұрын
@@ChrisThornburn-ke5xk -Go Back to trump world, you are a troll and you can't handle the Truth.
@googleaccount12768 ай бұрын
'I used to be in love with a certain Queens police murderer, till i heard the words of Ivan Van Sertima. ' -Nas
@normanmcallister6805 Жыл бұрын
Awesome video❤
@bobbieillz1 Жыл бұрын
Does anyone have the link to see the pictures he was displaying
@AdrianWheeler-xm9ml10 ай бұрын
history glimpses a purview into the future. history is a timeline, a foundation upon which to build. this is why history is so important.
@WeneedtodoBETTER-bz8ww Жыл бұрын
DAM. I love it. A MASTER TEACHER teaching. 😂
@ChrisThornburn-ke5xk Жыл бұрын
fiction its not fact his followers bleat like sheep
@julietadams38218 ай бұрын
How do. I see the slides?
@Divine39A Жыл бұрын
great post thanks and peace
@stevenhoward2479 Жыл бұрын
Most African nations speak @ least 5 languages, including English. But if this presentation was in an African language, how many non-Africans would know this history?
@WoleAlade7 ай бұрын
Truly a profound teacher! 'ALIENATED' BEINGS OF NATURE, Giants amongst them, worked with mature human beings to build the Original Pyramids, which were later copied, but not quite as valuable! Man, all humanity, must humbly return to nature.
@ShroomDoggyDogg8 ай бұрын
The name “Africa” came from the empire of Rome..remember that when you’re called “African American.” There are and always have been “black” people all over the world.
@judyanderson3500 Жыл бұрын
Great lecturer.
@eEdJones Жыл бұрын
Gran hombre !
@DPSLee8 ай бұрын
I love the questions from the audience
@rivermountain7315 Жыл бұрын
Of course we were the leaders of and in everything! When we were serving The Most High before we left Him to serve other gods, Jesus being the main one in our time, we were blessed by Him. We were the only ones chosen by Him to be His special possession. And with that came the ability to be first in all things which others, claimed for themselves as theirs, when we fell from the position of favor. This is the truth!
@ronelltaylor3140 Жыл бұрын
2023 VISION 🤔
@nerdbamarich2063 Жыл бұрын
Appreciate this. Master teaching.
@BobbyBruce03 Жыл бұрын
The man ❤🏴
@del8328 Жыл бұрын
@scienceandinspiration1362 Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@oliviamonteque6407 Жыл бұрын
Napoliomi was jealous! He attacked the statue the first day he arrived.
@CVinyl Жыл бұрын
"Space is the place" - Sun Ra 🛸
@ricvibesinc1 Жыл бұрын
Ravana..'sun Prince
@freddydal2226 Жыл бұрын
@ViRAL-DRiP6 ай бұрын
Thorough Brother
@keoncooper1568 Жыл бұрын
Read the Oahspe Bible, there you will find the True Pyramid Builders , which is truly African but learn the right Name.
@rhinochino Жыл бұрын
The kingdom belongs to ethnic Israelites (black skinned, woolly hair), but the Lord in his abounding Grace opened the prophetic timeline, paused the clock and grafted in the Gentiles, all the nations, it is by privilege to the gentiles, that is why he calls it God’s grace. it is not a right. Don’t abuse the grace! Grace meant to say “no” to sin, wickedness, worldly passions, ungodliness and to live holy, godly life as we wait for Christ returns - not to go on worldwide reign of terror: genocide indigenous, plundered, colonization, white privileged and supremacy, slavery, raped (slavery and colonialism was raped playground for white men and white boys). The offsprings more wicked than their forefathers. Titus 2:11-14 [11] For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. [12] It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, [13] while we wait for the blessed hope---the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, [14] who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good. Repent! Repent! Repent! Daniel 9:24; 1 Timothy 4:1-2; 2 Timothy 4:3-4; 2 Timothy 3:1-7
@rivermountain7315 Жыл бұрын
The Most High created a law specifically for leprous pale skin. But He never had anything written into law condemning black skin. The Song of Solomon clearly shows us this and the chapter 13 of Leviticus, among others.
@sashamean1254 Жыл бұрын
The first was in 🔥 America 🔥🌹Eden/ Atlantis ❤ Egypt been travelin to America it's documented way before Caucasian Asians mixed in with our families in America... Black ndian speakin Hebrews were already in America documented🌹
@dapreeparamore7524 Жыл бұрын
The Fari
@m.k.s.7417 Жыл бұрын
What do you think; of: "The Hebrew_Israelites!?"?? Are they: "mad and/or; Misguided"; or right/correct??
@adrien16238 ай бұрын
You have a brain in your head don’t you? There’s enough evidence to prove that on ur own? Can’t rely on people just saying things
@m.k.s.74178 ай бұрын
@@adrien1623 where is that very -evidence, or proof??
@adrien16238 ай бұрын
@@m.k.s.7417 ur gonna have to find it for yourself. You’re an adult right? Ask yourself where does this belief come from? The Bible right? So maybe study the Bible and these people’s claims and connect it with history, archeology, and genetics. You need to have an actual understanding of the Bible to understand their claims and also of history undiluted by dogma. Can’t be asking people about their opinions when the answer is right in front of you online.
@a.tigerjr.6132 Жыл бұрын
Hey, this is amazing. I have an archive and want to know if you would be interested in collaborating. I have been traveling and exploring places all over the world and want to start putting it public.
@julietadams38218 ай бұрын
@glizzy29118 ай бұрын
Please do research on that word..
@robin314 Жыл бұрын
@rosannag.burroughs4563 Жыл бұрын
He sounds like he's from Trinidad...
@MrTee12 Жыл бұрын
@robertmayo3485 Жыл бұрын
willi Jerfferson Cumbo Sr of Willie Jerfferson Combo Jr😢😮😅😊
@robertmayo3485 Жыл бұрын
Revelaton chapter Of John
@ktm4042 Жыл бұрын
I am a fan of some of his work, but his mesoamerican theories arent based on any sound science. Pretty much discredited summarization of the olmec heads and other "findings".
@oliviamonteque6407 Жыл бұрын
@oliviamonteque6407 Жыл бұрын
This man has more knowledge in one finger than you have in all your body. Poor thing.
@oliviamonteque6407 Жыл бұрын
@eclipznpicz8879 Жыл бұрын
@@oliviamonteque6407He's just going by the *--words of Wikipedia!--* SMH 🤦🏽
@oliviamonteque6407 Жыл бұрын
@@eclipznpicz8879 My Dear, I know all about this man! Highly clever! Just like God made him to be.
@OradixieGalloway8 ай бұрын
I see so many videos,i don't know who i am,im a mutt,i got native,white,black,in me!!
@Dedric-qy6wz8 ай бұрын
You are not a mutt....... you are light........ light is a spectrum of colors combined........... you are apart of the human spectrum, black brown yellow and white......... together united as one we can mirror the sun 🌞 and create power and balance.... energy.........
@wiseknowin777 Жыл бұрын
Ironically, he NEVER stepped foot in Egypt. His information is based on Europeans
@waynebynoe99 Жыл бұрын
@edouble78434 ай бұрын
A 2017 study published in Nature Communications analyzed the DNA of 151 mummies from Abusir el-Meleq, an ancient Nile community in Egypt, to determine their ancestry. The mummies were radiocarbon dated from Egypt's New Kingdom (1388 B.C.) to the Roman Period (426 A.D.) and the study found that ancient Egyptians were most closely related to people from the Middle East and Western Asia: Ancient farmers from the Levant, Ancient Europeans and Anatolians, and People living during the Neolithic and Bronze ages.
@strxyt6 Жыл бұрын
@t.radicale. Жыл бұрын
Whites killed them all off so they won’t tell the real truth so they can push their story & later indoctrinated later generations w/ lies.
@cherylwin9364 Жыл бұрын
@vallium4940 Жыл бұрын
Dr's. Cheikh Anta Diop and Ivan van Sertima proved this, for the 1st time, more or less, by anyone, at a World Heritage Conference by UNESCO in 1974.
@rosannag.burroughs4563 Жыл бұрын
The archeologist that's been digging forever could prove this FACT, but they have always hid the true identity of black people!!!
@nzihouismaela71444 ай бұрын
There was also Tehopile obenga, who was with check anta Diop
@1Pasha1492 Жыл бұрын
Never BLACK 🤔 OLIVE 👁️ HUE 👁️ Copper TONEs 👁️ E PLURIBUS UNUM Abraham 👻🪄
@seekingtruthonly.42999 ай бұрын
You're sick
@garysuplee509211 ай бұрын
See : America B.C. Shepherds Student 😨.
@ridge75248 ай бұрын
I have his book on Ancient Egypt . Black women.Ancient Egypt
@sterlinggray347910 күн бұрын
Is that the name of the book?
@ReshonBryant Жыл бұрын
Exodus 32:2((N.A.S.B.))👂🏽
@VineyardDodz Жыл бұрын
@1Pasha1492 Жыл бұрын
@travelingman976310 ай бұрын
We could careless generally because we loved Bushes actions after 9-11 and now Biden.
@Jasonm-yg9hg6 ай бұрын
Speak for yourself
@LopiMiles11 ай бұрын
I thought it was will smith giving the lecture
@gregorywilliams563810 ай бұрын
So much for Your capacity to think!
@LopiMiles10 ай бұрын
@@gregorywilliams5638..who cares about the dead ,defeated false gods of Egypt??...the God of the Bible defeated them many many years ago
@gregorywilliams563810 ай бұрын
Oh, I didn't get that memo! Thank You for the Correction!@@LopiMiles
@fun1comes10 ай бұрын
@@LopiMilesMy people perish for lack of knowledge.
@jjw56 Жыл бұрын
I thought it was a Muslim soldier that shot off the sphinx nose centuries before napoleon. An artist that accompanied napoleon drew a sphinx without a nose
@kennyc9662 Жыл бұрын
Drawn afterwards possibly. Pillaging marauders tend to narcissistic and admire their work. Who do the Olmecs represent?
@jjw56 Жыл бұрын
@@kennyc9662 I once was certain they were African descendent, but now, not so much. What initially drew me to this one Olmec head was the fact that he simply smiled. He must have had it so good, that when posed for his statue, he did something that no other one did; he smiled. He wouldn’t contain himself and he us to know this about himself. He must’ve had a real good life whether he was African or indigenous.
@kennyc9662 Жыл бұрын
@@jjw56 Right on. yeah there's some debate about who they represent now. Not sure about the "posing" with a smile part tho 😁
@cherylwin9364 Жыл бұрын
@freddygat73256 сағат бұрын
I thought it was Alexander The Great? I've also heard it was probably a dog's head on the sphinx first cause they say the women's head is too small for the body, but I'm just relaying speculation.
@pbh07 Жыл бұрын
My problem is that we can know this is true, and we are just trying to convice the world of this for argument sake. It doesn't matter if we were here or not, we still got bamboozled into slavery and didn't do anything about it.
@ginadavis5137 Жыл бұрын
It does matter… no matter what you don’t give up and people were fighting in slavery and were killed… and we are still are fighting everyday… do you even know the sacrifices are ancestors went through and what black people still have to go through everyday…where is your strength and faith at?
@LyricLaude Жыл бұрын
Look up the origin of blackness from farrakhan. That will answer what you are looking for.
@ginadavis5137 Жыл бұрын
@@LyricLaude I don’t have to look up shyt… Farrakhan brainwashes his own Black People cauz all I’ve ever seen him do is criticize Black Women… and praise Black Men even when they abuse their own Black Women…Farrakhan has done nothing for Black People… he will also criticize you if you don’t wannan follow or believe in his ideology… you have your beliefs and I have mine so move around to somebody else… cauz I said what I said… OK!!!
@everyonesopinionisdumb Жыл бұрын
@@LyricLaudefarrakahn is a con lol the Nation killed Malcolm. Let's not forget
@billfgxheru Жыл бұрын
@@LyricLaudeyou damn fool.
@trevorduncan8140 Жыл бұрын
Nubia is the region includes Egypt, Egypt is a place in Nubia Timbuktu is Nubia Sudan and all those country is in Nubia ,and from the Bible , OBADIYA, or OBADIAH,is Nubia OBADIAH is a wise prophet ,who calmed the blood thirsty Arabs and roman and so called french and the new Spaniard, cause Spanish as a language comes from Africa ,thought to Europeans as business language ,before they started robbing us African and eventually killing us forcing the Africans to become lethal and they did ,when a man or person will look upon his own race as a disgrace is because he or she was thought to dislike everything that's them us the lies and the slavery all ads up to you and your people or beneath thier race ,they place Egypt, in the Bible after been cause as to say Jesus as white and the whites build Egypt ,when we now know that Jesus came from Ethiopia and as the DR is saying Egypt is a school, for Jesus learned in Egypt,that is why the legion thought they could smash African ,is because of the term book worm
@freddygat73256 сағат бұрын
I've never heard anyone say whites built Egypt lol
@theresaobrien3909 Жыл бұрын
Why is lecture in English a PROBLEM? English speaking Africans!! Did the RESEARCH 😂
@Jasonm-yg9hg6 ай бұрын
False , a lot of ppl worked with him to get the job done including top archeologists from Africa . Cheik antajop is one of em
@edouble78434 ай бұрын
LEBANESE....... Ancient Egyptian DNA. This is pseudo.
@lilquantumblitz Жыл бұрын
This guy has to be related to Will Smith 👀
@tirandaz7612 Жыл бұрын
We spend far too much time talking about white people. Why?
@lo-fihi-ki5699 Жыл бұрын
Earliest civilization with bronze/gold working/weapons, cow and horse and wheel chariot for agriculture came from Black Sea Ukraine/Nordic Bronze Age .. not Africa.. it was vinca varna in the Black Sea, then sumeria, then Egypt.. loads of dna studies and independent archeology show this.. just look at the stellas of Ramsese and his “slaves” and his war beheadings.. even lybians are depictied with white skin .. Yes there was Nubian dynasties and much ad mixture from both Ethiopia/Nubian , Levantine , and Europe..
@NostGold Жыл бұрын
your history is all wrong, you need to get your facts right and not that eurocentric version of history.
@vallium4940 Жыл бұрын
Stop It. Sumeria wasn't even the people they credit with that history, European and every other dynasty NOT of African Pharoahs came 1000's of years after and did NOTHING but inherit the societal infrastructure already in place. The Greeks were the ones scratchin those hieroglyphs on otherwise precision crafted artifacts, the Persians or Mediterranean a lil bit before the Greeks, but NONE OF THEM had ANYTHING to do with THE CONSTRUCTION OF OR KNOWLEDGE POSSESSED by the PRE-DYNASTIC AFRICAN CIVILIZATION That build the entire Pyramid Complex..ect. Ya'll didnt do sh*t, just showed up after as usual and started claimin' it you. Sit Down. Ad mixture is WAY LATE IN THE GAME. Plus ya got NO REAL EVIDENCE. But there is evidence that William I, The Conqueror, King of All England ~ Black Guy. His Imagine Right on an English Penny from 1075, During His Reign - Meaning he Approved the imagine OF HIMSELF, minted at Lewes in France. See you ain't got nothin like that, you got lies, and they're not even good ones, Ya Saltine Hyena🤣😂
@desthomas302010 ай бұрын
Absolute bollock,
@glizzy29118 ай бұрын
Like you
@illfate7 Жыл бұрын
I swear I thought that was Will Smith Pursuit of Happiness 😅
@BattShytKuhraezy Жыл бұрын
@robertpundsack1363 Жыл бұрын
No such people as a black Indian tribe. . Note all of a sudden ,a few blacks dig hard to try and change truth history to fit black sad.
@robertrixey8447 Жыл бұрын
@@frederickreives7407Salaams! Indeed on of the highest Sufi masters of all time is Tamil! His name is Bawa Muhaiyadeen and he’s from Sri Lanka (Tamil). He said himself he was a Black man…several of his disciples said he was a Black man.
@stardel Жыл бұрын
First Black African man on earth was ADAM.
@mo_0912 Жыл бұрын
Problem is Adam was not the first man on earth.
@marilynboyd6641 Жыл бұрын
The good ship Jesus, first Afrikaans onboard were Adam and Eve (names given them by oppressors for the record).
@yawaisnatural4344 He has been debunked and his arguments are not excepted amongst a scholarly audience. If u think blk folk sailed here before cloumbus. Show me where black Africans built/have a flotilla ? I'll wait
@melaninfuture Жыл бұрын
The only thing incorrect is your use of grammar.
@coollikethat2691 Жыл бұрын
Just think about it. Some were forced, and some traveled. How could you think they did travel? Have you ever looked at a very old map? Have you ever put the shapes and pur them together? I noticed that as a child.
@cactusqltr Жыл бұрын
All he is saying has been proven to be true decades ago! You just hearing it don’t make it a lie!
@LopiMiles10 ай бұрын
The false powerless gods of egypt were defeated by the God of the bible ....all that remains is sand over thier ruins and some in museums dead and done with....the God of the bible ls the one true God
@loochiefresh46510 ай бұрын
Prove it outside the Bible…
@LopiMiles10 ай бұрын
@@loochiefresh465 the pharoahs exist today ?? the gods of Egypt rule today ??...bro they gone ...well not gone because they were demon spirits that's why the biggest satanist we know aleister Crowley went first to Egypt to seek power ...he was in the same kingdom as Lucifer and proud of it and thats why he went straight to Egypt because he knew that those Egyptian gods were actually demon spirits ..evil spirits and because his heart was evil ..he naturally was drawn to evil and satanism and thats why he went to egypt ...and looj how his life see demon spirits dont die ...but they reinvent themselves in each generation to deceive humans to worship them ....they did it with the gods of egypt to the roman gods to the greeks they have a niche open door with unsuspecting black Americans that know nothing about Africa and some that have never even visited you know that africans or let me put it to you ..egyptians.... Egyptians today do not worship the ancient gods of Egypt....go to egypt and see for yourself.....Egypt is a muslim country and they look at those ancient gods as false gods ....Egyptians do not worship these false gods ...but the devil wanting to pull black americans to this satanic root ....he uses the black struggle to make you want to dig that follishness up you know that most of the slaves that were brought to America were brought from west africa ??...go on a map and see how far west africa is from most of black americans have thier roots in west africa and not Egypt ..Egypt is on the other side of the continent ... remember..there are 54 countries in Africa ...they are not one country ....and they have. Soo many tribes and cultures and religions ask yourself of all these 54 countries all with their own cultures and religions why did Lucifer pull you to Egypt and Egyptian ancient religion???'s the same reason Lucifer pulled aleister Crowley to egypt...because the ancient Egyptians were occultists ..they were real satanists that worshipped demons and that's why Lucifer is pulling to that ...same way Lucifer is pulling Mexicans to the human sacrificing satanic ancient religions of the Mayans and Aztecs's to pull them back to religions that destroyed the practitioners that gave themselves to it
@Dedric-qy6wz8 ай бұрын
@@LopiMiles LoL I hope ur not a black man...... either way ur not very knowledgeable on ancient African ancestors or relgious literature... You talk about the bible and don't even know how it came to be...... you only know about the bible Because of 80% of population nearly wiped out in Europe because of ur bible and it being used for the future as a tool for control........ Everything Europeans know and have is because of what they found in the ancient African ancestors tombs...........
@badabinbadaboom7338 Жыл бұрын
Sertima was a quack, not a scholar 😂
@jerrytarbolo6422 Жыл бұрын
You are more of a quack by your response!
@roddycharles9297 Жыл бұрын
he used to shine my shoes
@everyonesopinionisdumb Жыл бұрын
You must be from a cave
@queenofsheba357 Жыл бұрын
@@everyonesopinionisdumb of COURSE he is! He seems to have a fetish too cause he’s all over the place talking about what this Brother used to do for him~~ Barefoot Cave dweller~~ knuckle dragging beast
@cherylwin9364 Жыл бұрын
Since when did hillbillies start wearing shoes ? 😂