Dragon's Dogma 2 Fast Travel 'Problems'

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@figuures6098 5 ай бұрын
Ox carts being attacked mid journey makes me feel like I’m playing OG Baldur’s gate again, where you’ll travel to a spot, and be thrown into combat with “You have been waylaid by enemies”
@Hammer1987 5 ай бұрын
Good times. 🙂
@FSVR54 5 ай бұрын
and then you just go to the edge of the map though, and back to traveling
@samuraibeluga3749 5 ай бұрын
i recall the original fallouts doing that aswell unless im misremembering. been a long time since i played them
@oscarshedwick4862 5 ай бұрын
​@@samuraibeluga3749 Fallout 1, 2 and 3 had random events which triggered when your were traveling. So you could just get ambushed out of nowhere and it felt so bad but if you won it felt amazing.
@kevadu 5 ай бұрын
You must gather your party before venturing forth
@gaymerknight3726 5 ай бұрын
It’s not the Quest we were given, it’s the adventures we had along the way
@sandman1347 5 ай бұрын
They'll never get it
@vbun4662 5 ай бұрын
I absolutely love traveling on foot in this game, getting side tracked, attacked and worn down and then camping out to continue the next morning/night. It feels like a true adventure game. It's everything I loved about DD1 but in a bigger world which was my dream back when I was playing that one.
@DarkPassenger 5 ай бұрын
It is fun, but there's also a time when it becomes tedious. Especially in areas you've already explored multiple times. Not to mention the ridiculous amount of enemies that just keep coming.
@bej4987 5 ай бұрын
You mean the 9 cyclops along the road.
@bryanZ17 5 ай бұрын
​@@DarkPassengeryou have ferrystones and ox carts, how many more fast travel options do you want?
@m__two9829 5 ай бұрын
I haven't played a game in a long time where I felt like I was actually on an adventure through gameplay and not just a game going through to get from point A to point B. This game finally gave me that feeling
@Schrogs 5 ай бұрын
For a few dollars you can get the micro transaction items to make traveling from point a to point b much faster. I highly recommend
@LGSN96 5 ай бұрын
One port crystal which equates to the insane price of.. Killing a drake in the game, since there's a vendor that literally sells them.
@oshiko35P 5 ай бұрын
​@Schrogs For a few dollars, you can put down a fast travel point you can't use unless you have one of those consumable swirly stones that costs 10k gold each, nah I'd walk.
@Schrogs 5 ай бұрын
@@oshiko35P yah I didn’t realize that when I bought all the items. Game scammed me with this crap. Great developers
@oshiko35P 5 ай бұрын
@Schrogs I know you're just saying these to troll or spread negativity by acting like a victim or both, which might be because you're upset about these dlc practices that are indisputably disgusting, though I still don't agree with what you're doing. But if you really bought them, then you're an actual moron.
@BlazeMakesGames 5 ай бұрын
the biggest evidence imo that the game wasn't changed to suit the MTX is that itsuno's other big game, DMC5, also had the exact same kind of shitty last minute MTX that let people buy Red Orbs (the main currency for upgrading your character). But it also had a weapon called Dr. Faust. Dr Faust let you farm hundreds of thousands of red orbs with relative ease and you get it automatically as part of the game's normal story progression. The fact that you can buy Red Orbs at all in DMC5 is one of the most hilariously pointless things and I think that it shows that what's probably happening is some kind of Investor Mandate that says that all of their games need to have some form of extra monetization or something in them. Your point about portcrystals is the same thing. You can buy 1 of them and you can't buy Ferrystones or the means to buy more ferrystones. You literally can't fast travel any easier whether you buy it or not, it just gives you an extra place that you can fast travel to. If the developers wanted to be malicious they could have just sold ferrystones or straight up just the in-game gold as MTX. instead, this decision reeks of being forced upon the developers by people who know absolutely nothing about the actual game itself.
@Zero0mtk 5 ай бұрын
What I always said (at least to offline friends who aren't DMC junkies) is that the real grind is the practice, 'cause unlocking a move is practically useless until you know how to use it and build combos off of it.
@Nomadic_Gaming 5 ай бұрын
re4 remake had worse mtx could straight pay for gun upgrades off rip and case upgrades for space this is alot like the dmc5 mtx except that got leaked way before launch this didnt but this is modern capcom to an extent shortcuts and mtx/dlc/cosmetics is the scummy side of them we probably wont be ride of anytime soon hell im shocked monetization in exoprimal wasnt way worse still this fiasco of people tripping on this has done some good it exposed alot of the loons who only wanna push their agenda on gaming and have the entire industry be what they want vs it having stuff for everyone which has been dwindling for a while
@patrickleblanc613 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, definitely investor shennanigans on those microtransactions. Probably forcing them into the game to meet some kind of quota.
@BlueLightningSky 5 ай бұрын
​@@Zero0mtkI know how to use most of the moves in DMCV. I'll even say I know how to use most of the moves in DMCV longer than some of the people in that studio have been working on DMC. Yes the micro transaction is ultimately pointless since it's miniscule and there are multiple ways to farm but why the hell do I even have to farm for a move I've been using for over 15 years?
@Zero0mtk 5 ай бұрын
@@BlueLightningSky Probably because not everyone is a DMC junky like you and me? I think it's important to remember how much we fumbled with our first DMC game (DMC3 for me) until we got a hang of how "combo" in this franchise works. Slowly unlocking a move step-by-step, figuring out and practicing it one at a time, then getting more tools as we go was integral to the learning curve in my view. If everything or a significant portion of the kit was available from the start, it's gonna be great for us but damn overwhelming for most players (even for fairly hardcore action gamers who just happened to never picked up DMC before, like a friend of mine). Games can't really be designed like that imo.
@fosbjorn 5 ай бұрын
To be fair, in 30+ hours I've played so far, I used a ferrystone maybe once and just sitting on 20+ of them. Don't really feel the need to fast travel as I keep discovering something new each time I backtrack
@RageGamingVideos 5 ай бұрын
@JKayde 5 ай бұрын
Some of the best memories I’ve made in this game have been during long travels between towns. Not to mention, doing all this exploring has got me a lot of faeriestones. I can’t get to where I’m going very fast but getting back isn’t an issue.
@shadowprince89 5 ай бұрын
That's how I use them. If I'm too low on health I'm just like "time to restart" or if I have too much weighing me down
@Schrogs 5 ай бұрын
I just spend twenty bucks for the micro transactions and I can skip all of the tedious traveling.
@Schrogs 5 ай бұрын
@MilkTankz dude stop I’m a dev trying to trick people into buying our amazing micro transactions. Please do not reveal the truth that we are selling things that are useless for cold hard cash. Tricking the stupid into giving us their money for items that are pointless hahahaaha
@Ccubed92 5 ай бұрын
Well that's your personal experience lol
@sheebuhenu4074 5 ай бұрын
Right. I mean IMO the world isn't even THAT big. There's a lot of empty space. And there's a lot of roads. And you can get to places super duper quick if you plan a route through shortcuts, caves. And on the way plenty of bosses and enemies to fight. Maybe even a new dungeon or cave, new gear. I have felt no need to fast travel, because traveling is just fun.
@blindeyepatch 5 ай бұрын
Freedom is scary for those who have never known it.
@Saikyouu 5 ай бұрын
Yesterday I went out for a quest not so far of my start point, I was in south part of the map… my goal was in the middle, but I travelled for 2 hours, found 2 caves with a lot enemies (and loot😊), fought 2 cyclops, a griffin, countless goblins, camp 2 times, at night ogre in my path, skeletons, ghosts, went north, west, found npcs with new quests, changed my support pawns and finally back to Vermund cause everyone got so many loot to heavy max out and rest at inn… without complete my main goal, WHAT A GAME… 😍 side note: mistic spear level 1 to 7 in this trip 🤣
@samreddig8819 5 ай бұрын
I stopped doing the main story, it was pointing towards me going to Battahl soon and I wanted to explore Vermund more. While I was out and about I explored many caves, until the last one. I went in, killing goblins as I went. The cave was feeling pretty long and I paused to go do something. When I looked at the map I noticed that I was really close to the border. Until I exited the other side of the cave, in Battahl. TLDR, I went into a cave and came out in another country.
@halcyon6098 5 ай бұрын
🤘😎🤘. Nice!
@joereed8872 5 ай бұрын
The "we don't want yellow paint" and "why isn't there a quest marker?" Dichotomy is hilarious to me.
@Willow4526 5 ай бұрын
Despite the game having both, it's just not traditional "yellow paint" it's a cloth on a bench letting you know you can sit there, it's the paths being visible in the fog of war on the map. Quest markers galore honestly, in DD1 I did feel they needed more direction with the quest markerless quests, but DD2 gives you so much context on top of the Oracle & fortune teller who can help, you can figure most of them out based on what's being said by people directly.
@enternamehere142 5 ай бұрын
Literally no one who asks for no yellow lines is asking for quest markers
@rhrishikeshsane5450 5 ай бұрын
Do you think it might be because the yellow paint in question (RE4R) is in a linear game while the quest markers in question (DD2) is in an open world game? Honestly I don't mind it at all because I like to explore the world and find things naturally (thanks to fromsoft and their convouted questline design). Games like these are perfect examples of journey can be more fun and enjoyable than the destination.
@stephengarforth2753 5 ай бұрын
This game has shattered the conditioning modern games have placed on me. Got so used to quest markers that I got the bad ending for a few time sensitive quests.
@Thesarcasticmailman 5 ай бұрын
​@stephengarforth2753 totally agree and I messed up some in the beginning as well
@arliss35 5 ай бұрын
I'm like 60 hours into this game at this point, and I'm in love. The amount of random crap I've done when I've gotten side tracked off of what I was supposed to be doing is crazy. I'm finally having to do the main quest because I ran out of available side quests. I've gotten ahold of like 5 port crystals just from gameplay, and I still don't use them much. There are very few places to go where theres only one linear path to get there, and there is so much stuff to clear out along the way. I never would've found most of the things that I did if I had completely free instant travel options. There are flaws in this game, mostly my pawns yeeting themselves off cliffs when they see a goblin at the bottom, but the fast travel mechanics definitely aren't one of them.
@psylumxp 5 ай бұрын
I don't know how many times I tilted my head seeing a pawn just fall from a cliff LOL. It's more annoying when your inventory is full and you had to use a summoned pawns inventory only to see them fall into the brine(water) LMAO
@joshtenney4143 5 ай бұрын
I actually haven't had this problem. I'll often jump off the cliff breaking the fall with a shield or doing a last second levitate but my pawns usually run all the way around. I know they learn some behaviors from their arisen so maybe it's people jumping off cliffs without having an ability to break the fall.
@notiowegian 5 ай бұрын
I think the problem with the game is it was designed this way, meaning that the quests and story are uninspired. The game is designed to get you stuck in the wild, wasting your time with things that aren't story or character based. They made a decision to force the player to slog through random spawns in the wild, to create illogical money sinks in game to eat up your gold, and the pawn system is variable enough to create internal stories. DD2 feels like a sandbox MMO where the traveling is the game, whereas the actual merit of the writing, story, narrative, moral lessons are at best filler and at worst just missing...the game as art is pointless. The game would have been much better with good writing and story telling while also having the slog in the wild.
@wrath_of_ronin1095 5 ай бұрын
Rurikan, I'm completely with you man. This game is exactly what I've waited a decade for. I'm having a blast. And for context, I'm 68hours in: made countless memories, have organically found and solved 30 quests, rushed the border and combed the desert, bought a couple properties, and I STILL haven't met the captain in Vernworth yet. That dude is gonna kill me with his tavern bill 😂
@Johnny_Isometric 5 ай бұрын
No problem with the travel here, but I always enjoyed Morrowind’s fast travel system, so maybe I’m crazy.
@allthatishere 5 ай бұрын
I don't think anything was wrong with the fast travel in Morrowind, or I've never heard anyone seriously complain about it. Silt Striders, Mage Guild teleports, and the Mark/Recall spell; you could get around pretty quick if you knew what you were doing.
@Johnny_Isometric 5 ай бұрын
@@allthatishere I agree, Bethesda didn’t though.
@Spike2276 5 ай бұрын
​@@Johnny_Isometric When you're not doing a quest Todd gets angry >:(
@weebnerdgaming4908 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, I like fast travels using the world’s public transport system. Convenient and immersive, as in you get to experience how the inhabitants live their lives.
@ExileTwilight 5 ай бұрын
@@allthatishere Honestly that's about the one thing I'd like in DD2, the ability to use a ferrystone with a portcrystal to teleport to another portcrystal and then by interacting with said port crystal (within a days time or so) be sent back for free. While I don't mind having to treck a lot, and have a sizeable amount of ferrystones by now, I balk at the idea of spending 2 to get back and forth just to drop off items or restock xD
@sirrealism7300 5 ай бұрын
I wouldn't have a problem with this if every single quest wasnt "take this item to this guy" and "thank you for this item! Now go back the entire way and give the first guy this thing!"
@eandlbloodflower6765 5 ай бұрын
I smuggled myself through the border on the idea that reaching Battahl will unlock a Portcrystal. In the end, I had to walk to Battahl, then to the south of the map to finish quests, then walk back past the border again, then walk back again to place the Portcrystals. Was it a struggle? Damn right it was. Was it fun? Damn right it was. Sure, the spawn areas exists and the issues are the same as the first one but the variability in the encounters already make it feel as if it were not the case. The biggest issue with the spawns are for large monsters and it's understandable why certain large monsters are found in arenas and not roaming around randomly while others are the opposite. Besides, the ox carts and the portcrystals exists for a reason. Fast travel is intended by the devs to reward the player for efficient travel at the cost of experience of getting to that place before or, at least, spending time to get to the routes.
@sandorclegane3658 5 ай бұрын
Lol I was the same. "Phew, made it, now let's find the port crystal"
@slashinghades7347 5 ай бұрын
You can get one by solving one of the Sphynx's riddles and then duplicate it by solving another riddle.
@BarnzTT 5 ай бұрын
​@@slashinghades7347What level are you supposed to be when attempting to fight the sphinx?
@sandorclegane3658 5 ай бұрын
@@slashinghades7347 when that Sphinx did that creepy smile after I completed first riddle, I was " nah I'm good, I'll come back later" talk about heebie jeebies
@slashinghades7347 5 ай бұрын
@@BarnzTT She seems late game however I recommend doing all of her riddles because you can't unlock any of the chests if you kill her. Some of the rewards are worth it like portstones. I also believe some of the chests locked by her riddles have exclusive weapons and armor.
@exxy9931 5 ай бұрын
Honestly one of the best moments I had was walking along the cliff side that interconnected with a cave system AFTER sneaking past a Drake I knew damn well I couldn’t beat at the time (I was level 20 with early game gear) while trying to make my way to what I hoped was a passage to Battahl (me being unaware of the other means to get there). The view looking out to the sea halfway through and seeing where I had been (Harve and Vernsworth) was amazing. It felt like I was part of the Fellowship of the Ring, like I was experiencing the movie and taking part in the journey. Can’t say I like the idea of escorting companions halfway across the map for some flowers, though.
@ExileTwilight 5 ай бұрын
Yeah some of the escort quests are ridiculous.. Like, I just travelled back from Harve, friend is standing outside my house door and like "hey, I wanted to chat. Could you bring me back to Harve?" >.
@asentientraven 5 ай бұрын
Og DD1 player here, and i mean from the time the eternal ferystone wasn't a thing and you only got one port crystal per playthrough. The fact that there isn't an eternal ferystone for now is great for my nostalgia. Anyways 47 hours in and i have only done one quest in the capital because i wanted spearhand. Rest of it is just exploring . Having a great time with it. We are probably going to be getting an eternal one with the inevitable expansion though .
@ashenwoodaxe1055 5 ай бұрын
16:08 Arrowhead's motto came to mind: “A game for everyone is a game for no one”.
@KhreamedKhorne 5 ай бұрын
I feel his frustration on such a deep level
@Psilo_Sybin 5 ай бұрын
@DuggyDarko 5 ай бұрын
I'm so sick of people playing a game, realising they don't like it, then complaining about the game not being what they want it to be rather than just accepting it's not for them.
@Venom_Byte 5 ай бұрын
@@DuggyDarko This^ a 1000 times this.
@KhreamedKhorne 5 ай бұрын
@@DuggyDarko Also, it seems like a safe assumption that most of the people getting actually mad that a game isn't fully designed for them specifically probably got the game from mommy or daddy
@Godofantz 5 ай бұрын
Last night I left town, trecked through a cave of bandits passed a campsite got lost in a forest filled with goblins and saurians couldn't find my way back to the campsite after it got dark and had to run back to town being chased by skeletons. I learned the next day I was maybe 50 feet from another campsite and felt ridiculous. Oh and my main pawn rode a griffin into the wild blue yonder. Best adventure I've had in a game for a while.
@belegur8108 5 ай бұрын
last week i thought, i was finally strong enough to challenge a golem in the Bakthal desert... well after 5 min of slowly downing it, the fight moved over the rest place of a second golem, who was just not happy to be disturbed from its sleep... so i now had 2 of those hard to down stone giants and just as i was about to finish the first one, day broke and a griphon mistook me for breakfast and joined the fray... 15min later all 3 where down and i had a blast the whole time ;o)
@Kegaran 5 ай бұрын
I absolutely hate the Trickster, but I don't want it changed. I can see how awesome it may be for some people, just not for me.
@goldengryphon3103 5 ай бұрын
Same for me but with spear hand
@aaronapitius4775 5 ай бұрын
I was struggling with trickster too, I found alot of times the enemy would competely ignore me and my clones even after I would use the smoke attacks on them
@thedizzytuna 5 ай бұрын
Absolutely not every vocation will mesh with every player
@SH1NK1R01 5 ай бұрын
@@goldengryphon3103bro I feel this one. I’m glad people find it so fun but holy shit it just doesn’t click for me. I was swimming through guides convinced I was doing something wrong. But nope. I just didn’t like it lmao.
@wurzelbert84wucher5 5 ай бұрын
Most advanced vocation seem to be very weird, I am not sure why they didn't go with more useful classes, adding a pure support class in a single player game with very limited AI of the pawns is a brave decision.
@garrettwaters1726 5 ай бұрын
Much of the tension in the game comes from long expeditions where your party is slowly worn down. It makes the player make hard choices about where to go and how they will get there.
@GBennie 5 ай бұрын
Spot on, 100+ hours on and I'm still getting distracted when heading somewhere, still finding shortcuts, secret tunnels, when I discovered that same area, it was me simply going off on a random adventure cause I saw a path, ended up spending my entire play session on it, brilliant!
@phoenixgamer8813 5 ай бұрын
Ruri I truly appreciate how honest and upfront you are. You’re so down to earth on all these things and have such provocative comments that really get me thinking. The effort you put into your videos really show in the final product. You’re single handedly my favorite KZbinr.
@KracenSC 5 ай бұрын
One of the best things about the ox carts being destroyed is they can often be broken at night. Showing the players that exploring at night is a whole different experience to enjoy. I wonder how many people have never experienced the night exploration because they found it being dark too inconvenient
@aounielsaddik260 5 ай бұрын
The map is awesome I even denied to take the ox cart at the start of the game because I wanted to experience the map on the way to the city myself
@Willow4526 5 ай бұрын
Personally for just about every game, I have a simple rule for fast travel of, I need to have travelled there & back at least once or twice before I can fast travel & if they have destination travel like the ox carts or horse carriages from Skyrim, I'll use those for a bit as well before fast travel.
@oldmangamer7161 5 ай бұрын
I have 30 ferrystones and 6 port crystals. 2 in storage….
@enternamehere142 5 ай бұрын
How did you get port crystals… I’m 25 hrs in and the walking around is getting super repetitive…
@munky342 5 ай бұрын
​@@enternamehere142you find them or get rewarded them. Go have a few adventures, you'll find at least 2 very easily.
@johntomaro7202 5 ай бұрын
You get two from the sphinx riddles alone. One from Brant. One in misty marshes (griffin nest). And one from the elvyn archer quest. Haven’t found the sixth yet.
@Blade4Life76 5 ай бұрын
Same. I'm so used to fast travel, im getting to point of shelving the game as I won't buy mtx@@enternamehere142
@globalsaturation7333 5 ай бұрын
@@enternamehere142they also pop up in griffin nests with lots of other goodies . I hitched a ride on a Griffin all the way there and it was just laying in his nest , there’s probably tons more that you can farm like this
@Greez1337 5 ай бұрын
Literally all the points I think any reasonable DD1 fan has. Wish game had the storage and armour layering system from the first, and there was some more enemy variety. Other than that it feels like I'm playing DD1 all over again, jank and all. I mean, in Dark Arisen, by end of playthrough you would have enough portcrystals in all the most relevant spots. IN this game, we now have Carts as the go between to kind of half the travel, so I don't feel the Port Crystal burn as much. It makes those longer treks into uncharted territory something i prepare and gear up for. It's fun and I do enjoy chilling out with this game.
@argetlam05 5 ай бұрын
The firsts storage and equipping menu is what I miss most too. Being able to equip items from storage was a huge time saver
@Tcrror 5 ай бұрын
What you're describing is exactly what I love about video games. BG3 does it really well, too. There are a lot of quest markers on the map, but the devs WANT YOU TO EXPLORE. They want you to keep getting sidetracked on your way to do something because the game world is so damn incredible and immersive. I can't tell you how many times I have accidentally found a quest before it appeared in my Journal or on the minimap simply because I explore EVERYWHERE and talk to EVERYONE. THAT IS WHAT I LOVE ABOUT OPEN WORLD VIDEO GAMES.
@Djsanddy 5 ай бұрын
how many times you killed the same goblins , same cyclops , same minitor like 100 times from point A to B.
@WeissM89 5 ай бұрын
My main issue is not walking. DD2's world is not as big as people claim. For example: your thumbnail. That road can take a minute or two if you don't get interrupted. There are 2 issues. The reasons why travelling takes so long are that enemies are interrupting you every 30 seconds, and that they respawn way too quickly. When there are no enemies left after your last trip, travelling is a breeze. I like walking on games (and I mean that: walking, not running), but there's only so many times the road from Melve to Vernworth can be entertaining.
@YouTubeContentEnjoyer 5 ай бұрын
You have to admit that the enemy variety and placement is lacking. Enemy variety would make backtracking less of a chore and more of a journey, excitement to find what enemies lie around the corner instead of the expectation that it will be goblins
@ExileTwilight 5 ай бұрын
The amount of times I've been kicked in the face by a knacker..
@YouTubeContentEnjoyer 5 ай бұрын
@@ExileTwilight4 at once stun locking you because you ran to far ahead of your pawns hahahaha
@amyford2971 5 ай бұрын
Goblins, bandits or wolves. Then round the corner oh it’s an ogre. Killed him and take another 10 steps to find maybe some saurians or a Minotaur. I don’t think it’s the enemy variety as such it’s just how close together each little combat section is. I know they didn’t want it to seem like there’s nothing in the open spaces but sometimes the ambushes are too close together. Getting an ogre fight and then goblins join in then a griffin might join the party too. Good luck seeing what the actual hell is happening especially with mage ice and fire spells going off.
@halcyon6098 5 ай бұрын
Nah. It's 😚👌
@YouTubeContentEnjoyer 5 ай бұрын
@@halcyon6098 that’s just cope man
@kamikazeBG 5 ай бұрын
I was on an Oxcart and it got attacked and destroyed, and I ended up finding the Headless Horseman boss you need to kill to get the achievement. Getting "lost" in games like this and exploring with the feeling of not knowing what you might run into is why I love games like this
@rat8294 5 ай бұрын
The complaint about the spawn locations makes no sense either because they need atleast some locations that have set spawns so you don't spend 2 hours looking for that enemy just to get the upgrade material
@devonceleon 5 ай бұрын
I couldn’t put it in words what draws me back to this game. You just did so eloquently.. always appreciate your HONESTY and passion.
@paranoyd70 5 ай бұрын
I love Dragon's Dogma 1 and thought its limited fast travel was fine because the world in DD1 was relatively small & linear. In DD2 is a problem because the map is so much bigger & has multiple paths & ALL those paths are over-loaded with enemies. I don't mind limited fast travel, but it really feels tedious in DD2. I've got around 30 hours now, and I've only found one port-crystal. And yet there are a number of towns with merchants & quest npc's and I HATE having to take extremely llloooonnnggg paths that are crammed with enemies. And at night it gets even worse. And I'm NOT advocating for a system more like Elden Ring where there are checkpoints all over the map. No, I just want a bit more leeway. Spending 10 grand in game gold for a one time use ferry stone is F'n ridiculous.
@squirtbrainz1219 5 ай бұрын
I think it’s alright in general, but removing port crystal spawns in ng+ is just stupid and removes replay-ability and strategizing where to place port crystals to make your next run go by faster. An eternal ferry stone unlock in ng+ would’ve been nice too even if it was dlc in the first
@odotawaissaku3755 5 ай бұрын
I agree. Fast travel could be limited perfectly fine by just not having checkpoints all over, but only in towns and stuff. You would still have to walk all over the place. Much as I love the game, I agree it can be tedious
@Mohgenstein 5 ай бұрын
Massive skill issue if you only found ONE port Crystal in 30 hours lmao.
@peteybakedziti8908 5 ай бұрын
Get a Thief pawn with Plunder, sometimes they can loot a ferrystone from cyclops and ogres
@lonewolfblues3826 5 ай бұрын
I felt the same way about the 'New Game' function until I discovered the lore reasons why they didn't include it from the start. Let it cook, you'll get there and it'll be a wonderful epiphany. To be fair, my main concern for wanting to start a new game was because I felt like I could have done better with my Arisen/Pawn customization, but there are ways to make adjustments to that in game, as well as buying the tomes that allow you to fully re-customize and rename your character for RC - no MTX necessary. To anyone with these concerns, just make your way through the game and let the story play out, the revelations and satisfaction will come. Thou wilt indeed find aught of use to put thy mind at ease.
@austin0_bandit05 5 ай бұрын
I think once you get powerful enough lower tier enemies should become less aggressive or not attack you altogether. I also think mitigating travel drastically late game would solve issues of retreading old areas. Like unlocking fast travel in DS1
@StarGeezerTim 5 ай бұрын
At my age (just shy of 60), I give accusations of being a liar, a shill, or whatever precisely zero fecks. I don't get worked up by it, if people what to buy pointless MTX's, or spend their day bitching about the same things, or the inconvenience of not having on-demand fast travel, then let them at it. It doesn't in any way impact my enjoyment of the game, or how I approach it. Those who focus on these other things are wasting precious daylight when they could be just playing the game. So don't let anger or frustration with other people's opinions or preferences rob you of your joy. Life's too short for that shit. Just let it be, and these folks will eventually tire themselves out and drop off.
@rurikhan 5 ай бұрын
I despise lies with all my being. So being called a liar is something I can’t tolerate.
@evans178 5 ай бұрын
Pro Tip : there is a certain side quest that gives you a Portcrystal , a little later on this same quest ask for you to sacrifice an item , whichever item you sacrifice you actually dupe it , essentially you can get 2 portcrystals from this quest.
@ProjectMoff 5 ай бұрын
Troll… I just lost my port crystal thanks to you!
@brandonabbott9701 5 ай бұрын
No hes right.... you did something wrong @@ProjectMoff
@evans178 5 ай бұрын
@@ProjectMoff nope you get two from the chest , learn to count or how to read , i gave the exact hints you needed
@Akhelium 5 ай бұрын
@@ProjectMoffYou either didn't do the quest that gives you both crystals, or you didnt understand the instructions.
@Tory-JJ 5 ай бұрын
​@@ProjectMoffnoob. Sphinx. 4th chest. Google it. Noob.
@Venom_Byte 5 ай бұрын
Ruri, you explained everything so perfectly couldn't have said it better myself. Everything you mentioned is why I love this game and why it's my personal RPG of the generation.
@KingofDMC19 5 ай бұрын
I can deal with no fast travel but holy shit GIVE ME A HORSE!!!!!! I can't take this slow walking everywhere. It makes me love Torrent even more.
@-piras 5 ай бұрын
or at least being able to sprint without spending stamina out of combat
@ronthorn3 5 ай бұрын
Yeah 100% agree, my god is it fucking annoying that stamina is being used when running OUT of combat, like wtf.
@laciza2005 5 ай бұрын
@@ronthorn3 Go out and run out of your house. Go sprint, and tell me if your stamina is infinite ;). You want sprint like a moron in your game? go play All assasins creeds games, those are the game for you
@louisgworld 5 ай бұрын
If the game had a horse, the world would feel tiny, defeating the purpose.
@WhoDaresWinso7 5 ай бұрын
If this game were to give you a horse, 1 it would be able to die from the tiniest of hits like deer abd other animals in the game. and it would cost 10k to hire, still want it?
@TrashMPred 5 ай бұрын
Fun fact is, in almost every big open world game I look mostly at the map (or minimap) and just go from one location to another. I literally can't navigate without it, but in games like Dragons Dogma, or Dark Souls etc. I just go through the world on my own and look around... I have absolutely no problem finding stuff even years after when I once again play these games because I just KNOW the world bc I actually got to know it and not just the map. Idk if anyone else hase this problem but that is one of the biggest problems I have with modern day open world games.
@sailorboy8314 5 ай бұрын
Was on my way to help the elf dude shoot his bow. Got half way there and found out I would need to switch my vocation so turned around and ended up at a random camp and found 12k
@mrgauth 5 ай бұрын
My biggest hate of this game is lack of more fast travel. I have many others but that is number one.
@hokiepokie8595 5 ай бұрын
I honestly liked the dark arisen dlc unlimited ferrystone better. You still had to explore, find the port crystals and put them where you want them. But you could still teleport without worrying about breaking your bank. Maybe it could be a mid-late game item though...
@elesu5129 5 ай бұрын
Or better yet have it as a reward for beating the game
@theleinhart3669 5 ай бұрын
Maybe I'm crazy, but I never once used a port crystal in dark arisen. Everything was on foot through the entire playthrough. I'm just waiting for the time to be right to get DD2. I'll play it the same way.
@Ccubed92 5 ай бұрын
​@@theleinhart3669you have unlimited time on your hands and enjoy that but some people don't
@ExileTwilight 5 ай бұрын
@@theleinhart3669 DD2's gameworld is bigger from what I've heard (only started DD:DA, will have to get back to it after finishing DD2 xD), so you should at least consider using them for some places.
@hoarahloux9326 5 ай бұрын
I have over 75 ferrystones in my storage , i dont think that u need a Infinit one 😂
@OongusBoongus 5 ай бұрын
I hate not having fast travel I have a job and limited time to play each night I don’t wanna spend lots of time walking everywhere.
@Zoeila 5 ай бұрын
I'm fine with the game but I wish there was more ox cart destinations. I got a port crystal from the archer quest and immediately parked it in the elf town. On the down low when my ox cart gets attacked and it's just goblins...I'm disappointed because it means the cart won't be destroyed.
@Svoorhout85 5 ай бұрын
Oh, you get a portcrystal from that quest? I just got that quest and was like "Fuuuu I have to go there again..." I'll drop it there too for easy access to the elf smithy.
@1621lionheart 5 ай бұрын
It reminds me of when i played Skyrim for the first time. "I am going to do this quest now" > runs to the objective in the other town > meet a random NPC that need to be escorted > okay its not far from the path > found a cave > explore a cave > gets out from the other side of the cave > explore more. No quest was finished that day but damn it was fun exploring. I think most young gamers this day just want to finish a game not playing and discovering things. I stopped watching/reading guides years ago and gaming feels way better.
@endarion88172 5 ай бұрын
my only problem with exploring is that the day/night cicle is too fast for how much time it takes to explore and since i started as warrior at night i get attacked by cost and litch and whatever that i do almost 0 damage to them, would like to explore more if i wan't fucked as soon it get dark
@elesu5129 5 ай бұрын
Hire a Mage pawn with any magic enchant skill and you should be fine
@kano1652 5 ай бұрын
As someone else already said u have to get a mage pawn,not only can they heal u from poison and such but they can enchant ur weapon with flame,ice and lightning which u need for some enemy types if not all because they all have some weaknesses,in my experience fire is pretty strong,maybe customise ur main pawn to be a mage
@chrisbellville6957 5 ай бұрын
Honestly unless it's extremely early game its not any harder at Night
@munky342 5 ай бұрын
​@@chrisbellville6957the only thing I disliked about night is how many chests I end up walking past. I find them on the return journey though. Day/night does seem a little fast though.
@rekkagaming4086 5 ай бұрын
Ruri, I am in the camp of making some changes but not for teleporting when it comes to traveling in this game. The change I do want is for the stamina bar to not deplete outside combat. They have this in town so why not impliment this in the outside world as well? There is clearly a in combat state, the music changes and we cannot save. Having to wait for a nearly depleted stam bar while just started combat really sux, is no fun, and just slows down the game. Elden Ring has no stam depletion outside combat while traveling and it makes the game 10x better for world traverse. In fact, I would even say every game like this should do this going forward. You onced said if travelling is fun there wouldnt be a need for fast travel. Spiderman 1&2 do this very well. No stam depletion for outside combat only adds to the fun of exploring IMO.
@James.Hill. 5 ай бұрын
It's just a massive pain in the ass to get from Town A to Town B in DD2. Your options are traveling by foot for 2-3 in-game days or stumble into an ox cart. If there was 50% more ox carts, I would be way less inconvenienced exploring the world
@Perneir 5 ай бұрын
The best "fucking" game related video ive ever come across. No bandwagoning, no rallying around hate, love it! What main story indeed ,level 28 and just now unlocking Mystic Spearhand.
@2569Chaos 5 ай бұрын
i agree with the back and forth to an extent after a while fast travel should be more acesable it does get tiedes and annoying and no one should be calling you a liar your always up front with things
@roboliver1378 5 ай бұрын
My main problem after buying this game is lack of lock on in crucial battles and then fast travel is my second complaint
@ExileTwilight 5 ай бұрын
having the option to do a monster hunter style camera lock-on I can see being a valuable feature at times, but even in those games I pretty much never used it because I preferred to control the camera myself. It's just a matter of getting used to it (and increasing the camera sensitivity :p)
@Callimandicus 5 ай бұрын
To be fair. The most popular mods for the original are about making it less inconvenient. The weight and travel were widely considered to be way too much in the original. And I am mainly talking just about the Carry weight in the original. It had always been seen as an issue that does not enhance the experience in any way or form
@TheAnaz41745 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, some people are really undermining it as inconvenience/tedium = good
@irondoomable 5 ай бұрын
thats the problem i dont mind the the port-crystal system i really like it and i also like the cart but its soo annoying to run with stamina system and this is coming from someone who loves death stranding. and dont let me get started with the beloved system its not the inconvenience thats the problem its that it contradicts the good parts of the game.
@halcyon6098 5 ай бұрын
Cuz. Babies.
@calebbarbosa22 5 ай бұрын
I still prefer the eternal ferry stone method with DDDA. It felt like a good balance. Because you still only had two locations to travel to on the whole map until you completed quests and found more port crystals, at which point you still had to place your port crystals strategically for most efficient use, because there were more points of interest you visited regularly than there were port crystals you could place. So it was more like setting a central fast travel locations in the different large regions. So there was still plenty of on the road travel and combat fun to be had, but more progress could be made in single play session while doing it. Something I really appreciated replaying the game last year as an adult with a fulltime job and a house to take care of now. It also left you with a good sense of progression as you found more port crystals travel got easier as well. But it still wasn't bringing you right to the doorstep of every location in the game.
@Valdrath 5 ай бұрын
Stephanie Sterling's video is based around the assumption that they were selling ferrystones for real money, which is obviously not the case. But I can just see them going around the game and, because of that wrong assumption, at every inconvenience getting that voice in the back of their head going "See? They made it like this on purpose so they can sell me the solution.". I'm making some assumptions there, but I got that sense from the way they described the problems they had with the game. An attitude like this is a pretty good way to ruin any game experience for yourself no matter the game.
@Willow4526 5 ай бұрын
"Confirmation bias" is what that is. common for people stuck in a toxic or ill mindset.
@LostInNumbers 5 ай бұрын
The fact that Stephaine based a video on a false assumption that can be corrected by simply going to the store page shows how much she lost the plot. The base requirement for journalism is to validate your assumptions. Without it, the Jimquisition is just rage bate. I stopped watching thd Jimquisition a short while after it left the Escapist, when I noticed Seterling couldn't even talk about positive topics without ranting about "greedy big companies". I suspect this had a lot to do with Sterling trading her Editor for a direct patreon founding. The Escapist editors wanted moderation, while the Patreons wanted greater extremes. I remember Sterling complaining about not being able to get traction on positive videos at the time. That was a HUGE red flag. The Jimquisition ended up becoming so negative that I found myself feeling bad after watching new episodes. This js when I knew I needed to bounce out.
@Lethos1000 5 ай бұрын
11:35 The habit of wanting to see every corner of the map I think I got from watching my Dad waaaay back playing Sword of Fargoal. It was one of the few games he played every Evening for a long time and I always was sitting next to him, getting spooked by the ambient music and eager to see, what´s around the next corner. From that day on every game that hat Fog of War (Dune 2 - Battle for Arrakis; Warcraft 1+2; C&C; BG 1+2 etc.) I had to explore the whole map. So DD1 back then was a perfect game to scratch that itch and DD2 is no exception and I´m loving it.
@h2ohero739 5 ай бұрын
100% agree with you. Exploration is the best part of DD2 and the way it was designed to be played. I also think the DLC stuff is so overblown. DD2 is an example of a game done right - the game is not designed around needing extra content. Those microtransactions were tacked on by execs at the end. There are people with more money than time and maybe they want to buy a port crystal... not that this will actually help without the ferrystones which you need money to get which requires exploring.... but either way it's a single player game who cares. As long as they are properly explaining in the DLC description that it can be earned in game and they are properly informing customers I don't care. I'm not the audience for those items. I will never buy those items and everyone who is complaining won't either. The issue is when the DLC model shifts to make things bad on purpose to make you buy extra stuff. AC Origins i believe did this where your leveling grinded to a halt to incentivize buying XP boosters. I think bc DD2 is designed the way it is people are getting confused and thinking the game was designed around these microtransactions when the lack of fast travel is actually the intended way to play it. Anyways I'm going to go back to enjoying the game. I appreciate your video and logical thinking👍
@draven_sword7092 5 ай бұрын
BEFORE I watch the video, just wanna say that I have about 18 hours in the game now and have had few issues with the fast travel. Tbh I barely use ox-carts, but when I do, they barely work. I have a dope team and can absolutely demolish any threat that has come along so far. My gripe is that the carts die WAY too easily sometimes. Several times, the cart I was in got destroyed before I even loaded into the fight, I then had to run the rest of the way to my destination, which was fine, but I would have liked to be able to actually defend the cart. One time the cart was destroyed and my MC was nearly dead before I could even stand up from the cart.
@draven_sword7092 5 ай бұрын
That all being said, now that I've watched some, I agree with you, Ruri. I love that nothing is spelled out for you, you genuinely have to explore, and that's what makes DD2 so addicting! I'd rather run along with my party than use the cart. Just fkn run your party and have fun! Try new builds, try new party comps! Explore and have fun! That's the point, and I'm absolutely loving it. This is the most refreshing game since Helldivers for me, but they are in such different categories that they both scratch their own itch.
@JesahsuKuristoh 5 ай бұрын
Hear, hear! I almost cried you spoke like I gave you a script without even knowing lmao This game is so goood, it feels so much like DD1 I almost died from happiness. People are just echoing mindless misinformation they hear from their local lazy youtubers and screaming their lungs out without minimum research. Man I love this game, and I hope all this mindless toxicity dies so I can have a blast with the REAL community!!
@MatthewCEBamber 5 ай бұрын
Nexus mods helps a ton. Can buy portcystals in the in game trader as well as the ferrystones. So I have the same fast travel availability as the first game dark arisen.
@bladechild2449 5 ай бұрын
I don't have an issue with no fast travel for the initial run through of the game, but it is admittedly just tedious to return to specific places like caves and places of interest you don't have time to explore later on. I think it would work a lot better with just having the port crystals being incredibly challenging and fulfilling to accrue, and foregoing the need for ferrystones. The thing is, the system as it is and how you defend it, is actually a really sound idea. I just don't think they have the mechanics to supplement it. Continual journeying starts to feel worthless. The equipment upgrade system isn't fleshed out enough to make it desirable and fun to hunt monsters on whim for their materials. The experience of mobs in the area drops off and kinda becomes pointless. The vocation system isn't really fleshed out enough to make it worth it. Itemization and consumables isn't fleshed out enough... etc etc. The game seriously needed more mechanics and systems ala Monster Hunter to support this aspect of an Open World game, because as it stands it's the most committed implementation of it, while being the most hollow thing to experience after 20 hours. You can't really even experience the open world in a variety of ways because it's all linear paths, with half the terrain being mountains you can't access. You have to basically like the exploration experience for what it is. And, eventually, it becomes unsatisfying. So to that end, I agree with Sterling. If you're happy to run to the half way point between the borderpoint and Melve for the 20th time just to do the Sphinx quest you couldn't figure out initially, you are far too smitten with monotony. And for fuck sake can we be serious about the shit enemy variety? I thought it was a sick joke the sheer amount of repeat Goblins, Cyclops' and Ogres we had to monotonously slay in DD1. I'm actually staggered they couldn't even be arsed to deviate from the same shit as the first game lmao.
@FelyneFine 5 ай бұрын
ferrystones drop like candy endgame and are basically functionally infinite past your "initial run"
@bladechild2449 5 ай бұрын
@@FelyneFine Well, I guess by Initial run, I kinda meant run throughs of the areas before moving onto the next. I've only come across 4 ferrystone drops so far, Not really enough to do much with the system. And I guess this is the issue. Had I been able to utilize port crystals, I'd have still been messing around in the first area and uncovering everything. But Running across the entire map 3 times over was enough. It's just not worth my time, and I suspect most people feel the same. Actually, a simpler solution would have just been to make ox carts... good? Seriously, they could have expanded this system so you unlock "bus stops" so to speak, but instead they just take you to 4 places across the entire first zone lmao.
@ExileTwilight 5 ай бұрын
@@bladechild2449 I had about 10 ferrystones by the time I left Vernsworth for the first time, so I think you may need to explore a bit more. I agree that oxcarts should have been expanded a bit more, but having ones just go into the wilderness would make literally no sense, unless you would be willing to pay like 20k+ for the guy to take such a route I guess. But having ones unlock for Harve and the ability to set a stop mid-journey would be nice. Whilst I am not SUPER annoyed by the lack of enemy variety, having one or two more types of creatures (especially in Battahl) would have gone a long way to help the variety.
@bladechild2449 5 ай бұрын
@@ExileTwilight Exploring "more" to find more of the stones that are supposed to make traveling less tedious is a bit ironic don't you think, lol
@ExileTwilight 5 ай бұрын
@@bladechild2449 No? What I mean by that is paying attention and exploring your immediate surroundings. I made (mostly) a beeline for Vernworth from the cyclops fight and picked up a bunch on the way and in the chests in the city. Most caves that aren't just a room has a ferrystone in it somewhere.
@JustTooSalty 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for being passionate about this Ruri. Whilst I dont agree with you on every take you've had over the years, I 100% share your passion for this. It is one of the most infuriating conversations I have had to have with friends or strangers on the internet.
@xR3DST4Rx 5 ай бұрын
TBF your entire gameplay situation is enhanced by the fact you stream for a living and this game provides great content for your audience. Some people dont have time for inconvenient content that feels like your time being wasted lol. I say this as someone that loves exploring and doesn’t like hand holding. Getting angry at valid arguments seems just as childish as those who can’t adapt to its design intentions. Both sides make sense to me. This will probably be my favorite game since Elden Ring and Baldur’s Gate.
@rurikhan 5 ай бұрын
Thing is, if anything the stream adds pressure for me to progress faster. At least that’s how I feel. If it wasn’t for the stream I would actually use less Ferrystones and have even less progression.
@matthewhill1502 5 ай бұрын
My experience with the first game was that it was almost more of an adventure simulator than anything else, with more focus on systems that made you think about how you get around the world. It didn't necessarily mesh with me, but it was a fascinating approach.
@ZZ-cr9pz 5 ай бұрын
I did enjoy running through the world at first but got really boring later on. Main problem is the lack of enemies, and that the game is too easy (so there is no real danger just grinding down hp-bars). Thought the game would include a more diverse roster of foes since the combat is fun but very basic. You do get a ton of stones for teleport, but you hoard them thinking the world is huge. However once you complete the game you realize it's not that big.
@virusmom. 5 ай бұрын
I was doing the elf quests, right? Before that, I decided to sneak into Battahl through the side-path below the bridge. I suffered along the way, then suffered on my way back. Then I had to go there again, and then go back. And then I did this around 6 times because I had no crystals and I hadn't unlocked the gate yet. No one forced me into it, I did it for my own curiosity and on each run, I went a bit further left and right and got sidetracked and found new things each time. I'm having a blast and I'm not going to learn from it. Unlocking the oxcart later, made things easier. Getting attacked on the way and me exploding the oxcart by mistake (3 times), sent me into more exploration. I love it all sooooo much! The world is built in such a way that you can get lost in it, having your unique adventure. The fast travel options are more than enough: port crystals, carts & griffin rides. Pretty sure the main quests can be rushed to set up as many port crystals as possible quickly?? Why play the game if you don't want to actually play it...
@halcyon6098 5 ай бұрын
Did you find the Trickster vocation?
@virusmom. 5 ай бұрын
@@halcyon6098 Yup, I did. But I only tested it and didn't want to use the passives it gives, needed other stuffs on.
@TinMan445 5 ай бұрын
It’s nice to see some creators pushing back on this. It’s an adventure game, and the further into the game you get the more available port crystals and ferry stones become. You can also duplicate port crystals at the scrapper and the sphinx.
@Schrogs 5 ай бұрын
I just bought all the teleportation items from the micro transactions so I hadn’t had to worry too much about needing more port crystals. Sure I’ve spend 90 dollars on this game but it’s a better experience so well worth it imo
@FAXX601 5 ай бұрын
@darksungwyndolin8305 5 ай бұрын
Forged port crystals from the scrapper actually work? I thought magical items were supposed to lose their effects.
@ExileTwilight 5 ай бұрын
@@darksungwyndolin8305 I have a feeling they don't, considering forged ferrystones become ferristones xD (I bought one on accident before realizing the name difference.. >.
@Beinomat 5 ай бұрын
100% with you on this! So much random fun things that I would have NEVER experienced in a Ubisoft game or the likes unless it was heavily scripted. I remembered a cave nearby on one of my 'backtracking' travels and decided to check it out, thinking it'll probably be a chest or something. 1 hour later I have explored a huge cave, fought 3 bosses in that cave, found mass loot and resurfaced on a totally different spot on the map having one of these 'Oh I am HERE now!' -Dark Souls moments! No quest told me to ever go there, no marker on the minimap showed me a 'place of interest' and that made it MY discovery and not some quest or symbol that I am crossing of my work list... Why are there even markers for 'places of interest'? If you are interested to check out a place then you should go there, why does someone need to tell you? It's like some of these people don't even know what 'exploring' means anymore...
@Willow4526 5 ай бұрын
This is the Dark souls difficulty arguments all over again, its just now Dragons Dogma & fast travel/traversal. Once these niche games become popular, people like to forget there's entire indie games dedicated to these things, like walking simulators. Personally for any game i prefer that by the end game they have a fast travel system/convenient access to one & this game provides that. Which i wouldn't ask to be included any earlier bcos travelling those roads did get boring at times but where so much fun overall, i spent 30h in just Vernworth exploring, questing & travelling.
@GameFreekification 5 ай бұрын
I think your points on the handholding and making a game punishing are perfectly valid. I like a game that lets me discover and that makes an expirence tough. My gripe on Dragons Dogma 2 is redoing what i've done so many times when traveling the same road in an area I've ALREADY explored when I just need to get to a location. Going off the beaten path is perfectly fine, but when it gets the point where I have limited lime, I prefer a game that respects my time. Letting me have access to qualty of life features like fast travel is not handholding. There is a stark difference between handholding and quality of life. I don't need the game to cater to me, I need it to respect me. Beating me over the head with challenges and abrasive mechanicans are fine, but when you hinder the time I have avalible to enjoy your game, that's when it becomes hard to return. For all you that love this game, have at it. I'm still giving it a shot becuase I like the world and want to explore. But I know it would do wonders if it came with accesable fast travel, like bonfire to bonfire. This is of course my own view. If the game isn't for me... then I lost a $70 gamble. Good video. I always enjoy you going off on things you love. Can't wait for you in Monster Hunter Wilds.
@chrisgoescrazy1917 5 ай бұрын
it’s hell sometimes, but so few dev actually take risks anymore, and i was honestly surprised at how well they balanced it out (like auto having pick axes, the “no quest markers” thing being not nearly as bad as i thought it would) but MAN the realization that i had to walk like 20 mins back to battahl because i didn’t place down the port crystal they just gave me… soul crushing ;-;
@KeiFlame 5 ай бұрын
Not having port crystal in Battahl is just dick move. Bruh the terrain of Battahl suck
@ViJt-oq5nq 5 ай бұрын
​@@Aerith_FF7recable car does help
@petershahan533 5 ай бұрын
I am now 23 hours in the game, It is fantastic, in the beginning i like the idea of limited fast travel. And find it innovative But now it is annoying , especially for some quests and in the desert area . Repeating the same enemies again and again. Going in the same road fighting the same enemies four times. And i just hope they give the option of arraignment the inventory in the camp. Every time going out of the city find my team in heavyweight going back to the city empty the inventory then back to same road fighting the same repetitive enemies again and again. It is annoying now
@cartoonvideos5 5 ай бұрын
Agreed bro
@vile_Rec 5 ай бұрын
'THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT WE FUCKING WANT'... yes, this is the take 👍 this is what those of us that loved the first one wanted, all of it 🍻 bring on the adventure.
@chuckrivas3746 5 ай бұрын
There are 2 things that I would like to have changed as a long term fan since DD1: -Performance (drm software eats all the cpu, frame drops inside towns) -Multiple save files (I get why it is like it is, no spoilers, however it could be unlocked after the first playthrough)
@ku-fc5nj 5 ай бұрын
I mean in fairness, you used to say you liked taking the stairs in MHW to get to the smithy, in the original town (instead of the elevator)
@leizee1224 5 ай бұрын
The case against exploring on foot, especially early on, is the high risk of being killed. An argument for fast travel is that it allows for a greater variety of play styles.
@leandrodelmistro2238 5 ай бұрын
I don’t think that the fast travel is an issue you get enough teleports stuff stones.
@VampireNoblesse 5 ай бұрын
the quests are so organic & immersive (especially when not over-using Pawns), ... exploration is like Skyrim, Eldenring or Zelda, love it (oldschool.., like the action too, no auto-target, no blind button smashing, .. especially when turning off the center camera asists)
@shokid24 5 ай бұрын
I don’t even need anything they are selling as extras. I’ve probably put 15-20 hours into it since Friday and just turned in the first main mission. There is so much to explore and I’ve leveled up to 25. I think I’ve used around 300 rift crystals and still not sure about using any port crystal. I’m just used to traveling by foot to my places. Tis how the arisen chooses thy path 😊
@LuciferHunter-kt7pm 5 ай бұрын
The mission in the capital that tasks you with finding out who is watching your every move was extremely fun how I went about it without knowing I was doing the quest. I was keeping an eye on the beggar and walking around the town square and kept noticing this guy running around. Realized he was running from me. I forced him to run into a T shaped alley that was a dead end at both ends and I kept trying to talk to him and I finally tackled him and a cut scene ensued. Had no idea that quest was a thing until it updated. Love this game! ( sorry for my run-on sentence)
@cal5365 5 ай бұрын
Ok but there is one thing this game desperately needs to change, it needs more keybinds for controller. I wanna change the confim button desperately
@neil4692 5 ай бұрын
Using the fast travel in Bathal (the ropestations) only for a Griffon to spot you, head towards you, attack you and break it which causes you to go straight to your death will always be 10/10
@biggums5 5 ай бұрын
Stephanie Sterling also has a video about how souls games should have an easy mode too so... People are too comfortable with not being inconvenienced to handle inconvenience. Also some people just want things to be accessible to everyone. So no one feels left out.
@travisgeorge1553 5 ай бұрын
Remember when Sterling, just looked like Willy Wonka, developed a severe sugar addiction? Those were the days....
@louisgworld 5 ай бұрын
You mean Jim Sterling.
@Svoorhout85 5 ай бұрын
Jim wants an easy mode in real life too. Thats why he wants to be a woman.
@idzidz833 5 ай бұрын
@@louisgworld no, they meant Stephanie Sterling
@Ccubed92 5 ай бұрын
This game is highly easy but the traveling is terrible lol nobody is saying this game is hard except for him
@boeserKadser 5 ай бұрын
You're goddamn right mate. Yesterday i got engaged in a fight with a dragon on my search for a way around the gate to Battahl. Left my in bad condition and i encountered a Griffin shortly after it. The Griffin happened to fly away wirh my on my back and dropped me on a mountain full of harpys. Had th fight them off all alone since my pawns were miles away. Managed to pull it off with exactly one healing item left. It felt like an epic tale in my game and would never have happened if iwere abel just fasttravel to my destination
@aaronhumphrey3514 5 ай бұрын
My only real criticism with the forced backtracking is the identical monster spawns. If the spawns were more random and dynamic the travelling would be better.
@sauliusvekteris526 5 ай бұрын
I never used fast travel in RDR 2 ever in my 2 playthroughts for 200 hours. That tells you alone how good games can be that you dont need to use fast travel. So yeah seems lik DD2 will be yet another gem for me and im super excited for it.
@user-fr5hs4vj4d 5 ай бұрын
Just started the game. Only thing I’m not liking so far is the health that you can’t recover without resting. Going to a cave and then going deep into the cave fighting along the way to find a hard boss guy in the back and having low health that I can’t recover.
@soundabyss 5 ай бұрын
I hated it at first because of the change with being able to use healing items to get it back in dd1 but you get used to it, you have make use of the camps alot to get your health back but idk if its something you get after dying a ton (i kept trying to fight a cyclops super early in the game because it was gaurding the camp site i needed to use and i found out the hard way that if you die and reload itll take like a good 12% chunk out of hp cap from where it was last so i was capped at 10% hp after 3 attempts and died like 15 times) but the second you take damage that would kill you hold the skill button down and hit up on the dpad to use a quick healing item and it will prevent yourself from fully dying, the time window is pretty forgiving on it but you still only have like 3 seconds to react to it and its like 1 second if its from fall damage from being thrown
@amyford2971 5 ай бұрын
God yes the loss gauge thing is really annoying. Searching for a campsite desperately while trying to get away from that big bad that just crashed another battle with something else. I had that when I fought an ogre plus goblins then had loss gauge as I was quite underpowered at that stage. Was trying to get to campsite then got instakilled by a Minotaur crashing through some trees. Highly irritating.
@Chaosruler210 5 ай бұрын
I don't know how many times in just the 25 hours I've played that I've received a quest, set out to complete it, met an NPC offering another quest, and then realized the new quest was nearby. I'd enter a cave, find someone in need of help, get caught up assisting them, and then forget about the initial NPC. After guiding the new character to their destination, I'd try to return to the first NPC, only to encounter a group battling a monster and needing assistance. After aiding them, I'd check the map and realize I had strayed far from my "main" quest, stumbling upon two villages and vendors selling essential items, from armor to weapons. Attempting to refocus on the main quest, the cycle would continue. I appreciate the option to use ox carts, but the slight time saved by dozing off and having the location added to the map doesn't significantly expedite travel. The game's portrayal of it as an instant teleport to the designated location is misleading, as it's often not very close. If you do choose to doze off, you're frequently awakened to handle monsters and other challenges. However, when you receive a unique quest to visit an unfamiliar village, but your exploration leads you there naturally, it enhances the immersion of the game.
@justalex4214 5 ай бұрын
I love the game and I repsect your opinion but this idea of taking in the world and experiencing an adventure completely fell apart for me after traveling the same backwater roads for the 20th time. Sorry but there is no adventure to be found anymore after Ulrika asked me to take the same "stroll along the beach" for the 5th time. I have 45 hours now and almost half of it was backtracking. That doesn't mean I want unrestricted fast travel but a horse or something else to accelerate travel would be nice. In fact the only reason I picked up warfarer is so I could cast celerity and increase my running speed at least a bit.
@MichaellaMarzullo 5 ай бұрын
I love this game. I’m completely new to DD and this was magical. It has its issues but exploring and being forced to strategize rests/locations and at the same time improvising when things go wrong… it’s incredibly immersive. I had almost 0 health and no camping equipment and was so far away from any town… that was my favorite adventure so far. The urgency was real. Also exploring is how I found all the quests and didn’t need any help or online guides. I also have no idea how to use MCX and never had a need for it so clearly it’s not a problem. I have like 3-4 port crystals and that’s always seemed like enough. More useful towards the end of playthrough. Completely agree with you!
@jakkandjing 5 ай бұрын
Jim Sterling has lost the plot a long time ago and should not be taken seriously.
@ITNoetic 5 ай бұрын
You going out of your way to call her Jim says a lot more about you than it does about her
@Puppetmaster2005 5 ай бұрын
@ITNoetic. Get out of here with your gender politics. This is supposed to be a gaming discussion. I dont see any world where that person "went out of their way" to call James stephanie sterling "Jim". Because that was what she was called and known for. HECK her youtube channel is STILL called Jim Sterling. What the hell are you going on about? If anything, YOU are going put of your way to bring gender politics into a discussion into a discussion that has nothing to do with it at all.
@ITNoetic 5 ай бұрын
@@Puppetmaster2005 you're telling on yourself too, buddy Kinda weird that calling someone by their preferred name is a matter of politics to you
@jakkandjing 5 ай бұрын
@@ITNoetic James Stephanie Sterling. A common nickname for James is Jim. This is even how this person is addressed in The Stanley Parable 2, released post transition. Are you also gonna call out Crows Crows Crows?
@ITNoetic 5 ай бұрын
@@jakkandjing you can call them whatever you want. I've already made my point
@ZhaneBadguy 5 ай бұрын
You know most people these days have a tiktok brain. 30 second quest and back to the quest giver. Traveling and enjoying life is for old people like us.
@maxwelledwards9170 5 ай бұрын
Agreed, especially with Medusa’s spell bow on warfarer has me at level 65 with almost all vocations maxed out
@shadowweaver1599 5 ай бұрын
Personally, I wish i knew one had fast travel. Also, I wish this had easier fast travel so I can unload my inventory. I don't mind using the cart to go to the main cities, but it is a little annoying when a monster completely destroys the cart and you have to walk to the town 30 mins away. I am still having a lot of fun, but I wish there was an infinite ferry stone. Like I found out recently was added on one I wish I knew sooner lol. I don't mind running around and exploring, but fast travel is definitely nice even if it's minimal, but I can go to at least a main city, and i would be happy. I am still very much enjoying this game maxed out a thief so far loved it my pawn maxed out mage started playing as an archer unlocked the Lance class. Sadly not a fan of archer so far i feel much weaker then when i was playing thief. I'm also just bored. I haven't unlocked the magic archer yet, which I really enjoyed in one. If it wasn't for the perks I could use on all classes, and I didn't just spend like 60k on gear, I probably would just stop, but now I have to trudge thru it, lol. At least until I get my money back. I'm excited to try Lancer, but I'm sure I'm going to love that one, so I'm trying to wait because for me i won't want to play another class for perks I'm sure lol. I'm definitely trying to try all the classes and I'm loving it. But I loved one so I don't want it to be changed just haveing the option of that ferry stone I think would be nice. I mean you don't have to use it.
@rhinoplug5491 5 ай бұрын
I love Elden ring and Outward, and this game suffers with it's travel system. Outward makes travel an actual obstacle and exciting with all the health, stamina, mana, food, water, camping etc. DD2 takes that and minimizes it to just a quick camp button. Cook if you want, it's not a need or important, prepping for travel is not interesting, it's just tedious to throw everything except healing items in storage because you only bring along healables, no reason to bring anything else, and you have plenty of room for them. And don't forget you travel and fight the same 5 enemies so you don't need to be prepared for a biome and it's unique weather effects or enemies to prepare items. just have some healables and a camp kit you are good. And traveling feels crappy because there is NO REASON TO EXPLORE. I fight the same enemies over and over, getting random items that i guess will upgrade something down the line that i buy with GOLD all i need is GOLD and i can kill anything. I'm already killing the drake in 2 mins at level 30. Trolls etc only last 30 seconds.
@ImAlwaysPlus 5 ай бұрын
That would be my complaint as well. The enemy variety being lacking makes traveling around not that interesting after a while. Everything is just tedious once you get the hang of it. Am i still enjoying the combat/pawn system? Yes. I wish they did more with that.
@juniper_falls8651 5 ай бұрын
Truer truths have never been truthed. Preach, brutha ❤
@danielmata610 5 ай бұрын
The game world is mostly on or right by the trail roads. Doesn’t feel open world when you can barely go off in any direction other then the trails with the exception of very few caves. Most of the combat takes place on the trails.
@Fishster 5 ай бұрын
I get they where going for the thrill of going on a dangerous mission of exploration and they have nailed that… but the way they have done it has had some pretty bad negative consequences. I’m old and my time is getting short, I hate things that take it for granted. To hand a quest in you might go Bakbattal > Checkpoint > Vernworth > Ceckpoint > Bacbattal and it takes what, 10+ mins, longer if your cart is attacked by 3 goblins. And got forbid you want to go to and from the elven village to get your magic upgrades done. I’ve not bothered much for my Mage pawn. I don’t want to add 20k rift fee or 40 mins time on to every upgrade. So in short not having fast travel does lead to some fantastic dramatic moments and is great when exploring but it’s awful side effect is doing ‘inter adventure housekeeping’ is tedious in the extreme. I’m still mulling my thoughts how you could preserve the vision without making the ‘admin’ so tedious but already can think of improvements.
@jlstudio1050 5 ай бұрын
I agree. I just unlocked the elf village and probably not returning there for a long time cuz of the inconvient location
@jackmanleblanc2518 5 ай бұрын
But you DO have fast travel. The elven village has a port crystal and by the time you get to the desert village you will have one you can place there to. If all you need to do is to go to one place for upgrades, then you save your ferrystones for that. It's so simple, man. You will get a TON of ferrystones organically by playing the game the way it wants to be and traveling around and getting lost too, so if you save your ferrystones for those critical moments when all you need is to buy a few things then you'll be golden.
@jackmanleblanc2518 5 ай бұрын
​@@jlstudio1050Do you not have a port crystal?
@Willow4526 5 ай бұрын
Being old is when you're ment to be able to slow down & just take a look at your life & the world around you. You probably need to do so some internal work bcos it sounds like you internalised some of the harmful work ideas that we are machine's requiring to be productive all the time, but we aren't. Slow down old one & smell the flowers, you've earnt it living this long 👍.
@Fishster 5 ай бұрын
@@jackmanleblanc2518 Sure, not enough imho though and 10k is just a bit too much I think maybe 3k would be a better price point but am open to negotiation! I’m only L40 at Bakbattal about to press on. You’re going to need 2 ferry stones to upgrade a bit of gear or do some steps of quests. There’s a lot of vocations to level with a lot of gear to upgrade (even if you only do the best pre-ending piece in each slot). I’m coping 🙂but does that run between carts in Checkpoint really add to the experience the 20th time you’ve done it?
@Fenyxclips 5 ай бұрын
Started playing DD1 a few months ago and in that time, grew comfortable with the Eternal Ferrystone. Around 59 (hours spent on PS5 can be either accurate or inaccurate so could be near 80 hours) into DD2 and only recently got the residence permit for Battahl. Not even continuing just to get all the Vocations maxed out. Kept trying to hold onto every Ferrystone I could get but wouldn't stop using fast travel when possible. Since release, I just go everywhere on foot. The fun of running from a Drake or yanking down a boss (loving Warfarer solely to use Implicate and Mirror Shelde. Plan to add a Magick weapon eventually) for massive damage. Only ever using Ferrystones to get back home either when in danger or carrying way too much. Brought the Portcrystal as I needed one due to not wanting to walk all the way back from Bakbattahl to the Volcanic Island Camp after walking that journey twice (there and back). At level 50 and just focused more on exploring the lands. And throwing Pawns into the Brine if Dragonplague is spotted before sleeping.
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