Seven players?! Wow. Aren't you a new DM? Why did you choose hard mode? But really, everyone is so orderly for that many, no one talking over each other or fighting for attention... that's some good team work. Not so sure about their intentions though... still so antagonistic toward Elder Lunara. Oh, you noticed the grapple rules, no extra attacks on top of grapple attempts without the feat - nice. A note on holding an action though, prepared action with spells, you _cast_ the spell to hold it. Meaning you use the spell slot, _whether you use the spell or not._ So in this situation if he'd held _Wall of Fire_ he would have used up that spell slot (without having cast the spell on Sparkrender) thus "wasting" the spell slot when they went down the stairs. The spell is used even if the held action isn't triggered. For _Vicious Mockery,_ "it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw _or_ take 1d4 psychic damage and have disadvantage on the next attack roll" The or means if it saves, it takes nothing. It needs to have language like in _Fireball_ "target takes 8d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one" .... but "He's actually healing" got _me._ Rations are food. You aren't tracking food & Water, or encumbrances. If you were, you would dearly want food or suffer _Exhaustion_ penalties. Also, the story is not complete _exactly because_ it's to inspire you to continue as you will. Stormwreck Isle is good in that reguard, despite being so short. The _Lost Mines of Phandelver_ is better of course, but I have a fondness for Stormwreck. Enjoyed the game, cheers!