John is without words,truly gifted and a great human being, he is an example for young guitarists as my son
@meszigabor13 жыл бұрын
OMG thank you for the upload! Thats the only thing i wanted on youtube from the concert. I remember that silence during the solo. That was amazing! I am sad that not everyone could listen to it live. Once again thy for the upload :)
@pauldoc8613 жыл бұрын
it was absolutely awesome , congrats for the video
13 жыл бұрын
@keketik111 Absolutely right ! The concert was amazing, and this solo... I love it.
@turocziattila80 Úgy emlékszem a Breaking all illusions alatt volt
@turocziattila8013 жыл бұрын
Szenzációs volt, gyönyörű és kemény, egyszerre!! Melyik szám alatt lehetett látni a 3 kockán a még kapuk előtt felvett belépni akaró embereket? valahogy a végefelé.. de nem találom valaki?