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Dream Prague

Dream Prague

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@frantiseklaluch6605 2 жыл бұрын
I am František and I approve this message.
@fjul_ 2 жыл бұрын
Děkuji, Franto xd
@thespalek1 2 жыл бұрын
@fredybox6032 2 жыл бұрын
@shunkasir Жыл бұрын
Ahoy František!
@Meinegeigemeinleben 3 ай бұрын
Já jsem taky František XD
@feykro222 2 жыл бұрын
I would like to add that private schools are considered as a joke in Czechia by many people. People think that they are for rich and spoiled kids and that they will finish the school just by paying for it.
@FuFightersStudio 2 жыл бұрын
To be fair that also is often the case - there is incentive to keep you enrolled even if you are barely passing just cuz you are constant source of revenue - also there is really no other reason to go to a private school - they are usually of lower study quality than public schools (at least in my area)
@dobryden.6241 2 жыл бұрын
Ale ono to tak často je, všechny soukromé školy se kterými mám zkušenosti (buď osobně nebo z druhé ruky) jsou nekvalitní, mají nekvalitní pedagogický sbor a studenty bez chuti do učení nových věcí, protože očekávají, že to za ně peníze udělají.
@drakulkacz6489 2 жыл бұрын
@@dobryden.6241 Možná základní. Mám zkušenost se soukromou i státní VŠ a ta soukromá měla zaplacené odborníky z praxe, kteří věděli to, o čem si kantoři na státní jen četli a pluli v tom. Je pak škoda, když jdete jako dálkař a víte víc než kantor.
@Houmicek15 2 жыл бұрын
@@drakulkacz6489 promiň, cože? Lidi, co učí na vysokých školách daný předmět jsou v naprosté většině odborníci v daném oboru a oboru se věnují jako hlavní náplni své práce. Soukromá vysoká škola může najímat kvalitní lidi, ale pochybuji, že jim může financovat i výzkum, který je bude neustále držet v obraze daného předmětu.
@meeshaszabina 2 жыл бұрын
@@Houmicek15 a myslíš, že na státních to tak vždy je? Možná na technikách, medicíně...
@morthelithe 2 жыл бұрын
One ‎correction and one interesting fact (for foreigners especially) regarding the Czech universities. You can study for free at any age not just up to 26. You have 4 years to finish bachelor’s degree and 3 years for master’s degree (usually there may be exceptions). At age 26 you will only lose student benefits (health and social insurance paid by government, scholarships and students discounts). The interesting fact is, that university education is free for everybody and not only for Czech citizens under the condition, that they will study in Czech language. 🙂
@danielkrpelik516 2 жыл бұрын
And one can even study part-time which barely interferes with a full-time job. So it's super accessible to improve your qualification or just go learn some new field on Uni level anytime later in life.
@exander77 2 жыл бұрын
@DreamPrague Yes, that is the biggest misconception. Education is free regardless of age. In 26, you just lose benefits, which is completely unrelated to education. And, if you successfully finish the university degree, you have another free years to do second one, third one, etc. As long as you are successful, you can study for free til you die.
@martinajurickova5750 2 жыл бұрын
@@exander77 the Czechs dont have to pay for second university if they already have a degree? In Slovakia you can only study for free 3 years of bachelor and 2 years of master/ing study. If you study at two universities at the same time, or started one, dropped it midway and then started another, or do a degree in a new field, you have to pay the second university.
@exander77 2 жыл бұрын
@@martinajurickova5750 If you study successfully, you can study until you die. It works in a way that you have 4 years for Bachelor and 3 years for Magister, and all previous failed studies are counted towards this limit. So if you study 4 years Magister and 3 years Bachelor and you finish it successfully, you can study another 4 years Magister and 3 years Bachelor. Successful studies are not counted towards the limit. But if you study 2 years Bachelor and you fail it. Then, after studying another 2 years for free, you have to pay for more. But if you finish the second school successfully, then you can again study another school and 2 years will be covered, then the rest paid again. All unsuccessful years are counted towards your currently used years within 4 and 3 year limits for Bachelor and Magister, respectfully.
@daca8395 2 жыл бұрын
That's all fun and great untill pandemic hits and destroys your plans (as per my case)
@xxadunaxx 2 жыл бұрын
As a Czech student; yes, we are very stressed. It can go two ways, you either succeed or you don't. :-)
@_darkphantom_ 2 жыл бұрын
lol nebo skočíš z mostu ale to je stejný jako sebevražda
Proc boze ?? Ja sem vycilovanej ucnak co delam dalkove v chillu khemo nepotrebuju bullshit a jedu do usa za rok jú ?
@cmdrzdenek-joerg5628 Жыл бұрын
"You either succeed, or you don't" - well, there don't seem to be any other options in life anyways, you've mentioned them all :D
@Bobsikus Жыл бұрын
I have never felled stress, until at High School somebody presented me, that something like that exists :D But like Zdenek said below, exactly, everybody needs to be deicesful as soon as possible, it makes sense to me
@psychelicious5003 2 жыл бұрын
So, I quit studying IT at the age of 18 (started at 15) and went on to study economics, which I finished at 22. This is why I like the Czech system, because I made the wrong decision early, realised it was a bad decision pretty late but still managed to get educated in a field and find work at a bank when I was 23. (quit uni, that's why there's a gap year, don't judge me) Imagine I started deciding what I wanna do at the age of 20 and finished my shenanigans by 28. Also what the hell do children in the US study for so long when they can't even locate Europe on a world map?
@jerrybuldra 2 жыл бұрын
Most of them even can't find their home state on US's blind map. What are they learning? Maybe how to start a war and praying to fairy tale granpa :D
@rdis87 2 жыл бұрын
why should they care to locate Europe on the map?
@nmwvideos2393 2 жыл бұрын
@@rdis87 You are one of them right?💀🤡
@rdis87 2 жыл бұрын
@@nmwvideos2393 not really, I had to study US and UK history and geography during high school but I’m from Europe. I just kind of understand why they shouldn’t know where Europe is.
@Barking_Schnauzer Жыл бұрын
@@rdis87 It should be part of basic education to know about the rest of the world. Not knowing how to locate on a world map entire continents means there's something wrong with the basic education that the person received. Regardless of where they studied. This should be normal general basic knowledge for everyone on this planet who has an education...
@alexsindelar2063 2 жыл бұрын
I know it may sound weird to foreigners, but im happy with this system. Is there a bit of preassure? Of course, but i personally feel like having to choose what střední škola i want to go to made me really think about my future and what im good at that i could utilize in my career life. This also helps separate slower and faster learners, which is a really good thing imo. If you know youre not a studious type and know you would much rather dedicate your time to some craft or stuff, you can study the field directly without having to learn ALL of the "useless" stuff around, and If on the other hand youre a really studious type and are sure you want to work in a field that happens to be really difficult, you can start studying it sooner so youre more prepared for what comes in the university and then later on in real life. Not sure? Join a gymnasium, that way you have more time to think about what you really want to do in life while getting some standard education. Im currently in my second year of střední (thats like 11th grade in the US ig?) and i wouldnt really change anything about this system. Im studying a field that i really enjoy and already getting the experience that is essencial for my career in the future, so yeah, works for me!
@emilya6373 2 жыл бұрын
@Turecko76 thing is there‘s no optimal solution: you either fuck over the smarter students by hamstringing them by keeping them in class with the extremely slow learners, or you separate them and create different ‚classes‘ However the real problem starts when your parents finances/career have a major influence on what type of school you go to. Cause then it‘s clearly not by the capabilities of the individual student, but rather the support they get outside of. Which really isn‘t advantageous to either the poor students nor society at large.
@katerinav4217 2 жыл бұрын
@Turecko76 požadavky na vzdělání jsou bohužel politické. Měli jsme nejkvalitnější systém školství, navázaný na praxi, a zbylo z toho žalostné torzo, bohužel. Všichni "musí" mít maturitu, ale jednak jsou nešťastní oni, druhak úroveň maturity degraduje a taky to znamená, že není dost kvalitních lidí v praxi.
@viktorzeman5202 2 жыл бұрын
Ve 14 letech člověk NEVÍ, co chce dělat. I když si to v té době myslí.
@matejparak1637 2 жыл бұрын
I do have to agree, because I am one of those "not sure" students I went to a gymnasium. I like it there, although some say that it is more difficult there, I find it to be just for me. And decisions? I personally think that they are very good to embrace the child. I'm currently in the "Kvarta" which is an equivalent for the 9th class.
@kecenavrtep 2 жыл бұрын
@Turecko76 Problém je to, že většinu věcí, které se na škole naučíme, nevyužijeme. Všechny děti se učí to samé, bez ohledu na to, na co má to dítě talent. Já trpěl třeba v hodinách matematiky a fyziky a chtěl jsem spolužáky mlátit, že to je banda dementů, co na tom jako nechápout. Vždyť je to naprosto jané. A třeba v dějepisu jsem spal, protože mne fakt nezajímalo, co se dělo v roce 895 našeho letopočtu na území dnešní Itálie.
@ladajana 2 жыл бұрын
As somebody who went through both of the systems, I want to add that the most significant difference, hands down, are semester schedules. I also think that is the biggest downfall of us education. In reality, it means that for example geography is presented in elementary school as a part of a bigger block and you will come in contact with the subject every day for 3 to 6 months. When you move on to middle school you will take geography again for 1 semester and if your parents make you you might take it in HS. Now apply this to any subject that is not English or math. Here in Czech, you have schedules - I think that is a marvelous invention. This means you will see the subject in some form for 13 solid years. Something will stick, even with those who really resist. Also, I think that sorting the kids from 5th grade (used to be 2nd) and up isn't necessarily a bad thing. Yes, it might be stressful, but in the end, those kids are grouped with alike kids which helps them to study faster instead of keep waiting for the slow ones. In states, they solved this by Project Arrow, honor classes, or any other gifted program that each state has and I understand why. Can you imagine the transport logistics?
@slouberiee 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with everything you wrote except for the early leaving for gymnasium as a good thing. Studies have proven again and again that the 6 and 8-year gymnasiums sucking out the more ambitious kids (=kids of more ambitious parents) from elementary schools does no good to the elementary school children. Those overachieving kids pull the more relaxed ones their way and the performance of a class is better. The "better" kids would eventually get to gymnasium, so they would not lack their success (and also don't have such a stressful life as in gymnasium as young kids - that was also proven many times).
@ladajana 2 жыл бұрын
@@slouberiee I understand what you are saying; however, I am not convinced that is what is happening and yes, I read those studies. Unless the situation changed dramatically, from my experience as a kid and parent and aid in a classroom, all results and achievements were made very public in each classroom and every single person was aware of the results of the other one. With that said, I don't think it worked as a motivator, actually, the opposite was happening and you can't force people to be friends, just because you want them to improve. The other option - completely hide result (experience from states) and still doesn't provide any motivation. I strongly believe if a kid wants to study, he/she will study without any other engine running in the background. Kids should not need overachieving parents to study, help should come primarily from school as they should have an unbiased opinion. The only other point I see is that if you keep kids together, maybe it won't create such a split population, but then again - look at the USA, they are together for 13 years and they are at each other's throats just because of political affiliation, considerably more divided society than here.
@radka9516 2 жыл бұрын
@@slouberiee ​ (Omlouvám se za češtinu, nemám teď čas matlat se s angličtinou.) Já jsem ráda, že jsem od 6. třídy chodila na gympl. Vstávala jsem každý den v půl 6 a vracela jsem se domů v půl 4. V zimě tedy od tmy do tmy. Přesto jsem si nikdy nestěžovala. No, možná trochu, znáte to, ale hlavně jsem nikdy nelitovala svého rozhodnutí. Normální rodiče jako ti moji nechají dítě si vybrat. Kdybych totiž pokračovala na základní škole, byla bych šikanovaný mimoň, co si rád čte, a šprt. Na gymplu si rádi četli skoro všichni a dobré známky byly považované za kladnou věc. A jelikož jsem si všichni byli vědomi toho, jak je učivo obtížné, nikdo se nepozastavoval ani nad známkami špatnými. Cítila jsem se mezi spolužáky, že mezi ně patřím. Na vysokou školu mě to připravilo perfektně. Nebýt gymnázia, tak teď nejsem tam, kde jsem. Sestra šla na gympl až na středí a bylo pro ni mnohem obtížnější zvládat všechno učivo než pro mě. Už jsem byla zvyklá a měla jsem dobré základy. Ano, byla jsem tak trochu izolovaná od běžného mixu populace, ale člověk nikdy není izolovaný úplně. Vysoká škola je za mě v tomhle smyslu mnohem větší extrém.
@vladimirtodt9512 2 жыл бұрын
@@radka9516 Souhlas, taky jsem pak vysokou prošel jak nůž máslem až jsem se pak v kruhu červenal za šprta z těch červených desek na diplomu. Ovšem, dnes si říkám blbec, jsem nevyužil přejít na kdysi předchůdce 8letýho gymnázia, protože bych dojížděl 8 km autobusem a to se mi v 11 letech nechtělo. Dnes si ťukám na čelo. 2. stupeň základky mě brzdil v podstatě jsem se jím promaloval na pijácích z nudy. Ještě, že mě na základce v 8. třídě (za nás byla 8 letá základka) odchytil fyzikář a řekl jasně. Vyprdni se na ty střední školy co sis napsal a jdi na gymnásium a rovnou na vysokou.
@nellas1111 2 жыл бұрын
@@slouberiee Those smart kids are often bullied in their classes because they have different interests. 8-year gymnasium helps them grow.
@ninamacova4308 2 жыл бұрын
Ve skutečnosti to takový stres není. Jednotlivé typy škol jsou prostupné, na vysokou se lze dostat i z jiného typu školy než z gymnázia a znala jsem i lidi, kteří studovali dva obory na různých školách najednou. Navíc spousta patnáctiletých má tyhle otázky na háku a za výběr jsou tedy zodpovědní rodiče. Když třeba po roce zjistí, že to není ono, prostě změní obor. Času je dost, s náklady pomáhá stát, takže se to dá zvládnout.
@zlutabrokolice 2 жыл бұрын
Pro mě osobně to byl velký stres. Jak to rozhodování kam jít, tak i příprava na zkoušky. Cítila jsem velkou odpovědnost za svá rozhodnutí ohledně studia a i hodně lidí kolem mě to mělo stejně. Jako sice je možné přestoupit, ale chceš ztrácet rok (nebo více) svého života špatným rozhodnutím? Jako je fajn, že to není definitivní a jde to změnit, ale moc mě to neuklidňovalo. Holt je to různé. Já zrovna byla v této sociální bublině. 😀
@kniha742 2 жыл бұрын
@@zlutabrokolice jenze to je zas otazka proc to rodice nepodaji detem lepe. U nas se vzdy zduraznovalo, jde o to ziskat maturitu, je jedno kde, ale jde o to ji mit (nebo mit vyucnak, aby si clovek mohl maturitu dodelat).
@zlutabrokolice 2 жыл бұрын
@@kniha742 Jasný, jasný. To je fakt. Ale tak u nás to bylo tak, že si máme vybrat cokoliv, co nás bude těšit v životě dělat. Ale zvlášť v tom hodně mladém věku (jestli půjdeš na osmiletý gympl řešíš v 10 letech), je těžké se o tom zodpovědně rozhodnout (jak ostatně zaznělo), prostě ještě nevíš, co tě bude tak moc těšit. Jako rozhodovat o své budoucnosti je zkrátka stresující. 😁 I v dospělosti, natož tehdy.
@dasamatulova4850 2 жыл бұрын
Myslím, že o stresu z přípravy na budoucnost nemůže být řeč 😉 já určitě stres neměla, ba naopak ještě v 8 třídě jsem byla na úřadu práce informační centrum škol se poradit jaké zaměstnání jsou v kurzu a na které bych se měla zaměřit. Pochopitelně každý má jiné zájmy a myšlení ve svém věku, takže je těžko soudit takto plošně.
@Pidalin 2 жыл бұрын
@@kniha742 Tohle je naprosto špatnej systém to hlavně mít maturitu. V Praxi žádnej zaměstnavatel maturitu nechce vidět, ptá se jenom na to, kde člověk dělal předtim. Takže potřebujete hlavně ty reálný schopnosti který vám dala ta konkrétní škola, mít jenom papír "maturita" je k ničemu.
@YychtylCZ 2 жыл бұрын
Rozhodování, na kterou střední školu jít, moc stresující není. Nebo u mě nebylo. Bylo mi to vlastně úplně jedno, měl jsem to jasně nalinkované. Problém přišel, když jsem se nedostal na v té době výběrové pražské gymnázium, přestože jsem měl na ZŠ pořád vyznamenání s průměrem cca 1,2-1,3 a u přijímaček z češtiny jedničku a z matiky dvojku. Prostě jsem byl silný ročník, uchazečů byly tři prdele, nazdar bazar. A proč to byl problém? Protože jako druhou školu (jak jsem už psal, bylo mi to jedno, protože gympl byla jasná volba) jsem měl strojní průmyslovku, kterou mně rodiče napsali pod vlivem mého dementního švagra, ať zdechne na dýmějovej mor. Tam mě sice vzali naprosto bez problému, ale... bylo to pro mě, humanitně založeného člověka, soukromé peklo. Předměty jako provozuschopnost výrobních zařízení, dílenská cvičení, mechanika, technické kreslení, kontrola a měření. Takže od prváku trojky, od druháku čtyřky a ve třeťáku reparát. Nakonec jsem to nějak doklepal k maturitě, což zpětně považuju za jeden z největších životních úspěchů. Naštěstí mě to nikdy neživilo, hned po maturitě přišla revoluce a já zdrhnul k tomu, co mě bavilo. Takže za mě: rozhodování ve čtrnácti o střední škole dávejte prosím větší význam, než se na první pohled může zdát. Je skutečně důležité - ať nedopadnete jako já.
@paulselinger6658 2 жыл бұрын
Cely muj profesionalni zivot se odehrava v "cizich" jazycich, ale Vas prispevek mi pripomnel, proc je dulezite nezapomenout cesky! Cist "...kterou mně rodiče napsali pod vlivem mého dementního švagra, ať zdechne na dýmějovej mor." v rodnem jazyce je stejne hodnotne jako precist si Machuv Maj v originale. Je to na urovni "pohasla ohne zar, mrtve milenky cit."👍
@marek35 2 жыл бұрын
Na strojní průmyslovce bylo takových lidí mnoho, ale nikdo si z toho dýmějový mor nepřivolával. Naopak tam vládla uvolněná a zábavná atmosféra. Sranda největší a supr kalby, sice holek bylo méně, ale i tak fajn prostředí. Kámoš co jsem s ním seděl v lavici, viděl hřídel poprvé v životě asi tak tři roky po maturitě.
@vladimirtodt9512 2 жыл бұрын
@@marek35 Nepovažuji supr kalby na střední za hlavní přednost nějaké střední školy. Ostatně na gymplu bylo holek něco přes půlku a byly hezký, kdybych měl preferovat z této stránky. Na vysoký jsme byli v menšině 1:5 a to přitom technickopřírodní známá VŠ v Práglu, na postgraduálu se to zase drobet srovnalo. Ale záleželo na fakultě.
@vortexhraje2541 2 жыл бұрын
@@paulselinger6658 Původní příspěvek mě rozesmál hodně, ale tohle mě málem zabilo🤣
@thomas___2754 2 жыл бұрын
Tady bych vzal v potaz i to, že naši rodiče (ti starší) neměli ani 9 třídu takže se museli rozhodovat ještě o rok dříve
@AtenRIP 2 жыл бұрын
Alright this might be a weird suggestion, but I'll go with it anyway: Do you think it would be worth to make a video about Czech dialects? And maybe compare the nuances with the English dialects/accents?
@terezaclark9587 2 жыл бұрын
wow good luck with that :P
@momosaku16 2 жыл бұрын
how the hell would you even compare that O.o the only way I can imagine could be like hardcore comparing the phonetic inventory of a dialect, stress, diction and soforth, which would be pretty boring for the avarage viewer, not to mention a lot of work for a yt video
@AtenRIP 2 жыл бұрын
I don't mean literal comparison. I thought more like introducing the czech dialects, and maybe give an example with an american/english one. For example the Ostrava's dialect is fast paced and has rapid consonants. Is there an english one sounding similar to americans? But yeah it is a weird suggestion, as I already said. Not sure if it would work. I'm a accent nerd, so I just thought it might have been insteresting. 🤷‍♂
@barrysteven5964 Жыл бұрын
@@AtenRIP Each accent is specific to the language and each country and culture is different so it's pretty hard but I kind of see what you mean. For example, I am from the north of England where we don't make any difference between the sounds in 'bath' and 'cat' both being short 'a' sounds. In the south they say the first with a long 'ah' sound and the second with a short 'a'. So basically our vowels are shorter than southerners. I guess this is a bit like the Ostrava short vowels.
@MrAlfmen 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing video! Explaining the Czech school system to foreigners can be a pain in the neck :D Couple notes: 1) Zákadní škola can be divided into two major parts: 1. supeň (level 1, grade 1-5) and 2. stupeň (level 2, grade 6-9). I think this division helps the comparison to US system better. 2) Not sure if this is still applicable but when I was in high school, we called Maturita a "School leaving exam". But that was over a decade ago, who knows what the version is today. 3) Gymnázium is kind of a "jack of all trades" high school without any one particular focus. Kids who are not certain about their trade often end up in Gymnázium to get more time. 4) The naked part cracked me up. I kinda wish we... hm... no, I don't...
@marekvojta9648 2 жыл бұрын
Well I like to call gymnazium as extended elementary school because it kinda is. You don't teach here something specialized you go trough all just a bit deeper than in elementary school.
2 жыл бұрын
Gymnázium is also usually considered to be a hard, demanding option for gifted kids who are expected to continue to college/university. It varies of course. The common "maturitní zkouška" final exam is expected by many employers as very basic kind of certification unless you work as a craftsman, specialist technician, waitress, cashier etc.
@ultraenigmatika8779 2 жыл бұрын
I've worked in the Czech Education system as an English Teacher, it's been a lot of fun and the kids are great. Most of them love doing English and don't like German. Some of the kids speak really well, better than some of the teachers. It's usually British English that kids get and I'm from Scotland so I let the kids roll their R's. They love doing English games. I don't know anything about the Education system in USA, I can only compare it to the Scottish Education system, which is quite different to even the English system. I think the biggest difference is sports teams and sports competitions between schools. It's a long time since I actually went to school as a pupil, we still got 2 weeks holiday in October to pick potatoes on farms when I was there.
@test-sr8vq 2 жыл бұрын
i dont think , kids are put under presure coz some choises... Idea behind is, to start selection between kids with ability to learn, and others who are not so fast..
@amunak_ 2 жыл бұрын
And if they don't know (but don't want to work) they can always go to a gymnasium and *then* either go work, finish some other school or go to university.
@terrycrimson6702 2 жыл бұрын
I'm just gonna add some more information. Parents of kids mostly mothers can decide when they put their child in kindergarten. Most women are putting their children in kindergarten at age 3, but some are putting their children at age 2, which is the minimum year you can put your child there. Some mothers put their child at age 4, which is the latest age you had to put your child in kindergarten. Kindergarten has two grades. 1 grade can be called youngest which is from 2-4, and the second grade can be called oldest for kids at age 5. These children are preparing for "exams" in primary school. When you turn age 6, you have to do "exams" to get to school. It tests your knowledge about geometry shapes etc. If the kid is not ready for school, he/she will join school next year which means at age 7. The primary school also has two grades. First grade is from 1-5 grade. Here kids learn mostly just basic stuff. In 5 grade, the kid can do exams at the gymnasium. The second grade is from 6-9 grade. Here kids mostly learn basic stuff but more deeply. Kids are learning English in 3rd grade, but some of them can start learning in 1st grade, depending on their parents. In 7th grade, they can choose a second language which is mostly Russian, German, or Spanish. After ending 9th grade, they can choose where to go. To gymnasium, middle school, middle professional school, or conservatory. We don't start grades from 11 grade. We start counting grades from 1 grade. The gymnasium and middle schools have 4 grades ending with maturita exams. The middle professional school is ending at 3 grade but the students can roll to middle school to finish maturita exams. They mostly start at 2 or 3 grade depending on the school. The gymnasium is mostly called the second primary school. You mostly don't learn something specific and are stuck on basics. You don't have to after the gymnasium to join high school, but it's recommended.
@Elf-Dobby 2 жыл бұрын
Najde se i dost školek, kde berou děti mladší 2 let, jen už musí být bez plen....
@robinsebelova7103 2 жыл бұрын
Before 1989 there were also nurseries (česky jesle) which usually took care of children 1-2 yo (yes, they employed real health nurses), but most of them was closed down after revolution. Also it was usual, that companies had their own preschools for children of their employees (most preschools today are run by municipalities), some employers today return to this practice, but is hard, because there is a lot of requirements to fulfill (both on personel and equipment; we have bureaucratic state after all).
@katerinav4217 2 жыл бұрын
The latest age you "have to" put child in kindergarten is one year before you start primary school, so at age 5. Only last year of kindergarten is mandatory (but you can just go for "exams" and have individual program for your child).
@Elf-Dobby 2 жыл бұрын
@@robinsebelova7103 jesle byly už pro mnohem mladší než 1 leté děti. Mamka v nich pracovala a měli tam děti obvykle od 6 měsíců, ale také jen 3 měsíců. Ano, většina jich byla zrušena, ale stále jich ještě pár zbylo. Ve městě, kde žiji, jedny jesle máme...
@katerinav4217 2 жыл бұрын
@@Elf-Dobby A také byly "týdenní školky" s přespáváním - pro matky pracující i na noční. Jednou nás táta zapomněl vyzvednout ve školce, tak nás šoupli do spacího oddělení, a když v 7 přikvačil, už jsme byly v pyžamkách, čučely na večerníček a tak :D
@adris432 2 жыл бұрын
This was really cool. I think talking about how extracurriculars are handled in CZ and the US would also make for an interesting video related to education. I mean, half of every coming of age american comedy movie focuses on the culture of sports, marching bands etc. etc. in high schools or universities. We don't really have that in CZ - but the system of "základní umělecká škola" where children attend various artúmusic/dance/theatre classes all in one school building for a very affordable price works very very well. Private music tutors for instance are not very common. It would be really interesting to cover the differences of what would a child do if they wanted to start playing an instrument etc. etc... :)
@martinajurickova5750 2 жыл бұрын
In use art and sport are not extracurriculars. I am not that familiar with us specifics, but the subjects at school are divided into several groups and you have to choose a certain number of subjects from each group. Drama classes or school band may be part of the "artsy" group. I dont think they have private tutoring or anything like konzervator, instead their schools provide a variety of classes to accomodate everyone and so every such class is graded or assessed and shows up on your "vysvedceni". And sports...that is a whole different matter. Schools get a big part of their financing from school sports events (college leagues are a big thing there) and students with considerable sport talents can easily get scholarships for the whole study as long as they represent the school on state/federal level and attract sponsors.
@denryucards 2 жыл бұрын
Rozhodování, na jakou střední školu jít, moc těžké není. Buď člověk ví, co ho baví a co by chtěl dělat, nebo ne. Já osobně už od 8. třídy věděla, že chci jít na střední odbournou školu veterinární. Většina mých spolužáků ze základní školy šli na odborné školy. Asi jen 8 nevědělo a tak šlo na všeobecné gymnázium. Ani to nebyl moc stres. Já naopak, po dni otevřených dveří, jsem se na štřední fakt těšila.
@Elf-Dobby 2 жыл бұрын
Evidentně toho opravdu stále moc nevíte...Začnu příkladem, že v základním vzdělání se naučíte mnohé, co se učí v USA až na střední škole a druhý stupeň je 6-9 třída...jen příklad...jak to vím? Mám mraky přátel v USA...😘 Jinak v 15 se rozhodujeme, čím by jsme chtěli být a mnozí mají výuční list, kdy dělají mnohé věci, díky kterým můžete koupit rohlíky, najíst se v restauraci, koupit si mnohé výrobky...nebo mají maturitu, kdy například dělají různé odbornější věci a pak teprve jdou na vysokou, kde už se naučí ty nejodbornější věci - například lékař.... Spoustu přátel z USA tvrdí, že češi jsou vzdělanější díky našemu školství než oni v USA.. Ale nevím, píšu jen podle toho co vím od mnoho lidí z USA, kteří znají naše školství i školství v USA...Jo a do školky se může chodit i dříve a ještě stále se tu najdou i jesle pro ještě mladší děti...❤️
@OndraMike 2 жыл бұрын
oni to zmenili s tim rozdelenim stupnu? ja teda koncil zakladni skolu nejak v roce 2000 a tehdy to bylo tak, ze prvni stupen byl 1-4 trida a druhy 5-9...takze Jen ma stejny informace jako ja zkusenosti...
@jiritichy7967 2 жыл бұрын
Basically, you did not show that she did not know many other things.
@janahanakova 2 жыл бұрын
@@OndraMike no za me byl prvni stupen 1-5 a potom druhy 6-9 a koncila jsem v roce 2002. a i v zakone je ted dano ze dite ma mit samostatne ve 12 letech pri nastupu na druhy stupen, tudiz i matka jiz nema jistotu jedne smeny v praci. (do12 let muze mit pouze 1 smenu, od 12 i dve/tri...)
@Elf-Dobby 2 жыл бұрын
@@OndraMike přiznám se, že si nejsem jistá, protože například máme v ulici dvě ZŠ a na jedné je první stupeň 1-5 a na druhé 1-4... Ale děti mých sourozenců (celkem 15 dětí) mají první stupeň 1-5 a druhý 6-9....
@janahanakova 2 жыл бұрын
@@Elf-Dobby schvalne jsem to googlila a spravne je 1-5 trida 1. stupen a 6-9 druhy, jelikoz 4 roky musi odpovidat nizsimu stupni gymnazia (6 trida je prima atd), drive byl 2. stupen od 5 tridy, protoze se koncivalo i v 8.tride.
@praguelife325 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, just a tip about “Ahoj všichni” - you are saying it with “v”, which is there and it seems logical to pronounce it that way, but actually the right way is to say “fšichni”. Just try it, there should be significant difference. I tried to say it with “v” letter and I sounded exactly like you :))
@petrklic7064 2 жыл бұрын
Za mě máte velké plus za zmínění Komenského :) Jen jste si na tohle video měla vzít nějakého českého poradce. Zapomněla jste totiž zmínit velmi zásadní věc u středních škol. To že gymnázium je v podstatě všeobecná příprava na vysokou školu, jste řekla naprosto správně. I tu střední umělecké školy máte správně. Kde je tedy ta chyba? Střední školy se v principu dělí na ty jednodušší bez maturity (odborné učiliště neboli "učňák") a na ty těžší s maturitou (kromě gymnázií a uměleckých především na střední průmyslové školy neboli "průmyslovka" - technického charakteru, chemie, elektro, strojní, atd plus střední zemědělská). A to je ta klíčová věc, protože nemít maturitu ale jen "učňák" bez maturity je na českém pracovním trhu obrovský handicap. Poněvadž můžete vykonávat jen nejnižší dělnické profese. Většinou je maturita základním požadavkem na jakoukoliv slušnější pozici, pomalu i na "hajzlbábu" na hlavním nádraží.
@romankotrc4241 Жыл бұрын
+myslím že i školka je na 4 roky, ne na 3
@ShubNiggurath159 Жыл бұрын
Ano Cesi si potrpi na toto, proste na ten papir a razitko. V USA ale i Kanade neverili ze existuje v CR obor Prodavac. Doufam ze to Jen vi, protoze se musi doma po precteni chytat za bricho jak se smeje :D Ano na prodavacku se mila Jen zde by mela vyucit tak to bylo :D
@viktormaticka1663 2 жыл бұрын
Jenom doplnění, i studium na učilišti může být zakončeno maturitou.
@michaldevetsedm1882 2 жыл бұрын
Bohužel.. Jen je v tom pak zbytečný zmatek. Také taková maturita vůbec nemá úroveň maturity gymnaziální. Učení se má zakončit výučním listem.
@Jihala1 2 жыл бұрын
@@michaldevetsedm1882 I v dělnických profesích existuje hierarchie. V tom případě je vám maturita na gymnáziu k ničemu. Potřebujete nutně praktické znalosti a dovednosti, které vás naučí jen v učení. Pokud máte vést kolektiv dělníků, musíte vědět o jejich práci daleko víc než student se všeobecnou maturitou! Ta je vám v podstatě k ničemu, pokud se nedostanete na vysokou školu. Musíte si potom stejně výuční list dodělat, nebo musíte mít jiné doplňkové studium.
@alloy14 2 жыл бұрын
@@michaldevetsedm1882 já jsem po 3 letech po takové maturitě (střední odborné učiliště) zvládla s úspěchem přijímací zkoušky na vysokou školu ekonomickou, tedy zkoušku z matematiky a němčiny. Nemáte právo tvrdit, že moje maturitní zkouška složená z češtiny, němčiny, 3 odborných předmětů a praktické zkoušky je něco méně než maturita z gymnázia.
@ingridlaskova8526 2 жыл бұрын
@@michaldevetsedm1882 Jan Vojtko se vyučil kuchařem-číšníkem a pak si šel dodělat nástavbové studium a nakonec vystudoval andragogiku se zaměřením na psychologii.
@scorpio74cz 2 жыл бұрын
@@michaldevetsedm1882 I na toho, abyste mohl dělat kominíka musíte mít více znalostí, než jak strčit kartáč do komína. Navíc třeba obsluha NC strojů už je více o programování než o zručnosti.
@jiritichy7967 2 жыл бұрын
Not "predatory", but "preparatory". Very well explained. The main difference between the two schooling system is that students of different talents do not waste their time being schooled together in grades 9 (10) to 12 (13), but separate after grade 9 into PREPARATORY (gymnasium) for university education, trade schools, technical or "administrative" schools.
@habrrecords8698 2 жыл бұрын
Im electrician with Maturita. Many 15 y. o. children do not know exactly which school they want to go to. Many of them sometimes regret their decisions. I wasn't the top of the class and sometimes I regretted it during my studies, but today I'm glad that I chose electronics, because I'm doing the less complicated part of electronics that I learned and that I enjoyed. Today I connect photovoltaic power plants and if I had to describe it in a few words, I simply connect the cables and push them into the right holes. 🙂
@davidbroz6755 2 жыл бұрын
University in the Czech Republic is free (you don't have to pay tuition fees) regardless of age. The only difference is that until you are 26, the state pays for health insurance and your parents are legally obliged to support you financially. The wrong choice of secondary school - high school is also not fatal. If you have any high school diploma (maturita), you can take the entrance exams for any university. I graduated from electrical engineering and after several years of work I started studying at the university (history and social sciences) at the age of 29. Today I work as a high school (gymnazium) teacher
@janaduskova8694 2 жыл бұрын
Jé, zdravím! To je vskutku příjemné překvapení, narazit tady na Tebe.😀
@davidbroz6755 2 жыл бұрын
@@janaduskova8694 Jo, svět je dneska jedna velká vesnice a navíc tenhle kanál je mezi určitými lidmi v Praze dost populární ;-)
@petrpavelka7248 2 жыл бұрын
I believe parents or in general legal guardians have to support their children until the age of 18. You are correct that state pays health insurance until the age of 26, but I think it is more than that, the university also receives some fixed amount of money for each enrolled student (until the age of 26, after that you have to pay what would university otherwise receive). On top of that, there are rules which limit how long can student "prolong" their degree, so for example if particular degree lasts 3 years, you can't study it for 7 years, at least not for free.
@davidbroz6755 2 жыл бұрын
@@petrpavelka7248 As for school fees - you don't pay anything at state schools, regardless of age. After the age of 26, you may not study (repeat a year) for more than 1 year in addition to normal studies. This means that if a master's degree lasts 5 years, you can study for free for 6 years (you pay for the next year). As for the legal maintenance obligation of the parents - we were both wrong. The maintenance obligation of the parents towards the child does not end at either 18 or 26 years of age. The obligation lasts until the descendant is able to support himself (so, for example, it never ends in the case of severe disability). See the New Civil Code - Family Act (from 1 July 2021) § 859. So if you start working at the age of 18 - your parents do not have to support you. However, if you decide to study after five years - a legal obligation arises for them again
@janaduskova8694 2 жыл бұрын
@@petrpavelka7248 Legal guardians have to support until 26 (in case of study) - more precisely if "adult children" cannot work (study, illness, etc.) legal guardians have "child support obligation" until the age of 26. Universities receive money per capita regardless of the student's age. But yeah, the possibility of extending the study for free does not last forever. You only have 4 free years for 3 years long bachelor study and another 4 for 2 years long master/magister orengineer study. But if you never tried and started at 43, it's free (but without these students benefits). I don't know about other but CUni does not charge a fee for new, other study. So, let's say, you have an engineer in Chemistry - used those free years, get degree - but you can study something else here for free. It's relatively new, before it was like 10k for year.
@FuFightersStudio 2 жыл бұрын
I will also throw my hat in the ring - personally as a Czech I really prefer the way our system works - Around the age of 15 I feel like we were plenty old to know what sort of things we are good at and what sort of things we like to do. Personally I wasnt decided so I went to Gymnasium - am a bit sad I didnt try to get in after 5th grade since I probably could have. A lot of people try to describe it as an "extended elementary school" but I feel like that makes it sound like you are going through the same things again (like a repeat class or something) - which isnt the case. At gymnasium we took stuff way more in depth and way further into complicated stuff (I study a Uni in the UK rn and the entirety of my Uni math was stuff I had passed by like 3rd grade of Gymnasium). It should also be said that while Gymnasiums are general education, from the 3rd year onwards (or 7th year assuming you started on the 8 year course) you are required to pick two "Semminary" classes which are basically even more indepth within a certain subject - these actually matter quite a bit when going to Uni so its important to pick the right ones.
@momthatloves3985 2 жыл бұрын
100% true!! My husband is Czech and has a degree from a private school in Economics but here in USA is an election…he has explained that our children would have a reality check with their honors and AP courses that they have here! He always said that he would love to see how well they would do in Czech school!
@maruskrskova1769 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Jen, I would like to thank you for these videos where I can really see your interest in our systems and culture. There are some things you may not know, so if you are interested, here they are: 1) Last year of kindergarten is compulsory, so children actually have to study for at least for ten years (5-15). Přípravná třída is for any children who is six years old and is not able to go to first class of primary school. 2) During secondary school you can apply for prep school, for 8 years (you go from 6th grade of "basic" school) or for 6 years (then you go from 8th grade), these schools also ends with maturita and are primarly for talented children who would be bored in standard classes. (But a lot of people are not fans of these schools). 3) Preparation schools (gymnázia) are not specialized but you can usually take classes which you are interested in and have your maturita from Czech and English or Math (which is compulsory on every kind of school with maturita) and two other subjects that you want (Art, Geography, History...). 4) You can get to university from any kind of school but you have to pass the maturita exam, which means even if you are a cook and passed the maturita you can apply to university and become a doctor. In my opinion, it is actually better for you if you go to university from specialized school (e.g. I want to be a teacher, so I attended pedagogical lyceum which is something between "gymnázium" and "střední odborná škola" and now I am studing pedagogy at university.) I hope it helped you to understand the system a bit, I know it may be hard :D. Thank you for your videos, they make me happy O:)
@eiramram2035 2 жыл бұрын
She did mention that it's mandatory to attend pre-school at 5 and also to apply for gymnasium at 5th, 7th grade or at the end of basic school. Also it is usually better to go from gymnasium to uni since a lot of things are missing for example at nursery school if you wanna became a doctor.
@maruskrskova1769 2 жыл бұрын
@@eiramram2035 Okay, sorry for that. In my point of view, it depends on what you want to study. If you want to study for example physics, gymnasium is probably better. If you are sure that you want to be a teacher or doctor, some kind of specialized school may be better because there is some kind of practice and specialized subjects, so at university you are not that shocked 😀. But if you are not sure what you want to do or you just know that you are good at studying, gymnazium is a good way. However all in all, you are right and thx for your comment.
@DreamPrague Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing these details, to help me learn more!
@JakubHohn 2 жыл бұрын
It is common misconception, but false, that university is free to your 26 years. In fact, there is no limit by age on free years in university, BUT you can be registered as full time student only till your 26th birthday, after which you must either register in the Employment office, find a job (registered, not schwartz), or pay your social and health insurance by yourself (because you cannot be an official student anymore). The limit on free university education goes like this: Bachelor have 4 free years (as it is expected to be finished in 3 years by official plan), and you have 3 free years for engineer / magister (as it is expected to be finished in 2 years by official plan). This, plus you have 1 extra year you can spend on either on bachelor or on engineer/magister.
@exander77 2 жыл бұрын
It is also misconception that there are 4 years for Bachelor and 3 years for Magister degree and that's it. As long as your studies are successful, you can study till you die for free. The years are there only in case you fail.
@zdenarose600 2 жыл бұрын
školné sice neplatíte, ale po 26.roce platíte každou zkoušku každého předmětu , kterou děláte (i opravnou). Před pár lety to bylo 2 000kč/termín. Kolegyně na jiné VŠ musela platit školné (20 000 /semestr+ zkouškovné). Když jsem vyšla školu, vláda už ryla do studentů, ať si berou studentské půjčky a bude se školné platit všude. Naštěstí jim to neprošlo. Stačí, že jsme si platili ubytování, jídlo a učebnice. My nebo rodiče
@exander77 2 жыл бұрын
@@zdenarose600 To je nesmysl. V ČR se nikdy neplatily a neplatí žádné poplatky za studium po 26 roce věku. Ani za semestry, ani za termíny. Pokud řádně studujete, tak můžete studovat bezplatně až do smrti. Jediné, co se mění po 26. roce je to, že si musíte platit zdravotní pojištění.
@Eldar120 2 жыл бұрын
Děkuji za pěkné video , co bysme rádi viděli přiště ? co třeba, jak vám to jde s češtinou ? :)
@adrianacernochova 2 жыл бұрын
@Eldar120 2 жыл бұрын
@@adrianacernochova dik
@NarodePovstan 2 жыл бұрын
@@adrianacernochova ... zásadně bychom ...
@mona9266 2 жыл бұрын
Obor může kdykoliv změnit 🤷‍♀️ nebo jít ještě na jednu střední 🙈😅i tak kolik lidí zůstane ve svém oboru.
@jayxfrost8987 2 жыл бұрын
Tak můj spolužák ze základky šel na lesárnu, pak na truhláře (takže by měl mít jak maturitu tak výuční list) a nakonec zaparkoval u měšťáků :DD
@Elis-jq8bw 2 жыл бұрын
Mám vystudovanou obchodní akademii. Tak nějak jsem to brala jako o hodně jednodušší gympl 😁 nevěděla jsem kam ani co bych chtěla dělat. A moje práce výpravčí je rozhodně mimo obor účetní.😁
@scorpio74cz 2 жыл бұрын
Já třeba ano, i když ke střední jsem při práci přidala ještě i dvě vysoké (v jednom oboru magisterské studium, v druhém jen bakalářské).
@neoe5970 2 жыл бұрын
I think that its worth noting that the basic school in czechia has two stages (stupně) , first stage year 1-5 is when all subjects are mainly lead by the main teacher and second stage 6-9 is when students get a seperate teacher for each subject
@DreamPrague 2 жыл бұрын
Good detail, thanks!
@marekvasku5610 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Jen. We can recall the atmosphere, worries and joys surrounding basic school in the 80s in the TV series "My všichni školou povinní". Have you ever heard of it?
@DreamPrague Жыл бұрын
I've never heard of it but thanks for the recommendation!
@L4wr3nc3810 2 жыл бұрын
0:40 - 1:47 this was a such a good segue into the ad!! i didnt mind to watch st all
@PetrKavan 2 жыл бұрын
My mum was one of those Russian language teachers, who quickly had to reorient to English after velvet revolution :-) I remember as a child both my parents frequently attending some courses in the evenings. But I remember no problems at school one year later, when my mandatory foreign language lessons started.
@janahanakova 2 жыл бұрын
A driv jeste byvaly i jesle. Obcas se daji najit i ted.
@tomastezky89 2 жыл бұрын
... the key problem with the Czech school system before 1989 had been, that every student who did not finished school or didn't pass the entrance university test had to spend two years as a soldier with month income 90 crowns !!! Military service in Czechoslovakia before 1989 was like an Alcatraz prison !!! Everybody has firgitten, what one had been taught before in his school and was psychologically marker forever in a negative way !!! It means: Studying university before 1989 was for young men mega stressful issue during 1945~1989 Russian occupation of Czechoslovakia ... !!! 🤔😥😡
@jerrybuldra 2 жыл бұрын
Warsaw pact's Occupation started at 1968, not 45 :)
@tomastezky89 2 жыл бұрын
@@jerrybuldra Yalta conference 1945 gave Czechoslovakia to Stalin's Russia !!! My father was in Russian concentration camp in the 50ies. I have my personal experience. If you have been living in Prague for more than 70 years, you'd informed. If you have second hand information, do not trust it ! It's only somebody's inzerpretation. Trust more people, who lived personally during the key events ... Not 100% things you hear or read these days is the truth !!! Resd about Yalta 1945 conference, you'll understand history more !!! But if you think, that CEO of Czechoslovak comunists Rudolf Slánský has killed himself etc. Your childish naive knowledge cannot be changed !!!
@tomc.2808 2 жыл бұрын
PRIVAE SCHOOLS in Czech republic are for kids, that would be otherwise kicked out from regular schools...🤷‍♂️
@josefvaculik9879 2 жыл бұрын
Malá oprava. Nebyl tu Komunismus, ale socialismus.
@lubicalutz6821 2 жыл бұрын
Most of the video applies also to Slovak school system. Thank you for taking your time to explain the CZ and US. I appreciate your take on the differences - curious, fun and non-judgemental :)
@kniha742 2 жыл бұрын
A hlavne nemusite to delat, ja sla na knihovnickou a v knihovne pracovala tri roky, pak jsme nakonec po neuspesnem studiu na vysce skoncila ve fabrice. Pak si po letech dodelala celozivotni kurz na vysoke a konecne delam svoji vysnenou praci. Vychovatelku ve skolni druzine (vychytavka co v USA nemaji :), na tu bych mohla bez toho kurzu, kdybych mela stredni pedagogickou skolu, ale na tu jsme nemohla protoze prijmacky talentovky - zpev, fletna nebo vytvarka a to jsem nedavala. Ale tak jsem to obesla vychovatelskym kurzem, ted si dodelavam pri praci bakalare ze specialni pedagogiky. Pohoda :)
@kniha742 2 жыл бұрын
Musim dopsat prvni myslenku. Nikde neni receno, ze musite delat to na co studujete. Bracha delal stredni stavebni prumyslovku, druhej bracha gymp (osmilety) a nakonec oba VS nedodelali a zivi se jako programatori :D proste ono jde o to, hlavne mit maturitu. Pak muze clvoek delat co bude chtit.
@katarinask139 2 жыл бұрын
Keď som to dala ja...😂😂 Teraz končím a tiež sa teším do družiny
@xbnlf 2 жыл бұрын
jj, typicka ukazka ceske socialistikce birokracie - na to aby moh nekdo hlidat deti, musi mit tri doktoraty ... se divim, ze to jeste nezavedli na jejich plozeni. Pamatuju casy, kdy sme jako studaci chodili ucit IT ... reditelky byly stastny, ze na to maj nekoho kdo tomu rozumi, decka nadseny, ze jim duchodkyne nedava za domaci ukoly vetny rozbory ze "zaciname s pocitacem" a my si tenkrat rikali, ze z tech deti aspon nebudou uplni dementi. Pak soudruzi a soudruzky na ministerstvech vymysleli, ze na to je treba hento pedagogicke vzdelani, tak sme konstatovali, ze si dalsi VS kvuli tisicovce mesicne (a tu sme dostavali jen proto, aby to melo smlouvu, protoze zadarmo to prej jako neslo) delat nebudem.
@Hawky2947 2 жыл бұрын
From my experience in czech school system, secondary schools focusing on specialization come too early, 13-yo teenagers may idealize profession they want or still don't know what to do as an adult. On another hand, gymnasium (ie. prep school) focuses on general materials but you need to get to university while after secondary school exam, you have more choices than at the gymnasium (work, university or other school education). In czech history, basic school has 9 years since 1918 (foundation of Czechoslovakia), in the 70s of 20th century until 1990, it was shortened to 8 years but citizens had mandatory school attendance 10 years so they had to continue in higher education. In 1990, mandatory school attendance was shortened back to 9 years and basic schools got 9 years too (9th year was non-mandatory until 1996-97). Basic school also has two... um, stages? Years 1-5 have basic learning material like learning to write/read, basic math, fun, etc. and years 6-9 starting more complicated learning materials and preparation for entrance exams into high schools/gymnasiums.
@Faustusful 2 жыл бұрын
high school in czech ment vysoká škola becouse there is diference between vysoká škola and university. basicly vysoka škola is kind of school where you can get BC or MGR title but you cannot get any doctorant decree like judr phdr etc.. those you cna get only at university becouse thy have proven to give post gradual study. So in basic vysoká škola and university its same you can get both bc or mgr. but only on university you can get even more.. Therafore in theory university should be always beter if comes to quality.
@veronicahenge1164 2 жыл бұрын
Rodiče v podstatě školu volí podle prospěchu svého dítěte, jak jim to ve škole jde. Někdy se rozhodují i podle talentu( konzervatoře, umělecké nebo sportovní školy). Když jsou děti intelektově nadané, přihlašují je rodiče většinou na gymnázium. Gymnázium je v podstatě střední škola, která je svou náročností přípravou na vysokou školu( např. universitu). Je to nebo měla by být jednou z nejtěžších středních škol, co se týká obsahu, hloubky a intelektuální náročnosti. Gymnázia zahrnují ve svých osnovách veškeré vzdělávací oblasti lidských intelektových aktivit. Po ukončení této školy mají studenti obrovský rozsah znalostí, což jim po složení maturity umožňuje vystudovat jakoukoli VŠ nebo univerzitu podle jejich výběru. Z gymnázia se většinou rekrutují budoucí právníci, lékaři, zubaři, lékárníci, učitelé, vědci, inženýři ..atd...negací této školy je, že nechce li student na vysokou školu, nemá jakoukoli odbornost a většinou si ji dodělává nástavbovým studiem na odborné střední škole.Obecně ale platí, že dítě nebo student může kdykoli přejít na jakýkoli jiný obor nebo školu. Na VŠ -vysokou školu ale musí mít každý student složenou státní maturitu.
@stickystick1048 2 жыл бұрын
Myslím, že rodiče by tohle za své děti rozhodovat neměli. Z mě zkušenosti jsou pak nešťastní. Většinou to je tak, že chce potomek jít na nějakou uměleckou školu ale rodiče řeknou, že musí na ekonomku, nebo gymnázium. Ta je pak ale vůbec nebaví a je pak pro ně těžší udělat zkoušky na uměleckou vysokou školu na některé obory berou jen pár lidí z několika stovek. Navíc je to i taková zkouška dospělosti, když se musíte rozhodnout sám.
@vladimirtodt9512 2 жыл бұрын
Někdy je lepší když místo rodičů poradí na základce žákovy nějaký zodpovědnější učitel, který ho učí a má ho po několika letech žáka nestranně oťukaného.Část rodičů stále jede dělej to co já a basta bez ohledu na dítě. Části je to zcela šumák (můj případ, ale měl jsme naštěstí onoho učitele) - tápání co teda dál. A část je typu, že cca tuší a tam nasměrují.
@xbnlf 2 жыл бұрын
Pokud skolu vyboraji rodice, nemuze to skoncit jinak nez katrastroufou, a to naprosto vzdy. Dite skola nebavi, prestane tam chodit, nevyuci se, neodmaturuje.
@kristinagabcova8678 2 жыл бұрын
@@vladimirtodt9512 Já jsem to s učiteli tak dobré neměla. Chtěla jsem se přihlásit na gymnáziu a učitelka, které jsem to řekla se na mně podívala jako bych měla dvě hlavy 🤯. I tak jsem se přihlásila a nakonec jsem byla 7 nejlepší na přijímacích zkouškách🥳🤩. Takže podle mě by se lidi měli postavy sami za sebe a říct učitelům i rodičům co chtějí. Vždyť pořád po nás chtěli abychom se chovali dospěleji, a když se už máme svou příležitost tak nám to buď nedovolí nebo nám úplně ničí sebevědomí.
@Last_Starfighter 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, Jenn! Nice video, well done!👌👍 BTW 1: In one of your previous videos, you addressed the difference between American and Czech high school students (JACÍ JSOU VE SKUTEČNOSTI AMERIČNÍ STŘEDOŠKOLÁCI? 🇺🇸 vs 🇨🇿 Teenagers). At that time, I pointed out to you that Czech fans are not clear about the Greek system at American universities. You promised to make a video about it sometime. Since in this video you focus on the differences between Czech and American schools, another video that will clarify the Greek system at American universities would follow up well on the topic of education... 🎓🤔😉 BTW 2: Speaking of learning, it's been a long time since you showed off your progress in Czech language skills to your Czech fans - it would take a video in the Czech language again (and without the help of Italki lecturers)! Likewise, there is no information on whether you have already successfully obtained Czech citizenship?! Or did I miss something?😂😉😄😆😛
@-melma-nie-6629 2 жыл бұрын
This is super interesting! I was always confused about the equivalence between czech-American, cuz when an American asks, where I am, I cant be like “oh yeah! I’m in a gymnasium”
I just say am on highschool simple as that ain't college but either a primary scool
@MikeGill87 2 жыл бұрын
As a Czech, I agree the Czech system is unnecessarily complicated and I would like to streamline it more, even to the point of the simplicity of the US one. Problem is the US one is also extremely bad in the terms of nobody learning anything. There are bad Czech schools as well, but the diversity at least gives one options to get to a great public school for free while in the US your only option for a decent high school is a private one.
@vikingsailorboy 2 жыл бұрын
I agree. Also in the US you get more exposure to lots of classmates because you change classes throughout the day. Here in CZ, you stick with the same classmates for years. And it’s hell for some people for years.
@fanta4897 2 жыл бұрын
The early choosing may produce stress... but I'd argue that it isn't the stressful part most of the time, as parents will often push you to go to gymnasium, or at least high school that will include maturitní zkouška since anything less is by some viewed as... for dummies. And if you go to gymnasium, it's not specialized like the rest of high schools so it isn't really that stressful as it doesn't seal your fate when it comes to job.
@VojtaJavora 2 жыл бұрын
Vybrat si obor pro mě nebylo zas tak těžké. Spíš je stres s tím, jestli se na danou školu dostanu.
@cemper0079 2 жыл бұрын
No tak záleží na jakou jdeš školu a jestli děláš testy nebo teda příjmačky. Ja jdu ted na vejsku a přijmačky byly zrušeny takže pohodka.
@VojtaJavora 2 жыл бұрын
@@cemper0079 já mluvil spíš o střední. Na vejšku jsem dělal OSP SCIO, což teda většina lidí na ně nadává, ale za mě to bylo v pohodě.
@cemper0079 2 жыл бұрын
@@VojtaJavora Hele můžu ti říct z vlastní zkušenosti že dostat se tam je brnkačka pokud nejseš úplně blbej ovšem dokončit ji to už je horší.
@tomasroll5089 2 жыл бұрын
VŠ vzdělání není zdarma do 26 let, ale pořád. Jenom v 26 letech přestane stát platit sociální a zdravotní pojištění.
@archeopterixneuroza4715 2 жыл бұрын
To není pravda, po překročení standardní doby studia vznikají poplatky (20-50 000 za semestr)
@tomasroll5089 2 жыл бұрын
@@archeopterixneuroza4715 Ale to se netýká 26 let
@ingridlaskova8526 2 жыл бұрын
Zdarma to fakt není. Platí to za tebe přeci stát.
@tomasroll5089 2 жыл бұрын
@@ingridlaskova8526 ty víš jak to myslím.
@RogueEva 2 жыл бұрын
Nice perspective, but from my angle - i could try out specialized 'stredni skola' and than go to the university with the same specialization or just switch. The decision is fine, you're 14 or 15, I was quite happy that noone tried to tell me where to apply, if i would ave to suffer through some general pre university education i would drop out :)
@stepanvopat2162 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Jenn, I left automatic subtitless accidently on. I've almost died when it showed "predatory school" :D
@expatmom5516 2 жыл бұрын
during pedagogical school I admired and loved Komensky s theories of education, read and learnt. But I never dreamt twenty years later I would eventually live in his country, CZ would be my adoptive country. I would use koh-i-noor supplies like crazy for my art lessons, my favourite brand only to find out later in life that is CZ made. What a surprise and pride :) Good video, I needed this info also
@dominikakratochvil860 2 жыл бұрын
Our middle schools (and if we speak english we call them high schools, and “Vysoká škola” usually University) are more complicated. For example I studied art but it wasn’t on “konzervatoř”. It was “průmyslová škola” which is technicaly “střední odborná škola”. Also our length of high school is different according to type of major and kind of diploma we get after finnishing high school. It’s really complicated to explain. But you did a great job And yeah, it is HUGE stress. Many of us change high school many times. Friends brother change high school many time. When we were 15 and start high school he was in same grade as we were. We was 18 at that time. And he find out out the major of that high school is not for him and quit to choose a new one, to go to “prváku” (the 10th grade) again, next school year. For the fourth time.
@Rig0r_M0rtis 2 жыл бұрын
Why would you call children minions? Do you know the meaning of the word?
@vaclavdvorak5742 2 жыл бұрын
Jako vždy, příjemná a inovativní. Bravo.😊👍
@helenaholasova9747 2 жыл бұрын
Moc hezké! K té povinné ruštině. Většinou nikoho nebavila, ale byla možnost ve volném čase v kroužku zdarma studovat třeba němčinu. Ale člověk si říkal na co? Do NDR ( Část Německa, přiřazená do východního bloku) se sice občas dalo vyjet na nákupy, ale na to stačilo znát pár slovíček, u moře tam byla zima.Takže se jezdilo do Bulharska a Rumunska k moři, kde se člověk domluvil nohama, rukama. Nikdo totiž nepředpokládal, že se otevřou hranice a mohlo by to fungovat jinak.To jsme si jen přáli. ( Nejlépe potichu, aby nás někdo neudal)Tzv. na západ nemohlo cestovat tak 95 % populace. Mohli jen významní umělci, sportovci a pár vysoce postavených zaměstnanců zahraničního obchodu. Takže pro běžného člověka se učit jinou řeč? K čemu?
@katerinav4217 2 жыл бұрын
Mně bavila moc, a chtěla jsem pokračovat. Bohužel, to vůbec nešlo - až když jsem byla znova na VŠ, začala se ruština znova učit, protože lidi konečně pochopili, že i ona by se mohla hodit. Mrzí mě to dodnes, nikdy jsem se už k ní opravdu nevrátila, a mohla jsem mluvit poměrně plynně rusky... aspoň jsem teda nezapomněla azbuku, a dokážu si teda semo tamo nějaký ten nápis přečíst.
@czechaoife5124 2 жыл бұрын
Vážně jste tak uvažovali? Nebavilo někoho ve vašem okolí učit se nějakou řeč bez toho, aby tam měl šanci jet? Protože já třeba studuji hned dva jazyky, které neuplatním. Z jednoho jsem i absolvovala zkoušky dané země, teoreticky bych tam mohla jít pracovat, kdybych chtěla. Ale mě prostě jenom hrozně baví učit se ty jazyky. :) Můj manžel to má stejně jako já. Anglicky mluvím denně, používám ten jazyk prakticky neustále od puberty. A nikdy jsem v anglicky mluvící zemi nebyla a asi ještě dlouho se tam nepodívám a věděla jsem to už jako dítě, kdy jsem se ten jazyk začala učit. Ale mě to strašně bavilo. Nevěřím, že by ve vašem okolí nikdo se zájmem o cizí jazyky nebyl, to přece není možné. Znalosti přece člověk nezískává jen proto, aby se mu hodily. Ptala jste se takhle "k čemu?" i u jiných předmětů ve škole? A teď aby to nevyznělo jinak, než má. Jsem skutečně jen zvědavá, vůbec bych si nedovolila to mít někomu za zlé, že ho něco nebaví!
@katerinastejskalovamala3306 2 жыл бұрын
Používám Ruštinu ve všech zemích Slovanských národů. Jsem ráda že jsme ji ve škole měli. Ruština je základem pro Slovanské jazyky.
@vladimirtodt9512 2 жыл бұрын
@@katerinav4217 Asi jste povinně nemusela šprtat po nocích na základce 8stránkové básničky na Puškinův památník a číst o každém autorovi co o něm napisal V. I. Lenin. Mně se ruština hodila až po letech, kdy jsem byl na chvíli pracovně v Rusku. A pak zase až nyní při kontrole, že překlad absurdit Ruské současnosti, že je překlad opravdu OK.
@katerinav4217 2 жыл бұрын
@@vladimirtodt9512 nevím, básničky jsem šprtala, ale mě prostě obecně jazyky baví. To, že se do nich pak motá politika a ideologie je věc jiná, za to jazyk ale nemůže. Já v každém z nich vnímám i to, co je pod tímhle nánosem, baví mě struktura, etymologie, způsob přemýšlení, atd.
@robinsebelova7103 2 жыл бұрын
Actually the University study is not limited by the age of 26. You can study !once! at the university for up to 4 years for bachelor degree and following up to 3 years for engineering/master degree. The 26 years is limit made by the state for gaining the "Student" status. The Student status brings benefits of health insurance paid by the state and eligibility for some discounts (like in public mass transportation). So you can start your study at university as a 32yo and finish as 39yo, providing you still have your highschool diploma stashed somewhere, pay your health insurance yourself, or you have a (part-time) job, where your health insurance is partly paid (9% of gross wage) by employer and partly by yourself (4,5%). The latter way has an advantage of paying for social insurance (and counting into your mandatory worked-off years for old-age pension too).
@Atarian6502 2 жыл бұрын
There are no "jesle" in Czech system anymore?
@TGrunwald 2 жыл бұрын
They are. But they could hardly be called part of the education system. There, children are just put in the hands of someone reliable to look after them rather than any attempt at teaching.
@PaoloBartolozzi61 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this illumination. Have been here in Prague for two years now and you are helping me a lot! How is Tobik?
@mick-berry5331 2 жыл бұрын
As an Austrian, I realize the Czech system is much the same as in Austria. Maybe that is owed to the fact that Czech was a part of Austria until 1918.
@momosaku16 2 жыл бұрын
the Austro-Hungarian Empire. saying it was part of Austria sounds weird...
@albatros1752 2 жыл бұрын
American schools are unruly mess ( WTF electives !!! half days ? ) , gymnasium system was adopted from French edu. system
@matejmandir1654 2 жыл бұрын
Im from Czech Republic and you got it right. Good Job. ( Děkuji vaše Čeština je dobrá )
@erurainon6842 2 жыл бұрын
Tvoje výslovnost je těžce zkoušena😂
@Pali65 2 жыл бұрын
I am not sure if this applies to American school environment but I like how you nailed the outfit of a typical teacher. By the way, in Czech and Slovak schools we have overwhelming majority of female teachers. Is it the same in USA?
@barrysteven5964 Жыл бұрын
I can speak for the UK as a high school teacher. About 30% of teachers are male at secondary level (ages 11-16) and about 20% are male at primary level (ages 5-10). I don't have official statistics for the past but my memories of high school are that a lot of my teachers were male and some of my older colleagues have told me there were more male teachers in the past. I have no properly researched reasons for this increasing shortage of male teachers but it's probably got to do with pay and status. Also child protection attitudes make men feel as though they have to prove they are definitely not pedophiles rather than it being assumed they are not. So to be blunt a lot of blokes who would love to work with children are nervous about it. I think this is tragic because children need more positive male role models in education not least because many boys are starting to see education as a female thing.
@mortisCZ 2 жыл бұрын
Oh my, I remember my first English lessons in mid 90's. I was born in 1989 so I got to experience most of those changes happening in our school system during those time. Some teachers tried really hard to adapt and others not so much. I was lucky that my family always considered languages to be important so my grandmother and my mother helped me to achieve at least a decent level of English before I was done with basic/elementary school. It might be an interesting example for some US viewers that my chemically focused high school (Střední průmyslová škola chemická Pardubice) totally disregarded history, geography, arts etc. in second to fourth years but we used to have a lot of maths, physics, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, chemical engineering and a lot of weekly lab excercises. Those were also sub-divided by the specific field of research. Then I had a few lessons a week of Czech, English,biology, basics of economy, IT, PE etc. but at least 50% of lessons had a direct connection to chemistry in both theoretical and practical/industrial use. I'm sure that many other Czechs have a similar epxrience from differently focused schools but the main point is that those who succesfully finish such a school are supposed to be quite universal and capable workers/low management in their field with quite a short introduction into the specific needs of a company that hires them.
@hanar1787 2 жыл бұрын
About choosing. For me it was easy cuz I always wanted to go to gymnazium. Six years type. (Catholics btw) Its very common to change high school type or end it and go to university with totally different focusing.
@EM4CZ 2 жыл бұрын
Používat doslovný překlad označení "vysoká škola - high school" jedním či druhým směrem je chyba a akorát to dělá bordel v překladech, vždy je to "univerzity" nebo "college", od jisté doby kdy jsem pomáhal s překladem titulků jsem pomocí klávesnice vraždil každého prekladatele co použil doslovný překlad a pokusil se ho obhájit rozdílem ve školních systémech.
@ingridlaskova8526 2 жыл бұрын
Americká college je spíš vyšší štřední než universita, jak to často překládají.
@EM4CZ 2 жыл бұрын
@@ingridlaskova8526 to bývá, ale když to někdo udělá doslovně jak jsem zmínil, tak dostane provaz.
@cernejr 2 жыл бұрын
No annoying music, yay. And a good video overall.
@Tolanator 2 жыл бұрын
You forgot about the difference in shooting.
@anthonyserba9866 2 жыл бұрын
Jenn, I really don't feel like criticizing your Czech, you are doing a truly laudable job with it. But I can't resist making one suggestion, having to do with pronunciation. Almost without exception, Czech places a moderate stress on the first syllable of a word, with a bit less emphasis on each subsequent syllable. Obviously, if there is a vowel with a long mark, this modifies the scheme. Try to pronounce Nelahozeves (this is where Antonin Dvorak was born) correctly. This word is most useful for this purpose because it has a series of syllables and there are no long marks on the vowels. Your Czech friends will be glad to provide a little guidance. You tend to place the accent on some syllable in the middle of a word, producing a sing song effect, i.e. an English accent.
@rodier_ratafakus 2 жыл бұрын
Ahoj Jen. Jak je to s tim tvym obcanstvim? Uz dlouho zadne nove video.
@tomastezky89 2 жыл бұрын
... at the age of 18 at schools for workers called "Učňovské středisko" students get a diploma called "výuční list." Thanks to it, they can work in top workers' professions. They also can continue in their studies to get their high school diploma ... ... "maturita" was invented in the year 1849 by Austrian occupants of our Kingdom Bohemia as a punishment of Czech students, because they were involved in 1848 anti Austrian occupants of our fatherland ! ... maturita is almost an anti students crime, because one day exams weight more, than 4~5 years of successful studies ... !!! 🤔😥😡
@Dashasventures 2 жыл бұрын
I'm am a US high school graduate (now CZ Uni. Student), and for the majority everything is right. The only difference was that my school started focusing more on career in like 8th, 9th grade by hosting career fairs and offering college tours. So, it's not exactly right to say we didn't focus on our career in the local high school. They also held forward exams every few years throughout our education (to test how we stand in relation to academic standards) and STARs tests(test our math and reading skills). These tests would then determine if we are in the right grade level for our academic standing (you can skip a grade but you would need to take additional test and you can be held back a year or be offered tutoring to retake the exam). Some other information about the US education system is AP (advance placement) and dual credit classes. In high school you would be able to take AP or dual credit classes, which is basically university level classes with college credits if you pass the end of course exam (which determines how much college credits the class is worth based on a 5 point score). AP classes and dual credit classes are best taken during high school because it is much cheaper due to high school covering majority of the college credit cost.
@atta1798 6 ай бұрын
You speak Czech beautifully ......HAHAHAHAHA!!!! THANK Y OU for this video...probably one is the best so far I have watched..... 👍
@steve-oh4342 Жыл бұрын
poor Frantisek 🥺
@THEAnnEla Жыл бұрын
Yeah, i think the choice making really is stressful. I guess it's the reason many young people struggle to realize what they want to do in their life even later in their twenties. My parents made that choice for me, i went to 8-year gymnazium, because they wanted me to. I actually just recently realized what i really want to study in university and i am 28 y.o. now, i guess i should have had that sorted out sooner.
@filipvele 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Jen. I completely miss higher education system (Bc/Ing/PhD). You could talk for other 10 minuts. Otherwise good job!
@vlastimil-furst 2 жыл бұрын
Heh, I had English subtitles on, for some reason, and I noticed that the "přípravná třída" was written as "predatory class". Seems odd to me :) Either way, you did a great job at the explanation, albeit in a few cases your understanding was limited. The practical schools (whether you mean "střední odborné učiliště" or "vyšší odborná škola") can cover other topics like administrative work, social service, nurses … it doesn't need to have to do anything with machines or industry.
@6549Marci 2 жыл бұрын
Pokud Jen nepřidává titulky sama, což si nemyslím, YT je generuje samo. Kolikrát to ale přeloží naprosto nesmyslně asi jako Google translator. Takže je brát s rezervou.
@janaklusackova9116 2 жыл бұрын
@@6549Marci Generuje samo? Když YT generuje titulky, nejen že to poznáte z postupného přidávání dle řeči, ale je to i uvedeno (u daného jazyka vždy v závorce "vytvořeno automaticky"). Automatické by nikdy takovouto úroveň neměly! Toto jsou vytvořené titulky s časováním (zrovna tady v cz dobře vidět, když se díky chybějícímu řádku ukázaly dva titulky zaráz i s uvedeným časováním dalšího). Nedělá je přímo Jen, ale někdo pro ni a platí za to, mnohokrát to zmiňovala. Přesto se chybička občas vloudí... :-)
@6549Marci 2 жыл бұрын
@@janaklusackova9116 Ano, YT si titulky po určité době generuje samo, pokud se to aktivuje v nastavení videa. Proto jsem psala, že jsou titulky občas holé nesmysly. Samozřejmě, pokud někdo pro Jen překládá, jak zmiňujete, může udělat chybu.
@stanekhonz 2 жыл бұрын
Ze základky jde podat přihlášky na více učilišť.Na první místo se dává kam byste chtěla jít a pak polevujete ve s vích nárocích.Pokud si dobře pamatuji tak lze podat přihlášku na 2 učiliště.Střední školu lze ukončit s maturitou a pak v tom daném oboru jde jít na vysokou školu.
@dobryden.6241 2 жыл бұрын
Nemusí to být stejný obor, VŠ jsou právě tímto zajímavé.
@masiboando6044 2 жыл бұрын
I am more pleased with Americans who move to the Czech Republic for some reason. Than Czechs who go to the USA. And I agree. Sometimes it's a little stressful. My parents advised me which secondary school and field of study to choose, because I didn't know what to focus on myself.
@pavelhusar2857 5 ай бұрын
Vaše videá sú veľmi poučné na profesionálnej úrovni👍 V mojom živote som sa rozhodoval len 2 krát. Kam na strednú školu a po maturite, kam na vysokú školu. Žiadne veľké stresy som nezažíval. Už som mal vopred jasno. Je to veľmi jednoduché. Systém vzdelávania je však široký, výhodný a pestrý, preto sa Vám zdá zložitý😉 Pravda je, že dnes pracujem v inej oblasti, ako som sa vzdelával...😂😂😂 Učíme sa celý život, pravda. 😉
@regalwithbooksinside 2 жыл бұрын
Really good video, I love seeing the comparison 😊.I would to add some other information which you didn't mention in video. When you are in basic school, you can also apply to tzv. Základní umělecké školy (Basic art school, I don´t know how to translate it), where you can improve you art skills, such as playing on instrument or visual art. When you finish basic school, you can also apply to tzv. Střední umělecká škola(high school of art), where you are learning about visual art, such as graphic design, but you must take an exam( like on konzervatorium)to prove skills, and It's really hard. I have friend of mine, who took these exams, and she did not apply. On average, many people,who want to apply to these schools (I'm talking about Gymnasiums and Artschools with exams specifically) , didn't succeed because of massive interest in these schools. I was applying to local Gymnasium last school year(now I'm in 10th grade) and I almost didn't get in. On Technical school hovewer, you still have to take some exam (to filtrate students basically, they haven't to much sense IMHO), but you don't have to be so successful to get in. This whole thing about entering exams and types of high school is really messy even for me as native Czech. (I am sorry , if I misspelled or wrote some nonsense, I'm still learning 😅)
@martinfiala4038 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Jen, I have some corrections for you : 1 hardly anyone passes Maturitni zkouska at the age of 18 since that type of exam is for the kids who enroll in 4-year study program: Stredni odborna skola ('middle professional'), Stredni prumyslova ('middle industrial') skola or Gymnazium (prep school) starting after their 9th grade at the elementary school. The students usually turn 15 by the end of summer holiday after the 9th grade elementary school. Maturitni zkouska takes place usually in May of the 4th year and by that time, most everyone in the class is 19. Exception 1 some students may turn 19 during that summer holiday ; Exception 2, some kids may have started the official schooling with 1-year delay ('odklad') for those reasons that if a pupil born on last of August is supposed to handle the same things as the other kid who was born 1st September but almost year ahead (they both belong to the same study year), the first one would have a handicap so the parents are given a choice to postpone the start of elementary school based on consultations with advisors like psychologists, 'logoped', the doctors and so on. This is what happens more often than not >> that leads to someone taking Maturitni zkouska at the age of 20 more likely than someone at the age of 18. The Stredni odborne uciliste (3 years; the vocational school for blue collars) is not finished by Maturitni zkouska at all! The students pass Zaverecna zkouska ('final exam') and get Vyucni list as a certificate (age 18). They cannot continue to any type of tertiary education until they get Maturita, it is a pre-requisite. The technical middle schools offer 2-year upgrade programs to cover the gap if someone later decided they would like to go for maturita or possibly continue to a college or university or 'Vyssi odborna skola'. That one is finished by maturita. Most people 90%+ go rather for 4 years Gymnazium or Stredni odborna skola than take 3+2 years to get the same done in two phases. Vyssi odborna skola is for people with maturita exam but it is not a college nor any academically recognized type of education. They offer a range of professional degrees on the level like 'Associate XYZ', or maybe non-academical MBA - there may be nurses attempting for higher professional grade, administration, teaching, social workers, nutritionists, court clerks as well as machinery. I would say most people either stop after maturita or continue to college and skip this variant of education.
@jantchakonig 3 ай бұрын
In our family, high school is chosen based on what one enjoys - we assume that work goes best when one enjoys it. One nephew went to veterinary school, another to construction engineering, the son will take admissions for some "IT" industrial school. While it's not perfect here, and maybe retraining courses could be more common and affordable, it's still pretty easy and common to change careers in, say, your 30s or 40s.
@miroslavvitek8855 Жыл бұрын
Hi Jen, hope you don´t mind me clarifying several terms (for your fans) you´ve touched upon such as "Gymnasium", which might be translated into Enlish as "Secondary General School" (Maturita), "Střední odborná škola" = "Secondary Professional School" (Maturita), "konzervatoř" = "Conservatoire" or "Conservatory" (Maturita), while "Střední odborné učiliště" tends to be called "Vocational School" (Vocational Apprenticeship Certificate), which you basically mentioned in your video ;-). As for Maturita, it is advisable to refer to it as a "school leaving examination" rather than a "diploma exam", but I got your point here ;-). Moving on to higher / tertiary education. Once you pass the Maturita Examinaton, you can study at "Vyšší odborná škola", which is referred to as "Higher Professional School" (Diploma), "Vysoká škola" (Bachelor´s and Master´s degrees), which is an equivalent of "university" and finally "Univerzita" = "University", which is generally speaking more prestigeous (or ought to be) and where you can obtain not only a Bachelor´s and Master´s , but also a PhD. as well as some higher academic degrees.
@Aedar 2 жыл бұрын
While there might be some disadvantages that may not be immediately obvious to me, the american secondary school system just always seemed better to me. One of the main reasons I went to a "gymnazium" is because I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do after school... Hell even at the end of "gymnazium" I still really didn't. This way I would have had more time to decide and a better chance to try different courses and to find one I liked whether it was programming, cooking, woodworking, or whatever... Not to mention this would probably also make the hated "maturita" exams pointless. Instead you could shift to, probably a "credit" system with some mandatory courses and then you could just pick whichever courses you wanted as long as you reached a certain number of credits...
@exander77 2 жыл бұрын
I think our system is better, as it also takes care of people who don't know. You can take gymnasium. On the other hand, you demonstrate why it is good to choose early. Most people already know what they want to do when 15, and those who don't, they usually don't know when they are 19 as well. Is there really a large group of people who doesn't know at 15 and knows at 19?
@OBierhoff27 2 жыл бұрын
The information that university in CR is free until 26 is outdated, actually it is free for 4 years for bachelor studies and 3 years for master studies and then you have to pay until you finish it. Afterwards you can start to study bachelor or masters again for free regardless your ages. So you can study two, three or four universities for free, you just have to fulfill the length of study condition. In addition there is a central university study register that ensures you your free study years regardless the university, you do not have to finish your studies at the same university where you started, important is only the leght in the register.
@okovarik3 2 жыл бұрын
But lets consider the difference between those that study specialisation only last two years and those that study their field for 7 or 9 years. I was sure what I want in my 7th grade. Now, 8 am 36 and do not regret any of my decision regarding to studies (even quitting the university after 4 years) 🙂
@jumperciza2606 11 ай бұрын
also for american people: CERMAT = HELL IN CZECH REPUBLIC SCHOOLS
@andreastremerewaya 10 ай бұрын
I am from Czech Republic, but my partner is an American. So I am slowly understanding the US education system. And have to agree with insight this vid offers. At my age of 15 I had no clue what I wanted to become or study...I got pressed by a school counselor and parents go for IT and economics as it is "useful" and good generic direction. Now I am 35, doing my masters in psychotherapy and counseling in UK after 18 years of working in hospitality and airline high school is not relevant anymore as I cant recall my school knowledge and basically "reschooling" myself for a direction i want to actually pursue for last decade... Wish really we could enjoy childhood a bit longer and choose field of study at later age... Even as a czech I actually learned something about my culture. Thank You!
@stepankaforejtova1134 2 жыл бұрын
Actually Commenius (Jan Komenský) was man, who istitude new school system not only in Europe, but WORLDWIDE... Everyone, who has ever been at least at primary school, knows that pictures are in all textbooks (especially textbooks for young chidren). This kind of textbook invited Commenius, it was called Orbis Pictus. He inaugurated many more rules, inclusive of rules about physical punishment, slogan "one learns from mistakes" and so on. Every Czech has to finish primary school at fifteen. The fact about the end of primary school at fourteen is outdated. My grandma finished primary school at 14. And the last thing is that because we, as children, go to specialized shcool after our 15th, we will meet children who are not as different as children at primary school (, because of specialization). For example me; I felt so different at primary school but at Gymnasium I've been feeling delightfully and my classmates have more simillar personality as I have.
@ilonavyhlidkova5976 2 жыл бұрын
I like your video. It is very clear and shows the general differences between Czechs and Americans. There is a funny little mistake in the subtitles: přípravná třída = predatory class. Yes, I'm complaining and I'm Czech :D
@mariansmolik 2 жыл бұрын
Did you observe any differences between Czech, Moravian, Roma, and Slovak mentalities?
@vermull19 2 жыл бұрын
There is no difference between Czech and Moravian mentality, because Moravian mentality is part of Czech mentality together with Bohemian and Silesian mentality. I wouldn't confuse it in English, although there is no difference in Czech.
@ingridlaskova8526 2 жыл бұрын
And what about Silesians? Na ty se samozřejmě často zapomíná. Lol
@ccmarcum Жыл бұрын
I thought Romas were considered non-existent,.
@arizonad8012 2 жыл бұрын
Well as a Serbian who lives in Czech Republic, I can say that Czech system is closer to ours.Only that we have 8 grade elementary school system, and school for us starts at age 7.High school (srednja skola) beggins at age 15 and can last for 3 or 4 years [depents if is craft school (like hairdresser, etc...) or school with actually degree-like mine for example I was studying chemistry and technology], but also prep school; and then you have Visu skolu (literally translated as high-er school), then fakultet or fax which is uni.To enter high school you like is much harder in Serbia than in Czech Republic, because you have your points calculated from Grade 6-8, and you need to pass 3 different exams:Serbian, Math and Combined (containing 5 subjects:history, geography, chemistry, physics and biology).For some schools you need to have max points (100), but doesn't guarantee you that you will get the spot, because there will be students who collected extra points of winning championships in math, serbian and other subjects.So no pressure :D
@Jakub1Star 2 жыл бұрын
never go to "gymnázium" school, always go to "Střední" school if you want to stay in "Výsoká" škola, as you'll have higher education than those in "gymnázium" school, examples being that in "gymnázium" you'll never learn how to use a syringe correctly, but you will in "Střední"... also special schools are mostly for those who exploit and their children (aka bad people, their children are very evil and always make problems) (by exploiting i meant abusing the fact they're black, calling everyone who tries to deny them pension racist), stay clear of those, unless you're okay with your stuff being stolen...
@oldadajbych8123 2 жыл бұрын
Nice generated subtitles at 12:40 ... I am not sure I would let my child in "predatory class" ... but I definitely had both of my children in "přípravná třída".
@lubosh-shortlyfromchina1747 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Jane, your videos are funnier and funnier, I really enjoy, and I often laugh loud😂 Great job
@jacque2937 Жыл бұрын
I already commented one thing but who cares, i’m bored. I also noticed the difference between the subject system. Most american schoold have all of their subjects in one day. That means the school ends long in the afternoon. But czech schools don’t have this. We have different schedules of subjects everyday. ex: Monday: English, Czech, Math Tuesday: German, Music, Math Wednesday: Art, Czech, Math Thursday: Czech, Bio, Geo Friday: Czech, Math, German We have around 6 classes a day, usually ending at about 14:00. My personal option is that in the subject system, the czech schools win, because it created much less stress in the students, who have basically rest of the afternoon for themselves.
@vinceneuwirth568 Жыл бұрын
Jen, Did you know that our first Czechoslovakia president T.G.Masaryk was teacher in San Francisco University and he's statue is in San Francisco Golden Gate park ?
@jaromirandel543 Жыл бұрын
4:30 - Just note. Full name is Jan Amos Komenský. I live in city where J.A.K. did study in the year of 1608 and later he became the teacher in our city. Also for that reason we have quite comprehensive museum of education in our city. In this museum are original property - text, education tools, books, e.t.c.... of J.A.K.
@martintudysel5730 Жыл бұрын
Great video, just little add up, We do have option to go straight to gymnázium after 5th grade on základní škola ( well obviously if you make tests 🤣 ) which put the kid even under more pressure lol , but if you getting zero education and constant bullying on your základní škola, any school is better even if it's prestigious hard gymnázium.
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