"Hello World" in Velato actually sounds surprisingly nice
@akasakasvault7597 Жыл бұрын
yeah especially the end. the finishing chord really wraps it up
@henriquekirchheck Жыл бұрын
I was expecting a rick roll and I'm disappointed
@nbspWhitespaceJS Жыл бұрын
@wisteela Жыл бұрын
I thought the same@@akasakasvault7597
@stevebabiak6997 Жыл бұрын
@@henriquekirchheck - now you have a programming language you can use to write that Rick roll.
@thorstenoerts Жыл бұрын
My favorite part of INTERCAL is a truly cursed control flow statement. You think GOTO is bad? INTERCAL has COME FROM.
@dreamsofcode Жыл бұрын
I may have to do a whole video on INTERCAL. COME FROM is truly cursed!
@SalahEddineH Жыл бұрын
I couldn't stop laughing for a solid 5 minutes when I discovered that INTERCAL had a COME FROM instruction. This was after I had spend countless hours debugging spaghetti code on my Casio Basic calculator, so I was very familiar with the nightmares of GOTO.
@@dreamsofcode Like you said in the video, most esolangs are bad versions of C, intercal is a bad version of the languages C was made to replace.
@0LoneTech Жыл бұрын
@@SalahEddineHIt gets better. Intercal has forking non-deterministic come from. And self modifying code.
@eisikater1584 Жыл бұрын
@@SalahEddineH Oh yeah, the GOTO hell, I remember it well. Luckily, back in those days I had the chance to learn Pascal in school while I was learning BASIC on my home computer. Pascal is highly structured and you can transfer some of its concepts into BASIC, like, for instance, using GOSUB/RETURN where in Pascal you would write a "procedure". BASIC doesn't enforce that, so you can still write spaghetti code if you like.
@nashsok Жыл бұрын
So if whitespace ignores all other characters, you should in theory be able to write code that compiles both in whitespace and in another language at the same time...
@fllthdcrb Жыл бұрын
Maybe, although the non-whitespace code will most likely look weird: you can't format it as you like, since you need to use whitespace characters to do so. And not all languages are very compatible with this. Python would be very difficult, for instance, due to its enforcement of indentation. Languages where a newline can terminate a statement, like JavaScript, would present a challenge, too. (Though in the case of JS, a newline only terminates when it comes after a _complete_ statement, so I imagine that could be leveraged.)
@Ruchunteur Жыл бұрын
It's probably possible but also probably difficult to not screw it up. You'll probably have to think of the space you put in the "normal" code as well. like say ... in "let variableName = 'value';" I have 3 space (although only one was nescessary). I assume those 3 spaces will be taken into account for the whitespace programme. So you'll have to make pieces of code that look really weird like having a bunch of spaces between your language keywords and their variable names but not always the same amount in each line. almost like if a drunk person would I wrote the "normal" code
@scoutgaming737 Жыл бұрын
Just not python
@DeuxisWasTaken Жыл бұрын
@@Ruchunteur it's an old idea and not *that* difficult to not screw up. For whitespace lines that don't match any visible code line that you'd want in the given spot you can use visible code comments (there's no way to comment-out whitespace code, everything that's not whitespace is a comment and everything that is whitespace is not) or simply write the whitespace in an otherwise empty line and continue the visible code in the next one. The visible code won't be pretty, but it'll work.
@GuyFromJupiter Жыл бұрын
How about writing one that does the same thing in both whitespace and Python?
@Sequencer37 Жыл бұрын
Some other esolangs to look at: *Malbolge* : designed to be as difficult to program in as possible. So much so, in fact, that the first "Hello World" program was created by _literally bruteforcing_ with another program written in Lisp. *Befunge* : designed to be as difficult to _compile_ as possible. The programs are two-dimensional, with specific instructions for changing the direction of travel across the program plane. And my favorite, *HQ9+* : "What is a programming language, really?" is _not_ Turing-complete, as it only has 4 instructions: H - Prints "Hello, world!". Q - Prints its own quine. 9 - Prints the complete lyrics of _99 Bottles of Beer_. + - Increments a variable. No, you can't read the value of that variable.
@Schadrach42 Жыл бұрын
When I saw the title said "CURSED" languages, I was so hoping for Malbolge, since I'm pretty sure it's the maximally cursed programming language. Other than INTERCAL, none of these were particularly cursed, at least as far as esolangs go.
@aadenboy Жыл бұрын
Befunge is definitely interesting, given it is self-modifying
@chofmann Жыл бұрын
malbolge got pretty easy to use since there are pre-processors that just remove the offset. befunge is a staple, but hello world is pretty easy to do. i would suggest "funciton" or "efghij"
@kabird.5493 Жыл бұрын
befunge is the coolest shit to me
@rosuav Жыл бұрын
Don't forget HQ9++, which adds object oriented features to the language.
@DNA912 Жыл бұрын
fun fact on brainfuck, the smallest compiler is less then 200 bytes. That is also a pretty fun exercise if you want to challenge yourself. I've not tried to optimize one, but I have written one in C
Жыл бұрын
In college we had a project where we implemented a brainfuck interpreter on an FPGA. It was a lot of fun.
@emilien.breton Жыл бұрын
I wrote a zero-byte Brainfuck compiler. Just use the BFC language: when you feed BFC an empty source file, it outputs a Brainfuck compiler as an executable. Code golf is pointless. Some languages have built-ins for highly complex operations, which makes them good for code golfing. Well, BFC has a built-in for a Brainfuck compiler; namely, the empty source file. Code golfing is a fool's game. I should clarify that BFC doesn't actually exist.
@JFMHunter Жыл бұрын
@@emilien.breton it's a very interesting game within the constraints of a single language... obviously comparing across languages is pointless. it promotes a lot of creativity and deep understanding of a particular languages. Is it practical? 99.9% of the time no, but it's fun and interesting.
@emilien.breton Жыл бұрын
For sure. I should've taken the time to phrase my original comment a bit better. Code golfing within a given language is a nice challenge. Trying to come up with the shortest solution across all languages, though, is a bit pointless. I was trying to point out that the shortest Brainfuck compiler being 200 bytes doesn't mean much because we're not restricting ourselves to one language or to a set of languages.
@DNA912 Жыл бұрын
@@emilien.breton well, it the size of the actually executable that turns BF code into binary that we are measuring. Not the size of input file to create the compiler. The restriction is binary, as small executable as possible that can turn BF into a executable file.
@IsYitzach Жыл бұрын
Here's hello world in Rockstar: Shout "Hello World!" Rockstar was made by Dylan Beattie so everyone could be a rock star developer. Its programs can be written so that they make metal power ballads. Here's Dylan's rendition of FizzBuzz: Midnight takes your heart and your soul While your heart is as high as your soul Put your heart without your soul into your heart Give back your heart Desire is a lovestruck ladykiller My world is nothing Fire is ice Hate is water Until my world is Desire, Build my world up If Midnight taking my world, Fire is nothing and Midnight taking my world, Hate is nothing Shout "FizzBuzz!" Take it to the top If Midnight taking my world, Fire is nothing Shout "Fizz!" Take it to the top If Midnight taking my world, Hate is nothing Say "Buzz!" Take it to the top Whisper my world
@enderallygolem11 ай бұрын
@conarius13 Жыл бұрын
Aahh, esoteric languages are always fun to look at. Though I have some that I would like to mention. 1) Malbolge If you thought Brainfuck was funny, this one is way more extreme and uses way more characters 2) HolyC This one is interesting as it basically is C with a dialect but instead of being compiled this one is interpreted. And yes, this one was used for TempleOS by Terry A. Davis 3) Lolcode This one is if the lolcat memes became a language and it's pretty funny to look at 4) Piet Have heard of it during my apprenticeship. You basically have to make pixel art to program. It is named after the artist Piet Mondrian and uses his art style. Great video btw, haven't heard of some of them and they are interesting, funny and sometimes really cursed
@dreamsofcode Жыл бұрын
I feel like part 2 is going to have to come soon!
@JasonMitchellofcompsci Жыл бұрын
How esoteric is HolyC when it is actually good? I wish I had HolyC on Linux. Yes I know there are compilers, but I wish I had HolyC plus it's JIT repl. I would legit do a large amount of my coding in TempleOS if its virtualization didn't burn huge amounts of CPU on idle, if it was easier to move files in and out, and if its compiler knew how to use SIMD.
@conarius13 Жыл бұрын
@@JasonMitchellofcompsci Yeah, HolyC is very interesting to see (pun intended). I would also love to do some stuff in it, would be interesting to work with. And it's very much a great accomplishment by Terry A. Davis. He was really crazy but has done stuff that most programmers wouldn't have done or couldn't be doing.
@avade5645 Жыл бұрын
Since when was HolyC interpreted?
@conarius13 Жыл бұрын
@@avade5645 I think I mixed up "interpreted" and "JIT compiled"
@Dev-Siri Жыл бұрын
After looking at these languages, I even forgot what programming knowledge I had prior
@dreamsofcode Жыл бұрын
@Xudmud Жыл бұрын
I think my favorite of the esoterics is still Shakespeare. You have to write mini-plays (and use actual Shakespeare characters as the variable names) to do anything.
@benjaminmiddaugh2729 Жыл бұрын
Chef is my number 2, for similar reasons (code looks like a recipe, some people try to make programs actual recipes for food).
@damianjblack Жыл бұрын
@@benjaminmiddaugh2729three pounds of VAX? 😂
@Margen67 Жыл бұрын
Charmander needs HUGS
@bsharpmajorscale Жыл бұрын
Hmm. I might just have to look into that.
@LordMarcus Жыл бұрын
The Whitespace team really dropped the ball by not calling their interpreter "why" instead of "wi".
@thesenamesaretaken Жыл бұрын
Calculating the square root of 72 in order to factorise it was pretty cursed tbf
@VestedUTuber Жыл бұрын
Fun thing about Whitespace is that you can hide it inside the source code of programs written in other languages. So, when you compile or run the code in one language, it does what you expect it to do, but then when you run it in a Whitespace interpreter, it does something else.
@FerinitheBloodHusky Жыл бұрын
could be used to hide stuff in a game maybe?
@VestedUTuber Жыл бұрын
@@FerinitheBloodHusky Not in the game itself, when the code is compiled in the language it's written in it would remove the whitespace code from the resulting executable files.
@dustinm2717 Жыл бұрын
@@VestedUTuber it depends! not all games are distributed in an entirely compiled form, quite a few games have significant portions implemented in a scripting language like lua or javascript
@VestedUTuber Жыл бұрын
@@dustinm2717 In those cases it could work, then.
@Bjawu Жыл бұрын
Technically yes, but what kind of monster would compromise indentation for any reason?
@w01dnick Жыл бұрын
But that just specially designed strange languages, not cursed. I think Perl6 was cursed, they renamed it to Raku, but that didn't help to get rid of the curse.
@soumen_pradhan Жыл бұрын
That 'Raku is for gremlins' article is pretty funny.
@KryptLynx Жыл бұрын
As an iOS dev, I would say Swift is pretty cursed
@vibaj16 Жыл бұрын
javascript is pretty cursed
@Bjawu Жыл бұрын
Every version of Perl is cursed IMO, the core philosophy of the language is unholy. It's worse than PHP, which ain't no saint either. JS has its quirks, but it's nowhere near as bad as those two.
@charles7623 Жыл бұрын
someone should become an experimental jazz player where they hide code in their music
@grumblycurmudgeon Жыл бұрын
3 questions about Velato: 1. Is it tuning complete? 2. Does testing sound like warming up? Scales? 3. How does it handle asynchronous calls? Rests? Or is it prone to "DS Al Coda Hell"?
@heavyecho1 Жыл бұрын
Whitespace: still less annoying than writing YAML files.
@halfsourlizard9319 Жыл бұрын
Yaml: Proving that there *is* something worse than XML for over 20 years.
@icanonlysuffer Жыл бұрын
what's wrong with yaml? i like using it for most stuff
@shoryuag Жыл бұрын
@@icanonlysufferI use it for Docker compose and like it, but I imagine the syntax and indentation parts could be annoying. I’m sure there are other things as well.
@JBBell Жыл бұрын
YAML is one of those things where you can use it for years and like it without realizing how absolutely horrifying it is. But once your eyes are opened, you can't go back.
@shoryuag Жыл бұрын
@@JBBell What did you use it for that showed you its flaws?
@NyctaOfficial Жыл бұрын
As a musician/programmer combo person, I definitely wasn't expecting to find representation in this video 😂
@MeriaDuck Жыл бұрын
Intercal looks very much like a complete parody on ALGOL and COBOL combined. Very long ago I read part of the manual. It is quite hilarious especially if you do not want to really understand-understand it.
@autarchprinceps Жыл бұрын
Whitespace would be far more cursed if it used more whitespace characters. My personal enemy is the non-breaking space, because on my keyboard layout it is option+space, so it isn't that rare to accidentally make it when trying to pipe or curly brace or the like and letting go of option a little to late, or pressing it a little to early. The cursed thing is, it appears to be a space, but is included in non-whitespace from any language perspective. So you get an error message like x is not defined. You go crazy thinking: "But its right there", but what the message is really telling you is that non-breaking-space followed by x is not defined, but in printing it out, it turns back to space. Whoever allowed there to be more whitespace than space & newline should be shot. Tab is multiple spaces, carriage return is non-sense, and do not even think about designing anything different.
@0LoneTech Жыл бұрын
Non-breaking space is fine. What should worry you are zero-width joiner, word joiner, zero-width no-break space, soft hyphen, and other potentially invisible characters. U+202e is another classic, but that at least tends to reveal its presence. Also enjoy the U+1d5a0 through U+1d5d3 range.
@LORdREDSTOneNR1 Жыл бұрын
CR and LF make a lot of sense if you consider where the keyboard comes from. On a typewriter with an actual piece of paper, you need both to accurately move to the next line. Carriage Return returns the (cursor) position to the first character in the line, and Line Feed moves the sheet upwards. If you only used CR, you would overwrite the previous text, which is a legitimate but different use case. And with only LF, well, you'd constantly be writing on the right edge. In "modern" programming, the "jump to the first position in the line" is probably implied even if you only encode your newlines as LF, but on actual paper, those are two different instructions.
@dustinm2717 Жыл бұрын
@@LORdREDSTOneNR1 "is probably implied" no it _is_ implied, its not uncommon for files to be encoded with only LF and i have never seen a text editor only advance the line without also returning the cursor, an editor that only supports CRLF will just not see any linebreaks in an LF only file the split between CR and LF is entirely reasonable, especially when you remember that when ASCII was designed printers were the primary way to get text out of a computer, but nowadays they've been redundant for years though the dichotomy of some files encoding linebreaks with CRLF and others doing it with just LF will probably remain until the death of society, but that also doesn't really matter (unless you're writing a parser, but that is the only time you really have to care) every single text editor on any modern system just implicitly detects and abstracts away linebreak encoding (afaik even notepad (which previously was the only notable exception) now does this) its just a funny little legacy quirk
@LORdREDSTOneNR1 Жыл бұрын
@@dustinm2717 I mean, I *guess* it's implied, but what if it wasn't? How'd that even work? How would that even LOOK? Interesting to think about, no?
@Mercerenies Жыл бұрын
Thank you for bringing Velato to my attention. I was at least passingly aware of the other four, but that's a completely new one for me. Definitely going to explore it in the future!
@StaffyDoo Жыл бұрын
“I have to break my separation between church and state” I FEEL YOU. Awesome vid as usual 👊
@ragnarok7976 Жыл бұрын
It would be cool to try and encode a whitespace program into the source of a regular language. That way if you run/compile it in the regular language you get a regular program but if it were to be run through whitespace you get a cool little easter egg.
@Mernom Жыл бұрын
I think that if it was reduced to only use whitespace and tab, it would work better for this.
@rid9 Жыл бұрын
If a piano player plays a jazz piece, you never know if it is, in fact, a secret application written in Velato!
@slazer2au Жыл бұрын
If you remember in the late 2000s early 2010s there was a constant call for rockstar developers. Dylan Beattie created a language called Rockstar which uses rock lyrics to program and a joke, but now no one is asking for rockstar developers any more.
@benjaminmiddaugh2729 Жыл бұрын
Raising the question, did it fail or did it succeed?
@hebedite4865 Жыл бұрын
my favorite esolang is orca, which is also a midi sequencer, but in a live coding environment
@dreamsofcode Жыл бұрын
That sounds extremely cursed! It will probably make it on to a part 2
@sanderdejong66 Жыл бұрын
10:30 For me, a professional programmer who started coding as a kid 42 years ago (so back in the 80s), Stuck is the clear winner. With zero input from the programmer, no opportunity for errors. Brilliant. I wonder what 52 other functionalities the one letter programs A..z will produce 😉
@adaddinsane Жыл бұрын
Newbie 🤣😉
@kc5402 Жыл бұрын
Those languages are amazing! I couldn't stop laughing all the way through this video, especially when it got to "whitespace"! I've now been inspired to create my own esoteric language. I'm working on a few ideas, but the main criteria for the language so far are these: (1) The source code must look like it was produced from the programmers' back end instead of the front; and (2) The source code must be as unclear as possible. Given these criteria, and the fact that I've now reached version 86 of my compiler, I've settled on the name "x86 arse-em-blur language". I hope no-one has come up with a similar name before. ;-)
@livingpicture11 ай бұрын
While I have absolutely no idea how to translate the music to code in Velato, I can tell certain actions are being repeated based on certain chords and little musical terms that get repeated. Very clever.
@real1cytv Жыл бұрын
One pretty well known esolang that shows the absurdity of JS: JSFuck: A subset of js which only uses 4 characters ([]()+ and !) to let you write anything you could write in JS.
@KvapuJanjalia Жыл бұрын
There are plenty more white-space characters in Unicode -- it's time for Whitespace 2.0
@MegaBanane9 Жыл бұрын
That's what I was thinking, there's all sorts of other whitespace characters like zero width space, non breaking space, etc.
@llamatronian1012 ай бұрын
There's even one that isn't white
@GreenNotebookGaming Жыл бұрын
Velato's "Hello, World" sounds like a version of Never Gonna Give You Up, a messed up version, indeed.
@paulosullivan3472 Жыл бұрын
If you can write hello world in Malbolge I would be very impressed
@dreamsofcode Жыл бұрын
Part 2!
@chri-k Жыл бұрын
The first person to successfully do that just used a fuzzer, iirc
@chri-k Жыл бұрын
Also apparently someone wrote a lisp interpreter in malbolge
@pro-socialsociopath769 Жыл бұрын
I was hoping to see Malbolge
@M1Miketro Жыл бұрын
No one can do that…
@DecoyBBQCam Жыл бұрын
intercal gives me a headache
@DecoyBBQCam Жыл бұрын
i can not look at this
@KyraKrassenburg Жыл бұрын
@dreamsofcode Жыл бұрын
It's so cursed 😭
@DecoyBBQCam Жыл бұрын
@@dreamsofcode i cannot look at that im sorry
@knightmarSPZM Жыл бұрын
I'm one of those combos and you called the G key a C! Omg! I am so triggered to the point that I'm gonna write some code in Trigger.
@lorensims4846 Жыл бұрын
MIDI!! That's wonderful! Just creating the source code is a chore! But the result is very interesting. I'm familiar with Brainfuck and that transliteration list you showed for Ook made it look almost useable. Whitespace is an interesting proof-of-concept but I can't imagine it being of any practical use. Golf? Sounds like a variation on the many obfuscation contests I've heard of. Of course, Brainfuck was developed (on an Amiga!) in an attempt to come up with the smallest practical compiler. INTERCAL is clearly intentionally cursed. You have to write a program to come up with the appropriate values?!
@avi8aviate Жыл бұрын
Just wait until you see Malbolge. It's based on ternary digits, any instructions are encrypted as they are executed, and there's one component called "the crazy operation." It took a beam search algorithm just to write a "Hello World" program out of it.
@johnyeldry5 ай бұрын
1:20 fire in the hole!
@jell0goeswiggle Жыл бұрын
My favorites have always been Piet and Malbolge. Velato hits the same good vibes that Piet does, but I can imagine it offers much more expressivity.
@FunctionGermany Жыл бұрын
honorable mentions: - "rockstar" - APL (the most esolang that isn't an esolang)
@sortof3337 Жыл бұрын
Dude I write APL daily for some wave array interpolation, transformation and manipulation. 😂 it's not cursed , it's actually much pleasant to write than awk which does similar things. I think Racket or UiUa are more esoteric than APL .
@FunctionGermany Жыл бұрын
@@sortof3337 APL is cool but you gotta admit it looks like hyroglyphs or an alien language.
@sortof3337 Жыл бұрын
@@FunctionGermany yes i will concede to that. it does look like gibberish to someone who isn't into lc or array languages.
@rateeightx Жыл бұрын
I love how these languages are so ridiculous that, despite having almost no understanding of programming, I can still tell how cursed they are from just seeing the code here.
@TagetesAlkesta Жыл бұрын
“I had to break my separation of church and state and load up some code on my gaming PC” lmfao
@vanurp9130 Жыл бұрын
You forgot to mention java srcipt.
@DeLoRiAnEc5 ай бұрын
@@vanurp9130 underrated
@jonathangjertsen34503 ай бұрын
@@vanurp9130 you forgot to consider that he maybe thought of it and discarded it
@Alt.N3 ай бұрын
Come on, not every small language can be covered in one video
@TalhaShaikh-v8w3 ай бұрын
Bro how much you have even worked with Java script. It's the most used language today every heard of all these lastest technology are build on js. By the way I am a driver developer so I usually work with c++ but with my hands on web development also I say js is very beautiful language. And I will end up saying it is the most fancy and most vast and most usefull language todate Literally everything around you is js what else you want when a single sole language is able to serve as a server and also as a front and also as a database
@Yasser-4443 ай бұрын
@@vanurp9130 JS is a perfectly fine language
@StarkRG Жыл бұрын
I think my favourite esolang is Piet where the code takes the form of a bitmap image made of of blocks of colors and the code is processed by a pointer that can move through the image in any direction (direction chosen by the code). The actual instructions are made when the pointer moves from one color block to another and depends on how many hue or lightness steps were taken to arrive at the new color (moving from a blue block to a light green block is 4 hue steps and 2 lightness steps which is the "input number" command).
@nauthic3p0 Жыл бұрын
Separation of church and state was a great description
@wisteela Жыл бұрын
I love the idea of being able to listen to your code as music. Then there's Shakespeare...
@nouridawalibi1974 Жыл бұрын
I watched many coding channels talk about printing hello world in obscure programming languages and thought, hmmmmmm why watch this video. Im glad I did, as you were by far the only one to truly explain what the code is doing which just comes to show your skills. You earned a subscriber, will look forward to more content from you broooo. peace
@Gilgwathir Жыл бұрын
And here I thought Haskell was the most pain I'll ever be in. 😆 Btw, nice neovim/zsh setup! Do you have the configs somewhere? I think you got me inspired to finally get mine properly setup, and I like your font and colour scheme!
@jeffreyblack666 Жыл бұрын
There are many more whitespace characters. Just not in ASCII. For example, the en space and the em space, the non breaking space. If we want to include things which aren't really white-space (like newline) then there is also things like the carriage return and line feed. Then we have things like zero-width joiner or zero width space
@catomajorcensor Жыл бұрын
APL is a "real language" but can also seem quite esoteric. It's also really terse.
@lorensims4846 Жыл бұрын
I understand there are versions that can be coded in standard roman letters, but the only listings I've seen were a bunch of pictographs.
@marymegrant1130 Жыл бұрын
Someone remembered APL! I always found it easier to write new code than attempt to figure out what I had coded last week.
@marymegrant1130 Жыл бұрын
@@lorensims4846 I don't see how since one feature is that any alphabetic strings can be variable names. Removing special characters would break this convention.
@PauxloE Жыл бұрын
The good thing in whitespace is that you can just put in the comments describing what you are doing in-between the whitespace. (Or put something else in-between, if you want to annoy your readers.)
@CrashTestCoder Жыл бұрын
I was fully expecting to get Rick rolled at the end there.
@Xix132611 ай бұрын
I wrote my first program in the summer of 1969. I was 15, and the language was APL on a Dartmouth Timeshare system. Then, my first year in college (1971) the only computer course at Stevens Tech was part of the electrical engineering dept: FORTRAN IV. Punch cards and batch processing. Yikes! When I got to work, I was thankful that the language was now BASIC. However, my talent happened to turn out to be DB design. And so, SQL was next, which is a language I enjoyed alot. And the version I used after INFORMIX was Unify ACCELL, an event-driven SQL. In those days, you had to be flexible and do a lot of learning on the job. Different time. Thanks for the vid to bring back some memories.
@WinterDew.Studio Жыл бұрын
Imagine an open-source malware, written in whitespace, with legit looking C in the sourcefile. Analysts would go round and round searching where the malicious behaviour comes from. (Do not try at home😂)
@mspeir Жыл бұрын
That was my thought as well!
@biggerdoofus Жыл бұрын
Except that you wouldn't be able to identify it as malware without knowing either the intended behavior or how to compile it.
@animatorgeek Жыл бұрын
Dang, I was kinda hoping you would do my favorite esolang, which I was very active with for a while in the 90s: Befunge. Unfortunately it was PC only and had a very limited program space. The revised version with a theoretically infinite program space was never finished, unfortunately. Edit: I was wrong. Apparently there's been significant development after discussions on the befunge mailing list about the new version semi-broke down in 1998.
@kevincozens6837 Жыл бұрын
Those are some pretty twisted languages. Around the 7:12 mark the ick compiler was saying you need to "resubnit". I wonder if that typo is deliberate or not. :)
@foo0815 Жыл бұрын
The purpose of "Hello world" is not evaluating a programming language's abilities, but to get accomplished with the language's developing/deployment cycle. Outputting a string is trivial from the language perspective, but requires mastering the complete edit/compile/run cycle of the programming environment.
@legospartan3.042 Жыл бұрын
I really want someone to make a game engine or game with these cursed languages
@echandler Жыл бұрын
You forgot TECO macros - where a working program looks like "line noise".
@DavidCowie2022 Жыл бұрын
If I remember the Jargon File correctly (it's been a while), then any English word can be a valid command in TECO. I didn't say useful, I said valid.
@MrCovi2955 Жыл бұрын
I love how Stuck is a perfect example of a golf language. The reason why you write out Hello World is to learn the basics of a language. Golf languages don't understand the reason why you're coding, they just want to get it done in as few characters as possible. So you compile an empty file for Stuck, get your "Hello World" out there successfully... and have learned absolutely nothing about the language. Congrats, that's Golf languages in a nutshell.
@yewo.m Жыл бұрын
11:22 😂😂 "separation of Church and State" (Linux vs Windows for Development vs other things), can totally relate to that
@DasIllu Жыл бұрын
I wrote a very interesting program in Whitespace. If you want i can send you a hard-copy.
@Cathowl Жыл бұрын
Someday someone will make one of these videos using Armok, the language inspired by Dwarf Fortress. Program by giving dwarves tasks! ...careful not to kill them before you're done with them.
@Wishbone1977 Жыл бұрын
While I have never actively tried to learn any esolangs I do have a bit of experience with them, as I have solved a number of programming puzzles which used them. The puzzles didn't involve writing any code of your own, but did involve clues which led to existing esolang code. The trick was then to find out which esolang it was, and how to run it. Sometimes the output of the program would provide a new clue, other times the output was a red herring and the real clue was hidden either in the esolang code itself or in something the code did along the way. Two of the esolangs I encountered back then I found particularly interesting: *Befunge* and *Piet.* Both are 2-dimensional programming languages, meaning that rather than the code being interpreted from left to right one line at a time, the instruction pointer moves around the code in all of the cardinal directions, left, right, up and down. The code is a 2-dimensional grid of instructions. In the case of Befunge, each instruction is a printable character, and so Befunge code consists of text. A Piet program however is an image, and instructions are defined as transitions between pixels of different colors. Of the two, Befunge is definitely the most accessible.
@sergiomontoyaramirez6940 Жыл бұрын
I love esolangs. Especially piet or chef from David Morgan Mar. Also I want to say thanks because this was one of the best explanation I saw.
@AiOinc1 Жыл бұрын
Great video but Mitxela writing tic tac toe in BF 5 years ago was substantially impressive
@mwojcik210 ай бұрын
My favorite of the "Turing Tar-Pit" (minimal) languages is probably Unlambda, which is Turing-complete without a lambda (abstraction, function) operator; it uses the S and K combinators instead. But as the video notes, some esolangs are just weird domain-specific languages. A couple I've done actual work with are Praat, the scripting language for the Praat audio-processing software; and the weird-but-relatively-mainstream CL language for IBM's AS/400, which (at least at the time) had only one iteration mechanism: Perform this routine for each record in a file. So the only way to loop was to have a file with the appropriate number of records. These were languages that made COBOL seem elegant and convenient. (Actually Micro Focus managed OO COBOL with the optional modernized syntax *is* fairly elegant and convenient, but then it's not much like standard COBOL, particularly pre-1985 COBOL.)
@LunarSoul255 Жыл бұрын
the most impressive part of the whole video might actually be the sheer amount of editing done to make that simulated IDE.
@halfsine Жыл бұрын
the velato hello world sounds like it wants to turn into a rick roll so badly
@michaelstriker8698 Жыл бұрын
It will be annoying if Velato is actually a translator for an alien tongue. (There are several novels and stories with the idea of tonally shared concepts involved. R.A.Heinlein wrote a couple.)
@Scoopta11 ай бұрын
I've heard of most of these and so it was quite amusing hearing you describe them...especially when you got to whitespace
@smartguy-lx9im Жыл бұрын
Ook: The Librarian's programming language of choice.
@Lampe2020 Жыл бұрын
In the programming language I'm creating right now most things are pretty strange, but a hello world program fits on the following line: out:"Hello World!"→end:0 By the way, that language is called arrowey because it uses arrows to guide the parser through a two-dimensional code grid.
@JamesKelly89 Жыл бұрын
12:24 You must now acquire a taste for freedom jazz
@orangesite7625 Жыл бұрын
Program: Please give up Compiler: No Continues to brain f**k👀
@chaosopher23 Жыл бұрын
Taking the piss on computing without actually causing a short circuit.
@mjs9718 Жыл бұрын
For some reason I decided one day to only ever print "hithere" instead of "Hello World". Now I instinctively use print("hithere") any time i want to debug anything
@TricksOfLoki10 ай бұрын
Only one I've actually used myself is Chef, a silly little language uses baking-related words as keywords. It's an easier one to comprehend since it's not TOO far removed from modern programming languages, but still fun to type out things like "put x into the mixing bowl"
@randomyoutuber4189 Жыл бұрын
6:18 The fact that you had to code an algorithm in order receive the values to code another (very basic) algorithm
@Ken-er9cq Жыл бұрын
I have fond memories of SNOBOL from the programming languages course I did in the eighties. We also did LISP and APL.
@allanknox821611 ай бұрын
Reading through this brought back some memories. My first interface with a computer (pun intended) was about 1980 with a beautiful all-in-one (including printer), the HP-85. Took it home on weekends to learn and soon ended up typing "Hello World" It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
@waveeyes Жыл бұрын
Ngl, the golf language is a perfect example of "You are technically correct, the best kind of correct." and I kinda love it.
@sanderdejong66 Жыл бұрын
From the “normal” languages: SQL and Prolog. You look at a tutorial and think: well that looks almost easy. Then you look at what the true experts create: very small expressions with incredible power, and you think: O M G.
Жыл бұрын
SQL is *very* easy. Prolog, OTOH…
@sanderdejong66 Жыл бұрын
@ You clearly haven’t seen enough SQL 😉
@martinj.fowler626211 ай бұрын
Captain Beefheart must have been a velato pioneer. "A Carrot Is As Close As A Rabbit Gets To A Diamond"
@Smoth48 Жыл бұрын
Hear me out: A "soundlogger" program that constantly attempts to compile nearby noises in Velato and execute them. Then make a song or video out of the midi file to run some code. Could save an entire software toolkit into your Spotify songs xD (I'm aware this is silly and impractical, but I think it would be super cool)
@sanderdejong66 Жыл бұрын
In the old days, when operating systems were simple and protection was not much of an issue, you could write self modifying code. Bonus points if you did this in assembly language. I once wrote self modifying code in the Lotus 1-2-3 macro language (the pre-cursor of Excel). This was actually useful.
@johnopalko5223 Жыл бұрын
It was a pretty common trick in IBM 370 assembler to code a first-time switch at the beginning of a loop for initialization. You specified a NOP that pointed to the first instruction in your loop beyond the initialization code. The first instruction in the initialization changed the NOP to an unconditional branch. Why didn't we just initialize the loop before we got to it? Who knows? Maybe it was more fun this way.
@dasy2k1 Жыл бұрын
Much easier to achieve with a Von Neumann architecture machine however
@jrd33 Жыл бұрын
Back in the day there were a few people who used the Unix text editor vi as a programming language. The whole program is basically a series of key mappings (in other words, self-modifying code). As an example, I remember a vi program that would solve the Towers of Hanoi problem and display the results in real time in the text editor. If anyone's interested, a web search will give you the code. It was written in 1991. No idea if it works in Vim though.
@pquirk99 Жыл бұрын
The Control Data 3000 series systems mandated self-modifying code for any real-world program. To call a subroutine at address X you used the RTJ X instruction, which stored the address of the next (i.e. the return) instruction at location X and began executing code at location X+1. To return from the subroutine, you execute a JMP,I X (jump indirect to the location contained in X.) Writing reentrant code was impossible in Fortran and COBOL.
@aev6075 Жыл бұрын
The most cursed programming language is JavaScript. End of discussion.
@magemor7827 Жыл бұрын
I think my favourite part is that the intercal compiler asks you to "resubNit" the code
@korigamik Жыл бұрын
Bro I really like your videos, could you tell us what programs you use for editing the videos and the animations for the code as well?
@dreamsofcode Жыл бұрын
I use Davinci Resolve and After Effects. I have my own animation pack that I coded for a lot of the effects I use often on DR (zoom, pop, blur etc). I'm going to put this on sale probably near the end of the year so anyone can use them!
@comatose3788 Жыл бұрын
I started programming on an Amiga computer with 68000 Assembly. Not one of the languages mentioned are as crazy as that can get.
@Evan490BC Жыл бұрын
You didn't include the most famous _cursed_ language of all, C++ (originally called Sisyphus, after the famous Greek hero). I've been trying to learn it since 1995. I thought I had managed to do so in 2010, but then the C++ committee decided that I should start rolling the ball back every 3 years (with each new standard). So, here we are...
@DQFozz Жыл бұрын
Me too!
@Immorpher Жыл бұрын
To me, although not a fully capable programming language, regex is a particularly esoteric language that is frequently used.
@januszlepionko2 ай бұрын
Check TECO. It was created (evoluted) as just a text editor but: - it could be used as a programming language, - it was the base to create the very first version of Emacs.
@brunomcleod Жыл бұрын
Not sure why a put putting (are those the right works to use there?) a ball into a whole was chosen as the shot when he is saying "whilst some are created for very specific use cases", - is he implying puts are created for the specific use of putting a ball into a hole? Holy, that wholey makes sense when you think about it - but the sound of the ball going into the ball was very satisfying.
@thorin1045 Жыл бұрын
and the music shows its relation to math and such even here, the repetition of the actions clearly can be heard, and makes somewhat pleasing. probably most people just pushing down a few keys on a piano would make a much worse 'music.'
@stroiman.development2 ай бұрын
Nice video. I guess that you could write a velato interpreter that react to audio input?
@Speeddymon11 ай бұрын
There's also the non-breaking space at ASCII code 160, but I'm not sure if it's the same in all character sets, so I think the whitespace language probably ignores it.
@mwojcik210 ай бұрын
That's not ASCII, technically. ASCII only has code points 0..127. 128..255 are not often referred to as "extended ASCII", and of course there are numerous code pages, standard and not (ISO 8859 series plus OEM ones), but they're not part of ASCII proper. ASCII does have more whitespace characters: CR and LF are separate code points, and there are also FF and VT. (Everyone always forgets about poor vertical tab, once so useful with preprinted forms.) But as some people have suggested in other threads, if you want a larger character set for Whitespace, Unicode is really the way to go.
@slavsquatsuperstar Жыл бұрын
Surprised you didn’t put Java on the list, given all the boilerplate you need just to say “Hi” xP
@BryonLape Жыл бұрын
Over the last 40 years, I've written in no less than 16 languages, but only a handful of "Hello, World" programs.
@rty1955 Жыл бұрын
Can you list the languages?
@Bearthedancingman Жыл бұрын
I have been slowly learning to program in Python. But I've made a personal commitment to always print "hello , I am “ its a pointless but fun thing I do to be rebellious 😅
@Icantthinkofanameman Жыл бұрын
the most cursed language i knew before this was something called arnoldC in which most keywords are quotes from arnold schwarzenegger movies but this video actually has the most cursed languages
@ionicafardefrica Жыл бұрын
White Space seems great for hiding code inside a file that appears to contain something else. I like it, it's a bit of evil genius