with martial arts training i found the 3 beat soo easy, it took me 2 days to learn forward, backwards and turning. Not tried the the cat eye or one handed but out of all of the for me its the iso which took me the longest! the first was easy for me too
@foxyne3357 Жыл бұрын
Ooh thanks you, I have need this for my veils poi 😍 I was wondering how to make these figures 😊
@morganmeow6150 Жыл бұрын
i agree with you on the 3-beat, one of the biggest challenges you face learning. took me days to get it down. deff #1 imo.
@blackberrybunny3 ай бұрын
Days?? I'm still struggling after weeks! But I also am blind, legally blind, so my challenge is kicking my butt! I just can't seem to get it right. I'm trying to learn all of this all by myself, as I live way out in the country, very rural, no friends left. I'm 56F. They've all died. I lost my mom last xmas, 2 days before... suddenly. She was all I had. No family or friends left. They all died from cancer or Covid, except for Mom. Anyways, I discovered Poi by chance, and was mesmerized by the videos I saw, and I knew I had to try it. I can't do this. But while I'm struggling/practicing/flailing about, I realize I am not focused on my incredibly crushing grief. Instead, I am battering myself physically with the hard UltraPoi I bought, with the ultra knobs. I love them. But I had to buy myself several pair of safety glasses!! I need bubble wrap for the rest of me, hahah. I'm taking Drex's online course, he's awesome at explaining everything. He's a great teacher! When you are blind, everything takes about 3x longer to do. So I am not going to push myself or give up-- I just need to keep spinning. I'll get that 3 beat weave down one day! And when I do, LOOK OUT!
@BioshadowX Жыл бұрын
I know everyone's different but reverse 3 beat is what got me. Forward 3 beat came so easily, in large part because of being around people who were great at teaching
@gaberialla Жыл бұрын
Isolations are definitely a challenge to learn but I already know that it will be easier to do with poi than hoops. The isolation vs horizontal cat eye looks so cool yo do and definitely have to learn how to do it. This is definitely hard to do the one hand mercedes bc I don't know how to do it yet with two hands. The 3 beat weave was actually way easier to learn with poi than hoops. Even though it took me some time to get it but now it feels so natural to do with poi. Still have to work on getting the 3 beat weave with both hands with the hoops.
@Yhoda.PsyTrakked Жыл бұрын
i find the 3 beat weave tricky with double staffs it has to be something with them being solid me thinks, i learnt loads of poi moves on staffs but the weave feels so wrong and uncomfortable
@igorborzecki233 Жыл бұрын
About tuck turns. Usually when I teach the bottom petal I try to teach them the figure eight but after they get the basic one then I show them the one with our thumb rotating inwards to ur core. I showed that exercise when you were teaching meltdowns ale btb weaves. When you rotate your arm and then do the figure eight without rotating the arm then when they can do so on both poi then I tell them to do an extention and come back to the hip arm rotated figure eights in tog/same. After 5 reps they do an extention once again and so on until they can do so continously after 1 rep of both. It is also very helpful to physically rotate their hand with your own or make them look down from your shoulder because it is really helpful for them to see which way should their thumb rotate on which hand. Hope it helped
@igorborzecki233 Жыл бұрын
YOU* showed that exercise in your videos
@mcmcpoi-ra7405 Жыл бұрын
@@igorborzecki233 Interesting, I wondered this too and recently taught a friend how to do a reel with proper inward rotation first as I suspected this is the issue, and it seemed like it made it a lot easier for them to learn same/same hip reels, need to find some more people to try it with.
@Yhoda.PsyTrakked Жыл бұрын
after years of doing isolations something clicked, sounds silly but its about the elbows. What i mean is i make sure the pois heads are inline with the elbows and after this i was noticing when i was doing iso weaves on my left i was only half isolating so i bring my elbows to the heads if that makes sense? ie i pass the heads past my elbows and now i can do all sorts of iso's my fav is anti fountains, tricky but satisfying
@RageXxXQueen Жыл бұрын
I can agree a little on the 3 beat. I have spun for 13 years now. The 3 beat weave was one of the first tricks i ever learned. It is the first trick i normally try to teach people and they all struggle very hard with it. I find it so easy to do but i forget how long i have done it and that it is just muscle memory at this point. I get frustrated teaching it but then also I'm like, "wait, how do i even do this? It just happens..." it makes it hard to teach others also.
@geronimo346 Жыл бұрын
Show and learn it to your students with a staff. Its more easy but the same movement with your hands. Try it...
@grahamsimpson9086 Жыл бұрын
Isolations and 1H2P combos like the Merc.. definitely the bane of my flow experience, 6 years on and im still struggling
@Blinkptx Жыл бұрын
When I first started, it took me about 3 weeks to figure out the 3-beat! Lol
@DesertCoyote9999 Жыл бұрын
Contact rolls 😅
@DrexFactor Жыл бұрын
Great point!
@trickyblickfang Жыл бұрын
@JaydenArenas Жыл бұрын
Funfair I am trying to be apart of the flow community
@xKhfan213x Жыл бұрын
Tuck turns have always bothered me. Why watermills arent taught first boggles my mind. Since watermills are just the lower half of a tuck turn but in split time, that drills everything you would need to get the lower half down. All you need to do is transition from split time to same time. If you learn watermills with 1 hand at a time, then there is zero difference between the watermill and the lower half on the tuck turn. Its not until the second hand gets involved that it becomes either same time or split time
@xKhfan213x Жыл бұрын
I want to make a note about the 1 handed mercades as well. This trick really bothered me when I first tried to learn it. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what I was doing wrong. It wasn't until I saw someone at a festival doing it with led handles that it hit me. There's 2 different types of movements you need to do with your hands to get it down. You have the normal rotation of your wrist to make the poi spin... but then there's a forward and backward tilt that your hands need to do to swich which poi is leading. It was something really obvious that i couldn't ever see until I could literally see it being done.