I Play Engineer, Too (Plus Flare Giveaway!) | Deep Rock Galactic

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Drilling In The Name Of

Drilling In The Name Of

6 ай бұрын

That's right, I Play Engineer, Too! In this series, I'll take a break from my roots and highlight one of my favorite non-Driller builds in Deep Rock Galactic. And as an added bonus, we're giving away a 3D-printed flare from D3lta Props! Details at the end of the video; Rock & Stone brothers and sisters!
Spinning Death Build:
D3lta Props:
Make sure to use code DITNO10 for 10% off your order!
MeatShield's Twitch Channel:
/ ppstac2
‪@LazyMaybe‬'s Season 3/Grenade Video:
• Deep Rock Galactic: Se...

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@coolishcomet1861 6 ай бұрын
the most underrated overclock is the RJ250 compound for engineer’s grenade launcher. The gl can still be used to kill large swarms of weak enemies, but it adds the utility of launching yourself around the cave while also increasing reserve ammo. A straight upgrade from stock imo
@chastermief839 6 ай бұрын
RJ250 is so good that it almost feels unfair... it gives more ammo than either of the ammo OCs, and it has so much extra mobility and utility. it probably deserves a weaker ammo boost or a heavier damage penalty, but i'm certainly not complaining.
@987654321irock 6 ай бұрын
You're so right, a nice blast of swarmer-be-gone and with the heat mod to burn away groups of grunts make RJ so nice. Combined with the utility to jump far, I can't understand how it's underrated.
@user-mw9zp5cv4e 6 ай бұрын
@@987654321irock prob because those leaf loving elf bastards haven't played tf2 nor doom, can not utilize rocket jump properly and can't comprehend how much swarm cleaning on top of traversal tool the gun becomes. For me, if Im not getting at least 1,5-2x times kills with this build compared to other teammates I call it a bad dive.
@anotheramber7074 6 ай бұрын
RJ250 is underrated? its one of the OCS ive seen used the most with the pgl, up there with hyper prop
@TheSpeep 6 ай бұрын
The PGL only has 3 OC's. Fatboy, Hyperprop an RJ250.
@doublewideshine5410 6 ай бұрын
When Ghostship eventually/finally reworks the perk system I REALLY hope they just make dash a permanent ability (maybe a mod on our suit?) and not an active perk. It's too good to ever give up a slot for, and should be a standard ability like the power attack on our pickaxes.
@DrillingInTheNameOf 6 ай бұрын
I'd be good with that 👍
@Hokuhikene 6 ай бұрын
That's what Axis Kronos said to Mike from GSG in the Drop Pod cast. So there is a big possibility that it is now on the to do list judging mike's reaction.
@Hokuhikene 6 ай бұрын
Or GSG could just add the abillity to get a 3rd active perk as a 2nd choice in the 3rd slot of the amor skill tree. Scout really doesn't need dash so it would be a waste on this class but a scout with iron will, field medic and also highten senses is a force to survive^^ edit: Well now that I thought about it, every other class should be forced to only have dash as an active perk in the amor skill tree xD
@jameshumphrey869 6 ай бұрын
fr its hyper effective as the get out of dodge button or for expanding the mobility of less mobile characters
@raisinsmakemeuncomfortable6893 4 ай бұрын
I'm conflicted on this take. On the one hand dash is a very powerful perk that is used by almost everyone so it would make sense to do that to free up a perk slot. but at the same time im worried about power creep, the ability to have dash iron will and field medic would be extremely powerful and i think they would have do some rebalancing to keep power creep to a minimum.
@eurabe1 6 ай бұрын
I think Volatile Impact Reactor is underrated but not entirely unknown. The biggest boon for me is to draw a quick circle around some bugs or over a chokepoint and everything that passes it gets set on fire and slowed on a direct hit. I pair it with electric shock stubby and shredders to max dot and slows. It is a highly efficient build and lets me resup at every other resup so other dwarves can get their strong utility items like shields, flares or C4 and fuel. It isn't the flashiest or strongest by numbers but with high enough DPI you can stop half a swarm in 5 seconds lol
@987654321irock 6 ай бұрын
Wow, the few Spinning Death fans are gonna love this. Very informative and great breakdown of each weapon's purpose. For underrated weapons, I'm a big fan of Subata's Homebrew Powder. The tasty weakpoint damage being further increased with flame bonus damage shreds through enemy health, especially bulks.
@chastermief839 6 ай бұрын
subata with homebrew is maybe the most hated weapon+overclock in the game, haha. i'm gonna have to give this one a try. what crispr build do you use? fuel stream diffuser?
@987654321irock 6 ай бұрын
​@@chastermief839 Yeah subata is simple compared to driller's other secondaries but not bad by any means (as someone who is chill in haz4 and dips their toes to haz5 on occassion) Homebrew is also disliked for it's blandness, but together with max damage it can be impressive. I like to run Sticky flames to generalize against the crowds of grunts and use its high heat to easily burn prateorieans and other big foes. The extra range of tier 1 is big since ammo with sticky flames shouldn't be a big deal at all. Having the ability to spread flame farther away from Mactera and in general not be as close to bugs is super important for survival.
@DrillingInTheNameOf 6 ай бұрын
Thank you! I've never liked the Subata (which isn't helped by how much I love the EPC and CWC), but I should give it another shot since it's been buffed.
@birchwwolf 6 ай бұрын
@@DrillingInTheNameOf i'd love to hear your thoughts on the Subata. Little guy needs some love (and probably a dev re-tool)
@Intrafacial86 6 ай бұрын
@@DrillingInTheNameOf I’ve been building my Subata 1-2-1-1-1 with Oversized Magazine when I take the CRSPR. It allows me to pop ceiling bugs from a healthy distance and tear down big bugs after I’ve set them on fire.
@dragonace5177 6 ай бұрын
I personally think that Aggressive Venting on the DRAK gets slept on a lot. With no heat-reducing mods and manual heat dump, you can fire out near-constant AOE bursts, giving Scout an AOE option he so desperately needs. You can then run this with any of his fantastic single-target secondary options, though I generally prefer Trifork for the added utility of the special bolts, either pheremones to keep bugs busy or tazer bolts to power up trifork even more with magnetic shafts.
@ShadowBolt4209 6 ай бұрын
aggressive venting is my go-to as a max promotion scout main!! In my opinion, the most common factor in losing games in high levels of play (like haz 5 or Elite Deep Dives) is getting overwhelmed with bugs. Some may say that it's not the best crowd clear for scout but it is certainly in the top 3 overclocks that will keep a scout alive (top 1 and 2 are hoverclock and special powder)
@aSmallGreenDot 6 ай бұрын
Shaped shells for the boomstick seems really underrated. After its buff it feels like a slug shotgun, on sabotage haz 5 you can ignite sniper turrets from quite far away and its great for mactera too
@birdmustard7098 6 ай бұрын
I feel like Burning Hell's aoe capability is heavily underrated. many bugs will simply turn and run when you light them on fire with it, and those that don't put themselves right in front of your barrel.
@birchwwolf 6 ай бұрын
congratulations on coming out king 👑
@blehmeh9889 6 ай бұрын
Cool to see this vid. Engineer was the first class I played after the tutorial with a driller friend and he became my favorite very quickly. Ironically, the sentryguns were actually my least favorite part of the class by far because I tend to prefer wielding all of my firepower directly when I'm new to the game, but I've adjusted to them and I've come to appreciate them over time. Rather, my favorite part about Engineer was being able to build platforms. There's just something about taking a nightmare of a cave layout and building a robust bridge, staircase, and platform array all over it to the point that it becomes downright reasonable for any dwarf on my team to navigate that really appealed to me. I really like the feeling of building infrastructure to make a cave safer or to make the objectives way more convenient and accessible. In addition to all of this, I found his handheld weapons were no joke either, not even the pump action shotgun, which was very satisfying to use as I blew the faces off of bugs one blast at a time. My driller friend kept insisting that Engineer's weapons are weak and that I would have to "Get used to it", but I find they aren't really if you know how to use them for their most optimal purposes and combine them together to complement each others weaknesses. Even if they are, you should be backed up by two automatic machine guns that fire no matter what you're doing and never miss their targets.
@morgang4717 6 ай бұрын
I think the Spinning Death might as well be the most underrated OC out there, I never see anyone use it. The area denial is incredible, but I think its harder to use than the base gun.
@DrillingInTheNameOf 6 ай бұрын
Definitely takes some getting used to but so crazy powerful once you do
@xOwlBear 6 ай бұрын
If you play solo and in a big open areas, I think the OC is good but otherwise it's better to avoid it. It reminds me a lot of the fat boy OC which I also consider bad because how annoying can be for your teammates if you use it improperly or in close areas.
@raisinsmakemeuncomfortable6893 4 ай бұрын
​​@@xOwlBear you do have to be careful but its definitely more versatile then fatboy. Even on haz 5 it does very little friendly fire damage. (Im on Xbox so i dont know about haz 6+) Also i think spinning death thrives in close areas so you can funnel the bugs into a single chokepoint and theow it down there
@TNDTKDTTDTID 6 ай бұрын
Burning hell and volatile bullets, there is no better combo in the game. I love gunner so much it is unreal
@RocketSlug 6 ай бұрын
Maybe it's because I usually run Haz 4, but a lot of times I feel like by the time I've set something like a praetorian on fire with burning hell (even with the heat cone in front) they're already pretty much dead, defeating the purpose of taking volatile bullets and its massive damage upgrade. I've been playing around with taking volatile bullets now with heat builds on the hurricane to see if it does a better job there
@kiro-fo9qg 6 ай бұрын
Burning Hell is the best gunner overclock.
@synka5922 6 ай бұрын
there are just two issues with it, 1. teammates and 2. teammates :P 1. if your team isnt coordinated, a combo weapon will not be effective because your team will kill the weakened enemies before you can finish them 2. if your team doesnt understand breakpoints, they wont let burning enemies just die from DoT, they will waste ammo on finishing them off Tbf, these things hardly matter on haz5 or lower, but they still mean that you feel like your weapons arent very effective My favorite scout weapon is gk2 electric reload, with it I easily get 60k damage in a 20 min mission, but my team will have all the kills. because they will waste ammo on enemies that wouldve died anyways
@Hokuhikene 6 ай бұрын
I Beg to differ. I throw Lok1 with ECR in 21111 and Shard with just efficiency tweaks in 32211 into the ring. Best swap combo in the game imo. Burning/volatile bullets is 2nd best to me tho. It's just better known because it's longer in the game.
@CoolJguy. 6 ай бұрын
I believe the most underrated overclock is definately neuro-lasso fot the LOK-1. It works best in dreadnought missions as support bc it slows down them a lot. Even in swarms on normal mission are easier when you lock onto the front bugs to get a horde more concentrated for a teammate or plasma burster. It still works on pretorians as it slows them down to prevent turning around and spitting acid at you. It still works as a gun with decent damage and support for any engi secondary.
@B_Skizzle 6 ай бұрын
A fellow Neuro-Lasso fan! I thought I was the only one!
@InvadeNormandy 6 ай бұрын
The SSGs are my favorite thing when it's time to book it to the pod, It minimizes the amount of slowing down and thinning the horde out on the way out.
@vinylwalk3r 6 ай бұрын
I have to agree, I put spinning death on my engy the second I got it and upping the damage on the BC makes it super fun on slow enemies. Throw some armour break on that bad boy at it rips through praetorians in no time! I have to say RJ250 compound for Engy (it's just a BLAST to use hehe (I'll find the door)) or Gunners "Volatile Bullets" oc for the Bulldog. Pairing VB on the Bulldog with my Fire build on the Lead Storm (Burning Hell) is just so much fun! I'm a walking beer drinking BBQ in those caves!
@MotivatedDwarf 6 ай бұрын
Before this video, I would have said Spinning death for the Breach Cutter, but now imma have to go with cryo minelets for the Zukovs. They are insane and even with Musnothus' video, I don't see them in the caves with randoms, haz 5, 4 who cares, never there. You and Musnothus have made that case better than I ever could so Rock and Stone miners and keep drilling.
@DrillingInTheNameOf 6 ай бұрын
Cryo minelets are definitely underrated. I probably wouldn't have figured them out myself if MusNothus hadn't shown me the ropes.
@LinDUNguin 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for doing this giveaway, as well as for regularly putting out such unique content :) Always look forward to the new vids! I think that the Mole Overclock for the Coil gun is definitely one of the more niche/"under-rated" overclocks for Gunner (at least post-nerf), as the potency of his other single-target damaging options feel too hard to pass up most of the time. But you can't deny that it's satisfying as hell to shoot through a big slab of rock into the behind of Dreadnought and watch that health bar plummet :)
@DrillingInTheNameOf 6 ай бұрын
@bishop782 6 ай бұрын
A super underrated overclock imo is AI Stability Engine for Scout's Deepcore. Having an assault rifle that has ZERO RECOIL is just such an incredible feeling imo. Plus it absolutely shreds annoying enemies in the game like spitters and Mactera. I don't see many people talking about how nice it is to make a gun shoot where you want it to shoot without moving for recoil.
@tabbycar6741 23 күн бұрын
pretty late here but as I like to say, any dwarf worth their beer will play all dwarves at least on occasion to understand what other classes need, and learn how you can synergize with them.
@Coffeemancy 6 ай бұрын
Most underrated OC: Minelayer System on the Hurricane. The damage, stun, crowd control, and ammo efficiency is insane. The Single target damage isn't so great so you want to build your secondary for that, but it's also not too bad in a pinch. I feel like I never see people playing with it but I'm constantly using it on my gunner in haz 5. it's especially good on escort and salvage where you can easily tell where bugs are going to be coming from.
@TrojanManSCP 6 ай бұрын
Has to be the gunner’s Bulldog w/ six shooter. The only problems are the need to equip a cowboy hat for +100% accuracy and mic spamming Marty Robins’ Big Iron for -3 friendship.
@pebblemuncher659 6 ай бұрын
Stunner on the warthog is the most underrated overclock in my eyes, it stops praetorians in their TRACKS as long as you're shootin em, alongside anything smaller than a prae. I feel it's very overlooked in favor of it's other more unstable and complex brother overclocks, but i couldn't imagine my engi loadout without it.
@Azamagon 6 ай бұрын
Imo, Electrifying Reload for the GK2 is easily one of the most underrated OCs in the game. I mean, 1 bullet = 1 grunt killed. If a target requires more than that, a Conductive Bullets Zhukovs with the Gas Recycling OC (another arguably underrated OC) absolutely shreds an electrified enemy. One of my personal fav combo builds on Scout.
@gostlyplays 6 ай бұрын
i think the sludge blast oc (the one that makes the pump into a shotgun) is pretty underrated like you can get so much damage out of a charge shot with it getting up close to a big enemy like a preditorian. and then normal shots can still be used to take out problem enemies and then wave cooker with endothermic explosion can boost your swarm clear. by far my favourite driller build and works in any mission except for maybe industrial sabo works really well on elim, i have solo’d many a dreadnought with it
@ThiagoJaqueta 6 ай бұрын
IMO the most underrated OC is RJ250, I rarely see people run it in lobbies. It has great ammo economy, can kill swarmers and groups of grunts easily, and of course, the mobility it provides to the engineer is absolutely insane when you combine it with platforms.
@bluebuffoon5313 6 ай бұрын
Roll Control for Engie's Breech Cutter is such an interesting overclock that can completely change how you use the weapon. It takes some time getting used to wrapping your brain around it, but you can be a force to be reckoned with once mastered
@pepeSh_ 6 ай бұрын
Minelayer System for the Hurricane rocket launcher is a beast on Escort Duty and Salvage Operation. Setting up a trap behind Doretta and watching bug corpses fly as soon as they spawn is one of the most satisfying "big brain" moments in the game
@michaelbowman6684 Ай бұрын
A note about Gemini: you can choose to put down only 1 turret. It exchanges 2 (~18%) damage per shot, 15 (16.7%) ammo capacity, and +5m (25%) more range, for 90 (~21%) more reserve ammo, which is a slightly uneven tradeoff when discounting the second turret, bit there are other advantages to consider besides just total ammo efficiency. Less experienced Engineers will oftentimes find themselves having to wait around for their turret to recall because they forget about it, but with Gemini you could be putting down your second turret that you still have on you while waiting for your first turret to recall, which reduces downtime. Once you become more accustomed to placing down turrets, you can start putting down 2 of them at the same time to really reap the benefits of Gemini, that being it's massively increased DPS (180 rounds * 11 damage * 2 turrets > 105 rounds * 13 damage * 1 turret) and increased efficiency against specifically Naedocytes (and I guess Glyphid Spawn), as 11 damage is enough to kill them in a single shot, the extra total ammo makes killing them more efficient in relation to how much ammo you have, on top of the doubled rate of fire from having two turrets allowing you to kill them twice as quickly. You also double the amount of Turret Whips you can perform in quick succession, as each turret has it's own cooldown so you can alternate between the two for increased uptime, and you also increase the amount of Turret Whips you can perform before needing to Resupply because you have more Ammo to spend on performing them.
@bast4rdlyreaper 21 күн бұрын
This build is one of my favorite builds on engineer. The new Pump Action is awesome, I used to use Stunner, but Pump Action is AMAZING!
@TheRealLTJRH512 6 ай бұрын
I love micro flechettes on the Brt. The damage isn’t great but I can stun plenty of enemies while my auto cannon is getting reloaded with born ready for continuous fire which is exactly what I want when I play gunner
@Intrafacial86 6 ай бұрын
10:22 I was not aware of this functionality. I need to remember that for Turret EM Discharge, so I can call a turret directly to a spot I want to zap bugs at without wasting turret ammo.
@giblerider2549 6 ай бұрын
I definitely gotta try out spinning death now! Im unsure how others rate it, but one of my favorite overclocks is Overdrive booster on the shard diffractor. Its advertised as an unstable overclock, but it doesnt effect the gun unless you use the ability. But when you do use it, It'll shred through any swarms or single targets in seconds! I love that feeling of the power of the sun, in my hands.
@bast4rdlyreaper 3 ай бұрын
I started using this build today, super fun. The alterations that I made were using The Stunning Overclock instead of Cycle Overcharge for the warthog, and two turrets instead of one.
@garbagefreak 6 ай бұрын
Underrated overclock: Bullet Hell for the Minigun (with stun). I never hear it mentioned, but it almost feels like cheating. You can spray a huge swarm without really aiming and stop them dead in their tracks while you melt their health. It's really good against some of the most annoying mobs in the game including mactera, swarmers, and shredders. Single target damage isn't its strong suit, so I recommend taking a secondary with that in mind, but it's still okay against the big bugs in a pinch, especially if they're surrounded by a lot of grunts (you don't have to hit their weak points to bounce your bullets).
@RocketSlug 6 ай бұрын
I think Plastcrete Catalyst gets overshadowed by a lot of the other overclocks for the Shard Diffractor. I spec for AoE damage and range since the overclock multiplies those by 1.5 when shooting platforms (something like 1-2-2-2-3). You can end up killing a lot of bugs without even needing to trigger the explosion. I tried for the longest time to run the platform gun without bug repellent, going for more ammo so that I had more platforms to shoot, but often times it ended up with glyphids walking over the platforms and getting in the way of having a clean shot, but that could also be a skill issue on my part when it comes to platform placement. It really changes how you think about it, similar to how you think differently about turret placement if you're using EM Discharge on the stubby.
@hexerin 6 ай бұрын
I can feel the frustration of what was likely many dozens of failed takes due to tongue twisting on the Spinning Death numbers segment.
@kasca4080 6 ай бұрын
As for me, one of the underrated overclocks is the "persistent plasma" for EPC. The damage from the plasma field is gigantic and helps to cut off the crowd of bugs from the team in a few seconds.
@DrDwarven 6 ай бұрын
Okay this is probably a hot take but bullets of mercy for the gk2 is so underrated the extra damage to bugs with status effects like cryo fire and electricity and all the elemental damages but also it plays perfectly with all the classes for example it goes with I’m pretty sure every driller primary weapon and gunner with the incendiary grenade and some of his other over clocks and it works with engineer with some of his overclocks so just in general it syncs well with all the classes and plus scout have 3 grenades that do elemental effects so like I said its probably gonna one of the most underrated overclocks
@TheArthur2107 6 ай бұрын
Bodkin points is the most underrated. The Boltshark is rarely seen but the range on the bouncing shots is amazing for hordes that are too spread out. Couple it with pheromones and that’s all the crowd control you will need, specially because of all the bolts you get to carry. Now you can enjoy that beautiful bolt hit sound effect.
@kellimon3517 6 ай бұрын
Snowball on cryo cannon is something I dont see very often, but man, 1-shotting entire mactera swarms brings a different kind of catharsis.
@robbertscherhaufer975 6 ай бұрын
in my eyes is the drillers subata. i always hear that subata just a pistol. i uses the pistol with the explosive reload and the sludgpump. if you take the 3 upgrate of tier 5. it does amazing much damage when it in the sludge of the sludgepump and it stacks damage. well its hard to explain so if you use it in action and have the build out. it will make sense.
@Wclipped 6 ай бұрын
I like the versatility of the crossbow on the scout. It might not be the most deadly but I love stacking effects or having a handy arrow for a sticky situation. Goodluck to everyone on the giveaway
@TheCogman117 6 ай бұрын
Mole is a somewhat popular overclock, but I STILL think it's underrated to what most people think how good it is. If you spend some ammo to set up a couple holes to shoot through perpendicular, it's crazy how much damage you can deal. Also incredibly useful for providing long-range support from other caves to your teammates. I always tell them to ping priority targets no matter where they are.
@K.L3225 6 ай бұрын
One overclock I’ve almost never seen used by others is the hurricane minelayer system. While the need to plan where your shots land may be off putting, the increase in damage and blast radius is well worth it. You can usually spray a few meters in front of a horde or at your feet while being chased. It usually only takes 1-2 explosions to kill grunts, and you can still deal a fair amount of direct hit damage when needed
@trulers8713 6 ай бұрын
The most underrated overclock is Hurricane Rocket Barragem for crowd control you usually see minelayer system or fragmentation missiles, but even without guidance the pure "Hurricane" of missiles you fire can't be beat and with napalm rockets and aoe upgrades you'll be igniting swarms of bugs.
@dereziumstorm1662 6 ай бұрын
I believe the Shard Diffractor is one of the most underutilized weapons in DRG. it has a lot of cool combos with other weapons with other classes, being fire-based, and can be made to explode with platforms. it is one of the coolest weapons I've seen in video games and it makes me wish more people would just experiment with builds and combos.
@tfb526 6 ай бұрын
In my late and 100% correct opinion the Goo Bomber OC for the sludge pump is the most underrated overclock. Nothing like giving the bugs a taste of their own medicine while chewing through pratoreans and oppressors with DoT. (btw just found you through the steam community forums! Great vid and R&S!!)
@gwangi007 6 ай бұрын
Great video. 👍 My fave (maybe) underrated overclock is Hoverclock. Being able to take shots and be impervious to melee enemies is such a great feeling.
@DrillingInTheNameOf 6 ай бұрын
@MageScience Ай бұрын
hot take: add a way to give the M.U.L.E upgrades, which could include things like faster walking speed, and maybe even overclocks like allowing mule to pick up resources that falls near her, or allowing mule to dig through terrain when being recalled
@makayf 6 ай бұрын
The cryo cannon is my absolute favorite instant crowd killer, when paired with the wave cooker using Temperature Amplifier and Exothermic Reactor. 1-2 seconds of cryo will freeze 3+ grunts, who will shatter and freeze additional mobs with the slightest touch of the wave cooker
@moonwxlker 6 ай бұрын
i would say fire bolts on scout is very underrated. shooting one at the ground will cause grunts to die if they walk through it, as well as swarmers and other similar bugs. also, fire spreads between bugs, so if you throw a cryo nade into a group bugs that are on fire, the temp shock will do a bunch of damage. great vid btw
@GoldenBrother02 6 ай бұрын
Special powder for the boomstick is the most underrated overclock because I don't see enough scouts flying around at mach 12 crashing into every cave wall there is.
@Scotwolf09 6 ай бұрын
Rock and Stone, Brothers! Love your content! Always a highlight of my week seeing a new video posted! For the underrated overclock, I'm going with Seeker Rounds for the LOK-1. I love this overclock for making the smart rifle as brain dead as possible to use on the fly, and I never hear anyone mention it anywhere!
@TheElephantChumpkin 6 ай бұрын
Mole is my favorite underdog oc because everyone complains about tedious setup to get it to max out its damage, but with the right driller it turns any elimination mission into an execution mission.
@box5349 6 ай бұрын
An underrated weapon in my opinion would be the driller's wave cooker. It's really fun to use in my opinion and I like when bugs just explode in front of your eyes.
@DrillingInTheNameOf 6 ай бұрын
Agreed 👍
@brewbreuw8115 6 ай бұрын
I find "Electrifying Reload" on the scout's deepcore GK2 to be underrated. Just 1 bullet + a reload is enough to kill a basic grunt, and you can easily spray a horde with the weapon to get electric procs on everything. It pairs very well with the NUK17's bonus damage to electrified targets, and can even slow dreadnoughts now. It's extremely ammo efficient and slows down all your enemies for easy kills, not to mention it has great range and guaranteed procs unlike the engineer's stubby.
@quintonlim4275 6 ай бұрын
For Gunner's Coil Gun. I'd say Triple Tech Chambers. When combined with Tier 2 Controlled Magnetic flow allowing for partial charges of the gun. And tier 5 electric trail you can quickly create a large zone of damaging slows around you. Not to mention that the the Overclock still allows for high burst damage with the triple shot. It's a very versatile secondary option for gunner. But alas the Hellfire gang outshines it for good reason haha.
@Jarc21 6 ай бұрын
RJ250 for the PGL is great for when you have no/a bad scout, and its just fun to spam fire nades into those medium grunt swarms
@benjaminponka5509 6 ай бұрын
I'd say placrete catalyst for the shard diffractor is an underated overclock for sure. I rarely see it down in the caves, unless I bring it myself. Probably due to how easy it is to do friendly fire, and how bugs can sometimes distupt the beam, making triggering it's explosion more difficult. It can often end up requiring more effort than its worth, but I honestly think its a fun choice. (As well, a very 'special' mention to the goo-bomber special, its weird, and it works.) But honestly, just play what you enjoy, at the end of the day having fun is what really matters! ROCK AND STONE MINERS!
@tobybrooks3108 6 ай бұрын
I feel that the turret arc mod for engi is rather underused and underappreciated simply for the fact that for it to be used at it's most effective you really need at least two engineers to really keep up a wall of electricity, plus not every mission is a "defend this area" type of mission where this OC can really shine.
@Flipthot 6 ай бұрын
I think ice storm for the cryocannon is really underrated, especially once you realise how impactful cold radience is to your total freeze power so the loss of 3 freeze power doesn't actually feel that bad, especially when it lowers it to 5 since as far as im aware all creatures have freeze points which are multiples of 5 or 10. The damage bonus it gives, especially with the bonus kinetic damage to frozen targets, makes it much easier to be reliant on purely your primary to kill enemies like grunts and slashers, so you don't have to be switching between primary and secondary nearly as often. It can be really nice if you're a fan of either solo or being more independant in missions. If anything I wish the mod fragile worked somewhat akin to it rather than it's current abysmal state.
@Draconis_Eltanin 6 ай бұрын
In my humble opinion a very underrated overclock is the Stunner overclock for the Engineer's Warthog: with a build basically same as the one in the video you can most definitely make up for the less RoF and base damage as it is a clean with no downside. It is just weaker agains stun immune enemies, but as long as you avoid Elimination missions you'll be fine. Another criminally underrated OC is minelayer system for the hurricane: I never see anyone playing with it, but except the lack of anti-air option that can be offered by a good secondary or team mates it is a very strong contender for a very defensive playstyle.
@treetrunk159 6 ай бұрын
Really liked your Blackreach Blonde video! Breach cutter is my favorite secondary, so I'm definitely going to keep farming Engi overclocks in the hopes of getting Spinning Death! I think one of the most underrated weapon/overclocks is the Colette Wave Cooker + Liquid Cooling System, particularly paired with the Flamer. Most of the time you want to lean into your strengths rather than compensate for weaknesses, but this weapon does both and then some. Colette gives the Driller the ability to efficiently melt masses of Swarmers, Naedocytes, and Shredders with a beam AoE that has basically infinite range. It is also one of the best weapons for quickly saving teammates from Leeches/Grabbers, and gives you the option to prevent Exploders from exploding. On top of all this, its primary use enables you to burst down enemies you've caught on fire while still being ammo efficient. Sure, it's not very damaging, but that's why people run throwing Axes, right? Flamer Drillers are generally built to clear swarms, so why not clear all types of swarms? I almost never see people run the weapon for some reason, primarily in favor of the Experimental Charger's ability to manipulate terrain and mine from afar.
@DrillingInTheNameOf 6 ай бұрын
Thank you! Good luck pulling Spinning Death; you'll never go back!
@koristia6670 6 ай бұрын
I'm always surprised how little often I see the Neurotoxin Payload for the Thunderhead, I find it so good to poke wave from a distance and by the time the bugs should have reached us, they're already dead.
@metarmored 6 ай бұрын
I don't see anyone talking about the Electric Arc overclock on the Stubby, but it was my first overclock ever, and it has a special place in my arsenal because of that. So i made a build to make it work along side the rest of my stuff. I never forget my first overclock on each class
@quantumslime7265 6 ай бұрын
I feel like an underrated overclock for certain is stunner for the warthog. It does surprisingly good damage with its bonus to stunned enemies and the higher innate chance to stun is nice as well. Combined with most of the things mentioned in this video it makes a nice well rounded damage dealer for a stun build.
@danekdzbanekk 6 ай бұрын
The most underrated overclock from drg is probably the firebolt for scout. I honestly dont know why is nobody using that. It can kill an entire swarm, demolish swarmers, set on fire a group of enemies, etc. and you can allso pick a electricity bolts for slowing down big enemies. Its just awesome
@ShadowBolt4209 6 ай бұрын
the most underrated overclock for scout has got to be shield battery booster. It teaches you a good fundamental for higher levels of play (such as haz 5 and Elite Deep Dives), which is "kite and do not get hit". If you get the hang of it, you should have the "increased damage and projectile speed" up for most of the time. Additionally, it reduces your shield regeneration delay by 3.5 secs, which means that you are less likely to take damage that will decrease your actual health bar. Lastly, even if your shield is damaged, you still have the +1 rate of fire buff up permanently I take this with fire bolt with pheromone bolts on the crossbow. Having pheromone bolts means that bugs will not attack you which means you should be receiving all the upsides the overclock has to offer. As far as Drak builds go, I think this one is the best for EDD specifically where you may get a mishmash of crowd-heavy missions like uplinks to single target heavy missions like Industrial Sabotage. The crossbow is your main crowd clearing weapon but the Shield Battery Booster drak can both crowd clear and deal tons of damage to enemies with a lot of health
@thevarianthuman5669 6 ай бұрын
An absolutely underrated weapon AND overclock is the Zhukov’s and gas recycling. When built with 1, 2, 2, 1, 1 the guns become excellent at mowing down hordes of grunts and stripping armor from tougher targets and are great to pair with IFG’s. These have come to be a pretty staple weapon I play around with on scout as both a pseudo primary to supplement S.C.C M1k on dreadnaught missions. But also as a generalist weapon that excels at pumping damage into targets that scout may traditionally have more trouble with such as shellbacks and other carapaced enemies. Give them a try! Rock and Stone!
@SuperSucc69 6 ай бұрын
I absolutely love Roll Control on the breach cutter and think it's super underused after the recent buff. Having that much area damage on a beam you can control like a jedi is awesome
@ThomasCircenis 6 ай бұрын
For me, I think the LOK-1 has a ton of great overclocks that can overshadow the seeker rounds. Seeker rounds are a go-to option for me when I want to play with my brain turned off. I don't have to worry about armor, don't have to worry about terrain, ammo is conserved, and the only thing I need to relatively point in the correct direction of bugs will be my secondary.
@timothye.2902 3 ай бұрын
I'm also a driller main, with engineer secondary. For the sentry, I do like Gemini even though it's a bit more upkeep. I can place only 1 down at a time if I'm moving around, that way I have a spare if caught off guard. Or I place both down near each other and facing the same way, so they'll lose ammo at nearly identical rates. My full setup for them is A-B-C-A. I love the extra magazine size in tier 3 because the increase to starting ammo is doubled by Gemini and it lets me leave my turrets alone for longer. The LOK-1 is easily my favourite primary for Engi. As you mentioned, he really struggles with range. But Loki can have a 50m range if you take t2A, and even the base range of 25m is often better than what the Warthog and Stubby are doing. I'm happy to let my Breach cutter handle swarms of bugs at close/medium range while Loki picks off distant targets or softens up packs from weird angles
@someguysomewere4246 5 ай бұрын
I feel like the most underated overclock is the 0-4-0 engineer. It's ability to boost any weapon(albeit with a cooldown) is unmatched. It even has a pretty good price.
@thecolumbo7323 6 ай бұрын
after watching this awesome video of yours, you convinced me. Personally i think for my own rating the most underrated Overclock is the Spinning death overclock for the Breach Cutter after seeing you use it. I'm an Engi Main and i wrote it of a long time ago after experimenting with it and failing in multiple attempts. it just didn't pack enough control and versatility for me, but i feel like now i need to give it another try
@DrillingInTheNameOf 5 ай бұрын
Let me know how it goes!
@machinamawatcher 6 ай бұрын
For me, it's the Overclocked Firing Mechanism for the GK2. I know people love the AI stability engine for non-freeze builds and Bullets of Mercy for going all-in on freezing, but I've always found the OFM to be the "goldilocks" OC between the two for when you don't want to commit to freezing but still want to make some use of it - it's not quite as good as either OC when you're doing no-freezing or all-freezing, but I have come to really enjoy the adaptability that comes with turning the GK2 into a total bullet hose find it works amazingly well in pretty much any situation. The downside is basically nothing as well, maybe I'm just used to games with more kick but I find the x2 recoil to be barely noticeable.
@Count_Goatenberg 6 ай бұрын
Electrocuting Reload for the GK2 is pretty underrated. If fired in little bursts hitting as many enemies at least once before reloading, you can quickly manage the approach of a horde. Not to mention it can save a lot of ammo due to the DoT. Also great against sniper turrets and the like. I primarily use it to get as much DoT out of each shot and to slow enemies down - which now also works on Dreadnoughts in case you didn't know.
@TheSpeep 6 ай бұрын
You can kinda create a similar effect to Spinning Death with gunners Plasma Burster Missiles. By firing a volley at a large or airborne enemy and then swapping to your secondary, the missiles will swarm the point you aimed at and create a kind of plasma whirlwind that damages and stuns whatever steps inside. Grunts are generally a bit too low to the floor for this, but It works quite nicely on Praetorians or Mactera, and if everything in that area is dead you can swap back to the Hurricane and send the leftover missiles toward their next target.
@SojournToAlkaiser89 6 ай бұрын
I really like Subata's Embedded Detonators, where the clip size is way smaller and reload is way longer but reloading makes the bullets explode. I think it turns Subata into a real machine. Shoot something big, reload and watch it jellify
@El-Burrito 6 ай бұрын
You completely convinced me to start running spinning death. I've been using the one that makes the beam come back to you but this looks so much more versatile
@Booksisgreat 6 ай бұрын
Turret EM Discharge for the Stubby is actually hella good, idk if thats an underrated oc or not tho
@sardobi 6 ай бұрын
Another great video, despite the tragic lack of drilling! My favourite underrated overclock right now is Electro Minelets for the BRT. It takes some practice, but it provides really nice crowd control when you get the hang of it. Satisfying to pair it with max damage Jet Fuel Homebrew and hit lots of weakpoints on the very slow electrocuted bugs.
@ZAZZAMATAZ 6 ай бұрын
I love neuro lasso as I just enjoy kiting in this game, and I can't help but feel like it's got some crazy good synergy with spinning death. Def underrated. It's just so satisfying to just march the bugs right into the meat grinder.
@butofcourse 6 ай бұрын
I've never seen anyone else use spinning death before, and it's actually really good. Really underrated. People seem to really not like the GK2 for the Scout, too. Even though it's still really good.
@bast4rdlyreaper 3 ай бұрын
9:18 Your Sentry has Hawkeye equipped, not Defender System, because it fully turns around to fire 180 degrees. 1:54
@zacpiscopo1351 6 ай бұрын
Salvo module for the hurricane would have to be my favourite underrated overclock. The added utility of having a giant shotgun that takes up your entire screen and explodes with the force of a dying star is pretty powerful not gonna lie, plus it has no downside (ish). Thanks for giving spinning death some love, I love your videos. I cannot count how many drillers I have directed to your under bunkie tutorial lol
@Dementic_Doctor 6 ай бұрын
Man i like this guy i subbed to him a while back and i came to have another look at his channel and this is some well edited great content.Rock and stone miner!
@DrillingInTheNameOf 6 ай бұрын
I've come a long way since the early days! Still don't know what I'm doing but I know a lot more than I did a couple years ago 🤣
@Dementic_Doctor 6 ай бұрын
@@DrillingInTheNameOf Just keep it up man! your doing great!
@DrillingInTheNameOf 6 ай бұрын
@specialmeats 6 ай бұрын
I didn't know about spinning death hitting all of the weakpoints on the BETc, death machine and hive guard. That's really useful!
@BigWemser92 6 ай бұрын
The anti-gravity overclock for the sludge pump really gets me the range I need. I don't know why it isn't used more often.
@tytolley2645 6 ай бұрын
Shaped shells for the boom stick is one of my favorite overclocks that I don’t see too often
@WerdnaTheRed 6 ай бұрын
Been a hot minute since I've put down the hyper prop, but I've used spinning death before that in very different builds, haha. I think the most underrated OC that I use is impact deflection for the Drak. It admittedly doesn't add much damage with only one bounce, but if you toss on the plasma splash and shoot for their bellies you can tear through even praetorians in good order. Plus it's just fun to send plasma ricocheting all over the place
@archduke0000 6 ай бұрын
Not necessarily underrated, but certainly underused IMO is Plastcrete Catalyst. LazyMaybe goes over quite a few good features of the OC in his Shard Diffractor breakdown, but the beam getting twice as much area damage and radius when shooting platforms is very powerful, and blowing up plats like mini C4 is fun.
@chunky6272 6 ай бұрын
Idk why but but the engi sub is just too satisfying with a build centred around just having a huge mag or lots of back up ammo
@dirtbikeenjoyer1037 6 ай бұрын
I’m in my house by myself and that “all and all” off to the side really startled me lol. R&S
@nickr8662 6 ай бұрын
It’s hard to pick just one overclock/weapon thags the most underrated. On one hand, The Cryocannon is drillers most prominent primary, but I hardly ever see people running ice storm on it. So I’m saying one overclock, and one weapon. Ice storm takes my overclock slot, it may not be as high damage as face melter, but being able to freeze with freeze radiance and just decimate them with that boosted triple damage, chefs kiss. And the weapon I find the most underrated has to be the stubby, being the awkward child between the crowd favorite Warthog and sandwiched by the massively badass Lok-1 smart rifle? I never thought I’d say that dinky little lead spitter would be the weapon I’m most consistent with on engineer, with a healthy dose of Hyperpropellant to deal with any big money targets.
@mrbigspankingpig 6 ай бұрын
Hmmmmm... I'm a driller at heart (yeah!) and one overclock that's constantly underated is AG mixture. It gives the sludge cannon much needed range and velocity. Nothing is worse than sending a charged blob of goo into a crowd and comically watching it miss its mark!
@s_f1539 6 ай бұрын
I feel like an underrated overclock is Fuel Stream Diffuser for the CRSPR Flamethrower, mainly cause you either focus on stuff like sticky fuel and Driller's secondary's normally can focus on range. But in all honesty I fell like the FSD is more of a clean overclock, because it gives more range for flamethrower and by lowering the rate of fire less fuel is wasted. With FSD either tier 1 can be good, with High Capacity tanks giving more ammo, which is always a win and with the lower rate of fire makes the flamethrower last longer in a mission. Or with High Pressure Ejector, which can provide even more range to deal with hoards from further distance or ranged targets such as ceiling crawling acid spitters.
@theramor0149 6 ай бұрын
In my opinion, plastcrete catalyst is a highly underrated overclock. It's a bit finnicky to learn how to use it properly, but once you do, it's one hell of a wave clear machine with decent single target damage as well.
@sallyvoodraws 6 ай бұрын
i think the EPC is pretty underrated specifically for temperature shock with the cryo cannon. I have a signature build with it where all the upgrades are specced into faster freezing, and i use the epc to spam out constant temp shock. The shatter upgrade makes up for the CC you lose using the epc, and if you run out of cryo ammo, the charge shot actually makes for a good backup using TCF with a fast chargeup. all in all i think more people should try combo driller, hes super fun :D
@fouryeartransform3042 6 ай бұрын
Ty for this. I have been using this exact build since season 1 and it has done me well. The only major difference is that I take magnetic aligned pellets for the warthog. The spinning death was OP before they buffed the ammo, now I feel unstoppable with it.
@DatFruitbat 6 ай бұрын
My favourite (possibly) underrated oc is aggressive venting for drak, scout isn't known for crowd clear but it's great especially on solo if you combo with pheromones to group bugs up, and you can use it almost on demand with certain upgrades
@zakthewack 6 ай бұрын
I believe the most underrated overclock is sludge blast. Sludge blast may be kinda situational, but it can absolutely shred through big targets (the caretaker and dreadnoughts)
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