Treatment of Vestibular Migraine: A talk with Dr Michael Teixido from the 2022 Migraine World Summit

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Michael Teixido MD

Michael Teixido MD

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@FJano12 2 жыл бұрын
Thumbs up for male vm sufferers
@guydulac3902 2 жыл бұрын
This has provided more information than any specialists I've ever seen, and it reinforcess my own research of my own problems. Fifty years and counting... Multiple doctors and specialists and scans - falling through the net is an understatement. Vestibular Migraine, BPPV, PPPD, cervical vertigo, back and neck injuries, spinal stenosis, visual stress disorder, dyslexia, etc, etc. Thank you very much. Daily migraine or overlapping migraines - auras, smell, taste, tinnitus, slurred speach, pins and needles, weird sensations, recurrent BPPV that seems to follow severe migraine. Nystagmus that has no lag and last beyond a minute. Drunk on.a ship in rough seas... a nightmare!
@wouldbfarmer2227 2 жыл бұрын
Wow. Brother. I wish you success, (and luck!!!) on your journey.
@brettegan9850 Жыл бұрын
Hello Guy, I am suffering these symptoms and would appreciate further contact with you. Kind regards, Brett
@laurenxonair 2 жыл бұрын
Proud to have this man as my doctor
@mattrobinson8059 Жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with vestibular migraines early this year. I am out of work to find some answers before returning. I had lots of test done including eye exam, hearing test, and mri done. During my time off I was given a medication called betahistine and I also went to the chiropractor which has been a huge help. After my first few appointments at chiropractor I noticed decrease in dizziness and also no tinnitus since. The combination of this treatment has helped a good deal and I am returning to work.
@gloriasaliba3395 Жыл бұрын
I’m in the same boat - I actually had some Botox injected into my jet and forehead one week ago - my vertigo immediately subsided, I was headache free for 3 days but then was hot with one of the worst migraines I’d had in some time - when do you take your betshistine?
@Chamber1baby Жыл бұрын
I'm so thankful to come across this video! I have been suffering with constant dizziness since July. This info i can take to my Neurologist and hope that I can get correct treat for this. I have put so much money into find out what is wrong with me to just be told nothing is physically wrong with me by my ENT doctor. Thank you ssssooooo much
@margaretverdow173 2 жыл бұрын
After 30 years of living with vertigo affecting my life - have naturally discovered and avoided many triggers but still struggle, I decided to try to find answers again. An ENT mentioned vestibular migraine which I had never heard of. I have hope for improvement. This is helpful and life changing information. Thank you! Going through testing now and I have hope!
@margaretverdow173 2 жыл бұрын
@@geralynnmartini3823 Thank you for telling me about the VM FB support group. It may be helpful on my journey! My husband has ocular migraines with no headaches, but I didn't know there were vestibular migraines with no headaches. I often have mild to moderate headaches, but thought them separate from the vertigo. I am glad you were diagnosed
@ThePurpleElephantt Жыл бұрын
Hi Margaret any update since diagnosis?
@amac394 2 жыл бұрын
I have suffered from migraines since being a child which has developed into VM in the last 2 years. I can go weeks with symptoms. It’s very difficult to get diagnosed without seeing a specialist! It’s a horrible condition which is life changing.
@johnnawhelihan2875 2 жыл бұрын
I've been to multiple Dr's looking for help with vertigo since 2016. I'm making the trip from FL to see Dr Teixido next month , he happens to practice in my hometown.
@nanhand99 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this information. I have had severe migraines all my life, with nausea and vomiting from 8-12 hours and vertigo, sensitivity to light, sound, smell, and taste. I have found a good doctor recently, and hope to find the cause and get relief from these disabling symptoms/ conditions.
@BalkanDeputy Жыл бұрын
My ENT advised me after 8 months Vertigo from a Vestibular Migraine to take Venlafaxine ER 37.5 mg capsules. I took one and 2 hours later my vertigo was 80% gone. On WebMd they do advise to watch your blood pressure.. 16 hours later at 2am I woke up with a blinding headache. I checked my blood pressure and it was at 196/121. Off to the Emergency room I went. After they gave me one Clonidine 0.1mg 1 hour later my BP was at 115/74. I think I'll take the vertigo over a Stroke.
@emma70707 Жыл бұрын
There are other classes of drugs that don't do this.
@cecilemovilla4656 2 жыл бұрын
Very Informative Video.I am suffering from Vestibular Neuritis.This video helps me understand more about vestibular disorder.Thank you👏👏👏👏👏
@burkies8273 2 жыл бұрын
Gosh...I wish I had this information 5 years ago 😩 Thank you doctor!!!
@dinahsoar6982 2 жыл бұрын
I found this info to be very helpful..I was finally diagnosed with vestibular migraine....40 years after my first migraine headache, which was horrific...I had the classic prgression: 9ish years migraines, ibs diagnosis, then bppv which lasted 2 decades and a diverticulosis diagnosis stuck in there....then in 2010 I developed some ear probs...high pitched right sided tinnitus and low pitch engine rumble in no particular ear, which lasted 5 years, went away following antibiotic for failed dental implant for a failed root canal, and 5 years later it returned along with feeling movement when there was none (feels like the floor vibrates) and felling off balance...note I had chronic ear infections as a child and in my 30's and 40's...was car sick as a child and would get 'sick headaches' when riding in a car on a very curvy road or in the backseat, and bright lights disturbed me too...I've dealt with the engine rumble, vibrations and being off balance going into my 3rd year now..finally got the right ENT and haivng done VNG, cVemp, MRI, and CT to rule out other probs I was diagnosed yesterday with vestibular migraine..have been referred to a neurologist and have my appt in May... Also given info on migraine triggers, which I'm currently reading in the meantime...hoping this hell I've been living in since 2020 will lessen..btw, I habituated to the right high pitched ear ringing long ago. Having had breast cancer in my 40's I was relieved that my head scans were normal. I listened to one of your videos a couple of years ago explaining the progression of VM and that is when I strongly suspected that was my problem...finding a doctor who knew about it was pcp blew it off as tinnitus...if it were not for you Dr. Teixido I might have given up getting help. THANK YOU!!!
@janetjones1456 2 жыл бұрын
Are you better??? I can't find any doctor to help 😢 I developed tinnitus 2 years ago out of history sounds like you..not being able to sit on the backseat of a car..etc..I'm dizzy ALL the time and the tinnitus is driving me crazy..this past week the migraines have been out of control..I have so many health issues..Dysautonomia..EDS..neurogenic orthostatic hypotension..the world summit is trying to help me find a doctor here in Atlanta (headache specialist) my neurologist does not listen or return phone calls 😢 I've been basically indoors in my pjs since a stay at the diamond headache clinic in Chicago turned sour 2 years ago..waiting for an at home sleep study the end of June and waiting for test results for MCAS...for now I have clonazepam and temazepam..the diamond headache liquid which is ibuprofen 100mg and acetaminophen 160 in a compound mixture otherwise I have nothing but been on everything..nurtec..ubrelvy..aimovig..ajovy..I'm strong in my faith and praying for hope and a miracle and a doctor who cares about me...wish I could talk to you
@dinahsoar6982 2 жыл бұрын
@@janetjones1456 My ENT , who diagnosed me with VM (vestibular migraine), told me to read the book "Heal Your Headache" written by Dr. David Buccholz. Dr. Buccholz in a neurologist iat Johns Hopkins, has been for 20 some years and he specializes in migraines. I was doing, per the book, an elimination diet to see what, if any, food triggers I have. Two weeks in I was seeing a lot of improvement..pretty much no symptoms 50% of the time vs almost daily prior to the diet. Then I saw the neurologist my ENT referred me to, b/c part of the treatment plan in HYH (Heal Your Headache) is preventive meds, and a neuro must Rx those. The neuro isn't convinced I have VM..suggested I do an injection of Achovy..he said if I had VM there'd be a response. So, I got th injection of Ajovy and stopped my elimination diet b/c Ajovy is in the system 31 days..I wanted to make certain any improvement was from the med, vs the elimination diet. The Ajovy did squat for me. In fact, I think it made things worse. I am convinced I do have VM b/c of my history and the diagnostic criteria, all of which I meet. The neuro says I don't meet the criteria..I asked him which part..he said VM is always episodic, vs mine which is chronic..Well, he is WRONG. The diagnostic criteria given by The Association of Migraine Disorders says that they can be episodic as well as chronic..Dr. Teixido who is an expert on VM has appeared on several of their youtube videos. and he says the same... I have more confidence in him as well as my ENT, who ruled out other serious issues using MRI, CT and several tests of the inner ear done by an audiologist. As soon as the Ajovy is out of my system I'm going back to the HYH elimination diet. I return to the neuro doc in a couple of weeks for a follow up......I'm curious what he will advise since the Ajovy did nothing for me...I am not going through more tests b/c these kinds of issues have no definitive test and it boils down to an educated guess. I am confident that my ENT got the diagnosis right. btw--all the neurological test done at the neuro to check my balance, reflex etc were perfectly normal. I'm sorry you have been unable to find are not alone..Dr. Teixido says it can take decades to get a correct VM diagnosis....a doctor of veterinary medicine in my town has suffered with these same debilitating issues I've had for over two years now, since he was 15..he is now 55...he has seen multiple docs/specialist..none of them agree on a diagnosis...the last neuro he saw told him " we don't know what you have, but even if we did, we wouldn't know how to fix it"...He told me he stopped going to docs b/c he realized he was going to have to figure it out himself. I came to that conclusion too long before I met him and we talked at felt good for me, and him too I'm certain, to know that someone else understood first hand how it feels and that it is real, not imagined.....I feel fairly certain he has VM too b/c of his symptoms and the fact that migraines can start in childhood and go unrecognized for decades. I refuse to give up hope...the alternative is unacceptable to me..on the days my balance is really bad it is tempting to 'sit down' and stay home. I realized that made things worse. So I get up and go and find that I am much much better after a couple of hours of being active vs letting the 'disease' set my parameters. I pray daily that God would deliver me from this ailment. He is the Great Physician and this is all in his purview. A couple of things I've realized/learned is I must embrace what is..when I don't I am frustrated and that makes things worse for me..I've also done so CBT (cognitive brain therapy) on my helps reroute neural pathways in the brain. There is also hyper-stimulation to consider too, in my case...stress begets stress which ramps up the symptoms...hence, purposeful relaxation via breathing, music, inner thoughts helps me a lot. I sure hope you get some help and soon. Keep on keeping on. There is hope.
@mbb473 2 жыл бұрын
The words and symptoms Dc described my vestibular migraine, its just spot on
@McCafferyProdz 2 жыл бұрын
This was so very informative and helpful, thank you!
@marioncunningham3840 Жыл бұрын
Great information...I have every one of those symptoms mentioned..and never got any answers until now....Thank you...
@jgoodygoods512 2 жыл бұрын
I would like there to be more patient research specific to VM. I have noticed that most VM sufferers are even more sensitive to weather changes, especially barometric/atmospheric pressure changes. I wonder if there is a link with how VM impacts the nerves connected to the inner ear that would make us even more sensitive than “regular migraine” patients to weather changes and therefore create more attacks. One way without doing anything scientific research wise would be to see where the most VM patients are living and what type of weather are in those areas(?) Thanks Dr. Teixido!
@FJano12 2 жыл бұрын
Probably my biggest trigger.
@letyv4444 Жыл бұрын
Omg yes!! As soon as the temperature changes just a tiny bit I start to feel pressure everywhere and my migraine kicks in!
@hilssz Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this 🙏🏻🙏🏻 you make me feel like someone gets it. Finally. It’s been two years working with the most reputable places like cleveland clinic and they just haven’t done what I read in forums to help me.
@rubyramirez2785 Жыл бұрын
I actually have a b2 deficiency so I started taking a 400 mg dose. I am feeling a bit better and I have been drinking it for one week. I have vestibular migranes.
@TheNanette55 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much info on vestibular migraine after 30 years of migraines. I thank u so very much
@sonianagah7431 5 ай бұрын
I suffer from VS. I loose all balance- I cant walk and sit up for hours. Its very scary. My eye sight I have tunnel vision. My speech goes does droopy and my left hand side of my face tingles and then I loose balance all over my body. It takes me days to sleep it off. I also suffer from Tonic clonic seizures. I cant work either. I used to teach but my VS increased and the school's use to take me home and not renew my contract. This left me unemployable.
@jgoodygoods512 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for specifically speaking on all the medications that are currently the most effective as they all relate to VM treatment. (Especially the use of benzodiazepines as they get so much red tape from MD’s that do not understand the pathology of VM and what patients experience and need relief from.)
@B1055BH 2 жыл бұрын
Anybody have crazy heart palpitations for like, a whole day? Literally every heart beat feels so intense. The dizziness is there the whole time too. And looking at your hand, it it feels like it’s not your hand. And you feel small, and when you look at things, it’s like they just randomly showed up.
@FJano12 2 жыл бұрын
Yes palpitations here..
@wendyvillasenor8671 Жыл бұрын
I get palpitations sometimes but I think it’s more because of the anxiety or I’m dehydrated or stressed. But definitely that’s something a doctor should check.
@B1055BH Жыл бұрын
@@wendyvillasenor8671 yeah I got everything checked out and my heart is 100% fine. Chest X-ray, ultrasound, all the blood work. Cat scan on my head. Literally nothing was wrong. Now my heart feels great, but I still feel out of body a lot of the day. Idk. It’s gotta be an anxiety thing. I have another doctor for that. And yes I was a little dehydrated.
@gloriasaliba3395 Жыл бұрын
Yes i have irregular heartbeats worse at night
@janmartell9792 2 жыл бұрын
I have vestibular migraine everyday.
@hemantpahuja4114 2 жыл бұрын
I hope u get well. It is really difficult to face chronic disease. Hope we all get cure or better treatment for it someday.
@carriemiller320 2 жыл бұрын
Have you heard of PPPD? You could have that also.
@jenkitching43 Жыл бұрын
@@carriemiller320 What is PPPD please?
@emma70707 Жыл бұрын
Time to try a prophylactic. I was there but I'm 98% back to normal on topirimate now.
@hemantpahuja4114 2 жыл бұрын
Is there anything which can cause iron deficiency without anaemia but also act as trigger factor for Vestibular migraine? any liver disorder or any blood disorder? No gastro cause could be detected for iron deficiency.
@mohandasep8348 2 жыл бұрын
I am taking amicon 10 tablet daily for the last 2 years. I am ok now
@mohandasep8348 2 жыл бұрын
For vestibular migraine
@kimg2022 2 жыл бұрын
I couldn’t find this medicine does it go by another name?
@amac394 2 жыл бұрын
In the UK, it’s know by the name Amitriptyline. I suffer from severe VM and have just started this medication
@mohandasep8348 2 жыл бұрын
Amicon is only brand name. Amitripline is the medicine
@deadcatlives6931 2 жыл бұрын
Therapy destroyed me. Hour 3 x a week for 8 months. Still no diagnosis of course.
@lisaknottsberryfan7982 2 жыл бұрын
I was wondering if you know if there is a link with cerebral background slowing. Also I’ve had migraine with aura since 18yr. Now at 63 it’s mostly aura small head discomfort and occasionally vertigo or double vision.
@DebiDalio 2 жыл бұрын
I have had migraines all of my life. I used to call them "sinus headaches". They usually felt like an ice pick shoved into my right eye with a strong ache across my forehead. I was eventually diagnosed with migraine when I was in my 40s. My migraines are triggered by chocolate, caffeine, pending storms/large weather changes, and dehydration. I use Relpax whenever I feel a migraine coming on. In 2013 I started having episoces of severe vertigo. The first doctor I consulted (an ENT) diagnosed BPPV and wanted to operate on my ears. I did find that Epley maneuvers worked, but I didn't want an operation, so I consulted with some other doctors. The next ENT was unable to find anything wrong with me. A hearing test indicated my hearing is excellent. An electronystagmogram test was normal. He sent me to a neurologist who suggested either Meniere's disease or vertiginous migraine. He tried me on topiramate, Trokendi XR, lamotrigine, amytriptyline, and nortriptyline, all of which had bad side effects. Eventually we found the Verapamil works great in preventing my vertigo. Eventually I got to the point where I was having a migraine basically every other day, so my second (and current) neurologist give me BOTOX shots in the head every three months. I still get 1-4 migraines a month for which I take Relpax. These days, the oncoming symptom is that the front and back of my head feel like my head is being squeezed. After listening to this podcast I suspect I have vestibular migraine possibly due to inherited leaky calcium channels. I hadn't heard of clonazepam before, but I am going to ask my neurologist about it because these days I am also taking Belsomra and cyclobenzaprene at night because I can't get any sleep without them. I constantly feel like my body is on edge or excited and frequently at night my brain goes into overdrive where I start thinking about stuff and can't get any sleep. Thank you for the very informative talk and some clues about other things I can try to help with my situation.
@nmjime5560 Жыл бұрын
Emergency Room Tips and Tricks said smelling Alcohol wipes instantly cures nausea faster than meds. Also some have monthly hormonal migraines and perimenepause migraines. Just saying this in case it can help someone.
@wendyvillasenor8671 Жыл бұрын
@@nmjime5560 I forgot about the Alcohol
@conniebly6937 Жыл бұрын
Can TBI cause increase or change migraines, or do all migraines progress over time? I was scapled in a car wreck. And can PTSD or tremors cause increased problems? It's gotten very bad as of late.
@marissadecinque2967 Жыл бұрын
My son got this after his cochlear implant surgery, could this trigger it?
@archanakadam2980 Жыл бұрын
Can anyone tell me where does he practice?
@Avinash37952 Жыл бұрын
Sir I am suffering form vertiginous migraine.. Is it from brain or inner ear?
@jenkitching43 Жыл бұрын
Please, does anyone get short term, temporary memory loss? A tingling down face followed by memory loss?
@elisabethsmith5936 Жыл бұрын
I have the tingling down the face, not a complete loss of memory but everything is fuzzy. I am still looking for what that is. Are those symptoms also from the vestibular migraine?
@wendyvillasenor8671 Жыл бұрын
Yes, especially lately because I’m More stressed at work. It totally sucks plus I get more stressed because my brain is not working fast enough. Tingling or weird like numb in face sensation sometimes down arm and leg too. Scary symptoms and I feel a rocking sensation. We took off the covers in some lighting at work fluorescent lights and symptoms felt way worse.
@cathytellez7552 Жыл бұрын
Yes memory is slow , thinking is slow
@marcelam4604 Жыл бұрын
What is your opinion on the use to medical marijuana to treat migraines?
@jenmoon1906 2 жыл бұрын
I typically don’t have pain with my vestibular migraines but my brain feels like sludge. Thought processing slows way down. Sometimes I get skin tingling and have even smelled things that aren’t there like onions.
@jenkitching43 Жыл бұрын
Hi, Please, could I ask you about the skin tingling? Is it down your face/mouth area? Do you get short term, temporary memory loss? Thanks.
@jenmoon1906 Жыл бұрын
@@jenkitching43 yes the tingling can be in various places including my face, and my memory and word recall goes down the tubes. Has your doctor diagnosed you with vestibular migraine? If not, you should always have those symptoms checked out.
@wendyvillasenor8671 Жыл бұрын
@@jenmoon1906 I get the same, and I have so much work right now and the stress is causing more issues. I literally can stare at something I’m reading and it’s like it’s in a different language until my brain kicks in. My memory sucks, tingling in my left side of face sometimes front of leg on left not sure if it’s tingling or like a weird stiffness or sensation. Blurred speech everything all left side which always scares me.
@wendyvillasenor8671 Жыл бұрын
@@jenkitching43 oh and I smell either natural gas or cigarette smoke.
@jenmoon1906 Жыл бұрын
@@wendyvillasenor8671 yep, been there. Try to do relaxation breathing and take mini breaks to just close your eyes and imagine the tension leaving your body. Stress can definitely bring on some weird and scary sensations.
@archanakadam2980 Жыл бұрын
It’s been 4 years I am suffering from dizziness and unable to do my daily chores
@sambhavedits9893 Жыл бұрын
same here:( I am getting treatment in Aiims
@sachinkn5858 Жыл бұрын
Anyone can help me please I am 25 year old I am suffering dizziness alomost 1 year gone , I have migraine headache also it is started in childhood till now I am suffering 2 or 3 days in week continuously.Nurologist opinion is from migraine headache is cause for my dizziness but I can not believe that, because without migraine headache also I am feeling dizzy .ENT doctor says both ears are normal they even not know reason for dizziness. My symptoms is dizziness like feel like off Balance ,when I am sit on stool it feel like off Balance sensation and some time tingling in head. Here one recent it's about 15 days my left ear is buzz sound and feeling like ear is block.I think this ear buzz sound happens due headphone usage Please anyone specialist please help me
@charlagarth926 Жыл бұрын
Could a traumatic injury to the neck (bike accident) possibly cause an injury to the cerebellum or thalamus that triggers vestibular migraines and/or Menieres? Thank you.
@gloriasaliba3395 Жыл бұрын
@MrWeinfook Жыл бұрын
wait ...i found in lion mane supplment. it said helps nerve growth fector* does is help vestibular migraine / nuclei something? can some doctor do that? i got dumb qeustion. but something in deeper this supplement can do something.
@lsmith3942 Жыл бұрын
Did u try it did it work
@AmanSingh-pi6sv 2 жыл бұрын
Permanent cure possible or not if not how much releif should be expect
@wirrwarr8834 2 жыл бұрын
Migraines cannot be cured, but they can be treated. Like Dr Taixido explained, a drug can help or not. One has good results, the other doesn't. I know people whose attacks have stopped completely. In others, they have decreased in frequency by 40% to 60%. For some it doesn't help.
@farukm7627 2 жыл бұрын
Who is this woman? She just wants to push Vestibular Therapy. Otherwise, this is very informative session.
@granda9689 Жыл бұрын
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