同意上面很多點,尤其是過度清潔這一塊。好奇,現在市面上很多潔顏油、潔顏膏,可乳化臉部彩妝、清潔皮膚,可洗兩次,洗完不殘留,它們對你來說是卸妝產品或是一般潔顏產品?那你會建議在什麼狀況下、如何使用?(例如:倩碧 take the day off, 美體小舖 chamomile cleansing oil/balm, DHC 深層卸妝油,Heimish All Clean Balm...etc) 另外,強調泡泡要細緻是因為對皮膚溫和,這很重要。但很多洗面乳泡沫雖細緻,洗完卻給一種「太乾淨」的緊繃感,起泡洗面乳是不是有好的也有壞的?
Thanks so much for the video. Do you recommend cleansing wipes? Because we can see if there's any makeup residue left using wipes. Then use cleanser or simply water to remove the surfactants left on our face.
@lilfr3shy4 жыл бұрын
防曬乳跟很多產品裡面含有矽靈, 這樣也不用卸妝嗎?不過矽靈好像無法清除是嗎?
@victorwang68354 жыл бұрын
請問一下 洗臉都要泡泡輕柔了那市面有賣去角質產品,洗起耒像一粒粒沙子感,可用於臉部去角質嗎?tks
@933roastduck6 жыл бұрын
Hi Dr, those cleansing water etc bioderma or any brands cleansing water isit less damaging to the skin? As compare to cleansing oil.