i just wondering what the potency needs to be for it 44% from 100 im still getting whooped im a force/slayer
@aishilunar Жыл бұрын
Rod and talis users suffer timing quest due to their dps being lower even though their damage is high. I cant say how much potency is needed but if there still a huge hp remain when time up, I would recommend either using different class or wait until the capsule can be obtain easier.
@gkagara Жыл бұрын
I've yet to see people clear this as techter without using gazillion special augments and using new sets that totally bonkers, being techter main I feel disappointed and unappreciated because of this mode. Feels bad man, there is desperate need for class balancing and it need to happen fast or people will just ditch the underperforming support class and favor other classes that is broken and easier to do this kind of content and as a result of that we will see less and less ranger and techter in the future, what's the point really playing this class it is expensive, weak and underwhelming.
@aishilunar Жыл бұрын
Understandable, give it a few more week to see if people figure out method to clear using techer main since the quest just release less than a week.