Duncan Campbell | When God Stepped Down

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David Edwards

David Edwards

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@TheLordismysaviour20305 Ай бұрын
Amazing true man of God
@gailmanizak3335 4 жыл бұрын
I yearn for revival in our land.
@normanthrelfall2646 Жыл бұрын
Organised Denominations, Scripture readings: [Luke 24:44-49] [Acts 1:3-8] [1:2-1-8] Without the baptism in the Holy Spirit all you are left with is a stoical approach towards obedience in the Christian life. You can have a natural zeal for the things of God without exercising real faith. This is alarming and disturbing and causes you to live a weak and impoverished Christian life. The baptism is power for service nothing less than power, this is ordained by God. Jesus said I am come that they might have life and that they may have it more abundantly. You need the Holy Spirit baptism for spiritual growth, for it is he that mortifies the deeds of the body and causes you to live in victory over the world, the flesh and the devil; so that you reflect Jesus more and more each day. Jesus never spoke an idle word but emphasized the need for the baptism in the Holy Spirit, by saying to his disciples, tarry in Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high. Many Christians having turned to Jesus for salvation years ago are still on the milk of the word; because what is in the mind is no good unless it is quickened into heart affections for the Lord. Unless the word of God really penetrates the heart, spiritual growth is not possible under any other premise. It is the work of Holy Spirit that causes us to be rooted and grounded in the love of God. The baptism in the Holy Spirit takes us into the treasure house of the Most High God and gives us intimate revelations through the word. It is the Holy Spirit that oils the wheels of the word which then becomes spirit and life to us as we journey on. The word and the Spirit satisfy the deep hunger and thirst of the truly born-again believer. God spoke the word in Genesis and it went forth quickened by the Holy Spirit and the earth ended up with form and there was no longer an absence of life upon the earth. There is no lack to those who wait upon the Lord for their strength it is always renewed. The Holy Spirit came to comfort us by quickening the word of God to us teaching us from the word, not through man’s wisdom and reasoning; but through the wisdom of the Holy Spirit who leads and guides us into all spiritual truth. The word becomes established in our hearts through the Holy Spirit that causes it to germinate and bring forth much fruit for the kingdom of God. Denominations are stoical, nothing more than this, because they lack the power of the Holy Spirit in their meetings. We can be good on the word in some respects, but it is the Holy Spirit that captivates our hearts giving us a full revelation of Christ. The Holy Spirit will always give you absolute clarity in revelations. Yes, we can have a good knowledge of the word and yet still be out of step with the almighty. Outside of Pentecost, is to be Out of Step with the Almighty and his plans, as the denominations act in the natural instead of the supernatural; they have the word of God, but lack fire in their meetings meaning: quickening power that imparts life. The third part of the Trinity is neglected, for he brings life into meetings through the gifts of the spirit. Pentecost has always been the truth when it comes to the gospel and living an overcoming Christian life. Jesus commanded us to abide in him out of necessity, for without him we can do nothing. This is not optional, if we are to live a victorious overcoming Christian life. There can be no spiritual growth without an abiding relationship with Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit. This is why Jesus talked about himself being the vine and believers being branches in him. Men may argue about this, but pride and foolishness is responsible for stunted Christian growth. When we worship from the depth of our hearts, this then indicates that Jesus means more to us than anything else in this world. Worship is Complete Surrender to the will of God for our lives, our heart’s desire, being pure before him. Having this precious state of heart allows the Holy Spirit tomanifest his presence within the tabernacle of our flesh. Purity within the heart releases the power of the Holy Spirit and so we are quickened: that is strengthened during worship. Rivers of living water flow from our inner most beings, Jesus described this in [John 7:37-38].
@normanthrelfall2646 Жыл бұрын
I would like to give a fairly short exposition of Smith Wigglesworth a man greatly used of God because he understood what true worship was and is: complete surrender of your life to the cross, obeying the Master’s call. I want to show you the difference between a nominal Christian and a man baptised in the Holy Spirit and as we shall see, Smith Wigglesworth was a man full of faith and power. Wherever he was called to hold evangelistic meetings around the world, the glory of God was clearly manifested in his meetings, as the Holy Spirit called him to reside over them. He lived and moved in the power of the Holy Spirit having a “servant heart” and as a consequence revival fires broke out in whatever country he went too. A nominal Christian does not pray and meditate upon God’s word daily, they have no relationship with the risen and glorified Christ. They only seek God when they are in trouble, expecting God to be at their beck and call. I recall reading an incident, when Smith Wigglesworth went to minister in New Zealand, many were brought out of darkness, some from denominations where there was a state of deadness and others who came out of curiosity, ended up, getting saved from their sins in the meetings. By the time the meetings had finished many came into the Pentecostal Experience, out from organised religion within the denominations and out of the world, having repented of their sins, asking Jesus into their hearts and lives. The gift of tongues and interpretation lay hold of the meetings. The place which held 3,500 was often overcrowded and there were 2000-3000 outside. The Plymouth Brethren were astounded by the response of the people to this man’s ministry. They didn’t realise that he was ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit which brought results. The denominations in New Zealand and around the world will remain dead until they recognise that one thing is needful and is vital to believers, the Pentecostal Experience where Christ imparts his Spirit and life to them in order to preach the gospel effectively, bringing forth much fruit for the kingdom of God. Jesus said “abide in me and I in you” and in that way we will be fortified with the truth. The Plymouth Brethren like other denominations had been labouring stoically for years with no results, because they were not walking according to the truth of the gospel as the baptism in the Holy Spirit is essential and central to the effectiveness of the gospel, for we fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers of evil, against spiritual wicked ness in high places, wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, this spiritual armour is not facilitated without the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, but you shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be my witnesses unto the ends of the earth. You are called unto holiness this means submission to the “whole council of God,” everything that Jesus instructed his disciples to do. The message is still the same from one generation to the next, “tarry in Jerusalem until you be endued with power from on high,” metaphorically speaking. Your Jerusalem is where you choose to tarry for the Holy Spirit baptism of fire. Let us ever have the Berean attitude as mentioned in [Acts 17:10-12] towards the teachings of Jesus, prove me now says the Lord, if I will not open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that you cannot contain, what a description of the baptism in the Holy Spirit, the glory comes upon us and fills us and is expressed in an unknown tongue giving glory to God through Jesus. There must be an outlet for the glory and that is through the tongue. For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries [1Cor 14:2]. We must stir up the gift of God that is within us, there is a daily provision we can partake of through prayer and meditation upon God’s word, “again, this is worship” being complete surrender to the plan of God for our lives. Worship will cause our spiritual lives to be enriched and satisfied with good things. Man was made to live a spiritual life not a sensual one. The pleasures of sin will leave us high and dry as when the tide comes in and goes out, leaving a boat stranded upon the rocks. There is a barrenness and emptiness about sin. Worship of the true and living God from the depths of our hearts will release blessing from heaven, that you cannot contain, it is beyond measure, it is the Father’s love reaching down and touching the inner recesses of our hearts and putting us into the ministry, being ordained of Christ so that we can bring forth much fruit through the power of the Holy Spirit. The manifesting of the gifts through the Holy Spirit is given to the church to profit all. These gifts are a comfort unto the church and a proof to the world of the authenticity of the gospel account, particularly in the realm of divine healing and the casting out of demons in the name of Jesus. The devils believe the gospel account and tremble, for they along with the actual devil, know that their time is short.
@normanthrelfall2646 Жыл бұрын
Gifts of ministry Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers etc Smith Wigglesworth made this astounding statement to the uninitiated and he asks us the same question, speaking very definitely to us: Is a man made an apostle, prophet, and evangelist etc; before the baptism in the Holy Spirit or after? His answer was that every believer must go through the Acts of the Apostles namely: water baptism, sanctification and baptism in the Holy Spirit end of quote. This is a pre-requisite, a necessary experience, in order for us to be used effectively in the ministry by the Lord. It is Jesus that baptises you in the Holy Spirit and puts you into the ministry not man. The mark of the Master must be upon you if you are to be effective and profitable in bringing forth much fruit for the kingdom of God. Jesus saw the organised religion under the Pharisees and Sadducees plus all the hypocrisy during his ministry. They rejected Jesus and his teachings regarding the way of the cross, indicating that you cannot serve two Masters, you are either born of the flesh or born of the Spirit of God. They rejected Jesus as he was a stumbling block to them concerning their immediate lifestyles, remember, the stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner, and this is the Lord’s doing and it is marvellous in our eyes [Ps 118:22-23]. The Lord said unto my Lord, sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool [Ps 110:-1] speaking of Christ’s resurrection and ascension into heaven. Jesus saw the multitudes as sheep without a true shepherd and he had compassion upon them. I believe personally today, that he views organised religion in the same way: it is a dry tree, barren and unfruitful, fit for nothing but the dunghill. When Jesus was being led away to be crucified, he turned to the people who wept and lamented over him saying: Daughters of Jerusalem weep not for me but for yourselves and for your children, for if they do these things in a green tree what will be done in the dry. Read [Luke 23:27-31]. Jesus is the tree of life to us, God’s Son, being planted by the rivers of living water, inviting us to come into the grace of God and be born again. The world is like a broken cistern because it lives in the deceitful lusts of the flesh, the people rob God, themselves and others by rejecting the gospel message. Love God with all of your heart, mind, soul, spirit and strength and the second commandment is to love thy neighbour as thyself. The world is full of spiritual wounds and putrifying sores as the doctrine of this world secures a head full of sickness and a faint heart where hatred, fear and unforgiveness reign. There is a stink about sin which only the blood of Jesus Christ can wash away. [Isaiah 1: 6] states: From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment. This is a broken world because it rejects the sound council of the gospel message of love and faith towards God through his Son Jesus Christ. Organised religion is living Satan’s lie: the baptism in the Holy Spirit is not for today, neither are the gifts of the spirit, there has been a cessation they say, since the time John the aged Apostle died at about a 100 years of age. The Promises of God make up the shield of faith which quenches all the fiery darts of the wicked. The question is: are you going to believe God or man? Faith triumphed; faith triumphed, knowing not defeat or fear, but embracing the promises of God in the heart. It will be a remnant that holds on to the promises of God unto eternal life. Jesus said, Fear not, little flock it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom [ Luke 12:32]. That statement is set in stone, indicating that the majority will fall away unto condemnation in these last days. Many shall be put into the crucible and tried with fire before the great and notable Day of the Lord shall come. The Lord would ask you the question: Where is your faith? Is it in the word of man or in the word of God? [Daniel 12:10] reads many shall be purified and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. This statement can pertain to the Gentiles also in these last days
@lilygraceamazing 3 жыл бұрын
It takes agreement with God 🌷
@jhiv3945 4 жыл бұрын
Duncan Campbell says that he did NOT bring revival to the Hebrides. God came in answer to the believing prayers of His people. I had the privilege of being in the Faith Mission Bible College when Duncan Campbell was the Principle. How I thank God for those days of preparation for the Lord's work.
@jakefraley7502 3 жыл бұрын
There is a move of God in East Ky and Western Ky working together bringing the third great awakening to America
@daefire1 3 жыл бұрын
@jeanettezook8700 3 жыл бұрын
Please give me more info about this. I live in WV, but was born and raised in Ky. Have been praying and looking for an opportunity to witness among many "churchgoers" (laodiceans). Please respond.
@shawnowens4435 3 жыл бұрын
Please share with us where this is happening.
@living_m2414 Жыл бұрын
Very interesting to see this posted 2 years ago now that we saw revival stirring at Asbury and spreading to other universities. It's only the beginning! LORD, our land is thirsty! Please pour out your Spirit!!! "For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants." Isaiah 44:3
@bijujacob9519 4 жыл бұрын
One more time Lord..pray like Samson! Save the world from the grip of Globalists!
@HazelArnold-fy9uz 2 ай бұрын
It does seem like it's all about the younger generation it doesn't matter what age you are if you're a hundred years old if you repent and get right with God you're Babe in the lord
@glennrobinson7193 3 жыл бұрын
Seriously friends, I believe with God all things ARE possible but I think hoping and praying for revival is a vain hope. To see that we are in the days of the fallen away, the disgusting state and condition of the church, should cause us to look up and lift up our heads, for our redemption draweth nigh. Also, I am always intrigued by how churches chase after the young people and teenagers. Weren't the disciples of Jesus seasoned hard working men not kids???
@living_m2414 Жыл бұрын
Praying for revival is not a vain hope because we pray to the same God who split the red seas, led Ninevah to repentance, rose Jesus from the dead, and set the world upside down when his spirit poured out on a little upper room prayer meeting at Pentecost. Let's not build a doctrine of doubt because our eyes haven't seen but rather let us hold fast to faith based in the Scriptures and in the Spirit! There are periods of hundreds of years of silence at points in the Bible before God would speak and move and today we don't have silence. He IS with us and moving and speaking but He wants to pour out in SUCH greater measure. Find me a revival that ever started any other way than with prayer, stubborn continual prayer that wouldn't give up. It looked hopeless that God would move at the beginning of every great revival. But his word is GOOD and he DOES answer prayer as we knock and keep knocking, ask and keep asking. He responds to desperation and hunger!! Two old women held to God's promise (if you listened to this sermon) and prayed isaiah 44:3 back to God until their faith became their eyes. If you want scriptures we can stand on, not just for revival generically but for last days revival, here are some that you can't deny. Some are very apparent but most will make most sense as you compare these scriptures to each other and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal HIS plans and promise for end times harvest!! Hosea 1:19 Jer 33:22; Rev 5:9; Acts 2:17; 2 Peter 3:9 (end times will very terrible but ALSO glorious!) ; Joel 2; Rev 6:12; Mathew 24:14; Hosea 1:10-11; Rev 7:9,14; Rev 6:6 compare to Hosea 2:21-23; Joel 2 compare to Rev 8:4. There is a greater terrible fulfillment of Joel 2 still coming and there is still coming a greater glorious fulfillment of the prophecy. Rev 8:7. Rev 9:2; Rev 9:3; Rev 7:14. Rev 9:21 is after the great multitude is taken out but there is an end time harvest! Rev 14:6, 15-16. Romans 11:25-29 Besides all of these promises and the precedent we have from scripture that tells us nothing we pray that is Gods will is a vain hope (and it IS his will to bring many souks to salvation!!), we are beginning to see the seedlings of revival bursting forth in America this year. Let us not give up now and produce a stillborn movement but let us pussshh into prayer until real revival is birthed by his Spirit! I pray that since you posted this a year ago, God has given you a greater vision for revival! He never told us to go quietly sit by and wait for Jesus to return, friend. He commanded us to watch, to be alert, to have oil burning in our lamps (my friend, oil has to do with intimacy with God and annointing and PRAYER!). He told us to go make disciples, heal the sick, cast out demons, baptize people in all the nations. He told us to pray! Let's do what he said and not let ourselves be complacent just because we haven't YET seen it. Let's get hungry and desperate. Until you yourself have started fasting regularly and holding hours long prayer times through the night for a long period of time, etc, the kind of desperate prayer that has led to every historical revival, please don't discourage believers who are carrying the burden of revival from praying for it. That's a serious thing to have to account to God for one day if in fact someone reads this and doesn't contend for a great outpouring that God is in fact looking for hungry heart to pour out a movement through and as a result souls are not saved. I say all this in love and in the fear of God. Let it be an encouragement to believe for MORE not less, as our GOD never changes!
@jtreformed5266 Жыл бұрын
Curious when and where this was recorded? Anyone know?
@wereallfucked 3 жыл бұрын
Hard to conceive that God steps down ...
@jeanettezook8700 3 жыл бұрын
But we know He can and we pray He will.
@wereallfucked 3 жыл бұрын
Easier than most restaurants I've worked for ...
@joeycolombo2549 Жыл бұрын
Tell me how Eric
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