Dungeons and Dragons Requiem The Animated Series-Plain of Dreams Sequence

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Zetavio Deloryan

Zetavio Deloryan

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@zetaviodeloryan5381 3 жыл бұрын
October 7th update: Its finished. Look elsewhere on my channel. Thank you all for your encouragement over the years!
@ynot241 3 жыл бұрын
You and everyone involved did a great job. I take a bow to all of you guy's willingness to put in the time and effort this has taken. Every single one of you. I'm happy I discovered this before you released it and could drop a few word of encouragement along the way. If you ever decided to make a small "documentary" about how this came to be or maybe a look behind the scenes of how you made it. The nitty gritty of it. I'd watch if with just as much interest. Ps. I saw you disabled the comments on the full episode. Why is that? I could see nothing but messages of respect and gratitude. Oh and finally I really liked you decided to change/add to the ending. Since I've read requiem so many times it was a nice surprise to see something I didn't know by heart : )
@zetaviodeloryan5381 3 жыл бұрын
KZbin disabled the comments. They claim it's made for kids. Bah! I appealed. Hoping they reverse it. I think "making of" documentaries are interesting to. Would have to get some kind of screen recorder hunted down, but yeah, that would be fun to do.
@zetaviodeloryan5381 3 жыл бұрын
Oh and Y Not, thank you for your kind words. Glad you liked.
@marcellorenatto 3 жыл бұрын
I'm really mad at KZbin for never recommending these videos before it came to fruition.
@oivatez3083 4 жыл бұрын
My dad has been working on this for the past 4 years, He shows me a lot of it, it's awesome you're really going to like it.
@zetaviodeloryan5381 4 жыл бұрын
February 3rd 2020. Still working like I've just been tossed into the mines of Theramore. Reassembling music cues from Spiderman & His Amazing Friends. I was able to line up a track I call "The Deceit" with dialog that appears when Eric Shelia and Presto are surveying the barren landscape of realms edge. This entire scene is done completely and I am about 90% happy with it. Tried adding the music that plays when the kids are working in the mines of Theramore (from In Search of The Dungeon Master) with the movement of the flying ship as it travels over the Flame Mountains. This music cue was only used this one time in DnD, but thats enough to qualify it as DnD music. There are seven audio tracks playing in this scene, the creaking of the wooden ship, the dialog, the music, the sounds of the volcano boiling, the sounds of volcanic explosions, the flapping of the dragons wings and lastly the effect of Hanks bow and the impacts it makes. Pressing forward everyday.
@ynot241 4 жыл бұрын
"Orc want to welcome you.... Where exactly are you welcoming us to? To where Zetavio is working. Where else?" I paraphrased that a bit, but close enough : ) - episode "in search of the dungeon master" about 11 minutes in.
@zetaviodeloryan5381 4 жыл бұрын
Yep! Piecing the music together from the series is almost impossible. There's so many sound effects and talking going on in the background that I have had to look at Spiderman for the music. I have had some success, and have found ways to hide the gaps in the music behind my own sound effects. Kind of like cheating but hey... whatever works
@zetaviodeloryan5381 6 жыл бұрын
Update: Sept 12, 2018. Its been about a year and what you see here was all that I had that I considered presentable. (As far as visuals, audio is another story) Currently I have a 18 minute "supercut" of the entite episode. Most episodes clocked in at about 20 minutes, BUT they frequently left stuff out of the script to allot for time. We dont have to do that, The plan is to put everything that was scripted into visual form. This might make it about 25 to 26 minutes long. We're trying to make this the absolute best it can possibly be, so be patient and thank you for your 'likes' and I reiterate my promise that it will be completed! (Hopefully before next summer)
@zetaviodeloryan5381 4 жыл бұрын
18 August 2020 UPDATE: I feel like I am saying the same thing over and over: Still working on audio. The visuals are 99% done. Occasionally as I sync dialog, sound effects and music, I am having to trim a few frames here and add a few frames there, just to get everything to sync up right. I recently got a better copy of the dvd radio show, so I started from the beginning replacing the dialog. I also had to restart laying down the audio because I found that the constant saving and loading, saving and loading...again and again was causing compression issue. The audio was degrading from its original source and was sounding awful. I am learning this as I go and the I am really happy with how its turning out. Also, remember how I said that sometimes the dvd radio show had random sound effects in the wrong place that I couldn't delete because charactors were speaking? I have been trying to compensate for this by making the charactors walk around (to explain random footsteps) or once when Venger is speaking there is a distinct magic sound that couldnt be removed. I decided to make Venger's fist light up with power for this scene and it worked perfect. I also had to completely replace the voice of one of the charactors for 2 reasons, firstly he doesn't sound the right age, and secondly, he needed to say some additional dialog. The end of this is on the horizon now!
@ynot241 4 жыл бұрын
Awesome to see you've been able to semi solve that sound issue by just working with it instead of fighting it. And yeah, saving and loading over and over again will quickly degrade the material if you're not using lossless formats to save them in! But lossless formats are usually very big. I've discovered that for myself a long time ago. I'm going to guess you had to replace bobby's voice. Anyway, nice to read this update. I'm still very much looking forward to whenever you'll be ready to show us the result of all of your hard work.
@dorlow3765 4 жыл бұрын
If I'm honest, it looks a little jaring....how can I explain.... it's like a southpark effect. characters cut out from the other episodes, pasted into new backdrops etc. I think that's what's most strange about it. On the other hand, it IS more official looking/more faithful to the series. I'm not gonna blow smoke up you're arse here, I'll judge once I see the completed product. But for now, I'm impressed with what's done.
@zetaviodeloryan5381 4 жыл бұрын
@@dorlow3765 I appreciate your opinion. This video has been tweaked considerably in the last 2 years. I feel it blends better now. Hopefully you'll think so too when it's done.
@zetaviodeloryan5381 4 жыл бұрын
18 March 2020. In the middle of this pandemic, my factory has shut down for 2 weeks, so that should give me time to do more work. Inching closer and closer to getting done. Adding sound effects and music. Some of the scenes that need finished, I can't mention what they are because they are critical suprises at the end. Some who haven't read the script might not want to read spoilers on a pinned post. I have reached out to the original composers company that made the music in an attempt to get clean samples of the incidental music. Fingers crosses. Everyone try and keep yourself healthy!
@ynot241 4 жыл бұрын
As much as I like you having more time to work on this, I'd wish the cause was a more happy one. Stay safe and healthy. On to happier thoughts... I never considered you could try and directly contact the original composers! I'm not sure whether they'll be legally allowed to share it with you, but it has been a long time ago it was made so here's hoping they still have it and are willing to share. Man that'd be super awesome!
@zetaviodeloryan5381 4 жыл бұрын
UPDATE 22 June 2020. The episode is currently 31 minutes long. The only parts I have to finish are in the segment labeled "Cenotaph aftermath" These scenes, involve the kids falling from a small height, picking themselves up, dusting themselves off, and surveying the damage around them. It sounds easy but is a chore to complete. I really want to be happy with this part because in a way, it is the culmination of the entire series. "The Payoff" as scriptwriters call it. I cant cut corners on this part. (Not that I really have anywhere but....) I didn't want to fall into the trap of just having close ups of the kids as they talk. I needed to have them turn, look at each other in wonder, pause to think, glance about in amazement. I also have added my own content to Michael Reeves script. Things that I knew had to happen to answer plot holes within the series. For instance, without being too specific, in one episode, Dungeon Master tells one of the children something that ends up being completely untrue. Its a question I have seen brought up on some of the forums, and I am going to answer it the only way it could be answered. So yeah, this extra content is taking up some time too. I am learning as I go with this, and the audio is presenting problems I didn't anticipate. When each episode was created, the music director would make the music line up with the action. This is something I noticed right away as I tried to lay the music down and just have it play over the action. Certain beats are throwing off the flow of the action. It is hard to describe, but trust me, if I don't get this right, people would notice. Case in point, the scene where one of the kids is facing off against Venger: I want it to resonate like the scene from Back To The Future. Where Marty is collapsing on stage, and George McFly acts as if he is going to make the wrong decision and not kiss Lorainne. All the action and pandemonium in the background goes quiet while the action focuses on one person making one decision before all is lost. I can't tell you enough, this has to work. I won't settle for anything but perfection on this one. Surely this will be done before the end of the year! Thanks for checking in on it
@zetaviodeloryan5381 4 жыл бұрын
16 April 2020 UPDATE: I hope everyone is staying well. I haven't got as much done on the episode as I would have liked. The time off work has been full of getting chores done around the house. My wife had a long list of stuff I have been putting off for years, and now is the time to get it done. But when we sit down at night to watch a movie or two, I work on cutting out images on my phone. Stay safe everyone!
@rorysims6091 4 жыл бұрын
I really hope that you get to finish this as it would be such a great thing for fans that feel let down with no ending to a series they loved. I love what you've done and can totally see how this could work by re-using the footage that already exists. And also the time and effort you have put in to this deserves credit as it must be so time consuming. Look forward to seeing the end result.
@zetaviodeloryan5381 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks Rory. It will get done. Summer time is always slow on progress, but I am still working on this every chance I get.
@perrygrosshans8537 3 жыл бұрын
I just got THIS preview video AFTER I watched Requiem. I am SO glad it popped up in my feed!! Will comment more on the full video comments but holy cow!!! Amazing work!
@zetaviodeloryan5381 5 жыл бұрын
May 9th 2019 update: Still working diligently. Completing background scenes, rearranging scenes so they make more sense. Sometimes I will construct 90% of a scene then realize that I have someone standing in the wrong place and must go back and fix it. Once the visuals are done then I will have to go to work with the audio. I am counting on that being the most difficult part. People can handle bad visuals, but bad audio is where they draw the line!
@ynot241 5 жыл бұрын
Most people would likely not notice(or care about) those small continuity errors, but I can understand wanting it to be the best it can be when you're already putting so much time and effort into it! it's exciting to see you're still going strong!
@zetaviodeloryan5381 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks, and I know, even the studio animation sometimes has errors, and when I do upload it, I know I will find something I missed and will be kicking myself for. No way around that problem.
@zetaviodeloryan5381 4 жыл бұрын
December 27th UPDATE. Today I spent almost the entire day adding audio to the Hydra attack scene. I have 5 layers of audio for : Dialog, Sound Effects, Hydra roars, Hydra Footsteps, and Music. Because the Dialog comes from the DVD radio show, and I had to remove the narrators voice, there are big gaps in the dialog audio. Normally this wouldnt be a problem but the dialog came with music and sound effects randomly playing in the background. This presents me with some real difficulty in making it sound good. I have to reassemble the music score from the various episodes and then line it up to match with the music thats already there. Its playing behind the dialog and as such, theres no way to remove it. So its is kind of like trying to build a house on a lot that has a bunch of immovable rocks in it. The visuals are nearly complete but I have gone back thru looking at things to see what needs changed. I showed a rough cut to my loving family and told them to be brutally honest about what they see. They are really helpful. Sometimes they would say things like, "Shelia was standing on the wrong side of Eric in this scene." Or, "You need to make his eyes are looking more downward." Or "You cant really tell what shape that room is or where the things are laid out, you need to put in a scene where the whole room can be seen." So as of this moment I am polishing the visuals and am knee deep in the music and audio!
@albertodespina5370 4 жыл бұрын
When is out Requiem?
@ynot241 4 жыл бұрын
The second you mentioned the dialogue of the characters has music and sound effects going on in the background which you have to somehow work with, I was going like: "OUCH!!!". I sorta knew, but hadn't yet realized the extra effort it would take. An extra hurdle to overcome. It's great you have a preview audience to point out mistakes. I honestly wouldn't mind being an extra set of fresh eyes to provide you with feedback if you ever feel you need some. Although I'd probably have a bit of difficulty being brutally honest. I'm looking forward to this way too much : ) I really appreciate these small updates. It's always nice to see it's still being worked on. I wish you all the patience, time and enjoyment needed to bring this to a successful conclusion!
@everfreebrumby8385 7 жыл бұрын
As a child of the 80s myself, it would be great to finally have closure on this series. Can't wait for the full episode. 😎
@christopherbullock1369 4 жыл бұрын
Going back to this on here my friend. I was going through the series again with my youngest son who will be a little older than i was when the show first aired. We went through all the (my favorite episodes) which was pretty much the entire series, with a few episodes that we skip over. But then he was like did they ever get home, what happens next...flash forward 2020...i thank you for you hard work...
@zetaviodeloryan5381 4 жыл бұрын
I read your comment to my family and my son says, "Boy dad you better not screw this up." Lol. I think he's right.
@averageguy1261 10 ай бұрын
I had no idea this was in production all these years. Thank you for all your work. It is appreciated.
@zetaviodeloryan5381 5 жыл бұрын
28 August 2019 Update: I have 28 minutes of the visuals finished. I estimate about 45 second to 1 minutes left to do visually. That may not sound like much but what I have left is some torturous images. The work on Venger in the very end is much of the slowdown. Once visuals are done, I will need to sync audio. Footsteps, arrow blasts, magic effects, the sounds of a volcano, exploding things and also the sounds of a giant ameboid. What does something like that even sound like? Then once the audio is done, I will have to add music. I plan on using the music from the series, but as it has never been released, I have to piece it together from the series. Really excruciating work!
@Tigerman1138 5 жыл бұрын
Zetavio Deloryan wow. I I just came on this morning and see you updated us 15 hours ago.
@ynot241 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah, you sure picked an intense and long piece of labor to keep yourself busy with! I'm happy you did though. Thanks for letting us know how things are moving along. I'm revisiting your two videos regularly to see whether you updated it with a new message. Btw. have you already searched on youtube for music from the series? Is this what you are looking for? kzbin.info/www/bejne/rZimY36vp52bepo maybe the creator of these would like to lend his strength.
@zetaviodeloryan5381 5 жыл бұрын
Intense? Yes? But seeing it come together has kept me going. I've seen Gigatiamat's work and actually built off of it, some of the stray sound effects in the background just wont mesh with the action going on in Requiem. I grabbed audio from the Mill Creek Dvds and BCI Eclipse dvds. Some of the music was changed for some reason on BCI. I organized all the music clips, lined them up in Audacity and then deleted portions with background noise, hoping that the little pieces would fit together and sound good. Work in progress!
@mikepeters2421 6 жыл бұрын
I cant believe I just found this! You have got to do the whole episode! Ive been a fan for 34 years, from when it first aired. I just recently found the english translated web comic, but this is soooo much better! If I had the experience in the fields you require, Id help in an instant for nothing! If only you could only get the original actors, but I know theres little chance of that. Especially since Sidney miller, DM himself, passed on several years ago.
@zetaviodeloryan5381 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much. I am still working on it. I log about 4 hours everyday. The time consuming aspect of it is the rotoscoping work. Because im reusing existing footage to save time, and compensate for my completely inept drawing skills. The editor im using allows me to cut around the charactors, and leave the background transparent. I do this frame by frame, color correcting them, flipping them horizontal, playing them in reverse, adding mouth movements to frames that didnt have mouth movements before. Anything to make it look new. The backgrounds are cobbled from numerous sources. This scene uses monoliths from the Mount Anguish scene in the Thundercats episode"Doomgaze" As far as the voices, all audio is from the radio show that was included on the 2006 dvd. Some of the voice actors did an awesome job approximating the original actors. Ive played around with recutting audio from the series to approximate the voices, but thats a nightmarish mind numbingly tedious experience. The instrumental is lifted from the episodes too. Ive had to reassemble the music by grabbing pieces used across all episodes, and link them together. Not perfect, but the original score is not available, so i had to improvise. Again, thank you for your input. It will be finished. Ive been at it everyday for 14 months and am committed to finishing it!
@mikepeters2421 6 жыл бұрын
I thought I recognized that background. Tcat fan too, but DD has always topped the list. Yeah, very important to keep the original music. I wish they would release a soundtrack. If this clip is any indication of what you are doing, perhaps if by some miracle they ever release the series to blu ray, they could add your completed film as the long awaited final episode. I dont know whether or not Icould help you, but I have created many wallpapers and music videos from the series. I use photoshop alot. I can perhaps supply backgrounds from the realm, mix and match scenes and characters. If youre interested I can send u some of my images. Just a thought.
@rodrigonobrega7777 5 жыл бұрын
About the instrumental musics, maybe this helps: kzbin.infosearch?query=soundtrack There are 7 instrumental musics that this D&D fan isolated, with little SFX left in some of them. He also informs that some of those musics were also in The Incredible Hulk and in Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends.
@rodrigonobrega7777 5 жыл бұрын
One more music: ending credits, got directly from the cd of Johnny Douglas "On Screen". kzbin.info/www/bejne/bpeQp3Z7lq-NhrM
@kubikiribasara3499 5 жыл бұрын
@@zetaviodeloryan5381 PLEASE PLEASE FINISH, the same as Mike Peters if I had the skills I would help you for free but I am not an artist or an animator, I grew up to be Registered Nurse. I remember sitting in front of the television in 1983 when it first aired.
@euconhecoessegame1437 6 жыл бұрын
amazing!! please continue!
@stuartberryman2817 3 жыл бұрын
I did enjoy watching this
@jimmybisk 5 жыл бұрын
This is something I have always wanted to see. Many thanks for this. It's extremely true to the look and feel of the original - almost identical in fact! I can't wait to see the finished product!
@zetaviodeloryan5381 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks, I also have waited to see it for a long time. I was never going to be able to animate this myself because I just cant draw at all. Realizing that some frames are sometimes reused, I figured I would try that myself. It's been like putting a puzzle together and I am happy with how its turned out. The authentic look is something I really was hoping for. I still work on it every day, getting maybe a second or two finished each day! Slow work but I hope you like it when its done!
@jimmybisk 5 жыл бұрын
@@zetaviodeloryan5381 Thanks, I will certainly watch out for it!
@derikdragon80 3 жыл бұрын
He was making Venger mad.
@VJ-gj6co 4 жыл бұрын
Wow, just wow! I dug out my box set for a binge session and only found out there was even a script for a final episode through the special features. I did some searches online and came across your videos and was blown away by the video quality; you’ve done an outstanding job on them! Really looking forward to the full episode, thanks so much for doing this!
@zetaviodeloryan5381 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks V J, and your'e welcome. The episode is so close to being done I can taste it. The slowdown is just that adding sound effects, dialog, and music is a time consuming process, moreso than I thought it would be.
@markkane2650 4 жыл бұрын
This looks fantastic..keep the great work and stay healthy and safe
@zetaviodeloryan5381 4 жыл бұрын
Mark, I hang out at the "Dungeons and Dragons Cartoon TV Series" facebook page. Come on over, you can find out who I really am (you wont be impressed) and see some images and other things I have shared with them.
@christopherbullock1369 4 жыл бұрын
Hey saw the update on your work....not checking in on the status of how the episode is going...but from a fellow fan of the Animated series...Thank You....And I hope that you and your family are well...My youngest son and i just revisited some of our favorite episodes again.
@pferreira1983 5 жыл бұрын
Great work although I believe the Venger voice having a bit more Optimus Prime in it. Basically a bit more deeper Cullen is needed. Apart from that great!
@zetaviodeloryan5381 5 жыл бұрын
I don't believe there is much I can do with the voice. Its done by Neil Caplan, who voiced Optimus Prime in Transformers: Robots In Disguise. All the dialog is from the 2006 radio show that came with the DVD. Unfortunately, this production came with music playing in the background so there are random noises and audio effects that don't line up with the action in the animation. As of yet I have done nothing to try and clean it up, but that is part of what I plan on doing before an official release is made. This upload was really just to show that it could be done and to get help with cutting out images to reuse. As of right now, I have plenty of images ready to splice together, so help is no longer an issue. What is tricky is simply compiling everything together. This week I only mananged 6 seconds of footage. (The kids leaping away from the Hydra, and Venger giving Dungeon Master the "side eye" on a balcony above realms edge! It's a lot harder than it looks!
@pferreira1983 5 жыл бұрын
@@zetaviodeloryan5381 I see. Never got to hear the Requiem audio story done for DVD. It's good progress and the music does indeed add to the story so try not to see it as a hindrance.
@MGSBigBoss77 6 жыл бұрын
Please have Peter Cullen read the D&D Requiem script and voice Venger again for this project! His voice is sadly missing from this.
@zetaviodeloryan5381 6 жыл бұрын
MGSBigBoss77, I agree, having his voice would be awesome. The audio you hear is from the 2006 DVD radio show.
@MrTurtlesquirt 7 жыл бұрын
Amazing work!!
@Dekion2003 4 жыл бұрын
Oh my GOD!!!! Its perfect!!!! Much work here!!! I WANT THIS MUSIC!!!!
@zetaviodeloryan5381 4 жыл бұрын
You and I both! The music is called Entering the Veil of Mists. What you are hearing is my first attempt at assembling the music from the series. There are about 20 different clips of this instrumental used throughout the series. I have tried to piece the clean parts together into a cohesive whole. Trust me, its agonizing to listen to by itself. Numerous gaps and random sound effects. I tried to hide some of the gaps behind the dialog and sound effects in this scene, with moderate success. I have a cleaner cut for use on the final product, but it in itself is still not complete. The incidental music from this series is like the my Holy Grail. I am still trying to get it done. DnD deserves it!
@fitnessmax83 5 жыл бұрын
Amazing work!! Keep it up. I'm spanish and I have always loved dungeons and dragons. It would be nice if, at least, subtitles were put in Spanish, because I know that dubbing it into Spanish is more complicated. Sorry for my English, jeje. A greeting!
@zetaviodeloryan5381 5 жыл бұрын
Manuel, If I had audio of actors doing the words in Spanish, I would love to also release it in that form!
@fitnessmax83 5 жыл бұрын
Zetavio Deloryan, the only thing that could happen is the chapters dubbed into Spanish. I do not know if that would be worth it.
@rodrigonobrega7777 5 жыл бұрын
Hello. Congratulations for completing 20 minutes! I imagine what are the remaining scenes... The battle against the hydra, the scene with the dragon and the flying ship over the volcano, the amoeboid. These scenes must be difficult to do and I think you can't use only ready images from episodes to make them. Are you still doing this all by yourself? Maybe at this time it's important the help from someone that can draw very well. Unfortunately, that's not my case. But I can try to contact people that may help. For example, Reinaldo Rocha, the Brazilian who drew that Requiem's comic in 2010 (it was the final work for his graduation). He (or someone else) could draw some images that can be used by you to continue your awesome work: rotoscope, etc. Are you interested? Thank you very much for everything.
@zetaviodeloryan5381 5 жыл бұрын
Rodrigo, The hydra scenes are almost done. I need to have a shot of the kids looking at it struggling in the muck, but havent figured out how to do that just yet. The bronze dragon, in my opinion looks great. However, its not bronze. The dragon I found is a dark purple color. Recoloring it would be a mountain of a job, and it probably would look terrible if I did. The ship? Yep. I found a ship that is PERFECT in an episode of Scooby Doo! The ameboid is a trick. I used every shot I could find of tentacles or blobs, colored them blue, made them transparent and added a light blue glowing effect. I think it works well. As far as any extra drawings. I am piecing together the parts of the cenotaph. I have what I need, but its not assembled yet. I have to put the arches in where they go, the columns, the hole in the side, the stairs, all of that. I cant think of anything specific that I need drawn up at this time, but I will keep your offer in mind!
@rodrigonobrega7777 5 жыл бұрын
​@@zetaviodeloryan5381 For the last image of the episode, probably it will be important to have a new drawing. The script says: "The kids look at each other, grinning, tears of happiness in their eyes, ready to make their greatest decision of all, as we PULL BACK, through the broken wall of the cenotaph, BACK, rising over Realm’s Edge, BACK STILL FURTHER, craning up above mountains, through clouds, until at last we encompass an incredible vista: the Realm itself, with its myriad lands and lifeforms, its dangers and its joys; a new Realm now, but still, and always: the Realm of Dungeons and Dragons." It's a defiant image to draw, but, as a guide, these "maps" from the special DVD released in 2006 could be used: www.enworld.org/forum/attachment.php?s=c2b89f0622a696e2eaa030d5c010fc18&attachmentid=63423&d=1407684809 It doesn't show all places, because it doesn't include the places from the Requiem episode (the Realm's Edge, with the cenotaph, that should be at south). So, if someone agree to draw such image, the drawing could have some of the places shown in those maps (not necessarily all), and you could do this last scene using the final drawing zoomed in the Realm's Edge and then zooming out until the entire image appears.
@martinshearman-brettle1406 5 жыл бұрын
Recoloring the purple dragon is super easy. Load up the cells in Photoshop (or Premier or After Effects) and use HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) adjust. Shift the hue to around +117, you'll almost certainly want to adjust the saturation and lightness too depending on how deep the purple is. Only down side is, if the dragon has a red tongue, it'll turn green... but... you could argue that thats a style choice ;)
@zetaviodeloryan5381 5 жыл бұрын
@@martinshearman-brettle1406, I tried shifting the hue but didnt have much luck, but I will try it the route you mention!
@martinshearman-brettle1406 5 жыл бұрын
@@zetaviodeloryan5381 if you ping me a frame to "shearmanbrettle at gmail dot com" I'll get the exact values for you.
@alexdaily5067 4 жыл бұрын
Can you give us a update on the episode.
@sboloshis1188 3 жыл бұрын
It’s done.
@SkyShazad 6 жыл бұрын
awesome job man, iv always wanted the audio for this final where did you get it from?
@zetaviodeloryan5381 6 жыл бұрын
Music was reconstructed from pieces of all the episodes. A little bit here, a little bit there, and yes, it is as difficult as it sounds. I'm still not happy with the audio from this clip. It will be tweaked a bit more for the final. I dont have a completion date, but I work on it diligently every day. Today, I finished the scene with Eric, Shelia and Presto alone at realms edge. In the next few weeks, I plan on uploading a clip real of various things I have finished, not quite a trailer, just giving people an idea of how this is gonna look. And thanks!
@SkyShazad 6 жыл бұрын
amazing man, you've done an awesome job, iv seen some other do this as well but not as good as yours, this takes time, look forward to your other uploads man
@user-vn2dj6bf1r 5 жыл бұрын
Великолепно! Жду полную версию. Спасибо)
@zetaviodeloryan5381 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you! The full version will be done soon. I am working to make it the best I can!
@albertodespina6763 4 жыл бұрын
Episode 28 Requiem will be out in February 2020?
@zetaviodeloryan5381 4 жыл бұрын
Very doubtful. I am working on recreating the music. That is very time consuming work. I will keep you updated on my progress!
@alexferrana3979 4 жыл бұрын
@@zetaviodeloryan5381 Good luck, dUde!
@dorlow3765 5 жыл бұрын
I saw this ( kzbin.info/www/bejne/hYa2moRnpLWJadE ) years ago. But seeing your video gives me hope that it will be completed.
@zetaviodeloryan5381 5 жыл бұрын
JB3 Media certainly did inspire me that this can be done!
@arcantis8964 5 жыл бұрын
When can we expect the whole episode? =)
@zetaviodeloryan5381 5 жыл бұрын
I cannot give a completion date, because every time I do, I keep having to push it further ahead! I have been meaning to comment with an update, thank you for the reminder!
@bethrappeport9381 3 жыл бұрын
That first shot is copied from Roger Dean’s work.
@zetaviodeloryan5381 3 жыл бұрын
I am not sure who that is. Will have to check out his work. However the opening shot is taken from Reinaldo Rocha's comic book adaptation of the script. Used with his permission.
@zetaviodeloryan5381 3 жыл бұрын
I just did a google of Roger Dean's work. I do recognize the similarities between the structures! I believe Reinaldo was inspired by this artist's work.
@alexdaily5067 4 жыл бұрын
are you going to finish this anytime soon?
@zetaviodeloryan5381 4 жыл бұрын
Soon? Like before the end of the year? Yes. I am very close but there is music that needs created and voices that need synced. This is a frame by frame process that takes a long time.
@albertodespina6763 5 жыл бұрын
When will be out D&D Episode 28 Requiem?
@zetaviodeloryan5381 5 жыл бұрын
I don't know. But I promise it will come out. I am working on sound and music right now!
@albertodespina3590 5 жыл бұрын
Ok. But please i hope to see old voices of Dungeon Master, Venger, Hank, Diana, Eric, Bobby, Sheila and Presto.
@zetaviodeloryan5381 4 жыл бұрын
The voices I am using come from the radio show that was on the 2006 DVD. Only one voice is original. I do think they all do a very good job. I also plan on asking the original actors if they would like to participate.
@alexdaily5067 4 жыл бұрын
Do you want to give a update for the episode
@zetaviodeloryan5381 4 жыл бұрын
Yup. Pinned it to the top.
@markkane2650 4 жыл бұрын
Any chance you can upload the rough cut you made?
@zetaviodeloryan5381 4 жыл бұрын
I feel like if I did that, then the finished product would lose its impact. Trust me, it will get done! I'm sitting here in my lounge chair watching Netflix with the family and cutting out images on my phone. Presto turning and running away. It will be worth the wait!
@ynot241 4 жыл бұрын
Gotta be honest, I too would love to see a rough cut, but there's only one time you can view something for the first time and I'd like it to be in it's best possible state. I mean... realistically speaking there's not ever going to be a new episode of this again so we gotta make it count for all she's worth! Short showcases of what you're doing are still nice to have though.
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