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E4's Married at first sight's Brad skellys first exclusive interview after being kicked off of MAFS

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Brad Skelly adress's claims of being controlling and abusing towards his MAFS wife Shona Manderson, Brad also talks about being a meditation practitioner and how a life of partying, steroids, and an unhealthy lifestyle left him with depression and the universe and all things healing made Brad the person he is today.
Brad unravels the truth being reality TV and how months of filming can be turned into 1 hour of airtime for viewers to form a strong opinion against a person they don't actually know which causes people to get abuse and hate online.

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@shaunhorlock5268 10 ай бұрын
Spiritual narcissism is a real phenomenon. The act of practicing spirituality is about the loss of self. What Brad does is use his spiritual stories to increase his sense of self. It’s a superiority tool for him. The way he acted towards Shona is beyond camera trickery and E4 creating a narrative. That was his behaviour that was ugly and narcissistic. No one should tell the woman ‘they love from their root to the solar plexus’ to shut up in front of a room of people on national television. Baffling.
@jadebel7006 Ай бұрын
This so accurate to so many people now..especially since the uprising of manifestation which in itself is a narcissistic and self absorbed act, which is clearly just absolute nonsense anyway.
@ona_tzar 10 ай бұрын
I remember the first time he walked on to the screen, I saw his face and eyes and thought, "he looks evil, something dark is there". Then he started to talk about meditation and his self healing journey and child, and I thought, "Wow, how interesting how I could mislable someone like that. But why? Why do I still see that demon in his face, then?". It was a huge disonance, and he managed to convince me for a second, but then ofcourse he just proved himself in the end. He did all this to himself but ofcourse can't take accountability, which only further drives home how classically narcissistic he is. We listened with our own ears, him tell her to shut up in front a room full of people (for a very NOT good reason), him pick apart at her "weaknesses", him put himself "higher" than her, him use controlling language like, "I can allow her to ", him say himself he's into dominance... Brad, your eyes revealed all from the moment you walked on that screen, and your actions only spoke louder. Sorry, but you're a text book bully and it's probably one of the first times on TV I was genuinely worried about another woman's safety . Get a life. Such a loser. I love me some spirituality, but it's also the new age false prophets that are the worst con men, rapists, and abusers.
@ona_tzar 10 ай бұрын
By the way... Self aware people who are doing the work and who are more on the empathic end of the spectrum don't really take out their 'stress in a pressure cooker' by ridiculing other people constantly.
@gabrielleoakley9152 9 ай бұрын
I am seriously concerned for any female who get s involved with him
@nemomonoplebritainnia8134 11 ай бұрын
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, it's a duck! He was controlling he was being abusive. I guarantee this is not the last time you hear he's done this.
@susandavey2361 10 ай бұрын
He definitely came across like that, weather it was his intention or not, he seemed to be trying to mold shona into something that suited him, he didn't seem to want to listen to her, he thought he was better, more intelligent and more mature than her, she was not his equal, he seemed to be trying to teach her all the time what was shown on the tele
@nemomonoplebritainnia8134 10 ай бұрын
@@hannahhatzel141 😂😂 exactly!
@divinecommerce3912 10 ай бұрын
Screaming SHUTUP at a dinner party in anger, no matter what context, is a horribly abusive thing to do. PERIOD. That's a duck in a red flag LOL.
@Alexlamb442 10 ай бұрын
@@divinecommerce3912When he said shut up that was a poor choice of words. He was trying to say ‘you don’t need to justify yourself.’ People can’t communicate well when they’re angry and triggered
@nemomonoplebritainnia8134 9 ай бұрын
@@Alexlamb442 after he just do a huge performance to the entire group to prove and justify himself, she's not allowed. Bigger picture.
@gnarlycharlie1701 9 ай бұрын
Narcissists have a super ego which is in place to protect how they truly feel about themselves. Narcissists are not born they are created and unfortunately they cannot look at themselves as bad or wrong because their sense of real self is so fragile and frightening. In a way I feel sorry for them but unfortunately you must avoid them at all costs. They have a chasm in their soul which they will try to fill through grandiose ideas of themselves and the gaslighting of others. Trying to win an argument with them is like trying to put a fire out with a flame thrower. Nothing is ever their fault and everyone is out to get them. They also believe they are above everyone else. I can imagine Brad having an argument with another ‘’spiritual” person and professing ‘I am more spiritual than you’ Children of narcissists often become codependents or narcissists themselves its so sad 😞
@ep6589 10 ай бұрын
narcissistic cult leader vibes
@GUNSTONbuiltonagraveyard007 10 ай бұрын
The show hasn't made u out to be the bad guy, YOU did that all on yr own. The UNIVERSE is BIGGER than anyone & anything. Your eyes told a story when you were at the dinner table & while looking at yr mrs. You went on the show for CLOUT & getting yr leg over, pure and simple.
@lorrainemcdonald7982 11 ай бұрын
Brad wants the best but gave his worst!
@TheRustyPrince 10 ай бұрын
Really odd bloke.
@jakethedude100 10 ай бұрын
He oozes arrogance. Didn’t like him and still don’t. This spiritual stuff is what we all do. It’s called growing up!
@Joshua-re3xw 10 ай бұрын
@NikkiStutzman 10 ай бұрын
What doesn't track for me is him saying "it just wasn't" kicking off in the Maldives and the way they were at the first dinner party. They came in SUPER into each other, so for him to say he wasn't feeling it from the honeymoon just doesn't feel true to me based on their interactions. He talked down to her and belittled her feelings. It doesn't matter if you feel the same way your partner does or not. The whole "I don't care what other people think, so therefore you shouldn't either" is emotionally immature. People are allowed to feel how they feel, even if you don't feel the same way. Your job as a partner is to hear the other person and acknowledge their feelings as valid, not tell them to shut up about them. I also find it a bit hypocritical that he goes on and on about external validation and how meaningless it is, getting on Shona for caring what other people think, but then goes on to say that if he posts a picture that he thinks is decent, he goes to check the comments "because who doesn't like attention?" It would suggest he ALSO seeks external validation in some ways as well. 🤷🏾‍♀️ So why was it so wrong for Shona to seek that in her own way?
@nemomonoplebritainnia8134 10 ай бұрын
I think what is a bit hypocritical about that is he jumped up and gave a big speech to the whole group because he cares what they think then tells her to shut up when she steals his thunder by telling him i his dramatics didn't work.
@NikkiStutzman 10 ай бұрын
@@nemomonoplebritainnia8134 Yeah, he contradicts himself. He tries to sound so much more evolved than everyone else. The fact that multiple people who were on the show with him felt he was condescending, controlling, etc. should tell him something. It's not all editing, because the other cast members weren't reacting to editing.
@nemomonoplebritainnia8134 10 ай бұрын
@@NikkiStutzmanyeah, exactly, one to one he's probably convincing as long as everything centers around him and he has control. He loses that control as soon as he is in a group setting. He sounds like a cult leader not a husband. No one will ever live up to his ego.
@stopdragginaround 10 ай бұрын
Brad, every spiritual person has a different 'it/understanding of the universe'. A different way of finding loving meaning in the world. I think what rubs people in the wrong way is that you speak of your own personal understanding as if it is the correct way to understand. But so many people who do amazing things for the world and their families have a different understanding of spirituality than yours that is just as valid. Your teaching might be one way but it is not THE WAY. Just a view from an impartial outsider
@mishellian1979 10 ай бұрын
He doesn't explore any other alternative understandings because he physically can't at this point of time in his life. This makes him instantly unrelatable. I'm glad that this is recorded for him to revisit because the penny will drop eventually. He should know this already but when you gossip about your spiritual work in the way he does, you dissipate all the energy out of it. He is stuck in ego and grandiosity which is not the point of the work.
@stopdragginaround 10 ай бұрын
@mishellian1979 you are correct, his brand of spirituality comes across as truly egocentric. Unfortunate that this is what is shouted so loudly. Imagine if his view of spirituality was to spread the message of love, empathy and equality, he could have used his platform to truly spread good.
@nemomonoplebritainnia8134 10 ай бұрын
Have a look at cult leaders, they say follow the same behaviour patterns. That's why it gives so many the creeps.
@mishellian1979 10 ай бұрын
@@stopdragginaround His meaning of spirituality can only mean that he teaches others, not the other way around which doesn't allow for deep empathy or any congruence. He weaponises it to stops others from getting close or for keeping his vulnerability at arm's length. That's why I say, when he revisits this video in 10 years time, he will understand that the whole point is to drop the attachment to his ego, hopefully he will have changed considerably from this video. His justification on TV opportunities was laughable, it feels like he doesn't know what his values are and one can never take spiritual guidance from someone who clearly is conflicted with their basic values. Your values is your ultimate life compass, you don't just go for an opportunity just because it is new if it doesn't align with your values. Again, he should already know this if he's truly following a spiritual path. 🙄
@greivus1 10 ай бұрын
@@mishellian1979 Well articulated.
@moonwater7985 10 ай бұрын
Everything about him scream narcassistic.... No camera trickery required lol.
@kornNpunk 10 ай бұрын
With all the tattoos all over and his way of lifestyle, he sure is a lost soul looking for answers. Being in MAFS itself prove, he and many require HELP
@divinecommerce3912 10 ай бұрын
Maybe that's what his face tats spell... HELP ME I NEED TO PAY CHILD SUPPORT?? What they don't spell... "Husband Material"
@lisawentworth6831 10 ай бұрын
@@divinecommerce3912 excellent answer!
@carolynmurphy3697 9 ай бұрын
I often wonder where do our thoughts come from as they are not always our own and a good example of this is when you sit in meditation and are told to just observe your thoughts and let them pass, just observe them and dont mentally go with/into them. The idea is to find the silence between the thoughts until the thoughts eventually become more quieter. Everything is energy even thoughts, so who is putting them in our minds or where are they coming from?
@reekachristina4288 8 ай бұрын
Bradley, every show needs a villian, but you sir gave that role to yourself. Ive never seen a couple kicked off the show the way you and Shona were. The producers want the drama, but your behavior was so atrocious, they couldnt even allow you to stay on the show. You did this to yourself. How you spoke to Shona, how you treated her behind closed doors and infront of people, absolutely disgusting b3havior. We all are afraid of any woman falling for you. We all know that you only get women to like you because of your good looks. 😢
@cow365 11 ай бұрын
Can someone timestamp when he talks about MAFS
@FullyGame 10 ай бұрын
38 ish mins in
@tobywalkert3t 11 ай бұрын
What il say about Brad. From knowing him in Secondary School to Seeing his Online Lifestyle for so many years & almost a fake persona to people please & constantly try to fill a void of acceptance for his genuine self. To only recently getting back in touch & even joining him on a journey of Spiritual Medication & healing.. He's finally the person he's always wanted to be & with so many years of prejudged perceptions of him from what is seen through a screen.. I'm so proud to see how he is allowing himself to be completely open in all forms of emotion & mental & Spiritual understanding. To make that change & shift for some would almost seem like another front or mask he's wearing. But coming back around and seeing him for how he is & has been for sometime. This is the Brad that's always been there... it's just never been the confident stronger one that was able to flourish in previous times where as now he wears it all open & has a completely new set of eyes to look out & be so much more mindful of any and all situations & scenarios through Meditation self help & development. Proud of you mate & a thankyou for your help in setting me on a newer path as of late
@Alexlamb442 10 ай бұрын
He seems like a straight up legend to me. Everything he said was totally on point
@gabrielleoakley9152 9 ай бұрын
He needs threapy
@Alexlamb442 10 ай бұрын
I was shocked by some of the stuff I saw on MAFS but I like what he’s saying in this interview. He comes across as very wise and insightful. I think it’s a shame when we demonise other people and pigeonhole them. I’m not saying he’s perfect, but I enjoyed hearing about his work with meditation and psychedelics
@nicolabibby3341 9 ай бұрын
I think you are so wrong, he thinks he is wise and insightful but it is all about him. His thoughts, his feelings and his superiority. Zero empathy and true feelings. He wants to control everyone, he can. He showed he was a nasty person.
@Alexlamb442 9 ай бұрын
@@nicolabibby3341 I value your opinion and I can see where you’re coming from. He has stuff to work on for sure. I do like a lot of the stuff he says about meditation and personal growth though. The ultimate question is, I suppose, does he embody it? I talk a lot of shit myself about spirituality but can be very unconscious. The next question is, can we still accept good advice from someone who doesn’t embody it perfectly? There are many therapists that I’m sure have emotional hang ups and issues. I disagree that he’s a nasty person. Just misguided at worst. But just my opinion
@Alexlamb442 9 ай бұрын
Sounds like Warren needs to lose that ego
@lonelise3559 10 ай бұрын
You definitely are bro please. Imagine you're married with someone but still call her immature & you have the thing of you will allow her to do certain things. You need work on your self, same as that girl she needs to stand up for herself marn. She's too soft haibo. It doesn't matter if she loves too much at the first time, she will find someone who matches her standard & her immature lols
@gennybritton4593 5 ай бұрын
Hate to be a Willy, i study particle physics and listening to him talk about this is a bit painful to watch. The universe has no plans for you. You are only here by an incomprehensibly enormous chance as an extremely complex structure of atoms. The atoms that you are made up from were forged in dying stars and have accumulated in you brought about by billions and billions of years of chemical reactions and natural selection. The fact you are even here is wild so make the most of it and learn as much as you can to evolve this species. We are the only manifestation of experience of and knowledge in our solar system, or even galaxy so it’s an enormous responsibility to truly find out the secrets of the universe. Spiritualism is not it. These retreats are just rinsing you for your money, psychedelic trips are refractions of your personal experience and how you perceive the world. Capitalism is brainwashing everyone, read a book, do some real learning. Stop using bullshit spirituality as a character trait and a weapon of control. But also having said that, Buddhism is great, we love Buddhism.
@gennybritton4593 5 ай бұрын
Also this man can’t see images when he imagines because maybe his brain developed over time in that way naturally? Not everyone perceives thoughts as images? That’s really normal?
@olley1ify 9 ай бұрын
You did it yourself.
@kadiangraham4450 10 ай бұрын
Bradley....I like when she says dat on maf😅
@davidbosquette2940 8 ай бұрын
It was better times when men didn't sit around chatting like little btiches 🙄
@carolynmurphy3697 9 ай бұрын
Lord, no one is perfect and I bet many who have left a negative comment have narcissistic traits themselves. People just love to moan and moan and moan and moan.....yawn 🥱
@carolynmurphy3697 9 ай бұрын
Reality T.V is all about Social Engineering the population
@nikkijones4716 5 ай бұрын
Sociopath! Run!!
@eibhlinnichrualoai 9 ай бұрын
lol not even gonna listen but the title is 💯
@Chateauxrescue 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for this Bradley!❤❤❤ Get that book out! On money - get 3 million Vietnamese Dong asap it’s set to jump very very high.❤❤❤
@Joshua-re3xw 10 ай бұрын
He’s so hot
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