Easterling Dragon Emperor Hero Review - Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game | MESBG

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Into the West

Into the West

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@PretentiousPainters Жыл бұрын
Really enjoying the mesbg competitive chats. Please more.
@intothewestpodcast Жыл бұрын
Thanks for listening! New videos every week :)
@HodgePodgeHobbies Жыл бұрын
this review is Spot on, great content by the as well lads, a fellow Albertan appreciates seeing what local Canadian Meta is ahead of the battle of Amon Sul, i know we will see at least 1 emperor there but wondering how'd they'd match up against the attack on lothlorien LL
@intothewestpodcast Жыл бұрын
Much appreciated, Ian and Alex will be attending that tournament, I'm excited to hear how it goes! -Richard
@darchensol5112 Жыл бұрын
fought a couple emperors. different players. both LL. once im using khazad dum once using corsairs. did not feel broken/undercosted. sure he's an awesome buff bubble on palanquin. but base size makes him super easy to block, or his own guys block him without you even doing anything. so you have to either lose the pal or waste his combat ability. also on pal if you put him in front so no friendly blocks he's a huge target. and infantry slow. he WILL be shot. and once he goes everything goes. way i see it he's got 200 points worth of abilities but you will only ever get to use 80% of them. thats where the 170 is from.
@intothewestpodcast Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your experience! Definitely agree that the Emperor has its downsides. I just personally feel like his auras/buffs are already worth the points costs so any fighting it does do is just a bonus. -Richard
@darchensol5112 Жыл бұрын
@@intothewestpodcast yeah but a chunk of the aura/buffs are there to shore up the faction weaknesses. i mean even in the legion, i haven't heard much about easterlings sweeping tournaments right? flat points comparisons are only part of it. need to consider what else a faction has. (or hasn't in easterlings case)
@intothewestpodcast Жыл бұрын
True, they haven't been dominating tournaments but they also aren't super common (price barrier), at least in the NA tournaments that I've seen, and the ones that have been there have done very well. So I think while tournament performance is a good indicator but doesn't tell the whole story. Also, don't get me wrong! I'm not saying they are unbeatable, I am 3-0 against them in tournaments, I just think he's underpriced compared to similar hero models. -Richard
@intothewestpodcast Жыл бұрын
And yes good point on the regular Easterlings being lacking, they definitely needed the Legion. Just overtuned imo! But I see your point for sure :) -Richard
@pWndConan Жыл бұрын
the worst part about the Emperor is that you cant really play Amdûr & Khamul anymore...
@intothewestpodcast Жыл бұрын
Totally, no point in playing the regular pure army list anymore! -Richard
@TheDurinShow Жыл бұрын
You can. Is it worse? Maybe maybe not.. I think the amdur plus khand is still an amazing combo. -Mitchell
@judgejudyandexecutioner.5223 Жыл бұрын
@@TheDurinShow Nah the regular list is worse, a guy here still plays it regularly. I'd go so far to say that if war drakes weren't in the LL and could only be taken in the regular list, the LL would still be far better. And Khand are an improvement sometimes, and an absolute burden at times.
@sulinash3554 Жыл бұрын
@@intothewestpodcast cannot agree my Amdur brogrir en shagrat list is very strong not as strong as the emperor but uniqe in the fact that your hero killing power is insane with those 3
@intothewestpodcast Жыл бұрын
@@sulinash3554 that's a cool combo but that's not a pure Easterling list. I definitely think there's some potential there with alliances! -Richard
@louise.4748 Жыл бұрын
Yeeeees we need more podcaaasts !!
@intothewestpodcast Жыл бұрын
We've been around for awhile but new to KZbin! Thanks for listening! -Richard
@smoothbrush4722 Жыл бұрын
i like the including of dragon knight in the list.
@judgejudyandexecutioner.5223 Жыл бұрын
Mitchell "Nah he aint that good" Guys "What about xyz and abc?" Mitchell "Yeah that's very fair" In my experience yeah, he's undercosted in the LL. I've never played against him outside it so can't speak about that. I also think it's a bit of a cop out to say "Just don't fight him with characters bro" There's lots of missions where getting points off the enemy general is critical, and there are other slow characters who are at risk if the emp gets a heroic combat off, or fights across your line from the flank. He is like a slow coal train. Yeah, don't walk on the tracks and you're fine, but find yourself on them and you're doomed! Because he's still coming to the station and you probably can't stop him with anything short of a 200+pt character like Azog or Elendil, or a big crazy set up combo like enrage beast plus invisibility on spiders or a warmachine. Honestly the way I'd fix him is I think he should be able to be knocked off his palanquin with a monstrous charge, or being hurled. I get that it's cheap to blast him off or have something to hurl into him. I also think what Jay says isn't the law. His job is to release rules to sell minis. We have seen power creep in the game in the last few years, no question. Every Easterling player I know would play him at 200pts. No question.
@intothewestpodcast Жыл бұрын
Lol I love this, it's because Mitchell is too nice, an absolute standup guy!! Yeah great points, I'm with you (obviously 😂), and the main thing is even when he isn't "doing much", his aura and the value he's providing is already more than enough! There's not going to be a game where he's going to truly flop which I think shows he's overtuned. I like your idea for the changes! -Richard
@TheDurinShow Жыл бұрын
I’m gonna double down now lol he’s perfect the way he is. Not OP but makes easterlings competitive even in the legion. I think 170 is perfect and he can be trapped and killed just as easily without being knocked over. I think this is the best profile Jay has written and I’ll bet money that it will not be nerfed at all. I’ve talked to Jay in person and he told me this is exactly what he wanted. No change will be coming -Mitchell
@judgejudyandexecutioner.5223 Жыл бұрын
@@TheDurinShow While I'm sure he won't be nerfed, that doesn't mean he's costed correctly. The only things that get rules changes are legions and units that create overwhelmingly negative play experiences. (IH ballista, Faramirs rangers, white council, Uruk hai bomb ect). Almost nothing else gets attention.
@thibaultgarry185 Жыл бұрын
As a Ranger/Grey Company player it's my worst match up until now, my best achievement was a draw on take and hold against them, otherwise I just can't do anything.
@intothewestpodcast Жыл бұрын
Agree, a very tough matchup for Rangers/Grey Company. Personally I’d like to see Rangers of the North bumped up to F5, that would make them a lot more viable. -Charles
@thibaultgarry185 Жыл бұрын
@@intothewestpodcast Yes they really need it especially for their cost!
@nehrigen Жыл бұрын
He's very undercosted. 200 points minimum. In his Legion he gives absolutely excellent abilities.
@intothewestpodcast Жыл бұрын
I still think he's very playable and a great deal at 200 especially in the LL! -Richard
@TheDurinShow Жыл бұрын
I disagree.. I think 170 is perfect. He’s not winning major tournaments and I think that this profile is exactly what Jay wants. It will not get nerfed lol -Mitchell
@doubleoblit Жыл бұрын
@@TheDurinShowisn't everything the way Jay wants it to be? And by that logic, isn't everything therefore balanced?
@shishisei Жыл бұрын
I don't think it's undercosted. Having played with and against easterling before and after the Emperor, he doesn't feel undercosted. His biggest strenght is that he can still do something while doing nothing thanks to its passive auras, but you never feel you can bring out it's full power. He can be targeted by basically anything that can due to how big it is, and he's very easy to slow down. It has glaring weaknesses that can be easily used against him. Then, it's not fair to judge a hero in a vacuum. Yes, the Emperor does a lot, but the army he's in? Easterlings are just not that good, they always were a watered down Minas Tirith with less option. They don't have punching strenght, with only Khamul on Fell Beast and piercing striking captain on foot with 2hw able to deal confortably with high defence. For all her prowness, Rutabi is not going on a killing streak anytime soon with S4 and no bonus. You need brorgir, but for all the good he does he's still 85 points on top and a spell may not always be successful. Easterling cavalry doesn't hit hard, the archery is mediocre at best. Magic is there, but harder to cast then most equivalents. The heroes aren't that good at killing ,even the supposed lord of blades can be kept at bay by a 9 points dwarf. Elites are overcosted, no "Bodyguard" or "Fearless" units to keep isolated objectives. Proof that the emperor is fine as he is is that, overall, easterlings are not being dominant. They have a few good options that finally gave them a fighting chance, but that's it.
@intothewestpodcast Жыл бұрын
Good points that I definitely agree with! We definitely did recognize the weaknesses of the Emperor in this episode, he is not unbeatable. I just personally think he does a bit too much for his price tag. The Easterlings in the legion are far better than warriors in Minas Tirith. A lot easier to get F5 for much cheaper. But I agree the other heroes are not as good as MT heroes but they are solid especially with free rerolls. Tournament dominance is definitely a good indicator if an army is too good but this is an expensive/less popular army so there just isn't as many of these going around compared to something like AoL, at least in the North American tournament scene. Appreciate your perspective, I find this topic to be quite split and I think lots of people agree with you too so that's why we had to bring on Mitchell who definitely feels the same way as you! -Richard
@shishisei Жыл бұрын
@@intothewestpodcast i do think it's a very interesting topic, and I compliment you for your well done podcast as well as the effort to answer comments, which is really appreciated. Perhaps the proibitive price tag is what makes the emperor a non-issue. In my national meta easterlings aren't really worth mentioning, unlike angmar or various shire/soup and laketown/soup
@intothewestpodcast Жыл бұрын
@@shishisei thank you, we really do love talking about the competitive side of the game! You're right, regional metas definitely takes a big role on our views. Can't say I've seen the Shire in tournaments this edition, allied or not haha
@alexandersporl3 Жыл бұрын
With this style, skip 2 acolythes to warriors with shield and make a weapon swap to 1 pick/axe on the acolythes.
@alexandersporl3 Жыл бұрын
For 6 of the guys
@intothewestpodcast Жыл бұрын
Great idea to get the Strength 4!
@himakoski Жыл бұрын
I think the Emperor is fine, beeing a support hero, not a hero killer. Rutabi is underpriced. Should cost as much as Gothmog. Yes master of battle on 3+ but she has a fighter Profile as Elrond
@intothewestpodcast Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching and sharing your thoughts! With your Elrond comparison, the Emperor costs the same, has similar combat ability, but is a way better than Elrond as support in my opinion. Just amazing value all around! -Charles
@intothewestpodcast Жыл бұрын
Interesting take! Regardless, whichever hero you believe is underpriced, we can all agree that Legion is super powerful haha! -Richard
@shishisei Жыл бұрын
Masters of Battle on 3+ is much different than Master of battle, though. With gothmog you know for sure that you are going to get some use of his rule at key moments, while it's not the same with Rutabi.
@himakoski Жыл бұрын
@@shishisei Did you even read the rest of my statement xD. Ofc Master of Battle is better then having only a 66.6% Chance on it. Who would ever say something else? But she is the way better fighter compaired to Gothmog at only 110 p because F5 and F6 is a huge diffrence these days. Since a lot of troops can get F5. Furthermore most heros in the game are F5 or less. Forcing them to strike up which can then be contered for free by her (giving her a 50% chance to F 10 rather then the F5 hero with a 33.3% Chance). She is a killer unit. A tactic Gothmog almost never gets to play. It's an idea to balance this army. So you do not get to take Rutabi on lower points.
@shishisei Жыл бұрын
@@himakoski there are other differences though. I don't think heroes should be judged in a vacuum. Gothmog is in a much more point efficient army that has access to better support, many more heroes and much more killing power. The new easterlings heroes are very good, but the rest of the army really isn't.
@lutzeichmeyer9338 8 ай бұрын
I think the emp NEEDS to lose resistant to magic. This would make him more balanced in toureys because it would give him some terrible matchups (WK on fell beast, sarruman, radagast) I think he does need a nerf to his main profile outside of this too e.g:only half of the bearers can strike blows. However, I do think the LL has to be nerfed to the ground. It just makes any other easterling army type (Amdur or Khamul) totally useless in tournaments
@thgsMASK Жыл бұрын
guy in the bottom right is huffing savage copium in this podcast
@intothewestpodcast Жыл бұрын
💯 😂
@ikkiiiieee Жыл бұрын
I'd advise to add the credited accounts to description as well
@intothewestpodcast Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the suggestion, we'll add something in the description in the future so it's easier to reference the artists
@intothewestpodcast Жыл бұрын
Also, just to put it out there all the artwork provided were volunteered/sent in
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