@BrickWann 2 күн бұрын
Just a rules thing: in the video it seems like Ian is making the point that you need to be careful in maelstrom because you can be compelled into combat on turn 1. As per the faq, this is not the case.
@intothewestpodcast 2 күн бұрын
We totally missed that! Thanks for bring this to our attention. Will let Ian know!
@MountainGoatGaming. 2 күн бұрын
Hawt dam. Great video guys!
@nikmad4 3 күн бұрын
Finally someone covering this topic 👏🏻
@darchensol5112 3 күн бұрын
on the subject of elites in objectives, i just want to mention something that wasn't really touched on. you dont always need higher numbers or to kill all the enemy near an objective, you just need to move them away. stuff with spellcasters or monsters can really swing numbers. i play a really small barad dur army, and sauron has saved my butt repeatedly in stuff like capture or hold ground. casting instils fear, then barging then killing can pretty much clear out an objective zone, even a 6" one. only a couple kills, but time it right and you can grab a win right out of the heart of the enemy army. cheeky compels to pull models off objectives before they count as holding them or tranfixes to stop them getting there. hurls to slow advances etc. interference and shenanigans, rather than a straight up brawl on the point.
@intothewestpodcast 3 күн бұрын
That’s a great shoutout. As big fans of using tricks and shenanigans, we definitely agree that they can come in clutch and win you the game!
@GollumGamers 3 күн бұрын
Great video idea gents!
@NoobsandMen 3 күн бұрын
TOP TIER INTRO animation lads!!!! -Sean
@intothewestpodcast 3 күн бұрын
Learned from the best! #MGG
@NoobsandMen 3 күн бұрын
@@intothewestpodcast the Goats baby
@TheBronf 8 күн бұрын
i dont agree. if you are playing with a non hero monster you should be also adding another hero or unit that would be able to support it. barrow whites, ringwraiths ect to prevent it from just simply bieng killed by a hero with strike something you would be doing regardless if you had a monster or not when playing armies that have those options. and how are you getting your monster killed turn 2? iv never had a monster die that fast.
@darchensol5112 11 күн бұрын
as an isengard player, the poland dummy list is fun, but lacking in Xbows to be taken seriously🤣particularly in good Vs evil. between gandalf,galadriel and cirdan about 2 thirds of good armies are gonna have blinding light, so ballista lose a lot of effectiveness. they are too 'all or nothing' into ranged. and without the full rerolls, not worth losing th named heroes for in the legion (imo) but Xbows, apart from shooting, are also F4 S4 D5 C3 warriors that you can slap infront of pikes. so you shoot at what's outside the bubble, and/or march at it with a horde. your actual investment into ranged is about 2-4% of your points limit. at 800 you can run 4-5 heroes and 45-60 troops, (so 15-20 xbows+hero bows) mostly all uruks. at least double if not triple or quadruple march, could grab a drum, 11-15 might points, grab some cheap fearless with the oathmaker, just a big fast grindy, fightly, shooty mess🤣
@intothewestpodcast 11 күн бұрын
Agreed. The takeaway with seeing that dummy list is that there is an option to build a better shooty list in the normal pure list now. It’s hard to justify small ballista buffs in the legion for what you have to give up.
@darchensol5112 11 күн бұрын
@@intothewestpodcast legion is strictly for bomb aficionados now i reckon. on the plus side i now have a 5 hero 60 model 18 Xbow shot list to test. built one just to make sure my numbers were right, and now i really want to throw it into some games🤣
@wszystkootaern4980 11 күн бұрын
Irolas over Madril? really? :D
@intothewestpodcast 10 күн бұрын
They are equally good!
@ciaosonoAlbertoG 13 күн бұрын
20:00 If you're seeing that horde armies eat up all the time of the game, why don't you use a chess clock?
@intothewestpodcast 13 күн бұрын
It’s an interesting idea, but for MESBG it wouldn’t really work. With the priority system, the time required every turn varies, for example the player who moves first usually needs more time to make decisions. Turns can also take longer due to scenario or match up. It would also give huge advantage to shooty armies who can just skip move phase. Fight phase on a chess clock would also be very complicated as the whole phase involves both players.
@ForgedInFlamesTTG 14 күн бұрын
Sometimes inreally think Into the West are Stück in their bubble lists 😂
@dietrichknauth9305 15 күн бұрын
I'm still traumatized from the last time I played Storm the Camp with low defense evil infantry against elven shooting....
@lutzeichmeyer9338 15 күн бұрын
Well, this is proof that host of the drag emp is OP. I always thought Gandalf was kind of bad, is it a new thing to use him? Also, I just want your opinion on this as some extremely strong players, is triple transfix any good (WK + mouth + wraith) in not just good vs evil, or is it just not competative?
@intothewestpodcast 15 күн бұрын
Gandalf the Grey is totally playable, a bit niche but he's not bad (like Gandalf the White). Triple caster is a strong build, I've done it before with a good amount of success! Mainly because it's not easy to get fortify spirit.
@lutzeichmeyer9338 15 күн бұрын
Which casters did you use?
@intothewestpodcast 15 күн бұрын
1. WK 2. Wraith (named or generic) 3. mouth/kardush
@upperplus7953 16 күн бұрын
Hahaha I also always confuse Dark Denizens of Mirkwood and Fell Beings of Mirkwood
@indonesiaops7276 16 күн бұрын
Can you link the stream channel?
@intothewestpodcast 16 күн бұрын
@Competentetyler 16 күн бұрын
22:55 This list seems bred for some purpose… death to the Dragon Emperor. Pike block isn’t great when the middle Pike is moved out of base contact, but still within 1” of the original (imagine slightly to the side). This cuts the dice way down, potentially out of banner too, and can trap the model. All while worrying about Gwahir hurling the weak Easterlings through tons of Pike supports.
@intothewestpodcast 16 күн бұрын
Absolutely! Not surprised that's what people had in mind...
@marcpage6514 16 күн бұрын
I was team Captain for Canada! I’m one of the founder of the Québec league. I tried really hard to get guys from all over Canada but no one from the west answered! We tried to get some of the Ontario players but none were available unfortunately. We still had a lot of fun but didn’t manage to win a round. We are currently working on a team for next year already! Has we enjoyed pur experience
@princedetenebres 16 күн бұрын
Tsk tsk ITW crew. Where was BC when Quebec called? Where was BC when Team Canada's enemies closed in around them? Where was BC when...
@intothewestpodcast 16 күн бұрын
@marcpage6514 Very cool, yeah it was a bit abrupt. I personally didn't hear about the event until a month or two in advance and something like that would need more planning for me. Glad to hear it was a great event, I'm definitely considering next year!
@intothewestpodcast 16 күн бұрын
We did not see the beacons lit... 😅😂 @princedetenebres
@marcpage6514 16 күн бұрын
@@intothewestpodcast if you could add me to the proper page I would be more than happy to make announcements and even make the trip out in the west sometime
@intothewestpodcast 16 күн бұрын
@@marcpage6514 we would love to have you! Just join "West Coast Hobbits" group on Facebook!
@Alexanderfication 17 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing fellas.
@mrlegacy9089 17 күн бұрын
I was part of team Canada! It was my first Tournament and I had only been playing for a few months (I am a very quick learner). I got away with 2 wins, one was a major victory so I came out of the Tournament feeling quiet good even though we were dead last I still enjoyed myself and learned a lot for the next time. Hopefully team Canada pulls together a good team for next year and maybe ill get to join in one way or another haha. Also the list I brought was not as competitive as it could have been (pretty much low might Angmar with WK, Tainted, 2 Wights and a Shade) so I knew I wouldn't be winning all my games.
@intothewestpodcast 17 күн бұрын
That's a great accomplishment in such a competitive tournament, well done! I hope no offence was taken given our comments, we aren't totally in tune with the east coast players, we only know a couple from several international events and we didn't see them attend this event. Absolutely, it would be awesome to field a strong team in the future and show the word Canada's potential!
@mrlegacy9089 17 күн бұрын
@intothewestpodcast No offense taken at all haha. I'm a nobody from New Brunswick! I think everyone was planning to go the year after, so there was more planning and such (there may even be a sign up for it haha).
@kangaroo8858 17 күн бұрын
@chriskay284 17 күн бұрын
Did everyone have to speak English ?
@intothewestpodcast 17 күн бұрын
I believe so, from all the streamed games it seemed like everyone communicated in English.
@marcpage6514 16 күн бұрын
English was the mandatory language spoken at the tables
@Klickor 17 күн бұрын
I think the AoL player ignored the Orc Trackers and Prowlers 4+ to hit because in a Team event he is much more likely to run into Blinding Light (Poland had 2 out of 3 lists with it as an example and probably expected the same from many others) compared to normal events so everything will hit on 6s anyway. Poland probably wants to use this list to counter the other team's shooting list too so then having the extra range is more important than normal since when the orc trackers and prowlers get in range they risk a lot of good shooting coming back to them. Then having 18" range is way more important and they can then play the list more defensively to avoid giving up points. Something that is almost as important as getting wins in team formats. In single events you need to be able to win each game with good margins/tie breakers to have a shot for the first place and thus need to be able to be more aggressive (like prowlers) to score all those points. That is not as needed here.
@intothewestpodcast 17 күн бұрын
Great insight on the team format, thanks!
@GaspardSavoureux01 17 күн бұрын
I know some of the guys from team canada and yeah they were assembled on short notice and just wanted to participate and have fun
@intothewestpodcast 17 күн бұрын
They seemed like great guys but hopefully in the future we can send in a more competitive team! 🙂
@lord17c 17 күн бұрын
Great break down. I'm taking Thraduil's halls to an event this weekend.
@pieters3624 18 күн бұрын
Moria's army list is super cool with the big monsters. The Cave drake positioning was risky, maybe you should have waited one extra turn to have the goblins surround the cave drake to prevent trapping :o
@lald01 22 күн бұрын
Not sure about Amdur over Rutabi like. Even if it's just marginally. She's got more tools for less. Also. The captain. The march can stack with the drum. That's insane if you pull it off.
@nilssaugen2303 23 күн бұрын
There is nothing stopping youfrom taking Eorl and other named rohan heros. If you are playing foot Rohan, its actually a pretty strong combo.
@intothewestpodcast 23 күн бұрын
That’s true, you just don’t have access to any spear supports. If you wanted to play non-LL pure Rohan, he’s a pretty good pick.
@nilssaugen2303 23 күн бұрын
Foot Rohan is my preferred build. Clue is that every warrior has a missile weapon. You just have to work around the lack of spearsupport.:)
@ajrollo1437 24 күн бұрын
I finally decided to get into MESBG, starting with Lothlorien.
@erikeklund9010 26 күн бұрын
Do you have any plans of doing a teir list on one of the dwarf factions? Would be fun :)
@intothewestpodcast 26 күн бұрын
We have one on the Kingdom of Khazad-Dûm!
@SonsOfGondor1 26 күн бұрын
If anyone else was unsure if the Huntsman can specifically target a horse, here's the relevant FAQ: Q: As a King’s Huntsman always passes an In The Way roll on a 2+ when they target a Cavalry model, does the 2+ mean they will hit the rider, or their choice of rider or mount? (p.66) A: When a King’s Huntsman shoots at a Cavalry model they must declare whether they are targeting the horse or the rider. If they hit the Cavalry model, they will hit the targeted part of that model on a 2+.
@intothewestpodcast 25 күн бұрын
Thanks! I definitely remember reading something on this... Unfortunately I think our point stands that he probably still isn't super useful! -Richard
@Hammerheadiii 27 күн бұрын
Would love to have some pics and some of the dimensions (how high are the walls for example) on the helms deep build. I am planning my own helms deep and am looking for inspiration.
@ThirdAgeWargaming 27 күн бұрын
A really interesting take on Rohan and is food for thought on ways to improve my Rohan builds. Good stuff!
@inspiredwon2670 28 күн бұрын
Please stop saying Feel and replace it with Think. Men think, women feel.
@ric1194 28 күн бұрын
Siege weapons should definitely be in the game, its not a competitive game and should be based around whats competitive. Sieges are an actual thing in this game and there they are fun. Defence and offensively. They are also fun to play with, not against yeah, but you cant say they arent fun to use when they are for the person using them.
@punchyMiddleEarth 28 күн бұрын
I didnt see Mouth of Sauron mentioned! 😳
@punchyMiddleEarth 28 күн бұрын
Love the generic Ringwraith pick! Under-rated for sure! 😎
@Boidington 28 күн бұрын
Do you think Grima is tooo powerful for 25 points? I’ve had some complaints in my games when I use him since a lot of people just don’t seem to know how to counter him
@intothewestpodcast 28 күн бұрын
Maybe, but Grima has enough weaknesses that if he were to cost more, he may be a more conditional pick competitively. You need to take Saruman first, which you can consider as somewhat of a tax to take Grima. There’s a decent amount of magic at the higher points where you see Grima, and Grima is very succeptible to magic. If Grima could be taken without Saruman, then he probably should cost more.
@SonsOfGondor1 28 күн бұрын
I get that you lose the army bonus if you take Eorl and other named Rohan heroes, but you can run him with Gamling and Theoden to get the FV buff and a chance for 2 Might every turn on Eorl . . . no Str +1 on the charge, but that's the only downside . . .
@intothewestpodcast 28 күн бұрын
That is true, if you went for that build you’d have to decide whether the extra Might from Eorl + access to Sons of Eorl is better, or running Riders of Theoden for the +1 Strength and one turn of Death.
@Competentetyler 29 күн бұрын
15:59 If they gave Eomer the Arise Riders of Theoden! Special rule, I think it would balance him perfectly!
@ralexy999 29 күн бұрын
All the other heroes with banner have 6" aura (Boromir, Halabarad, Suladan) I find sad that the big nerf on the Gamling banner did not compensate the rule loss by giving it the same range as all the other "royal banners"
@lutzeichmeyer9338 Ай бұрын
Hot take: aragorn should drop to 190 points but go down to D4 base. And Aragorn strider should go down to 120 points but lose his might store Give him some usage!
@BlumenkohlBroccoli1 Ай бұрын
Would have really liked your opinion on Ghan and his dudes too.
@Yomolink Ай бұрын
What elven army do you recommend to start with? I have never played Warhammer but its my favorite faction. Thanks a lot 😊
@intothewestpodcast Ай бұрын
Lothlorien is probably the easiest to collect and the most well balanced, though you will need to ally them if you want to get very competitive! Halls for Thranduil are probably the strongest by themselves, but very centred around Thranduil. Rivendell is also very solid! Go with the one you like the most :)
@Yomolink Ай бұрын
@@intothewestpodcast thank you so much, I'll take a look at them 😊
@PMMagro Ай бұрын
I think mosters should have a minimum roll in battle like 2+ or for the biggest monsters 3+, meaning if you roll lower it's that number or you opt to re-roll one or all such dice (banner-like)?
@intothewestpodcast Ай бұрын
Interesting take!
@Biggest-bear Ай бұрын
Im totally surprised yall didn't add Hama to legend tier, with your on brand bad takes
@intothewestpodcast Ай бұрын
@KharnTheBtrayer Ай бұрын
Awesome video guys! I would love to see one for Gondor soon as I just started the game with the tin cans as my first army.
@intothewestpodcast Ай бұрын
Absolutely, it's on the to-do list! 😊
@RosieJonesRules Ай бұрын
Wish Eorl got some love in a LL or something. I know he's great at lower points but jeez
@intothewestpodcast Ай бұрын
His restrictions feel like a LL, totally agree it would be nice to get a few extra bonuses!
@xEzekielx1 Ай бұрын
Ive been playing a bit with defenders of helms deep, i actually really rate Aldor in that list. If youre already taking gamling with royal standard having a 1 might hero to start getting "free might" is great, at 10 points cheaper than Haleth. The rerolling bow is pretty nice too with the ability to might as needed. I wouldnt put him above fortitude but i would easily drop 2 warriors to slot him in, only with gamlings banner though.
@tacquitotim570 Ай бұрын
Putting Theodred in Legend but not Gorulf ? Shameful! #justiceforDunland
@intothewestpodcast Ай бұрын
If only Gorulf had a horse... :D
@tacquitotim570 29 күн бұрын
@@intothewestpodcastbahahah love it