Easy to Build Vertical No-Radial HF Antenna

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@k0xhf808 Жыл бұрын
You are modeling good radio manners as well. I am glad to see polite behavior around the world.
@douglassewell5856 11 ай бұрын
Thanks Walt for this and built this yesterday on a 2/3 1/3 set up through a 4:1 balun to your dimensions but could not tune to 20m band (gave swr of 1.758 at 15.280) . Altered length to 24 feet with a 16 foot/8 foot ratio to be able to tune safely to 20m band Formula 468/f changed to 313 as a revised factor for calculation. No contacts yet on my G90 due to lots of qrm here in Scottish Borders UK. Will keep trying. Love experimenting with antennas..
@johnnorth9355 Жыл бұрын
In a world full of big spenders (and power) you continue to show the way.
Thank you!!!!!
@robcue4543 Жыл бұрын
Coastal Waves & Wire Rocks!
Thank you!!!!!
@Roddy1965 Жыл бұрын
I use a 40' long wire ('random') and it's shocking how good they can be when conditions are reasonable. Great video.
Thanks! Yes I really enjoy tinkering with random lengths.
@carypeaden4147 5 ай бұрын
You do a nice job with your videos. My wife and I are new hams, and your videos are very helpful to me. Because you explain things well, I often mimic what you do, for example I bought a Xiegu G90 and I have purchased and am enjoying using several antennas which I have seen you use successfully. Thanks!
@Buzzygirl63 Жыл бұрын
Ten meters is by far my favorite band to operate. It's been years since I've been on the air, and this simple antenna makes me want to dive back in. 73.
Ten has been great lately!
@jockmazza 7 ай бұрын
Hope you got back on the air. 73 M7XNR
@hunterusa4039 5 ай бұрын
I love your channel. Fairly new ham now general and I have built a 70 cm, 2 meter, and 1.25 1/4 wave based off of your speaker wire, Banna clip, fishing pole design. They work awesome. My 2 meter hit a repeater over 20 miles away. The rubber duck could barley his the repeater 2 miles away. Absolutely amazing. Thank you!
@wiggy858 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the video Walt , now I know what antenna I shall try and build on my newly acquired 10 telescopic pole , simple build is what we like you never know I could be having a QSL with yourself even . Thanks again Stuart Dowling M0KIQ
Hope to get you in the log! 73, Walt
@franc_ea6fs 4 ай бұрын
A really nice and incredibly simple idea for a camp day. Thank you so much, Walt!
@jonizornes5286 Жыл бұрын
The various no radial verticals like the Cushcraft R-8,9 and R-6000 use the 36" lower portion with a 9:1 balun and the 1:1, same configuration. The other half feeding the balun is basically an off center fed vertical. They work very well.
Interesting, thanks for sharing
@LB0FI Жыл бұрын
As soon as I get some portable radio time I’m taking the Coastal 20 with serial number 002 out by the sea! Awesome video again Walt!
Thanks Morten! looking forward to it!
@markbroyles6912 Жыл бұрын
Hi Walt, How's Poland? LOL, I am disabled due to a bad work situation that I was in, however I have been a Ham nut forever I had an extra get me my Tender foot with my first transmitter a smoldering 10 watt 1 tube CW with an old space patrol shortwave as receiver. Anyway I really enjoy your channel and your enthusiasm to the fraternity of amateur radio, I had an Elmer who sold me my first HF rig tell me antenna, antenna, antenna, and he and I would visit for hours about stringing up a wire or winding a balun, this all being said I thought I have got to ask Walt as you were one of the reasons I bought a Xiegu G90 for my primary qrp rig, so I don't have near the funds I used to but I try and be creative and work with what I have and I am really happy and impressed that you kinda roll like that as well. I have ran into a speed bump however and I thought maybe I could throw it out there to Walt and see if he has any ideas, I've never worked 40 much especially at a qrp angle, but I see what you have done with vertical wire on 20-10 I really like the concept, so I guess where I am is have you experimented with any thing 40m with the fishing pole and end fed wire that would be happy throughout the band and be happy with internal tuner and do amazing things with 4 watts, and not wipe out my bank account, Thanks Walt 73s I appreciate all of your sharing of info and the goodness of the hobby take care Walt, maybe we can catch each other in a call someday KC0KJG Mark
Hi Mark! Sorry to hear about your situation. Keep on hamming my friend! I’ve actually had some decent success with the Rybakov vertical on 40 with low power. I was actually surprised with it on 40 because it’s actually shorter than a 1/4 wave for the band. It’s roughly 25 feet long and uses a 4:1 unun. I’ve done a couple videos on it if you haven’t seen them check that out. That would honestly be my best recommendation for a pole type vertical for 40. I really need to get out and make a 1/4 wave for 40 with my 10 meter pole. You’ve got the wheels turning in my brain lol. Thanks so much for watching my videos, stay safe and well my friend. All the best, Walt K4OGO
@joeandverna9575 Жыл бұрын
Hi Walt. I had my doubts but went ahead and built your Coastal 20 to spec and attached it to my 10m DXC pole. Within 2 minutes, my first contacts were stations in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and North Carolina from the coast of Oregon with 100 watts. Now I will try QRP. Thanks!
Awesome! thanks for sharing your results.
@davidjohnson497 4 ай бұрын
Wow you really showed us this time what you can do in an unexpected (emergency) situation! Kudos on your "seat-of-the-pants" reaction to the challenge, and the effectiveness of your quick solution! This is very inspiring! Keep up the good work at sharing dear Walt, 73 de WA4NID
Thank you so much! 73, Walt
@billryland6199 Жыл бұрын
Your DC input voltage was dropping to below 12 V on transmit. I use 3 of those 6AH Miady batteries in parallel to run 50 watts on my FT-891. They don't like high discharge currents. You had great signal strength both ways on that antenna.
@N1IA-4 Жыл бұрын
Sort of a T2LT type design - tipping a dipole on its end, except it's OCF. Interesting stuff. Building antennas can be fun. You have to deal with things physically and electrically. It can be challenging. Certainly going out and buying an expensive, pre-made HF antenna may be easier. But you learn more by studying antenna theory and getting out there and experimenting. I just put up 4 new antennas in my yard, which involved tuned, elevated radials for 2 of them. Learned so much about antennas.
Yes it’s all about experimenting and learning by doing. I think that’s the true spirit of ham radio. 73 de K4OGO
@outlaw6595 Жыл бұрын
Hey Walt. As always, great content. Ham radio doesn't have to be complicated nor expensive.
Thanks so much my friend!
@ke8mattj Жыл бұрын
Nice reflexes catching your pole before it went into the water.
Haha I was like GI Joe with the Kung Fu grip when I saw the coax pulling my radio towards the water 😂
@Tocsin-Bang Жыл бұрын
Love the Royal Navy T. My late father G4ZPV did 22 years in the Royal Navy, as a radio specialist, he lived near Portsmouth in the UK for the last ten years of his life. His first duty in the navy was as a gate guard ta the Naval Dockyard at Portsmouth. He was armed with a .303 lee enfield rifle, with no bolt and six Mills bombs. Currently re-building my station. 73 de CT7AOX.
God bless your father, that’s a great story. Thanks for sharing. 73 de K4OGO
@Levy3o8 Жыл бұрын
Makes me wish I lived near the coast! What a great antenna and great long contacts you made!
Thanks Levy! I’m blessed to live where I’m at for sure
@Levy3o8 Жыл бұрын
@@COASTALWAVESWIRES While I have your attention, what would I search for for the 1:1 balun you used in the "build a dirt cheap speaker wire vertical antenna for HF" video? I can't seem to find it on my own, but I like it's packable form factor. Thanks!
@AlanElBee Жыл бұрын
This is truly a thing of beauty. Thanks for making the video. Now I know what to do with the space saver spare I have leftover from a long-ago-sold car!! 73, K7KS
Thanks! 73, K4OGO
@GoonyMclinux 10 ай бұрын
I use a close approximation to that antenna with a current balun and it tunes up really well and has decently low noise.
@Crusty_Camper Жыл бұрын
Hi Walt from the England/Scotland border. I like your tee-shirt ! That antenna is a great design and as I live on the coast of the Irish Sea, I will definitely be trying this. All the best, Pete
Hi Pete! I work in ship design and my company is currently working with your great navy! All the best and 73, Walt K4OGO
@pwborders Жыл бұрын
Startled me when you started out saying you were in Portsmouth, VA. I have lived in Norfolk for over 50 years. Also I am one of those old fogeys that have had my license, WB4TKA, for over 45 years ( I think 🙂). We aren't all downers though and there are always people like you described in your other video. Great looking antenna, have to dig out one of my telescoping poles and try it out. Keep making interesting antennas, that is what I always liked the most, that and building radios and things. Subscribed to see what you come up with next.
Hi neighbor! Great to hear from another Hampton Roads ham! Thanks for subscribing and thanks for the encouragement. You’ve got some great spots to go portable over on your side of town. I’ve been going out on the beach in Ocean View occasionally and it’s perfect. All the best and 73, Walt K4OGO
@languagetruthandlogic3556 Жыл бұрын
Great video, brilliantly explained. This antenna suits my situation perfectly! Building it as we speak and trying it tomorrow. Thanks for posting 73
Thanks! Good luck with the antenna!
@languagetruthandlogic3556 Жыл бұрын
@@COASTALWAVESWIRES Can you extend / shorten the elements to improve swr from local conditions?
@@languagetruthandlogic3556 I’m sure but I think you could lose one band by improving another
@languagetruthandlogic3556 Жыл бұрын
@@COASTALWAVESWIRES Thanks for your reply - yes, I understand. I suppose all multiband antennas have to be a compromise in some way. I'll stick to your suggested measurements. 73 and thanks again.
@WD5GNX_Greg Жыл бұрын
Always looking for quickly deployed new wire antennas for POTA. Enjoy your content, Thank You.
Thanks for watching my channel Greg! 73, Walt K4OGO
@ve2zdx Жыл бұрын
Nice antenna! Nice that you found celso again, he loves everything antenna. I started at the radio with him and the first antenna built was a L antenna. Basically an aluminum dipole L shaped. Celso’s hobby now is basically building yagis and cubical quad antennas heheh Ah the propagation has been crazy opened in a while, it’s just a matter of having hams calling cq. I challenge you to build a 1 element cubical quad! You’re gonna love it! 73!
I accept that challenge my friend! About to head back to Europe in a couple weeks for what might be the final tour of duty there. When I get home permanently the fun will begin. All the best André! 73 my friend!
@MikeN2MAK Жыл бұрын
Great job and a nice save! I need to build this now. Seeing that the SWR is below 3:1 is good to know. Internal tuners, like on my 7300, should be able to handle that.
Thanks! I’m looking forward to your experience if you build it!
@jonthebru Жыл бұрын
What I hear on many contact videos, and my own listening of course is how having a yagi really helps.
Yes, Yagi antennas are amazing
@Maartenkarperfreak 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for this low budged hf antenna, .i live near the Nort sea in north west Holland 80 km north off Amsterdam The antenna works verry well, 73s PA3DTQ
@KC3UVF Жыл бұрын
Welcome back sir! I've been playing around with a half wave vertical based off ye olde 17ft telescopic whip. Theoretically it should work 6 thru 15 (and 20 with a coil like the sporty 40). So far I have 10-15 dialed in. The great part is I can mount the entire thing on the fender mount of the truck if need be!
@MyTube4Utoo Жыл бұрын
I just found your channel yesterday. You have some very interesting videos. Thank you.
Thank you so very much!
@DK5ONV Жыл бұрын
Uncle Walter is just HAMing da Heck out of the Ionosphere. Excellent Job...💯🎙👌🙋‍♂
Hahaha thanks Uncle G!
@weather_wizard67 Жыл бұрын
Made this today. Given some issues with objects in the near field, I had to use a much longer counterpoise to get the SWR reasonable. Will get it on the air soon. 73 K3RDF
@lptone9 Жыл бұрын
Walt, great video my friend! I'm new to 10m and just picked up a IC705 to get me on... Still working to figure it all out but your videos have been a HUGE help in antenna building. Working on a vert now from one of your previous videos but also going to try this out too! Thanks again!
Thank you Anthony! Hope to catch you on the bands!
@jonahzsong Жыл бұрын
Nice job, Walt. I use something like it on a hitch mount on my pick up. It's an MFJ 33' telescoping pole. I went with a LDG 4:1 with around 22' of old speaker wire on top. Interestingly, it didn't seem to care about the counterpoise length either, and 4' to 7' worked equally well. I enjoy your videos. 73 de N6BVZ wil in north GA.
Thank you so much! 73 de K4OGO
@USXPOP Жыл бұрын
You are the champion of the "Cheap and Easy" - put it together with what ya have antennas. Great video.
Thank you so much Lew!
@W1BIU 9 ай бұрын
Hey Walt, I built this antenna to use with my G90, and I love it! I live on a very small footprint, on the ocean in Maine. This works perfect for my property. Thanks for the build instructions. BTW, I gave you credit on my QRZ page. 73 Paul W1BIU
Awesome! Thanks so much! I'll go over and check out your QRZ page. 73, Walt
@hamradiobasics Жыл бұрын
Walt that was great ! A vertical without radials ! Well done ! 73's Bill KW4QO
Thank you Bill! 73 de K4OGO
@super66craig Жыл бұрын
I had dropped you a link on that type of configuration from another ham who had some the modeling and math but it looks like it didn't get approved. Lots of insight for you on that excellent setup. Oh well, take care brother!
Didn’t see that, not sure what happened
@k3dhj Жыл бұрын
Awesome video, Walt. I’m gonna make a Coastal 20 for my station in Delaware. See you on the radio waves! 73 de K3DHJ
Thanks! Good luck with the antenna! 73 de K4OGO
@DirtyPlumbus Жыл бұрын
Amazon has some solid steel rod holders. Basically a steel spike that's coiled to hold your rod on one end. Been sitting in my shopping cart waiting for my rod (antenna mast) to show up from Japan.
Thanks, I'll take a look into that
@pasjeihobby Жыл бұрын
As usual fun paired with knowledge. Thanks Walt!
Thanks so much my friend!
@jackkelley890 Жыл бұрын
This reminds me a little of the Chameleon MPAS 2.0, but it uses a 5:1 and the choke built into the coax.
Interesting, thanks for sharing.
@t.j.speakman7723 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Walt, Another one for me to try
Thanks for watching!
@kandkmotorsports 7 ай бұрын
Now ANOTHER antenna to make!!! :) TY Walt
haha thank you for watching!
@K3JRZOnTheAir Жыл бұрын
Nice work Walt! That Xiegu G90 is surely working well for you. 73!
Thanks! I love that little radio. It almost went for a swim yesterday 😂
@BarryShaffer 5 ай бұрын
Love the videos Walt! I've become an aspiring antenna geek from watching your vids. I live in the deserts of Arizona and am SO JEALOUS of your location by the magic of the Salty Sea. I recently was on vacation in Savana GA and packed my FX-4CR, some wire and 7m mast but forgot a tape measure, I estimated the lengths of your costal 20 and set out for the beach. I had some amazing DX action, in fact, I was getting into Europe better than the eastern seaboard of the US! When I got back home I found my measurements were off by quite a bit and the antenna was fairly deaf in the desert. Again, So Jealous! Anyway I have a trip to Hawaii coming up and I"m going to bring my tape measure! Thanks for doing what you're doing Walt - 73 KK7JXG
You’re going to love operating in Hawaii, that’s awesome. I have done it in Kauai and I really want to go back. 73, Walt
@warrenpercell297 Жыл бұрын
Dang it, Walt. I'm going to have to try another antenna. Haven't built my Rybakov yet, so now I get to debate which to do first. Seriously, though. Thanks for putting this out there. You're videos are an inspiration. 73 KO4QOA
Thanks Warren! go with that Rybakov first, it's an amazing antenna!
@CriticalThinker-42 9 ай бұрын
Thanks Walt for another good video! Why not use a 3 ft section of coax jumper between the 9:1 and Choke and use the jumper as your counterpoise, to make setup easier? Also a longer jumper between them could be used, laying across the ground to your rig, letting it decouple a bit to ground. Just a thought. 73 mike
good idea. 73, Walt
@PajamasMendeleev Жыл бұрын
I always enjoy your vids, Walt. I am hoping to do a POTA activation from Carolina Beach State Park with a Xiegu G90 and an Eagle One vertical antenna. I would like to work you on the air, ocean to ocean. Have fun!
Looking forward to that QSO. Beach to beach, G90 to G90!!
@betterbprepared 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for another great antenna video Walt. I am currently struggling with my HF setup. I have a TennTennas EFHW that worked great at the beginning of the year, but has slowly gone deaf over the summer. I would like to put up a simple Harvest Taurus vertical in the front yard before winter (about 4 weeks away) but my wife really doesn't want the vertical right out in the front yard. A compromise that we came up with is a flag pole. I am looking at fiberglass flagpoles and I think this might be the perfect antenna to hang on the side of the antenna. This would be a "permanent" setup, so I need to figure out how to install and protect the unun and choke from the weather. Again, I think this may be exactly what I am looking for. Thanks again!
Thanks! I have the Harvest Taurus at my home QTH and to be honest it’s pretty stealthy and not bad looking
@betterbprepared 10 ай бұрын
@@COASTALWAVESWIRES I watched your video on yours and that is what made me think about getting one. A buddy of mine has that exact antenna and he let me borrow it for a few days. With nothing more than a metal fence post, a 10 foot mast, a bungee cord and that Harvest Taurus, I was making DX contacts all of Europe. It is definitely big value at a good price. I may end up with that versus the flag pole and wire antenna. We'll see. I appreciate your content. As you can see you are helping out other Hams with the content you provide. 73
@pyreneesfarm7818 26 күн бұрын
I copied the specs of the Antenna down. all i need now is you G90, lol. I may have to get my own!!
You will love the G90 if you get one
@av3510 Жыл бұрын
That was epic, Walt. I'm gonna have to try this antenna Very cool!
Thank you so much!
@ryoseta4757 11 ай бұрын
My antenna is similar to yours. The length is 6.2m, with 4 LC traps, usable from 1.8-50MHz. 😀
@temporarilyoffline Жыл бұрын
That is some fantastic green screen work ;-)
Hahaha just another day on the coast!
@ReedAB8AS Жыл бұрын
Great design and video Walt. I am planning to build one soon. My plan is to pick up a 9:1 & 1:1 at Hamvention. 73
Thanks Reed! Have fun experimenting and let me know how it goes!
@daveh7720 Жыл бұрын
Those SWR sweeps looked nice and flat. Seems like even using a rig without a built-in tuner, a simple manual tuner could be adjusted once on a band and left alone. You could probably even just write down the settings and use them again the next time you go out.
Yes I’m sure that would work
@georgemyth 5 ай бұрын
awesome... huge distances !!!
Thank you!
@_N1PHR_ 5 ай бұрын
I have a Cobweb 6-20m, and Antron 99 35 ft up and a G5rv at 45 ft. My best antenna on 10m is my homemade speaker wire dipole lol
@vinnyboywo6571 Жыл бұрын
Awesome. I watch all your videos and you're just awesome. Great antenna design. I think I'll build one myself!
Thank you so much!
@vinnyboywo6571 Жыл бұрын
@@COASTALWAVESWIRES Walt, I hope to work you on the air some day. I also experiment with wire antennas.
@@vinnyboywo6571 absolutely, I look forward to that QSO!
@rossbassette7518 7 ай бұрын
Walt, I found this article describing a similar antenna, using 9.3 meters, and 1.8 meters as the element lengths. Ross K8RLB
@seanb2273 4 ай бұрын
A 9:1 and the g90 is a crazy team.
@timg5tm941 Жыл бұрын
Great stuff Walt!!
Thanks Tim, this has been a fun experiment. Thanks for your input when I was dreaming it up!
@Jeff_AA8HF Жыл бұрын
On your antenna is the short wire connected to the shield of the coax? I'd like to give that design a try after I get a mast. I was working my G90 here in Michigan at 20 watts and a 9:1 random wire during the same time period and made several of the same contacts. I also got to California (1911 miles -weakly) and Herzegovina (4691miles) my longest QSO ever! Pretty good for no radials and no salt water. Like you Walt I wasn't expecting much. Every one on 20 meters was complaining about conditions but I found 10 and 15 to be excellent.
Hi Jeff, yes the short wire is basically connected to the shield side of the coax which as you know is the (-) negative post on the 9:1 unun. I hear a lot of guys in Michigan talking to Australia on Saturday mornings around 8 am EDT. Checkout 20 meters around 14.240 this Saturday around that time, you might have a new longest QSO. That setup should make the trip. All the best and 73!
@aeron-mw7ofs Жыл бұрын
Great stuff 👍
Thanks Aeron!
@kennethblackwell1137 Жыл бұрын
Another interesting antenna.....great contacts 😀😀😀😀
Thanks Kenneth!
@frankmckinley1254 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video.
Thanks for watching!
@DaveW6OOD Жыл бұрын
Nice work, I’ll be cutting wire and trying that soon. BTW..I was wrong about which Rush song that your son’s band intro reminded me of. It’s actually called “Afterimage”. 73
Right on! BTW I’m a big Rush fan, saw them live a few times. My son actually has a Geddy Lee bass. He knows the deal haha
@kennethblackwell1137 Жыл бұрын
Now that just looks like good fun🎉🎉🎉😮😮
@williamrogers281 27 күн бұрын
Great video! I'm currently studying for my Technician license and hope to do the test soon. Your antenna builds are great and based on what I've seen from your other videos, I want to build a 17.5' for myself. Wondering if I should look into a 20' pole for that? I live on the west coast in California next to the beach and I want to do the same ground plane to the water as you. Just need to find where to get a 20' pole. Any suggestions? Thank you
@Sagart999 Жыл бұрын
I found a much more substantial surf rod holder at Bass Pro Shops - larger spacing between the bolt holes, next larger size aluminum angle. It is big enough for my Carbon 6.
Awesome, I need to stop in there myself
@eugene-anthony4823 Жыл бұрын
Hey Walt! I think if we exclude a 1:1 balun with a short feeder, then there will be less losses. Try! 😀
Will give it a try
@airheadzradioadventures Жыл бұрын
Thanks Walt!
Thanks for watching! Hope to catch you guys on the bands soon!
@milwman1958 9 ай бұрын
So seeing this at the end of November for the 2 time and was wondering if you been working on this! I find the size is great. Scott KF0HRF
@pilot7200able Жыл бұрын
Nice antenna, thank you for video, great experience
Thanks for watching!
@worksmartpaul 2 ай бұрын
@krishnaswamy516 9 ай бұрын
Super great job. Thanks for sharing. Is there any other tips to DIY? Does it require antenna tuner
Thanks, yes it requires an antenna tuner.
@rjollis Жыл бұрын
Wow what a great performing antenna. Question: why are you using the 1:1 balun on top of the 9:1 unun? Still tying to understand baluns and ununs.
The 9:1 unun is for the impedance match at the feed point of the antenna and the 1:1 balun is a choke to keep all the energy in the antenna and keep common mode current out of the feed line (basically prevents the coax from becoming part of the antenna).
@super66craig Жыл бұрын
​@@COASTALWAVESWIRES well explained!
@m7trsradio Жыл бұрын
Wow fantastic work Walt hands down better than I've ever done. Great job 73 friend 👏🏽
Thanks so much my friend!
@rowdyron4111 5 ай бұрын
Great stuff!
Thank you!
@rossbassette7518 7 ай бұрын
Walt, try replacing the 17 1/2 radiator with a 17 1/2 telescoping whip. Might be easier to deploy
I will give it a try
@Htfhjooffhgghwwwwdf Жыл бұрын
Hi, I made the antenna this afternoon and it worked very well……especially on bands above 20m. Can you let me know how you derived the wire lengths as I’m somewhat curious? I helically wound the top section on a 6m pole. Love your work. de VK3AWA
Hi Daryl, I came up with those lengths as they are also not resonate at any multiples of frequencies I used if that makes sense. I showed a graph of random wire lengths in the first video I did on this antenna if that helps. All the best mate!
@Htfhjooffhgghwwwwdf Жыл бұрын
@@COASTALWAVESWIRES Hi Walt Thanks. I will check out the first video. 👍
@Steve-GM0HUU Жыл бұрын
👍Thanks for sharing. Could it be described as a vertical OCF-doublet?? The overall length of 20.5ft or 6 25m would make it a halfwave dipole on 12.5m. Does this explain the lower VSWR on 15/12m? It certainly works and seems like a good small footprint multiband antenna idea. Mission accomplished 😊.
Hmmm that might explain the VSWR on 15/12 for sure. Thanks for watching!
@michaelpoczynek Жыл бұрын
Very cool and very interesting. Neat to see what 20W can do with a minimal configuration with the right conditions. 73 VY2MJ 😀
Thanks for watching! 73 de K4OGO
@douglassewell5856 Жыл бұрын
Cannot wait until UK allows 20w on hf radio as per recent recommendations. Cannot progress further on my licence due to effects of strokes so 20w will be more than welcome. Building this at the weekend in advance of 20w permission.
@FIL357 Ай бұрын
As said on last 17-5 I am still learning. To which terminal is the 3 foot extra wire attached and which the counterpoise please. The images were a bit quick for me to be sure. I think that I know, but checking. Thank you Walt. Phil Suffolk U.K. 🇬🇧
@@FIL357 the 3 foot extra wire is the counterpoise and is attached to the ground (-) black side terminal of the unun. The longer upper (driven element) attaches to the positive (+) side of the unun. 73, Walt
@FIL357 Ай бұрын
@@COASTALWAVESWIRES Thank you Walt, as I thought. It’s very kind of you to reply so rapidly. I’ve made a few wire antennas. - Some have been ok, some not so good!😫 Hope to have a QSO at some point of time hence. Best regards, phil. g0nik
@rodgermunson3178 4 ай бұрын
Love you shows thanks W8RRM
@kenluning909 Жыл бұрын
Nice job on that antenna. 73 W5KAL
Thank you Ken!
@swabby913 Жыл бұрын
This might be what the shakespeare 390 is.... I find it strange that the feed is about 18in up on the antenna. Maybe its just to create some distance from the base that might be connected to a stainless rail or something. No idea. Hope to hear advice on my marine setup though. Need to figure out how to tie my ocean counter poise into my setup. Do I use a 1:1 balun? So many noise sources to deal with... solar, refrigerators, chart plotters vhf etc etc... all tied to same 12v system. Im in Annapolis and Virginia for the next couple months. Let me know if you want to get a beer. Cheers
I would say just get a wire connected to a through-hull metal fitting near the waterline and up to braided ground side of the coax and you have a perfect setup. Just needs to be at the waterline.
@kenwing6196 Жыл бұрын
How fun! Thx 73
Thx 73!
@lawrencethompson465 Жыл бұрын
Hi Walt, looks like another great day near the water for sure. I saw a previous iteration of this setup where your drawing showed the bottom 1 meter element beginning 3 feet above the ground. This version appeared to be down near the ground. Propagation conditions aside which version worked better for you? Being adjacent to the water being a factor I am sure. Thanks for another neat video and effort. 73 N4LWT
That’s a great question, as you can see in the video my original intention was to get it up a meter off the ground. It worked well lower but I’m thinking higher is better. Need to do some more experimenting and I’m also going to model it and see what the data says. Thanks for the kind words! All the best and 73, Walt
@BenchmarkUniversity Жыл бұрын
Confused here. Is it a 1:1 UNUN as shown in the diagram or a 9:1 as shown operating?? Thanks, Jim/K2JJK
Hi James, it’s a 9:1 unun with a 1:1 choke balun connected directly to it. So it goes like this: antenna > 9:1 > 1:1 > coax > radio
@BenchmarkUniversity Жыл бұрын
@@BenchmarkUniversity i noticed that too Jim, I’ve been bombarded with people looking for that balun. I’ll message him.
@jerryboyer5200 10 ай бұрын
Saw this the other day on KZbin and thought you'd be interested...... I like your videos....73, kb9haw
Thank you so much for watching my videos!
@mattb7406 Жыл бұрын
Great vid. Need to buy my first pole for portable. Please discuss poles and option to get them standing. Kd9ira
Thanks! Take a look at telescopic Crappie fishing poles online. I use them and they work great. A short piece of pvc pipe driven into the ground is a cheap easy start. I’ve found that plastic beach umbrella spikes are awesome. They’re on Amazon for ten bucks. All the best and 73, Walt K4OGO
@k0xhf808 Жыл бұрын
I live close to a fishing lake. Tossing a wire in the water might be fun
@adam-g7crq Жыл бұрын
Nice one Walt, just thinking and probably getting it wrong 😁 isn't a Carolina windom a off centre dipole I think this antenna uses a 4:1 balun have you any thoughts on this, and trying a 4:1 balun instead of your 1:1 balun. it's also international Marconi day Saturday 22 April are you going to play radio this weekend, thanks for the video Walt, Adam G7CRQ
Hi Adam, yes the Carolina Windom which is basically an off center fed dipole uses a 4:1, I actually experimented and tried a 4:1 with this at first and found the 9:1 worked better for this shorter antenna. I’m sure I will be on Saturday, it’s forecasted to rain here so I’ll probably just fire up the radio at home and play radio all day. 73 my friend!
@adam-g7crq Жыл бұрын
@@COASTALWAVESWIRES cheers Walt, it's supposed to tip down with rain 🌧️ here aswell gives me a chance to try out my new umbrella 🏖️ 😁
@32_bits Жыл бұрын
A good video and antenna design. How many hours does your battery power your G90?
Thanks! Generally I can get 4 to 5 solid hours of use from it.
@bobr6555 Жыл бұрын
I wonder how a variation of this would work, using one metre of the coax between the unun and the CMC filter with the outer braid instead of the lower section? Looks like I'll have to make one to find out! VK4BOB
Will be interesting to see. Let me know!
@ki4qfl 4 ай бұрын
Another great video. I can not tell what LDG product your using. Would that be the 9.1 UNUN? 73 KI4QFL
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