Eating Bizarre French Food in Paris for 24 Hours!! Exotic Meats of Europe!! - REACTION

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Watching The World With D

Watching The World With D

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@Jmichel4169 3 күн бұрын
Other classic in France we always say "Dans le cochon tout est bon" And I confirm it to you! “In the pig everything is good” EVERYTHING !!!
@Alonzykoi 3 күн бұрын
"Tout est bon dans le cochon, de la queue au menton "
@tonymax13 21 сағат бұрын
Mince, je l'ai écris dans mon récent commentaire sans avoir vu que quelqu'un l'avait déjà mis. Sorry! Du coup je pense que oui, TOUT les français mangent régulièrement (ou presque) ces parties "bizarres", non? (enfin, sauf les musulmans, mais ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils ratent. Tant mieux, il y en a plus pour nous 🤣) Bon j'ai jamais goûté la queue il me semble mais ça a l'air délicieux aussi ^^
@plopparici3110 3 күн бұрын
Eating snails is not uncommon in France, they are often eaten on special occasions such as the festive season, it's delicious. Frog leg is rarer. Tartare is very common, and is a staple dish found in almost every restaurant. Veal liver is quite common and not very expensive, can be eaten at any time (but not everyone likes it). Pig's feets can also be eaten from time to time (they're really good), but concerning nose and tail, they are very rare, I've never seen one.
@HolographicWingsChannel 3 күн бұрын
The fun thing is, except my great parents, i know nobody who love snails and frogs. (At least when i think about, i don't find anybody in my acquaintances who ever claimed to.) It seems rare to me for peoples under 30 years old to like theses. It's only my humble opinion, but when i do aperitives, theses and tongues are really not common for us, it's indded for really great occasions like weddings or like a curiosity to show to tourists. Maybe in my region we are more into artisan cheeses, delicatenesses/pastry, seafood and Mountain Ham/Charcuterie or whatever you spell this in english.
@tenkohan 3 күн бұрын
@@HolographicWingsChannel I'm 23 and i LOVE snails and frogs (bonjour de Moselle)
@BIKEUFISCENT 3 күн бұрын
23 (nearly 24) and I could beat you for not getting snails at Christmas if you invite me (and I buy some very often because 😩 delicious as hell)
@BIKEUFISCENT 3 күн бұрын
​@@HolographicWingsChannelhello from Aveyron I love snails (not really frog legs tbh but hey one of two that a great start)
@PM1995DERENNES 3 күн бұрын
For snaile i not sink interesing
@missgranger5362 3 күн бұрын
We have a lot of abats (offal ?) in France. My grandmother used to make me eat brain or liver as a toddler, because they are full of iron, vitamins, ect. As an adult, I never eat abats but they are still part of our traditions here.
@KahlieNiven 2 күн бұрын
abats more = guts ... my gran parents did trauma me the same with brain and liver.
@Nicodraco23 3 күн бұрын
On pourrait penser que les escargots c'est dégueulasse avec sa texture, mais c'est trop bon, j'en mange souvent pour les fêtes de fin d'année
@nicolasf2575 2 сағат бұрын
Perso je préfère les cuisses de grenouilles mes c est rendu chère les escargots à petite dose à mastiquer c est la m... 😂😂
@helene1265 3 күн бұрын
Ça m’étonne qu'il n'ai pas goutté l'andouillette ou les tripes à la mode de Caen !
@Jmichel4169 2 күн бұрын
AAAAA l'Andouillette avec une sauce au poivre et des frites
@metalya895 2 күн бұрын
pas assez repoussant visiblement .
@pascalpesce4806 2 күн бұрын
@@helene1265 il n'avait que 24 heures. Et il n'a pas tenter le fromage de corse avec les asticots.
@stephanep.8565 Күн бұрын
@@Jmichel4169Sauce moutarde pour moi
@zarkan88 9 сағат бұрын
@@pascalpesce4806quel fromage aux asticots? C’est les italiens qui font ça pas les français.
@rogaldorn1405 15 сағат бұрын
Hello ! About the 1/10 ( 17:55 ); I'm French and numerous peoples i know would eat those foods (particularly pork/pig, frog legs and snails) without hesitation. And personaly, i find all of those dishes delicious. Still your videos are cool.
@olivierlatour2591 Күн бұрын
Un jour, j’ai été invité avec mes parents chez des amis charcutiers et j’ai découvert avec horreur que le plat principal était des riz de veaux.. . L’idée même me révulsait mais je suis très poli et bien élevé. J’ai donc mangé mon assiette… et j’ai absolument adoré: c’est absolument délicieux! Souvent, il faut passer outre l’apparence de certaines nourritures (comme les escargots, que j’adore aussi) et juste goûter!!
@olivierlatour2591 Күн бұрын
Le pigeon , c’est délicieux aussi! Mais je ne touche pas au pied de cochon et aux oreilles de cochon!
@galadinthedark9862 8 сағат бұрын
@@olivierlatour2591 Eh bien, c'est une erreur. Les oreilles sont délicieuses grillées et le pied de cochon un vrai régal, mais, ici, en Bretagne, le cochon est sacré. Le must : un cochon de lait grillé pour une occasion...
@sidobern4374 21 минут бұрын
Ah ! Les ris de veau... c'est une tuerie ! Mais ça coûte un bras, un rein et la moitié du foie des trucs pareils. Peux pas m'en payer.
@Futur_Chov 3 күн бұрын
If you try "une fois" your gonna eat at least 10 of those snails, it's delicious 😏
@WatchingTheWorldWithD 3 күн бұрын
You know what? I WOULD try, I changed my mind - id do it
@Futur_Chov 3 күн бұрын
@WatchingTheWorldWithD that's really cool, hope you find well cooked snails 👍
@pascalpesce4806 2 күн бұрын
@@WatchingTheWorldWithD you can also use the butter usally served in the snails dish to seasonning some roasted potatoes cooked in a pan. You put the snail's butter at the end just before serving. By the way the recipe of the snail's butter is simple. 4 cloves of garlic for a small bunch of parsley. Chop them and mix it in 250 g of butter (the butter like we have in Europe not the US version please).
@XiaoVeen 3 күн бұрын
What ?! Your mother is from Lyon and she never told you "tout est bon dans le cochon" ?! 😋
@Marcollose 2 күн бұрын
That true, Lyon is almost the gastronomic capital of France. We do eat a lot of snails for Christmas for exemple and we also eat bone marrow
@m.boucaquetchrisrdb4861 2 күн бұрын
@@Marcollosenon ça c’est un titre que se donnent les Lyonnais tous seuls.
@edding3000fr 13 сағат бұрын
andouillette moutarde c'est excellent, les trippes non merci, mes parents adorent mais moi je peux pas,
@guillaumeessertel9743 19 минут бұрын
@@m.boucaquetchrisrdb4861 il faut nuancer, ce n'est pas d'aujourd'hui et ça ne part pas de rien. Historiquement au Moyen-Age Lyon était un carrefour de foire et de marché, pour les Italiens c'était la porte d'entrée de la France. A partir de là oui Lyon a vu une effervescence de la créativité gastronomique, fortement ancrée ces 2 derniers siècles par les "mères lyonnaises" et leurs "bouchons". ça ne te plait peut-ètre pas (moi-mème je reconnais abhorrer Paris) mais il faut ètre objectif et travailler un peu ses sujets, sinon on reste au niveau du superficiel, du stéréotype, de l'impulsif.
@guillaumeessertel9743 17 минут бұрын
@@edding3000fr les tripes en revanche se digèrent généralement beaucoup mieux que les andouillettes.
@danielnarolewski4332 3 күн бұрын
Tartare is one of my favourite dish , taste is subtile and fills you at the same time. Never had frog legs or snails but most french people at least tryed it once.
@Fl0d57 7 сағат бұрын
for snqils yhm frog is...let's say less common, never had any myself as a french. Snail's really good though
@ledocteurgonzo 3 күн бұрын
" Tout est bon dans le cochon " et c'est vrai !
@misslacanau7846 3 күн бұрын
J'adore les RIS DE VEAU !!!!!!!!
@palazzoevelyne5662 2 күн бұрын
Il les a goûté (le thymus de veau = ris de veau)
@sidobern4374 20 минут бұрын
Bienvenue au club ! Miam !
@Moulinaix 3 күн бұрын
The reason some of french meals seem rare is that you have to know how to cook it perfectly for it to be appetizing, if not it could really be a disaster for your health, that's how chefs are made, they can cook anything and make it awesome
@ghhh4382 3 күн бұрын
J'ai mangé du foie de veau chez ma grand mère pendant 10 ans, sans le savoir, je me suis régalé
@Jerome-pr5jz 12 сағат бұрын
c est super bon
@gormux 16 сағат бұрын
Young people tend to forget some of these ones, but it remains easy to find. My daughter who is 9 loves frogs since she was 6
@nicolasf2575 2 сағат бұрын
Elle a reason c est trop bon avec le persil et l ail 😊
@Jmichel4169 3 күн бұрын
I was born at the end of the 60s and I grew up with a mother who was a cook and veal liver and horse steak were the great classics to nourish the children and make them strong!
@Alonzykoi 3 күн бұрын
Oui, on a vécu la même chose 😊
@anaisc5132 14 сағат бұрын
Les ris de veau sont un pur délice, c’est pour moi les meilleurs abats ! Tu devrais essayer c’est très fin ! Sinon ce n’est pas grave ça nous en fera plus 😁 Et demander un doggy bag est très bien reçu, même dans les restaurants étoilés, d’ailleurs ils sont obligés d’accepter, c’est dans la loi
@sabrinaaubret2732 2 күн бұрын
J'ai adoré votre réaction 😉😂. En ce qui me concerne j'aime énormément les cuisses de grenouilles 😍. Si elles sont bien préparées, c'est un régal car c'est fondant 😋. Bon oui ça se mange avec les doigts donc c'est un peu salissant mais surtout très calorique avec le beurre 😅. Quand j'étais plus jeune, avec ma famille à Noël, on mangeait des escargots farcis. Quand on pense à l'animal c'est un peu dégueu mais cuit c'est super bon sauf pour les kilos qu'on prend à cause du beurre 😅. Très sympa la vidéo, merci 👌. A+ 💞
@oliviergueganton2433 3 күн бұрын
I love Tartare. It's one of my favorite meat, and i eat snails several times by years. But in 53 years i did'nt see someone eat froglegs... :)
@niaraa8378 3 күн бұрын
that gland at the start we name it "ris de veau" this is absolutly delicious but look absolutly dreadful. this is maybe the thing that i will recommande the most, and actually a lot of people will order that because it's not often on the menu ! the pig feet this is also delicious but you have to seek it prepared without bones, because with bones it's a nightmare to eat
@johannacervia229 2 күн бұрын
We don't eat it because it's expensive... But very tasty ! So we keep it for special events ! I specifically LOVE liver and snails and wish I could eat it more frequently! 🤤
@pascalpesce4806 2 күн бұрын
miam miam. He had not ate the worst plates in the French cuisine. You can taste, if you're a adventurer in the cooking world, the brain or the testicules of beef, the hearts of many animals, the kidneys, the tongues of the beef or the pork and others "friandises". The hardest thing is to find the right person for making this plates perfectly. By the way, ask to your mother to make for you, if you don't ate that plate, a "cervelle de Canut" (a canut's brain). It's not made with a brain, but it's a traditionnal plate from Lyon. And it's very delicious.
@blidzshon1966 7 сағат бұрын
fun fact is, we find frog legs in Chinese buffets! I'm quite sure poeple who eat snails are in fact eating them for the sauce, not the snail itself. Replace the snail by anything else, a piece of bacon, they also would eat it (and I would, the sauce is deliciousà
@laurentpaumier3103 3 күн бұрын
There is a very famous old movie called "La cuisine au beurre". In the north of France, in particular Normandy, people use butter as fat. As in the south of France, they use olive oil. Then you can understand there's a little funny fight between north and south about it. A bit like with "pain au chocolat" versus "chocolatine". 😊
@guillaumeessertel9743 9 минут бұрын
for me both are acceptable. I'm much more for olive oil (better for digestion), but yes butter also is important (I use it especially for cakes, cookies, of course, but I'm sorry, for main dishes, with vegetables, pasta, meat, fish, I use oil, it is lighter). The same with cream.
@sobert2485 2 күн бұрын
In France we say: "Dans le Cochon, tout est bon" ("in the pig, everything is good") Personally, i eat everything presented in this video... but i admit that this is not the case for everyone... 1/10 is probably pretty fair.
@BriarFeet29 3 күн бұрын
17:51 Faut pas oublié que là c'est paris + restaurant Les escargots c'est vraiment délicieux, Je te conseille vraiment d'y gouter En france ont en mange souvent durant les fêtes de Noël rarement le reste de l'année Le tartare j'ai jamais gouter mais c'est commun dans des restaurants Les oreilles , queue de cochon c'est pas commun d'en manger le bouché a la reine c'est délicieux d'ailleurs manger avec les doigts ça dérange pas tant que c'est fait pour
@helene1265 3 күн бұрын
Tout ce qui est volailles et cuisses de grenouilles, peut se manger avec les doigts !
@Lttradiumlevans77 Сағат бұрын
There is some stuff in France that we like to eat with hands, like shrimps, frogs (not so common to have, to tell the truth, a bit luxury food for frogs), and also chicken wings. For snails eating, as said before, it's not uncommon, but not something that you have every week... Like 2 or 3 times a year for those who like, for special occasions mostly.
@siriuspyramid7441 3 күн бұрын
I just saw the thumbnail and can tell you. Escargot taste approximately nothing (they don't really have any taste) but chewy but the taste is because of the sauce (garlic and "fines herbes"). Now I will watch your vidéo.
@squall046 3 күн бұрын
It tastes like earth i think...Like mud...🤷
@DonTarken 3 күн бұрын
@@squall046 no
@siriuspyramid7441 3 күн бұрын
@@squall046 Not really to my opinions, personally I hate mushrooms and taste it in deer meet 🤢and other game meats. Everyone has their own sensitivity in terms of taste, I think.
@squall046 3 күн бұрын
@@DonTarken That's what it tastes for me ! But i love snails !
@squall046 3 күн бұрын
@@siriuspyramid7441 Taste it in "deer meet"... I don't understand, sorry ! My english is basic... But yeah, zveryone has his own felling when wee talk about taste for sure !
@guillaumeplaciard-fleys4174 3 күн бұрын
I eat snails and frogs.. only during great occasions like Christmas.... I eat tartare steack every months! But not the others ! You're right I suppose!
@nicolasg8323 3 күн бұрын
I'm French and after eating bullfrogs in Asia I 100 % agree with the dude : why the hell can't we get the entire frog in France ? The other parts are just as delicious as the legs.
@oujgorod Күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing this!
@CaptainDangeax 2 күн бұрын
Calf liver is like a tasty gift I offer myself once a month. I don't eat the others, but pork cheeks, cooked during 4 hours in apple cider ! Oh my !
@guillaumeessertel9743 7 минут бұрын
is it also available with peer poiré?
@DenUitvreter 3 күн бұрын
I won't eat anything but most of these I've had over several visits of France without looking for the infamous. Except cuise de grenouille but then I was 18 and frog legs were still intimidating. The pig leg I really didn't like, but I got the medieval version with villagers at the village's anniversary celebration. Sweetbread, ris de veau, is lovely. Really delicate and subtle but still with a tiny bit of that offal extra. I've taught myself how to prepare it too, it's not that hard get right.
@taupegrillon5975 3 күн бұрын
💛 I did love to eat snails or snail soup in Germany, close to the French border. even frog legs was very common for us (in Germany) when I was a child. /// for me, French cuisine is the best, cause they eat ALL from an animal and not only steaks, ribs or ground beef. 🤎
@oataoa Күн бұрын
i'm french and i'd say the most common is snails, the rest is pretty much meals that are well known and well documented, but let's be real, i think 95% of french never ate a single pig snout or foot, i never had frog legs either
@SKLZ0 23 сағат бұрын
Le museau de porc est l'une des charcuteries les plus consommées en France. 😋Je pense que tu devrais revoir ton pourcentage à la baisse !
@oataoa 22 сағат бұрын
@@SKLZ0 eh bah je suis née en france et j'ai presque 30 ans et j'en ai jamais mangée, comme quoi :p
@sidobern4374 14 минут бұрын
@@SKLZ0 Totalement d'accord pour le museau. A la vinaigrette c'est une tuerie. J'en mange au moins deux fois par mois. Celui de boeuf est divin aussi mais j'en trouve moins souvent.
@bombbyxpapillon7371 2 күн бұрын
je mange du foie de veau, de volaille, de boeuf ou de porc minimum 1 fois par semaine (rognons pareil), les pieds de cochon 1 fois par mois à peu près (souvent dans des soupes), les escargots à chaque fête (anniversaires, fêtes de famille, de fin d'année) cuisses de grenouilles environ 5/6 fois par an 🤣
@glambertini4709 3 күн бұрын
Liver and kidneys are very good, my mother often made them for us. It's rare to find them in supermarkets these days, you have to go to an artisan butcher. When I go to a restaurant that serves traditional French cuisine, I often ask for kidneys, with Armagnac sauce it's to die for.
@gooodcat 14 сағат бұрын
Fun fact = french fries is a lie its better to say : Belguim fries, they are better
@pk6546 3 күн бұрын
Try tartare if you find a good place, they make them almost everywhere. Its expensive but nice to try at least once
@marleene Күн бұрын
People don't eat this kind of dish because they are disgust when they know what it is. But you should definitely try at least once because you could love it. I'm 40 and i eat recently "boudin noir" because i had bad preconception on it and i loved it. Sometimes you have to go beyond your preconceptions and just try.
@Elodie834 3 күн бұрын
Although I am native French (from Brittany), there are dishes that I am discovering for the first time. There are, of course, some relatively common specialties (snails, calf's liver, pig's feet) and others that are less so (pig's ears, etc.). As for me, from the list provided, I only appreciate the snails and the parsley butter that accompanies them, at least because, let's be a little honest: a snail without parsley butter is like chewing rubber, it has no interest. As for pig's ears and tail, I had no knowledge of them. I doubt there are many "takers." I would say 1 French person in 100 (and that already seems too many !!!!!!😊). Other dishes that could have been tested and mentioned: Tripe: what a disaster, I used to eat it as a child (back when I wasn’t able to say no, let alone rebel🤣🤣). Guémené sausage: respect to those who disregard the repulsive smell that emanates from it. « Boudin noir », and many others! Merci, en tout cas, pour cette superbe vidéo et bon appétit - si appétit il y a, après avoir observé ces sublimes mets - à ceux qui seraient à table ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@jdwarferc3754 3 күн бұрын
I'm french and I never ever tried frog legs yet. I'm 44 xD I like snails. But it's hard to get really good snails IMO.
@nicobouzdeyak7696 3 күн бұрын
Ça dépend de la région où tu te trouves.
@tenkohan 3 күн бұрын
Je te conseille fortement les cuisses de grenouilles, c'est comme si t'avais du poulet avec la sauce qu'il y a dans les escargots : une dinguerie
@jdwarferc3754 3 күн бұрын
@@nicobouzdeyak7696 Un peu comme la plupart des produits alimentaires, comme les huitres par ex, il vaut mieux être proche d'un lieu de production de qualité. Par ailleurs je suis en Bretagne y'a du porc mais les groins et les pieds ça me tente pas des masses xD
@thesilencer8074 Сағат бұрын
1 in 10 French people eat this because they are very expensive dishes in restaurants and difficult to find to make yourself, but all these dishes are absolutely delicious and 1 in 10 French people would refuse to eat them. We are used to eating special dishes like beef tongue or any kind of liver, kidneys or andouillettes since we were little. The average Parisian may be upset but France is above all a country of "country people".
@reynaldparisel3852 3 күн бұрын
Si tu aimes les "fruits de mer", alors tu aimeras les escargots !
@jeefuji 3 күн бұрын
18:23 I've eaten most of what is presented in the video expect the calf liver (not a fan of cooked liver in general, expect for foie gras). Escargots are my favorite, with frog legs. It is a bit repulsive for 6 people out of 10 I would say, but to me it's mainly because of the origin of the product (slimy escargot, weird swampy grenouille), not the taste itself that is... Awesome. The meat in itself is here for the texture (chewy for the Escargot, and chicken-like for the Grenouille), the taste comes mainly from the butter, parsley and garlic. But for pork, I'm pretty sure most of us could eat all of that, it's just very rich and those bits are a bit uncommon to see in restaurants so it's very occasional. In France, we say "Tout est bon dans le cochon" (everything is good in the pig), so we eat pretty much everything out of it 😆 It reminds me a tradition in my family where we would cook dozens and dozens of pig's snout and pig's foots in a big cauldron over a fire for hours. Best thing I ever tasted. We even have weirder meals in the countryside! Like Sanquette, where we would gather the slaughtered chicken's blood, mix it with vinegar, herbs, meat & fat, and grill it in a pan. It's special, but young me was happy with it ahahaha. At least nothing was thrown away.
@RodrDelapoya 3 күн бұрын
I always thought that Notorious bis says « ecort girl ….my car go » and not « escargot my car go »😂
@caroledsd1243 3 күн бұрын
there is at least two meals that you can/must eat with your hand and it's perfectly acceptable and even recommanded in the "étiquette", it's frog legs and asparagus. And concerning frog legs and snails, France is not the only country eating them
@sokoduffgaelle 3 күн бұрын
❤tartare❤escargots❤cuisses de grenouilles❤ j’adore en manger 😂
@LivariusD 3 күн бұрын
There's a famous expression in France : Tout est bon dans l'cochon. (Everything's good in the pork)
@matissebrement1938 2 сағат бұрын
In France, butter is life. And it's a real saying .
@guillaumeessertel9743 53 минут бұрын
french gastronomy can also include pig's head, calf's tongue, brain and heart... Sure we don't eat that every day, and either when we invite people, rather when we go to the restaurant (especially in Lyon). There are who like this type of food, and who dislike
@Allcomesfromnothing 2 күн бұрын
Don’t judge before trying it! I did not try everything yet. But almost everything I tried was very good, there was some i didn’t like (some of the lost one i didn’t like, but I didn’t try all of it) but a lot of people would find it delicious. He didn’t try all the good cheeses though.
@rivolieolivarez5087 2 күн бұрын
you're wrong, i can say 4/5 on ten eat that and in campagne, with more traditions, just because it's fantastic, but sometime so long to do... try "escargot", it's fabulous
@TheTork4 3 күн бұрын
if you go in france one day you have to try all of these please! This is delicious!!!!!
@raoul-e1w 3 күн бұрын
Rah, la chance ! Je n'ai pas encore eu l'occasion de déguster du ris de veau, c'est cher malheureusement !
@lonxx9473 3 күн бұрын
Like we said in France "Tout est bon dans le cochon" wich means "Everything is good in the pork"
@palazzoevelyne5662 2 күн бұрын
Tout est merveilleusement délicieux. Il faut tout simplement goûter sans appriori , avant de dire Non !
@galier2 Сағат бұрын
Sweatbread is extremely good (it's the thymus gland of the calf not te pancreas, adult animals do not have a thymus gland anymore that's why you get only veal or lamb sweetbread)
@ostfron1942 3 күн бұрын
Le foie de veau c'est un délice mais malheureusement c'est cher.
@Alonzykoi 3 күн бұрын
Quand j'étais enfant on en mangeait assez régulièrement à la maison parce que c'était peu onéreux. Les temps ont hélas changé...
@solpieropan4611 15 сағат бұрын
Don't forget: "Le gras, c'est la vie !" You'll understand later that one.
@cb3609 13 сағат бұрын
karadoc 😁
@imo... 3 күн бұрын
in france we have a saying "tout est bon dans le cochon" evertthing is good in the porc. i know it can sound bizzare for americans but you have to understand that our grandparents knew hunger during war and add to that france long history of cuisine and others war and famine.
@francoisevassy6614 14 сағат бұрын
Si vous essayez les escargots UNE FOIS, je vous prédis que ce ne sera pas la dernière 😍 !! (…) Nous avons coutume de dire : « Dans le cochon, tout est bon ».
@chrissozz2810 4 сағат бұрын
J'adore tes vidéos merci^^ je viens du sud de la france, les riz d'agneaux c'est excellent quand c'est bien cuisiner ❤
@beebeefoke1205 3 күн бұрын
You know what we say here in France? "Tout est bon dans le cochon", everything is good in the pork, we can eat every single thing on it XD! To be honest, as a french, I tried frog legs (delicious) but I never ate snails, the look of it really disgust me ^^'.
@elsa-bergamotte2739 2 күн бұрын
Le beurre, c'est la vie !! .... Les cuisses de grenouilles c'est tellement délicieux lorsque c'est bien préparé. A mon goût, en fricassée avec beaucoup de ... beurre, vraiment beaucoup, persil frais et échalotes, beaucoup d'échalotes, les cuisses doivent être rôties puis mijotées. Elles doivent être petites ces cuisses (dans la vidéo, trop grosses pour être bonnes), fondantes, la viande doit se détacher de l'os et le cartilage doit fondre lui aussi. J'en fais une fois par an, c'est cher et pas très éthique. Mais lorsque j'en fais, c'est presque un kilo par personne, avec de la baguette du boulanger (pas de frites, sacrilège !). On reste des heures à table, on mange avec les doigts et on boit du vin blanc. C'est si bon, si subtil, c'est une fête ! J'adore le tartare de boeuf qui se mange avec des toasts .... beurrés. La langue de boeuf avec une sauce au câpres, qui n'est pas dans la vidéo, est un plat délicieux ! ... La cuisine française est à se rouler par terre de bonheur !
@Moulinaix 3 күн бұрын
9:05 "Where is the rest of the frog?" There is nothing else that is edible in a frog, we made sure about this a long time ago XD
@edding3000fr 13 сағат бұрын
ahhah, on mange tout et n'importe quoi, mais c'est excellents ces produit !
@christellebernard6891 16 сағат бұрын
Les ris de veau et d'agneau sont des morceaux très recherché et délicieux! 😍
@thithi5554 2 күн бұрын
13:40 Vin blanc avec viande blanche, vin rouage avec viande rouge White wine with white meat, red wine with red meat 👍
@BIKEUFISCENT 3 күн бұрын
"toujours plein de beurre" Don't go to Bretagne 💀
@isabellelachambre5051 Сағат бұрын
Frog legs are delicious, but I stopped eating them after seeing how they catch them... they just rip their legs off and throw them in a basket. As for the bandana, you are right, it is considered really poor taste, and it screams "corny american".
@sidobern4374 55 минут бұрын
Ris de veau ! (The gland) It's delicious and expensive. I love it. Ask your mother about "ris de veau"...
@Iryngael 3 күн бұрын
I love liver, whether it's "Liver with parsley", so tender, but also poultry liver and the best of the best, the foie gras on toasts with some jam or "syrupy" peaches or onion jam... Frog legs are nice but too small and annoying to eat. Snails, nope. All the pig parts... meh... depends on which ones but not the ears or foot or tongue. But note that we eat those really rarely (except foie gras, which I eat on many occasions along the year)
@skyzoDBois 3 күн бұрын
in France we say : Tout est bon dans le cochon !
@laurb.7098 2 күн бұрын
Veal thymus = Ris de veau in French. it is a delicacy, but has to be cooked properly: crisp outside, soft inside. Generally served with a mushroom sauce. But please don't ask for a doggy bag if you don't like it!
@drumstyle45 10 сағат бұрын
If you are afraid of the taste or texture of frog legs it is similar to chicken and fish mix Surprisingly good and about escargot texture Mushrooms no particular taste thats why WE put Garlic butter
@baptisteheraly196 4 сағат бұрын
Sweetbread is amazingly good and delicate food. My kids love it, and it's fantastic. Can't advise too much to try it in a good restaurant.
@gp6975 2 күн бұрын
C’est très bon le foie de veau. « Au pied de cochon 🐷 » est un restaurant renommé à Paris, à côté du forum des Halles et de la rue du Louvre. À faire au moins une fois dans sa vie 😊
@sevolund 41 минут бұрын
Dont worry, you can eat with your hands for some things. Chicken's drumstick, frog legs, french fries...
@gig78000 9 сағат бұрын
I really love snails, ris de veau (sweet bread ?!), tartare and most of pig stuff (pig fat has more flavour than other animals). But I'm not a big fan of liver. And you would be surprised how these dishes can be frequent in our daily cooking. ;) But obviously, this food culture tends to slow down.
@marcapouli7805 3 күн бұрын
Pork is the best tasting meat, we eat a lot, and many parts of the animal. We have a saying "tout est bon dans le cochon" meaning the is almost no waste from a pig body
@gfimadcat 3 күн бұрын
9:58 - you should try it! I had the same reaction to the idea of eating snails, then I just ended up getting some, and holy cow... they're good. Tastes somewhat like mushrooms - and mopping up all that garlic/herb butter with your piece of bread after, oh la la... c'est bon hein?
@julienpique7415 2 күн бұрын
The thing is in french excitation is mainly sexualy conoted, so you can't say "Je suis excité de te rencontrer" but have to tone it down to being "heureux" or "content" or "ravi" to put the happyness but without the excitement. It's just translated like "I'm horny to meet you" to say "Je suis excité de te rencontrer", there is the actual cultural misscomprehension. But any english speaking francophone will anderstand the problem and will eventualy explain it without taking it outrageously ;)
@claudinevandeville27 3 күн бұрын
Les cuisses de grenouilles avec une bonne sauce c est très bon! On dirait du poulet ! Et en France c est la cuisine au beurre!
@NanouPeb-vy3ug Сағат бұрын
Hummmm!!! Les escargots j'adore❤❤❤ je connais bien ce restaurant c'est excellent..
@yvesmariage323 Күн бұрын
"in the pork everything is good" is an old French proverb
@sebbec5302 3 күн бұрын
Cette chaine est vraiment sympa a regarder .
@seubi42 2 күн бұрын
😂😂 you should launch merch with #nonmerci on it 😂
@SKLZ0 23 сағат бұрын
I'm French and like many French people I love escargots, horse steak tartare (preferably), pig's trotters and frogs' legs that you can eat with your fingers, but like you I hate liver.
@blex71 3 күн бұрын
Bien cuisiné les escargots c'est super bon. Pour Noël c'est le plat qu'une majorité de Français vont manger. ^^ Et pour le beurre comme on dit chez nous : " Le gras c'est la vie " mdr
@pequeuxdarleux1480 3 күн бұрын
Pigeon with green peas is so good
@vincent9371 3 күн бұрын
C'est magnifique à manger des escargots .le beurre d'escargot🎉🎉
@rivolieolivarez5087 2 күн бұрын
in France we say "dans le cochon , tout est bon !" , so we eat all part of pork, i agreed people says ears are horrible (sorry for my english, i'm french ) 🤣
@jonathangoujon565 3 күн бұрын
One Word " beurre d ail "
@333amoromniavincit9 14 сағат бұрын
Le foi de veau c est un régale !!! Le meilleur c est surement les cuisses d escargots ,mais c est difficile a trouver !!! 🤭
@guillaumeessertel9743 49 минут бұрын
NO MERCY !!! 😂
@arnodobler1096 3 күн бұрын
It's all delicious, believe me!
@rudyvut9410 3 күн бұрын
Tout est bon dans le cochon..les grenouilles,un délice et les escargots c’est excellent.
@benoitmarc-andre1733 3 күн бұрын
at the time 18:44 now i understand why you have a good Frenches and Jody foster accent
@Claribole88 Күн бұрын
I'm french, I would only eat frogs legs and snails, and of course tartare. But not liver or pork foot. But My father love pork foot, and my mother loved liver. Tout dépend des goûts.
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