Betty is an amazing person. My children are in her school, and they have changed for better. She really loves what she does and gives a lot of love and attention to the kids.and You can see the positive effects on the kids❤❤❤❤
I am happy to see Mrs. Betty on such well-known media because this is a great way to teach us parents how to raise our kids in better way, without hurting them of course. She contributed a lot in my way of raising my children specially the younger one, Afomi. I gave to her as infant and now she is seven, well behaved, strong and independent. Thank you Bethlehem Kelkilachew, Mrs. Mesi and Fasika childcare center.
ጎበዝ እናት ነሽ እግዚያብሄር ትልቅ ቦታያድርስልሽ የሚያኮሩሽ ልጆች ይሁኑልሽ:: ልጆችን ማሳደግ ቀላል ነገር አይደለም ለተቸገርሽበት ላላወቅሽው ነገር ይህን ያህል ርቀሽ እርዳታ ምክር ፈልገሽ ውጤት ስላገኘሽበት ወደፊት ደስ የምትሰኚበት ውጤት እንደምታይ ከጌታ ጋር አልጠራጠርም:: በርቺ Don’t give up keep your heads up ግን where is the father in the picture ?